Destruction of moles in the garden plot. How to deal with moles in the garden and summer cottage

Moles are a predatory species of underground mammals that are distributed throughout Eurasia.

The proximity of these animals to humans and living in gardens and vegetable gardens has some positive aspects:

  1. Destruction of many harmful species of insects, as well as their larvae, which have a detrimental effect on cultivated plants.
  2. Destruction of rodents that move through burrows created by moles.
  3. Loosening the soil.

At the same time, moles themselves are predators, not rodents, so they do not feed on plants or their roots.

Weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of living next to moles, one can come to the simple conclusion that they are undesirable residents on agricultural land and gardens.

Ways to fight moles

To date, man has invented and developed many in various ways to combat such pests, the most effective and well-proven options will be discussed below.


One of the most popular methods is to create conditions that will repel moles from areas where their presence is undesirable.

Devices serving for such purposes can be created with my own hands or purchase in stores, these include:

  1. Electronic repellers, which are essentially microwave generators with frequencies that are elusive to humans, but audible to moles. They cause an indefinable feeling of panic and discomfort, which forces pests to leave human territory.
  2. A wooden peg driven into the soil with a metal can placed on it will create a sufficient background noise to scare the moles and force them to leave their certain place.
  3. A modified version of the previous method is to use large plastic bottles, which are also placed on wooden pegs driven into the ground. Special blades are cut into the plastic, which allows them to spin in the wind, creating an even more significant noise effect.
  4. Installation of homemade or purchased propellers around the perimeter of the site, which will spin in the wind and create the necessary noise.
  5. Homemade electronic device, the basis of which will be metal pipe, dug into the surface of the earth. A sound element from a regular alarm clock, powered by replaceable batteries, is placed inside it. This will allow you to have a sufficient constant background noise even in the complete absence of wind. The top of the structure can be covered with unnecessary rags, which will make sound effects less audible to humans. You also need to put a plastic bottle on top to protect it. homemade device from precipitation.


The use of poisonous agents is one of the most complicated ways destruction of moles, since they are exclusively predatory animals, which does not make it possible to kill them using bait with poison for this purpose.

To achieve this goal, you will need to treat the mole hole, as well as the entrance to it, but you must act carefully so as not to poison the ground and plants growing nearby.

If, nevertheless, it was decided to use toxic substances, then the following varieties work best on moles:

  1. Aluminum phosphide. The most famous drug that contains it is Detia. It comes in the form of tablets that must be placed directly inside the burrows. Despite the fact that direct contact of the mole with the tablet provides every guarantee of the death of the pest, this drug has a number of disadvantages. First of all, this is high level toxicity, which makes the product dangerous for pets, as well as the lack of guarantees that the mole will even pass through the place where the toxic substance will be waiting for it.
  2. Carbide compounds that make up Goodbye gas. It spreads inside the burrows, the main active components begin to interact with the soil, which causes chemical reaction, forcing moles to flee so as not to die from poisoning.
  3. Bromadialone, it is usually included in the composition of “Mole,” which is available in granular form. Death is caused by the drug entering the digestive system of the pest; this does not happen immediately, but only after a few weeks. However, this product has a certain advantage, which is its absolute safety for the soil, plants, people or animals.
  4. Brodifacoum is the main component of many products, for example, “Fighter”. Its main advantage is its versatility: after processing the area, not only moles will be destroyed, but many types of rodents, for example, mice or shrews.

There is only one type of mole trap, which has a number of various modifications and model options.

Most of these devices are not sufficiently effective for the following reasons:

  1. Moving through an underground tunnel, the mole senses a foreign object in its possession that was not there before. For this reason, he will try to take a workaround or make a new hole to get around the suspicious place.
  2. The mole's rapid movement underground is achieved by repelling with its massive paws from the earthen walls of the tunnel, which have a loose and rough structure, which is impossible to do given the peculiarity of the surface of the trap walls.

For this reason, only more expensive versions of traps designed to catch this particular pest can give at least some results.

Moreover, their design must have the following features:

Traps are one of the most popular means for exterminating moles in summer cottages. At the same time, many people make them themselves, considering the design of these devices to be extremely simple and primitive, which is a big misconception.

Only high-quality traps with correct form And general design are able to reliably destroy pests, so it is recommended to purchase them in stores.

The process of use and principle of operation are as follows:

  1. If an underground tunnel is discovered, the shaft must be slightly excavated, focusing on the length of the trap being installed.
  2. The trap is placed inside the mine, and then lightly covered with soil, which will be in a natural way camouflage.
  3. When passing through the trap, the mole must touch the spring mechanism, which will activate the device, and it will immediately kill the pest.

However, such devices have a number of disadvantages that somewhat reduce their effectiveness:

  1. A mole can pass right through a trap and do not touch any springs, therefore the device will not work.
  2. The mole may notice a foreign object and use a workaround.
  3. Idle triggering of traps is possible, they especially often react to loud sounds or strong vibrations.

Cats and dogs

Using pets to hunt moles is often one of the most effective ways getting rid of these pests, but the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Only an adult animal can pose a serious threat to a mole. If you get a cat or dog solely for the purpose of exterminating pests, then it is recommended to take an animal that is already ready for this, preferably having experience in such hunting, since self-study is usually a very complex process.
  2. While observing the underground passages, wait for the moment when the mole begins to move along them, and then bring the animal to this place, its hunting instinct should manifest itself. There is a high probability that after the first catch, the pet will get excited and continue exterminating pests.
  3. If you decide to use cats or dogs for such a hunt, then it is not allowed to poison the pests with any toxic substances, since a poisoned mole can harm the pet.

Repellent plants

One of the most successful methods of control, the most natural way that guarantees complete safety, is to plant plants that these pests cannot tolerate.

First of all, these varieties include:

  1. Scilla Siberian, which can also become a good decoration for the site thanks to its bell-shaped flowers with yellowish, white, blue or pink hues. The plant tends to grow, so over time it will cover more and more territory.
  2. Grouse imperial can also additionally have decorative functions; one low plant usually has 6-8 yellow flowers directed towards the ground. The secret is that its rhizome has a specific aroma, reminiscent of the smell of foxes. It will quickly spread through the underground tunnels, quickly scaring away all its unwanted inhabitants from the site.
  3. The entire onion plant family has necessary properties for successful disposal of underground inhabitants. Moreover, you can grow both ordinary garlic, which also has practical functions, and decorative varieties of onions that can decorate the area.
  4. are another type ornamental plants, which have a fairly pungent aroma that can repel many pests.
  5. Euphorbia caper has an impressive appearance, therefore it will cope well with decorative functions. The plant is an annual, but it is capable of self-seeding without human help, so there should be no problems with it. From time to time, you can trim stems that begin to emit poisonous white juice, which has a pungent odor, which is well captured by various pests, who try to immediately move as far as possible from this plant.
  6. Castor bean is able to repel any pests thanks to its poisonous properties, just like caper spurge. But due to the high toxicity of these two plants, it is not recommended to plant them in areas where small children or pets roam.

Using mole cleavers

Mole beaters are essentially a type of trap, therefore, they have all the advantages and disadvantages characteristic of these devices.

However, one of the innovative methods is the use of electric molebreakers; they are more efficient and have managed to collect large number positive reviews when used in summer cottages.

The only one design feature What distinguishes them from standard traps is the presence of a sensor responsible for the operation of the device. Otherwise, the principle of operation remains unchanged: you need to find underground tunnel, in which a mole cutter is installed, and then all that remains is to wait for the appearance of the pest.

Folk remedies

Since the problem of being close to moles has been known to people for a very long time, there are a large number of different folk remedies for getting rid of them, many of them are still relevant and continue to be used in practice.

Below are examples of the most effective methods:

  1. Preparation of a kerosene-based solution. To do this, 100 ml of the substance is diluted in a bucket of ordinary water, the resulting mixture is treated with unnecessary rags, which are then placed inside underground passages.
  2. Naphthalene has a persistent and pungent odor, which will quickly scare off all underground inhabitants, but this method has already lost its popularity, since this product has become difficult to acquire.
  3. Castor oil is another in a good way scare away moles. It has the same smell and properties as caper spurge, but unlike it, it is much safer to use. It is enough to fill several containers and place them around the area, after which the result will not be long in coming.
  4. Herring heads, which must be placed inside underground passages. The desired result will be achieved when they begin to rot and an unpleasant rotten smell spreads underground.

Calling professionals

You can always turn to representatives of specialized services for help in exterminating moles; this option will require financial expenses, but will be highly effective and guaranteed for the period specified in the concluded contract.

Typically, specialists use the following methods for exterminating pests:

  1. Carbonation, which consists of chemical treatment of underground passages. Depending on the type of insecticide, you can destroy pests, drive them directly into placed traps, or simply scare them away from your summer cottage.
  2. Fumigation, which is used to treat large areas with a poisonous cloud, one of the most effective methods that is guaranteed to destroy moles.
  3. Installation of high-quality traps on the site.

Prices may vary from company to company; they are listed below. approximate cost similar services:

  1. Destruction of moles, if the site is located less than 40 km from the city, will cost 6,000-8,000 rubles.
  2. If the site is located further, the price increases to 8,000-10,000 rubles.
  3. Maintenance of the site throughout the season costs about 18,000-20,000 rubles.


Given the characteristics of moles, it is much more difficult to get rid of them than from rodents or other pests, so it is recommended to observe preventive measures, which can help prevent the likelihood of their appearance on the site:

  1. Installation of a fairly rigid and solid fence along the boundaries of the entire site; the material you can use is linoleum, roofing felt, slate or ordinary metal mesh, which will need to be folded in several layers. The fence is buried in the ground, the height above the ground surface should be at least 50 cm, then the result will be a barrier that underground inhabitants will not be able to overcome.
  2. Planting onion plants and legumes on the site.
  3. Organization of ditches along the perimeter of the site, which are filled with gravel, crushed stone and sand with a coarse fraction; these layers can be covered with ordinary soil on top. However, it is worth noting that if a mole is attracted to something on the site, then such a barrier will only delay it, but will not be able to stop it.

Experienced gardeners who have dealt with moles more than once give some advice that can help beginners:

  1. Before starting any mole extermination activities, it is recommended to try simply filling the underground burrows with water from hoses. It is necessary to pour until the liquid begins to flow out. Often, pests manage to escape by digging new tunnels, but there is a possibility that the entire family of underground inhabitants will simply drown.
  2. If measures to flood the holes do not help, then it will be necessary to first determine who is harming the area - moles or rodents, since the methods of dealing with them are fundamentally different.
  3. The site may contain both used and abandoned underground passages. In order to determine their current condition, it is necessary to crush the earth above them, and after a day check the place for changes. If the ground is raised again, the mole actively moves along it, regarding these tunnels as being in use.

The mole is a small predatory animal belonging to the insectivorous family. It has an elongated head and an elongated muzzle. Wide paws, reminiscent of flippers, are directed outward (which distinguishes the mole from many other animals whose paws are turned inward). These physiological characteristics made moles hardy, which often becomes an unpleasant surprise for summer residents. We will tell you how to remove moles from your area in this article.

Moles quite often choose garden plots and vegetable gardens as their habitat. The size of the animal varies from 17 cm to 20.5 cm, and body weight - from 70 kg to 120 g. The mole does not have ears. Its ears and eyes are small and covered with fur, which prevents soil from penetrating into vital organs.

The skin of the animal is covered with thick black hair, the growth of which is directed perpendicular to the body. This allows the mole to move underground, both forward and backward. Only the paws, tip of the tail and muzzle remain free of fur.

This animal has very developed feelings touch, smell and hearing. Many methods of scaring it away are based on the mole's ability to hear well. Contrary to the prevailing stereotypical opinion, the mole sees quite well. Its lifespan is from 5 to 6 years. The mole's habitat is quite extensive; it can be found throughout Europe.

Results of mole activity in the garden area

The presence of moles on the site has both positive and negative aspects. They destroy insect pests that attack beneficial crops and loosen the soil, which helps increase fertility. But at the same time, fighting moles is one of the top priorities for most owners. garden plots, since they often face significant harm caused by these animals.

In the process of digging tunnels, moles affect the root system of garden crops and shrubs. This has a detrimental effect on the harvest, into which a significant amount of financial resources and effort is invested. Also, in addition to insects, the mole's diet includes frogs that eat insects and earthworms, which have a positive effect on soil structure.

The damage caused by moles also extends to decorative design plot. A well-kept lawn is especially attractive to these animals because the grass has a shallow root system. And the soft and moist soil under the turf is a habitat for earthworms. As a result of the activity of one mole, 50-100 earthen mounds may appear in the garden area within a month. During the warm period, these heaps spread throughout lawn area. If a mole leaves its shelter after a certain period of time, its passages become actively used by voles. Moving through burrows, mice destroy root crops. In this regard, the fight against moles on the site is quite an urgent task.


Moles prefer moist soils, in which it is not difficult to dig a hole and find worms. They spend a significant part of their lives underground, where they make tunnels and hunt invertebrate animals. The passages built by this animal have complex system. In the process of laying them, the mole rake the soil to the sides and bring the excess to the surface. He arranges a main nest for himself, from which he lays main passages. They are connected to the surface by vertical branches. Through them, the mole gets rid of excess soil, forming mounds.

At a depth of up to 5 cm below the soil surface, the mole constructs feeding tunnels. During this process he does not throw away the soil, but raises top part progress. So, earthen ridges are formed outside. Within a day, a mole is able to build up to 20 m of new tunnels. This activity is explained by the animal’s significant nutritional needs. The amount of food consumed by a mole during the day corresponds to its weight.

When to start fighting

You need to start using the mole repellent as soon as the first mounds are discovered. The animal will daily complicate the system of its moves and explore new territories. And the success of the fight directly depends on the length of the labyrinths - the longer they are, the more difficult it is to cope with the problem.

You should not relax even if the mole is inactive for several days. This does not mean that he left the territory. Most likely, food in given time the animal hunts in nearby areas. But the mole can return to the initially developed territory at any time. The situation is complicated by the fact that these animals settle in large families and after a certain period create an extensive system of tunnels at a depth of up to 1 meter. For this reason, measures should be taken when the first evidence of their presence appears.

How to fight moles using mechanical methods

To category mechanical methods includes mole traps. Quite common and effective option is a tunnel model. It is a fragment plastic pipe equipped with tin valves on both sides. These elements are fastened in such a way as to block the exit for the mole when it crawls inside. The main condition when using mole traps is the correct installation location.

The trap is placed in a surface tunnel, after which the top is covered with plywood or a regular board, which will prevent light from penetrating into the passage. If with inside the tunnel will be illuminated, the mole will create a bypass highway. To determine whether the move is valid, you need to press down the mound with your foot. After one or two days, you should inspect the place. If the tunnel is restored, it means the mole is using it. After installing the mole trap, it should be checked periodically.

How to get rid of moles using traditional methods

There are several traditional ways to get rid of these animals. You can solve the problem using the so-called “saucepan” mole trap. The operating principle is as follows:

  1. As with a tunnel trap, the current move is first determined. A saucepan or a three-liter jar fits in it.
  2. You need to put a piece of plywood on top and wait for a mole to fall into the trap.

Also among these methods is the flooding of his shelter. But this is an ineffective method. To flood the home of one animal, up to 150 liters of water will be required. But even with this amount of liquid it is quite problematic to fill all the tunnels due to the occurrence of air pockets. The mole digs holes at a speed of 1 m per minute. Therefore, it will not be difficult for him to hide from the water flow.

Moles can be controlled by fencing the area. This method is considered effective, but its implementation will require significant effort. Along the border line of the garden area, some material is dug to a depth of 90 cm, which can serve as a fence. You can use fragments of linoleum, tin, and slate sheets for this purpose.

Also, to scare away the animal, plants that have a strong smell are used - pepper, onion, garlic, which are placed in the passage. This method is much easier than the previous one, but at the same time less effective. There is a high probability that the mole will bypass this tunnel.

Various ratchets and turntables are installed on the site. For example, attach a tin can to metal rod. Under the influence of gusts of wind, such a structure begins to rotate, as a result of which the generated vibrations enter the ground. Moles feel uncomfortable and leave the area. But this method also cannot be called perfect. Firstly, it is impossible to organize the wind at the moment you need. Secondly, the reaction of moles is provoked by vibrations at a certain frequency. But there are no guarantees that a structure mounted from a tin can will distribute vibrations at the required frequency. And the last point is aesthetic side. Beer houses and tin cans- a very dubious decoration and is unlikely to contribute to improving its decorative performance.

You can scare away a mole with a sound effect using reeds. It is necessary to prepare stems up to 2 m long and insert them into each mole entrance, deepening them to 40-60 cm. In windy weather conditions, the reeds produce a characteristic sound that the moles do not like, and they disappear.

Chemical agents for mole control

These funds do not have high performance indicators. However, let's look at them in more detail:

  1. One of the options for chemical exposure is the use of toxic gases. The mole will cope with such a danger without effort - he will block the area into which the gas is released. And instead it will create a new tunnel.
  2. Poisoned baits also do not always bring the desired effect. The mole, as stated earlier, belongs to the group of predators. Plant foods that can be poisoned are of little interest to him. Besides this chemicals enter the soil structure, from there into vegetable crops and water.
  3. Go to category chemicals This also includes the destruction of insects on which the animal feeds. But as a result of such a measure, the site will suffer, since these insects help increase the fertile properties of the soil. In addition, the mole in this situation will begin to more actively search for food and form new tunnels.

Mole repeller

This option is recognized as the safest, simplest, most effective and humane method. It is based on the use of electronic repellers. These devices do not cause harm to moles, but only help ensure that the animals leave the homestead territory and retreat to their original habitat.

In addition to efficiency, the advantage of the repeller is environmental safety. As a result of its use, other insects and rodents leading an underground lifestyle will not be harmed. The operating principle of this device is based on sound vibrations that occur at low frequencies. They continuously create noticeable discomfort for moles. As a result, they not only leave the territory, but also do not return to it in the future.

The effectiveness of the repellent device depends on its correct installation:

  1. The repeller should not be placed in a hole, but directly in the soil.
  2. The necessary vibrations will not spread through the air. When digging the device into the ground, its edge should rise 5 cm above ground level.
  3. Next, the soil is compacted well to ensure tight contact.
  4. In order to prevent moisture from penetrating inside the repeller, screw the lid tightly.
  5. Otherwise, the operation of the device will be disrupted.

The radius of action of the repeller is from 20 m to 25 m and depends on the density of the soil. The higher this indicator, the larger the radius. During installation, the presence of wells, foundations and other underground structures that block the spread of vibrations should be taken into account. The columnar foundation is also an obstacle. The device must not be driven into the soil. First you need to dig a hole, place the device in it, and then fill it with earth.

It is recommended to periodically (about once a month) move the repeller to a new place, since moles can get used to the sound signal. The radius of movement should be 5 m. If the moles did not leave the area immediately after installing the device, there is no need to doubt its effectiveness. It is difficult for the animal to leave its usual place; it will disappear within 1-1.5 months.


Moles can be beneficial for garden plot, but the harm from their activity is more significant. As a result of the vital activity of these animals, damage root system cultivated plants, and the backyard area takes on a rather unsightly appearance. Owners of private households often ask the question: “If there are moles on the property, how to deal with them?” Today there are many options for solving this problem. But only one is recognized as the most effective and humane - the use of a repeller. This device allows you to get rid of the animal and at the same time save its life.

An overview of the mole repeller is presented in the video:

If you have tried every conceivable and inconceivable way to deal with uninvited guests and it did not help, then this article is just for you.

The mole is a very smart mammal. Therefore, he prefers to live where it is soft and fertile land. This animal feeds on worms, beetles, and can even sometimes eat a mouse or frog, but provided that the prey is inactive.

Animals get their food by digging tunnels. Earthworms, insects and other small animals get there, then he safely eats them

The benefit of the animal is that it destroys harmful insects and loosens the soil, making it fertile. But, alas, there are many more disadvantages in such a neighborhood. Animals can also damage the lawn and lawn, spoiling the entire aesthetic appearance of the garden with digging. The lawn becomes like a minefield. A sad sight.

If an animal digs a tunnel next to a bush, the roots are usually exposed and the plant soon dies

Many gardeners do not know what a mole looks like, confusing it with other rodents, and often believe that it eats the roots of potatoes, carrots and many other vegetables. No. This is a misconception. Moles do not eat plant foods. But the mole rat (rodent) - another underground inhabitant - eats.

The mole rat is the main pest of root crops in your area

How to deal with moles in a summer cottage using humane methods

Are these cute-looking “terrorists” in no hurry to leave your summer cottage? Then read about how to deal with moles in humane ways. The presented methods do not always “work” and not for everyone on the site. But it's worth a try. It can't get any worse.

Fighting moles in a garden plot or vegetable garden with chemicals with pungent odors and smoke bombs

Moles are blind from birth, but have an excellent sense of smell. Therefore, you can try chemicals with a strong, unbearable odor, for example:

  1. Naphthalene;
  2. Kerosene;
  3. Antifreeze;
  4. castor oil;
  5. acetic acid.

You just need to wet a rag with some of the solution presented above and place it in the molehill. But, unfortunately, this method is not 100%. You can try folk remedies, for example, rotten herring heads and rotten eggs. The disadvantage of this method is that the stench from the food spreads throughout the entire garden. And the owners can leave the site faster than the animals.

Do not be zealous in choosing remedies against annoying animals. Sometimes best way- find new housing for one of the two parties to the conflict

Sometimes in the fight against moles they use smoke bombs, which need to be placed in molehills and clog all entrances and exits. After an underground smoke attack, the mole must leave the area.

An effective way to get rid of rodents is a smoke bomb

Special anti-mole tablets will help drive pests out of the area for a long time. These tablets contain a toxic poison, which, under the influence of moisture, fills the underground space and destroys the dirty tricks.

The toxic substance will leave no chance of salvation; in addition, the dangerous chemical can be eaten by pets

Planting plants with a specific smell as a remedy for moles in the country

Plants with a distinct scent are an excellent remedy for these animals in the country. Such plants include:

  1. daffodils;
  2. imperial hazel grouse;
  3. marigold;
  4. spurge;
  5. beans;
  6. lavender;
  7. peppermint;
  8. hemp.

Flowers planted on the site not only decorate the garden, but also help rid the site of moles

How to get rid of moles in the country with ultrasonic repellers

So, how to deal with moles on summer cottage using ultrasound? The principle of the fight is simple: stick the repeller into the ground and turn it on. And since moles have excellent hearing, they leave your garden plot in panic.

But, unfortunately, some repellers do not help. For example, cheap Chinese repellers are not able to scare even a mosquito, let alone a mole. Therefore, it is better to purchase a quality device. It is also worth purchasing a device that operates from an outlet. And, of course, you need to protect the repeller from moisture. Because it may break after the first rain.

Ultrasonic repeller is one of the reliable ways for pest control

How to make a sonic mole repeller with your own hands

You can make an effective animal repeller with your own hands. The simplest repeller is pinwheels made from plastic bottles.

  1. Take a plastic bottle.
  2. Cut and bend the blades.
  3. Make a small hole at the bottom.
  4. Place the bottle on a pipe with a diameter of 1 cm.
  5. Stick the tube with the bottle into the ground.

Sonic mole repeller from plastic bottle

The homemade repeller spins well in the wind due to the blades, while making noise and vibration. As previously mentioned, the mole does not like noise, so he will try to escape. One more thing effective adaptation for repelling, you can make it from a Coca-Cola can, a plastic bottle and a metal pin.

So, you need to cut four rectangles from a plastic bottle and secure them with tape on a tin can like blades. Stick a metal pin into the ground and place a tin can on top. The jar will spin in the wind and make an unpleasant noise for the animal.

Weapon of mass destruction options for moles

How to catch a mole in a trap and release it away from the site

Catching this pest is not so easy! It is very difficult to guess where the animal will appear. But it's worth a try. So, how to catch a mole in the garden?

You will need a pipe trap. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. You can watch a video on how to make a trap below. The process of catching pests is as follows:

  1. The pipe is installed in the mole passage and sprinkled with earth on top.
  2. The mole, moving through the tunnel, falls into a trap. Since the trap doors open only upon entry, the animal will not be able to crawl back out. All you have to do is check the trap every 2 days and release the little pests away from your area. Better somewhere in a forest or field.

Video on making a mole trap:

The most humane way is to catch the animal using a pipe trap

You can catch a mole using an ordinary three-liter jar.


When catching a pest, make sure that the jar is absolutely clean and free of any odors. Otherwise, the animal will smell a foreign scent and simply make a move in another place.

  1. Find the animal's working path and dig a hole.
  2. Place the jar in the hole so that the neck is level with the hole, and then compact the soil.
  3. Place the worms in the can and cover the trap with plywood.

The mole, returning to this tunnel, will not notice the hole and fall into it. After 2 days, check the jar and release the animal away from the area.

How to get rid of moles in a summer cottage using extermination method

If it was not possible to get rid of small dirty tricks by humane means, and your nerves are already at their limit, you can try to get rid of them by extermination. Yes, these methods are tough, but effective.

How to remove moles with toxic substances

Poisonous agents can only be used if there are no children playing in the area and no pets running around. Mole poison is sold in any specialty store. It can be laid out in minks. The animal will eat them and die. Or here's another effective way:

  1. Catch the worms and cut them in half. Yes, it's disgusting. But nothing can be done.
  2. Roll them in poison. Just don't forget about safety measures. Wear gloves.
  3. Place the worms in the mole tunnel. They will continue to move for about 15 minutes. During this time, the little pest will smell them and come to feast on them.

But do not forget that toxic substances do not have the best effect on the soil.

How to kill a mole using the two-shovel method and other inhumane methods

The two-spade method takes a long time. But if you're lucky, you can get rid of the mole in the garden forever. So how to do this? You will need two shovels for the trap and another shovel to quickly get the animal out of the hole. Stick the first shovel across the mole tunnel and compact the soil with your feet. When the animal comes to restore the passage, and this will be noticeable by the movement of the earth, quickly stick a second shovel behind the rodent. Using a third shovel, dig out the pest.

Mole traps and mole beaters

There are various metal traps for catching moles on sale. They securely hold or clamp the animal tightly. These traps are designed for repeated use. If they are installed correctly, then the result will be 100%. The traps need to be installed in the mole’s excavated working tunnel.

You can use electric mole beaters. They help destroy animals in a certain area.

How to remove moles from a site forever by flooding holes

You can try to get rid of the animals with water. You need to flood all the entrances to the tunnels at once. But, as a rule, this method is ineffective. And all because the animal has a lot of tunnels, and it can have time to escape, and then dig new passages nearby. And to flood all the passages, it will take a lot of water. And this is sometimes problematic.

Fighting moles in the country with the help of dogs and cats

Many gardeners recommend fighting rodents with the help of pets: dogs and cats. The hunting instinct of animals helps to get rid of these small dirty tricks. As a rule, cats only kill animals, but do not eat them. The same cannot be said about dogs. They may eat the pest.

The main thing is that the animal is not poisoned beforehand. Otherwise, the dog may also get poisoned

Professional help in the fight against moles

Most the right way get rid of these little animals - call professional help. Specialists will instantly deal with this problem using professional equipment. And you will forget about pests forever.

Preventing the appearance of moles on the site by installing fencing devices

It is easier to prevent the appearance of pests on a site than to fight them. Here are some methods:

  1. Net. Stores sell a special mesh with small cells. It must be buried at least 1 m into the ground around the entire perimeter of the site. This method is very labor-intensive, but effective. The animal, having stumbled upon the fence, will not be able to get into the area, and will begin to dig in a different direction. The disadvantage of this method is that the mesh is expensive and very difficult to bury.
  2. Slate. You can dig slate throughout the entire area, and then the animals will not be able to get into the garden. But this method also takes a lot of effort and time.

Mesh - optimal protection against rodents in the garden

What is recommended on the forums for fighting moles in a summer cottage?

At the forum, gardeners' opinions were divided. Some people were helped by folk remedies in the fight against moles in their summer cottage, while others were able to get rid of pests with the help of mole traps. One way or another, this problem cannot be ignored. We need to use all possible methods to get rid of this scourge.

Good luck to you in this difficult task!

What harm can a mole cause to a gardener? Unlike hamsters, moles do not eat crops. They do not destroy or gnaw carrots and other root vegetables; they are not interested in cabbage, or indeed any plants. Like mole shrews, moles are insectivores and eat earthworms and various soil insects, while destroying a huge number of pests. And yet, the mole can harm the plantings. Mice are walking around in full swing along the passages he has made, gnawing roots and destroying crops.

The mole makes molehills all over the site - dumps of soil that look like small volcanoes that spoil the appearance of the garden and make it difficult for gardening equipment to operate. One single mole, appearing in the garden, can ruin the whole landscape design. Very quickly, not even a trace will remain of perfectly smooth lawns and lawns, and the area will begin to look deplorable after the work of the self-proclaimed “designer”. Therefore, in many cases, mole control is a necessary and justified measure.

Prevention of moles

There are moles on your property, how can you get rid of these pests? It is not easy to remove an already established mole from the site, so it is better not to bring the matter to war, but to use preventive measures. Prevention is more humane and cheaper than killing animals.

If your neighbors have molehills, you need to install a fencing system of sound repellers along the border of your property. The device is buried in the soil and batteries are placed in it. Moles, and with them shrews, mole crickets and mice, begin to avoid such an area, since they do not like the sharp sounds heard underground. By the way, the devices are located in the ground and a person practically does not hear the sounds - this is a pleasant difference between a mole repeller and a household rat and mouse repeller.

Important! Devices that produce ultrasound are not suitable for prevention, because they need to be inserted into existing burrows. Ultrasound, unlike ordinary sound, does not disperse well in the soil, but it spreads remarkably well along molehills.

There are folk remedies for moles that do not require the purchase of electrical devices. It has long been noted that moles and shrews do not like the smell of garlic, onions and legumes, and if you plant these plants around the perimeter of the area, the moles will bypass it.

How to scare away

If a mole has already started in the area, it will not be easy to scare it away from its habitable place, but it is always better to do this in a humane way without destroying a beneficial animal. Such methods include

  • olfactory;
  • vibration;
  • ultrasonic;
  • biological.

Smell repellent - as mentioned above, moles do not like the smell of garlic. To scare them away, you need to prepare a mixture of crushed garlic and camphor alcohol and spread it in the burrows. You can also use:

  • kerosene;
  • diesel fuel;
  • ammonia water;
  • valerian;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • rotten eggs;
  • kefir;
  • acetone;
  • naphthalene;
  • petrol.

Objects moistened or lubricated with these substances are laid out in molehills and sprinkled with earth on top. The animal will not dare to approach the source unpleasant odor and leaves the area. Vibrating devices are powered by wind. Moles, like all underground animals, are very sensitive to noises and sounds. When the ground shakes, the animals hide and try to find the source of danger. If this happens often, they will feel uncomfortable in the area and will leave it after a few months. Various devices are used to shake the soil, but they all operate on the principle of a conventional pinwheel. Experienced gardeners know how to get rid of moles using a regular plastic bottle.

Simpler devices can also be used.

  • empty glass bottles, dug into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees towards the prevailing winds;
  • tin cans beer bottles, put on metal rods stuck into the ground.

Ultrasonic mole repellers propagate sound waves. Ultrasound irritates and frightens animals, forcing them to move away from the place that has become unpleasant for them. Ultrasonic devices are placed in mole burrows; the animals leave the area after one and a half to two months. One device is usually enough for two to three hundred square meters.

Biological mole repellent is perhaps the easiest and most enjoyable to use. To do this, you need to get a cat or cat on your property. These animals masterfully catch moles, mice and shrews. Cats nursing kittens hunt especially actively. Small hunting dogs: dachshunds and spaniels are excellent at hunting underground animals. The natural enemy of moles is the weasel; if it begins to visit your area, you should not try to scare it away or catch it.

The best poisons for moles

Many people are skeptical about mole poisons, and it’s understandable why, if you remember that moles in the garden eat nothing but live insects, and they have not yet learned how to produce poisoned larvae and worms. Nevertheless, chemical industry It produces a number of drugs to help gardeners:

  • “Nutcracker” granules with the poisonous substance bromadialone;
  • mole repellent "Krotomet" Russian production with garlic odor;
  • “Antikrot” granules with a repellent flavor;
  • “Detia” aromatic balls with lavandin oil (not to be confused with lavender).

Chemicals are used as follows:

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Lightly tear apart the molehill to reveal all the passages in it (2-6).
  3. Place the drug in the passages in the amount recommended by the manufacturer.
  4. They bury a molehill.

The presence of moles in the garden plot - headache for every summer resident and! Small rodents are capable of digging up the entire garden in one night and leaving the owners without a harvest. Moles live in packs and families in close proximity to humans during wet soils, which are easy to dig. With the beginning summer season, moles are becoming more active, and as practice has shown, getting rid of rodents is not so easy.

Moles are capable of reaching a speed of about 60 meters per minute in a finished “trench”. Therefore, it is worth arming yourself with ingenuity!

They have eyes and periodically come to the surface to catch a lizard or a vole.

They set up their “houses” at a depth of about 15 cm, and if there are several families on the site, then spheres of influence are divided.

The mole chose warm regions and ignored the northern regions and rocky terrain. He digs a tunnel up to 15 meters every day with his powerful paws. This rodent works constantly and lives in its favorite place 24 hours a day.

Using traps or traps

Most often, moles dig tunnels along fences, fences, foundations, paths, hedges and bushes. You need to find the “main” hole that the mole uses every day.

If a mole falls into a trap, it will remain alive, but if it falls into a trap, then not. This is the difference between the devices. The most common trap is a crossbow, which is based on a spring. A simple and convenient design, the reliability of which has been proven over the years. The trap is installed directly into the holes in places where moles move in two directions. Traps are placed in such a way that the exit is blocked. When moving, the mole touches the lever and presses it with wire. In the case of a crossbow, it is pierced by the sharp part of the trap.

Traps are more humane and are made to catch the animal without harming it. The system works as follows: the mole enters the container, the release valve is triggered behind it, and then the door slams. The mole can be released.

Baiting moles with dogs

The dog naturally has an excellent sense of smell and fighting qualities. For such purposes, it is best for the dog to be a hunting dog.

The ideal option would be to get cats that are more compact in size and agility. Do not forget that moles are carriers of many diseases, including fatal ones. Before releasing animals outside, mandatory vaccinate them.

Planting plants that have an unpleasant odor for moles

Surprisingly, the simplest flowers and the most unpretentious marigolds can work wonders! Except their own medicinal properties, they also differ in their ability to eliminate rodents. The pungent odor repels other pests. Similar properties have Euphorbia and Castor bean. These plants are poisonous, so you should not plant them in a place where there are children.

Siberian Scilla – beautiful plant which has an excellent effect in the fight against moles. It can be planted in and even in the garden. It is harmless for children. Legumes can be planted around the perimeter of the site; they cope well with many rodents and insects.

For this purpose, you can also use bulbous plants, such as garlic. When planting a decorative onion, you can also achieve good results. You can also beat up or very finely chop onion feathers or garlic cloves, and bury them around the perimeter of the garden or vegetable garden, or near the burrows.

You can also use daffodils. Some gardeners who have experience in expelling moles recommend planting imperial hazel grouse, which are related to lilies. It is believed that their bulbs have a smell similar to that of a fox. Moles get scared and change their habitat.

You can try mixing chopped elderberry, gooseberry and manure branches. The resulting mixture is buried around the perimeter of the site and in the places where the minks are located.

Create a draft for the mole!

For this method you need to be in right time V in the right place. The mole does not tolerate large quantities fresh air. Once he starts digging a tunnel, grab a small bucket and shovel. Dig open trenches along the path of the molehill, leaving open and large holes. You can catch the mole at the same time, use a shovel to transfer it to a bucket and throw it outside the site. You can also destroy a tunnel system with a shovel.

Flood simulation

Since moles are afraid of water, many summer residents fill the holes with water from a hose. Rodents move to drier places. This option is suitable if there are a small number of holes on your site. If there is already a mini-city underground, then this option can have a detrimental effect on the harvest.

Flooding of all molehills will destroy the passages inside, which will contribute to the appearance of holes in the area. If we analyze the reviews of people who have dachas, they often refuse this method, since a lot of water is needed, and its price in dacha cooperatives is very high.

Gas attack

On the market you can also find poison in the form of a spray can. There is a gas inside that is harmful not only to moles, but also to you. This method requires compliance with all instructions to avoid poisoning. There are significant disadvantages - if the network of tunnels is extensive, then the mole, sensing something is wrong, will simply bury tunnels behind itself. Therefore, the use of gas is rational only if there are a small number of minks on your site.

Sometimes gardeners use sulfur smoke, but it is important to remember that everything around the treated area will die, within a radius of about 1 meter. With this method, the checker is lowered into the hole, and a bucket is put on top.

The surrounding soil becomes unsuitable for growing food. This option is ideal for lawns and open areas. Chemical treatment must be carried out in a gas mask to avoid poisoning. If the substance is poisonous, then back side packaging will have a red triangle icon with a black cross. Read the safety precautions carefully: wear gloves, closed clothing and a hat.

It is best to combine different methods: for example, install turntables, traps and plant useful plants. Moles are beneficial to the garden only if their numbers are not large. They don't eat flowers or vegetables. They eat wireworms that spoil potatoes, chafers, slugs and larvae. These insects can cause more problems than the largest and most harmful mole.

In order to control the invasion of moles, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food, namely worms, by watering the ground with a 10% soap solution at the beginning and end of the season.

A simple orange peel can keep pests away. Just place it in the holes around the perimeter of the area.

It happens that a mole hole is located directly under the roots of trees and shrubs, causing the roots to hang in the air. For such a case, it is better not to use chemicals, but to resort to ultrasound or a noise repeller.