Features of preparing pepper seeds for sowing seedlings: mandatory types of processing, how to properly soak and pickle the seeds. Treatment of seeds before sowing Treat seeds before planting

Treating seeds before planting is the key to healthy and strong plants. Most diseases are transmitted with seed, so it is necessary to properly prepare the seeds for sowing.

Let us consider in detail how to prepare seeds before sowing.

Before sowing, seeds must be disinfected, except for encrusted and pelleted seeds.

F1 hybrid seeds– undergo processing before hitting the store counter. Treatment is carried out against pests and diseases. Hybrid seeds are completely ready for sowing. They are sown dry directly into the ground or pre-treated with growth stimulants if desired.

Sorting seeds before sowing

Before sowing, the collected seeds from your garden must be sorted out, leaving large and healthy ones. To select empty seeds, we need a solution of table salt (dissolve 2 grams in 100 ml of water).

Dip the seeds into the solution, stir and after 10 minutes the empty seeds will float to the surface, throw them away, they are not suitable. Wash the remaining seeds in running water and dry.

How to treat seeds?

Varietal seeds, purchased and collected from the garden, must be treated against diseases and pests. Flower seeds are also treated before sowing.

Video - Treating seeds before sowing

The seeds are placed in a bag and placed in a thermos with hot water for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse immediately cold water within 1 minute. Follow the heat treatment regime, otherwise most seeds will become unsuitable.

Temperature and processing time are indicated in the table.

Attention: During heat treatment of seeds, about 30% may lose germination. Everything is fine, non-viable seeds die.

To combat viral diseases, soak the seeds in a weak solution of Immunocytophyte (1 tablet per 100 ml of water) for 3 to 12 hours. You can also keep it in Fitosporin solution according to the instructions.

A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) works well. To do this, preheat the seeds in hot water(45-50 degrees) for 2 hours. It is better to use a thermos for this procedure. After warming up, place the seeds for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1-2% solution).

For processing crops such as onion, radish, tomato, physalis, lettuce, legumes, corn- pickle in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 45 minutes.

Carrots, eggplant, peppers, dill, cabbage and pumpkin- use a 2% solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.

Also use special preparations for treating seeds - Bunker, Commander, Winner, Baitan, Fundazol and others.

Attention- after treating with chemicals, be sure to rinse the seeds with water at room temperature.

Treating seeds with hydrogen peroxide

An effective way to treat seeds before sowing is to disinfect and prepare the seeds. You will need 10% hydrogen peroxide. Seeds spread out on gauze are soaked in a bowl, or you can put the seeds in a bag and dip them in peroxide. Soak for 12 hours, no more.

For rapid growth of seeds, they are soaked in any growth stimulant or warm water (it is better to soak in melt or rain water).

Pre-freeze the water, then place the ice in a bowl and let it melt completely, then lower the seeds, they should be completely in the water. Cucumbers and tomatoes are soaked for 19 hours, legumes for 7 hours, celery and onions for 35 hours.

Biological products stimulate seed germination more strongly.

You can prepare growth stimulants at home like this:

1 spoon wood ash dilute in 100 ml of water, leave for a day (solution temperature 17-20 degrees), in this way the seeds are enriched with microelements;
-- 20-25 drops of liquid peat humate dilute potassium in 100 ml of water, soak for 12 hours;
-- With Epin (2 drops per 100 ml of water), soak for 18 hours;
-- Fertilizer New Ideal or Signor Tomato (20 grams per 1 liter of water), soak for 30 minutes.

There is also a verified old way: soak the seeds in aloe juice for a day. Then dry the seeds on paper.

Attention: when soaking seeds for more than 10 hours, change the water every 3-4 hours to enrich it with oxygen and so that the water does not spoil.

After the soaking procedure, dry the seeds a little and immediately sow them in the ground.

Video - Super way to soak seeds

To increase the cold resistance of crops, it is necessary to first harden them. Place the seeds in bags and soak in water for 12 hours. After soaking, keep at a temperature of 15-20 degrees for 12 hours, then place in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3 degrees for 12 hours.

Vernalization of seeds

Cooling or vernalization of seeds accelerates the germination of cold-resistant crops. This method used for parsley, carrots, parsnips. Pre-soak the seeds at room temperature until completely swollen, germinate in damp gauze until 10-15% of the seeds hatch. Then place the seeds for two weeks in a room with a temperature of 0 to 1 degrees.

Attention: It is not recommended to prepare beet seeds, spinach, and lettuce seeds in this way.

Video - Super product for soaking and germinating seeds

To ensure rapid germination of seeds, they are saturated with oxygen. You will need a regular aquarium compressor or a special bubbler.

Seeds of perennial crops with a pronounced dormant period need stratification. These seeds require cold to germinate. The container is filled with sand and the seeds are placed in it.

The container with the seeds is placed in the refrigerator; it can be buried in the snow for a period of 2 weeks to six months, it all depends on the type of crop.

Scarification of seeds

Seeds of perennials with a dense shell are scarified. The dense shell prevents the appearance of sprouts, so the seeds are ground with sand or between sheets of sandpaper.

Stratification and scarification This is not carried out for all crops, so it is not necessary to treat all seeds in this way.

Looks red, yellow and blue. Such seeds are treated with polymers, which ensures seed germination and reliable protection from pests.

There is no need to further process these seeds. They are sown dry in moist, ready soil.

The seeds are covered with a peat-mineral mixture. The mixture creates a nutritious and protective shell; the processed seeds are larger in size and round in shape.

It is economically profitable to sow pelleted seeds; seed consumption during sowing is small, and thinning is not necessary.

Seeds are sown dry, laid out in prepared holes or furrows. Water the soil well before sowing.

Video - Three ways to soak seeds

You have learned all the ways to prepare seeds before sowing in the ground. The main types of processing are sorting, dressing and soaking, without them you will not be able to get healthy and strong plants and, accordingly, good harvest.

Every amateur summer resident, as a reward for his work and efforts, wants to see a good harvest of vegetables grown on his plot from high-quality seeds. Treating seeds (not forgetting about them) before planting seedlings or sowing in the ground is the most in a known way, allowing to increase their germination and quality of young plantings.

Seeds various types plants are absolutely different from each other, and this is expressed in their appearance and biological properties. There are several types of treatment before planting in the ground, which not only speed up the process of emergence of young seedlings, but also reduce the risk possible diseases. Most owners of small gardens resort to their grandmother's old method, when vegetable seeds are placed in a regular solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide before planting.

IN recent years Growth stimulants have gained incredible popularity and seeds treated with such preparations stand out among other plants and produce good results. Certainly, pre-sowing treatment planting material is in a good way improving the quality of young seedlings, but only when it is carried out competently and taking into account practical recommendations. You should not be surprised that after treating the seeds with recipes recommended by neighbors or famous TV presenters, you may not see seedlings.


The most in a simple way Treatment of vegetable seeds before planting them in the ground is to soak them. This procedure is quite simple and must be carried out according to a certain scheme: for soaking, use a small container into which a moistened cloth is placed. The seeds selected for germination are poured onto it, covered with the same layer of damp cloth and placed in a dark room near a heat source. The ideal temperature for germination is 25-30 degrees.

We periodically check the moisture content of the fabric and, if necessary, lightly spray it with water. Wetting the seeds before planting in the soil is usually done a few days before planting and important nuance Their successful germination is ensured by proper soil moisture. Many gardeners use very interesting way, due to which germination time is reduced. Place the container with the soaked seeds in a transparent bag and place it in a dark place. This clever method allows you to create inside a package greenhouse effect and due to the elevated temperature, fairly rapid swelling and germination of seeds is observed.

Growth stimulants are often added to the water intended for soaking. The most popular of them are succinic acid, “Zircon”, “Epin” and “Gumate”. At home, you can use natural growth stimulants in the form of infusions of chamomile, valerian, aloe juice or mullein.


This processing procedure vegetable seeds consists of soaking them in a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate, which allows you to destroy various diseases or reduce the likelihood of their development in the future. Basically, a 1% solution is used and the planting material is treated in this solution for half an hour, after which it is washed clean water and dry it.

A good disinfectant, which is also applicable for, is a solution of wood ash, which is prepared from 1 liter of water and 20 grams of ash. The two components are mixed together and left to infuse for 24 hours. The resulting solution must be filtered and you can safely disinfect the seeds in it. An important condition Successful disinfection is to select the correct concentration of the solution, and soak the seeds for the required time.

Warming up vegetable seeds

Another way to treat seeds before planting in the ground is heating. Carrying out this procedure allows you to increase the degree of their germination, and also helps to increase the number of female flowers on plants. This method is mainly used for processing seed crops: cucumbers, pumpkin, squash and zucchini.

Dry seeds thin layer scatter on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 2-3 hours, where the air temperature will not exceed 50-55 degrees. The temperature increase must be done gradually, while not forgetting to rotate the planting material.

A simpler way is to warm the vegetable seeds on a heating device, pour them into a fabric bag and turn it over every half hour. You can simply immerse the planting material in hot water and keep it there for half an hour.


This method of treating seeds before planting involves placing them in water that is enriched required quantity oxygen. This procedure can be carried out using an aquarium compressor, which is placed in water with a temperature of 20 degrees. The duration of the bubbling procedure depends on the type of seeds and their characteristics, and can range from 10 to 30 hours.

This method of processing planting material is used when there is a need to increase the viability of seeds with poor germination.


This type of procedure is carried out for seeds intended for early landings or heat-loving plants, which are planted immediately in open ground. First, the seeds are placed in a damp cloth for swelling, and then hardening begins at an air temperature of about 0. For complete hardening it will take 17-20 hours, after which the planting material is again introduced into warm room. This periodic alternation of heat and cold is carried out for 4-5 days, after which the seeds are considered hardened.


Some plants have seeds with a high-density shell. In order to facilitate the process of their swelling and germination, mechanical cuts are made on the surface or treated with solutions of nitric acid salts.

Seed treatment is an important component of their pre-sowing preparation. However, treating planting material with various growth stimulants and soaking them in special solutions is unlikely to help grow a good harvest without proper sowing and good care behind them.

A high yield of vegetables, first of all, depends on how well and correctly the seeds are prepared for sowing in the ground.

There are many ways to prepare seeds, but there are some that simply cannot be ignored if you want to achieve good results.

In this case, under no circumstances should seeds be subjected to all these operations, because this will kill even the strongest seeds. You only need to do what is necessary for your seeds, for your greenhouse.

Moreover, for various conditions of growing seedlings necessary set of these pre-sowing procedures can be completely different.

Let's talk about disinfection (dressing) of already calibrated seeds.

Seed disinfection

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the need for pre-sowing seed treatment. After all, diseased seeds are almost impossible to distinguish from healthy seeds in the usual way. Namely, it is with them that many dangerous diseases of vegetable crops are most often transmitted.

Therefore, to protect seed germination from fungal and bacterial diseases, it is necessary first of all to carry out seed dressing, which will destroy pathogens located on the surface and inside the seeds and protect them from pests and diseases found in the soil. After all, there is no guarantee that clean and healthy-looking seeds do not carry pathogens.

With cucumber seeds, for example, the infections of anthracnose and angular blotch are transmitted, in beets - downy mildew and phomosis, in cabbage - vascular bacteriosis, downy mildew and phomosis, in carrots - black rot, and so on.

That is why etching and heat treatment seeds, especially purchased from a street stand or at the market, is a strictly mandatory method of preparing seeds for sowing.

Seeds are not disinfected only in two cases: if the bag indicates that disinfection has already been carried out and if the seeds are coated.

Vegetable seeds are disinfected using various dry and wet methods. Among the dry methods, the simplest and oldest is keeping the seeds in the open sun on the veranda for 5-7 days. At this time, the seeds should be mixed on a plate several times a day.

This method is especially reliable for seeds of heat-loving crops such as cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, and beets, especially if they have been stored for a long time in a cold room. sun rays not only disinfect seeds from microorganisms, but also actively stimulate their germination.

Using special preparations to disinfect seeds in a dry state also looks very simple. Such disinfection allows, by shaking, for example, seeds in a bag with fungicide, to create a uniform (thin layer) coating of them. However, it is better to refuse such a procedure in an apartment, because the health hazard is too great, since it is impossible to guarantee complete safety when using these drugs.

For wet disinfection of seeds, many gardeners, like our grandfathers, still use a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, although some experts are quite skeptical about this method.

But not every gardener knows how to properly prepare a solution of potassium permanganate of the required concentration. After all, the vast majority of gardeners do not have the opportunity to weigh 1 g of potassium permanganate at home, and therefore put it by eye. Without weighing, you can quite accurately determine the required amount of potassium permanganate using... a standard teaspoon (5 ml volume). This level teaspoon contains 6 grams of potassium permanganate. “No top” means that excess potassium permanganate must be skimmed off the spoon flat side knife

The regimes for treating seeds with potassium permanganate are as follows:

Seeds of tomatoes, onions, celery, lettuce, radishes, beans, peas, beans must be processed in a 1% (dark pink) solution of potassium permanganate at room temperature for 30-40 minutes, followed by rinsing in water.

And it is better to disinfect the seeds of eggplant, pepper, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin crops, and dill in a 1.5% (dark purple) solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, followed by washing the seeds with water.

To treat seeds, you can use a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, preheated to 38-40 o C, where the seeds are kept for 7-8 minutes.

Many gardeners pickle tomato seeds in a solution boric acid(0.2 g per 1 liter of water) or copper sulfate(0.1 g per 1 liter of water). This treatment also completely protects tomatoes from diseases.

Care should be taken to ensure that there are no stuck together seeds, for example, tomato seeds stick together, because... however, you may not get the desired result.

To combat bacterial diseases, many gardeners often treat vegetable seeds with aloe juice. Leaves for this indoor plants keep for 6-7 days in the dark at a temperature of +2°C (in the refrigerator door), then squeeze out the juice and dilute with water in equal parts. The seeds are kept in the resulting solution for 18-24 hours.

Against vascular bacteriosis, the seeds of cabbage and its “relatives” are often treated with garlic infusion. To do this, 25 g of highly crushed garlic are mixed in a jar with 100 g of water, the seeds are kept in it for 1 hour, and then washed and dried.

You can disinfect seeds in mustard solution. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of dry mustard into half a glass. warm water, stir well and place the seeds in this suspension for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Then the seeds must be washed with cold water and dried.

An aqueous infusion of wood ash, which contains almost 30 nutrients, is also useful. To do this, the seeds are placed in a daily infusion of ash (half a glass of ash per 1 liter of water) for 4-6 hours.

In recent years, most often the seeds are kept in a weak solution of the biological preparations Rizoplan and Trichodermin, according to the instructions attached to the preparation. And Immunocytophyte helps well against viral diseases.

And supporters of the organic living farming system (OLA) recommend using the drug “Fitosporin-M” to protect against diseases. Before sowing, to protect against diseases, the seeds must be treated in it according to the instructions, preferably together with the drug “Gumi” to stimulate growth and development.

I hope that you have listened to my advice and have already checked the seeds for germination. Otherwise you may rip off best timing sowing seeds, and this is fraught with the further loss of part of the harvest.

Therefore, urgently soak the seeds in a cloth soaked in warm melt water, then place them in a plastic bag (make sure there is plenty of air for the seeds to breathe) and place the whole thing in a very warm place.

I put it on the radiator, setting the temperature on them to 30 O .

Good seeds They will hatch in 3 days.

How to revive old seeds?

Last year I had difficult situation: I bought seeds, checked them for germination, but it turned out to be zero. But I needed this particular variety, it is the most delicious, I mean Southern Tan. I already grew it the year before, but, unfortunately, I did not collect the seeds from it. I hoped that I would buy it in the store when sowing time came.

I went and bought a second packet of these seeds. In order to revive old seeds, I gave them a strong shake: placed them in a thermos with hot water (t = 50 O C – check it with a thermometer, not your finger!) for 30 minutes. After warming up, I wrapped the seeds in a wet cloth and placed them in a small glass jar with screw cap and buried them in the snow, leaving them outside on... . Here I want to pause and describe another incident that happened to me.

I wanted to bury the seeds in the snow for 3-4 days, but I forgot about them and remembered them a week later. If this happens to you, don’t be afraid, there’s nothing wrong with it, because... the snow maintains a constant temperature (3-4 O C), so Iand I use it, and not the refrigerator, for hardening the seeds.

What was the result: I awakened 10% of the seeds, grew good seedlings from them and got wonderful fruits from which I collected the seeds.

How are seeds prepared for sowing?

Seeds of foreign hybrids, as a rule, have already undergone pre-sowing preparation, as indicated on their bag. There may be an inscription “the seeds are encrusted”, or “the seeds are treated with the drug Thiram”. The pelleted seeds are also pickled, i.e. disinfected and treated with growth substances. We sow these seeds dry as soon as we take them out of the bag. These seeds are more expensive than unprocessed seeds, which you have to tinker with yourself.

Your own seeds must also be checked for germination. I did it againin December.

It is advisable to check for germination all seeds purchased in the store to be sure that their quality is normal and all you have to do is sow them correctly in order to get healthy shoots at the right time.

When soaking and germinating seeds, many novice gardeners make a number of mistakes, which I also want to draw attention to.

1.Seed selection. Open the bag of seeds and see if there are any ugly ones among them: broken, crooked, with darkened skin, empty, etc. Many summer residents immerse their seeds in a saline solution for 15 minutes and remove all that float. The saline solution is prepared as follows: add a teaspoon of salt (with top) to 2/3 cup of water. The seeds must be stirred periodically in water. After 15 minutes, we take out the sunken seeds and rinse them of salt under running water.


Cucumber seeds that have lain for several years may saline solution and not drown, but have good germination. Therefore, this method is not applicable for them..

But be sure to check the seeds of peas, beans and corn before sowing for the presence of a pest - caryopsis. Moreover, the seeds of these crops can be placed in plain water, and not into a salt solution, the seeds affected by the weevil will immediately float to the surface. “Why select seeds,” summer residents ask, “you can sow them all more often: the empty ones will rot, but the good ones will sprout.”

This is a very common mistake: be afraid of empty seeds that fallinto the soil! Beware of any seeds rotting in the soil - this is a breeding ground for a fungal infection that can spread to neighboring, healthy seeds.

2. Seed disinfection. Most often, vegetable diseases are transmitted through seeds and only 20% - through soil. So, if you sow your own seeds, or store-bought ones, untreated by manufacturers, I recommend disinfecting them yourself. I have never done this before, but due to an outbreak of a viral infection in recent years, I am forced to do pre-sowing seed treatment.

It is not so difficult to remove a viral infection from the surface of seeds: just warm them up for 20-30 minutes in hot water (t=50 O WITH). You can wear your body for a month - this is the most best option, because body temperature is always constant, and humidity is also constant, something that summer residents forget about when they place seeds on a heating radiator to warm them up. In this case, wrap the seeds in a plastic bag so as not to dry them out!

Another way to free seeds from viruses is to keep them for 2-3 years,and then sow. This is the best option because... Such seeds are freed from viruses and produce the highest yield.

Our farmers like to treat seeds in potassium permanganate. It really removes many types of infections, but only on the surface of the seeds,and against an infection nesting inside the seed, potassium permanganate is powerless, especially since summer residents do not bother to prepare a competent solution of potassium permanganate; it is made “by eye”, crimson in color, but it needs to be black (!), otherwise the “infection” will survive. The seeds must be soaked in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.


To prepare a 1% solution, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon (without top) of potassium permanganate in three glasses of water.

The second mistake vegetable growers make when disinfecting seeds with potassium permanganate is that they do not know how long to keep the seeds in it. There are no clear recommendations from specialists either. Some of them suggest keeping tomato seeds in this solution for 15 minutes, others - 20...30 .. and even 45 minutes! But working “by eye” in such an important matter as seed disinfection can have dire consequences: if we don’t keep the seeds in the solution, we won’t kill the infection, but if we don’t keep them in the solution, the seeds will die. I keep it for 30 minutes.

Third mistake: after treating the seeds with potassium permanganate, they need to be washed well in running water.

Now many summer residents disinfect seeds in microbial preparations: Vostok, Baikal, etc.

From my many years of experience, I came to the following conclusion: it is best to disinfect tomato seeds in hot snow water (t = 50 O C, hold for 25-30 minutes). I use heat treatment of tomato seeds only from my own production.

Why? Because there are a lot of them, and if some of the seeds die with such strong heating, the strongest ones will remain, and I will sow them.

In no case do I call for harsh heat treatment of store-bought seeds, because there are only 10-20 of them in a bag. What kind of selection can we talk about here, when the seeds in the bag are “as big as a nose”! In this case, use either treatment with potassium permanganate, or a milder option - disinfection of seeds with microbes, i.e. with the drug Vostok EM-1.

Life now forces us to carry out this procedure, otherwise we may be left without a harvest.

Soaking seeds.

Due to the deterioration in the quality of seeds offered in stores, I began to test them for germination before sowing.

To do this, I soak them in snow water heated to 30 O All night long.


Soak the seeds of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and cabbage for no more than 18 hours. Seeds of onion, celery, parsley, dill - 36 hours.

If you leave the seeds in the liquid for more than long time, then destroy them - swollen seeds need oxygen.

You can add growth stimulants or immunomodulators to the water, you can use it biologically active substances(potato juice, or aloeetc.).

What other mistakes await new gardeners at this stage? Soak the seeds in a large volume of water and forget about them. How can you reduce the risk of seed loss in this case?

Soak the seeds in a very small container so that there is no more than 1 cm of water above them, and stir them often. If you forget about them and keep them in the water for not 18 hours, but let’s say 20-22, then nothing bad will happen, because... the layer of water above the seeds was small and there would always be a small amount of oxygen in it, which would be enough for the seed to breathe.

Germination of seeds.

After the specified period for soaking the seeds, we begin to germinate them to find out whether we bought good quality seeds in the store, or, before it’s too late, we need to run and buy new ones. You can't pull the cat by the tail here.

You can roll the cloth in several layers, moisten it and wrap the seeds in it. To prevent the fabric from drying out, I put it in a sour cream jar and cover it with a lid, in which, as you remember, there are holes for the seeds to breathe. Always monitor the moisture of the cloth, do not allow it to dry out and, if necessary, moisten it with water. I put the jar on the radiator.

If the seeds are fresh, they hatch within 2-4 days, after which they must be sown immediately. Avoid long roots.

I soak my own seeds in a cloth on which I write ballpoint pen number. In my notebook I make a transcript, for example, No. 1 – Golden Age, No. 2 – Favorite holiday, etc. Then, when sowing seeds in seed boxes, all rows are also signed; after picking the seedlings into cups, I sign all the containers. This way I will know exactly which varieties to leave on next year, and which ones to refuse.

Against dry rot, false powdery mildew For vascular bacteriosis, the seeds are heated for 20 minutes in water at a temperature of 50 degrees. It is convenient to do this in a thermos.

Soaking seeds in aloe

Aloe juice works great against bacteria and fungi. Cut the aloe leaf and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days at a temperature of 2 degrees. After this, squeeze out the juice and keep the seeds in it for a day. Then, without washing them, they are slightly dried and sown for seedlings or directly into open ground.

In drinking soda

Ordinary soda is also useful for soaking: 10 grams per 1 liter of water. Leave the seeds in the soda solution for 12-24 hours.

In heteroauxin

It's already classic way growth stimulation. Dosage: 25 mg per liter of water. Leave for 12 hours, then dry slightly and you can sow.

In ash solution

For 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of ash. The solution is infused for a day, stirred occasionally. The light part is drained and a gauze bag with seeds is placed in this liquid for 3-5 hours.

In succinic acid

A good stimulating effect is obtained by treating seeds before planting in a solution of succinic acid: 15 ml per 1 liter of water. Processing time is 18-24 hours.

In potassium permanganate

Seeds of cucumbers and tomatoes are disinfected for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Immediately after this treatment, they need to be washed with clean water and only after that they can be sown. We recommend reading how to process strawberries ammonia from diseases and pests.

In hydrogen peroxide

The seeds are disinfected in a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes, after which they are washed and planted in the ground.

In mustard

Mustard solution also destroys pathogenic microbes. Add mustard powder to 100 ml of water at the tip of a knife. In the resulting solution, the seeds are disinfected within 6 hours. Then they also need to be dried without washing. We advise you to read why.

Dry heating

A good result is obtained by heating the seeds of cucumbers, peas, and pumpkins in a fruit dryer at a temperature of 40-600. They are scattered in a thin layer and heated for 5 hours. Some crops have such small seeds that sowing them becomes a real test of nerves.

Sowing small seeds using gelatin

  • Pour a glass of warm water over the gelatin packet.
  • Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Add the seeds and continue stirring.
  • Take the liquid into a large syringe without a needle or into a watering can, shake again and “sow” it into the well with a thin stream.