How to remove dried film from plastic. How to remove film from plastic windows if it cannot be removed

UV protective film, sun rays and time is very attached to plastic profile and glass, bursts, cracks, dries out. Clean up protective coating no later than 10 days after installing the new window. To separate the film from the plastic, use a scraper, a dull knife or a stiff brush. Heat the dried tape with hot air from a hairdryer or use solvents (white spirit, RP6), denatured alcohol, Schumanite, professional products for cleaning plastic. Wipe off the remaining glue with a school eraser, nail polish remover, vegetable oil. To remove self-adhesive tint film or solar control film, use integrated approach.

Adhesive tape protects new windows during transportation, installation, construction work indoors. Untimely removal leads to its drying out. Knowing how to remove film from plastic windows, you can quickly and effectively return them to an attractive appearance and remove dust adhering to the adhesive base without damaging the surface.

Why does the film stick to the window?

The protective film is applied to the new metal-plastic frame using an adhesive composition.

Its quality largely determines how easily and quickly it will be removed. Unscrupulous manufacturers use a cheap coating that “sticks” to the window, bursts and peels. It is difficult to peel off such a film even in deadline.

Hot summer weather, as well as the south side of the window, aggravate the situation.

Profile, installed in winter, cleaning is somewhat easier if done on time. In the cold, the coating also collapses, bursts, and loses elasticity.

Important! Remove the protective film no later than 10 days from the date of installation of the new profile so that it does not have time to stick and collapse.

How to remove protective film from a window

To remove intact film from plastic frame or window sill, it is enough to pick up its corner with any sharp object (scissors, knife, fingernail), and then carefully separate it along the entire length. The coating will easily come away from the profile, will not tear and will not leave sticky marks.

Old, stuck-on film will have to be removed using improvised means or solvents.

Conventionally, methods for removing dried film can be divided into:

  • mechanical (brushes, scrapers, blades);
  • chemical (solvents);
  • temperature (heating with a hairdryer).

In some cases, removing very old, damaged coating may require a multi-pronged approach.

Mechanical methods for removing protective coating

Using a scraper, knife, or stiff brush is one of the most popular methods for cleaning the profile from the protective film. You need to act very carefully so as not to damage the plastic or glass.

Hard brush

Any brush with stiff, non-metallic bristles or a dish sponge with an abrasive layer will do.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Using your hands, remove as much surface area as possible from the coating.
  2. Divorce laundry soap V warm water.
  3. Wet the brush.
  4. Using circular movements, remove the sticky layer.
  5. Wipe the plastic with a clean cloth.


Use a special scraper for cleaning glass ceramics or a rubberized construction spatula.

  1. Remove the coating by hand as much as possible.
  2. Wipe the frames with a wet, soapy cloth to remove dirt and dust.
  3. Holding the tool at a comfortable angle, remove the sticky layer.
  4. Wash the windows with a hard sponge and soap, wipe with a fresh cloth.

Knife, blade

Use a dull knife or blade to avoid damaging the profile and causing injury. Wash the frames with soap warm water, carefully clean with a blade.

Important! Metal tools can leave deep scratches on the plastic, where dust and dirt will become clogged. Their use is not advisable.


After removing the tape, wash the frame well

The method is effective for removing cracked, dried film from PVC windows.

Cut a small strip of wide stationery tape, stick it to the frame, and tear it off sharply. Small dried parts of the protective coating will stick to the adhesive tape and come away from the plastic with it.

Chemicals for cleaning glass from film

Chemical solvents corrode the adhesive base and quickly and effectively remove film from windows.

If protective film on metal-plastic windows is not removed in a timely manner, it can stick very strongly to the plastic profile and will be extremely difficult to remove. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the protective films that cover the profiles of new metal-plastic windows. But what to do if the film is already “tightly” stuck? Let's look at several ways how remove film from plastic window.

The recommendations below will help you remove protective film not only from window frame, but also from window sills and ebbs. First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that when removing the old film, another problem may arise - the need to clean the profile from the adhesive with which the protective coating was glued.

There are two ways to remove film: chemical and mechanical.

Let's look at how to remove film from a plastic window mechanically. This option will require a special scraper used to clean glass ceramics, and good cleaner(eg COSMOFEN 10). First, the film is removed with a scraper, and the remaining adhesive is removed with cleaner or solvent R-12.

There are also several other ways to mechanically remove film and adhesive residues from window profiles, low tides and window sills. The second option is to use an industrial hair dryer and COSMOFEN 10 cleaner.

With this method of removing the film, first heat it with a hairdryer as much as possible and quickly pry up the edge stationery knife. It is necessary to tear the film off the surface gradually, but without stopping, otherwise it will tear and you will have to pry the edge off again. We remove traces of the adhesive base with a solvent or cleaner. If you have a steam generator, it is better to use it instead of a hair dryer. It will be faster this way.

You can also remove the film from a plastic window using chemicals. The first method is the use of industrial alcohol and COSMOFEN cleaner. To apply alcohol to the surface of the film, you will need a regular sprayer for indoor plants.

After spraying the denatured alcohol, the film should soak for a couple of minutes. After this time, pry up the edge of the film and slowly pull it out. We repeat the procedure until the protective coating is completely removed. As in previous options, remove any remaining glue using a cleaner.

Is it possible to remove film from a plastic window using detergents? As practice has shown, the Schumanit detergent has proven itself very well in this regard. This remedy is quite strong, so you need to work with it very carefully. But in order to save yourself from unnecessary hassle to remove the protective film, it is necessary to remove it during (immediately after the windows are in place and all finishing work) and do not wait until it sticks firmly to the window.

Detergent "Shumanit"

Among unusual ways To remove the protective coating on the profiles of new metal-plastic windows, use a rubber band and white spirit. Some craftsmen can remove the film even with a simple eraser, and glue residues, according to some, can be easily removed with white spirit. But in order not to check all the methods without practice, seek help from specialists. After all, they know exactly how to quickly and correctly remove the tightly stuck protective film from your new windows.

Where can I find a film removal specialist?

Production and installation company metal-plastic windows and doors "Open Windows" offers its clients a full range of services, starting from the design stage metal-plastic structures, and until final installation. If necessary, our specialists can remove the protective film from your windows immediately after installation is complete.

It is advisable to carry out some work right away so that there are no problems in the future. For example, the removal of protective film from plastic windows is often postponed, or for some reason is not done at all. Later, under the influence of the sun, it bursts, cracks, takes on an unpleasant appearance, and the frame burns out in pieces, but such problems could have been avoided.

We won’t beat around the bush, but will tell you right away how to remove film from plastic windows, even one that has already been hanging for a decent amount of time.

Newly installed plastic windows

Follow the instructions

When installing PVC windows, craftsmen do not immediately remove the protective film from the windows. They carry out the work according to the instructions, and it clearly states that the film must be removed within 10 days after installation window design. Thus, they entrust the work of removing window protection entirely to the owners. If you don’t want to put up with this, ask the installers to finish the job.

The protective film consists of two layers: the first, decorative one, usually contains the manufacturer’s advertising, and the second has an adhesive base that reliably attaches it to the surface of the window. Being in a closed position, under the influence sunlight and warmth, adhesive composition It thickens more and more, tightly sticking to the window frame.

Delete top layer after a couple of months it will still be easy, but the inner one will already stick quite firmly by this time. This is why old film will be extremely difficult to tear off entirely. You will have to use a large arsenal of tools and tools to clean the window from the remnants of its former protection.

This is the problem we often encounter on windows.


So, let's look at how to remove the protective film from plastic windows if the time for this work has been lost and the materials have almost grown together.

The easiest way to remove film from a window involves precise and careful work, which will take a lot of time and effort. Arm yourself with a sharp knife or blade that will be convenient for picking up thin material, and gradually, piece by piece, tear it off the window. After the protective material is removed, it will be necessary to wash the window frame from any remaining adhesive. This can be done using a regular dishwashing sponge and detergent.

If you don’t want to bother with the sticky adhesive on the PVC window frame, you can quickly wipe it off with an eraser. Again it will take enough large number time to process the entire frame. However, we note that there will not be huge residues of glue everywhere; in some places it will be removed along with the film.

If you think that the protective coating has not stuck to the frame too much, you can try to remove it with a hair dryer. The heated adhesive composition will soften, and in this form it will be easier to work with the film. Use a rag and a stiff scraper and systematically remove the old film from the frame of your PVC window. You are unlikely to be able to work quickly, but in terms of quality there will definitely be success.

Even timely removal of material promises some difficulties

Many housewives do an excellent job of removing protective coatings on frames using steam cleaners and steam generators. This method is extremely simple and effective: steam heats and softens the film, making it elastic, after which it is easily removed. Note that it is necessary to warm up the frame properly with steam, and not to pull too hard on the hooked end.

If you are dealing with ceramics and have a scraper in your home glass-ceramic plates, then it is quite possible to use it. It will help to quite accurately and quickly scrape off all layers of unnecessary material. You can try to wash off the remaining glue detergent, in this case, the frame should be rubbed with a brush with strong bristles.

Among all the solvents, white spirit has proven to be the most effective for removing the protective coating from the frame.

It is convenient to pry off the film with a sharp knife, and then remove the glue with a rag soaked in white spirit. If you can’t wipe off the glue right away, you can soak it in a solvent for a couple of minutes, after which it will definitely be removed. It is also worth noting here that among all the solvents, this one smells the least.

Using a window scraper

Scattered remnants of the protective coating can be removed regular tape. To do this, you need to wash the frame with a detergent and dry it. Then stick transparent tape on it, smooth it over the entire surface, and then smoothly peel it off. Scotch tape will remove many unwanted elements.

You can buy plastic cleaning compounds at hardware stores. It is better not to use these products, or to use them in extreme cases, because they can damage the frame of your PVC window.

Removing the sun protection cover

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to remove the sun protection film from glass, to which it has become quite strongly attached over the summer. Of course it is possible, but since this coating is made of a special lavsan material, solvents will not help us; we will have to use physical force.

Please note that in the instructions for use solar films There is usually no information on how to remove it. Manufacturers apparently believe that it is installed on the glass forever. We will not argue with them, but will use them available means to remove it.

To work you will need sharp knife, it is best to take the stationery version, as well as dishwashing gel. Using the gel, we will need to make a soap solution, which we will gradually apply to the surface of the glass. Then we can easily pick up the soaked film and remove it with the sharp tip of a knife.

Cleaning glass from additional reflective elements

The process of removing sun protection coating from glass is very, very labor-intensive, but if everything is done according to the instructions, the surface will be perfectly clean.

It is best to carry out such work on a sunny day, when the heated surface of the glass softens the glue. In this case, the shiny protective coating can be removed more easily. If the weather is bad, you can heat the glass construction hairdryer or a steam generator, but this must be done carefully.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when installing plastic windows, remove the protective film within 10 days, or ask the installers to do it right away. Otherwise, you risk providing yourself with long, tedious and uninteresting work with windows in the future.

Many users, faced with the problem of window film firmly “fused” to the PVC profile, rush to experiment, which does not always end well. Especially in the case of colored windows, there is a risk of destroying them. The OKNA MEDIA portal will tell you how to effectively and without disastrous consequences remove old protective film from plastic windows.

All plastic windows come to the market with frames protected by the manufacturer using self-adhesive film. According to the rules, the protective film must be removed as soon as possible after completing the window installation - especially when the PVC window is exposed to direct sunlight.

Why is it so difficult to remove old protective film from PVC windows?

Unfortunately, this happens quite often, and due to the negligence of installers or the user himself, the protective film on the PVC profile can remain even for several years. In this case, when the hands get around to putting the new plastic windows in order, the user will be in for an unpleasant surprise - it is almost impossible to remove the protective coating.

It is difficult to remove old window film from a plastic window profile because it consists of two layers. The outer layer (transparent film) under the influence ultraviolet rays starts to peel and is relatively easy to clean. But at the bottom there is a second layer of white plastic with markings applied - it is this that sticks so strongly to the substrate.

The presence of old film looks especially bad in the case of a tree-like profile, because usually a protective coating is used white. When exposed to UV rays, the film undergoes vulcanization and adheres very firmly to PVC surface windows. At the same time, it becomes less durable and breaks easily.

Some try to wash away protective layer gasoline, acetone or other solvents - this helps a little, but at the same time you can remove the wood texture that is applied to the lamination of the frame (white PVC windows, of course, are insured against this). Experts do not recommend exposing the surface of colored PVC profile too much mechanical stress (scraping or sanding), because it is very easy to damage the lamination layer.

Eureka: There is a way to get rid of old protective film!

Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of the protective film, we suggest you consider one of them. This method is simple, effective and, most importantly, will not destroy the plastic window. However, the procedure will take quite a long time and will require the use of a device with a steam cleaning function.

Such a device can be bought without problems; they are often sold in supermarkets. Please note that the package includes a special hose that allows you to fix the nozzle. Versions of this device often appear on sale in which steam exits directly from the tank through a nozzle. In this case, you will have to constantly hold the heater in your hands during cleaning, but it will soon become clear that heating the film in the lower part of the frame is impossible in this case (the window sill gets in the way).

Work begins by filling the purifier with water and connecting it to the power supply. After a few minutes, you can begin heating a small area of ​​the protective film with a jet of steam (hold the nozzle directly above the film or even touch it). Heat a small section of 1-2 cm across the entire width. If the window film is too old to peel off, you will have to reheat it (after cooling). At this time, you can heat the protective coating of the window from the other end.

To remove the protective film using steam, shortly after heating a small area, you should try to separate the film from the substrate with your fingernail. This must be done carefully and slowly, across the entire width of the tape. This is the most important point. It is necessary to ensure that a small piece of the film peels off across its entire width. Then you can grab the end and slowly (!) tear off the film while simultaneously heating with steam from above and below (at the points of contact with the substrate).

If the protective film begins to tear and its fragment does not come off, you need to use a fingernail in this place and lead to a situation where it peels off again across its entire width. After removing a sufficiently long fragment, cut it off with scissors, leaving 2-3 cm so that there is something to cling to to continue further cleaning of the PVC profile.

After removing the protective layer, the surface of the window frame remains white coating, which is quite difficult to wash off. And here there is a proven method - you can use a glass cleaner for this purpose (for example, Mister Muscle).

When buying new plastic windows, do not ignore the advice of the window company, which is clearly stated in the operating instructions, when it is worth removing the protective film from the PVC profile. This will allow you to save time and money, and save your nerves. In general, following the manufacturer’s recommendations not only in this point, but also in all others, is the key to the impeccable appearance and durability of your plastic windows.

New plastic windows have a coating that many people do not remove immediately. Over time it dries out, making it difficult to get rid of. How to remove dried film from plastic windows without damaging them?

How to remove film from plastic windows

Why does the protective film need to be removed immediately?

New plastic windows have a film that protects them from dust, dirt and damage in the form of scratches. By design, it is two-layer and is glued to the window using special staff. Under the influence of sunlight, the inner layer of the coating is destroyed and sticks to the plastic. Every day the film will become more and more difficult to remove.

How to remove protective film from plastic windows

For this purpose, several methods are used: mechanical (using tools) and chemical (household mixtures).

The first includes:

Scraper for cleaning glass ceramic surfaces. It can be used to remove the protective coating. And then remove traces of paste with window cleaner. You need to work with the scraper carefully, as it leaves scratches.

Industrial hair dryer. It can be replaced with a regular one. First, point the device at the film (a hot air stream will peel it off) and then use a utility knife to scrape off the remaining residue.

No less effective way– use of a steam generator. The principle of operation is almost the same as that of a hair dryer.

An ordinary eraser will also help to cope with the problem.

Mechanical methods The protective coating is removed, and the remaining adhesive is easily removed with either a cleaner or an acrylic solvent.

Chemical methods:

Denatured alcohol. Pour a few spoonfuls into a flower sprayer and spray the coating. After a few minutes, peel off the film with a knife.

Paint remover. Apply the composition to the surface and wait 10 minutes. Over time, the coating will begin to swell and can be easily removed from the window.

When using chemical compositions You should wear gloves to avoid damaging your skin. It is also recommended to wear glasses for safety reasons.