Do-it-yourself half-timbered house. Half-timbered construction technology for country houses: features, pros and cons, design methods and construction prices

Half-timbered houses are firmly associated in the mind with something fabulous and European. Surprisingly, the creation of these buildings, in principle, does not require significant effort, and putting them on suburban area- a completely doable thing. To do this, you certainly need to know construction technologies and use high-quality materials. When you look at houses in the half-timbered style, you want to touch them with your hands and, if not live in them, then live in them for a while in order to appreciate this building as it deserves.

History of appearance

Translated from German, “fachwerk” means “working panel”. This construction technology appeared back in the Middle Ages, when wealthy residents, for whom ancient Roman building construction techniques were completely inaccessible, were forced to rework them to suit their capabilities. The Romans, as you know, made many military campaigns, during which they built frame houses. For this we used wooden log houses, which were filled with cement and gravel and thus received a frame. Later it was filled with brick and stone. Characteristic feature of these buildings, the vertical posts of the frame, struts and horizontal beams were brought to the surface. After the base and walls of the house were whitewashed with lime, the wooden components of the house stood out more and more against their background, creating a unique identity of the home.

In the period from the 14th to the 16th centuries, German, English and other European half-timbered houses were improved, and the technologies for their creation were perfected. As a result, each part of Europe developed its own decorative patterns and motifs for these buildings. They were often very complex.

Modern half-timbered houses (video)

Construction of the foundation and installation of the frame

The construction of a half-timbered house begins with preparing the site. It is very important to test the soil for strength. Half-timbered houses can be built on the basis of any foundation designed to create wooden house, but in terms of their weight they are quite light, having minimal impact on the soil. Accordingly, if the soil is prone to heaving and there is a lot of water inside it, then the building will be extremely unstable. To do this, the choice of foundation should be approached with all responsibility. In some cases, you can be content with columnar, slab or pile foundation, but sometimes you will need to create a tape version.

Half-timbered houses, because they have wooden frame, largely depend on high-quality waterproofing. To do this, a layer is laid on the surface of the foundation waterproofing material and only then the strapping crown is mounted. Its cross-section must be at least 50x200 mm. All beams must be treated with antiseptics before installation to protect the wood from pests. In addition, all wooden elements are coated with a fire-resistant liquid. The binding crown subsequently becomes the basis of the frame, because all its lower parts are attached to it.

Invisible wooden wall elements, which will be hidden under the cladding, create edged boards(45x145 mm). They are also treated with materials to prevent fire and protect against pests.

The rigidity and strength of the frame of a half-timbered house is achieved by creating hidden spikes and “ dovetail" Outwardly, they may look somewhat dubious, but houses built using this technology have been standing in Europe for more than 300 years, which is the best proof of the strength of such fastenings.

After installing the frame, the house requires the creation hipped roof, which is carried out using the standard for this method rafter system. Metal tiles are most often chosen for roofing. IN general outline A half-timbered house is created like any frame house, with the only difference being that the walls are covered.

Dovetail connection

This is an old method of fastening wooden beams among themselves. However, it is still considered the most complex and time-consuming to create. It is best used at a distance between connections of 3 to 4 m. This is enough for half-timbered houses to receive good rigidity. As a rule, even in the most critical places of the supporting structure, the use of a “dovetail” is completely justified and does not lead to premature repairs.

Distinctive features of the style

Half-timbered houses are always wooden structures. They are based on vertical posts, horizontal beams and braces (the so-called beams that fix the walls of houses diagonally). The pitch between the racks is traditionally kept at a distance of 3 to 4 m. Fastenings between beams and beams can be visible and invisible. In the first case, a dovetail is used, and in the second, a hidden tenon. To do this, a groove is created on one beam, and a tenon on the adjacent one.

Half-timbered houses (video)

Wall cladding

In the old days, clay and reeds were actively used for insulation and wall covering, but now the need for this has completely disappeared. Most often used for home insulation basalt wool, and for wall cladding, cement particle boards (CPB) are used, which connect the load-bearing parts of the structure. In addition, you will need special windproof and vapor barrier material.

The inside of the house is sheathed with the usual plasterboard slabs or glass-magnesium sheets (SML). The latter type of cladding is quite unfamiliar in the post-Soviet expanses, but at the same time it makes it possible to qualitatively replace plasterboard, asbestos-cement boards, gypsum-fiber sheets and other similar materials. Its advantages are that it does not burn at all, does not absorb moisture, and withstands shocks well. That is, it is very difficult to break a glass-magnesium sheet.

Exterior wall finishing

The exterior of the house is finished using ordinary putty and white paint. All floor beams must be left untreated. The half-timbered style also requires that all roof overhangs not be hemmed, and that the braces, posts and beams remain visible. The only thing that can be done is to treat them with a special tinted wood impregnation to highlight them against the background of a white wall.

Finishing the façade of the half-timbered structure will require careful selection plastic windows that should have brown under the tree. Today, there are many known color designs for half-timbered houses with different dimensions and plans. Designers offer their clients diverse different options The colors of the bars range from light brown to black. Accordingly, it is quite possible to create a half-timbered house with your own hands using one of them.

Half-timbered houses are a method of constructing residential buildings and mini-hotels, which was invented by Europeans back in the 15th century. Today, the popularity of this construction method has begun to return again. Initially, when such houses first began to appear, they became a new trend in architectural construction. The space between the beam structures was filled with clay and mixture various plants. Modern half-timbered houses look much more elegant. The designs of such houses are very practical, but at the same time light. These houses, as a rule, are built without an attic. But there are also options for building an attic.

Features of half-timbered houses

Half-timbered houses appeared in Scandinavia

Today, architects use one favorite technique - removing the walls of half-timbered houses. This is possible due to the fact that there is practically no load on them. Windows of any length can be installed in place of the walls. This allows you to create a feeling of unity with the external environment. Mostly such houses are built outside the city.

One-story half-timbered houses are structures made of timber. The main feature of such houses is that the wooden beams are not hidden under the skin. On the contrary, they become the main visible difference between such structures.

The main features of such houses are as follows:

Stages of construction of a half-timbered house

Stages of building a house in a similar style:

  1. Before starting construction, it is necessary to develop a project and make a drawing. There are both classic and exclusive house designs. The speed of creating a project will depend on how complex it is. If you want to speed up the process, you can take finished project and modernize it according to your wishes. At the same time, great attention should be paid to laying the necessary communications;
  2. Installation of the foundation. It is desirable that it be monolithic.
  3. Creating a house kit. The production creates a complete set of parts for a house in the half-timbered style. The frame of such a house consists of laminated veneer lumber. For its production it is used natural wood, which is environmentally friendly. The thickness of the timber is chosen depending on the climate conditions in which the house will be located;
  4. Assembling a house in half-timbered style. Once the kit with parts has been received, you can begin assembly. It is important to determine whether the first row of binding is horizontal. After all, if there is even the slightest slope, the integrity of the structure may be compromised. The beams are attached to each other using a notch. They are fixed using a pin. If you have a drawing, it will not be difficult for you to assemble such a house from timber. The assembly technology here is the same as when working with a constructor. As a rule, you will need 2 weeks for construction;
  5. Roofing installation work. At this stage, the roof and attic are insulated, and the roof is installed. The rafters are made of timber, which allows for greater strength. First, insulate the area between the rafters. After this, waterproofing is done and the sheathing is attached;
  6. Glazing of a house in half-timbered style. Distinctive feature The half-timbered style has high glazing. Display windows are not only very aesthetically pleasing, but also reliable. The length of the windows can be any. The glazed space can fill more than half of the entire wall area. There is no need to worry that you will need to spend a lot of money on heating. Half-timbered houses require the installation of special heat-saving double-glazed windows. In such a house you will feel comfortable even in severe frost;
  7. Installation of walls outside. The technology used here is OSB boards. You can decorate the walls outside using any material. It all depends on the customer's preferences;
  8. Installation of utilities. As already mentioned, this point should be decided before construction begins. After all, the installation of communications involves many nuances;
  9. Finishing inside. This final stage works Half-timbered houses have a special design, thanks to which they can be used inside large number various partitions. So, interior spaces in such a house can be quite spacious.

    An example of the first floor plan of a half-timbered house

The frame of a half-timbered house always consists only of laminated veneer lumber.

Construction time

Half-timbered houses look very beautiful

The duration of the work will depend on certain characteristics of the project. These include the size of the building, originality and others. In general, construction is carried out in a very short terms. For example, prefabricated houses in this style with an area of ​​300 square meters can be put into operation in 10 months.

It literally takes a couple of weeks to assemble the house. Approximately 2 months will be needed for design. There is still the same amount of time to finish the house inside and outside. It will take a couple of months to lay communications. Three months - additional filling.

If you need to install a bathhouse or swimming pool, the construction can be extended over a longer period. By standard project You can build a house in seven months. Anything less will not work. After all, timber requires drying. And the foundation will have to be established.

An example of the layout of the second floor of a half-timbered house

Construction Features

Features of building houses in such projects are as follows:

In Russia, half-timbered houses are also becoming increasingly popular
  1. Due to the fact that such frame houses are light in weight, the foundation can be made monolithic strip;
  2. There are strict requirements for the selection of timber. It must be made from coniferous species. The boards should be cleared of bark and trimmed on all sides. There should be chamfers along each edge. There should be no mold or other damage on the tree;
  3. The technology of half-timbered houses also has its disadvantages. These are fragile floors between floors. So, it is better to build frame houses of no more than three floors. It is better to avoid the attic. As a rule, such log house projects involve one floor;
  4. The façade of a house made of wood requires maintenance. It should be painted approximately once every three years;
  5. The half-timbered house is very modern. Due to the fact that it allows you to use various options finishing;
  6. Prefabricated houses made using this technology are very environmentally friendly and fireproof.

All of the above indicators that prefabricated houses have are quite high, but only under certain conditions. For example, the environmental friendliness of a house will depend on how environmentally friendly all its components are.

The ceilings in half-timbered houses are fragile. In case of a strong fire or earthquake they will collapse.

If toxic paint is used to paint the timber, then the environmental friendliness will be debatable. The same applies to fire safety. All elements must be non-flammable. They can be treated with fire-resistant compounds.

It is quite difficult to draw up a project for a half-timbered house

Thermal insulation characteristics will be high only if the thermal insulation materials are selected correctly.
Production frame houses This technology has both certain advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of half-timbered houses

Among the advantages are the following:

Half-timbered houses look harmonious especially against the backdrop of nature
  1. Lightweight design. Thanks to this, the construction of a solid foundation is not required. Accordingly, the overall construction time is reduced;
  2. Huge possibilities for glazing. Prefabricated houses built according to half-timbered technology, are quite durable. So, it is possible to implement continuous glazing without the use of frame structures;
  3. Large room areas. Any window length. All this is possible thanks to the use of laminated veneer lumber, which is capable of covering huge spans;
  4. Short construction time. Modern half-timbered house does not require the use of powerful equipment. It can be assembled very quickly by a team of six people;
  5. Unique and modern design;
  6. Use environmentally pure material- timber;
  7. Prefabricated houses built using this technology will not be subject to shrinkage.

Among the disadvantages are the following

  1. High cost of materials;
  2. Frame materials require constant maintenance;
  3. High risk of fire;
  4. The likelihood of mold and mildew;
  5. Small wall thickness.

Thanks to special lighting technology, such a house will have a record amount of light. So, such a modern house can become a real dream. The construction of a half-timbered house is quite complex, so it will not be easy to build it yourself.

You must have certain skills frame construction. The technology for building such houses was widely used in Germany and Europe. People who have never seen the inside of such a modern house believe that the inside looks the same as the outside. In some cases they turn out to be right.

Wall of a half-timbered house in section

The inside of such a house is decorated in a half-timbered or Scandinavian style, which involves the use of white tones, a large number free space.

High-tech style is also acceptable. It is characterized by a large amount of metal and minimalism. If the construction of such a house does not involve the use of metal parts, then they can be successfully used in the interior.

Half-timbered houses have one significant drawback, which consists in high risk fire.

Some owners of such houses prefer to decorate their home in classic style. The beams of the house can be actively used as an interior element. The roof of such houses is traditionally made gable without an attic. Although, if the presence of an attic is important to you, then this option can also be considered.


You can watch a video where experts will talk about the features of half-timbered houses.

If you don’t know what half-timbered architecture is, then you should remember the characteristic German houses that appeared in the Middle Ages, but are still popular today. This style is characterized by facades with characteristic paneling dark timber and light wall fillings. Because of beauty and organicity of this style half-timbered construction technology still remains popular in Germany and the Nordic countries.

Properties of modern half-timbering

The construction of houses using half-timbered technology can be confidently classified as frame house construction. In fact, this is one of its varieties. IN in this case the functions of load-bearing structures are performed by a frame made of wooden beams. Glued laminated timber is ideal for the frame, as it can easily withstand various deformations. To connect frame elements in the corners and among themselves, special methods are used that give additional rigidity to the entire structure.

Important: main feature This style is that metal fasteners are not used to connect frame elements. Beams and beams are connected using dowels, wooden dowels and other wood products.

A half-timbered frame house can be built from different wall materials. In the Middle Ages, adobe was used to make walls. Today, brick, OSB, and sometimes glass are used to fill the wall structure between the beams. In principle, any material can be used, since the wall itself does not serve as a load-bearing structure. The entire load falls on the frame. A characteristic feature of the style is that the frame is not hidden in the wall structure, but rather is put on display, being an architectural element. Most often, frame beams are made in contrasting dark color against the backdrop of light, sometimes white walls.

The half-timbered house is very warm. This is achieved through the use thermal insulation materials in wall construction. Additional benefit Such buildings have virtually unlimited planning possibilities. Since the wall does not serve as a load-bearing structure, partitions and partitions can be easily removed, moved, changing the layout.

The half-timbered technology of building a frame house is quite complex due to the peculiarities of the installation of the frame. However, if you have certain skills in working with wood, you can easily build such houses yourself. In addition, spatial thinking and knowledge of spatial geometry will not be superfluous.

Advice: it is better to build half-timbered houses from a ready-made house kit. If you want to get a high-quality, strong and durable structure, then it is better to entrust the work of assembling the house to professionals.

Advantages and Disadvantages

A frame house in the half-timbered style has the following advantages:

  1. The main advantage of such buildings is their aesthetic appeal and difference from others. frame buildings. Such houses should be chosen by those who want their home to stand out from the general development with its originality and unusual beauty.
  2. To build any frame house, including a half-timbered one, powerful foundation structures are not needed. A shallow one will be sufficient strip base or another structure (column or pile-screw) depending on the geological features of the area.
  3. Since laminated veneer lumber or other wood material, past chamber drying, the structure practically does not shrink. For this reason, the installation of windows and doors, as well as finishing the house, can be done immediately after the construction of the frame. Thanks to this, moving into the house will happen much faster than in other wooden buildings.
  4. Even though frame structures exposed, engineering communications, on the contrary, can be very easily hidden inside a wall or floor structure.

Half-timbered houses have some disadvantages, which are also worth mentioning:

  1. Exposed timber frame structures must be treated periodically protective compounds so that their load-bearing capacity does not decrease. So, you will need fire retardants to protect against burning, antiseptic compounds will help protect the wood from rot and damage by insects, and you will also need solutions to protect from moisture.
  2. When building such a house in a harsh climate, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the walls. As a result, the thickness of the wall structure increases, which entails the need to use more massive beams for the frame.
  3. Ordinary frame houses will cost less than buildings built using half-timbered technology.

Installation technology

When installing the frame, a special technology for connecting wooden elements is used, which only professionals can design correctly. Thus, the following types of connections are used:

  • mann;
  • polumann;
  • corner mann;
  • wilderman;
  • "St. Andrew's cross" and others.

Foundation and frame

Pouring the foundation on the site is carried out independently. In parallel with it, a frame can be manufactured at the factory. It will be much faster if these two operations are performed simultaneously.

After pouring the base and delivering lumber for the frame to the construction site, work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Horizontal waterproofing is required on the foundation.
  2. After this is done top harness. To do this, a support beam is installed. It must be firmly attached to the base. Anchor bolts are used for fixation.
  3. Logs are attached to the strapping beam. On cranial bars, fixed to the logs, reel boards are laid. At this stage it is worth insulating the floor. To do this, waterproofing is laid on the floor structure, and thermal insulation material is placed on top of it in the gaps between the joists.
  4. The floor is covered with a layer of vapor barrier on top, and a rough covering is laid.

Next, the vertical beams are installed. For joining inclined, vertical, horizontal and spacer beams, a tenon connection option called “warm” is used. For rigid fixation are used wooden dowels. The most common options for warm connections:

  • dovetail;
  • secret thorn.

Further installation of structures is carried out in accordance with the project, observing the sequence of stages. Simultaneously with the construction of the supporting frame, partitions are made, which are also mounted using frame-frame technology.

Fillers for walls

After the process of constructing the frame is completed, you can begin to fill the gaps between the frame elements of the walls. It’s easier to say that the sieve of the walls is being filled.

Stone, brick, cellular concrete elements (aerated concrete, foam blocks, etc.) can be used as fillers. IN modern houses in most cases, sheet wood and panel materials are used, namely OSB, moisture-resistant plywood, cement-bonded particle boards, lining, gypsum fiber sheets, etc. When choosing a material for walls, it is worth considering that the products must meet the following requirements:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • excellent strength;
  • low specific gravity;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Important: if you use heavy materials (stone, brick) as wall filler, then this should be taken into account at the design stage, because under such a house you need to lay powerful buried foundations. Foundation calculations must be made taking into account the material of the walls.

When filling the frame, it is worth remembering that from the outside of the walls, the frame beams should be visible, that is, the filling material should not completely cover the entire outer surface of the walls. WITH inside You can use different options at home, it all depends on the style of the interior.

If you want to build extraordinary house, then double-glazed windows can be used as wall filler. As a result, you will get maximum natural lighting in the premises and a panoramic view of the landscape around the house. However, the abundance of glazing does not help retain heat in the house. Even if you put energy-saving double-glazed windows, in areas with harsh winters this will not help retain heat.

As finishing walls you can use any materials:

  • facing tiles imitating brickwork;
  • plaster with decorative compounds;
  • clapboard covering.

Roof of a half-timbered house

Most often, in a half-timbered house, the usual gable roof. It harmonizes perfectly with the general architectural style Houses. A characteristic feature of such buildings is the absence attic floor and attic. In addition, half-timbered houses are characterized by wide roof overhangs. They protect the walls of the house well from precipitation, and the rooms from the abundance of sunlight in summer.

In the role roofing may act:

  • euroslate;
  • soft roll roofing;
  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated sheeting

Important: due to significant specific gravity It is not recommended to use natural tiles as roofing.

House interior

Many people who have never been inside a half-timbered house believe that the inside looks the same as the outside. Sometimes the interior of a house is actually decorated in the same style as the exterior. In this case, white tones predominate in the decoration of the room; the style is characterized by a lot of free space and some asceticism.

But besides this, you can use other styles in decorating the premises of such a house. For example, the high-tech style with its abundance of metallic shine and minimalism is ideal for a half-timbered house. Any metal parts, especially forged items, look quite organic in the interior.

Advice: it is worth considering that beams in the interior can be used not only as decorative element, but also as a basis for hanging shelves, hanging cabinets, installing lighting and other interesting solutions.

1. Half-timbered frame filled with laminated cork timber

Structurally, it is 100% true half-timbered timber filled with composite timber (120 mm laminated wood with 80 mm cork agglomerate). The direction and cross-section of the beams can be changed at the request of the customer. It is also possible to make a composite beam in the form of a log. The proposed option, today, is the most technologically advanced product in the field wooden house construction!

2. Half-timbered frame filled with wooden CLT slabs

Structurally, it is 100% true half-timbered timber filled with CLT slabs. Facades and interiors, if desired, can be made of plaster or wood or combinations thereof. External plate five-layer 5S 95 mm (category B). Internal three-layer 3S 99 mm or 3S 120 mm (category A), depending on the design of the project. Any type of insulation - at the request of the customer (cork, linen, jute, wood-fiber), in the Rockwool base.

3. Half-timbered frame with frame filling

Structurally, it is 100% true half-timbered timber. Filling - insulated wooden glued frame frames, sheathed with wood imitating timber (vertical or horizontal orientation) or plaster - facade, painted with gypsum fiber board - interior.

4. Combined half-timbered house with walls made of wooden CLT slabs

Externally and internally it looks 100% like a true half-timbered house. Structurally: 25% true half-timbered timber, 75 insulated CLT slab (category A, B) with overhead wooden elements, imitating true half-timbered structures. Upon request, it is possible to make plaster or wooden facades and interiors, or a combination of both. Wooden facades and interiors of choice may differ in direction and shape.

5. Combined half-timbered house with frame walls

Externally and internally it looks 100% like a real half-timbered house. Structurally: 25% true half-timbered timber, 75% insulated laminated wood frame walls with an imitation of a true half-timbered structure. Upon request, it is possible to make plaster or wooden facades and interiors, or combinations thereof. Wooden facades and interiors, by choice, may differ in the direction and shape of the profiles.

Half-timbered construction technologies

  • Half-timbered panel. The half-timbered house panel is produced using hydraulic assembly tables at the Promstroyles plant to specify high-definition geometric dimensions of the panel and select installation gaps with increased joining accuracy.
  • Half-timbered frame. Installation of a house using this technology involves manual construction of a frame, where the filling, together with a kit for the construction of internal load-bearing walls and framing takes place at the construction site.

Infilling the walls with half-timbered timber

Elite half-timbered houses in the Italian style "Pagano"

Options for construction technologies of half-timbered cottages in Italian style“Pagano”: half-timbered, CLT, frame-panel.

German-style half-timbered houses

Options for construction technologies for half-timbered houses in the German style: half-timbered, CLT, frame-panel.