Bonding various materials: advice from experts. Types of glue for plywood and features of its use Wood glue for plywood

Plywood - building material, the active use of which is required by the production of furniture, packaging and even the automotive industry. Wood veneer is used to make this multilayer material. coniferous trees. The result is a durable structure that can be secured using screws, nails and bolts, but most convenient option is glue.

Methods for laying plywood

How to glue plywood to plywood? The most environmentally friendly is water-based glue. It is completely odorless and can be diluted with water and used instead of a primer. This installation requires additional fastening, and the main disadvantage is long-term drying.

Solvent-based glue dries a little less quickly - 3-5 days. In this case, you need to pre-soak concrete screed special primer. The disadvantage is the strong smell.

How to glue plywood to plywood and save time? This desire can be maximally satisfied by using it. It dries in about 24 hours and does not require dowel nails.

How to choose glue for plywood

Resolving the question of how better plywood to plywood, depends on the type of connection and further operating conditions. The process can be represented by self-installation of plywood on a screed or carrying additional function, for example, to strengthen the structure.

If you plan to use unveneered plywood, then you can purchase any glue. The main requirement is a dry and clean surface. To apply the composition to both surfaces to be glued, it is better to use a roller or brush. After this, you can strengthen the plywood connection with nails, screws or clamps. Finally, you need to remove the excess mixture.

How to glue plywood to plywood if whole sheets will be used? You just need to cover the surfaces with the mixture and then press them down with temporary dowel nails.

It is not recommended to glue a laminated surface covered with a film, so before applying the epoxy composition, the sheets must be cleaned sandpaper.

How to glue plywood to plywood so as not to disturb the texture of the material and not cause a change in color, but at the same time obtain a high-strength structure? PVA glue is ideal for interior work, and phenol or

The level of connection reliability is affected not only by the applied mixture, but also by strict adherence to recommendations, since if latest properties glue may not open completely.

Glue composition

Almost any adhesive for gluing plywood is based on the following components:

  • main adhesive ingredient;
  • solvent;
  • filler, which is usually used as wood dust or flour;
  • additives that directly affect the rate of hardening and maximum adhesion;
  • plasticizer;
  • antiseptic.

The hardener is usually some kind of acid or ammonium chloride, and resistance to wetting is guaranteed by the presence of tannins (formalin, copper salts, etc.).

Glue requirements

Plywood glue should have the following positive qualities:

  • reliable fastening of materials;
  • ease of use at home;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • not susceptible to the destructive effects of bacteria and fungi.

It is equally important that the adhesive does not destroy the wood veneer or change its color.

Which glue is better: "KS" or "Tarbikol"?

When deciding how to glue plywood to plywood, people most often choose “KS” or “Tabrikol”.

A little more about their properties and features:

The influence of plywood grade on the choice of adhesive composition

The brand of suitable plywood adhesive directly depends on the level of strength required and on how high the humidity is in the room in which the structure is planned to be used.

What kind of glue to glue plywood to plywood if finished product will it be in a well-ventilated area? PVA, protein or synthetic, works well.

If you plan to make country furniture, which will be located both indoors and outdoors, it is better to use one of the synthetic compounds.

Once the choice has been made in favor of a moisture-resistant material for interior space, you need to determine how to glue plywood to plywood. Reviews indicate that it is better to join with compounds based on The use of uncoated sheets makes it possible to glue plywood with any type of glue.

How much glue is needed to lay plywood on a concrete surface?

The amount of consumption depends on the number of irregularities, the presence or absence of porosity and the quality of the screed. You should proceed from the recommended consumption of 1.2-1.5 kg/m2, but do not forget that the plywood must be laid on a base without voids. Only uniform pressing of the plywood to the base can ensure optimal distribution of the glue over the entire surface.

Tools and materials needed for work

Before you start working with plywood, you should stock up on the following tools:

  • foam roller;
  • clamps;
  • with a hammer.

You also need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • blanks;
  • sanding paper;
  • nails.

Plywood gluing sequence

Before you get started, you should figure out how to glue plywood to plywood. The instructions below reveal in as much detail as possible all the intricacies of this process:

  1. First, the plywood sheets must be cleaned of dust and various kinds pollution. To remove the laminated layer you will need
  2. Then the plywood should be thoroughly dried.
  3. It is recommended to distribute the glue to obtain an even layer using a roller.
  4. Now you need to press the plywood parts together with clamps. It is recommended to remove protruding excess with a knife and rags.
  5. If there are large details, then they will need to be connected with nails.
  6. Finally, when the adhesive mass is completely dry, the product must be freed from the clamps.

Coffee table made from plywood scraps

A lot has been said about how to glue plywood to plywood, but how can you make something useful from this material?

After carrying out various repair work, a lot of plywood scraps remain, which are simply sent to the trash bin.

But these pieces are ideal, for example, for creating an unusual and beautiful coffee table.

List of materials and tools required for work:

  • a whole piece of thick cardboard small size for template;
  • many plywood pieces of the same thickness, which will make up the main structure;
  • moisture resistant glue for wooden surfaces;
  • jigsaw;
  • pencil;
  • vice;
  • circular saw;
  • grinding machine;

Gluing plywood: a practical example

How to quickly make a plywood table? First you need to make a paper template for cutting out the legs of the product. Coffee table It will look good on openwork or curved legs.

You need to take a large sheet of paper and draw legs on it on a scale of 1:1. When transferring the design onto cardboard, remember that the finished structure should be placed on symmetrical legs.

After completing the work with the template, you can proceed to gluing the plywood pieces. The construction must be made in such a way that the shape resembles the future table legs. Gluing each 2 parts must be accompanied by removing excess mortar and tightly compressing the plywood pieces. At the end of the work, the legs should be placed on flat surface, place the template on top of them and trace its outline with a pencil. To trim off the excess structure, you will need a jigsaw. A tabletop should be placed on top of the product and the parts should be connected to each other.

Plywood – multilayer material, produced from wood veneer, glued together. Due to its fairly strong and stable structure, it is widely used in construction, in particular in the construction of parquet floors.

Marking of plywood used indoors

  • NS– unpolished. After installation, the material is sanded.
  • FC– moisture resistant. This plywood is glued together with an adhesive based on formaldehyde resin and does not contain phenol, which makes it possible to use it in residential premises.
  • Ш1- the material is sanded on one side.

Main types of plywood glue

The speed of laying lumber, as well as strength, depends on the correct choice of composition. flooring and the duration of its operation. Based on the type of composition, plywood screed adhesive is divided into:

  • Water. The undeniable advantages include the absence of odor and environmental friendliness. This composition can be used in rooms where people live. Water-based adhesive suitable for wood with high degree moisture resistance. Disadvantages include long drying time and the need for additional fastening of plywood using dowels.

  • One-component Solvent based plywood adhesive. The drying time of the mixture is 3-5 days. The screed must be pre-primed. After gluing, the plywood is additionally secured with dowels. A one-component composition is used for types of wood that are prone to deformation under the influence of moisture. One-component adhesive is fire hazardous.

  • Two-component. Bonding of surfaces is carried out as a result chemical reaction, occurring inside the mixture. The two-room composition provides minimal time for gluing surfaces, which is why it is called “reactive”. It is superior to its analogues in terms of strength and drying speed. However, when applying the mixture you should use individual means protection.

Features of choosing glue for plywood

The choice of composition determines the type of gluing and conditions for further operation. The process itself can take the form self-installation plywood on the screed or go as an additional one, in order to give the structure additional strength.

If you use unveneered plywood, you can purchase any glue. The main requirement is that the surface of the material must be dry and clean. The composition is applied with a roller or brush evenly on both surfaces to be glued. If necessary, after applying the composition, use nails, screws or clamps to press the plywood to the screed (every 40 square centimeters). After finishing the work, the excess mixture is removed.

Dowelless installation involves the use of solid sheets of material. Glue is applied to the surface of the plywood and then pressed using temporary dowel nails. After the composition has dried, the nails are removed.

For indoor work, you can use PVA glue; it will not disturb the texture of the material, will not change its color, but will at the same time add strength to the structure. For external gluing best choice there will be phenol and epoxy glue. Epoxy glue is used to bond plywood to metal.

Laminated plywood (with film coating) is not intended for gluing. Therefore, before applying the epoxy compound, the surface should be cleaned with sandpaper.

The strength of the connection depends not only on the type of mixture applied, but also on strict adherence to installation rules. If these rules are violated, the properties of the glue will not be fully demonstrated.

Laying plywood on a concrete screed

Lumber glued to a concrete floor allows you to provide a level and stable base for further laying of the laminate, parquet board, linoleum or carpet. This method is cheaper and easier to implement than laying on logs. In addition, plywood allows you to correct unevenness of the base and increase the thermal insulation properties, and also reduces the installation time of the floor covering. Main stages of work:

  • Preparing the concrete base.

Checking concrete base for horizontalness and evenness. If the difference in height exceeds 2 mm, you will have to cement screed. After the base has dried, clean it from dust using a vacuum cleaner.

You can use plywood glue as a primer mixture. The composition is diluted with a solvent corresponding to its brand and applied with a roller or wide brush to the surface.

Important! The primer (primer) must be selected according to the adhesive mixture (for the dispersion composition - acrylic primer, for solvent-based compositions - a primer based on synthetic resin, for two-component plywood adhesive - a polyurethane or epoxy primer).

The primer not only removes dust from the surface and makes it stronger, but also improves adhesion, blocks residual moisture and reduces composition consumption.

  • Laying plywood

The adhesive composition is applied to the surface of the screed in a layer of about 2 mm. For these purposes, it is best to use a notched trowel. We cut the plywood into squares of 75*75 or 60*60 cm. A large number of seams will ensure compensation for temperature and humidity changes. The cut sheets are numbered and laid according to the laying diagram. After the sheet is placed on the base, it is rolled with a heavy roller and secured with self-tapping screws and dowels. The fastening step is 15-20 cm, fastenings along the perimeter are made at a distance of 2 cm from the edge. The length of the screw should be three times the thickness of the plywood used. To ensure that the screws are not noticeable, the holes into which the dowels are inserted are drilled to the required depth at the fastening points. The top of the hole is countersunk with a large diameter drill.

  • Sanding plywood.

To achieve a perfectly smooth coating, grinding is performed. For these purposes, it is best to use a grinder with coarse sandpaper.

To increase the strength of plywood, the fibers in adjacent sheets are perpendicular to each other. This achieves high resistance to deformation relative to natural wood.

The main differences in the manufacture of plywood are birch or coniferous veneer and the addition of polymer resins.

Plywood comes in the following types:

  • birch, moisture-resistant FC, increased moisture-resistant FSF;
  • coniferous;
  • laminated.

Plywood grade:

  • FC plywood is moisture-resistant, glued with glue based on urea-formaldehyde resin. Suitable for interior work only;
  • FSF plywood with increased moisture resistance, glued with glue based on phenol-formaldehyde resin. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use;
  • laminated plywood – birch plywood covered with film.
  • strength;
  • beautiful texture;
  • quick installation;
  • low cost;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • plastic.

Despite the great love, not everyone knows how to glue plywood onto plywood quickly and efficiently. Such information is rarely needed; the technology is forgotten over time.

But if you are a furniture maker or are engaged in... wooden decor, then the basic methods are familiar. They are simple, and even every beginner can master them. It is usually enough to read carefully and understand how everything happens.


Before gluing plywood, you should find out everything about the glue that is sold on the shelves of hardware stores. We will learn how to do it better by understanding the difference. The quality of our work depends on this.


  • casein - made from cottage cheese. Sold in powder form. Before use, dissolve in water and mix thoroughly;
  • albumin - are made from protein that is found in the blood of an animal. Also mixed with water. The glue curls at a temperature of 700 degrees, so this type of glue is used for hot gluing;
  • combined - mixed from casein and albumin, which is something in between their characteristics.


The main advantage is water resistance and strength. The disadvantages include harmfulness, reduced viability and rigidity of the compounds.

Synthetic adhesives are represented by the resins included in their composition:

  • urea – formaldehyde resins. Provides glue with a colorless seam. Making decor, gluing small parts imitating wood. The safest;
  • phenol – formaldehyde resins. They are water resistant and do not react to bacteria and fungi. One of the most poisonous.

Each adhesive for working with plywood consists of the following components:

  • additive that guarantees rapid hardening;
  • warp;
  • plasticizer;
  • filler;
  • solvent;
  • antiseptic.

Acid and ammonium chloride are also used as a hardener. To remove the effect of getting wet, tannins (formalin, copper) are also used.

Two gluing methods:

  • overlap gluing;
  • butt gluing.

Overlap - plywood is combined with planes, forming a protrusion. Butt joint - the connection occurs end to end. The difficulty lies in the perfect surface treatment and adjustment of the glued edges to create a minimum gap.

Step-by-step gluing instructions:

  • on the joint planes, remove all irregularities with sandpaper or sandpaper;
  • remove dirt;
  • degrease;
  • apply glue;
  • We wait for the appropriate time;
  • fix with clamps;
  • remove excess glue;
  • After a day, we remove the clamps, and the gluing is complete.

Two ways of splicing plywood sheets:

  • "mustache" splicing;
  • butt splicing.

“On the nose” is the most popular method. Common due to the visual absence of a seam after fusion.

Butt splicing is used when it is necessary to glue sheets of plywood, which during operation will not be in the gluing area under a load.

Step-by-step instructions for miter splicing:

  • Using a jointer, process the ends at an angle;
  • the length of the “mustache” should be equal to the thickness of 10-12 plywood sheets;
  • set the jointer knife to 1-1.5 mm;
  • reduce to 0.75 mm;
  • clean up the mustache grinder first grain 40, then 80;
  • apply glue;
  • we secure the plywood with clamps;
  • remove excess glue;
  • remove the clamps after 24 hours.

Step-by-step instructions for butt splicing:

  • grind both sides of the surfaces to be glued;
  • degrease surfaces;
  • apply glue and compress the planes;
  • We apply a thick layer of glue to the seam formed during the work, into which we immerse a strip of fiberglass;
  • we ensure a tight connection with the plywood by piercing the fiberglass;
  • carefully clean the surface.


Plywood is enough beautiful material on its own, but if you wish, you can cover the plywood walls with wallpaper. How to do this correctly and how to choose the right wallpaper for this.

Problems with plywood walls:

  • joints. Thickness varies;
  • hygroscopicity. The dimensions of the sheets can change depending on humidity, and the wallpaper can wrinkle and tear;
  • you need to choose smoother plywood. The relief can be visible through thin wallpaper.


Most best material for wallpaper - vinyl. Plasticized polyvinyl chloride will provide reliable protection against moisture, and the elasticity of the wallpaper will not cause it to tear. They are durable and do not require specific or additional care.

Non-woven wallpaper is suitable for painting. They are elastic and textured, which will hide all the defects of the plywood sheet. They look good on the walls and can be repainted every time, changing the interior.

Preliminary work:

  • grinding. Special attention you need to pay attention to the joints of the sheets;
  • putty. Acrylic, for wooden surfaces. Pay attention to seams and screw recesses;
  • primer. Diluted glue or any acrylic glue is perfect;
  • Wallpaper is usually glued as if on a wall.

Ceramic tiles

Recently, plywood has replaced drywall. Partitions, cabinets, decorative table tops they began to make it out of it. She is much stronger than drywall, it does not require a frame, the sheets are simply attached end-to-end. A plywood base for a kitchen work surface is a very good solution.


Getting ready to work with plywood and ceramic tiles need to consider:

  • humidity can lead to surface deformation;
  • stability of the structure itself, deflection can cause tiles to fall out.

It will not work to glue tiles to plywood with ordinary glue; moisture will cause the plywood surface to swell:

  • drywall. The tiles are laid on it very well, it is an intermediate covering;
  • paint or varnish. We paint the surface of the plywood or open it several times with varnish. A painted or varnished surface will not allow moisture to pass through;
  • liquid nails. They fix the plywood surface well;
  • silicone sealant. Reliability during bending and minor vibrations;
  • acrylic tile adhesive.

Many people use a sheet of plywood decking to smooth out any unevenness in the concrete before laying the final surface.

For the most durable and long-lasting fixation of wood and concrete, it is necessary to use a special glue for plywood. In our article we will try to understand the types of such glue, determine which one is better and how to use it for the most successful bonding of materials.

Leveling a concrete screed using a plywood sheet is not the only possible method. There are many other ways to achieve a smooth surface. However, this particular technology has a number of advantages that determine its popularity:

  • plywood sheet is an environmentally friendly product;
  • wood provides very good thermal insulation;
  • wood helps suppress noise;
  • the use of plywood is very convenient and versatile, in comparison with the same wet screed;
  • she has quite good characteristics durability and strength;
  • has a low cost.

In addition to the positive adhesive characteristics, experts also highlight a number of disadvantages of plywood sheets:

  • the material can only be used in cases where the concrete floor does not have large-scale flaws. In another situation, in addition to plywood sheets, you will have to install logs or use special types racks;
  • premises that differ high humidity, they are obliged to use FSF brand plywood sheet, but it costs much more.

You can learn about the types of plywood from the video:

Types of plywood glue

The choice of glue for plywood is important point during installation work. Since the speed of laying materials and the strength of the finished coating depend on the quality of the adhesive mass. Using the right adhesive will improve the longevity of your flooring. Types of glue are divided by composition. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.


Based on the name, it becomes clear that the main active component of this glue is water. The glue has a number of advantageous differences: it does not have unpleasant odor and it is environmentally friendly. This makes it possible to use it in residential premises where people live at the time of repair work. This adhesive for plywood screed is suitable for fastening wood that has increased resistance to moisture. There are some disadvantages: long time drying and the need to secure the plywood with dowels.


The basis of this product is a solvent. The drying time of the glue is three to five days. Before gluing, it is necessary to prime the concrete. After applying the glue, you have to secure the plywood with dowels to improve the result. This glue is used when working with wood, which has poor resistance to moisture and is deformed.

Be careful, the one-component mixture is fire hazardous.


In glue, which consists of two active ingredients, gluing occurs due to the occurrence of a reaction chemical type that happens inside. Two-component plywood adhesive glues materials to each other very quickly. For this he was called reactive. The bonding strength and drying time compare favorably with other types of glue. However, it is very toxic, so you must wear a respirator and gloves when using it.

You can learn more from the video:

Choosing glue for plywood

Depending on what adhesive you choose for plywood on a concrete floor, the gluing technique and methods for further use of the product will be determined. The process can be of two types: fixing plywood to a concrete screed or an additional measure to give the flooring extra strength.

If you use plywood without veneer, then it doesn’t really matter what kind of glue you buy. The main thing is that the surface of the wood is absolutely dry and clean. The glue is applied with a roller to each surface and only then can the plywood be glued to the screed. Sometimes additional fastening of the material with bolts or nails is required. After installation is complete, remove excess mixture with a spatula.

Installation without the use of additional fasteners can only be carried out if solid sheets of wood are available. Glue is applied to the plywood, then joining occurs using temporary nails. After fastening, the nails can be removed.

If you work in indoors, then give preference to PVA glue.

This glue does not destroy the structure of the wood and does not change its shade. The structure of a floor glued with PVA will be especially durable.

If there is a need to glue plywood to any type of metal, then epoxy resin-based glue is used.

When working with laminated plywood, it is worth knowing that it is not suitable for gluing. Therefore, before gluing plywood to concrete, you need to clean its surface with sandpaper.

The strength of the bond depends not only on the type of glue applied, but also on compliance with all the rules and nuances of installation. If such rules are neglected, the design may turn out to be very short-lived.

Installation subtleties

How to glue plywood? It is worth noting that before you start gluing materials, it is necessary to prime the surface. To make a primer, you can use the same glue that will be used to secure the plywood sheet.

The primer helps remove dust from the concrete and provides stronger adhesion. It is strictly forbidden to neglect this stage of work.

Before laying the plywood, it must be cut into equal squares. Their size should be about fifty centimeters on each side. This is due to the fact that a large piece of plywood is quite uneven and can inflate. Besides, large number seams provides improved coating performance during temperature and humidity changes.

You can learn more about how to do this in the video:

Each sheet of plywood must be adjusted to the size of the room. You must cut out all the niches, protrusions, and recesses. It is recommended to number each sheet for ease of installation. The gap between two pieces of wood should not be more than one centimeter. The gap between the plywood and the wall is no more than two centimeters. Place the plywood in checkerboard pattern, this will ensure durability of the coating.

Now you know about the composition features of each type of glue and how to glue plywood. If you spend installation work in a room where no people live during the repair, we recommend that you choose a two-component adhesive. Since he has high performance strength and fire resistant. If renovation work occur in close proximity to people, use more environmentally friendly mixtures. We wish you a successful renovation!

Plywood can be laid on both concrete and wooden floors. In both cases, it can be glued, fortunately, construction stores Today they are full of various offers of adhesives of different price categories and quality. The question of how to glue plywood can have many different solutions and buying the cheapest or, conversely, the most expensive glue for laying plywood will be fundamentally wrong - it must be chosen depending on what kind of flooring the plywood is chosen for and in what conditions it will be used be exploited.

  • What are the benefits of plywood glue?
  • Types of glue for fixing plywood to the floor
    • Water based glue
    • One-component adhesive
    • Two-component adhesive
  • Features of choosing glue
    • Depending on the finishing floor covering
    • For unveneered plywood
    • Outdoors or indoors?
  • Glue drying speed
  • Secrets of using plywood glue

What are the benefits of plywood glue?

The convenience of applying glue to plywood is that it does not require special skills or special equipment. Gluing plywood is quite within the capabilities of an inexperienced craftsman who only has paint brush and a spatula. The use of glue offers the following advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • connection strength;
  • Possibility of use for heated floors;
  • resistance to aging and moisture.

Types of glue for fixing plywood to the floor

Water based glue

Water-based adhesives are the answer to the question of whether it is possible to glue plywood to wooden floor without spreading strong odors and maintaining an environmentally friendly atmosphere. Therefore, it is recommended for use in residential areas.

It is best to use them to glue moisture-resistant wood.

But water-based adhesives also have disadvantages:

  • they take a long time to dry;
  • require additional fastening with dowels.

If communications are laid in concrete, and there is no diagram of their location, then you will have to abandon the use of nails or dowels so as not to inadvertently damage the electrical wiring. Otherwise, the floor will have to be opened with diamond cutters, the damaged wire will be corrected, and the concrete will be re-concrete.

The main types of adhesives for water based:

  • polyacrylate;
  • latex containing artificial rubbers;
  • PVA (emulsion of polyvinyl acetate in water);
  • contact compounds.

One-component adhesive

One-component adhesive for plywood floors contains a non-flammable solvent, but when using it, the screed must first be primed. Here you also need dowels for intermediate fixation.

Toxicity requires good room ventilation and the use of a respirator.

The composition of one-component polyurethane adhesives In addition to the solvent and polymer, it includes a hardener - isocyanate, adhesion enhancers and other additives.

This glue has a number of advantages:

  • perfectly penetrates into voids and cracks, which makes it possible to increase the solidity of the subfloor;
  • after drying, the glue remains elastic, so it does not crack during use;
  • used for plywood made from types of wood prone to deformation from high humidity.

Two-component adhesive

Any two-component adhesive for plywood on a concrete floor, due to its fast reaction (hence they are called reactive), sets very quickly and produces a durable and very strong seam. Buying glue from two components is much easier than gluing it, since immediately before use it is necessary to mix the resin with the hardener in the required proportions.

When working with this glue, you should wear personal protective equipment.

The price of glue for plywood on a concrete floor, consisting of two components, is significantly higher than that of one-component adhesives, but there are also plenty of advantages:

  • no intermediate fastening with dowels or screws is required, which saves effort, money and time;
  • After the glue has quickly hardened, you can start sanding chipboard surface much earlier;
  • provides the highest bond strength.

Video on how to glue plywood to a concrete floor with two-component adhesive:

Features of choosing glue

Depending on the finishing floor covering

When choosing an adhesive for gluing plywood to the base of the floor, you need to start from the material of the latter and the conditions for further use of the room:

  • When deciding how to glue ceramic tiles to a wooden floor, you will need tile adhesive for plywood that does not include water and is not aggressive towards wood.
  • If you need parquet adhesive for plywood on a wooden floor, you should choose between epoxy-polyurethane or pure polyurethane systems containing artificial resins and solvents.
  • To glue linoleum onto plywood, you need an appropriate adhesive that can provide a long-lasting, strong seam. It is affordable, safe and approved for use in residential areas.

Laminated plywood (with a film coating) cannot be glued. Therefore, before applying the epoxy compound to it, the film must be removed from the surface with sandpaper.

For unveneered plywood

After gluing to the screed, plywood can be either an independent coating or simply serve as an intermediate layer for the finishing coating.

For unveneered plywood, you can use any glue. The only important thing here is that its surface is clean and dry. The adhesive can be applied evenly with a roller or brush to both surfaces to be bonded. Long-curing adhesives require preliminary fixation of plywood sheets to the screed using dowels, nails or clamps after approximately 30-40 cm. After work, excess mixture must be removed along with unnecessary nails.

Outdoors or indoors?

For indoor processing, it is better to use PVA glue, which is non-toxic, does not change the color of the material, but adds strength to it.

For external use, it is better to choose an epoxy composition with phenol, and to connect plywood to metal, it is better to use epoxy glue.

The following factors influence glue consumption:

  • screed quality;
  • number of irregularities;
  • porosity of the material.

On average per square meter it takes 1.2-1.5 kg of glue.

Glue drying speed

It depends on the properties of the solvent:

  • Adhesives with volatile solvents dry the fastest, allowing you to continue working after a few days.
  • Eco-friendly water-based compositions take much longer to dry, which makes many people abandon them.
  • Most quick option– two-component adhesive for plywood on concrete floors, which dries on average within 24 hours. In addition, you can do without dowels, and if the screed is primed with epoxy, then the plywood can be laid on a damp base.

Secrets of using plywood glue

The strength of the bond depends not only on the properties of the glue, but also on compliance with the gluing technology. Deviation from the latter inevitably weakens the connection.

It is also important that no voids form between the plywood and the base; to do this, the plywood must be carefully pressed against it and the glue must be distributed evenly.

Using a primer improves adhesion and saves glue.

Do you trust adhesive compositions for plywood? What glue did you use for plywood most often, and under what conditions? Share your experience in the comments.