Female n. Three types of female genital organs

The structure of the vagina

As soon as a woman thinks about the question, how to find out the size of the vagina then she has a reason. It may be a complex of mismatch of sexual partners, which is most likely.

There are myths that the size depends on the number of intercourse. And this is a deep misconception, since the size of the female vagina is individual and depends on the physiological structure.

Question: is it true that the size of a woman's mouth can be used to determine the size of the vagina?

Answer: no, not true.

Few people know that this genital organ takes part in world art. A striking example is the play "Monologues of the Vagina". This work describes the prohibitions and prejudices associated with the female genital organ.

So, first things first: how to find out how many centimeters from the vagina to the beginning of the uterus ...

In the ancient world, the female genitals were considered something dirty and indecent. Jokes involving female genitalia were considered extremely bawdy. But the situation changed dramatically with the development of anatomy. The term “vagina” appeared, the organ that connects the clitoris and the female labia with the uterus. And as we studied the vagina, more and more interesting facts about this organ became known. However, the question of what size a woman should have a vagina does not cease to worry.

Type of act

During sexual arousal, the width should be 3 fingers maximum, the length is not 15 centimeters. Difference from the normal state: during sexual intercourse and increased sensitivity, the size can increase up to 5 centimeters, as the muscles are displaced upward.

Question: The size of the vagina changes after childbirth, with age or not.

Answer: the size changes unfortunately, as the muscles of the walls are stretched. It is recommended to stimulate with gels and suppositories every three years.

This is due to the fact that muscles wear out and elasticity is lost. In this case, you need to select good products for yourself: candles or gels, lubricants.

If, having learned the length and size of the vagina, you understand that you need to narrow it, they will help:

These remedies treat distension, pelvic organ prolapse, vaginal wrinkles, bumps, discoloration, and foul odor.

Women should be aware that their vaginas are different and come in different sizes, both in length and width. To understand what is at stake, we offer you a photo of the sizes of menstruation cups.

Based on these characteristics, you can form your own idea.

How to find out the length of the vagina

This question interests, by and large, young ladies or women who are not confident in their relationships, although there may be other reasons associated, for example, with insecurity and inexperience in intimate relationships.

If you are interested in the length and size of the vagina and you want to find out, then even a doctor will not help you with this, since there are no such measuring devices. And the size does not affect either the male orgasm, or the female. But if you do something and stick foreign objects in there, then infection or injury is possible.

If information on how to find out the size of the vagina is very important for a woman, then she needs to contact any paid clinic, only there is a sterile instrument with a measuring scale.

Question: Is it true that virgins already have a vagina and this makes men feel good?

Answer: Yes, that's what narrowing gels are for.

Change in the size of the vagina in women

The size of the vagina is variable. In an unexcited state, the length of the vagina barely reaches 10 centimeters, while in arousal it can increase to 15, in rare cases, 20 centimeters. But the thickness of the vagina changes from 2.5 centimeters to 7.5, respectively. But how does it grow? When a woman is aroused, the cervix moves towards the abdomen, thereby lengthening the vagina. By the way, the size of this organ is directly proportional to the growth of the hostess. That is, small women have a short and narrow vagina, while tall women have a long and wide one. But sometimes there are exceptions.

The female vagina is able to adjust to the size of the penis. This phenomenon is called "vaginal accommodation". If a woman for a long time regularly makes love with only one sexual partner, then the vagina changes size based on the size of the penis. I would also like to note that with long abstinence in some women, the vagina takes on the same dimensions as before the onset of sexual activity.


So, by what signs to determine which vagina a girl (woman) has is truth and fiction.

Myths, delusion, you cannot believe this:

  • Height ratio - the larger the indicators, the wider the size.
  • Big mouth is big and vice versa.
  • Before pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's vagina is small and tight, and after childbirth it becomes wider.
  • Canadian yogurt, which many doctors recommend to be injected, is a scam.


  • Narrow in women who train intimate muscles, such as belly dancing.
  • The high elasticity of the female genital organs allows 3 kg. the child pass through the pelvic passage.

Increased vaginal sensitivity

The female vagina is insensitive, and the myth of hypersensitivity prevents men from having a full sex life.

This fact confirms the regular use of hygienic tampons. How many of the fair sex feel it? Exactly. Pleasant sensations during intercourse are provided by the clitoris, which wraps around the vagina. But it is worth noting that stretching the vagina in an unexcited state gives a woman severe discomfort and even pain.

Vaginal functions

Various functions of the vagina are needed for childbearing health and many factors. In addition to sexual and labor activities, the female vagina has other functions. For example, protection against various infections. Some inhabitants of the vaginal microflora are able to fight off viral and unfavorable bacteria. The vagina also removes dead epithelial cells.

Questions and answers

I have changed the size of the vagina due to the change of partner - is this possible?

No, it can't be. Everything happens according to a number of physiological changes. childbirth, abortion, frequent intimate relationships, wide hip bones, hobby for faloimitators. But just not a change of sexual partner.

Just 10-15 years ago, the word "vagina" or "vagina" could cause extreme indignation and bewilderment. Most people who want to know the structure of their bodies, especially a virgin, were simply afraid to raise this topic, so as not to be "ignorant" in the eyes of others. Nevertheless, interest in a woman's body, both on the part of herself and on the part of a man, has not lost its relevance. Many people ask themselves a question and search for information, videos and photos of the vagina in order to "calculate the compatibility" of the genitals in order to avoid, for example, pain during intercourse. Read on to learn more about the female genital organs.

The vagina is an organ of the internal reproductive system, which is a rather narrow muscular canal in the form of a tube with elastic walls that connects the vulva and uterus. This organ of the female body plays an important role in fertilization, as well as in the birth of a child.

In general, the reproductive system of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity consists not only of the pelvic organs. It is also the mammary and endocrine glands, the work of which is controlled by certain parts of the brain. And they all take part in fulfilling their mission - the birth of a baby. The organs of the reproductive system are divided into external and internal, depending on their location in the body. And the vagina belongs to the internal, which is shown in the photo.

How does this organ work?

Considering the structure of the vagina, it is worth noting that this is a hollow tube made of muscles. It is located in the body, slightly curving upward. Every young girl (including a virgin), as a rule, has corrugated walls. And her size is different for every woman. According to statistics, as well as research results, the average tube length can be from 8 to 12 cm.With regard to the width of the vagina, the average is 2-3 cm.Although during intercourse and the birth of a child, it can increase significantly, reaching a diameter of 9 up to 12 cm.

Its walls consist of 3 layers. In general, their total thickness is about 4 mm. They are soft to the touch. Each wall is a layer that performs its own function:

The inner layer, which is a mucous membrane composed of many folds. It is thanks to them that the vagina has the property of increasing in size.

Middle, smooth muscle layer. The bundles of muscles (longitudinal and transverse), which are presented in this wall, are present both in the upper part of the vagina and in its lower part. Unlike the upper ones, the lower tufts are more durable. They are woven into the muscles that regulate the perineum.

Outer layer (adventitious). This wall is represented by connective tissue, which contains elements of elastic fibers and muscles. It performs a connecting function, uniting the vagina and organs not related to the reproductive system. So, for example, the rectum, located behind the vagina, as well as the bladder located in front of it, are connected precisely by the tissues of the outer layer.

As shown in the photo above, the female vagina has two walls (front, back). The ring that these walls form at the top, joining together, covers part of the uterus. They form a "vault", highlighting part of the vagina at the beginning of the cervix.

The lower ring, created by the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, forms the opening of the vestibule. This is where the hymen is. As you know, this is the film that virgins have. Its size and structure are purely individual. But every virgin has it thin and elastic enough. This allows girls who have not had sexual intercourse to use tampons without hindrance.

It is worth noting that contrary to the prevailing public opinion, the hymen (hymen) is not evidence confirming the chastity of the fair sex. And this film can be easily damaged during physical exercise that requires strong muscle tension, as well as during masturbation. In addition, the true purpose from a physiological point of view of the hymen has not yet been established.

In order for the microflora of the vagina to be healthy, it must be constantly moist. This function is provided by the inner walls.

They contain glands that secrete special mucus. It is a whitish discharge with a characteristic odor. Mucus also has a slightly acidic reaction, due to which the development of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms is prevented. In addition to the fact that the secreted mucus provides a normal moisturized vagina from the inside, it promotes painless intercourse, which virgins often experience.

However, it is worth knowing that the normal secretion of mucus does not bother with excessive manifestations. Therefore, if you begin to notice profuse vaginal discharge, you should consult with your gynecologist. If they are not a sign of ovulation, then this discharge can become a symptom of the inflammatory process.

On the functions performed by this body

You have already learned about the structure of the vagina. Now you can familiarize yourself with the functions that this female organ performs. There are 4 of them:

  1. Sexual. This is the main function that the vagina performs in a woman's body, taking a direct part in the conception of a child. The sperm secreted by a man during unprotected intercourse falls into the vagina, getting the opportunity to penetrate into the cervix. Thus, reaching the tube of the uterus, the sperm can fertilize the egg, which will give rise to a new life.
  2. Generic. Both walls of the vagina, connecting with the cervix, form a canal. It is called generic, since during childbirth, the fetus from the uterus passes through this canal. This happens because during the course of pregnancy, the woman's body prepares for the removal of the fetus: under the influence of hormones, the tissues of the walls change, become more elastic. As practice shows, this allows the vagina to stretch as much as necessary so that the child leaves the mother's womb without hindrance.
  3. Protective. It is expressed in the fact that the vagina of a woman, including a virgin, is a kind of barrier. The structure of the vagina is such that it provides self-cleaning of the body, while preventing the entry and development of other microorganisms. As previously mentioned, it is the walls of the vagina that help to perform this function in a woman's body.

    Some girls and women unknowingly incorrectly implement the rules of intimate hygiene, thereby disrupting the normal microflora of internal organs. This happens in cases where frequent douching with water is practiced or, even worse, with antibacterial agents. If the microflora is normal and the abundant discharge does not bother, this should not be done.

  4. Deriving. This internal organ of the female body is, as mentioned earlier, a channel. However, it is intended not only to promote the conception and birth of a child, but also to cleanse the body from the inside out. The vagina helps to remove physiological secretions from the body of the fair sex (virgins, girls, women), which are the result of the body's performance. This applies to both insignificant discharge of a transparent or whitish color, and menstruation.

Sexual intercourse is a complex mechanism of interaction between male and female genital organs. The anatomy of intimate intimacy ensures that the ovum and sperm are connected, resulting in conception. For a better understanding, let's take a look at what happens during sex.

Anatomical features of organs

Before proceeding to consider the anatomy of sex, it is necessary to remember how the male and female reproductive systems work. It is also necessary to understand the function of each component of the reproductive system. First, consider the genitals of women.

  • The ovaries.

These are paired glands located in the pelvic cavity. Their function is to secrete female sex hormones. Also in them the maturation of the egg takes place.

  • Fallopian, or uterine, tubes.

The fallopian tubes are a paired structure of a tubular shape. With their help, the uterine cavity is connected to the abdominal cavity.

  • Uterus.

The hollow organ is a reservoir for bearing the fetus. In the structure, the neck, isthmus and body are distinguished.

  • Vagina.

It is a muscular organ that is a tube that connects to the uterus. When excited, the walls are abundantly lubricated with the secretion of the vaginal and Bartholin glands, as well as with plasma penetrating from the blood vessels. The muscle layer allows the vagina to stretch to the desired size. This fact of anatomy is important during coitus and during childbirth.

  • Large and small labia.

They are located along the edges of the genital fissure, so they cover and protect the vagina. These structures are rich in sensitive nerve endings. The labia minora are well supplied with blood, and with sexual arousal they fill with blood and slightly increase in size.

  • Bartholin's glands.

These are the glands of external secretion, which are located in the thickness of the labia majora. Their excretory ducts are located at the junction of the labia majora and labia majora, and the secret is necessary to moisturize the vestibule of the vagina.

  • Clitoris.

This is a small tubercle located in the area of ​​the anterior commissure of the labia minora, its main function is to provide orgasm. During arousal, there is an increase in the size of the clitoris and swelling.

The organs of the reproductive system in men are also divided into external and internal. Consider the structure of male organs. Their anatomy is presented below:

  • Testicles.

These are paired glands that are located in the scrotum. The function is to produce testosterone and sperm.

  • Seminal vesicles.

Tubular formations with many hollow chambers. They contain nutrients for sperm to function.

  • Seminal tubules.

Designed for blood supply to the testicles and the withdrawal of semen from them. Here, spermatozoa are formed from the primary germ cells.

  • The vas deferens are structures for the release of semen.
  • Penis.

It is the main organ during sex. It consists of two corpora cavernosa and one spongy body. Anatomically, the head and body of the penis are distinguished. It is important to note that the entire surface of the penis is saturated with sensitive receptors. Therefore, this is the main erogenous zone of men.

  • Prostate.

It is one of the main glands of the male body. The prostate is involved in the regulation of sexual performance and is responsible for the quality of sperm.

What Happens During Coitus

For sexual intercourse, it is necessary that both the man and the woman are in a state of arousal. In a man, this is manifested by the presence of an erect penis, and in a woman, by an increase in vaginal secretion. It is not only physical factors such as stimulation of erogenous zones that contribute to the development of arousal. In the formation of preparation for sexual intercourse, psychological and sensory factors are involved.

In response to stimulation of certain areas of the brain and spinal cord, men experience enlargement of the blood vessels of the penis. As a result, blood flow increases, the filling of the corpora cavernosa increases, and the penis increases in size and hardens. It is this mechanism that determines the formation of an erection, which makes it possible for the penis to penetrate into the vagina.

In women, during arousal, blood flow to the genitals increases, and the secretion of glands increases. Through the walls of numerous blood vessels that encircle the vagina, the liquid part of the blood plasma seeps into its lumen. This anatomy provides moisture to the vaginal mucosa, which facilitates intercourse. It is worth noting that the normal size of the vagina is about 8 cm, but due to the elasticity at the time of intercourse, the organ can expand, change its shape, adjusting to the size of the penis.

The very process of inserting the penis into the vagina is an even greater stimulant of sexual activity. Then the man begins to perform frictions. These are reciprocating movements performed by the pelvis, as a result of which there is mutual sexual stimulation. The anatomy of women is designed in such a way that stimulation of the cervix, vagina and clitoris brings maximum satisfaction. In men, the peak of sexual pleasure is observed with direct irritation of the glans penis.

Sex ends with the achievement of orgasm. In this case, in men, contractions of intimate muscles lead to the release of sperm. Semen is secreted in several portions. The female reproductive system is such that at the time of orgasm, muscle contractions prevent the flow of seminal fluid and promote its advancement to the cervix. Subsequently, the sperm enters the uterine cavity, then from the area of ​​its bottom it penetrates the fallopian tubes.

If intercourse occurs during ovulation, then the probability of fertilization of the egg is high. Normally, conception occurs in the fallopian tube, and only then the fertilized egg descends into the uterus, where it is attached.

The physiology of sexual intercourse is a complex process of interaction between all organs of the reproductive system, as well as a cascade of biochemical processes. To understand the mechanism of sexual intercourse, it is necessary to clearly understand how the reproductive system works in men and women. This will help you better understand your feelings and find the key to maximizing your partner's pleasure.

There are significant individual differences in the structure of the external genital organs of different men and different women.

The length of the vagina in women, on average, is 8 cm.But in some women it can be longer - up to 10-11 cm, less often - more, and maybe a short vagina - 6 cm.

The oldest "scientific" research belongs to the best minds in India. The sages, having devoted their whole lives to the study of vaginas, have made humankind happy with the following theory.

You are a doe
if a man even with a small penis, entering you, feels like a sex giant. (The depth of the vagina of the "fallow deer" is no more than 12.5 cm). Doe girls are very graceful, their bodies do not lose flexibility and elasticity even over the years. Doe usually have a small but beautiful shape, chest, long legs, graceful fingers. "Doe" eat little, but they have a lot and very willingly have sex.

  • What's in sex? In sex "" girls-doe "are very inventive and prefer impromptu. Sex on the beach or in the elevator for the "fallow deer" is not extreme, but well-spent everyday life.
  • What nationality? Doe girls can be of any nationality, but there are especially many of them in France, Italy and Greece.

Female "mares" usually have curvy hips and breasts.
But, alas, there is also a rather round tummy, with which the "mares" have been fighting all their lives. As for the vagina, men with a penis of more than 17 cm will be somehow cramped ... According to another classification, the "mares" often have the most beautiful vagina, which is called the "princess".

The "princess" has a well-developed clitoris and very delicate, pink labia minora.

  • What's in sex? Men are attracted to "princess mares" with incredible strength: with the primal instinct of a male, they understand that such women are good in any sexual position at any time of the day or night.
  • What nationality? Most of the "princesses" are among mulatto women and (our men were lucky!) Among Slavic women.

The "elephants" have short arms and legs, a wide face, and a deep voice.
And lush, very lush breasts.

"Elephants" are simply forced to touch by men, because their sexual fervor is not kindled so quickly, and the depth of the vagina (up to 25 cm) dictates its own conditions.

  • What's in sex? A man who has chosen an "elephant" as his girlfriend should not rely only on his boyfriend. Cunnilingus, sex with various things from a sex shop - these skills are simply necessary for those in love with the "elephant".
  • What nationality? Most of the "elephants" among African women.

In ancient India, everything was according to the ancient, today scientists note that the genitals of women differ in the topographic position of the entrance to the vagina, the position of the clitoris relative to the entrance to the vagina (high, low), the size of the clitoris (large, small), the size and design of the labia , especially small ones, by the degree of moisturizing of the vagina with juices (secret) during sexual arousal (dry, sufficient or excessively moistened vagina), as well as by the plane in which the woman's genital tube is compressed. The classification of female genital organs by these parameters is as follows (according to L.Ya. Yakobson):

  • "Virgin" - untouched by men the sexual organ of a girl
  • "Wild" - a genital organ with an extensible hymen, which is preserved until childbirth
  • "Chileyka" - the sexual organ of a girl without a hymen. Found in India, Brazil, Chile. Since childhood, mothers wash girls so vigorously that they destroy the hymen.
  • "Eve" is a vulva with a large clitoris. Women with a large clitoris are less intelligent but more sensitive.
  • "Milka" - a vulva with a clitoris located close to the entrance to the vagina (low) and rubbing during intercourse directly with the man's penis. Women with "sweetheart" are easily satisfied, during intercourse almost no additional caresses are required.
  • Pava is a vulva with a high clitoris. During intercourse, she is extremely in need of caresses, since her clitoris does not rub directly against the man's penis.
  • "Zamazudya" - a vulva with abundant secretion of juice during sexual arousal of a woman. It causes unpleasant sensations in the sexual partner and often leads to the refusal of the man from copulation.
  • "Drupe" is an underdeveloped flat external organ with infantile labia. It is usually found in thin women with a narrow pelvis. Almost all "drupes" have a low location of the genitals. "Drupe" is one of the most unattractive genitals for a man.
  • "Monkey" - a woman's sexual organ with an abnormally long clitoris - more than 3 cm. It is named so because some female monkeys have a clitoris longer than the male's penis. "Gottengotsky apron" - a woman's sexual organ with overdeveloped labia minora, covering the entrance to the vagina and hanging outside the labia majora. This organ pathology can develop as a result of excessive female masturbation on the labia.
  • "Princess" is the most beautiful female genital organ with a well-developed clitoris and labia minora in the form of a pink bud above the entrance to the vagina. "Princess" is the most beloved by men, the most attractive and convenient organ for intercourse in any position. With good hormonal secretion, a woman who has a "princess" is able to receive herself and give a man inexpressible pleasure. Combines with the small size of the vagina, which is also attractive for men. "Princess" is found only in short or medium height women with full hips and a wide backside.
  • "Half-dudes", "half-women", "half-scrubs" and other types of female genital organs occupy an intermediate position. The location of the genital slit can also be different - close to the anus (small perineum), exactly in the center (normal perineum) or high, close to the abdomen.

Have different nationalities, the structure of the female genital organs is different. In Greek, French and Italian women, narrow and short vaginas predominate. Women of African nationalities, as well as black women and mulatto women of the American continent, are dominated by long vaginas. In Georgians, Spanish and German women, underdeveloped external organs predominate (see "drupe").

Some 15 years ago, the word "vagina" caused bewilderment and even outrage among humanity. Many girls, still wanting to know how the vagina works, hesitated to raise this issue so as not to seem ignorant. There has always been interest in a woman's body, and today this topic is relevant and is discussed quite often.

It's no secret that in educational institutions today the female vagina is taught in the classroom as well.

Female How does the vagina work?

The female reproductive system is divided into two types:

  • external organs;
  • internal.

What goes into external organs

To study how a woman's vagina works, you need to consider the structure of the entire reproductive system.

The organs of the external system are represented by:

  • pubis;
  • large and small labia;
  • clitoris;
  • the vestibule of the vagina;
  • bartholin glands.


The girl's pubis is the lower region of the anterior abdominal wall, which rises due to the subcutaneous fat layer. This area is characterized by the presence of a pronounced hairline of color that is darker than hair on other areas of the body. Outwardly, it resembles a triangle, with an upper border outlined and a top directed downward. In the pubic area there are the labia, which have folds of the skin on both sides, in the middle there is the genital slit with the vestibule of the vagina.

The labia majora and labia majora - what are these organs?

The labia majora can be described as folds of the skin where the fatty tissue is located. The skin of this organ is endowed with many sweat and sebaceous glands, and with puberty, hair appears on it. In the lower part of the labia majora there are Bartholin glands. During the period when sexual stimulation does not occur, the lips are in a closed position, creating protection against damage to the urethra and the entrance to the vagina.

The small lips are located between the large ones; outwardly, these are two skin folds of a pinkish tint. You can also find another name - the organ of the genital senses, since they contain many vessels, nerve endings and sebaceous glands. The small lips are connected above the clitoris to form a fold of skin called the foreskin. During arousal, the organ becomes elastic due to saturation with blood, as a result of this, the entrance to the vagina narrows, this improves sensations during intercourse.


The clitoris is considered the most unique of the woman's system; it is located at the upper base of the small lips. The appearance and size of the organ may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the woman. Basically, the length varies within 4 mm, less often 10 mm or more. The function of the organ is to concentrate and accumulate sexual feelings; in an excited state, its length increases.

Vaginal vestibule

This organ is a slit-like area, which is bounded in front by the clitoris, on the sides - by the small lips, behind - by the posterior commissure of the labia, from above it is covered by the hymen. Between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina is the external opening of the urinary canal, which opens in anticipation. This organ, during sexual arousal, is filled with blood and forms a "cuff", which develops and opens the entrance to the vagina.

Bartholin's glands

The location of the glands - at the base and in the depths of the large lips, has a size of about 15-20 mm. In an excited state and during sexual intercourse, they contribute to the release of lubricant - a viscous grayish liquid rich in protein.

Internal reproductive system of organs

To understand how the female vagina works, you need to consider the internal as a whole and each separately, this will give a clear picture of the structure of the organs.

Internal organs include:

  • vagina;
  • ovaries;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • uterus;
  • cervix;
  • hymen.

The vagina is an important organ

The vagina is an organ that takes part in sexual intercourse, and also plays an important role in the birth of a child, since it is a component of the birth canal. On average, the size of the female vagina is 8 cm, but it can be smaller (up to 6 cm) and more - up to 10-12 cm. The vagina has a mucous membrane inside with folds that allow it to stretch.

The device of the female vagina is made in such a way as to protect the body from all kinds of harmful influences. The walls of the vagina consist of three soft layers, the total thickness of which is about 4 mm, and each of them performs its own functions.

  • The inner layer is the mucous membrane.

It consists of a huge variety of folds, thanks to which the vagina can change its size.

  • The middle layer is smooth muscles.

Muscle longitudinal and transverse bundles are present in both the upper and lower parts of the vagina, but the latter are more durable. The lower bundles are included in the muscles that regulate the work of the perineum.

  • The outer layer is adventitia.

It is a connective tissue, which is represented by elastic fibers and muscles. The function of adventitia is to unite the vagina and other organs outside the reproductive system.

Vaginal functions:

  • Sexual.

This is the main function of the vagina, since it is directly involved in the conception of children. During unprotected intercourse, the sperm of a man through the vagina enters the cervix. This allows the sperm to reach the tube and fertilize the egg.

  • Generic

The walls of the vagina, when connected to the cervix, form the birth canal, since during contractions the fetus passes through it. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the tissues of the walls become more elastic, which makes it possible to change the size of the female vagina and stretch it to such a size that the fetus can freely exit.

  • Protective.

This is a very important function for the female body, since the vagina acts as a barrier due to its structure. With the help of the walls of the vagina, the body cleans itself, preventing the entry of microorganisms.

  • Deriving.

With the help of the vagina, discharge is excreted as a result of the working capacity of the woman's body. Typically, these are menstruation and clear or whitish discharge.

For the microflora of the vagina to be healthy, it must be constantly moist. This is provided by the inner walls, which contain mucus-secreting glands. The secretions not only protect the body from the development of diseases, but also contribute to the painless course of sexual intercourse.

However, it is worth paying attention to the abundance of mucus secretions, it should not be excessive. Otherwise, you need to see a doctor.

Every girl should know how the vagina works, because this organ performs important functions.


It contains about a million eggs, and the hormones estrogen and progesterone are formed there. In this organ, the level of hormones changes and their release by the pituitary gland, due to which the eggs mature and leave the glands. This process is called ovulation and repeats again after about 28 days. Close to each ovary is the fallopian tube.

What are fallopian tubes?

This organ is represented by two hollow tubes with holes that run from the ovaries to the uterus. At the ends of the tubes there are villi, which, as the egg leaves the ovaries, help to capture it and guide it into the tube so that it enters the uterus.


It is represented by a pear-shaped hollow organ located in the pelvic cavity. The uterine walls are the layers of muscle that, during pregnancy, the uterus changes size with the fetus. During labor pains, the muscles begin to contract, and the cervix stretches and opens, and then the ovum passes into the birth canal.

This is a rather interesting question, how the vagina works, because knowing the structure and functions of a woman's genitals, one can clearly understand how the conception of a child begins, how he grows and is born.


This organ is the lower part of the uterus with a passageway that connects directly to the uterus itself and the vagina. When the moment of childbirth comes, the walls of the neck become thinner, the pharynx grows and becomes an opening with a diameter of 10 cm, during this period the fetus can be released.


Another name is hymen. The left arm is represented by a thin fold of mucous membrane, which is located at the entrance to the vagina. Each girl has her own individual characteristics of the hymen. It has several holes through which blood is released during menstruation.

Torn at the first sexual intercourse, this process is called defloration. In this case, pain and bleeding may occur. At a young age, the rupture is less painful, this is due to the fact that after 22 years the hymen loses its elasticity. In some cases, the hymen remains intact, if it is too elastic, then the first sexual experience does not bring any discomfort. The hymen is completely destroyed only after childbirth.

The structure of the vagina of a virgin and a woman from the inside is not much different. As a rule, the differences are in the presence or absence of the hymen.

It is generally accepted that the absence of a hymen indicates the presence of sexual activity in a girl, but this is not direct evidence. The film can be damaged as a result of strenuous exercise, as well as during masturbation.

The structure of the whole human body is a whole science, which every year attracts more and more people. Humanity is interested not only in information about how the vagina works, but also in other organs, because there are a lot of them in our body, and each of them is vital.