Vegetable garden on the windowsill. What can you grow on a windowsill? Greenery on the windowsill in the apartment all year round

Many housewives have large windowsills and are thinking about how to grow herbs at home. In fact, there is nothing complicated; many types of green plants do not require special care, feeding or additional lighting. Greens can be grown all year round. It is tasty and healthy, especially during periods of vitamin deficiency. You can grow irreplaceable food additives.

Juicy spicy greens are indispensable for activating metabolic processes in the body; they have an expectorant, disinfectant, and diuretic effect. But, first things first.

It is better to grow greens in plastic containers, wooden boxes are not practical, heavy and often leak. In one long container, you can plant several varieties of herbs at once, but taking into account their combination with each other and watering conditions. For example, dill, parsley and celery can get along in one container, but marjoram, thyme and oregano need their own separate space.

The most optimal composition of the earth (soil) is peat, soil, river sand and sawdust, taken in equal proportions. For drainage, it is advisable to place pebbles or expanded clay in a layer of up to 5 cm at the bottom of each vessel. To create the required level of humidity, you will need a piece polyethylene film or caps from plastic bottles. They need to cover the sown seeds for faster germination.

All types of greens, how to grow

Growing greens at home has its own characteristics for some types of greens. The easiest ways to get a harvest of onions, dill and parsley.

To obtain large and juicy arugula leaves, containers should be kept in sufficient light and humidity levels. The top layer of soil should be constantly moist. Rucolla loves moisture, as well as fertilizing and nitrates. Seeds are sown to a soil depth of 11-12 cm, covered with a small layer of soil on top - up to 1.5 cm. Within a week you can expect the first shoots to appear. When the leaves reach a height of 7 cm, they can be cut and added to salads.

Celery prefers to grow in fertile, nutritious and moderately moist soil. Planting seeds are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, soaked for a day in warm water, wrapped in damp cloth and left for some time in a dark place. It is important not to let the fabric dry out and spray it from time to time.

The hatched seeds are ready for planting. Place the seeds on a layer of soil at a distance of up to 6 cm from each other, sprinkle with a small layer of earth, place in a lighted warm place. The optimal temperature for celery is 25 g. Sufficiently overgrown plants will need to be thinned out and the soil loosened. The best varieties For home grown: delicacy, snow globe, apple, mushroom.

Green juicy spinach leaves are rich in provitamin A, vitamins PP, B, C, vitamin B2, mineral salts, easily digestible iron, and iodine in large quantities. For anemia, this vitamin and mineral composition of spinach is simply irreplaceable. With regular use, hemoglobin will increase, vision and pancreas function will improve, and blood vessels will strengthen. But for children and people with increased acidity Spinach should be taken very carefully. There's a lot in it oxalic acid.

Greens at home like spinach require good watering and long-term lighting. First, the seeds are soaked for 2-3 hours in warm water, then planted in containers to a depth of 1.5 cm. The optimal room temperature is -18-21 g. After a couple of weeks, the crops need to be fed with mineral fertilizers to form wide and lush bushes. After 1-1.5 months fresh herbs ready to eat. The following varieties are easy to grow on window sills: Virofle, Mazurka, fat-leaved Victoria, Melodiya.

Borago and marjoram

Contains vitamin C, carotene, smells like fresh cucumbers. Borago is sown with seeds at a planting depth of up to 1.5-2 cm in sufficient fertile soil. Containers should not be placed in drafts. The place should be warm and the soil should be of high quality.

If such conditions are created, after 2 weeks you will be able to admire the first shoots, and after 1.5 months, cut the first juicy leaves for salads, which, by the way, can replace cucumbers, if winter time they won't be on your table.

Do not cut or throw away the arrows that appear on the grass with purple flowers. They have a pleasant smell and taste of honey, they can be dried, added to baked goods, desserts and even liqueurs. home production.

Marjoram is an unfamiliar spice for many; it is sold in bags as a dried seasoning for adding to meat dishes, soups, snacks, salads, and pates. It can be grown at home, in flower pots. Marjoram is included in recipes traditional medicine in the treatment of kidneys, liver, respiratory organs, helps with headaches, toothaches, a good sedative.

Marjoram - unpretentious plant, growing it at home is quite simple.

  • Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container, a layer of earth up to 15 cm is placed on top, then seeds with a depth of up to 2 cm are placed, lightly sprinkled with earth on top.
  • Afterwards, the soil can be watered and placed on window sills with moderate lighting, but avoid drafts.
  • In a couple of weeks the first shoots will appear.
  • In another 15-20 days - the first harvest.

Plants require regular watering.

Lettuce and mustard

Low-calorie salad, used in many dietary menus to normalize blood pressure and prevent sclerosis.

Drainage is poured into the bottom of the boxes, a layer of earth up to 13 cm in height is placed on top, then a small layer of nutrient mixture. You can sow the salad tightly, water it well, cover it with film and keep it warm. When seeds germinate, move the boxes to brighter windowsills. The first seedlings after the appearance of 1-2 leaves should be picked and planted. For rapid growth of lettuce, the soil should be fertilized and fertilizers should be applied in combination. Watering 3-4 times a week to keep the leaves juicy and fresh. In about a month, the first harvest will be ready for harvest.

Watercress contains carotene, sulfur, potassium salts, vitamin C. By adding salad to the diet, blood pressure and sleep are normalized. Lettuce is not picky about growing conditions. Grows in the shade, on windowsills facing north. Soil up to 12 cm is poured into the container, seeds are planted with a depth of 1 cm, and lightly covered top layer land.

For quick entries to appear, you need to water abundantly. After 2-3 weeks, the juicy leaves will be ready to eat. Lettuce grows well when fertilized with mineral fertilizers, in sufficient quantities wet soil, drying out of which is unacceptable. Overheating of the air or insufficient watering will lead to hardening of the leaves, stretching of the stems, and the formation of inflorescences. This salad is no longer suitable for food. Pepper, curly, common, and broadleaf varieties overwinter well on the windowsill.

Mustard greens grow well next to watercress. The seeds must first be soaked, after swelling, placed on prepared soil in boxes, sprinkled with a layer of up to 1.5 cm of soil on top, and covered with film to speed up germination. Keep in a dark place until they appear. As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to remove the film from the plants and expose them to the light. The first harvest is in 15-25 days.

Mustard does not need maintenance high temperature and excessive lighting. Best place- cool, shaded, and watering is moderate.

Green onions: growing in boxes (video)

Parsley, dill, basil and onion

Thickened seedlings should be thinned out. Feed min. Fertilizers can be applied after the first harvest of parsley and dill.

Mediterranean cuisine is not complete without aromatic basil. He loves light and warmth. In winter, it is worth taking care of additional lighting and daily watering. You can plant the seeds in flower pots. When the first shoots appear, apply complex fertilizers. To prolong the life of the plant, remove flower stalks when flowering.

What is easy to grow on a windowsill are onions.

A jar of settled water is enough for him. Scald the onion with boiling water and place it in a jar so that only the roots touch the water. When green arrows appear, cut them off periodically. New arrows will appear again until the bulb wrinkles, but the water must be changed regularly.

To grow green onions in containers, add a layer of soil up to 7-8 cm, plant the bulbs, and sprinkle with soil. Expose the drawers to light, preferably south-facing windows. With a lack of lighting, taste and useful substances the bow will be lost.

For forcing on feathers, it is better to plant small bulbs up to 2 cm in diameter. Plant in the ground at a distance of 2 cm from each other, half the volume of the bulb.

Growing greens on the windowsill quickly and easily. Stock up on the necessary seeds in the fall. Delicious, fresh and aromatic spices will always come in handy in winter.

How to grow dill at home in winter (video)

Gallery: greens at home (15 photos)

Instead of ordinary indoor flowers, you can grow spicy herbs on the windowsill, such as dill, lettuce or spinach. It is important to choose the right variety greenery Only early-ripening, low-growing varieties are suitable for winter planting. IN summer period You can plant mid-season herbs such as rosemary and basil, you can also plant Georgian savory.

Soil for growing greens

The soil for growing greens should be neutral. If you use garden soil, it must be calcined in microwave oven for disinfection. Also, complex compounds are added to the garden soil before planting greens. mineral fertilizers with reduced nitrogen content and sand.

Preparing a container for growing greens

A ceramic container is best suited for growing herbs on a windowsill, as it warms up faster in the sun. If you plan to grow a lot of greens, then use a 10 liter pot. Spicy greens grow very quickly. It is necessary to add drainage to the bottom of the pot: large pebbles or garden expanded clay. Then the pot is filled to the brim with soil.

Planting greenery

Before planting greenery, the soil must be thoroughly watered with a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect it. When the ground settles, it will be possible to plant spicy herbs. Parsley, dill and lettuce are sown randomly. To speed up the germination of seeds, they need to be soaked in warm water.

It is better to germinate parsley within a few days.

Spinach seeds should be planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other. When grown on a windowsill, they can be planted at a distance of 3-4 cm. Spinach is planted in holes. Savory and rosemary are planted in the same way. Next, the sown pots are covered with film, forming a greenhouse. The pots are placed on the southwest window.

Watering and fertilizing greenery

Before seedlings form, it is necessary to water the herbs using a spray bottle. Watering is done once every two days. 15 days after planting, the first green shoots will appear.

After the first shoots, lettuce is thinned out, since its seeds are small and produce dense shoots when sown.

In a month the greens will be ready to eat. For summer season You can collect 6 harvests of greenery, but for this, pots of greenery need to be watered and fertilized. Once every ten days you need to water the soil with potato decoction. Starch stimulates growth of all indoor plants, including spicy herbs.

And fruits.

Modern technologies make it possible even for beginners to organize a vegetable garden on a windowsill in winter.

There are plenty for beginners practical advice from professionals and home nursery enthusiasts.

Having learned the right approach, you can pamper yourself with juicy vegetables and herbs all year round without leaving your home.

To create a small home garden in winter, you will need careful preparation:

  • Plastic containers (cut bottles, glasses are suitable) or flower pots.
  • Polyethylene to organize a mini-greenhouse.
  • High-quality soil and fertilizers intended for vegetables and herbs.
  • UV lamps to create daylight.
  • Thermometer to monitor the temperature of your home garden.
  • A small watering can for watering the garden.

Soil can be purchased at any specialized gardening store. Then they need to fill the prepared containers and water so that the soil gets wet. Then the seeds or seedlings are planted. In case of seed planting, the containers must be placed in a warm place and covered with film to create greenhouse effect until the crops begin to germinate.

As soon as the sprouts appear, the polyethylene must be removed to ensure air circulation and transferred to the windowsill, where the plants will have access to daylight.

The key to quality plants and a successful home harvest is timely watering, fertilization and access to daylight. Because natural light not enough in winter, you will need a daylight lamp.

If you don’t want to plant seeds, you can purchase already sprouted crops in the store and simply transplant them into containers at home.

Growing greens

Greens are not only a flavoring for many dishes, but also a source of vitamins that every body needs, especially in winter. You can grow absolutely any type of greenery on the windowsill.

Let's look at the most popular ones, which are very easy to plant at home.


You don't need to plant everything at once. It is enough to plant 7-10 heads, after 2 weeks the same number and so on.

Thus, you can provide yourself with onion greens all year round without interruption, and without cluttering all the window sills.


Watercress, like green onions not whimsical and does not require a lot of attention in the indoor bed. It grows very quickly, which is important for a home windowsill; within 2 weeks after planting you can enjoy the greenery.

In addition to taste, this type of salad has many beneficial properties for the body:

  • improves blood circulation
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • promotes hemoglobin production
  • saturates the body with vitamins A, B, C, E

Cress does not require special lighting or temperature regime. For him, a perfect environment is considered to be +15 degrees and above. The main thing is to water it all the time, since the plant dies from lack of moisture. For a constant harvest of greens, it is recommended to plant a portion of seeds once a week.


According to experts, two types of lettuce are ideal for gardening on a windowsill: Lollo Rossa and Lolla Bionda.

But these, unlike onions or watercress, require additional lighting.

To make the leaves juicy and soft, it is important to maintain neutral moisture; drought or excessive watering will lead to bitterness.

When the seeds begin to sprout, it is important to break them at a distance of 1-1.5 centimeters.

When the plants get stronger, the distance between them needs to be increased to 4 centimeters. In cramped conditions, the salad will weaken and will not produce juicy fruit leaves.

Considering the compactness and miniature nature of the garden, you should not wait until the leaves grow to their full size. You can feast on young leaves by cutting them off in time and allowing new leaves to appear.


This type of greenery is one of the most not picky and fast-growing. There are several ways to plant parsley:

  • Sowing seeds. Seeds, previously soaked in Guma, are sown in a container with moistened and fertilized soil. Then they are covered with a layer of earth on top and placed in a warm place for germination. With the appearance of greenery, it can be rearranged on the windowsill. When planting this way, you need to know that parsley seeds germinate very slowly.
  • Planting forcing - roots prepared in advance. This option is a little easier, since you don’t need to sow seeds. Medium-sized roots are planted in moist soil. A plastic box, container or flower pot.

Parsley does not require special watering or lighting. It is enough to moisten the soil as needed. This plant also does not need thinning.


So that all winter period chives pleased with a juicy harvest, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. Onion peels should be planted in a container and sent to the balcony or basement. When the time comes to plant it on the windowsill, the preparations are brought into warm room. Feathers grow back very quickly.

As practice shows, you can get two harvests from one fruit, after which the plant deteriorates. Therefore, you need to prepare several containers for the winter.

There is no need to fill the chives with water, but you should not allow the soil to dry out either. When dry, the feathers become bitter and flower stalks form. For a high-quality harvest, it is recommended to add hydrogel to the soil before planting.


Basil is planted by cuttings or sown with seeds.

In both the first and second cases, an excellent harvest is obtained.

At temperatures from +18 and above, the seeds germinate on the 6th-7th day.

I take cuttings to take root from 10 to 15 days.

In the case of basil, it is better to use the sowing method.

This plant loves loose soil, and to create favorable conditions for it, coconut fibers are placed in a container with soil. They can be purchased at “Garden” stores.

Basil should be watered as needed, without allowing the soil to dry out. As for lighting, natural light conditions in winter are quite sufficient.


The easiest way to grow mint is on a windowsill, since it is not sensitive to light, moisture, or soil quality. Various types they get along well with each other, even if you plant assorted mint in one pot.

It is not recommended to sow mint seeds at home - it takes too long. It is better to buy seedlings with roots in a store or market. Mint takes up to 12-14 days to take root, and then it begins to grow quickly, spreading an incredible aroma throughout the apartment.


The rosemary cuttings are immediately planted in the ground for rooting. There is no need to pre-plant it in water. You need to create a greenhouse on top - film or glass jar. The root will get stronger in 2 weeks, then the “greenhouse” must be eliminated.

You need to put drainage at the bottom of the container with soil. Rosemary loves fresh air, but is afraid of a draft. There are no special instructions for watering this plant, but you need to sprinkle the leaves with water from time to time.

Growing vegetables

In addition to greens, you can grow them in the garden on the windowsill in winter. For beginners, the lighting should be of the highest quality possible so that there are no problems with the plants. Those who have already practiced growing crops already know from their own experience what kind of light is needed for which vegetable.


It seems that growing cucumbers in an apartment is unrealistic. With the right approach and proper care, everything is possible! Cucumbers are not very picky, so you can enjoy fresh salad in December and March.

Advantages of planting cucumbers on the windowsill:

  • it's not difficult, even a beginner can easily cope with this task
  • one and a half months after planting, you can enjoy juicy and healthy fruits
  • You can provide your table with delicious fresh salads all year round

Before breeding in an apartment, it is important to know that not all varieties are suitable for this. It is better to give preference to self-pollinating, bush and shade-tolerant ones. The following varieties are suitable for this:

  • Legend F1
  • Marinda F1
  • Connie F1
  • Debut
  • Athlete
  • Babylon
  • Claudia F1

To do this, you need to create favorable conditions so that the plant is quickly saturated with vitamins and soon bears fruit:

  • Light. Cucumbers are photophilous, so natural light will not be enough for them. It is necessary to purchase fluorescent lamps to illuminate the plant when it gets dark outside or the weather is cloudy.
  • Warm. For these plants, it is important to provide a regime from +20 to +24 degrees. At a lower temperature, the fruits will take a long time to ripen and will not turn out juicy and crispy.
  • Moisture. Cucumbers do not tolerate drought either in the garden or on the windowsill. It is necessary to strictly monitor soil moisture.

Bush hybrids are best planted in plastic container or flower pot (large). The seedlings are planted immediately. You can buy it, or prepare it in advance, in the fall.

You can watch the video on how to grow cucumbers and tomatoes on a windowsill:


A tomato on the windowsill is the dream of every housewife. Bush indoor tomatoes are not picky about moisture and temperature. They need to be watered as the soil dries and keep the temperature from +17 to +24 degrees. The room where the tomatoes are located can be ventilated, since, unlike cucumbers, they are not afraid of drafts. The following varieties of seedlings are best suited for the home garden:

  • Balcony miracle
  • Room surprise
  • Betta
  • Bansai
  • Cherry
  • Florida
  • Talisma

As a rule, the seeds indicate that this variety is suitable for growing indoors.

To ensure that the tomato bush is beautiful and even, and the fruits ripen evenly, it is recommended to turn the pot with the tomato to the window in different directions every day.

Sweet pepper

bell pepper one of the most simple vegetables for growing at home.

It does not require special heating or lighting.

But the first fruits appear 6 months after the seed sprouts.

That is, in order to provide yourself with peppers, you can plant several bushes every month, which will result in an uninterrupted harvest.

Indoor varieties:

  • Patio-Ivo - bright yellow juicy fruits
  • Jupiter F1 – produces red and green fleshy peppers
  • Oda is one of the most productive varieties sweet pepper

Initially, you need to sow the seeds and create a greenhouse for them. After sunrise, the sprouts are moved to a container with fertilized soil on " permanent place residence." Peppers are unpretentious, but require sun and warmth. The best mode for them is +22-26 degrees. Additional lighting should also be present, since, after all, this is a southern plant.

It is better to protect sweet peppers from indoor bitter ones. Otherwise, hybrid pollination may occur, resulting in both varieties spoiling.

Hot pepper

Spicy indoor pepper will bear fruit, regardless of temperature and light availability. 3-4 hours a day of sun or artificial lighting is enough. After sunrise, the fruits appear in 8-10 weeks. One plant can bear fruit for up to five years. In addition, hot pepper is very beautiful and will complement any interior. Varieties that are suitable for the windowsill.

IN lately The topic of home mini-gardens is becoming more and more interesting.

It’s so convenient to have different fresh herbs on the windowsill all year round.

It can be not only a decoration for many dishes, but also a tasty source of vitamins that are so necessary for humans, especially in the cold season.

What can you grow in an apartment?

Almost all greens and vegetables that are usually grown in the garden are suitable for growing in apartment conditions. It all depends on the available conditions and skills. So, for beginners, it is better to start creating your own mini-vegetable garden on the windowsill by growing greens. More experienced gardeners can even get cucumbers and tomatoes from a window bed. This issue becomes most relevant in the cold season.

To correctly choose what greens can be grown on a windowsill in winter, you need to take into account not only personal preferences, but also the conditions in the apartment during this period.

The following crops can be planted on the windowsill:

Green onions

In Soviet times, in winter, almost every house had jars of bulbs on the windowsill, the green feathers of which pleased both the eye and the stomach. Onions are completely unpretentious, and you don’t even need to use soil to grow them.

To get faster and better results, you need to choose bulbs correct form, hard to the touch, with a whole shiny husk. They also need to be examined for diseases and fungi; they should not be there. It is better to give preference to bulbs from which sprouts are already visible. In the absence of sprouted bulbs, you can carefully trim the top at the site where future sprouts appear.

Growing parsley from seeds is almost the same as growing dill. The only difference is that after placing the seeds on the ground, they sprinkled with a much smaller layer of soil, which does not exceed half a centimeter. Even taking into account such a shallow planting, the first shoots will have to wait a little longer, about 20 days.

If you have parsley root crops available, then having planted them in the soil, you can expect the first greens within a few days. The main thing is not to bury them completely, but to leave protruding tops above the soil surface. After the greenery appears, the parsley is placed in a well-lit place, watered abundantly, and then the first harvest will be ready for use in a couple of weeks.

After 5-7 days, roots will appear. Now the cuttings can be planted in light, nutritious soil. To plant each cutting, it is better to select separate pots, at the bottom of which place a layer of drainage pebbles.