Presentation on the theme "reserves and national parks of Kazakhstan". The Alakol State Nature Reserve was created to preserve the unique flora in the Tenek River delta, as well as the population of certain animal species.

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    The largest and most authoritative environmental organization in the world is the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN, in the English abbreviation - IUCN), whose members are many states, as well as international and national non-governmental associations. In addition, IUCN brings together several thousand experts from around the world working on six task forces. One of them, the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), deals with theoretical and practical issues of protecting natural ecosystems, assesses and monitors the state of natural reserves, and develops recommendations for governments of sovereign states on creating a network of protected natural areas.

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    Fifth World Congress (2003 in Durban - South Africa),

    • summing up the results of the commission's activities, he reassessed the importance of protected natural areas (PAs) for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Over the past decade, in the field of territorial conservation, IUCN has achieved the following results:
    • Protected areas have been recognized as key to implementing the principles of the Convention on Biodiversity;
    • since 1992, the total number of protected areas in the world and their area have more than doubled: over 12% of the land surface, not counting Antarctica, where the regime of strict protection extends to only 10% of the territory;
    • the number of natural and natural-cultural world heritage sites has grown from 101 to 172, and the need for the parallel protection of natural and cultural values ​​is becoming more and more obvious.
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    Durban congress

    • . Decided the creation of a unified global network of protected natural areas as the main priority for the future. The requirement that the areas of protected natural areas occupy at least 10% of the country's territory has become the world standard.
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    ranked ninth in the world in terms of area, plays a significant role in the development of the global system of protected natural areas. The history of the creation of reserves in our country begins in 1922, when the Turkestan Committee for the Protection of Monuments of Nature, Antiquity and Art (Turkomstaris) was organized, which for the first time raised the issue of the need to create reserves in the region. In 1926, the Aksu-Dzhabagly reserve, the first in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, was established, in 1931, the Naurzum and Almaty reserves, in 1936, the Borovoye reserve, and in 1939, the Barsakelmes reserve. In the future, along with nature reserves, other types of protected natural areas were created: geological, zoological and botanical reserves, natural monuments, etc. In 1985, the first Bayanaul State National Park in our country.

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    The legislative framework

    which is based on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", adopted on July 15, 1997. The Law regulates the establishment and operation of environmental institutions. According to modern legislation, specially protected natural areas are plots of land, water, forests and subsoil with a legal regime of protection, or a regulated regime of economic activity, which ensure the preservation and restoration of the state natural reserve fund. The legal regime of protection is subdivided into reserved, in which any economic activity that violates the natural state of the environment is prohibited, and custom, when economic and other activities are allowed only in certain seasons and periods, if this does not threaten the preservation of objects of the state natural reserve fund and does not impairs their reproduction

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    Types of protected natural areas

    The legislation of Kazakhstan provides for the existence of 11 types of protected natural areas, depending on the purpose of their creation, protection regimes and features of the use of objects:

    • state natural reserves, including biospheric ones,
    • state national parks,
    • state natural reserves,
    • state natural parks,
    • state monuments of nature,
    • state protected areas
    • state natural reserves,
    • state zoological parks,
    • state botanical gardens,
    • state dendrological parks,
    • state nature reserves-seporters.
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    Total area of ​​all 113 protected natural areas

    By the end of 2005 in Kazakhstan it amounted to 21036283.2 ha (according to the List of PNAs in the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 19, 2005 No. 746 and the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 17, 2005 No. 1133), i.e. 7.72% of the entire territory of the country.

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    The definition of state nature reserves in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan exactly corresponds to the definition of Category I (strictly protected nature reserve) of the IUCN system, as well as the definition of a state park corresponds to the definition of Category II (national park).

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    State natural reserves

    Today in our country there are 10 state natural reserves with a total area of ​​1165552 hectares and 8 state national parks with a total area of ​​1456597 hectares.

    № Name of the protected area Year of establishment Area in ha


    • Aksu-Dzhabagly 1926 128 118.1
    • Alakolsky 1998 20743
    • Almaty 1964 71 700
    • Barsakelmes 1939 105879
    • West Altai 1992 56,078
    • Karatau 2004 34 300
    • Kurgaldzhinsky 1968 258 963
    • Markakolsky 1976 75,048
    • Naurzumsky 1931 191 381
    • Ustyurt 1984 223 342
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    National parks

    • Altyn-Emel 1996 161 235
    • Bayanaul 1985 50 688
    • Borovoe 2000 83511
    • Ile-Alatau 1996 199 702
    • Karkaraly 1998 90 323
    • Katon-Karagai 2001 643 477
    • Kokshetau 1996 134511
    • Charyn 2004 93 150
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    Development of the system of protected natural areas

    The system of protected natural areas of the republic is under development and is gradually being integrated into the regional and global network of protected areas. In recent years, with the support of the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility, projects have been implemented to create transboundary protected areas and ecological corridors in the Western Tien Shan and Altai. One of the results of the implementation of these projects is the creation in 2006 of a new protected natural area - the Ugam-Sairam National Natural Park with an area of ​​about 150,000 hectares.

    Kazakhstan, carrying out reforms, confidently ranks among the developed countries of the world.

    R.V. Yashchenko Chairman of the Central Asian branch of the World Commission on Protected Areas of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (WCPA IUCN)

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    Alakol State Nature Reserve

    was established by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 21, 1998 in order to preserve the natural complexes, flora and fauna of the Tentek river delta, as well as the unique population of relic gulls and other colonial birds on the islands of Lake Alakol. It is located within the Alakol district of the Almaty and Urdzhar districts of East - Kazakhstan regions.

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    Geographical position

    It is located within the Alakol district of the Almaty and Urdzhar districts of the East Kazakhstan regions.

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    Reserve area

    • originally was 12520 ha,
    • then it was increased to 20743 ha.

    Alakol GPP: delta of the river. Tentek (17423 ha) and the islands of Lake. Alakol (3320 ha).

    A two-kilometer protected zone with an area of ​​21,547 hectares has been created around them. Around the protected islands (Ulken Araltobe, Sredny and Kishkene Araltobe) - with an area of ​​5130 hectares, in which hunting, fishing, parking of boats, boats and other swimming facilities are prohibited

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    Alakol-Sasykkol lake system

    occupies a desert depression between the mountain systems of the Dzungarian Alatau and Tarbagatai in the southeastern part of Kazakhstan. In the center of the depression there is a system of large lakes: Sasykkol, Koshkarkol, Uyaly, Alakol, Zhalanashkol

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    modern landscapes

    formed during the xerothermic period of the post-glacial epoch.

    The relief of the lakes is represented by a low terraced plain, composed of ancient sea and lacustrine saline deposits, fringing the lakes with a strip of 10-25 km with a predominance of solonchaks, meadow-marsh and solonchak meadow soils.

    • modern landscapes
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    Desert soil types

    They prevail in the Alakol basin. On floodplain terraces of rivers and lakes, under meadow-tugai vegetation, alluvial-meadow soils are found, and along lake depressions and swamps with sedge-reed associations, meadow-marsh soils are found. Takyrs and takyr-like soils are found in places of distribution of biyurgun-kokpek vegetation. Meadow-serozem soils are widely represented under ephemeral-wormwood vegetation, which are characterized by solonchaks. On the elevated parts of the Alakol basin, low-carbonate gray soils are developed.

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    The region is sharply continental with dry summers and relatively cold, little snow and windy winters. The average annual air temperature is 6.2-7.2 ° С, with an absolute max - +42 ° С and a min -46 ° С. T wed January -14.0 °, in T. Wed July +24.1 ° С The average annual precipitation is from 146 (Dostyk station) to 279 mm (Usharal station).

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    The Alakol basin is one of the windiest places in Kazakhstan. The most characteristic are local winds, alternately

    blowing all year round in two opposite directions through the Dzungarian Gates (a narrow mountain pass between the Barlyk and Dzungarian Alatau ridges). The occurrence of wind is associated with a large difference in atmospheric pressure on both sides of the Dzungarian Gate. Usually the prevailing wind is south-easterly direction - "evgey", which originates in the desert lowland of Ebi-Nur on the border territory of China, and breaks through the Dzungarian Gates, sometimes with destructive force (60 - 80 m / s.). The west wind, the saikan, which is a harbinger of a change in weather, soon comes to replace the calmed "evgei".

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    The "Delta" site refers to the southern coast of the lake. Sasykkol and is formed by the full-flowing river Tentek, which originates in the Dzungarian Alatau - 500 km2. Wetlands of the delta are a complex system of channels, lakes, reaches and swampy lowlands, densely overgrown with reeds and forming a flood-littoral landscape. The greatest value for nesting of waterfowl and near-water birds in the eastern part of the delta is the system of lakes located between the lake. Onagash, Zhalykol, Pelikanya and Cormorant chickens, and in the western part - between the lake. Baibala and Karamoyin.

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    semi-aquatic and floodplain - groups with dominance of reed, narrow-leaved cattail, sea tuber, lake reed, floating pondweed. On lakes and channels there are thickets of yellow and pure white water lilies, submerged hornwort, arrowheads, floating salvinia, straight burr, naiads - sea and straight, duckweed, spikelet uruti, amphibian mountaineer, and pemphigus vulgaris. These thickets are the most important nesting and feeding stations for numerous waterfowl and near-water birds. The main thickets of the water lily are concentrated on the lakes Onagash, Zhalykol, Opytnoe and Kugumbai. The egg pod is much more widespread - on most of the channels and lake reaches of the delta.

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    On temporarily flooded depressions, reed, narrow-leaved cattail, maritime tuber reed, sedge, and crowded cattail dominate. In swamps, there are reed, cattail, tuber reed communities, and on marsh-meadow soils - reed, hairy, azhrek and camphor communities. On meadow solonchaks of low lacustrine terraces, groups of saltworts with reeds predominate. The alluvial-meadow soils along the outskirts of the delta are characterized by sagebrush, sagebrush-gadget, chii, chingil, and comb communities.

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    The woods

    In the lower reaches of the Tentek, tall poplar-willow forests have a dense undergrowth of maple with a single admixture of birch. Characterized by dense thickets of blackberries. In the clearings there are clumps of wild rose, Tatar honeysuckle and comb. Small riverside copses of tree-like willows, heavily damaged by fires, have been preserved in the areas of Tuyuksu, Onagash, Zhalykol and Miyaly. On the outskirts of the delta, which goes to Lake Sasykkol, in some places there are separate bushes of the oleaster.

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    Major bird nests

    In the Tentek delta, the main nesting sites of many birds have long been concentrated - curly and pink pelicans, great cormorant, spoonbill, night heron, gray and great white herons, black-headed gulls, black and white-winged terns, gulls, large and small bitterns, moorhens, shepherds, chalets ( small and crumbs).

    On the delta lakes, among the waterfowl, the coot, the red-nosed pochard, the red-headed duck, the great grebe and the gray duck predominate; not numerous - black-necked grebe, gray goose, mute swan, shoveler, teal (crackling, whistle), white-eyed blacken; rare - black-throated diver, gray-cheeked and little grebe, whooper swan, pintail, white-headed duck, etc. In 2000, the barnacle tern first appeared nesting here, and in 2004, the little gull.

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    Animal world

    The main background of the birds of the reed thickets are thrush-like and Indian warblers, broad-tailed, nightingale cricket, whiskered tit, reed and common tit, cuckoo, black crow, black-headed wagtail. Separate pairs of white-tailed eagle and common crane have been preserved for nesting in hard-to-reach places. Among mammals, wild boar, Siberian roe deer, muskrat, water vole, and water shrew are characteristic inhabitants of reed forests and delta lakes. Wolf, fox, corsac, badger, ermine, steppe polecat, weasel, eared hedgehog are found on the deserted parts of the coast. Of the rodents, the tolai hare, combed gerbil, red-cheeked ground squirrel, small and large jerboas, mole voles, etc. are quite common. In total, 33 species of mammals are found in the reserve.

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    reserved islands

    In the central, deepest part of Lake Alakol, there is a group of three protected islands (Ulken Araltobe, Sredny, Kishkin Araltobe), forming a kind of small archipelago 17 km long and up to 40 km in circumference. The people of the island are called Stone. They are 30-40 km from the south, 40-50 km from the west and 10-15 km from the northeast coast. Island highlands are surrounded by gradually decreasing terrace-like ledges, which are covered with sparse semi-desert vegetation with a predominance of boyalych, tasbiyurgun, teresken, white earth wormwood, kochia, rhubarb, etc. on gray-brown, underdeveloped stony soils.

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    The foot of the hills is gravelly-pebbly with loams and small solonchaks. Along the coast there are shafts of small gravel and pebbles, as well as small lagoon-type bays with open beaches. The islands are unique nesting sites for colonial birds. They are of particular importance during the years of high water levels on the lake. Alakol, when all gull birds move here along the coast from flooded small islands. The main species that form colonies on the islands are the black-headed gull, great cormorant, relict gull, gull, greave, gull-billed tern, common tern, meadow tirkushka, oystercatcher, little and sand plover. On the slopes of the hills there are field, small and steppe larks, bile bunting; the Indian sparrow settles in the thickets of tamarisk

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    Ulken Araltobe Island

    In recent years, a system of three lagoon lakes has formed in the northern part of the island of Ulken Araltobe. It has become another important nesting site for the coot, shelduck, shelduck, white-headed duck, red-nosed pochard, white-eyed duck, common teal, stilt, oystercatcher, herbalist, meadow beetle, little and sand plover, gull-nosed and river tern, moorhen, sand martin , black-headed wagtail, thrush and Indian warbler. In addition, at the end of June, non-breeding accumulations of waterfowl and near-water birds were observed here, flocking here to molt. Among them, there were also great, black-necked and small grebes, mute swan, red-headed and crested ducks, goldeneye, mallard, gray duck, great godwit, etc.

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    relic seagull

    In the last 35 years, Sredny Island has received the greatest international fame. In 1968-1969 Kazakh ornithologists have discovered a new bird species here - the relic gull, which has become a symbol of the future reserve. From the outside, this island has the appearance of a desert rocky-gravelly hill, rising 60 meters above the water. The island is 1.5 km long and 0.5 km wide. Its southwestern part is steep, with outcrops of rocks, on the ledges of which there are numerous nests of cormorants and gulls. On a gently sloping rocky terrace in the southern corner, there is usually a large colony of black-headed gulls and gulls. The top of the hill is occupied by a relic gull, gull-nosed tern and meadow tirkushka, and the eastern and northern sides are occupied by a colony of river terns, numbering two to three thousand pairs. On the steep western bank there are nests of great cormorants and several pairs of Dalmatian pelicans.

    In total, 2 species of amphibians and 14 species of reptiles have been established on the territory of the Alakol Reserve. Of these, the most typical for protected areas are the lake frog, the nimble lizard, the multi-colored foot-and-mouth disease, the oriental boa, the common and water snakes, the patterned snake, the steppe viper, the muzzle

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    272 species of birds have been recorded within the current boundaries of the reserve, including 263 species (119 nesting) in the Tentek delta and 87 species (49 nesting) on ​​the Alakol Islands. Of the rare and endangered birds included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, 38 species have been registered in the Alakol basin, including 27 nesting ones. Currently, 15 “Red Book” species nest within the reserve: Dalmatian pelican, spoonbill, black stork, whooper swan, white-eyed duck, white-tailed duck, white-tailed eagle, short-toed eagle, common crane, demoiselle crane, bustard, jack, little bustard, black-headed gull, relic gull, eagle owl. Seven more species (pink pelican, steppe eagle, golden eagle, imperial eagle, saker falcon, black-bellied grouse saja) nest in the basin outside the reserve.

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    The lapwing stopped nesting and has not been observed here for the last two decades even during the period of migrations. Only during the period of seasonal migrations, four species are occasionally found: the small swan, the osprey, the peregrine falcon and the long-tailed eagle. Another nine species extremely rarely flies to the lake. Alakol and can be met in some years on the territory of the reserve. These are the little white heron, loaf, flamingo, hook-nosed scoter, white crane (Siberian crane), thin-billed curlew, little curlew and Asian snipe godwit.

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    Research stages

    In the first years of the existence of the Alakol Reserve, a lot of work was done to study the flora and fauna. The fauna of vertebrates has already been sufficiently studied, and the study of the main groups of invertebrates has begun. Phenological and hydrological observations are carried out. The most important result of the first stage of flora and fauna research is the publication in 2004 of the first volume of scientific works of the Alakol Reserve. Currently, active work is underway to expand the protected area.

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    Since 2004, the long-term project of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the UN Office in Kazakhstan "Comprehensive conservation of priority, globally significant wetlands as habitats for migratory waterfowl" began to be implemented, during which the most valuable areas of the Alakol-Sasykkol system of lakes will be attached to the reserve, which play a key role in the conservation of the biological diversity of this region

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"Alakol. My impressions"

Alakol (kaz. Alaköl, from ala köl - motley, multi-colored lake) is a salty drainless lake of Kazakhstan. It is located on the Balkhash-Alakol lowland, which is located on the border of the Almaty and East Kazakhstan regions, in the eastern part of the Balkhash-Alakol basin in southeastern Kazakhstan. To the southeast of the lake is the Dzungarian Gate Pass. The administrative center of the district is the village of Karatobe. The distance from the district center to the regional center of Uralsk is 260 km

lake view

The first thing you feel after a long trip is the freshness of the air, which was still a little cool in the morning. Then you notice long mighty poplars and the irresistible bewitching blue of Alakol, the colors of which shimmer with colors from cold blue to green. Next, you notice the lack of noise that fills the cities. At first, this makes it a little uncomfortable, especially for me, a person who has lived all his life in a big city. But you quickly get used to it, and the harmonious singing of birds only adds to this picture of serenity.

lake view

The main reason for the arrival of any tourist here is, of course, Alakol himself. The water in it is a little cold, but it is quite acceptable. Alas, it is not uncommon to find household garbage in the water, which, of course, is an indicator of the lack of a recreation culture among some of our fellow citizens. The owners of coastal recreation areas clean up sections of the coast, so there is not so much garbage on the coast. The shore of the lake is rocky, but the stones are small, so there are no serious problems when walking on it, you can even walk barefoot.

lake view

Lake Alakol  Recreation areas are located in the village, so the entertainment inherent in the cities cannot be found here, as well as public catering places. During the entire trip, we met only one nondescript cafe. Apparently, therefore, almost all hotels include the cost of food in their prices.

Lake Alakol  Breeding populations of Dalmatian Pelican, Pink Pelican and White-Eyed Duck are present on the lake. No less interesting and important are the populations of the white-tailed eagle and the white-tailed eagle. At the lake Zhalanashkol, in the rocky desert, rare species of mammals live - goitered gazelle and selevinia, and in mountainous areas - manul (mountain cat). Different types of bustards are noted: beauty bustard, little bustard, common bustard. In the lakes of the Alakol system there are protected species of fish: the Ili marinka and the Balkhash perch.

lake view

Alas, the place has not yet been adapted for a large number of tourists, and there are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, this is its remoteness from relatively densely populated cities like Almaty or Astana. So the journey takes about 12 hours by bus from Almaty, which is not suitable for families with small children, and adult passengers will not feel very well. Secondly, if we talk about the ratio of price and quality of recreation areas and hotels, then here, unfortunately, we are inferior to foreign counterparts such as Issyk-Kul and especially Turkey, although they can easily compete with them in terms of prices.

In my opinion, these problems are completely solvable. One of the biggest problems of our native Kazakhstan is its boundless territory, which is sometimes very difficult to overcome. For this reason, it is necessary to start with a major overhaul of the roadbed, for example, as was done between Almaty and Taraz. This will significantly save time spent on the road, and moreover, people will be able to use their vehicles, because now not every car enthusiast will dare to go there in his car, and it will be much more comfortable to cover this distance by bus. This will unconditionally make Alakol a more attractive place to relax. Along with the growth in the number of tourists, capital will begin to flow there, which in turn will make the place commercially interesting for investors and give an excellent impetus to the development of such a unique place. Also, this lake is perfect for children's camps. After all, there is everything you need for a healthy and fun holiday for children.

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Reserves of Kazakhstan

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Naurzum Reserve
located in the Kustanai region, occupies 85.6 thousand hectares. Organized in 1934 in order to protect the Naurzum pine forest - one of the southernmost pine forests in Kazakhstan, and lakes - nesting places for waterfowl. Landscapes of hilly sands with Naurzum-Karagay pine forest, feather-grass steppe plains adjacent to the forest, solonetz-saline shores and water areas of lakes Sarymoyyn, Zharkol, Aksuat, Chushkoly prevail here. There are 25 species of mammals and 150 species of birds in the reserve.

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The local fauna is characterized by the combined presence of both forest and steppe species. The very rare egret is one of the most interesting inhabitants of the reserve. Numerous water birds nest on the lakes, as well as rare ones such as the gray goose and the red-headed pochard. On lakes Aksuat, Sarymoiyn and others, a huge number of waterfowl from all over Northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia gather for molting in the summer, hundreds of thousands of them gather for feeding and rest in autumn. Scientific work carried out in the Naurzum Reserve is aimed at expanding issues related to the study of the interaction of forest, steppe and lake fauna. A special place is occupied by the tasks of restoring the pine forest, a significant part of which was destroyed by fire in 1964, and developing forests in the steppe zone.

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Sleep-grass, the first spring flowers of the reserve
swampy lakes
Feather-grass steppes of the reserve
Boar - the owner of pine forests

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Markakol Reserve
The reserve is located in the East Kazakhstan region in the southeast of the Southern Altai, in the basin of the lake. Markakol, in an intermountain tectonic basin typical of Altai, surrounded by ridges - Kurchumsky from the north, Azu-Tau and Sorvenovsky Belok from the southeast. The lake lies at an absolute height of 1449.3 m. The highest mark is 3304.5 m (Aksu-Bas). The total area of ​​the reserve is 71,367 ha, of which 26,917 ha fall on land, and 44,450 ha in the water area of ​​the lake. lakeside (609 ha), covering a small part of the northern coast at the mouths of the Topolevka and Dzhirenka rivers, and northern mountain-forest (20,050 ha), located on the Kurchum Range, in the upper reaches of the Topolevka, Tau-Tekeli, Tikhushka and Sorvenok rivers. In addition, 8 hectares are occupied by the territory of the central estate at the mouth of the river. Urunkhaik. A discontinuous security zone 2 km wide has been allocated around the reserve.

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The Markakol Nature Reserve was established in August 1976 to preserve the natural complexes of the Southern Altai in their natural state, including the unique alpine lake. Markakol. The main objects of protection in the reserve, except for the lake. Markakol - reference landscapes of larch, fir and spruce taiga and highlands, typical for the mountains of Southern Siberia, a unique ichthyofauna, represented by endemic subspecies of lenok, grayling, char and gudgeon, characteristic only for Markakol, a rich and diverse fauna of birds and mammals, including a number of species which have become rare and disappearing in our country. The coast of the lake in the west, north and northeast is a lakeside plain 1–2 km wide, while in the south and southeast the coast has a relatively narrow coastal strip, since the Azu-Tau ridge almost closely adjoins the lake. Characteristic are the spurs descending from the slopes of the ridges, protruding into the lake and forming peculiar capes - "pritors". The climate is typically continental, with severe snowy winters and warm, moderately humid summers. Markakol is the coldest region of Kazakhstan: minimum temperatures reach -55 "(Orlovka village). The first snowfalls are usually observed in the first ten days of October. On the lake coast, it usually falls in the first ten days of May, in the mountains - in late May - early June. Separate snowfalls fall until the second half of May, and sometimes begin in August and September.

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Aksu-Dzhabagly is the oldest reserve in Kazakhstan, as well as the first in Central Asia, which received the status of a UNESCO biosphere reserve, located in the spurs of the Western Tien Shan at an altitude of 1000 to 4280 meters above sea level. The main altitudinal belts are presented here: semi-deserts are replaced by dry herbaceous steppes, Luxurious areas of upland meadows give way to dense thickets of creeping juniper forests. A motley mosaic of multicolored alpine flowers adorns the foothills of harsh peaks with dazzling snows and bluish tongues of glaciers. Aksu-Dzhabagly is the richest treasury of rare, endangered and endemic species of animals and plants. Argali and mountain goats, deer and roe deer, lynxes and snow leopards, wolves and foxes, bears and porcupines, stone martens and ermines are found here. The world of birds is rich. Bearded vultures and vultures, griffon vultures and golden eagles soar high in the sky. Kecliks nest on the stone slopes, snowcocks can be found near the eternal snows. In the shady canopy of deciduous forests, the plumage of a paradise flycatcher seems to be a living light. The sonorous sounds of the flute resemble the singing of a blue bird. Multi-colored swallowtail butterflies, rare species of sailboats, pigeons, and jaundices flicker over sunny glades. The flora of the reserve is diverse. Greig's tulips blaze with scarlet flames on the slopes. In pinkish inflorescences, the airy flowers of the Kokand morina are collected. In a hard-to-reach pit at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level, there is another attraction of the reserve - a kind of "art gallery" consisting of many drawings carved on dark shiny stones. They depict wild and domestic animals, scenes of hunting and everyday life of ancient people. In slate deposits in the paleontological sites of Aksu-Dzhabagly, fossilized imprints of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet - plants, fish, insects and lizards - have been preserved.

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Ridge Talasskiy Alatau
Blue river Aksu
Western part of the Talasskiy Alatau ridge
Sayram-Su River
Gorge of the Kishi-Kaindy River

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The Korgalzhinsky reserve is located in the southwestern part of the Tengiz-Kurgalzhinsky depression, located in the center of Kazakhstan. The reserve is located in the Kurgaldzhinsky district of the Akmola region, 160 km. Northeast of the city of Astana. The total area is 237,100 hectares.

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Located 130 km. southwest of Astana and occupies an area of ​​258.9 thousand hectares, including 198 thousand hectares of water area. Here is the most beautiful feather grass steppe. In general terms, the protected area is two large interconnected lakes Tengiz and Korgalzhyn. "Tengiz" in translation means "sea". The water surface area of ​​159,000 ha is 2 times the area of ​​Lake Geneva, and the mineralization of water is 5-6 times higher than the salinity of the world ocean. The flora of the reserve has about 350 species, of which 90% are herbaceous plants. The local fauna, which is of great interest to ornithologists, includes up to 33 species of birds, 82 of which are listed in the Red Book of the world. Among them are the black lark, bustard-dudak, demoiselle crane, gyrfalcon, steppe kestrel. Here are the northernmost nests of pink flamingos.

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Barsakelmes Reserve in the Kyzyl-Orda region on the island of the same name in the Aral Sea. Its area is 18.3 thousand hectares. The desert landscapes of the island are monotonous: sagebrush-salyan and khmer vegetation predominate, there are sparse thickets of saxaul forests and mounds on sand dunes. The flora of the island has 165 plant species. The animal world is rather poor in terms of species, but has a significant density. 12 species of mammals live here (kulan, gazelle, saiga, karsak, fox, wolf, sandstone gopher and others), 7 species of reptiles and 202 species of birds. Now scientific research is being carried out in the reserve to study the consequences of the fall in the level of the Aral Sea on the flora and fauna of the Aral Sea region.

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Almaty Reserve
The reserve was organized in May 1931, where in the basin of the river. Malaya Alma-Atinka on an area of ​​about 13,000 hectares. Already by 1935, the territory of the reserve was more than 600,000 hectares. In February 1935, the reserve was given the status of a state reserve, and over the next 5 years its area reached almost 1 million hectares. The entire Trans-Ili Alatau, the adjacent semi-desert territory up to the river. Or the deserted mountain ranges of Turaigyr, Boguty and Syugaty. The northern slope of the Trans-Ili Alatau was covered with magnificent coniferous and deciduous forests, and a huge array of saxaul forests stretched along the left bank of the Ili.

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The floristic composition included more than 1500 species. Many birds and animals lived in the protected areas; only in the Syugatinskaya valley, thousands of goitered gazelles roamed, now listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. In the post-war years, a gradual reduction in protected areas began. First, forest areas were seized, then hayfields and other lands. In September 1951, the final liquidation of the reserve took place, which shared the sad fate of many reserves in the country in those years. The issue of its restoration was raised by a group of scientists and public figures of Kazakhstan, and in January 1960 it was restored. The reserve is located in the central part of the Zailiysky Alatau on an area of ​​73,325 hectares, 25 km east of the capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty, in the Talgar district of the Almaty region.

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Alakol Reserve was opened on April 21, 1998. The protected area includes the wetlands of the Alakol lakes, the Sasykkol water area, the islands of Araltobe and Shubartubek. Park area: 19,713 hectares. Location: on the border of Almaty and East Kazakhstan regions. The objects of nature protection and tourism are ecosystems of deltaic wetland landscapes, lake shores and islands in the intermountain basin of the center of Eurasia. It is one of the three key wetlands in Kazakhstan. The area of ​​Lake Alakol is 265,000 hectares, Lake Sasykkol - 73,600 hectares. The shores of the salt lake Alakol have a rugged relief with large islands - Sredny, Ulken-Aral-Tobe, Kishkene-Aral-Tobe, favorable for nesting of wetland birds. The sloping shores of the freshwater lake Sasykkol are covered with dense thickets of reeds. The park has a museum of nature and an arboretum, a hotel for 10 people (2 rooms for 5 people) and a dining room. At the request of customers, accommodation in a hotel in the city of Usharal is possible. On the routes, rest and meals for tourists are organized at the cordons of the reserve. Animals of the Alakol Reserve. 290 species of animals live on the territory of the reserve, including 21 species of mammals, 257 species of birds, 8 species of fish, 2 species of amphibians, 3 species of reptiles. Mammals of the Alakol Reserve - wolf, bandage, wild boar, roe deer, fox, steppe polecat, ermine, muskrat, goitered gazelle, manul, etc.

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Birds of the Alakolsky Reserve - grebe, pink pelican, curly pelican, spoonbill, gray and white heron, black stork, whooper swan, white-headed duck, quail, partridge, pheasant, crane, bustard, black-headed gull, relict gull, eagle owl, etc. The book of Kazakhstan includes the pink pelican, the curly pelican, the whooper swan, the white-headed duck, the black-bellied grouse, the eagle owl. For the protection of gull birds, back in 1971, the Relic Gull reserve was organized, where colonies of the black-headed gull and relict gull live. More than 257 species of birds live in the reserve, including the relic gull. Ornithological tours are of particular interest, during which you can see such rare and waterfowl, desert and mountain birds. Of these, 19 are rare and endangered.

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Amphibians of the Alakol Reserve - green toad and moor frog. Reptiles of the Alakol Reserve - fast foot-and-mouth disease, multi-colored foot-and-mouth disease, patterned snake. Fish of the Alakol Reserve - local species of Balkash marinka, Strauch char, Balkash perch, acclimatized roach, carp, silver carp, bream, pike perch. Balkash perch is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Vegetation of the Alakol Reserve. There are more than 270 plant species belonging to 42 families in the reserve. In the phytoplankton composition of the lake, 156 species of varieties and forms of algae were found. Over the past 10 - 20 years, there has been a reduction in a number of populations of rare species: white water lilies, yellow egg pods, pale cattail, trefoil arrowhead, Ural licorice, bordered ephedra, horsetail, hops, sea buckthorn, elecampane, creeping wheatgrass, etc. In general, protection is needed 107 plant species.

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West Altai Reserve
In Rudny Altai, where the Ivanovsky, Lineysky, Ulbinsky, Khalzun and Koksinsky ridges converge and the Belaya and Black Uba, Turgusun and Barsuk rivers originate, the West Altai Reserve was created in 1992 in order to preserve the mountain forests of the region. Its area is 56.1 thousand hectares. It is located in two districts: Zyryanovsky and the administrative territory of the city of Ridder. There are a large number of small mountain lakes in the protected area. The origin of many of them is associated with glacial activity. A network of small streams is well developed here, forming numerous flowing swamps and forming the beginning of the flow of rivers. 14 small glaciers occupy an area of ​​more than 1.1 sq. km. The climatic conditions of the region are original. The territory of the reserve belongs mainly to the mountainous Altai humid, cool and partially highland Altai excessively humid cold climatic region. Harsh reserved land! There is so much snow that on the leeward slopes it reaches eight meters in places. This area is considered the wettest place in Kazakhstan. Therefore, unique communities of plants and animals, historically associated with high-latitude tundra regions, have formed here. They "came" here during the last planetary glaciations. For example, polar birches and willows grow along the tops of the ridges, and northern sedge, including cotton grass, grows in swamps. Only here are dilapidated cedars found, whose age is a thousand years. The perimeter of their trunks at the base reaches almost eight meters. These trees are the real patriarchs of the taiga forests of Altai and Siberia!

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Ustyurt Reserve
The Ustyurt State Reserve is located in the west of Kazakhstan, in the Yeralievsky district of the Mangystau region. The territory of the reserve occupies a part of the western chink of the Ustyurt plateau, a narrow causal strip of the plateau itself and a vast lowering of Konderlisor. The absolute height is from 50 to 3000 m. The total area of ​​the reserve is 223,300 ha. The idea of ​​creating a reserve on Ustyurt arose in 1960 - 1970 in connection with the development of the desert spaces of Western Kazakhstan that began in these years. The reserve was organized on July 12, 1984. The purpose of the establishment of the reserve is to preserve in its natural state the natural complex of the northern deserts of the Ustyurt Plateau, including a number of rare species of fauna and flora. In the reserve, studies have begun on the inventory of flora and fauna. These works should lay the foundation for further long-term observations of the decline of the modern development of the Ustyurt ecosystems and the anthropogenic impact on them. Academician L. S. Berg (1952) attributed the Ustyurt plateau to the subzone of the northern Tertiary plateaus of the desert zone of the Turan lowland. Most of this plateau is covered with vegetation, transitional from the subzone of the northern (sagebrush-saltwort) deserts to the subzone of the southern (ephemeral-sagebrush) deserts. In physical and geographical terms, Ustyurt is an independent district of the Mangyshlak-Ustyurt province of the northern desert subzone. The territory of the reserve is located on the Western chink (the steep edge of the Ustyurt plateau), at the junction of the Ustyurt and Mangyshlak districts. Aeolian landforms, clayey flat spaces, vast dry depressions, dry channels of ancient and modern temporary watercourses are widespread here. On the surface, in depressions, Quaternary deposits are widely developed, and on the plateau - Tertiary and Cretaceous deposits, mainly marine.

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The sights of Ustyurt are archaeological monuments. In ancient times, ancient caravan routes passed through the plateau, such as the road of the Khorezm Shahs, which connected Khiva with the lower reaches of the Emba and the Volga. Along it were the ancient city of Shahr-i-Wazir, the caravanserai of Beleuli and the fortress of Allan. Ancient cemeteries with majestic mausoleums-mazars are scattered all over the plateau. Some of them have already been studied by archaeologists, but many are still waiting for their researchers. There are also older monuments. About 60 Neolithic sites are known in Ustyurt. There are especially many of them in the western and southwestern chinks - in the Manat region and the vicinity of the Karynzharyk depression. There are also on the territory of the reserve itself.

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Karatau State Nature Reserve
Karatau State Nature Reserve is the youngest among the reserves of the republic. It was established by a special Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 240 dated March 1, 2004. The history of its creation is long and complex - about 30 years. Since the 70s of the last century, many Kazakh botanists, M.S., have written about the need to protect the unique endemic flora of Karatau. Baytenov, V.P. Goloskokov, N.Kh. Karmysheva and others. In 1975 Academician B.A. Bykov, chairman of the commission "Scientific foundations of conservation in Kazakhstan", put forward a proposal to organize the Karatau Reserve. In 1982, together with the zoologist E.I. Strautman first published a brief justification for the need to preserve the elevated part of the ridge with an area of ​​140 thousand hectares with a rich accumulation of endemic plants and rare animal species.

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The climate in the Karatau nature reserve is continental, arid. The average annual air temperature fluctuates between 8-12°C. The coldest month is January (average temperature is -5°C), the hottest is July (+25-27°C). In mid-May, showers with heavy thunderstorms are not uncommon in the mountains of the reserve. In winter, the weather is most often clear and calm. The average wind speed does not exceed 3-4 m/sec. The snow cover is shallow - up to 20-30 cm. It usually sets in the last days of November, collapses at the end of February. forbs, and on riverine terraces - floodplain forest-meadow soils.

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Flora in the Karatausky nature reserve. The dominant mountain sagebrush is an endemic species - Karatav sagebrush. This semi-shrub with graceful grayish-green thinly dissected leaves and a narrow paniculate inflorescence is distinguished by high lignification of numerous stems. Fescue dominates in the steppes, feather grasses often participate - Caucasian and Karatav. Phryganoids, or upland xerophytes, are a special type of vegetation characteristic of dry rocky habitats. Their composition is dominated by perennial thorny herbs, shrubs and shrubs. For the most part, these are endemic species of acantolimon, lepidolophs, cusinia, Regel's rafidophyton, etc. The presence of such phryganoid elements in the steppes and Karatav-sagebrush patches gives a special unique look to the vegetation of the reserve.

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The rare plant communities of the reserve include tugai forests. These narrow strips of gallery forest along riverbeds are very attractive with openwork foliage of relic Sogdian ash and delicate bluish crowns of low willows. Occasionally in their composition there are Turkestan hawthorn, mulberry, Sievers apple tree and Semenov maple. Maple, like ash, is a living fragment of ancient tertiary forests. On the dry bottoms of the gorges and in the lower parts of the slopes, communities of Schrenk's meadowsweet are found in separate patches ranging from 0.01 to 0.5 ha. This completely unusual shrub from the Rosaceae family is a representative of a monotypic (single-species) genus, preserved since the Paleogene era (more than 30 million years ago) only in two isolated points of Kazakhstan - the Betpakdala desert and the Karatau mountains. In the valleys of the Bayaldyr and Kantagi rivers, the most powerful specimens were noted, up to 2.5 m high and up to 15 cm thick trunk. Their crown is up to 3 m in diameter, and the number of flowering branches often exceeds 500-800. During the flowering period in mid-June, these bushes seem to be dressed in a cloud of delicate pale pinkish lace, enlivened by the incessant hum of bees and wasps.

The Alakol State Nature Reserve was created to preserve the unique flora in the Tenek River delta, as well as the population of certain species of animals and colonial birds. This natural object was established in April 1998 by a decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The reserve, by territory, covers the Alakol district of the Almaty region and the Ujar district of the East Kazakhstan region. Thus, two significant natural zones turned out to be in the protected area at once: Lake Alakol and the Tenek River. There are about 270 specimens of rare flora in the Alakol Reserve, including phytoplankton and 33 species of rare mammals, including fox, polecat, wolf, ermine, weasel, eared hedgehog, red-cheeked ground squirrel, mole voles, large jerboa, as well as 263 species of birds. The real symbol of the protected natural object is the relic gull, whose population is threatened with complete extinction.

Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve is the first natural site in Kazakhstan, created to protect the unique flora and fauna of Central Asia. The reserve covers the territory from the western part of the Tien Shan to the spurs of the Talas Altau and the Ugam Range. The decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, issued in July 1926, became the basis for organizing the protected natural site "Aksu-Zhabagly Reserve". Initially, an area of ​​30 hectares was allocated for the reserve, but over time it expanded to almost a hectare. Today, more than 50 species of mammals, about 270 species of birds, mammals and amphibians live in the Aksu-Zhabagly Reserve. Here you can admire the variety of rare mosses, lichens, fungi and algae that grow up to 4238 km above sea level. For the comfort of tourists, a guest house with amenities has been created at the reserve, in which there are also three luxury rooms. Walks along river valleys and mountain peaks can be carried out both as part of a group and independently, accompanied by a guide.

Almaty State Nature Reserve was established in 1931. Currently, the reserve occupies the territory of the Central part of the Zailiysky Alatau and is located within the absolute heights from 1200 to 5017 meters above sea level. Its borders pass along the Left and Right Talgar rivers, further along the ridge separating the Turgen and Issyk rivers, and the southern border runs along the South-Eastern Talgar river and the upper reaches of the Chilik river to the spur between the Kosbulak-2 and Tamchi rivers. Organized for the purpose of protection and study of the natural complexes of the Northern Tien Shan. Deciduous forests with wild apple, apricot, aspen and mountain ash grow in the mountains up to a height of 1600 m. The highest point is the peak of Talgar, which is a powerful center of glaciation. As part of the fauna are common: in the valley of the Ili River, argali, goitered gazelle, keklik, pheasant; in the mountains, deer, roe deer, brown bear, lynx, snow leopard, black grouse, bearded partridge, snowcock, blue bird, brocade grosbeak.

Naurzum State Nature Reserve Kustanai Region The flora of the reserve includes 687 species of higher plants, which is exceptionally large for the steppe zone. The pine forests of the Naurzum pine forest are relict, as they have been preserved in an unaltered form. The fauna of the reserve is very diverse and has not been fully studied to date. Since ancient times, the Naurzum lakes served as a transit point on the way of movement of many species of birds that wintered in Iran, India, Central Asia, along the Turgai migratory route further north, to nesting sites. Rare birds are represented by 44 species: 36 are included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, 23 in the International.

biosphere reserve

The Ustyurt reserve has an area of ​​70`000 hectares, it is characterized by typical desert landscapes of the Turan lowland and the Ustyurt plateau. The reserve serves as a safe haven for many rare animals, such as the Ustyurt mouflon, cheetah, saiga, goitered gazelle, jackal, fox, long-spiked hedgehog, polecat and others. The sights of Ustyurt are archaeological monuments. In ancient times, ancient caravan routes passed through the plateau, such as the road of the Khorezm Shahs, which connected Khiva with the lower reaches of the Emba and the Volga. Along it were the ancient city of Shahr-i-Wazir, the caravanserai of Beleuli and the fortress of Allan. Ancient cemeteries with majestic mausoleums-mazars are scattered all over the plateau. Some of them have already been studied by archaeologists, but many are still waiting for their researchers. There are also older monuments. About 60 Neolithic sites are known in Ustyurt. There are especially many of them in the Manat region and the vicinity of the Karynzharyk depression.

archaeological sites

To the north of Kyzan, on the banks of the Dead Kultuk, ancient burials were found. They date back to about the 4th or 5th century BC. e. Experts admit that this discovery may provide new information about the ancient peoples of the Sako-Massageta period, who roamed these places. Akmysh, located 18 km from Shetpe, attracts tourists not only with its beauty, but also with historical monuments of the ancient city of Kzyl-Kala (“red city” from Kazakh). Three kilometers from Akmyshsay are the picturesque gorges of Samal and Sazanbay. Another attractive place is located 30 km from Fort Shevchenko - the tract of Khanga-Baba. Spring water, thickets of hawthorn, blackberry, mulberry, elm, poplar. Here is the ancient necropolis of Khanga Baba with a mosque

Mount Belukha

Belukha mountain in the North-East, with a snow-white peak (4506 m) is the highest in Siberia and Altai. This is the realm of snow, ice, thundering avalanches and sparkling waterfalls. Mountain Berkutaul (Eagle's Dwelling) is adjacent to it, its height is 3.373 m. Berkutaul is the second most popular peak of the Southern Altai, after Belukha.

Markakol Reserve

Eastern Kazakhstan sheltered one of the most amazing corners of Kazakhstan - the Markakol National Reserve. Lake Markakol is rightfully called the pearl of this region, lying in a depression bounded by the Kuchum ridge from the north and the Azutau ridge from the south. The lake is 38 km long, 19 km wide and 27 m deep. It is fed by 27 rivers and streams, but only the Kalzhir River flows out of the lake.

The water of Markakol is fresh and very soft, but its main wealth is uskuch fish from the salmon family. Lake Markakol is the only habitat of this fish in Kazakhstan. The picturesque rocky ledges of the mountains are covered mainly with larch, less often with fir forest. Subalpine meadows are rich in flowers, rare medicinal plants (golden and maral root, twig-like

kopeck, thick-leaved bergenia and others). The fauna of the reserve is rich and diverse.

Brown bears, elks, foxes, lynxes, deer (Siberian deer), wolverine, sable, ermine, falcon, black grouse, the rare red wolf, black stork, herring gull and many others are found in the forests.

Rakhman's Keys

The underground rivers of these places supposedly contain healing radon - a decay product of radioactive elements contained in very rare granite minerals. Thermal waters are used to treat diseases of the joints, spine, nervous system and skin. The hot springs were discovered by the peasant Rakhmanov in 1763. According to legend, he wounded a deer. Losing strength, the animal wandered into the springs and came out of them already healthy and unharmed.

Lake Alakol

Alakol (Motley) is one of the most beautiful lakes in Kazakhstan. In addition to fertile water, the salt lake is rich in therapeutic mud, mineral salts. It is located on the North-Eastern edge of the Dzhungar Alatau. Flocks of flamingos majestically perform on Bird Island, over 40 species of birds live here.


Among the desert plains, the walls and towers of ancient cities and fortresses rise... This is not a mirage, this is Kiin-Kerish (Proud Beauty) - a natural aeolian city, also called the "City of Spirits". Built with tertiary clays, a corner of unimaginable beauty and originality with unique red, white and orange structures. From a distance, the bright clay cliffs and cliffs of Kiin-Kerish look like a flame bursting in the wind. That is why they are called "Flaming Cliffs". The main treasure of Kiin-Kerish is small layers of clay and sand with prints of vegetation from the distant tropical past of these places (palm trees, magnolias, araucaria, ginkgo and others) and the remains of fossil vertebrates (rhinos, crocodiles, turtles and salamanders).

Bukhtarma lake

The nature of this region is amazing and beautiful. The emerald Bukhtarma Lake is known for its picturesque views, as well as excellent fishing. Many rivers and springs flowing down from mountain ledges flow into the lake, forming beautiful waterfalls here and there, but only the Shandage-Bulak river flows out of the lake.


state national natural park

The name of the mountains Karkaraly comes from the name of the national headdress of Kazakh girls - karkara, skillfully embroidered with beads, beads, silks, decorated with velvet, brocade and topped with a plume of owl feathers. And like a brilliant karkara, the Karkaraly mountains shine with all the colors of the rainbow. Their height is relatively low: the highest point - the three-headed Komsomolsky peak - has 1403 m above sea level, and it rises 400-500 m above the surrounding hills. The mountains are covered with pine and birch forests, various herbal vegetation. The names of cliffs, mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, which the story-telling people gave them, speak well of the unusual beauty of these places. Peak Falcon, Olenya Mountain, Red Beard Hill, Red Rock Rock, Lakes Mirror Pad, Pashennoye, Shaitan-Kol (Devil's Lake) ...

There is a legend that the rich Bai Balkash had a beautiful daughter, Ili. Bai declared a holiday - he promised the winner a daughter as his wife.

Beauty Ili and the poor shepherd Karatal loved each other. Or helped Karatal win the match of suitors. But Balkash did not want to give his daughter to the poor. Then Karatal and Ili fled. The angry father could not catch up with the fugitives. And then he turns them into rivers, and he rushes to them in front and turns into a lake, absorbing his naughty daughter. And the lake has the color of hoary blue. Lake Balkhash is the largest drainless body of water after the Caspian and Aral Seas. The length of the lake is 614 km, the width is from 3.5 to 44 km, the maximum depth reaches 26 m.

Lake Balkhash

The phenomenon of Balkhash lies in the different mineralization of its western and eastern parts connected by a narrow strait. The western basin, which receives water from the previously abundant Ili River, is fresh, the eastern one is brackish. The nature of Balkhash is amazing and full of contrasts. The reservoirs of the Ili-Balkhash basin are one of the most significant in terms of biodiversity and reproduction of valuable fish species, as well as in terms of fishing opportunities. The ichthyofauna includes carp, grass carp, thorn, barbel, trout, marinka, asp, bream, catfish and others. 8-10 thousand tons of fish are caught annually in the lake. Balkhash marinka and Balkhash perch are listed in the International Red Book. Only here the thorn and the Aral barbel, which have become extinct in the Aral Sea, have been preserved.