How to get rid of small midges in an apartment or house. Folk remedy for flies in the house

None of us like flies. They are the most common insects in the world. Russian scientists naturalists counted about twenty thousand species of these insects. The undisputed leader among all species is the housefly. Everyone is familiar with this annoying insect. They are very fast, it is impossible to catch them. They fly due to the presence of a powerful thorax muscle system.

Scientists have found that the wings of the housefly familiar to us work with enough high speed, approximately two hundred strokes in one second. Some species can flap their wings even faster. They have rear wings called halteres, and it is thanks to these wings that she maintains her balance and does all the tricks without falling.

According to statistics, the fly is the cause of more than 100 epidemics of hepatitis in the 19th century in Russia. Now, thanks to modern medicine, this figure has declined markedly. There are only about five epidemics per year.

You can get infected with the above ailments if there are products available to insects. Any disease, if ignored, can cause irreparable harm to the condition.

In addition, the functioning of the stomach and liver will be disrupted, the patient will have problems with stools, and there will be an increase in body temperature. In extremely severe cases, the stomach becomes covered with cracks and ulcers and the liver enlarges.

To avoid all of the above, wash your hands often, don't leave food out in the open for insects, and watch what you eat. Folk remedies will help in the fight against these annoying insects. Recipes for funds are very simple, in addition, you do not have to pay a lot of money for them.

Super-method of getting rid - cheap and easy

We get rid of insects with the help of folk recipes

The process of getting rid of flies is divided into several main stages.

1. Identification and cleaning of places where insects breed.

Try to always close the bins and take out the waste on time. Wash them with vinegar solution, flies do not like this smell, and accordingly, they will not fly there.

Another hot spot for these insects is the garbage chute. Washing it, of course, is not your responsibility. Just make sure to tie your trash bags tightly when you take out the trash.

2. The process of getting rid of adults.

To do this, you can use repellents that are sold in stores. But you should know that they are dangerous, and besides, they are not exactly cheap. It is much more efficient, safer, and, moreover, cheaper to kill flies simply by using funds “from the people”.

The most effective folk remedies

All of the following remedies have been tried for centuries. Our ancestors used them even before we were born.

Getting rid of flies with. Insects resist this smell. You just need to spray vodka in the house or anywhere they live.

The use of essential oils, for example, lavender, lemon, will help you get rid of these unpleasant insects.

Cloves in the fight against insects. Place some flowers on a saucer in the kitchen. Can also use clove essential oil.

You can also use homemade flavoring. For this you will need a couple of lemons and carnation flowers. Cut the lemons into two parts, stick flowers into each of them. Put them in a vase or on a plate and place them on the table.

Homemade Velcro. Prepare a strong sugar syrup with jam and honey. Then cut a few paper strips and soak them in the prepared syrup for a couple of hours. It is preferable to use kraft paper. After that, dry and hang in problem areas (where flies live most often).

Preparing the sugar trap. First you need to make a sugar solution. Then make a cone out of paper and insert a jar into it. Just to keep the cone dry. Since flies love sweets, they will fly to the smell, and once they fly into the jar, they will not be able to get out. This is the general principle of all such traps. If desired, you can pour beer instead of sugar syrup.

Poison recipe. Take two spoons of sugar and one spoon of black ground pepper, mix them well. Pour this mixture into small containers and place them throughout the home.

Plants are the best helpers

Not everyone knows about the existence of flowers that feed on these annoying insects.

As you can see, there is a large number of tools that will help in getting rid of flies. Try it, it's not hard, it's safe and it's practically free.

The ubiquitous flies can ruin the life of even the most careful owners. They are not saved from them either at the windows, or it would seem closed doors. Insects are able to get into the room, literally stepping on the heels of a person.

And from their stay inside the house or apartment, one should expect some troubles, because the whole body of the flies is an ideal " vehicle» for many dangerous bacteria, viruses and microorganisms.

No wonder man has been searching for thousands of years effective remedy for the destruction of such annoying, buzzing with the same interest and over a plate of jam and over a hill of garbage, insects.


Folk remedies indispensable for combating a small number of insects that have entered the house. Also, many of them are good for use in homes with tenants suffering from allergies. They do no harm environment and man, especially those prepared on the basis of herbs and substances familiar to people like sugar and honey.

The main disadvantage is the low efficiency when the premises are heavily polluted with insects.

Each owner decides for himself what to choose: poisons and baits homemade or guaranteed effective (and dangerous) products from veterinary shops. But it is important to remember that before resorting to radical methods struggle, it is necessary to try out the most simple ways. For example, air the rooms in the morning. Flies do not tolerate drafts and cool air. They also do not like dark rooms. Sometimes it is enough to cover all the curtains, leaving one window open, so that the insects immediately fly into the light and leave the room.

Formalin and kerosene are still somehow radical, I think. I used sticky tape, according to the recipe in the article, and the result was pretty good. I fixed the tape in the corner of the kitchen, away from the stove and so that no one accidentally hooked it and didn’t “get stuck”. All the flies flew there and stayed there forever, even a domestic moth flew in. BUT bad smell somehow did not feel like.

Probably, there are no people in the world who would not be familiar with these annoying creatures.

Such insects are extremely fast in flight, they are very difficult to catch on the fly. Their wings are set in motion thanks to a system of powerful muscles of the thoracic region of the body (thorax). Scientists have found that the wings of an ordinary housefly work with incredible speed - about 200 strokes per second. Certain species of these insects are able to move their wings even faster. Although those wings that are located behind (halteres) are not actually wings, they help the fly to maintain balance and do all these tricks, avoiding falling or unsteady flight. In addition, thanks to these wings, some flies are able to spin in the air in one place and fly backwards. It was found that the fastest representatives of these insects can fly at very high speeds - almost 40 km / h.

Fly lifestyle

Housefly activity occurs mainly during the day. Adult representatives of this species eat various liquid substances. Their oral apparatus is licking-sucking, that is, such insects are absolutely not able to pierce human skin.

Biting flies, which are usually confused with houseflies, are stingers (Latin name stomoxys calcitrans).

House flies are very prolific. One pair of flies is capable of producing a very large offspring. They lay their eggs (on average 80-100) wherever its larvae can feed. In her entire short life, the female is able to lay about 1000 eggs. The entire development cycle takes place in this insect in just a couple of weeks.

AT winter period house flies mysteriously disappear. The question arises: where do they come from in such colossal quantities by the summer? It's simple - they lay eggs, from which, after a day, larvae appear, which reach the stage of an adult insect in just 11 days.

Throughout its existence, the fly goes through a number of changes: from an egg, it turns into a larva, then into a pupa, and eventually an adult insect appears, which is immediately capable of producing new offspring.

Why are flies dangerous?

By the smallest count, common houseflies are the cause of 112 epidemics of infectious jaundice in the 19th century in Russia. At present, thanks to a well-developed medical field, this figure has decreased to 3-5 epidemics per year.

Diseases of the above infectious diseases occur if you eat food that is infected with flies. All diseases, if not treated, will affect the state of the gastrointestinal system. In the affected person, the work of the liver and stomach is disturbed, he develops constipation or diarrhea (depending on the type of infection), and the temperature often rises. In very serious cases, the stomach may become covered with bloody cracks and small ulcers, and the liver may increase in size.

Folk remedies in the fight against flies

.Many people have an ordinary tomato in their garden, and it is its leaves that can help in the fight against these insects. It is not necessary to cover the entire dwelling with tomato leaves; it will be enough to put several miniature pots of tomatoes on the windows. And if you decorate them with some kind of decor, then the plants will become an unusual addition to your interior. Such a folk remedy for flies helps to make these insects fly around your home.

Another excellent remedy from flies - this is black elderberry and fern. AT summer period there are a huge number of such plants, so you will not have problems with how to get them. The flies can't stand themsmell . In order to scare away these insects, sprigs of fern or elderberry are laid out throughout the room, or simply put them in a vase.

.Against house flies you can prepare poison own production. To do this, mix sugar (2 teaspoons) with black ground pepper (1 teaspoon). Spread the resulting mixture into saucers, and put them around the entire perimeter of the house.

.Those who love flowers and have geraniums in their collection are incredibly lucky, because this is an excellent remedy for flies.

.These insects hate the smell of castor oil, turpentine and wax. If you wash the doors and windows with water to which you add a few drops of one of these products, the flies will be afraid to fly into your home.

The smell of plants such as eucalyptus or myrtle is also a good way to get rid of flies. And most importantly, very fast. Plant these plants in flower pots and put them on the windowsill. The house will always have at hand an excellent remedy for colds, and an excellent fly repeller.

.Homemade black pepper feeders help well against these insects. In those places where a large number of these insects live, it is necessary to pour black pepper. They will not like it, since this substance is a terrible poison for them.

A pot of castor beans is also a good fly repellant. Since these insects cannot stand the smell of this plant, they will disappear from your apartment for a long time.

.If you have a private house or you are in the country, then you can plant bird cherry next to the housing. Its smell is unpleasant to these creatures.

.Excellent folk remedy from flies - this is tansy. Its flowers and stems give off special essential oils, which have a paralytic effect on these insects

.At home, you can prepare a special solution that will act on flies as a poisonous substance. To do this, dissolve a quarter teaspoon of chlorophos in water, and add half a teaspoon of sugar. The resulting mixture is poured into

saucers and arrange around the house.

.Some say you can get rid of flies by hanging an orange or lemon stuffed with cloves.

Prevention of the appearance of flies in the house will be its timely cleaning. Food should be in places inaccessible to insects. The windows and vents of your home must be protected with a mosquito net. Then you can get rid of many annoying insects without getting them at all.

Spring... What could be more beautiful! However, with the advent of the first gentle rays of the sun, all nature is reborn, and annoying, annoying flies are no exception. Especially many of these insects live in countryside. A person must understand that the proximity to flies is not only an unpleasant buzzing and tickling during sleep. Insects can be carriers of various dangerous diseases, so it is necessary to know wooden house.

Danger lurks on the paws of flies

Troublesome insects are often carriers various diseases. A fly, arriving from the street and sitting on human food, can bring any viruses and bacteria there.

Prevention of the appearance of flies in a wooden house

Many people do not understand where the flies in a wooden house come from. If they knew the basic preventive measures against the appearance of insects in housing, then this problem would not have affected them. So, how can you prevent the attack of flies in a wooden dwelling?

  1. Flies just love unsanitary conditions, so they don’t like clean houses too much. Do wet cleaning more often, put uneaten food in the refrigerator immediately, and food waste in the bin. Garbage, by the way, also does not need to be stored for a long time. Try to throw it away as quickly as possible. If you keep livestock, then often flies fly into the house from cow dung. Water the manure with a weak solution of vitriol - and the reproduction of the larvae will be stopped.
  2. Protect windows and doors with insect screens - the barrier method is very effective.
  3. Elder and bird cherry planted along the house will be scared away by the smell of fruit flies. The same can be said about the pot. room geranium on the windowsill. Drosophila "love" brewed tea, so don't keep old tea in a bucket for too long.

If preventive measures still didn’t save you, it’s time to read tips on how to get rid of flies in a wooden house.

Getting rid of flies with chemicals

Modern manufacturers offer customers a wide variety of means to combat house flies. Below you can find the most popular and effective ones.

  • Aerosol is a very easy to use product. It is only necessary to press the button and spray a stream of poison on insects. Very often, flies are destroyed with the help of Dichlorvos. It is done like this: the chemical is generously sprayed into the room, then it is locked for an hour. After that, the hostess will only have to ventilate the room and sweep the dead flies into a scoop. Chemical manufacturers know exactly how to get rid of flies in a wooden house.
  • Sticky tape is very effective in controlling flies. It's already in use long years. The essence of the work is to hang the tape at the window or in the center wooden house. Chemical composition impregnation attracts flies with a smell, they sit on the tape, but they can no longer fly away. Their paws are firmly stuck in the sticky substance! From this poison, the insect quickly dies.

  • Vaporrin-impregnated plates give excellent result in the fight against flies that bred in flowers. The destruction of flies in a wooden house using this method will not harm a person, but insects will obviously have a hard time.

Chemical insect control methods give good results, but they also have a drawback. Some chemicals can harm a person (for example, breathing "Dichlorvos" is clearly useless). It is especially not recommended to use such methods in a house where small children live.

How to deal with flies in wooden houses in folk ways?

If the use of chemical products is unacceptable for you, and the flies are tired to the point of impossibility, then try to expel them with folk ways. For example, black pepper is a nightmare for flies, for them it is a real poison. Place three pinches of ground black pepper in a glass of sweet water and leave it in the room. After an hour, you will only have to collect the dead insects from the bottom of the glass.

Flies in a wooden house in autumn are not uncommon guests. You can prepare a trap for them with your own hands. Just take a newspaper and soak it in sweet water. When the paper dries, it will come out as an extremely effective trap for annoying insects.

Extra Flies Removal

It happens that it is necessary to expel insects in as soon as possible(for example, you are waiting for important guests). In this case, you can use a less strong chemical agent.

If you don’t want to do this, but you don’t know how to deal with flies in wooden houses, do it easier. Close the windows tightly. The room needs darkness. After 15 minutes, open all the windows, doors, balcony - and the flies will rush to the light that has reappeared.

Another good option- arrange a draft in the house. Flies do not like the wind and, most likely, will leave the room that is uncomfortable for them.

By the way, do not sweep out the spiders suddenly found in the house. The place where she lives worst enemy, the fly will avoid!

Well, the last method without the involvement of chemicals is the usual fly swatter, which is also used very often in our time.

How to get rid of flies in a wooden house using ultrasound?

Currently, ultrasonic devices are used very often to get rid of flies. They are effective and do not contain any chemicals. You will get rid of flies quickly and safely. High sound waves, which a person does not even hear (they are, of course, safe for our ear), are detrimental to insects. This high-pitched sound is too unpleasant for flies, having heard it, they immediately fly away as far as possible from the source. Ultrasound will not work in the open air, but will perfectly cope with the task in a wooden house.

Now you know how to quickly and effectively get rid of flies that bring dirt and disease into our home. Keep annoying insects out of your cozy home!

Flies belong to the insect family and live all over the world. Remember that flies are dangerous to human health.

Why are flies dangerous?

Flies are carriers of diseases (tuberculosis, diphtheria, cholera, dysentery, conjunctivitis, helminthiasis and anthrax). They spread infections, use the human body as a habitat. This is fraught with the development of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. Flies in the apartment harm food, after which they can not be eaten. Suffering from fly larvae Agriculture: yield is reduced.

A lot of flies in the house is a sign of a problem that can be solved.

The fight against flies takes place in two stages:

  1. Locate and remove insect breeding sites. Regular cleaning and cleaning reduces the number of flies. Do not forget to close the trash cans, follow the regular collection food waste, treat the trash can with vinegar. If you live in an apartment, make sure that the housing department clean and wash the garbage chute in which flies accumulate. Dispose of rubbish in tied trash bags.
  2. Get rid of flies. After clearing the breeding grounds for the flies, destroy the adults. Suitable industrial repellents or folk methods.

Folk recipes for flies

After eliminating the cause of the appearance of insects, it's time to get rid of the flies in the house. Popular methods of getting rid of insects: duct tape, industrial repellents and folk remedies for flies in the house.


Flies do not tolerate the smell of vodka. This method of dealing with flies is not cheap. Spray vodka on insect infestations.

Essential oils

The essential oil repels flies. At the same time, its use has a good effect on the well-being of a person, if you choose the right aroma. Use lavender, citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass, or peppermint.


Flies don't like cloves. To get rid of flies, put a dozen cloves on a saucer near dining table or use clove essential oil.

For indoor evening gatherings in the open air, use a homemade flavor. This will require a couple of lemons and cloves. Cut the lemons into two halves and supply each with a few cloves. The fragrance fights flies and mosquitoes.