Options for winter operation of the Abyssinian well. Abyssinian well: pros, cons and construction rules

As it is sung in the famous song of a water carrier from the movie “Volga-Volga”: “without water, neither here nor there,” therefore, the provision of water for sanitary needs and cooking becomes a mandatory measure when arranging places for both permanent and temporary residence of people. The problem can be solved simply if there is a centralized water supply, when it is enough to conclude an agreement with the water supply organization. What to do if there is no centralized water supply?

Here they will come to the rescue various devices with varying degrees of automation, allowing to obtain water from aquifers. Abyssinian well- This is one of the inexpensive devices that allows you to extract water from a depth of about 8-10 m, it is quite simple to manufacture and does not require a lot of time and money to install it. That is why this type of equipment is very popular for shallow burials. groundwater.

The Abyssinian well, invented according to some sources by the American engineer Norton, and according to others by the German inventor Sheetz, received its name and further widespread use after the Abyssinian operation carried out by the British royal troops in 1867-1868. Operating in what is now Ethiopia, the British utterly defeated the troops of Emperor Theodoros II and subjugated numerous tribes.

The success of the campaign was largely ensured by the use of special devices that made it possible to short terms to develop sources of water supply for the British Expeditionary Force in the desert regions of Ethiopia, where the struggle unfolded not only for blooming oases, but also for every well with potable water. The equipment transported on one cart, serviced by only two soldiers, made it possible to quickly drill wells in sandy soil that reached aquifers and obtain a sufficient amount of water, raised to the surface by hand pump, without the need for a well casing and the use of pipes large diameter.

The enormous popularity of these simple devices did not go unnoticed in Russia, where these devices appeared already in 1869. Having passed successful tests, such wells were recommended for construction and have since been widely used on soft soils with shallow aquifers.

Video: what is better to choose, an Abyssinian well or a borehole

Construction of an Abyssinian well

The concept of a traditional Russian well with rings of a fairly large diameter and a house located on top is absolutely not suitable for its Abyssinian counterpart. The Abyssinian well is a well with small pipes, 45-76 mm in diameter, equipped with perforation and a mesh filter. A special conical tip made of durable metal, the maximum diameter of which is several larger diameter main pipe. The thickening is done to prevent the drill from jamming in the rock. This shape of the drill resembles a spear, which is why such a well is sometimes called a “needle well.” Using a simple device, the needle is driven into the ground until it reaches the aquifer, and a manual or vacuum vacuum is placed on top. electric pump.

The required length of pipes is obtained by twisting pipe sections 1-2 meters long using a standard pipe thread and couplings with mandatory sealing of the joint using tow and oil paint to ensure tightness. The resulting well after installing the pump and pumping out dirty water completely ready for use and capable of dispensing 1-1.5 m 3 of water per hour, which is quite enough not only for sanitary needs, but also for watering a small area. The productivity of such a well is limited only by the throughput of the filter.

Drilling Features

To construct an Abyssinian well in its original form, traditional drilling of a well with the installation of a casing pipe is not required. In fact, the device is a drill string driven directly into the ground. Currently, in order to more accurately reach aquifers, a well is drilled with small-diameter augers, checking the type of soil and the presence of water, and then the pipe with the tip and filter is directly plugged.

Selecting a drilling site

In order to obtain water using an Abyssinian well, it is drilled in places where groundwater occurs, the piezometric level of which does not exceed 8 meters and is located in a layer of coarse sand. The limitation of the piezometric water level is due to the fact that this design uses vacuum pumps located at the top to lift the water, although the well itself can go deeper depending on the thickness of the aquifer. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the geological features of the site, the level of groundwater and, if possible, find out their quality indicators, using SES data or the experience of neighbors who have one or another type of well.

You should not be upset if the water layer is at a depth of more than 8 m. If the water surface is slightly deeper than this mark, you should bury the pumping equipment in a specially equipped pit and bring the supply pipe into the house below the depth of soil freezing.

Considering small sizes equipment, the water intake and pump can be located directly inside the house, which will ensure water supply in summer and winter, as well as additional protection well from contact with surface melt water, garbage and other contaminants.

Video on how to choose a drilling site

Abyssinian well drilling technology

Drilling an Abyssinian well can be done using the driving method, as implemented in original version device, or drilling technology, which is increasingly used nowadays.

Drive "drilling" involves directly pressing or driving a needle into the ground until it reaches the aquifer. Although the method is simple to implement, it has some disadvantages: there is a high probability of deformation of the pipe itself, failure of the tightness of the joints and destruction of the mesh filter. Then no pump will be able to raise water to the surface, and all work will have to start all over again.

Ram drilling is characterized by drilling a hole with small diameter drills until it reaches aquifers or soft soil layers, and then lowering the needle down into the resulting hole with much less force. This reduces the requirements for both soil density and well materials, allowing the use of polymer pipes instead of metal ones, which increases the tightness and reliability of the system.

Water quantity and quality

Whereas the Abyssinian well draws water from the upper aquifer, which is most susceptible to various types pollution, well drilling must be done in places farthest from septic tanks, places of accumulation chemical compounds, flowing from nearby fields, and other natural and man-made pollutants. If water is to be used for drinking and cooking, it is worth conducting chemical and bacteriological analyzes of samples from a nearby source. If there is a large amount of pollution, you should abandon the construction of an Abyssinian well and organize the drilling of a well equipped with a submersible pump to supply water from deeper sandy or limestone horizons.

The saturation of the aquifer is also of great importance, on which not only the productivity of the well depends, but also its service life, which under favorable conditions is about 30 years. When starting to drill a well, you should definitely inquire about the amount of water in nearby wells and listen to reviews from their owners about the behavior of the water surface during intensive water intake.

Types of equipment

Standard Abyssinian wells in their original form are completed with manual vacuum pump small productivity, allowing to supply 1.25 liters of water in one working stroke. Such equipment is sufficient to provide minimal amenities and cooking. For large volumes of pumped water, it is advisable to install an electric pump combined with a hydraulic accumulator, which ensures continuous water supply in sufficiently large volumes.

Video about the design and operating principle of a pump for an Abyssinian well

Performance pumping equipment selected slightly less bandwidth well filter to avoid dry running. Looking at user reviews, we can clearly conclude that pumps installed in a buried pit or heated room provide a sufficient volume of water necessary for comfortable stay and watering plants planted on the site, and with a high-quality filter on the suction pipe they last quite a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Abyssinian well

The Abyssinian well would not have become so widespread if it had not had many undeniable advantages:

  • Simplicity of the device without the use of expensive and bulky equipment. Within a few hours, the Abyssinian well is plugged with your own hands and immediately begins to produce usable water;
  • Possibility of installation in small areas and indoors, which allows you to use the water intake even in winter;
  • High performance when pumping water with an electric pump;
  • Easy to maintain, clean and long service life;
  • High quality water.

But, as you know, no barrel of honey is complete without a small fly in the ointment. Abyssinian wells, along with their advantages, also have some disadvantages:

  • Limitation on the density of passable soils, when “puncture” can only be performed in soils of categories VIIa-IX on the Protodyakonov scale;
  • The depth of the water surface is no more than 8-10 m;
  • High demands on workmanship and filter material.

Despite some shortcomings, Abyssinian wells are widely used large number people and, as reviews indicate, receives a sufficient amount of high-quality water for a long time.

Alexey: Let's use it Abyssinian well for five years at the dacha. There are no complaints, the water is clean and in sufficient quantities. The only drawback: after winter you have to clean the filter, but the procedure is simple and only requires removing the pump. The neighbors have had such a well for about 15 years. In the spring they just rebuild the pump and spend the whole summer with water without problems. Victor: Convenient and simple thing. The water has only a slight aftertaste, unlike city water. They installed an electric pump, now there are no problems with bathing and watering. We are using it for the second year, I don’t know how long it will last, but after the first winter everything remained the same.

Anatoly: I made the Abyssinian type well myself. I'm one hundred percent satisfied. There is enough water, the quality is drinkable, the SES found a small amount of impurities, nothing dangerous. The automatic pump pumps the battery into the tank and then distributes it to the distribution points. There is absolutely no difference compared to an apartment, you just don’t have to pay. All the pipes are stainless steel, although they are non-standard; the joints had to be welded. It took me two and a half days to complete the welding, but I wasn’t in much of a hurry. Everyone at home is happy.

Autonomous system water supply for a private estate is an expensive pleasure. But in the absence of central water supply in the private sector, this problem still has to be solved. Carry out on site autonomous water supply It’s possible, and inexpensive. The Abyssinian well will make it possible to realize the idea.

What is it?

A device called an Abyssinian well or Abyssinian well is a simple and inexpensive source that will provide water to a country house or country garden. This design, although small in size, is suitable for winter use.

The placement of a water well of this type must comply with certain standards. To equip the structure, you do not need a set of specialized equipment; simple equipment is enough.

The Abyssinian well is a metal or plastic pipe with an approximate volume of 2 to 4 cm. The pipe is installed in an aquifer, which can be located at a depth of 10 to 15 meters. Bottom part pipes are equipped with a filter. A pump is mounted at the top of the pipe, which must be connected to electricity.

The productivity of an Abyssinian well is related to the capabilities of the aquifer. Features of the system are that it can be mounted on summer cottages without permanent residence. No heavy equipment is required for installation. When constructing a well, the fertile soil layer will not be damaged.

It is believed that this method resource extraction was invented by the British back in the 19th century. The popularity of the Abyssinian well has not diminished since then. The method is in demand for arranging water supply in summer cottages.

In addition, many options for arranging Abyssinian wells have appeared. For example, a driving or drilling method is used. Experts associate the choice of method with the conditions at the site. In particular, with the qualities of the existing soil.

The characteristics of the soil in a particular area should be familiar to gardeners. If you don’t have the necessary information, you can check with your neighbors. There are also scientific ways of studying. Typically, Abyssinian wells are drilled in areas where the soil is made of sand or gravel.

It is also possible to have sandy soils medium grit. Extracting water through such soil layers will not be difficult. It is strictly not recommended to install Abyssinian wells on rocky or loamy soils.

In such places, the use of special equipment will be required. However, experts practically do not use drilling without casing in practice. Well options with casing pipe usually settle deeper. To use the source you will need to obtain a license. Let's compare the characteristic features of depths for wells used on private farms.

Depth characteristics

The Abyssinian well is also known by other names, for example:

  • driving well;
  • well needle;
  • Abyssinian well.

The depth of the well is an important parameter on which the price of the work depends. Moreover, aquifers are present at different depths. It is believed that Russia is rich in artesian waters. This useful resources, which are located under waterproof layers under hydraulic pressure. The layers differ in the presence hydraulic pressure Therefore, the extraction of water from them is caused by many difficulties.

In addition to the artesian aquifer, there are groundwaters that lie at shallower depths. Most often, groundwater can be found at a depth of up to 10 meters; in some areas it is enough to go down to two meters.

Groundwater reserves are replenished by rain or melt water. It is believed that dirt and sometimes fertilizers from the fields get into them along with the liquid. Problems may arise with shallow wells or boreholes during hot periods, because the water level drops significantly at this time.

During heavy rainfall, shallow wells or boreholes have problems with overfilling. Springs from the upper strata often burst out of the ground. However, the amount of liquid in these layers is very small. Sometimes springs appear when water-resistant layers break through. If water itself makes its way from the well to the surface, then in some cases this simplifies its delivery to the house, in others, on the contrary, it complicates it.

If the amount of water is too large, the well will overflow. This threatens to turn the site into a swamp. Therefore, for the well great value has a usable aquifer. Well construction methods and characteristics are associated with this parameter. Each characteristic feature has its advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage of the Abyssinian well is its shallow depth. Users also note good performance. The durability of a structure is largely related to chemical features aquifer. For example, users strongly recommend installing high-quality filtration for Abyssinians.

Homemade option will look like a galvanized thick-walled pipe 1.5 meters long with a thread at one end. A pointed tip is screwed onto the thread. The needle will better spread the soil at the desired depth. From the base of the pipe you need to leave the distance that is needed for the sump on the sand.

Then, after about 5 cm, holes with a diameter of about 1 cm are drilled. The section of the pipe with the holes must be wrapped with wire. Additionally, a stainless mesh with small holes will be useful. The mesh must be secured with clamps. For better filtration, the pipe can be wrapped with geotextile.

The Abyssinian well is often deepened by five meters, but it can reach up to 15. It is assumed that the water in the well should not stay near the very bottom. The column of water should be somewhere in the middle. Therefore, the depth of the well can be different, but the distance between the pump and the water surface should not be more than 8 meters, since the water will rise using the vacuum method.

When a vacuum is created, water is pushed upward by atmospheric pressure. The amount of hydraulic resistance also matters. Therefore, if the depth between the pump or the water surface is greater, the water will not be able to rise. A pump that runs dry will quickly fail.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Abyssinian wells are:

  • Relatively cheap. You can do the work yourself.
  • The necessary components are widely available.
  • Fast production. Construction of a well if everyone is present components It will literally take a couple of hours.
  • Ease of arrangement. A well requires limited space. Any area of ​​the yard, as well as a basement or garage, is suitable.
  • No special drilling equipment is required for the work. Such equipment usually requires special access roads and special transport.
  • Long service life. However, this statement is only realistic for properly equipped wells.


  • Construction of an Abyssinian well is not practical in areas where there are layers of clay and limestone. The work will not be economically viable.
  • It is impossible to install in a small diameter pipe that is installed for a well. submersible pump. Therefore, a pumping station is needed to raise water.
  • Construction of a well becomes more complicated if the distance to the water surface is more than 8 meters. To set up a pumping station, you will need a pit with a caisson, which can also be installed in the basement of the house. The pumping station will not be able to lift water from deep aquifers.

Before starting work, you need to study the area. On the ground, you need to find out the depth of the aquifers. In addition to choosing a location, it is important to choose the time for work, since the water level changes from season to season.

Time for work and choice of location

When developing professional individual water supply projects, the question of choosing a work season is usually not raised. Here even non-specialists understand that drilling is best carried out in summer season. If the homeowner does not have the opportunity to carry out work in summer period, you have to choose a different time. Experts sometimes associate the choice of time of year with the parameters of the future source. This takes into account physical characteristics aquifer.

It is best to drill a well in summer or autumn. The work will be facilitated by:

  • dry stable soil;
  • low rainfall;
  • positive air temperature.

The water level in the source will be at its lowest at this time. This will allow the Abyssinian well to be used during periods of drought. Will be present at any other time high level water

The advantage of performing work in summer time there will be long daylight hours. Dry soil will also be an advantage, as it will absorb more of the pumped out liquid. After installing a well, dirt will form. Usually it is pumped out for several hours or days.

If autumn period without rain, work can also be carried out. At high humidity It is better to exclude drilling.

The spring period is considered unsuitable for drilling. Changes in shallow aquifers during this period occur due to flooding. This may lead to an erroneous location. In addition, increased pollution will be observed in the drilled mine. Dirty impurities will have to be pumped for a long time and intensively.

IN winter conditions drilling will be difficult due to soil freezing. It will be impossible to prepare the Abyssinian well using the driving method. However, when using a drill, there is an advantage - due to freezing, the soil in the hole will be more stable. The mine will be less polluted. In some cases, no initial bleeding is required in winter. IN winter time Shallow aquifers are at their lowest level. The filter installation accuracy will be the best.

When constructing well sources, it is necessary to take into account sanitary rules norms. SANPIN implies three types of established zones that are under sanitary protection. The rules are aimed at protecting surface and deep water sources from pollution.

The first belt of the security zone includes the area of ​​underground communications. The boundaries of the first zone are located at a distance of no more than 30 meters from an underground source and 50 meters when exploiting an unprotected water layer. Therefore, in some cases, it will be necessary to coordinate the choice of location for the well with the relevant authorities.

The general requirements for choosing a location are as follows:

  • Activities such as tree planting and construction should not be carried out at the well site. The use of chemicals is prohibited.
  • Well owners must dispose of sewage waste to special treatment stations. When disposing of them, the surface of the sanitary area must not be contaminated.
  • When operating a well, it must not be contaminated.
  • The area where the well is located must be fenced.

It is easy to determine the volume of a sanitary zone. For a shallow Abyssinian well, this will be a 50-meter zone. For deep wells, the zone will be 30 meters.

Construction rules and preparation

Preparation for work can be divided into conditional stages. Before you start drilling, it is worth taking a closer look at the design of the Abyssinian. It is extremely simple and includes a kit metal pipes, the length of which is 1-2 meters. The pipes are connected to each other by couplings. A filter pipe will be required for the lower part of the well through which water is drawn. The method of its manufacture was discussed above. A pump will need to be installed on the ground surface.

Experts advise choosing galvanized pipes for the well.

Stainless steel options are also suitable. Not suitable for wells at all copper pipes. On pipes that are suitable for installation on both sides, you need to cut an external thread.

The length of the perforated pipe (which will play the role of a filter) should be 70-100 cm. It is good if a tip is welded to the lower end of this part. A spear-shaped pipe will make driving easier. It is important that the diameter of the tip is slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe.

In private houses and cottages located far from the central water supply, a well is sometimes the only source of clean water. drinking water. It is important that this source functions throughout the year.
In the summer, usually there are no problems with this, not like in the winter, when the water in the well equipment is influenced low temperatures may freeze and thereby damage it.

Such sad consequences can be prevented by insulating the well in advance thermal insulation material, and even better, equipping it with a caisson.

Caisson installation

Well caisson

Installation is perhaps the most effective and universal method protect downhole equipment from severe winter frosts. A round or square well, with a depth below the soil freezing level and a width sufficient to accommodate a person carrying out repair work.

Then a metal or plastic construction, the walls and floor of which are insulated with foam plastic or other heat-insulating material.

Caisson installation

A sand-concrete mixture is usually poured between the outer walls of the caisson, and the caisson itself is sealed so that moisture does not seep inside in the summer.

The structure is closed from above with a tight-fitting insulated lid, and in areas with a particularly cold winter climate - two lids, external and internal.

Insulation of casing pipe

Insulation of small ones is possible without installing a caisson, but the method itself has much in common with the option described above.

A well is also dug around the casing pipe with a depth below the soil freezing level, but with a smaller diameter, approximately 150 cm (trench width 50-70 cm).

Pipe insulation + heating cable

Then two formwork structures are mounted around the casing, and the distance from the casing itself to the first formwork should be approximately 5 cm, and between the first and second formworks 20-30 cm.

The first plays the role of an air gap, while the second is filled with natural or synthetic insulation. Clay is poured into the remaining space between the outer wall of the second formwork and the well itself, which is carefully compacted.

If the well equipment is located above the ground surface, something like a house is installed on top with a lid that fits tightly on top, the walls of which are also carefully insulated.

Insulation of water pipes

In addition to the well equipment itself, it is also necessary to take care of the insulation of the supply pipes if they are laid in the ground above the freezing level of the soil. The most common way to protect pipes from freezing is to wrap them in glass wool.
The method is effective, but it has one drawback - the insulating material must be additionally wrapped in roofing felt or similar material.

As an option, instead of fiberglass materials and roofing felt, you can use a polyurethane foam half-cylinder or polystyrene foam shell.

The advantage of these heat-insulating materials is that they are easy to install; you just need to put the blocks on the pipe and secure them with ties.

Cable electric heating

To protect downhole equipment and supply pipes from freezing, special electric heaters are sometimes used. This one is relatively expensive, but very effective way used for heating wells that do not have a caisson, as well as in regions with very low winter temperatures.

The operating principle of the first type of heaters is in many ways similar to the operating principle of the so-called heated floor. Such a heater is mounted near the well directly inside the casing.

Second type of heater- heating cable, more versatile. It is used to heat both underground and above-ground water pipes, and it can be located both outside and inside the pipe.

To save energy, such heating systems are sometimes equipped with a temperature sensor that turns off the current supply when the optimal temperature is reached.

Materials used for well insulation

The materials used to insulate a well can be very diverse. Caissons, for example, come in metal, brick, plastic and concrete. Brick and concrete are cheaper, however, the choice of material should be determined primarily by the natural conditions in which the well operates.

In any case, the use of plastic caissons is preferable, since plastic has low thermal conductivity.

In regions where winters are not severe and the temperature rarely drops below -10 degrees Celsius, cheap materials can be used as insulation backfill. natural materials- dry peat, sawdust, leaves, straw, etc.

In places where winters are cold, as well as to protect wells operated irregularly, more reliable and effective synthetic and semi-synthetic insulation materials should be used - polystyrene foam, mineral and basalt wool or fiberglass.

The situation was as follows: there is a house in the village, the village is 350 km away. from St. Petersburg. Since my wife and two children were going to the village for the summer, the issue of water supply arose. Locals they solve this issue somewhat specifically - the neighbors carry water either from a pump - 150 meters downhill, or from the river - 70 meters, but uphill, quite steep. Some neighbors have a well with 5 rings.
Digging a well on my own is not realistic for me in terms of time and labor costs, and buying and delivering rings there and unloading them costs some inadequate money - it turned out to be about 50 thousand. Digging a well with hired labor or making a well with drilling rigs cost even more, starting from 60 thousand.
After googling, I read about Abyssinian wells, which theoretically you can make yourself and quickly enough. The price of everything together with drilling equipment, a set of pipes, a filter, a headstock for driving, a hand pump and delivery to St. Petersburg was around 20 thousand.
I bought everything, bought it here http://www.skvajina.com/Samostoyat/abissin.html with delivery transport company, hand pump They didn't have it in stock - I had to look in St. Petersburg.

The process itself:
I started by preparing pegs to mark future drilling sites:

I looked for the places themselves using frames made of electrodes:

After finding the places, I determined the depth of the water, using my wedding ring for this:

The wife chose one of the places offered to her. Got the drilling equipment:

Started drilling:

The older child sometimes came up and asked to let me twirl)

In 3 hours I drilled 4 meters, then came wet sand, which instantly washed out the hole (I didn’t have casing pipes, so I stupidly turned and cleared the soil from the drill, over the next 6 hours I was able to drill only another 1 meter. The total was 5 meters. His hands fell off - constantly pulling the drill with the rods up. Accordingly, he spat and took out the filter and pipes:

I screwed together the filter and two 2-meter pipes with gas keys:

I plunged this structure into the drilled hole, hit it a couple of times with the headstock, which after pulling the drill seemed simply not liftable)

I poured 30 liters of water into the pipe, the water quickly drained away, I turned on the pump and pumped the filled water).

At this point I stopped working because it was time to go to bed, and I didn’t want to rattle my grandmother in the middle of a sleeping village).

The next day I was forced to take a break - there was a Vepsian holiday in the village,

and I was busy with the youngest child.

The Vepsian holiday brought a pleasant surprise in the form of a friend and his wife who came to visit us)

Well done guys - we grabbed a tent), since our house is very small - 2 rooms, but we don’t worry too much, since this is all a matter of profit)

Returned to the well a day later with a friend,

and with a bunch of spectators, in the form of neighboring children, who were not included in the frame and the main viewer, conveniently located at the place of work,

and even those who managed to eat food during the work:

Since the neighbors have a well with 5 rings, they decided to add meter-long pipes. We screwed the first one on and hammered it in, poured water into the pipe every half meter and tried pumping it with a hand pump. When we screwed on the second meter-long pipe and started pumping, water began to flow, and it clearly felt different from what we poured into the pipe.

Having pumped out about 100 liters of yellow water, we decided to add another 50 centimeters because pumping with a pump that is installed at a meter height is not very convenient. They scored, and in the end there were 7 meters of the structure in the ground. We started pumping - the water gradually changed its color, after 400 liters it became like tap water, it does not give sediment, does not change color when boiling, and does not fall out in flakes.

I don’t know how to measure water yield, but with a hand pump, without really straining, a 10-liter bucket is filled in less than a minute. As a result, everyone is happy - my wife because she has water, I because I was able to get this water) and had an interesting time. Before leaving, I refined it a little - I did it wood flooring and attached a hand pump to it. There are plans to submit the water for analysis and install a hand pump instead pumping station or combine them.

UPD 1. Since, when returning to the city, I took with me a 5-liter dark beer bottle with water from a well - early in the morning I rushed to the SES, passed the water for chemical and bacteriological tests - I wait three days).

UPD 2. The analysis was not encouraging - 24 heat-resistant heat-resistant bacteria. They actually told me that:
1. There is no need to bring water from a newly drilled well for analysis, since water carriers mix during drilling.
2. No need to carry water in beer bottles.
3. Keep the water in the car all night - you should have at least put it in the refrigerator.

In general, it’s strange - many people drank raw and boiled - there were no consequences. But before preserving the well for the winter, I’ll pour a couple of bottles of white into it, and next summer I’ll take sterile containers from the SES in advance.

UPD 3.
In the summer of 2017, I bought an empty bottle of draft beer and submitted the water for a new analysis. The result was pleasing:

You can drink the water raw)

Our development - a titanium filter for an Abyssinian well!

Why should you order an Abyssinian well from us?

Many companies are trying to put the drilling of an Abyssinian well on stream, but the quality of the work performed is lost; there are even cases when, in a place where an Abyssinian well can be drilled, unskilled craftsmen cannot do it. We have a different approach to drilling these wells. Since 2009, we have only one drilling master working on Abyssinian wells, his name is Konstantin. He takes a responsible approach to fulfilling any order, even a small one.


Many drilling teams can drill a well into limestone using heavy equipment, but few can actually find a small aquiferous sand formation for an Abyssinian well by hand.

Only transparent prices!

Drilling up to 12 meters + + + +
Pipe material Black pipes Galvanized pipes Stainless steel pipes Plastic pipes
Diameter mm 32 32 32 32
Filter not soldered with perforation Ø 10x60 + + + +
Filter not soldered with perforation Ø 14x130 4000 rub. 4000 rub. 4000 rub. 4000 rub.
Price RUR 15900 16900 21900 18900
Drilling over 12 meters rub/m 2000 2000 2000 -
Exploration drilling rub/m 0-9000
Exploration drilling over 12 meters rub/m 1000

Prices include travel, drilling, installation, pipes and pumping to visually clear water!

For additional services, see.

What is an Abyssinian well (aka Abyssinian well)?

This is a shallow well that pumps water from an aquifer (sand well). Basically, the depth of the Abyssinian well does not exceed 10 meters, but sometimes it reaches 16–18 meters.

What is a sand well?

Water can flow freely only through porous soils, such as sand, crushed stone, limestone, and therefore it can only be pumped from these soils.
Sand is the most common soil, which is closest to the surface of the earth in the Moscow region, mainly up to 20 meters, which is why wells that are drilled to sand are called sand wells, such as an Abyssinian well or a large-diameter sand well.

The difference between an Abyssinian well and a regular sand well.

Often Abyssinian well also called well on sand, which is true in most cases.
First of all Abyssinian well differs in a casing pipe of small diameter in relation to a conventional well. Basically, when constructing an Abyssinian well, pipes with a diameter of one inch are used. But since the Abyssinian well pumps water based on the principle of suction, and not the influx of water, like a conventional large-diameter sand well, the volume of water obtained from an Abyssinian well is comparable to a large-diameter well (from 0.5–3 m³/h).

Sometimes, when the sand aquifer has a small thickness, it is possible to only Abyssinian well, because a large-diameter casing pipe simply cannot catch this layer.

Read more about The main difference between the Abyssinian well and all other wells is low price and speed of execution (mostly drilling takes one day).

An Abyssinian well can be drilled right in the house and used all year round!

An Abyssinian well was drilled next to the house with an insulated connection from the well to the house, the Abyssinian well pump was installed in the house

An Abyssinian well was drilled next to the house, the input from the well to the house was insulated, and the system was equipped with a heating cable. An Abyssinian well pump is installed in the house.

, all that remains is to insulate the entrance from the well to the house.

An Abyssinian well was drilled next to the house, an Abyssinian well pump was installed in the house

An Abyssinian well was drilled next to the house, an Abyssinian well pump was installed in the house

Before starting to drill an Abyssinian well, it is worth deciding on the location where the well will be located. It is best to drill an Abyssinian well near the house or directly in the house.
If the Abyssinian well is drilled close to home, you can install a pump and pumping station for a well in the house, which will ensure a compact arrangement of the entire water supply system in the house. If it is required that the Abyssinian well can be used in winter, then the entrance to the house from the well must be insulated, and it is also advisable to install an internal heating cable that will prevent the water in the supply pipe from the Abyssinian well from freezing even in the most severe frosts.
But an input system with a heating cable and well insulation is quite expensive, so if possible, it is advisable to drill an Abyssinian well directly in the house.

It is possible to drill an Abyssinian well in a concrete slab foundation of a house

An Abyssinian well was drilled in the house, an Abyssinian well pump was installed in the house

Abyssinian well directly in the house

Even if the house is not heated in winter, the Abyssinian well in the basement or basement of the house will not freeze until late autumn. IN winter period after you arrive and warm up the house, the pump inside can be easily connected to the well, and before leaving, disconnected from the Abyssinian well.