Building an eco-house with your own hands: technological principles and diagrams. Building an eco-house with your own hands: technological principles and diagrams How to build a tiny eco-house yourself

An eco-house is a completely autonomous building that has its own heating, energy supply, ventilation, etc. systems. Such houses are now being built all over the world; they are able to process their own household waste, and then dispose of it without causing any harm. environment. The use of natural building materials in construction often allows you to build a house with your own hands or with minimal involvement of builders.

The building materials for eco-houses are environmentally friendly, renewable materials that have excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Construction materials for building an eco-house, have natural ventilation and air exchange.

Eco house design

The architecture of an eco-house should, first of all, ensure the lowest consumption of energy resources and create optimal performance all bioenergy systems. When designing an eco-friendly home, it is very important to consider, first of all, the following:

  1. An eco-house must have special zoning, where the heated part of it must be the smallest. In the process of designing an eco-friendly house on your own, it is best to divide the entire building into a heated zone and a periodically heated area in the off-season.
  2. The correct location of the heated part of the house to the elements of the yard is the key effective reduction energy resources, and leads to the least heat loss in winter period time.
  3. The construction of an eco-house must be carried out in stages, the same applies to equipping the eco-house with various engineering equipment.
  4. An eco-house must be provided natural system ventilation due to the complete sealing of the house.
  5. An important point when building an eco-house is its correct location on plot of land, regarding the landscape, and methods of subsequent work on suburban area. All existing engineering systems in an eco-house must ensure an autonomous supply of hot and cold water, electricity and ventilation, as well as the disposal of all waste.

DIY construction

When building an eco house important criterion is its location, since it is necessary to make maximum use of the sun’s energy, both for heating all rooms and for heating hot water and this must be taken into account when independent design Houses. A house correctly located relative to the south will allow the use maximum quantity solar energy, thereby reducing the load on existing engineering systems.

Selecting a location

When choosing the location of an eco-house and its correct placement on a plot of land, it is very important to know that the eco-house should not be shaded on the eastern side, and especially on the south and west, since the effectiveness of the eco-house completely depends on this.

After the right choice places for the construction of an eco-house, they begin the actual construction of the building with their own hands. The main components of the body of an eco-house are its durability, good thermal insulation, as well as excellent mechanical strength. Special buffer zones are installed along the entire perimeter of the eco-house, which can provide it with additional protection for heat preservation. You can subsequently attach a summer veranda, a workshop or a garage to the body of the eco-house.

Thermal insulation of eco home

When building an eco-house with your own hands, increased attention is paid to the so-called “cold bridges”, where cold can penetrate into the house from the street. In the northern regions, when building an eco-friendly house, it is necessary to provide for the creation of an additional thermal mask around the entire perimeter of the house. The thermal mask is constructed from heavier building materials. During the day, such a mask can effectively accumulate solar heat, and at night it can effectively retain it.

If an eco-house is built according to frame technology, then its outer perimeter is usually made of lightweight natural materials, such as straw. IN in this case A system is installed in the house, which is an active heat accumulator. Such a system can be either a conventional heater or an open chimney.


Like all buildings, an eco-house also has a fundamental foundation. Depending on the type of soil on which the structure is erected, as well as the depth of groundwater and flood regimes, the following types of foundations can be used when constructing an eco-house: strip, columnar, or various small-block types of foundations. Along the perimeter of the entire foundation in mandatory a reliable drainage system should be installed.

Walls and cladding

The walls of an eco-house are multi-layered and have up to four layers. The first layer usually consists of whitewash, wallpaper or paint. The second layer consists of plaster, as well as vapor barrier and load-bearing wall. The third layer contains insulation, which is often used as straw. The fourth layer is the ventilated gap and the facing material of the facade. In order to further provide for delamination of the walls of an eco-house, it is necessary to use special ties during the construction of its walls.

The cladding of the walls of an eco-friendly house is most often made of wood, decorative brick or plaster and can be done with your own hands. The main criterion when choosing facing material for an eco-friendly home, is its increased resistance to various precipitation.

Today, eco-friendly houses are not just fashion trend from the West. Higher and higher rising energy prices in modern world making the problem of housing operating costs increasingly acute. Currently, in European countries there is an active development of the construction of energy-efficient buildings, and the development of government programs to bring development sites to the lowest possible level of energy consumption.

One of the most popular materials that allow you to build environmentally clean house, are: stone, wood, glass, concrete, metal and straw.

Hot water supply and heating occurs thanks to renewable energy using

Heat pumps, as well as geothermal heat pumps. These are the so-called ones that do not use third-party electricity resources.
Scheme for building such a passive energy-efficient house

The design of modern eco-friendly houses implies a new approach to the thermal insulation and lighting systems. At the same time, eco-house projects have a not boring gray design, as many people think, but with a very unusual and bold design, due to which they blend perfectly with the surrounding landscape.

Wooden eco-house project

For example, 17 kilometers from Hamburg (Germany) a very cozy and, at the same time, quite unusual square eco-house with two bathrooms and three bedrooms was built. Its main areas (kitchen and living room) are located just below ground level. The floors and walls of the three bedrooms, which are illuminated during daylight hours due to high-quality insolation, are made using environmentally friendly wood panels. Open layout and windows large sizes give a feeling of freedom, light and air in a small house.

The housing is heated using geothermal energy, and the windows are equipped with high-quality double-glazed windows. To gain permanent access to this heat source, the ground was drilled to a depth of 75 m, after which a vertical pipe was installed. The liquid is pumped downwards, thoroughly warmed up due to the influence of the internal temperature of the earth, and then pumped upward, which makes it possible to heat the home through pipes in the concrete floor.

The rooms located on the top floor are connected to each other. The bathroom was decorated using non-toxic paint with stone tiles. During production floor coverings 5 layers of spruce wood were used.

In this video you can watch an overview of the best eco-friendly houses in the world

Eco-friendly houses in Russia are practically no different from those common in European countries. In the same way, their operation uses solar energy and autonomous systems heating

The external walls and floors of the house must be dark color, which will allow the structure to absorb as much as possible thermal energy. Cornices, canopies and roofs are designed in such a way that summer time year they protected the house from overheating, and in winter they let in as much as possible sun rays. You can increase the amount of incoming solar energy by placing it on the south side of the building large windows or glassed-in verandas. The façade on the north side should be as blank as possible and small windows. Thanks to all these actions, energy consumption can be reduced by about 20-30%.

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Construction of a private house from natural stone

Eco-friendly stone house

problem waste water in eco-friendly houses, this is solved through individual wastewater treatment plants, due to which the wastewater is purified to a suitable state for watering the site. A considerable part of solid household waste can be used as secondary raw materials. For these purposes, eco-friendly houses will have bioreactors and special rooms for primary processing and subsequent collection and storage of waste.

Autonomous eco-friendly houses can be built almost anywhere, since they do not depend on energy resources. Required quantity energy can be obtained from renewable sources such as earth, sun and wind.

Eco-houses made of straw

Building eco-friendly homes with walls made from straw bales is nothing new. Such buildings first appeared in the last century, in the USA, after the invention of balers. The oldest building dates back to 1903, and the main peak in the construction of thatched housing occurred in the 20s and 30s. There was a slight decline in the 80s, after which this method of construction confidently spread to many countries, including Australia, France, Canada, Finland, Mexico, etc. Currently, straw construction technology is gradually becoming popular in our country, which is explained by many factors.

House made of straw and clay

Firstly, straw is an excellent insulator. According to experts, the thermal resistance of a wall plastered on both sides, in the manufacture of which standard straw bales 500 mm thick were used, exceeds the standard by as much as 4 times. As you might guess, heat loss in such a house is much lower than in houses made of more common materials.

In addition, it is worth noting that energy costs in the production of straw bales, unlike other building materials, are incredibly low. In such cases, fuel is consumed, as a rule, only for the operation of the baler.

The low weight of the bales and, accordingly, the entire building as a whole allows for significant savings on the construction of a lighter foundation.

At the same time, you can hear about some of the disadvantages of such houses. The most common among them are statements that housing made of straw is too fire hazardous, and the material itself can quickly rot or become unusable due to rodents and various insects.

In fact, thatched walls plastered on both sides show even greater levels of fire resistance than, for example, wooden log houses. Accordingly, about fire safety You don’t have to worry if you approach the construction issue wisely and carefully.

Plastering the walls of a straw house

To avoid rotting of the walls, certain measures should be taken to waterproof the material, and during the construction process, use only well-dried bales. For greater reliability, bales can be treated with special antiseptics.

As protective measures ideal for rodents metal mesh with a fine mesh, attached to the bales on all sides, as well as their careful chemical treatment brown, lime, etc. In addition, rodents do not really like rye straw, so it is better to use it as the main building material.

How to build an eco-house from straw and clay with your own hands

Mixing clay and straw allows you to make the structure of the house quite light and durable, significantly increasing the thermal insulation properties of ceilings and walls. An eco-frame house made of straw and clay will give you coolness in summer and warmth in winter.

Autonomous ecological housing, fully equipped efficient systems provision, is able to “maintain” itself independently. And without causing harm to the environment. But to build it and equip it smart technology quite real.

We will tell you how to build an eco-house with your own hands, using exclusively natural building materials - clay, sand, straw, wood. For you, we have collected, studied and presented information about the most promising options. They described in detail the technology for constructing environmentally friendly housing.

The recommendations we provide will provide effective assistance to beginning builders. To make it easier to understand a difficult topic, photo selections, informative diagrams, and video instructions are attached to the text.

Interest in the construction of eco-houses is growing every day - projects that previously seemed fantastic are coming to life and showing amazing results. Some principles of eco-friendly housing are familiar to anyone who has lived or vacationed in a village.

To this day, outside the city, houses are built from rounded logs, timber, bricks - that is, natural materials that do not contain harmful artificial impurities.

Residential scheme two-story house according to technology " double beam» – walls, internal floors, ceilings are made of two layers of wood (profiled dry pine timber)

Advanced villagers and summer residents have long installed septic tanks and biological stations - compact modern systems waste processing. Household plums decompose naturally, then the solid sediment is used as fertilizer, and the liquid is purified (up to 98%) and put into secondary use - for watering the garden or vegetable garden, and maintaining the territory.

Diagram of a biological water treatment system with two chambers (aerobic and anaerobic) and a filtration field. After purification, the liquid enters the ground

The solar collector is mounted on the roof of a separate building, specially built to house the water heating system. Hot and cold water enters the house through an underground pipeline

It is irrational to install in regions with forest plantations or other protection from the wind, however, on the seashores, reservoirs, in the steppes and mountains they justify the installation costs.

Details Published: 12/27/2015 14:15

Sergei Bozhenko had the idea to build an eco-house from adobe using ancient technologies a long time ago. A resident of the city of Radomyshl, Zhytomyr region, says that it was difficult: sometimes it was necessary to compromise between the principles of environmental friendliness and modern technologies. But now the construction of the adobe estate is almost complete; the finishing touches remain.

At first glance this ordinary house, like dozens of new buildings in the Zhytomyr region - it is lined with red brick and covered with tiles. The only thing that catches your eye is the unusual rectangles on the roof - these are solar collectors. When you come to visit Sergei Bozhenko, at first glance you understand that you are in a traditional Ukrainian hut: the walls are neatly whitewashed, and there are paths on the floor that the owner calls “rags.”

“Where did the name come from? From being cut old clothes into “rags”, and then weaved them on looms,” explains the owner.

Sergei Bozhenko has long wanted to implement the idea of ​​environmentally friendly housing. He built this house for about 10 years. The walls and floor were made of adobe - a mixture of clay, straw and mullein. And what would it be like to live in a Ukrainian house without a real Russian stove?

“It’s not really a fireplace, it’s a stove – a natural stove. It is usually called the “Russian” stove. And then he heated it - and the temperature remained for two days. I haven’t yet come up with anything better for heating the house,” says the adobe master.

Sergei Bozhenko is convinced: it is necessary to use as rationally as possible natural resources. Therefore, in this house everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

"The solar collector heats domestic water. When there is no sun and it’s cold, we heat the grub. And as a guarantee, if the stove no longer heats and there is no sun, then automatic mode Buleryan works. It turns on automatically and heats the water. Guarantee - at any time warm water there is,” says the owner of the eco-house.

But the sun is the only one - even microorganisms work for the adobe master. Biogas, which is produced in the process fermentation of waste in a cesspool, you can not only supply kitchen stove, but also to heat the house. True, the hole must be large enough.

“Due to solar collectors, recuperators and firewood, I simply save gas and the same electricity. We also made a biogas plant from cesspool. They are already being made even in villages,” says the inventor.

The first house from eco-friendly pure materials, in which the Bozhenko family still lives, he built 35 years ago. Due to financial difficulties, the family could not afford a brick, so they built a house from a fire pit.

“We built from what was at hand - life forced us. When flax is processed and the fibers are separated, what is left is bonfire. This is waste. Nearby there was a large flax mill, where there were mountains of this fire. They didn't know what to do with her. There is nothing in that house except wood, fires and clay,” the adobe expert shares his secrets.

Now Sergey Bozhenko continues to experiment with building materials, from which, together with a team of like-minded people, he builds adobe houses throughout Ukraine. He is also working on developing fuel for solid fuel boilers and develops environmentally friendly fertilizers for agriculture. The eco-builder is confident: nature has given people everything they need to live. You just need to use these resources correctly.

Today the terms are often used: construction from natural materials, environmentally friendly building materials, “eco house”. But any construction technology is consistently confused not only with wooden houses, but also with buildings made of concrete of various types, where harmful substances are used.

What requirements must be met to build? And how to build an eco-friendly house with your own hands?

An ecological house is a fairly economical structure. Building materials for building a house are comparatively cheaper, and heavy, large vehicles are not used during transportation and construction. The appropriate design must be functional and comfortable to live in.

Engineering systems in an eco-house

Also, a system with positive environmental resources is necessary. This includes elements of energy provision that do not use consumables with harmful emissions. An excellent option for generating electrical energy is to install solar panels.

In this case, the installation of the heating system can be ordered by a professional team or done by yourself. What to choose for an eco-house as a CO? Which heat generator is right for you?

You can and should use methods such as air heating solar collector or use heat pump“air - air” or “water - water”, as well as their combinations.

Materials for eco-house walls

Not many types of houses meet all the requirements. But, oddly enough, frame, adobe, reed and ordinary wooden houses can be safely classified as environmentally friendly. When building the structure of such a house with your own hands, you will need processed wood, clay, straw, reeds and natural insulation materials.

You can imagine the conditions in which the owner of an eco-friendly house will live, because natural materials do not harm the environment, and also help create natural conditions for comfortable living.

Building an eco-friendly house with your own hands is quite simple. Each detail can be thought out at your own discretion, and you can also select the place where the building will be located.