Treatment of garden trees in spring. Control of garden pests in spring How many times to spray fruit trees

Spraying the garden plays an important role in the life of each individual plant and affects their development and fruitfulness. If you spray trees with the right compounds on time, you can significantly increase the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for spraying a garden and answer a number of questions: what is the best way to spray trees? early spring, late in the summer, is it worth holding the event in the fall? We will also understand the ingredients (fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides).

This article will help everyone who wants to take care of their garden on their own. If you do not have the necessary time, proper experience and a great desire to work yourself, we recommend using the services of professional gardeners. We will quickly and efficiently take care of your landing! :)

Mandatory spraying

First of all, let's tell you when to spray trees. Mandatory spraying procedures occur in the spring. There are several of them: before foliage appears, before and during flowering, and also after the plants have flowered. Each event has its own function.

  1. Before the first greenery appears on the branches, the garden is sprayed to destroy pests that have successfully overwintered in the bark and shoots. Spraying also serves as a preventive measure against diseases: scab, coccomycosis, clasteriosporiosis, etc. If you are interested in what to spray on trees before buds open, pay attention to copper-based preparations: copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture or specialized mixtures (sold in gardening stores).
  2. The second sanitary event occurs at the time of the appearance of the first buds. Goal: increasing immunity and resistance against fungal diseases. There is no clear answer to the question of what to spray trees with before flowering. A lot of special preparations or one of the fungicides will do: Bordeaux mixture, iron or copper sulfate.
  3. Now let's look at when and what to spray trees in the spring when they bloom. It is best to carry out two procedures: the first - after all the buds have bloomed; the second - in two weeks (when 75% of the petals have fallen). These are two complementary sprays carried out to combat garden pests (mainly ticks and weevils) and increase immunity in fungal diseases. In this case, karbofos, DDT powder or anabasine are used.
  4. When the plants fade, the next step is spraying to increase resistance to pathogens of putrefactive diseases, as well as to destroy hatched insect larvae. So, what should you spray trees with after flowering to solve these problems? Combined mixtures are already used here; you can buy them at specialized sales points.
  5. In summer the plants splash special compounds to exterminate a certain type of insect or quickly saturate the garden with necessary microelements (so-called foliar feeding).

Our specialists will help you carry out preventive procedures. Experienced gardeners with many years of experience, they will select an effective remedy and carry out necessary work according to the “highest level”! :)

Selecting the composition

In early spring, it is effective to spray trees with diesel fuel. Spraying is carried out in March. The petroleum product does an excellent job of killing pests. Diesel oil covers the plant with a thin oily film, blocking free access to oxygen for the larvae that have overwintered on the plants. Of course, living creatures die.

There is no better prevention against all kinds of fungal diseases other than spraying trees copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. They not only fight pathogens, but also increase the immunity of the garden as a whole.

Spraying with karbofos has its advantages. The substance perfectly burns pest larvae, like acid. In addition, plants are saturated with nitrogen. Therefore, karbofos is also used as a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. In view of these features, it is necessary to determine exactly when to spray trees with urea, and at what time of year - treatment of plants will entail negative consequences. Remember - treating the garden with nitrogen-containing compounds is not permissible in a state of dormancy (March) or during the period when plantings are preparing for sleep (second half of autumn). In both cases, the use of urea will negatively affect the development of the garden.

By the way, copper sulfate is sometimes replaced with iron sulfate. It has a similar effect, but in parallel with this it has a property that is useful for some plants: it saturates them with an important microelement - iron. This trace element is involved in many oxidative processes in apple trees, peach plants, and cherries. Therefore, before spraying peach or apple trees with copper sulfate, carefully examine the plant for iron deficiency.

There are also folk recipes spraying substances that can replace a fungicide in the fight against certain types of pests or diseases. For example, if you are interested in how to spray trees against aphids, liquids with a pungent odor are suitable. Infusions of garlic or tobacco work well. Aphids do not tolerate strong aromas.

Our professional gardeners will help you select the active composition for your garden and carry out preventive measures. We will take care of your landing quickly, efficiently and inexpensively! :)


Now we will tell you how to properly spray trees, consider the technology and provide a list of tools. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need:

  • special pump and spray liquid;
  • protective equipment (rubber gloves, respirator, goggles).

First of all, decide when is the best time to spray trees. The event must be held in dry weather, preferably early in the morning or after sunset. Thus, the applied liquid will be absorbed as much as possible, will not be washed off by rain and will not evaporate in the sun. So, the day and time have been chosen, it’s time to get started:

  1. Spray the active substance over the entire surface of the wood. Make sure that the composition falls evenly in fine dew. To do this, hold the tip of the spraying apparatus at a distance of 60-70 cm from the surface to be coated.
  2. Periodically shake the liquid in the pump reservoir. This is done so that the solution does not separate.
  3. At the end of the procedure, wash all pump elements. Then wash your hands and face with plain soap and rinse your mouth.

Frequently Asked Questions

After talking with novice gardeners and scrolling through many forums, we have identified a number of questions that most often plague beginners. We will try to give intelligible answers to each of them.

  • Question No. 1: when should trees be sprayed - in spring, autumn or summer?

Each spray performs its own function depending on the composition of the substance used in the procedure. For example, copper-based compounds are excellent at fighting fungal diseases, and urea is excellent at burning pests. There is simply no universal remedy for all problems, so the event is held several times a year: at least three times in the spring and 2-3 times in summer time. The spring event serves as a preventive measure, and the summer one - to destroy pests that have invaded the tree or saturate the garden with necessary elements (nitrogen, iron, etc., depending on the deficiency) - this is the so-called foliar feeding.

  • Question No. 2: what should you spray trees with in March and why don’t you use urea during this period?

In early spring, spraying is carried out to destroy insects that have overwintered in the “bowels” of the tree. For these purposes, copper-based preparations or diesel fuel are often used. They do an excellent job with this task. Karbofos has unique property– it saturates the garden with nitrogen. What does it mean? Urea activates vegetation processes. There is no need to wake up the garden; it will wake up when the earth and air warm up enough. Waking up earlier will not bring anything good.

  • Question No. 3: when and with what to spray trees against leaf rollers?

This is one of the most “harmful” types of insects. They damage fruit bearings from mid-spring until almost the end of autumn. It is necessary to fight them even before the buds begin to bloom. Effective spraying agents: diesel fuel, machine oil emulsion. In mid-spring, urea is used. In summer, caterpillars can be poisoned with tobacco infusion or karbofos. If there are few pests, they are often collected and destroyed manually - but this is not enough effective way struggle.

  • Question No. 4; Is it possible to spray trees during flowering?

Yes! Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! During this period, many pests hatch, mites and weevils crawl out. The latter damage the buds of the ovary, so their destruction is a primary task if you want to get a large and high-quality harvest.

Let us remind you that professional gardeners can carry out important activities for the life of your garden instead of you. We will take care of your site with the highest quality and care! :)

When and what to spray trees video

At my summer cottage at the end of spring, I noticed an apple blossom beetle on my favorite varieties of apple trees. Since it is not recommended to treat the trees during the flowering period, I waited until the last bud had faded.

I waited another two weeks, then I treated not only the apple tree, but also others fruit trees the drug "Decis". After two weeks, the number of flower beetles decreased sharply, and later they disappeared completely.

This way I was able to save my future harvest. In this article I will list folk remedies and chemical preparations that can be used to save fruit trees from insect pests after flowering.

It is not recommended to spray fruit trees during flowering and fruiting. Therefore, treatment against insect pests and fungal diseases is carried out in early spring or after flowering has ended. The final stage is usually carried out in the fall while preparing the plants for winter.

For this procedure, choose a dry and windless day. It is best to do it in the evening, as this is when most insect pests begin to crawl out of the cracks. But you can also process it early in the morning. And it would be a good idea to check the weather forecast to see if rainy days are coming soon.

Otherwise, the procedure will have to be repeated after rain. But there are chemicals that work better during high humidity air. Therefore, you should first read the instructions for the drug.

For a tree taller than two meters, about six liters of solution are usually dissolved for spraying, and for low shrubs and trees, about two liters, even less, are sufficient. But in the second case, they look at the density of their crown.

If you don’t want to spend money on a modern sprayer, you can spray with a broom, which is dipped into a bucket of solution each time.

And in specialized stores you can purchase any sprayer from the cheapest to the most expensive, depending on their composition and power. For processing large quantity For trees, it is better to purchase an electric pump.

To ensure that your favorite fruit varieties are attacked as little as possible by insect pests and diseases, it is advisable to choose hybrid seedlings with high resistance to various diseases and pests from the very beginning for planting.

Safety precautions

When working with chemicals, it is undesirable to neglect safety precautions, otherwise you may get poisoned or get a skin burn:

  • First, care is taken to ensure that there are no children or animals in the garden during the procedure.
  • Before work, be sure to wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, a mask or respirator, goggles, and a headscarf. They make sure that there is not a single one left on the body. open area skin. Since it is unknown how the human body will react if a few drops of a chemical come into contact with it.
  • When purchasing in a specialized store, be sure to study the instructions for the drug, its composition, and pay attention to the expiration date.
  • It is not recommended to spray nitrogen-containing substances on plants in the evening; it is better to do this in the morning.
  • It should be remembered that it is advisable to spray the garden with chemicals as little as possible throughout the entire season. Ideally, it is used once or twice during the entire season.
  • After treatment, be sure to write down in a notebook the date on which the procedure was performed, the name of the drug or folk recipe, and a list of trees and shrubs treated.
  • During operation, it is recommended to regularly stir or shake the solution.
  • In order for the substance to fall on the leaves as fine dew, the tip of the apparatus is kept away from the branches during operation.
  • After finishing work, be sure to wash your face and hands with regular soap, despite the fact that they were covered with protective clothing and a mask. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth and nose with boiled water.

Folk recipes

Due to the fact that fruit plants after flowering, it is recommended to treat with chemical solutions very carefully so as not to damage the future harvest; many gardeners choose folk recipes that not only rid trees of insect pests, but also do not cause any harm to the plant and humans.

  • Walnut leaves - They are collected in early autumn, so the concentrate is prepared almost immediately and stored until summer. To do this, fill the bucket two-thirds with leaves and pour boiling water over it. Cover tightly with a lid and place in a cool place until spring. And in the spring, before spraying, a liter of nut tincture is diluted in a ten-liter bucket of liquid. This procedure does not cause any harm to the fruits, so it can be repeated every ten days until the pests completely disappear.
  • Tomato tops - By the time the fruiting tomatoes finish flowering, they have already grown enough that unnecessary leaves can be cut off from them for future decoction. With its help you can get rid of aphids and their larvae. About four kilograms of leaves are thrown into an enamel ten-liter bucket, filled to the top with water and put on fire for half an hour. The cooled tincture is diluted with five liters of cool liquid and a little grated soap is added. Then, if necessary, they carefully spray the entire crown.
  • Wormwood - With its help you can easily destroy pests such as aphids, mites, moth caterpillars, weevils, sawflies. Throw about a kilogram of leaves into an enamel container, add 5 liters hot water. Leave alone for two days. After which the container is placed on the fire and boiled for half an hour. After the tincture has cooled, it is filtered and diluted with ten liters of water. Plants are treated with it twice at intervals of a week.
  • Hot pepper - You can use it to get rid of slugs, caterpillars, and copperheads. The tincture begins to be made ten days before spraying. About a kilogram of pepper pods is crushed, poured to the brim hot water and put in a dark and cool place for ten days. Before processing, 150 ml of pepper tincture is diluted in 10 liters of liquid.
  • Tansy - It rids plants of many types of insect pests. To do this, dilute 700 grams of tansy powder in a ten-liter bucket of hot water. Leave for about two days. Then boil again for about 15 minutes, filter. Before spraying, a liter of tincture should be diluted with a liter of water. This tool can be used an unlimited number of times.
  • Tobacco dust is the most effective way to control pests. Mix a glass of tobacco dust in two liters of water. Cook over low heat for about half an hour, without bringing to a boil. Leave to infuse for a day, then dilute with six liters of water before spraying. To make it stick better to the branches and leaves of the plant, a little soap is diluted in the broth.


They are used only if traditional recipes do not work. And it is worth remembering that they are not treated with them during flowering and fruiting. And if it was necessary to process it during fruiting, then in this case the harvest is harvested only a month after the last procedure.

The means described below can not only completely destroy many insect pests, but also protect trees from fungal and viral diseases. They can be processed only two to three weeks after the last petal of the inflorescence falls off.

  • Bordeaux mixture - With its help you can quickly get rid of mites, codling moths, and cure the plant of many fungal and viral diseases. But this drug is treated strictly two weeks after the last petal has fallen off, or even better, before flowering begins. In any case, the solution must be very weak. In a plastic bucket with liquid, dilute 50 grams of copper sulfate and 200 grams of lime. The container should not be iron. Immediately after stirring, treatment is carried out. It is not recommended to store this product in diluted form for a long time.
  • Urea - Trees are treated with it not only for medicinal, but also for preventive purposes, since it effectively rids fruit trees of all larvae, aphids, flower beetles, and leaf rollers. The solution for treating faded trees should be very weak. 50 grams of urea are diluted in one bucket of liquid. For an enhanced effect, you can add 10 grams of copper sulfate. You can water not only the branches, but also the ground, thereby fertilizing it.
  • Karbofos - This insecticide for short term will destroy leaf rollers, aphids, mites, and codling moths. To do this, dilute 3 grams of karbofos in a five-liter container. For an adult tree, 8 liters of solution is enough, and a bush will need even less - 3 liters.
  • Chlorophos is a very poisonous remedy that instantly rids the plant of all types of mites and beetles. 35 grams of chlorophos are diluted in a five-liter jar of water. In this case, the gardener needs to use this chemical carefully.
  • Benzophosphate - It rids fruits not only of insect pests, but also of mammalian rodents. The proportions for the solution are the same as for chlorophos.
  • Fungicide "Skor" - Considered the most low-toxic and effective means. Protects plants from aphids, moths, codling moths, sawflies, mites, cherry flies, leaf rollers and fungal diseases. Suitable for all fruit and berry plants.

If trees are not given due attention, even with excellent seedlings and varieties from orchard one can hardly expect a good harvest. One of the most important maintenance activities is spraying fruit trees in the spring.

Timely and competently carried out procedure:

  • will help build reliable protection against a host of dangerous plant diseases;
  • will prevent attacks by insect pests;
  • will create a foundation for future flowering and harvest.

One of the most important events that opens a new summer season, is aimed at destroying pests that are still hidden from the eyes of the gardener. Many worst enemies fruit trees overwinter and develop inside the bark, in the surface layer of soil under the trees and even inside the buds.

When in the spring will treating fruit trees against pests bring the greatest benefit? To prevent the massive appearance of an army of insects, the first battle with it is carried out when average daily temperature will overcome the barrier of +5 °C, and the main snow cover will disappear. Exact dates It is impossible to name, because much depends on the climatic characteristics of the region and the conditions of a particular year.

Spring treatment of fruit trees before buds open

In most areas middle zone You need to start preparing for spraying in mid-March.

What does this preparation involve? Before you begin spring treatment of fruit trees against pests:

  • plants are inspected to identify damaged and dead shoots, cracks and wounds on the bark, crushed branches and other problems;
  • carry out detected dry shoots;
  • carry out cleaning of trunks and skeletal branches from lichens and peeled bark damaged during the winter;
  • Under trees and shrubs, last year's leaves and other debris are removed to prevent the proliferation of soil pests and not only to treat fruit trees against pests in the spring, but also to clean out the tree trunks under the plantings.

All of the above measures are aimed at reducing the risk of spreading infections from dead parts of plants to healthy ones. Therefore, after sawdust and cleaning, all wound surfaces and cuts on shrubs and in the spring, using a 1–3% solution of the substance in water. And only then is sealing done with garden pitch.

How to spray fruit trees in spring?

The choice of drugs for pest and disease control today is so wide that when visiting a store it is difficult to navigate through the colored packages. What products are suitable for spraying fruit trees in spring?

It can be recognized as the most popular remedy among gardeners in Russia. Copper sulfate is a fungicide that successfully resists such common diseases of fruit trees and berry bushes as powdery mildew and scab. It can be used in any weather throughout the year.

To make the treatment of fruit trees with copper sulfate in the spring more effective, it is used to prepare. To do this, vitriol is mixed in equal parts with slaked lime.

The resulting blue liquid not only has fungicide properties, it:

  • fights bacterial infections;
  • helps to cope with certain types insects

Spring spraying of fruit trees iron sulfate is also aimed at combating plant diseases, but is used as a foliar fertilizing with an iron preparation. As with copper sulfate, two treatments of the garden with iron sulfate are required to achieve a lasting effect.

In early spring, diesel fuel is effectively used to treat trees against pests that hibernate under the bark. Forming a thin film that does not allow air to pass through, it is deposited on the surface of the bark and prevents insects from breathing. Usually the effect occurs within a few hours. The larvae and eggs laid in the buds and under the bark die without ever developing into an adult insect.

Spraying fruit trees in spring before and after flowering

The second stage of the attack on diseases and pests is carried out when the plants are preparing to bloom, the buds have already opened, and also at the stage of the appearance of the ovary. At this time, the main emphasis is on exterminating pests, as well as consolidating the results of the fight against diseases and infections.

How to spray fruit trees in the spring in order to harvest a full, healthy harvest in the summer? The garden is processed in two steps:

  • when colored buds are just beginning to appear on the trees;
  • when most of the petals fly around, and the first signs of the ovary become noticeable on the branches.

At this stage, complex insecticides are used in combination with fungicidal agents. In addition, it is worth paying attention to foliar treatment of trees or urea. The chemical product copes well with several tasks at the same time:

  • fights most diseases of apple, pear and stone fruit trees, including all kinds of rot;
  • destroys pests at the stage of eggs and pupae;
  • is a nitrogen fertilizer that simulates the growth of green mass.

In large gardens located far beyond the boundaries of residential properties, spring treatment of fruit trees against pests is carried out using the drug DNOC, which simultaneously acts against ticks, insects and pathogens.

The drug is toxic, so serious safety precautions are required when using it. Treatment is carried out in very early spring or autumn, when plants do not show signs of active growth.

Popular in lately drugs of biological origin are good for disease prevention. If the tree is already sick or affected by pests, such remedies, although they are safer for the plants themselves and humans, will not help much, and may not cope with the problem at all.

How is fruit trees sprayed in spring?

How to spray garden plants? How much solution may be required to irrigate a particular tree?

If you refer to the instructions attached to chemical plant protection products, they always contain the proportions of dilution of the drug, as well as the approximate consumption of liquid per meter of area. But how can we rely on these numbers when spraying of fruit trees in the spring is carried out not only on the ground, but primarily on the crown?

That is why it is extremely important to prepare a high-quality sprayer before the beginning of spring, which allows you to moisten the most inaccessible areas of the tree using a directed jet. As a rule, good device allows you to save chemicals, avoiding waste and providing a powerful, fine spray. A video about spraying fruit trees in the spring will help you master the technique of competently selecting preparations and irrigating plants. The treatment can be considered complete when the crown of a tree or shrub is wet on all sides, the trunk and root area of ​​the soil are treated, where insects can hide and fungal spores overwinter.

Spraying fruit trees in early spring - video

You can count on a high harvest only if you care for the garden properly. Therefore, owners who are aware of this treat the garden annually. The success of this event depends on the quality of its implementation in spring period. After all, it is at this moment that it is decided whether the plantings will be well protected from pests and diseases.

When spring warmth begins to be felt in the air, many people have a desire to be closer to nature. At these moments, the soul wants to enjoy the variety of colors that various plantings in our summer cottages give us. And to bring this moment closer, gardeners are trying to more thoroughly prepare the garden before fruiting begins.

To determine the scope of upcoming work, first of all need to see the garden. Based on its results, it will be clear what you will have to do. After a long and cold winter There are bound to be many damaged branches that need to be removed. However, the spring treatment of the garden is not limited to this, because it also includes a lot of other important measures that are designed to protect the plants from pests and diseases.

Why and when is the best time to treat the garden?

To reduce the harm that diseases and pests can cause, many gardeners use chemical and organic methods to combat them. However, the final result largely depends on the experience of the gardener. This in turn determines what the harvest will be like at the end of the season. The effectiveness of all planned work can only be increased if it is carried out in the right time. Therefore, as soon as the last cold weather has passed and fruit ovaries begin to form on the trees, you need to immediately begin work.

Stages of garden processing in spring

If you trust the experience of experienced summer residents, then it is better to treat the garden before 10 o'clock or after sunset- after about 6 hours. This choice is not accidental, since it is during these hours that the sun’s activity is minimal, and therefore the risk of leaves being burned is extremely low. Within spring treatment garden, the following main stages can be distinguished:

  • early spring;
  • before buds open;
  • before and after flowering;
  • during the formation of ovaries.

Spraying the garden in early spring

One of the traditional garden processing activities is whitewashing tree trunks. However, it is better to carry it out before the cold weather. Therefore, it is recommended to plan it in the fall. As a result of this operation you can protect trees from damage by rodents, therefore, the remaining intact bark will not crack as a result of exposure to frosty winds. In the spring you will only need to examine it to understand whether it survived the winter well, and correct it if the need arises.

The first treatment of the garden must be carried out in early March, before the buds begin to bloom. After waiting for the snow to melt, you can prepare the plantings for processing. To do this, tidy up the area summer cottage plot, remove insulation from protected trunks, as well as branches that have not survived the winter. After this, spring treatment is carried out to protect trees and shrubs from insects.

On initial stage It is necessary to inspect the tree trunks and remove any fungi found from the surface. After that on the bark apply mortar . The process of preparing it will look like this:

  • you need to take 2 kg of lime and mix it with 10 liters of water;
  • then into this mixture you need to add 1 kg of clay and 330-350 g of copper sulfate;
  • all components must be thoroughly mixed until smooth;
  • Now the solution is ready, it can be applied to the trunks and bases of branches.

As a result of such treatment, eggs and larvae of insects, which can often be found on the bark and cracks of the trunk, will be removed.

However, today gardeners have access to more modern and effective drugs. Although they are a little more expensive, they can be used to process trees much faster and with less labor, preventing insects from causing much harm to the plantings. Many of them contain a fungicide, which increases the plant's resistance to many diseases. Similar properties have the following means:

  • acrylic whitewash;
  • acrylic paints;
  • lime pastes containing copper sulfate.

Not only copper sulfate, but also diesel fuel can help protect trees and shrubs from pests. After processing the plantings, a protective oily film will appear on them, which can protect trees and shrubs from annoying insects. If insects try to lay larvae and eggs on trunks and branches, they will die under a ball of diesel fuel. In this case, all open flower stalks and blooming leaves will remain intact and unharmed.

Spring cultivation of the garden before buds open

Then comes the next stage - fruit tree processing before the kidneys awaken. The main goal of these measures is to prevent insects that hatch from larvae, as well as pathogens of various diseases, from infecting trees and shrubs. The greatest damage to the garden can be caused by diseases such as scab, black cancer, coccomycosis, etc.

However, regardless of whether you intend to use copper sulfate or another modern drug, it is recommended to read the instructions for use before using it. The fact is that in stores there are drugs that are initially designed to process only certain types fruit trees. To ensure that such treatment meets your expectations, you can carry it out with a solution of insecticides and contact fungicides. The effectiveness of this measure will increase many times over, as it will help not only rid the plantings of pests and diseases, but also prevent their occurrence in the future.

If you want to minimize harm, which will help get your plantings as a result chemical treatment, you can use a safer mixture prepared based on herbs, tobacco and orange peel. The process of its preparation is as follows:

  • Take a 3 liter jar and fill it with 200 g of crushed tobacco;
  • then you need to put a handful of garlic peels and the same amount of onions, pine needles and orange peels;
  • after that, water heated to 70 degrees is poured into this mixture;
  • the jar needs to be hermetically sealed and found for it warm place where it should stand for a week;
  • When the time comes, the finished tincture needs to be diluted warm water in an amount of 10 l;
  • then the composition must be thoroughly mixed and 100 g of crushed tar soap added to it in small parts;
  • Now the product is ready and can be used to treat the garden. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10-12 days. However, this can only be done before flowering.

Garden treatment in spring before and during the flowering process

You can treat shrub trees until the buds begin to bloom. This will help not only prevent the codling moth caterpillars from harming them, but also reduce risk of scab and spotting. To prepare the solution, you can use Carbofox. To do this, take 70 g of the drug and dilute it in 10 liters of water at room temperature. However, if trees and shrubs have already begun to bloom, then such processing cannot be done.

Repeated treatment of fruit trees can be carried out after the flowering period has ended. It is necessary to reduce the likelihood of infection of trees and shrubs in the next season, as well as to increase the resistance of plantings to diseases.

Typically, the inflorescences bloom at the moment when mites appear, having successfully survived the winter. It can help you deal with them colloidal sulfur: to prepare the solution you need to take 80 grams of 70% of the drug and dilute it in 10 liters of soapy water. It is very important that this treatment is carried out in a timely manner, otherwise all your crops will suffer as a result of the mite infestation.

Spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases during the appearance of ovaries

When conducting final stage During spring processing, the main task that must be solved is to ensure the protection of the fruits of the new harvest from putrefactive diseases and pests that have managed to survive. However, it is first recommended to inspect the plantings to determine whether there are visible enemies on the trees and shrubs. After all, if you use chemicals that have a strong effect, then in addition to killing insects, you can cause significant harm to the ovaries.

As a preparation for spraying fruit trees, you can choose copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture, urea. It is also allowed to use combination drugs that have a universal scope of application. However, the treatment must be carried out at optimal air humidity. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the leaves will suffer serious burns after spraying.

Spring cultivation of the garden does not imply strict rules for its implementation. However, there are important nuances, taking into account which you can most effectively complete this work.

Spraying order. If you want to completely destroy pests and diseases, then you should treat every part of trees and bushes with a working solution, for example, copper sulfate. Typically, this work begins with the crown, then moves to the branches, and finally the trunk and soil in the root zone are processed.

Time and conditions of work. It is best to do spring gardening early in the morning. It is advisable to choose a dry, windless day for this work, during which no precipitation is expected. In this case, after treatment, the solution can be immediately absorbed and will act quickly. As a result, you will be sure that the leaves and inflorescences will not be damaged.

Calculation of the amount of solution. The results of spring garden cultivation may vary. If it is important for you not only to destroy pests and diseases, but also not to harm trees and shrubs, then you need to correctly determine the application rate of the drug. You can find out if you look at the instructions for a specific product. Knowing this, it will be easy for you to understand exactly how much of certain chemicals you will need.

  • it takes approximately 1.5 liters of solution to treat one young tree;
  • for an adult – 5.5 liters.

Spraying bushes may require different quantities solution - from 0.6 to 1.5 l. You can more accurately say how much liquid is required by knowing the dimensions of the crown.


Experienced gardeners know how to get good harvest. To do this, they regularly cultivate the garden. Moreover, they begin to engage in this business in the spring. The importance of this event is difficult to overestimate, because it directly determines how well the trees and shrubs will be protected from pests and diseases. Knowing exactly which preparations and when it is best to use, even a novice summer resident can count on the fact that at the end of the season the garden will give him a lot of tasty and healthy fruits.