Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home. Turpentine in folk medicine - benefits, harm, recipes

Hello again, dear readers and, I really hope today, readers! This time we will discuss the problem of health, longevity and eternal youth. Are you already interested? Of course, everyone wishes for eternal youth!

But there will be no sensations today, and I won’t reveal any secrets, these are just turpentine baths, indications and contraindications for use and their therapeutic effect.

I became interested in this issue on the eve of my vacation. As you know, the sea is not for me; I prefer calmer places. Last year I vacationed in Kislovodsk, with its famous park, cleanest air and temperate climate. And now I’m thinking about the same direction, perhaps it will be Pyatigorsk or Essentuki, I haven’t decided yet. But here you will definitely be offered a full range of services, so to speak, “full stuffing”. But first...

From this article you will learn:

About turpentine baths and indications for their use

Do you know what turpentine is? No? And it is not surprising that everyone will immediately remember paint thinner, a solution for removing difficult stains, and similar chemistry that is not at all medical in nature. I thought so too when I first heard about turpentine baths Oh. And imagine my surprise when I realized that, apparently, I “scraped” chemistry at school.

It turns out that turpentine is extracted from oleoresin - resin coniferous trees(this is in case someone at school, like me in chemistry, “scraped” botany). And turpentine baths were practiced long before the advent of turpentine itself.

Treatment was carried out using the most common pine baths, until someone thought of isolating its most active component from natural raw materials. Whether the “discoverer of the substance” did the right thing is, of course, an interesting question. After all, the most useful product– natural. But in some cases it is better to use a concentrate, it is more active, and therefore faster.

There are several recipes for therapeutic baths with turpentine. Each of them has its own indications and contraindications. But in general, you can count on a positive effect in the following cases:

  • any types of arthritis;
  • heart disease – angina pectoris, consequences of a heart attack;
  • hypertension;
  • osteochondrosis and all diseases associated with impaired tissue trophism;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica);
  • rheumatism;
  • neuritis;
  • consequences of polio;
  • injuries and their consequences;
  • promote wound healing, including postoperative wounds.

According to some reports, even with ankylosing spondylitis, the symptoms become less pronounced.

However, these turpentine baths are not such a harmless remedy; in addition to the indications, contraindications must also be taken into account. There are several types of emulsion, some are liquid, some are dry, so let’s not rush, let’s go in order.

What are turpentine baths and how to take them

Alexander Solomonovich Zalmanov is considered the founder of this trend in balneology. Using his method, many diseases that were previously on the list of incurables began to be treatable or at least improve their condition. According to reviews of doctors and contemporaries famous doctor and his followers (already our contemporaries), the methods are effective and efficient. They have been used for many years both in medical and sanatorium institutions, and at home.

When I found out how many procedures I needed to undergo to achieve results for my “beloved and adored” osteochondrosis, I became a little depressed. And I was happy about the fact that the course can be continued at home. I will still undergo the first procedures in a sanatorium, where doctors are nearby (you never know), and then I will become “my own doctor.”

Attention! Eat folk recipes preparing turpentine-based compositions yourself. I personally would not risk conducting such experiments. It is better to buy a ready-made emulsion for baths at a pharmacy - everything is checked there down to the last gram. Well, by at least– for the first procedures, a ready-made substance is definitely better.

Useful information can be gleaned from this video:

Yellow baths

First of all, about the composition: in addition to turpentine, it also contains oleic acid, castor and fir oils, and water. Whoever guesses the ratio of components in the emulsion will immediately receive a pharmacist diploma! I think it’s difficult for an engineer or a teacher to do this, and is it even necessary?!

Several more are added to the general list of indications for this “color” procedure:

  • hypertension (due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, capillaries expand and blood pressure drops);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • eye diseases (if you have retinal artery thrombosis, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist);
  • muscle atrophy, and progressive;
  • varicose veins;
  • gynecology (inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system, almost all).

Well, further on the list that we have already discussed. Special attention for hypertensive patients - under no circumstances should you do this during periods of exacerbation, and specialists will not take care of you (unless, of course, they are “medical businessmen”).

Now more detailed instructions for those who want to do this procedure at home.


The regularity of taking baths is once every two to three days. More often it is not necessary.

For the first time, add 20 ml of emulsion. With each subsequent procedure it is increased by 10 ml. BUT! only if well tolerated. If the sensations cause significant discomfort, it is better not to increase the dose until the body gets used to this type of therapy.

We bring the volume of the yellow emulsion to 120 ml and stop there.

The number of procedures ranges from 10-12 to 17-18. Each specific disease has its own tactics. This is a serious reason to consult a doctor for advice before starting the turpentine “period in life.” And I never tire of repeating the popular wisdom: “Everything is good in moderation.” Be reasonable.


You can swim in turpentine water not for as long as you like, but for a certain amount of time. After all, gum extract, as we have already found out, has a powerful warming effect.

  1. The first two or three procedures will be enough for a quarter of an hour.
  2. The next four baths can be carried out within 16 minutes.
  3. Five more - 17-18 minutes each.
  4. Next, gradually increase to 20, but no more.

Why? You will understand this when you learn about temperature indicators.


Here, dear readers, be especially careful. You’re not Ivanushka from the fairy tale, and you don’t want to be boiled in a cauldron of boiling water (or milk, that doesn’t matter). We are here to prolong life and restore youth!

  1. Start the first four “swims” at 36°C, gradually increasing the value to 39°C over five minutes.
  2. Next, three procedures begin at the same 36°C, for five minutes - 39°C, the last four minutes - 40°C.
  3. From the eighth bath the temperature will be 36°C - 39°C - 41°C.
  4. Well, starting from the 12th procedure (if anyone needs it according to the course), you can bring the “water space of the bathroom” to 42°C for the last four minutes (but no more!!!)

When removing yourself from the water, put on a terry robe or your favorite pajamas, blotting off the moisture before doing so. There is no need to rub yourself dry, as you will dry out from your own body temperature. Get into bed and sleep. If anyone doesn’t like the smell of turpentine (and you will smell like a freshly cut Christmas tree), let him either close his nose or retreat quietly. After all, you are not doing nonsense, but taking care of your own health!

Here's how to take turpentine water treatments with yellow emulsion.

White baths

Again the composition. In addition to turpentine there is:

  • distilled water,
  • salicylic acid (not to be confused with aspirin - acetylsalicylic acid),
  • extracts of various herbs and
  • perfume in powder form baby soap.

It won’t be easy to put together such an ensemble yourself, won’t it?!

This procedure is slightly different from the previous one. Hypotension should be added to the indications listed above. Unlike yellow baths, white baths help increase blood pressure. Further, everything is according to the previously approved list.

The principle of implementation is almost the same as that of the yellow ones, but here there are differences, albeit minor ones. But pay attention to them, it’s not for nothing that Zalmanov prescribed it this way.

  1. The dosage of white emulsion starts with 20 ml. and with each subsequent bath it increases by 5 ml.
  2. The time of “lying” in the aromatic liquid does not exceed a quarter of an hour, only the last 3-4 sessions can be increased by a minute or two - but no more.
  3. Temperature: 36°C, within five minutes bring to 38°C and maintain until the end of the stay in the water. Only from the twelfth procedure can you increase to 39.5°C.
  4. You should take water procedures every other day for the first five days, and then twice a week to avoid unnecessary irritation.
  5. The number of baths is from 10-12. The maximum course will be prescribed by the doctor in accordance with your “bouquet” of ailments.

The sensations while lying in the water and for 15-45 minutes after swimming can be quite extravagant - tingling, slight burning. If there is nothing extraordinary, there is no need to be afraid, everything is going fine.

Important! Before “diving” you need to lubricate, sorry, all intimate places with a rich cream. The mucous membranes are very delicate and irritation in such a place is completely unnecessary. Remember the saying: “He runs like he’s smeared with turpentine!” Do you need it? I think, not sure, it’s quite the opposite.

Mixed baths

And here, as creative people would say: “Flight of fancy, our own script, selection of actors and direction of the film.” But I wouldn't be so categorical. And now I will explain why.

As you already understood, mixed is because two emulsions are combined. But what about the difference in action in the light of hypertension? What will happen to the pressure in this case? It’s difficult to predict, and who will take it?

So it’s better to let mixed baths be prescribed and carried out by those who are supposed to do it - doctors. They will study you from head to toe, find out all your ins and outs (not for the sake of self-interest, but only by the will of Hippocrates who sent them) and draw a conclusion - it is necessary this way and not otherwise. I personally wouldn’t risk experimenting on my own. To my shame, there have been a number of such experiences in my life and not all of them left happy memories.

Do you think that you are absolutely healthy and there is no need for such water procedures? Sorry if I upset you, but doctors joke: “There are no healthy patients, there are underexamined ones.” Are you still sure that this is not about you? Then congratulations, hurry up to simply rejuvenate and improve the condition of your skin.

Are you surprised? As I understand you. I had the same feeling when I read the title: “Balm “Figure” - dry turpentine bath for ideal forms" Bath and suddenly dry!

And this is an alternative to water procedures in those moments when you have a break in the course or you are in a place where it is impossible to carry out procedures. What's the fun, you ask? I answer - this means for losing weight is no worse than the baths themselves.

I humbly apologize for not mentioning this property of “multi-colored” and mixed baths. Thanks to the activation of all metabolic processes, they force the body to intensively remove waste, toxins, excess water and, lo and behold, “decompose” fats! According to reviews from those who have lost weight this way, it works great, just decide what your blood pressure is.

I confess honestly - overweight I don’t suffer, except in certain places. That's why dry formulations have become more interesting to me. You can rub problem areas with them, preferably at night, wrap yourself in a blanket and go to sleep.

But even here I must add a little “fine in the ointment” - those who like to eat tasty and plentiful meals and lie on the sofa with a book or in front of the TV are unlikely to have any hope for results. Physical training, active recreation, walks on fresh air And proper diet no one canceled!!!


It’s unfortunate to report this after a whole “ode of praise” to turpentine and baths with it, but I have to disappoint you a little. There are contraindications, and they are not as few as we would like.

  1. Diseases of an inflammatory or infectious nature in the acute period are a direct contraindication to any water procedures, and this one in particular.
  2. Waiting for the baby and the feeding period. Mothers will understand that what is more important at this very moment is not perfect figure, and the health of the little screaming lump. And we’ll correct the forms a little later – right?!
  3. Critically increased or decreased blood pressure. Where to go to the bath with galloping blood pressure?!
  4. Serious liver damage - failure, cirrhosis and some others.
  5. Psychosis – its acute form or history.
  6. Drunk in the bath (even just a little) - no, no!
  7. While taking certain medications - antibiotics or hormonal drugs (including contraceptives).

Well, the issue that remains controversial is tuberculosis. Some doctors advise to be treated in this way during remission, while some are categorically against it. If they don’t come to a common opinion, what can we mortals say about it?!

The harm of turpentine baths will be obvious if you do not adhere to the general canons and give up on all the “don’ts.”

Small addition

I would like to draw your attention to a disease such as psoriasis. A terrible, body-disfiguring pathology that causes a lot of trouble for both women and men. In addition to cosmetic defects, there are also medical problems, which owners of such non-exotic clothes are undoubtedly aware of. lately charms.

This ailment can be successfully overcome (or at least “put in its place”) with the help of yellow baths, since they contain much fewer irritating components and they practically do not cause discomfort, unless in very rare cases.

About Skipofit turpentine baths. In addition to the balm, which we have already mentioned, there are a number of products for carrying out procedures with oleoresin extract and a whole range of useful components: classic, therapeutic, multi-active, with a cooling effect. Each type has its own indications and method of use, which is included in the instructions.

About what is important for parents. Since these baths are so praised in the light of their positive effect on the body, improving general condition, increasing immunity, is it possible for children to have such procedures? It is possible, but only after consulting a pediatrician, following all recommendations and observing all criteria: time, dosage of the drug, number of baths, and so on.

That's all, dear ladies and gentlemen, in a nutshell. I hope that the information about turpentine baths was useful, and you now know about all the indications and contraindications for the procedure. If you have any questions, write, we will certainly find the answer. Subscribe to updates and invite your friends to join you, it’s more fun together.

One of the treatment methods large group diseases are turpentine baths, obtained from the trunks and resin of conifers. It is a white to yellow liquid with a sharp, specific odor. For the first time, official medicine recognized turpentine oil as a remedy after the research of Doctor of Medical Sciences Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov, who developed a method for treating various diseases using turpentine baths.

Taking Zalmanov baths helps fight diseases of almost all systems of the human body. However, there are also a number contraindications for taking turpentine baths.

Benefits of turpentine baths:

What is the secret of turpentine? It's hidden in it chemical composition, containing a huge amount of substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The use of turpentine oil for baths, rubbing and compresses has various positive effects:

  • helps remove toxins and waste from the body, breaks down fats and acts as a catalyst to speed up metabolism;
  • has a relaxing and calming effect on the nervous system;
  • restores impaired lymph flow;
  • gently affecting the skin, helps to narrow pores and overall cleanse it;
  • has strong anti-inflammatory and antibactericidal properties;
  • helps reduce pain from bruises, arthrosis, sprains;
  • effectively affects the respiratory system during any inflammatory processes occurring in it, as well as colds, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • in combination with other medications helps in the treatment of hypertension, hypotension, and various female diseases.

Contraindications and harm of turpentine baths:

To identify the need for Zalmanov’s procedures, as well as to avoid negative consequences for the body, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Indeed, despite the obvious effect, there are also contraindications for turpentine baths: pregnancy, internal or external bleeding, age under 10 years, post-infarction and post-stroke condition, allergy to turpentine, skin diseases and lesions, breast-feeding, cancerous tumors, heart disease.

If one of the above diseases is detected, it is necessary to completely or temporarily stop taking turpentine baths. Otherwise, skin rashes, itching and other negative consequences, leading to a deterioration in health and general well-being.

Video turpentine baths:

The problem of reducing excess body weight still remains relevant. The beauty and health industry is working at full capacity to solve it. Nutritionists are creating new and improved diets. Trainers in fitness centers invent unusual sets of exercises and a variety of equipment for training. The pharmaceutical industry is producing more and more medicines that help sufferers lose weight quickly. The scope of work in cosmetology is expanding, and its modern achievements, including hardware techniques, are coming to the aid of those who wish.

The second name for turpentine is turpentine oil. This substance is completely natural and of plant origin, being nothing more than an essential oil. It is extracted from pine resin (resin, or turpentine). The substance got its name due to its protective properties. Released from wounds on the trunk, the resin hardens on it, covering the vulnerable area with a dense film, and prevents infection, pests and fungus from penetrating into the tree. The basis of turpentine is the substances on which all essential oils are based.

WITH medicinal properties people have known sap for more than a millennium. More healers Ancient Egypt They made compresses and poultices from dry pine and fir needles, which contain a lot of resin-balsamic components and turpentine oil. It was used to stop bleeding, disinfect and heal wounds. During the period when the plague was raging, medieval healers used oleoresin as a remedy for this disease, because its vapors have a bactericidal effect. Domestic doctors in the 19th century noted the benefits of pine resin in the treatment of rheumatism and gout.

Given that healing properties Turpentine oil has been studied by medicine for a long time; for a long time, only its external use in the form of ointments and rubbings was recommended.

Basics of the beneficial effects of turpentine

The usefulness of a bath with an extract of pine resin (with turpentine) was scientifically substantiated thanks to A. S. Zalmanov back in 1904. This scientist practiced widely in medicinal purposes a wide variety of baths (based on herbs, salts and others) and was able to prove their beneficial effect on human body. He achieved the dissolution of turpentine oil in water, developed and confirmed scientific theory about healing diseases various kinds using turpentine. Zalmanov's discoveries became a breakthrough in medicine and made his name world famous.

Turpentine baths for weight loss according to Zalmanov’s method are based on the use of natural gum turpentine, obtained from the resin of coniferous trees by distillation through steam. This substance does not contain impurities of dirt and harmful components, and the benefits of its use are enormous due to the preservation of the activity of medicinal elements. Penetrating into the body through the epidermis, they have a comprehensive healing effect on the entire human skin.

Capillaries are primarily exposed to the beneficial effects of turpentine. With age, these areas circulatory system They become less active, expand and contract less frequently, which disrupts the nutrition of cells and tissues with blood that carries oxygen and necessary substances to them. The reason for negative changes in capillaries lies in poor metabolism and the deposition of harmful, toxic elements that clog blood vessels. Due to such disturbances, cell death occurs.

Zalmanov’s baths with turpentine help restore blood flow and normalize the functioning of the entire body. When the work of all systems of the human body is stabilized, a person’s overall well-being improves, metabolism accelerates, and the process of natural weight loss begins.

The benefits of baths with gum turpentine for weight loss

The results of studies on the use of the Zalmanov method in relation to weight loss are impressive. The expansion and activation of the functioning of capillaries leads to the restoration of microcirculation of blood and lymph, promoting the removal of toxic elements from cells and reducing cholesterol levels, and improving blood supply to problem areas. Thanks to this, fat metabolism is restored and the signs of cellulite are smoothed out.

Using turpentine-based baths for weight loss is an effective method, but you shouldn’t expect miracles from it.

You can find information that, using water procedures alone, it is quite possible to lose up to 2 kg of excess body weight in 7 days. But these are nothing more than myths. But the truth is that dissolved turpentine itself does not reduce weight. This is a natural reaction of the body to normalize metabolic processes. That's why it's so fast weight loss belongs rather to the category of fantastic promises. But if you regularly take baths with natural turpentine and do it correctly, fat deposits will gradually be destroyed, weight will decrease, and the hated " orange peel» – decrease. The advantage of this simple but effective means It is also clear that the return of lost body weight is unlikely. This will only happen if the metabolism is disrupted again due to an incorrect lifestyle.

You can speed up the process of losing weight if you supplement your turpentine baths with a diet, a balanced diet, and sufficient physical activity. Separately, these measures cannot be called completely effective. Eating low-calorie foods and grueling workouts in the gym will not bring the desired result if you do not first normalize your metabolism. Zalmanov's bath with turpentine will help reduce appetite and prepare the body to calmly accept its natural weight.

Real reviews of women who have taken turpentine baths show that by taking them, you can lose 15 kg within six months. Therefore, in order to attract attention with a beautiful figure in the summer, it is better to start procedures in the winter.

Types of turpentine baths

Zalmanov developed three types of turpentine-based baths:

  • White baths with turpentine;
  • mixed.

Each of them affects the body in its own way. The use of white turpentine emulsion helps the capillaries to open, while yellow emulsion helps cleanse toxins and toxic elements. Mixed turpentine baths are good for body shaping.

In addition to turpentine, the white emulsion contains:

  • water purified from minerals;
  • salicylic acid;
  • herbal extract;
  • a powder made from baby soap that is used as a fragrance.

Baths with it relax muscles well, breathing becomes deeper and calmer, heat exchange accelerates, metabolic processes and cell nutrition improve, blood vessels gradually narrow and dilate, blood flow increases 2-3 times, fat deposits are broken down. Such procedures increase blood pressure. During them, the skin burns or tingles a little.

The yellow emulsion along with gum turpentine includes:

  • oleic acid;
  • castor oil;
  • fir oil;
  • water.

It does not completely dissolve, forming a thin oily film on the water surface. Zalmanova bath with turpentine yellow increases body temperature. Due to this action, the rate of breakdown of even old salt deposits in joints and metabolic processes increases, capillaries greatly expand, blood pressure and appetite decrease, skin smoothes, and the severity of cellulite manifestations decreases. Together with profuse sweating, harmful and toxic elements are removed from the body.

Mixed baths based on turpentine combine the effects of both emulsions. They are better suited for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Read also: Lymphatic drainage wrap Horsepower: technique and reviews

Turpentine baths: indications

The range of healing effects of turpentine-based baths is very wide.

They can be useful to almost every person, as they contribute to:

  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • strengthening metabolic processes;
  • weight loss;
  • removal of toxins;
  • increasing immunity;
  • slowing down age-related changes;
  • toning;
  • improving well-being and performance;
  • giving strength.

Having an anti-inflammatory effect, baths using gum turpentine help the body recover more quickly from illnesses.

Turpentine baths for cellulite are widely used. Numerous reviews of procedures with water emulsion say that they have a cleansing, toning and regenerating effect on the skin.

If you do water sessions according to Zalmanov correctly, it is impossible to harm the body and cause any negative consequences.

Ready-made compositions for the procedure

It is permissible to carry out turpentine baths at home. Compositions for them are sold at the pharmacy. One of the most popular remedies is Skipar. This is a turpentine-based emulsion specially developed for water procedures.

Physiotherapeutic techniques are widely used to treat diseases of internal organs. One of the popular physiotherapy procedures is turpentine baths according to the method of A. S. Zalmanov, which has a complex effect on the body. In clinical practice they are used different varieties baths, which have some special preparation instructions. To increase the effectiveness and safety of the method, before the procedure you should consult with your doctor, who will assess the patient’s indications and contraindications for such therapy.

Impact on the body

Turpentine is the main component that ensures the effectiveness of physiotherapy. This substance contains a large amount of essential oils from coniferous tree resins, which affect skin, lead to expansion of the microvasculature and acceleration of blood flow in the body. The use of turpentine baths accelerates metabolism and also increases delivery nutrients to internal organs, which improves their condition and regeneration.

In addition to essential oils, turpentine also contains other biologically active substances. In this case, therapeutic baths are prepared using yellow and white solutions, which differ from each other in composition. The white emulsion contains a high content of salicylic acid, which has a bactericidal, exfoliating and irritating effect on the skin. As a rule, the use of a white turpentine bath is characterized by a burning or tingling sensation in the patient.

Unlike the white solution, the yellow emulsion has a mild effect on the skin. Such differences are associated with its constituent castor oil and oleic acid, which are contained in large quantities. Such baths have no irritating effect at all.

Physiotherapy should always be carried out after consultation with your doctor.

Any solution for preparing medicinal baths contains sodium hydroxide, which provides an additional vasodilating effect. It is the expansion of blood vessels in the skin and internal organs that determines all the effects of turpentine water procedures and recommendations for their use in clinical practice.

Indications and contraindications

Turpentine baths, used at home or in a medical hospital, have strict indications and contraindications for use. Indications include the following conditions:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, for example, hypertension, ischemic disease heart, varicose veins, atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels of the legs, etc.;
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system in the form of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and rheumatic diseases;
  • pathologies of the urinary system;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, including damage to the liver, gall bladder and various parts of the intestines;
  • neurological symptoms associated with osteochondrosis, neuritis, plexitis;
  • damage to the endocrine system, for example, diabetes.

When prescribing turpentine baths, patients should remember that they may be contraindicated for certain patients:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • decompensated pathology of internal organs;
  • benign (fibroids) and malignant neoplasms(melanoma, adenocarcinoma, etc.);
  • pregnancy period;
  • allergic reactions or individual intolerance to turpentine and other components of solutions;
  • inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin lesions.

If there are any contraindications, the attending physician should refuse to carry out turpentine baths and select other physiotherapeutic methods of therapy.

Carrying out white baths

White baths are used in patients with normal or low blood pressure. The components included in the solution have an irritating effect on the skin, which improves the trophism of biological tissues, accelerates blood flow and normalizes blood pressure levels. Optimal temperature water – 38oC. When cooling the bath periodically, you should add hot water, constantly monitoring changes in temperature using a regular thermometer. The average duration of a treatment session is from 10 to 20 minutes.

After the procedure is completed, the patient should immediately lie down in bed without wiping the water from the surface of the skin. Such a rest should last from 1 to 2 hours, which helps to enhance the effect of the technique. It is important to remember that after taking a bath, burning and itching of the skin may persist for several hours, which is associated with the action of the components of the medicinal solution.

Turpentine baths are carried out in a medical institution under medical supervision or at home in compliance with safety rules.

The procedure should begin with one spoon of solution per bath, gradually increasing the concentration over time. For particularly sensitive skin, doctors recommend adding half a tablespoon of solution if there is no burning sensation while taking a bath. During treatment, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of blood pressure and, if it increases significantly, switch to the use of mixed baths.

Solutions for turpentine baths can be prepared independently at home. To do this, dissolve 30 g of soap and 3 grams of salicylic acid in 550 ml of water brought to a boil. After these substances are completely dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool. To this solution add 500 ml of turpentine and 20 ml of camphor alcohol. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed and shaken before direct use.

Yellow baths in the treatment of diseases

If the patient has high level blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg or more), it is recommended to use yellow baths, which provide expansion of the microcirculatory bed, which leads to normalization of blood pressure levels. In addition to the effect on the cardiovascular system, the procedures increase body temperature, increased sweating and accelerated metabolism.

The procedure should begin with one tablespoon of solution per bath. The water temperature should be at 37oC, which ensures comfortable conditions for the patient. During the water procedure, a thin film may form, which is due to the low solubility of the components of the original solution. If the water temperature rises, the film completely disappears. After 3 minutes from the start of treatment, the water temperature is increased by 1°C. By the end of the procedure, the temperature should be 40-42°C. During therapy, the doctor or the patient himself must closely monitor general conditions, analyzing breathing and heart rate.

At the end of the therapeutic bath, the patient should lie down in bed without drying himself, resting for at least one hour. The amount of active substance also increases gradually, reaching 8 tablespoons by the end of the treatment course.

In addition to the white and yellow bath, there are mixed versions of procedures that combine both solutions, or are associated with the alternate use of various active ingredients. It is important to note that when using mixed treatment, it is very important to choose the correct dosage of each turpentine solution, as this determines the effectiveness and safety of the entire therapy. A. S. Zalmanov, being the first doctor who actively began to use turpentine in the treatment of diseases, recommends starting a mixed procedure with a minimum amount of yellow and white additives, adjusting their values ​​​​in the process of physical treatment.

Safety rules

This physiotherapeutic method may be associated with the risk of developing side effects, primarily from the cardiovascular system. To prevent them, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  • Turpentine baths should always be used only after consultation with a doctor, since the method has strict indications and contraindications for use. Their identification is possible only through a full medical examination.
  • Prepared solutions should be checked in advance. To do this, the patient needs to put his hand in the water and hold it there for 10 minutes. If there are no unpleasant sensations, you can completely immerse yourself in the bath.
  • Any water procedure should begin with water at a temperature of 37°C. This provides comfort for the patient and gradual adaptation of the body. Every 3-5 minutes the temperature increases by 1°C. To control temperature conditions Be sure to use a water thermometer.
  • The instructions for using commercial solutions must be strictly followed.
  • The duration of one treatment session should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • If any unpleasant sensations appear, for example, dizziness, nausea, the procedure should be stopped and seek medical help.

Following these tips ensures highly effective and safe treatment for patients of any age.

Turpentine baths according to A. S. Zalmanov occupy important place in physiotherapeutic treatment of diseases of internal organs. Water procedures with irritants and other biological active ingredients have a complex effect on the body, providing improved blood circulation in internal organs, stimulating the immune system, metabolism and regeneration of damaged tissues. Proper Use physical therapy should be based on consultation with the attending physician, who will be able to examine the patient and select the most effective scheme therapy.

How to take turpentine baths at home, what happens during this process and for what diseases they are indicated is the topic of today’s article. You will also learn what types of baths there are, how they work and how to make them at home.

Historical background

Turpentine baths are one of the physiotherapeutic methods of treating various diseases using warm water with the addition of turpentine-based compounds. Thanks to terpenes, essential oils, contained in gum turpentine, baths irritate the skin, improve microcirculation, and regulate the functioning of organs and systems.

The benefits of baths with turpentine were proven at the beginning of the 20th century by the Russian scientist A. S. Zalmanov. He found a way to emulsify turpentine and get medicinal composition, added to warm water.

There are Zalmanov baths three types:

  1. White baths– an emulsion consisting of 0.5 kg of gum turpentine, 0.55 liters of distilled water, 0.03 kg of crushed baby soap and 0.75 g of salicylic acid.
  2. Yellow baths(yellow solution) - a mixture of 0.75 kg of gum turpentine, 0.2 liters of distilled water, 0.3 kg of castor oil, 0.225 kg of oleic acid, 0.04 kg of sodium hydroxide. Caustic soda helps loosen the epidermis and facilitates the penetration of active substances into the skin. Oil and acid soften the aggressive effects of turpentine.
  3. Mixed baths are a combination of emulsion and solution in various proportions for the treatment of various diseases in individual cases.

For his work in the field of the effects of turpentine baths on the body, the Dane August Krogh received the Nobel Prize, and the baths themselves have gained enormous popularity as a method of physiotherapy, and have not lost it to this day.

Turpentine baths are used in sanatoriums, medical institutions, and resorts. You can also take baths at home with certain preparations.

What are the benefits of baths?

Treatment of the heart and blood vessels

Terpenes found in the composition of oleoresin and oleoresin turpentine have a vasodilating effect on both coronary vessels, large arteries and veins, and small capillaries, helping to improve blood flow and microcirculation.

Thanks to these processes, the trophism of tissues and heart muscle improves. Thus, turpentine baths serve as a preventative measure to prevent heart attacks.

With their help they also treat:

  • hypertension 1st and 2nd degree;
  • symptomatic arterial hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • pain in the heart area, inflammation of the heart muscle, cardiac membranes

Turpentine baths increase vascular tone, therefore they are used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, periarteritis nodosa, narrowing and blockage of the lumen of blood vessels, thromboangiitis obliterans.

White baths are prescribed for patients with problems with blood supply to the legs.

Treatment of the musculoskeletal system

In the middle of the last century, medical scientists proved that baths with turpentine irritate skin receptors and improve metabolic processes in the muscles, bone and ligamentous apparatus, and in the nervous system.

Thanks to the work carried out, such baths have established themselves as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine, and for recovery after injuries and operations.

White turpentine baths relieve pain and inflammation and allow you to restore joint mobility after 5-8 procedures.

In addition, turpentine emulsion for baths promotes the trophism of cartilage tissue and serves as a chondroprotector, restoring cartilage.

Indications for use:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis, ;
  • polyarthritis;
  • gout, sciatica;
  • osteodystrophy;
  • rickets;
  • osteomalacia;
  • radiculitis;
  • spinal hernia

Treatment of skin diseases

Thanks to baths with turpentine, adhesions and scars on the skin dissolve, wrinkles are smoothed out, and complexion improves. White emulsion for baths is indicated for psoriasis, neurodermatitis, scleroderma, mastitis, frostbite.

Treatment of endocrine disorders

The yellow solution is used to treat endocrine disorders:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • male and female menopause;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • obesity

After taking baths, microcirculation and trophism of muscle tissue improve, ulcers heal, blood thins, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and their tone increases, which helps prevent tissue death and the development of gangrene.

For weight loss

With this procedure you can get rid of cellulite and correct your figure. Along with physical activity and following nutritional recommendations, it is possible to reduce weight by 15-20 kilograms in up to six months. In problem areas, blood flow improves, metabolic processes are stimulated, lymph outflow and fat metabolism are stabilized.

Respiratory treatment

Colds, bronchitis, and coughs (including smoker's cough) can be cured by increasing blood flow in the vessels of the respiratory system. Turpentine baths facilitate the discharge of sputum and have a bactericidal effect.

Appointed for:

  • acute and chronic laryngitis;
  • inflammation of the auditory nerve, otitis media, deafness;
  • acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis

Treatment of genitourinary organs in men

10-12 procedures help relieve acute and chronic prostatitis by improving blood circulation and the anti-inflammatory effect of turpentine.

The restoration of erection by expanding the lumen of the capillaries of the cavernous bodies of the penis has been proven. It is possible to cure infertility, impotence, balanitis, balanoposthitis, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and urolithiasis.

Treatment of gynecological diseases

With the help of Zalmanov’s baths, it is possible to achieve cessation of inflammatory processes in the pelvis, normalize hormone levels, and stabilize the menstrual cycle. Adhesions dissolve, infertility is cured. In some cases, it is possible to achieve reduction and resorption of fibroids.

Treatment of diseases of the nervous system and nervous disorders

Baths with turpentine restore circulatory disorders in parts of the brain after a stroke, helping to treat paralysis and paresis. It has a beneficial effect on nerve trunks, improving conductivity, and regulates the functioning of the autonomic system.

Baths are used for children after polio, viral encephalitis, and those suffering from cerebral palsy.

Treatment of eye diseases

The anti-inflammatory effect of turpentine is used to treat blepharitis, barley, dacryocystitis, keratitis, sclerotic disorders in the retina, cataracts, optic neuritis, glaucoma, and decreased vision.

General ailments

Baths have a good effect on general fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, decreased mental abilities in children and adults, pain of unknown etiology.

Turpentine solution maintains health, improves appearance skin, hair, nails, serves to prevent diseases.
In pediatrics, turpentine baths are used in a similar way.


In order not to harm your health, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for treatment with turpentine baths:

  1. Severely increased or sharply decreased blood pressure (when white baths are prohibited, treatment begins with yellow ones, 5-6 procedures, then alternates them with mixed ones. For hypotension, white solutions are used instead of yellow ones in the same way);
  2. High temperature bodies;
  3. Alcohol or drug intoxication;
  4. Cirrhosis;
  5. Tuberculosis in open form;
  6. Individual intolerance to components, allergies to ingredients included in the emulsion, solution

Where to buy a medicinal drug?

Sold at the pharmacy ready-made forms to take the procedure at home.

1. Skipofit– products produced by the Research Institute of Natural Therapy. The product line includes:

  • Classic Skipofit is an emulsion for white baths and a solution for yellow ones. It has a gentle effect on the body, is active at a water temperature of 360C, recommended for children and the elderly, weakened patients;
  • Skipofit Therapeutic for white and yellow baths is indicated as part of complex therapy for various diseases. Due to high activity, it is not recommended for use by people over 70 years old;
  • Skipofit with a cooling effect for patients for whom hot and warming baths are contraindicated;
  • Dry turpentine baths for rubbing if it is not possible to complete the procedure;
  • Balm “Figure” for figure correction and prevention of fat deposits in problem areas.

The instructions will tell you how to make and take baths yourself.

2. Skipar:

  • classic therapeutic baths;
  • special baths – “Movement” and “Figure”

Additionally, products with turpentine are available for the body and feet.

Before use, turpentine solutions are shaken vigorously and measured required quantity and stir in water. The water temperature is 360C.

After the bath, you can rinse your skin clean water and dry with a towel. Activity after the treatment procedure is not recommended; rest and sleep are indicated.

The solution should not get into the mouth or eyes, and the head should not be immersed in water. The appearance of pain and discomfort is an indication for canceling future procedures.

With proper treatment, results appear after 5-7 procedures.

Turpentine baths are a panacea for many diseases, some of which cannot be cured by other means in principle. But before you begin treatment, especially on your own, you should study the topic and consult with a specialist.