Terms and definitions vestibule. A vestibule is a passage space between external and internal entrance doors

Thermal engineering calculation of a translucent structure in the vestibule area

Definition from wikipedia:

Tambour (French tambour “drum”) is a passage space between doors that serves to protect against the penetration of hot or too cold air, smoke and odors when entering a building, staircase or other premises. Door leaves are not a mandatory element of the vestibule; there are “open vestibules”.

SP 59.13330.2012 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility. Updated version of SNiP 35-01-2001.

Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the required vestibule dimensions for people with disabilities.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

According to SP 50.13330.2012 “Thermal protection of buildings”, clause 5, the reduced heat transfer resistance of external fences Ro, m2*C/W, must be taken not lower than the standardized values ​​Ro reg, which are established according to Table 3 of this SP depending on the degree-day of the heating period .

Minimum Requirements for entrance doors (residential, medical and preventive institutions and children's institutions, schools, boarding schools, hotels and dormitories)

Ro tr. = 0.6 m2*S/W.

For residential premises, medical and preventive care and children's institutions, schools, boarding schools, hotels and dormitories: this also includes a swimming pool (FOC)

We get Ro tr. specified =((2996/2000) * 0.15) + 0.5 = 0.72 m2*C/W - for entrance group vestibule

0.15 is 0.6-0.45 from table 3 SP 50.13330.2012

0.5 from note for b, GSOP up to 6000 from table 3 SP 50.13330.2012

According to SP 50.13330.2012 (SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”), formula 2:

GSOP - degree-days of the heating period, degrees. C*day This indicator is calculated using the formula:

For the Moscow region, for the vestibule:

GSOP = (tin - tot.per.) * Zot.per. = (20 - (+6)) * 214 = 2996 degrees S.*day.

from.per. - average temperature of the heating period, o.C = -3.1 (for the Moscow region (Dmitrov - 3.1; Kashira -3.4); Moscow -2.2 degrees C.).

In our case it will be +6.

According to the set of rules SP 131.13330.2012 (SNiP 23-01-99 "Building climatology and geophysics"), table 3.1 column 11, 12.

Duration, days, and average air temperature, °C, of ​​the period with an average daily air temperature ≤ 8 degrees. WITH.

Zot.trans. - duration of the heating period, days. = 214 days

According to the set of rules SP 131.13330.2012 (SNiP 23-01-99 “Building climatology and geophysics”), table 3.1 column 11, 12. (Dmitrov - 216 days; Kashira - 212 days; Moscow - 205 days).

It is also necessary to pay attention to the section (volume) of the project documentation “Measures to ensure energy efficiency and requirements for equipping buildings with metering devices for energy resources used”, in short, the volume of energy efficiency.

Heat transfer resistance R0 = b/λ (m2*C/W)

b - insulation thickness (m);

λ - calculated thermal conductivity (W/m*C)

The greater the heat transfer resistance R, the more effective the insulation and the more energy-efficient the house.

The condition R∑pr ≥ R∑min must always be satisfied

R∑pr - reduced heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures (m2*C/W)

R∑min - taken according to table 3 SP 50.13330.2012, see calculation above,

will be 0.72 m2*S/W

0 Kelvin = -273.15 degrees C; 283 K = 9.85 degrees C; 298 K = 24.85 degrees C.

For external insulation, we take readings according to SP 23-101-2004 Appendix E

Example Venti Butts, λ25=0.040 W/(m*K) for;

R0 (Venti Butts insulation) = 0.1 m /0.040 W/(m*K) = 2.5 (m2*S/W)

Table 1

According to node 1 we get

λ= 0.032 - calculated thermal conductivity of penoplex (W/m*C)

Penoplex is one of the most economical ways to save energy.

Flammability group G4 according to GOST 30244-94 (highly flammable)

Translucent enclosing structures: all types of enclosing structures, including elements for filling light openings in external walls, which have the function of transmitting visible light.

Penoplex should be used only in the basement of the building due to its high flammability.

Table 2

R0 (penoplex) = 0.032 m / 0.032 (W/m*C) = 1 (m2*C/W) - reduced heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures

1 ≥ 0.72 Condition is met

n is a coefficient that takes into account the dependence of the position of the outer surface of the enclosing structures in relation to the outside air and is given in Table 3;

Table 3

Temperature at inner surface fencing is determined by the formula in accordance with SNiP 02/23/2003 formula (4) “THERMAL PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS”:

According to GOST 30494-2011 "Residential and public buildings", for premises of residential buildings and dormitories

Season of the year - cold

text or tnar - design temperature outside air in cold period year, °C, for all buildings, except industrial buildings intended for seasonal operation, taken equal to average temperature the coldest five-day period with a probability of 0.92., it will be -28

tin or tint - indoor air temperature, degrees. C. = +6 ( thermal curtain in the vestibule)

Temperature on the inner surface of the fence:

τ int = +6 - (1*(+6-(-28))/(1*8.7)) = +2 deg. WITH

Coefficients alpha (internal) or according to the old alpha (int) - heat transfer coefficient of the internal surface of enclosing structures, W/(m*C) according to SNiP 02/23/2003 Thermal protection of buildings, adopted according to Table 4.


    Structural (functional) elements of buildings: apartment, section, above-ground and underground floors, attic, attic, balcony, loggia, terrace, vestibule, etc.

Apartment (see lecture No. 1) a group of interconnected premises intended for living by one family. All rooms of the apartment are divided into two zones: 1 – areas for evening and daytime activity (common room, kitchen), 2 – intimate area (bedroom, bathrooms).

Residential building section- a part of a building whose apartments have access to one staircase directly or through a corridor and are separated from other parts of the building by a blank wall. The length of corridors without lighting at the ends and adjacent to staircase, should not exceed 12 m. The total area of ​​apartments on the section floor should not exceed 500 m2.

Above ground floor- floor when the floor level of the premises is not lower than the planning level of the ground.

Basement floor- floor when the floor level of the premises is below the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the room.

Technical floor- a floor for placing engineering equipment and laying communications; can be located in the lower (technical underground), upper (technical attic) or in the middle part of the building.

Ground floor- floor when the floor level of the premises is below the planning level of the ground to a height of no more than half the height of the premises.

*Attic floor (ATTIC)- a floor in the attic space, the facade of which is formed entirely or partially by a surface (surfaces) inclined or sloping roof, while the line of intersection of the roof plane and the facade should be at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level of the attic floor.

Attic- the space between the surface of the covering (roof), external walls and the ceiling of the upper floor.

Staircase-elevator unit- a room designed to accommodate vertical communications, - staircases and elevators.

Elevator hall- the room in front of the elevator entrances.

Balcony- a fenced area protruding from the plane of the facade wall, serving for recreation in summer time.

Veranda- a glazed, unheated room attached to or built into a building.

Loggia- a room covered and fenced in plan on three sides, open to the outside space, serving for recreation in the summer and sun protection.

Terrace- a fenced open extension to the building in the form of a recreation area, which may have a roof; placed on the ground or above the floor below.

Cold Pantry- a storage room with an area of ​​up to 2 m2, located in the unheated volume of the apartment.

Ventilation shaft- a hollow vertical space protected by a ventilation grill for the entire height of the building with a horizontal section of at least 1/30 of the total area of ​​all ventilated apartments on the floor.

Bay window- a part of the room extending from the plane of the facade, partially or completely glazed, improving its illumination.

Tambour- passage space between doors, which serves to protect against the penetration of cold air, smoke and odors when entering a building, staircase or other premises.

    Foundations and foundations. General information: types of soil foundations; types of foundations; depth of foundations, requirements for foundations.

1. Basic concepts

Fig.2.1. Foundation diagram

1 – foundation – an underground or underwater part of a building that receives the load and transfers it to the base.

3.4 - Foundation - layering of soils that absorb the load from the foundation.

3 – load-bearing layer in which the base of the foundation is located;

4 – underlying layers of the base

5 – foundation base – the plane on which the foundation rests on the ground;

6 – foundation edge – upper boundary between the foundation and the superstructure

H – foundation height – distance between the sole and the edge

D – foundation depth – distance from the leveling surface of the earth to the base of the foundation

2. Depth of foundations

The depth of the foundation depends on:

    depth of soil freezing (climatic region);

    geological and hydrological conditions of the site (types of soil, their physical condition, depth of strong soil, presence groundwater(groundwater level - GWL), their elevations and fluctuations);

    design features of the building (for example: the presence or absence of a basement);

    the magnitude and nature of loads on the foundation;

    foundation depths of adjacent buildings

The depth of the foundation is taken according to paragraphs. 2.25-2.33. SNiP 2.02.01-83* “Foundations of buildings and structures.”

3. Types of bases

3.1. According to engineering-geological characteristics, foundations can be

A) rocky and semi-rocky(cemented rocks in the form of a continuous massif)

Rocky soils occur in continuous masses or in fractured layers and (in the absence of cracks or voids) are the most durable foundation.

Rocky soils include granites, quartzites, sandstones, limestones, etc.

Soils that have a compressive strength of a sample in a water-saturated state of less than 50 kg/cm2 are called semi-rocky soils (soluble gypsum and gypsum sandstones, dense clays and sandstones).

Pros (+): durable;

Cons (-): can collapse along cracks under the influence of precipitation and wastewater;

B) coarse soils

They are unconnected rock fragments containing over 50% fragments larger than 2 mm.

They are divided into crushed stone, gruss, pebbles and gravel.

Not subject to swelling, low compressibility, not washed away by water.

+: the foundations made from them are reliable.

B) sandy soils

Consist of particles ranging in size from 0.1 to 2.0 mm and.

They are divided into gravelly, large, medium-sized, small and silty, and according to their mineral composition - into quartz, slate and calcareous. Quartz sands are the most durable.

With an increase in the content of dust and clay particles, the strength of sandy soil decreases.

Due to significant water permeability, moistening gravelly, coarse and medium-sized sands has almost no effect on their mechanical properties, and when fine and silty sands are saturated with water, the latter become fluid (quicksand).

+: large and clean sands do not swell when freezing, give rapid, final settlement under load and are a good foundation.

G) clay soils

Soils that have plasticity and cohesion.

They consist of tiny, scaly particles with dimensions less than 0.005 mm in plan and thickness less than 0.001 mm. Due to the large specific contact surface and the presence of thin capillaries that absorb groundwater, a mutual attraction of particles is created, causing the viscosity of clay soils.

Clay soils include clay, sandy loam and loam.

Clay is a clayey soil containing more than 30% clay particles; loam - soil containing from 10 to 30% of the same particles, and sandy loam - from 3 to 10%.

+: in a solid and slightly moist state – good bases

-: in a plastic state – low load-bearing capacity;

D) soils of special condition

Frozen and permafrost soils;

Loess, subsidence (gives a sharp decline when soaking)

Quicksand sands (mobile, low bearing capacity)

Water-saturated sands (give subsidence under dynamic and vibration loads)

Tambour at the entrance- the passage space between the doors, which serves to protect against the penetration of cold air when entering the building.

In some cases, there may be no vestibule at the facility. If there is no vestibule, only the entrance door and the threshold to it are examined. The absence of a vestibule does not affect accessibility.

SP 59.13330.2016 - 6.1.8 The depth of vestibules and vestibules with direct movement and one-way opening of doors must be at least 2.45 m with a width not less than 1.6 m.

With sequential The location of the hinged doors must ensure that the minimum free space between them is not less than 1.4 m plus the width of the door leaf opening inward between the door space.

Often this room is limited in size, which creates difficulties for a disabled person when entering (from the building). The standards determine the minimum dimensions of vestibules required for the passage of wheelchair users.

SP 59.13330.2016 - 6.1.8 Free space the door on the handle side should have: when opening away from you - at least 0.3 m, when opening towards you - at least 0.6 m.

With a vestibule depth of 1.8 m to 1.5 m (during reconstruction), its width must be at least 2.3 m.

At existing facilities, the dimensions of vestibules are acceptable to ensure safe passage for people with disabilities in wheelchairs not less than 1.5 x 2.0 m.

Vestibule depth determined in the direction of movement from the front door, width - across the direction.

For vestibules with a turn, it is permissible to indicate the dimensions in any order.

In practice, there are vestibules of various layouts. To prevent drafts, you can often find offset doors in vestibules. The dimensions of the vestibules may differ from the standard ones. For independent passage of a disabled person in a wheelchair, it is necessary to provide a free zone in the vestibule with a diameter of minimum 1.2 m, which does not intersect with the door opening area.

Prevents the penetration of fire, gases, steam, dust and others harmful substances from one room to another, as well as to maintain the specified parameters of the air environment in the premises.


Entrance vestibules are designed to protect against the penetration of cold air when opening doors. In areas with long cold periods and strong winds, double vestibules are installed, in conditions middle zone ordinary single vestibules are arranged; in southern regions with a hot climate, exits are arranged without vestibules. :256 There is a known case when in a residential building built in 1918, in front of the entrance to the vestibule there was a porch-vestibule without doors with an open flight of stairs and a locker lined vertical board and covered with an independent pitched roof.


The width of the vestibules is taken to be 0.5 meters greater than the width of the openings (0.25 meters on each side of the opening), and the depth is greater than the width door leaf by 0.2 meters, but not less than 1.2 meters. :255 The protective properties of vestibules depend on their layout. Airlocks require dimensions that allow you to enter, close the doors behind you, and open the next door. Based on these conditions, the depth of the airlock vestibule is taken to be 30 cm greater than the width of the door, but not less than 1.2 meters, and the width is 0.6 meters greater than the width of the doorway. :256

In vestibule locks of rooms of categories A and B, rooms with the release of harmful gases or vapors of hazard classes 1 and 2, mechanical protection should be provided supply ventilation with the supply of outside air to create overpressure around the clock and all year round.

Tambour locks in fire barriers must be protected by deluge curtains with a specific flow rate of at least 1 l/(s m). As a rule, curtains should be installed inside the vestibule; taking into account the specific conditions of the protected object, they can be provided in two threads, both inside and outside.

It is prohibited to install clothes dryers, hangers, wardrobes in exit vestibules (except for apartments and individual residential buildings), as well as to store (including temporarily) equipment and materials.

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Excerpt characterizing Tambur

“I don’t take back my word on anything,” he said. - And then, Sonya is such a charm that what fool would refuse his happiness?
“No, no,” Natasha screamed. “We’ve already talked about this with her.” We knew you would say this. But this is impossible, because, you know, if you say that - you consider yourself bound by the word, then it turns out that she seemed to say it on purpose. It turns out that you are still forcibly marrying her, and it turns out completely different.
Rostov saw that all this was well thought out by them. Sonya amazed him with her beauty yesterday too. Today, having caught a glimpse of her, she seemed even better to him. She was a lovely 16-year-old girl, obviously loving him passionately (he did not doubt this for a minute). Why shouldn’t he love her now, and not even marry her, Rostov thought, but now there are so many other joys and activities! “Yes, they came up with this perfectly,” he thought, “we must remain free.”
“Well, great,” he said, “we’ll talk later.” Oh, how glad I am for you! - he added.
- Well, why didn’t you cheat on Boris? - asked the brother.
- This is nonsense! – Natasha shouted laughing. “I don’t think about him or anyone else and I don’t want to know.”
- That's how it is! So what are you doing?
- I? – Natasha asked again, and a happy smile lit up her face. -Have you seen Duport?
- No.
– Have you seen the famous Duport the dancer? Well, you won't understand. That's what I am. – Natasha took her skirt, rounding her arms, as they dance, ran a few steps, turned over, did an entreche, kicked her leg against the leg and, standing on the very tips of her socks, walked a few steps.
- Am I standing? after all, she said; but couldn’t help herself on her tiptoes. - So that’s what I am! I will never marry anyone, but will become a dancer. Just don't tell anyone.
Rostov laughed so loudly and cheerfully that Denisov from his room became envious, and Natasha could not resist laughing with him. - No, it’s good, isn’t it? – she kept saying.
- Okay, don’t you want to marry Boris anymore?
Natasha flushed. - I don’t want to marry anyone. I'll tell him the same thing when I see him.
- That's how it is! - said Rostov.
“Well, yes, it’s all nothing,” Natasha continued to chatter. - Why is Denisov good? – she asked.
- Good.
- Well, goodbye, get dressed. Is he scary, Denisov?
- Why is it scary? – asked Nicholas. - No. Vaska is nice.
- You call him Vaska - strange. And that he is very good?
- Very good.
- Well, come quickly and drink tea. All together.
And Natasha stood on tiptoe and walked out of the room the way dancers do, but smiling the way only happy 15-year-old girls smile. Having met Sonya in the living room, Rostov blushed. He didn't know how to deal with her. Yesterday they kissed in the first minute of the joy of their date, but today they felt that it was impossible to do this; he felt that everyone, his mother and sisters, looked at him questioningly and expected from him how he would behave with her. He kissed her hand and called her you - Sonya. But their eyes, having met, said “you” to each other and kissed tenderly. With her gaze she asked him for forgiveness for the fact that at Natasha’s embassy she dared to remind him of his promise and thanked him for his love. With his gaze he thanked her for the offer of freedom and said that one way or another, he would never stop loving her, because it was impossible not to love her.
“How strange it is,” said Vera, choosing a general moment of silence, “that Sonya and Nikolenka now met like strangers.” – Vera’s remark was fair, like all her comments; but like most of her remarks, everyone felt awkward, and not only Sonya, Nikolai and Natasha, but also the old countess, who was afraid of this son’s love for Sonya, which could deprive him of a brilliant party, also blushed like a girl. Denisov, to Rostov’s surprise, in a new uniform, pomaded and perfumed, appeared in the living room as dandy as he was in battle, and as amiable with ladies and gentlemen as Rostov had never expected to see him.

Returning to Moscow from the army, Nikolai Rostov was received by his family as best son, hero and beloved Nikolushka; relatives - as a sweet, pleasant and respectful young man; acquaintances - like a handsome hussar lieutenant, a deft dancer and one of the best grooms in Moscow.
The Rostovs knew all of Moscow; this year the old count had enough money, because all his estates had been remortgaged, and therefore Nikolushka, having got his own trotter and the most fashionable leggings, special ones that no one else in Moscow had, and boots, the most fashionable, with the most pointed socks and little silver spurs, had a lot of fun. Rostov, returning home, experienced a pleasant feeling after some period of time trying on himself to the old living conditions. It seemed to him that he had matured and grown very much. Despair for failing to pass an exam according to the law of God, borrowing money from Gavrila for a cab driver, secret kisses with Sonya, he remembered all this as childishness, from which he was now immeasurably far away. Now he is a hussar lieutenant in a silver mentic, with a soldier's George, preparing his trotter to run, together with famous hunters, elderly, respectable. He knows a lady on the boulevard whom he goes to see in the evening. He conducted a mazurka at the Arkharovs’ ball, talked about the war with Field Marshal Kamensky, visited an English club, and was on friendly terms with a forty-year-old colonel whom Denisov introduced him to.
His passion for the sovereign weakened somewhat in Moscow, since he did not see him during this time. But he often talked about the sovereign, about his love for him, making it felt that he was not telling everything yet, that there was something else in his feelings for the sovereign that could not be understood by everyone; and with all my heart he shared the general feeling of adoration in Moscow at that time for Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, who in Moscow at that time was given the name of an angel in the flesh.
During this short stay of Rostov in Moscow, before leaving for the army, he did not become close, but on the contrary, broke up with Sonya. She was very pretty, sweet, and obviously passionately in love with him; but he was in that time of youth when there seems to be so much to do that there is no time to do it, and the young man is afraid to get involved - he values ​​​​his freedom, which he needs for many other things. When he thought about Sonya during this new stay in Moscow, he said to himself: Eh! there will be many more, many more of these, somewhere, still unknown to me. I’ll still have time to make love when I want, but now there’s no time. In addition, it seemed to him that there was something humiliating for his courage in female society. He went to balls and sororities, pretending that he was doing it against his will. Running, an English club, carousing with Denisov, a trip there - that was another matter: it was befitting of a fine hussar.

Has anyone ever wondered why the door in the apartment is not covered with frost during the cold season? Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is good thermal insulation doors. But that's not all. The main reason for the lack of ice on the door is the presence of a vestibule - a small space separating the entrance doors to the apartment and the street ones. This room can also be found in a private house. But first things first.

General concept of vestibule

There are several meanings for a vestibule room, but they all essentially boil down to one thing. So, a vestibule is a separate room or a small part of it that prevents cold air from entering directly into living rooms. It serves as a place where street and home air meet.

Another purpose of the vestibule is to retain dirt, dust and sand carried on the soles of shoes. No matter what kind of rug is laid in front of the front door or inside the apartment or house, it will not be able to ensure complete cleanliness. But a separate room where you can exchange street shoes for indoor ones will cope with this task.

There are no building codes that would regulate the mandatory dimensions of the vestibule. But when designing it, you should take into account at least the width internal door, which usually opens outwards. Therefore, the minimum depth of the vestibule should be 1.3-1.5 m. If it is intended additional use vestibule space, then, accordingly, its area must be increased.

Location of the vestibule and its necessity

According to its location, the vestibule can be built into the house or in the form of an extension (in a private

In public institutions there is also often a vestibule. In this case, during its construction it should be taken into account that what more people will come/leave at the same time, the more complex the vestibule plan should be. Otherwise there will be no meaning from it at all, because... cold air will quickly get inside.

Many people believe that a vestibule is a completely unnecessary room in the house. It either eats up part of the living space or requires additional costs to the extension. In fact, the costs of its construction are quite justified, because... heating a home with a vestibule requires significantly less money than without it. This is especially noticeable in areas where the cold season lasts quite a long time.

Tambour in a private house

The construction of a vestibule was invented quite a long time ago, when a small extension to a private house was called the word “canopy.” Today, such a room can be decorated in any style and used not only as a buffer zone. For example, using double-glazed windows, you can build air structure, which will perfectly perform the main functions of the vestibule. If the room is spacious enough and the windows are large, you will get an excellent veranda on which you can gather guests at the table in the warm season.

The vestibule room can have not only internal and external doors, but also an entrance to another separate room. So, often an entrance is made from the vestibule. Then in wet or cold weather there will be no need to go outside to get into the car, and gasoline vapors will not penetrate into the home. An additional door can also lead to a utility building or boiler room.

Tambour in an apartment building

Tambour in the entrance, directly at the entrance, in modern houses doesn't always happen. More precisely, there is a room and an entrance door, of course. But the next internal door separating the entrance to the stairs may not exist.

vestibule in apartment building also called a room that separates 2 or more apartments from the rest of the corridor. Such a barrier is usually made not by developers, but by the owners themselves after moving in. If we turn to the legislation in this case, then such premises are possible only if the other owners of the apartments located on this floor are not against redevelopment. Also, when constructing a vestibule in an apartment building, the following conditions should be taken into account:

  • entrance doors to neighbors' apartments should open unhindered;
  • common areas should not be located in a separate area electrical panels, cables, etc.

Vestibule finishing

First of all, finishing the vestibule is necessary in a private house. It is advisable to additionally insulate the attached room using thermal insulation materials. They can be fixed both indoors and outdoors. The thermal insulation layer is puttied on top and proceeded to. Materials for the outside are selected in accordance with the general concept of the house.

The built-in vestibule does not require additional insulation; finishing will be sufficient for it. The walls of the vestibule room can be painted, textured plaster applied to them, plastic panels- i.e. use materials that do not react to temperature changes and are not afraid of cold.

The flooring of the vestibule should be selected so that it meets the following parameters:

  • was durable;
  • durable (or at least easy to install);
  • easy to care for.

Both linoleum and ceramic tiles, and porcelain stoneware. If desired, you can use more expensive materials, for example, a stone.

Often in apartment buildings, a vestibule is a room used by residents of two or more apartments. And therefore there may be no finishing at all. But if relations between neighbors are good, then finishing performed jointly. In this case, the materials chosen are similar to those used in the vestibule of a private house.

Operation of the vestibule room

In addition to the main functions of protecting living quarters from cold and dirt, the vestibule can serve as a storage room. If the area of ​​the room allows, then you can put a cabinet in it, for example, for tools or sports equipment. The entrance vestibule in an apartment building can be used for storing various food supplies, because, unlike a similar room in a private house, there will be no negative temperatures, but it won't be too warm.

In a small room, you can simply lay out and install a small shelf for shoes. In order for the mat to truly trap dirt, it should be chosen especially carefully. IN in this case A fine metal mesh with a rubber base is suitable. The base will prevent the mat from slipping, and dust and sand will settle in the mesh cells.

Vestibule heating

There is a lot of controversy regarding heating a vestibule room. A vestibule in a private house is one situation. By building regulations there heating devices cannot be installed. Firstly, this can lead to freezing of the coolant. Secondly, even if it does not freeze, the cost of heating itself will increase. This is also not very profitable. Therefore, if you have a strong desire to provide the vestibule with additional heating, you should opt for a heated floor system. It will warm the room a little and dry wet shoes.

An alternative option is to install a split system above entrance doors. The outer doors will then be separated by a jet warm air. It is not necessary to choose a large system power (considering small size premises), and it will not work all the time. This method is often used by public institutions ( shopping centers, banks and other institutions). Naturally, in this case, the power of the split system should be greater than in a private house.

In apartments, additional insulation is rarely used in vestibules, because... There are heating devices in the entrance and they are enough to warm up the room a little. But if there is a goal, for example, to dry shoes in the wet and cold seasons, then a heated floor system would also be appropriate in this situation. Another point is connecting the vestibule to the apartment and insulating it. But such an action is illegal, because... The vestibule in this case is part of the general corridor and cannot be assigned.

What is also called a vestibule?

A vestibule is not only a room that protects the living space from cold and dirt. There is another meaning of this word. So, vestibule also means special kind knitting (embroidery).

In addition, there is a vestibule in the train carriage. It also protects the interior from cold, smoke and wind.

Whether to build a vestibule in a private house, whether to separate the apartment with an additional door from the site or not - each owner decides for himself, but the presence of this small room, obviously, has a lot of positive aspects.