Causes of destruction of basement structures. How to repair the basement of a brick house - reasons, technology for restoration and elimination of damage Restoration and construction of a blind area

When it's time to repair the basement country house, many of us begin to really panic. But you should not exaggerate, because such repairs, and even subsequent finishing, can always be done independently.

Basement repair is very necessary, because this is precisely the element of the house structure that protects the foundation from moisture and destruction. If there is no base or it is in a destroyed state, the foundation and bottom part the masonry will begin to collapse, which will affect not only the humidity inside the house, but also the quality of the walls, floors, and so on. IN in this case, possible cracks and serious chips, rotting of logs, gradual destruction of walls.

Therefore, repairing the basement of a private house is very important, and it is advisable to produce it exactly at the moment when its first defects were noticed. But if the base has been in unusable condition for several years, this is also not a problem, because we can restore it in a few days.

It is best to choose a warm and dry time of year for such work, preferably without severe heat. This may be the middle of summer, depending on the region, but we suggest that you repair the basement in early spring, as soon as it dries out after the snow in the fresh wind and rising temperatures sunlight. For example, you can start the process in the middle or end of May, so that it is not too hot for you to work, and the temperature for finishing is acceptable.

It is simply impossible to carry out repairs in the cold or rain, as well as in severe heat, because a stable temperature is necessary for high-quality adhesion of the solution to the base materials and its uniform drying.

Where to start repairing the basement

You will need to prepare the repair site - beat the peeling parts well, try to remove debris, but do not go deeper, hammering further and further. After this, study the blind area, as it plays a significant role in protecting the foundation and the appearance of the building.

If the blind area is in order, it can be carried out cosmetic repairs, if there is practically no blind area, it will be necessary to fill in a new one.

Pouring the blind area

The blind area can rise above ground level by 4-7 cm, but should go approximately 20-25 cm deep. Determine the width yourself, dig a place to fill the blind area and clean the foundation of the house. It is important to remember here that the blind area should have a slope of several degrees from the house so that the water does not stagnate under the house itself.

When the place is ready, you should tie it to the foundation as much as possible, nail reinforcement to it, and weld the mesh to it. You shouldn’t be particularly zealous, but the base of the blind area must be done with high quality.

When the reinforcement for pouring is ready, you need to fill in the gravel bed, install the formwork at the height of the blind area, and pour everything from above cement mortar. But before this stage, you can also perform waterproofing, which will be very appropriate. This can be standard waterproofing of the basement of the house, or classic, clay, when a layer of clay 15 cm wide is laid along the entire height of the blind area around the house and is well compacted.

If you want to get a stronger blind area, lay several layers of fine mesh, and also make it based on a solution with crushed stone.

Repairing the basement of a country house

The base is upholstered and cleaned, the blind area is filled and fits tightly to it - all that remains is to move on to our main task.

Fine reinforcing material should be filled around the entire perimeter of the base. metal mesh. It is advisable to give it a shape, since the mesh will be held in place by a layer of solution. That is, the mesh can be filled more evenly vertically by adjusting its position with dowels.

The next stage is primer. You can pass the primer directly through the mesh so that the composition gets on both it and the surface itself. If a primer is not required, simply moisten the surfaces well before applying the solution.

After this, more liquid solution We put a good layer on the mesh so that the plastering mixture penetrates through the mesh and fills all the cavities along the base. To do this, you should not accelerate; on the contrary, you must act very carefully, even pressing the solution inside the mesh, clogging all the cavities and recesses with it. Thus, finishing occurs along the entire perimeter, with a layer through which the mesh itself will only be visible.

It is advisable to let the layer dry a little, and then you can begin the final plastering. Here you can put another layer of cement mortar, or work with decorative plaster, original stone and brick masonry.

Depending on your choice, there may be very different options further processes.

Finishing the basement of a house after renovation

The repair of the basement of a brick or panel house has been completed, and now we need to put its appearance in order. The blind area is already there, but it also requires a base to match, which we will now design.

Inexpensive plinth finishing

The base is ready, and now it is necessary to protect it from harmful effects atmospheric phenomena. This can be done with bitumen or other special mixtures, but you can always use old-fashioned method.

You need to heat the resin over a fire in an old bucket and diesel fuel. Heat slowly, over low heat, being sure to protect yourself from possible injury. By stirring slowly, you can prepare a high-quality coating solution that was previously used everywhere. It is necessary to use hot resin with the consistency of jelly using a large round brush, evenly applying the mixture to the base in a thick layer.

Modern plinth finish

If you have the opportunity to spend more money, create more interesting view And effective protection from the influence of humidity, wind, frost and sun rays, use modern finishes. Often it's simple decorative plaster with protective properties or further painting, but often craftsmen make a stone plinth or plinth from artificial stone, which is in no way inferior to natural finishes.

For styling finishing material you will need to choose the right adhesive mixture and study the instructions for using the materials, because many of them will require a primer, mesh, and maybe the preparation of a special layer.

At every stage of repair and finishing of the basement of a country house It is worth remembering that this is often a very important structure, on which the durability of the building largely depends.

How to quickly repair the basement of a house (video)

The repair of the base has been completed, and now we can only be more careful about protecting the foundation from moisture, for example, simply smearing the cracks with resin, having previously sealed them with special mixtures, or laying the material used for finishing in place of the defects.

We can say with complete confidence that it is the basement of any building that is exposed to the most aggressive influence of a number of factors. This causes it to wear out quickly and require repairs. Otherwise, the entire building is at risk.

Timely renovation work allow to avoid the spread of mold, and prevent the destruction of walls under the influence higher level humidity. In some cases, it may even be necessary to replace individual bricks, which must be taken into account.

Preparatory stage

When starting to repair the base with your own hands, you first need to use a shovel to remove the soil in contact with bottom walls. After this, you need to remove the old plaster, which does not hold well enough. It is also important not to miss the voids that arise. A hammer and chisel are perfect for solving these problems. With the help of such tools, you can lightly tap to get rid of old material.

Next, you need to clean the wall from dirt, dust and minor plaster residues that were not removed after completion. previous works. This is best done with a special brush with fairly stiff wire bristles. You can purchase such a tool at any hardware store.

To protect against damage window frames or door slopes, it is recommended to pre-glue them with masking tape.

Filling voids

Before we start active work, you need to thoroughly moisten all detected damage with plain water. Thanks to this, the plaster will adhere to the surface much better.

Great for filling voids aerated concrete blocks. This material is lightweight, durable and reliable. In addition, you can quite easily cut bricks of the required size from it.

The prepared blanks will need to be installed in the voids. You can secure them using masonry mortar. The prepared surface is wetted again with water. To do this, simply water the wall with a hose.

Plastering works

Provide the restored basement with proper performance characteristics A special waterproofing solution will help. To prepare it, you need to dilute the prepared dry mixture with ordinary water.

The solution is applied to the wall twice. The first layer should be quite thin. And after it dries, you can start applying the second one. Optimal thickness– 3 mm. A brush or wide spatula is perfect for this purpose. In order for this material to dry completely, you need to leave it for one day.

The next day you can do plastering work. Also suitable for this special composition. In this case, a two-layer application is again used. The width of the first of them is about 10 mm. The finished material is applied to the walls with an active circular motion with a spatula.

To ensure that the finished surface is truly flat, it is best to use special plaster strips and a level. This simple set will make the base perfect.

The second layer of plaster can reach a thickness of 20 mm. After applying it, excess material will need to be removed using one of the strips. And in order for the material to dry well, you should leave it for at least a couple of days.

How to finish a base

You can get rid of minor defects using a plaster float. And make it attractive appearance corner is possible not only through the use of planks, but also through a special corner spatula. It has a specific shape, which makes the process of performing work simple and comfortable.

Video “How to repair a basement”

Why is it important to protect the base and foundation from moisture?

There are many negative factors affecting the foundation of an object. And the most powerful is moisture. Groundwater rises and washes away fines from under the foundation, moistening the base of the house. At the same time, precipitation, namely rain and melt water, negatively affects the base and foundation from above.

Water penetrates the pores of the material, fills its structure and practically does not evaporate, even during the warm season. Already from mid-autumn, when frosts are possible, the moisture freezes, expands, and as a result the material begins to collapse. Sometimes, just a few seasons are enough for cracks to appear on the load-bearing part of the building. In brick structures, a burst foundation and base will lead to subsidence of walls and floors, and cracks will spread higher, right up to the mauerlat. Repairing the house will be extremely difficult and expensive. Regarding modern technologies housing construction, and additional savings on construction processes, the damage can be much worse, up to instant collapse. An example is structures made of foam blocks or gas silicate, for which companies are building a lightweight foundation. But if you don’t protect it, while also saving on the grade of concrete, the first cracks in the foundation will spread to the base and immediately spread along the walls. And if a wall made of such fragile porous concrete is overloaded, the most negative consequences are possible.

Regardless of the masonry material of the walls, the base and foundation must be reliably protected from moisture. Preliminary repairs and solving the problem at the moment when it first appeared is an almost 100% guarantee of eliminating the previously described consequences!

How to repair and restore the basement of a country house

More often the question arises specifically for inexpensive country houses, which are not always given due attention. You can even inspect your home, and there is confidence that in 70-80% of cases visible damage will be found:

  • The protective layer once formed by bitumen has been erased and washed away by rain;
  • Peeling paint on base;
  • Cracks in the plaster layer of the basement of the house;
  • Cracks in the foundation and walls;
  • Cracks on the blind area and slabs or asphalt turned upside down, from which it was previously formed;
  • A sunken cavity between the base and the blind area, and, as a result, gray-green mosses, which from the northern part of the house, in any case, crawled almost to the walls.

The problem is not isolated, it is very common, because the summer resident simply does not know about possible consequences. But now, after reading of this material, it is worth allocating time and resources to prevent its worsening!

Is it possible to restore the base yourself?

In most cases, this is exactly what happens. Country houses small sizes, the average line along the perimeter is 25-35 meters, and the area for finishing is only 15-20 square meters. Repair costs are minimal, but it is precisely such frivolous savings that lead to further losses, which are estimated in tens and hundreds of thousands.

Restoration of the basement of a small private house is carried out by four hands in 3-4 working days. It is also worth taking into account the periods of technological waiting, when the primer or solution dries. Therefore, you should allocate a weekend for repairs, and a week later another weekend. The cost of the entire event, if you work with your own hands, will decrease from 2 to 5 times!

Methods for restoring a concrete or stone base

There are several methods and technologies that can be applied:

  • Temporary technical repair– coating the base with bitumen or special coating compounds, which are often also bitumen-based;
  • Seal cracks with sealants, install drip lining on the upper end of the base and protective painting;
  • Treatment of the entire area of ​​the base with rubber paint;
  • Hardware coating with polyurea;
  • Plastering and installation natural stone or tiles on the surface;
  • Finishing with profile sheets, sandwich panels, siding;
  • Full recovery integrity - restoration. Here, too, there are several technologies, the difference in cost can reach 3-10 times. For a dacha, it is better to use a classic, more budget-friendly one, which you can implement yourself - plaster + bitumen!

Repairing the basement of a country house with your own hands

Preparatory work

The basement of the house should be thoroughly cleaned of previous finishing materials. If the destruction has begun, there is no point in saving the situation with bitumen and sealants, since the plaster has moved away from the base in many places, and there is moisture inside that only accumulates, but does not evaporate. To remove plaster and sealing materials that are applied to the surface, you can use a hammer and chisel, a crowbar and crowbar, or a hammer drill. You need to work with limited force so as not to damage the base in the process, especially if it already has cracks.

After mechanical cleaning, in warm weather you can use a sink high pressure to wash away the remnants of old, crumbling material!

Base reinforcement

Reinforcement with steel mesh is necessary to secure the plaster layer repair mixture. Without a mesh, the material may fall off in layers, especially if the cement-sand mixture is prepared incorrectly, or the mixed dry mixture is produced in violation of technology limitations.

The mesh is attached to a DBM or steel dowel and sighted with a special pneumatic tool. Drilling holes with a hammer drill is more often used.

It is important to choose high-quality reinforcement - galvanized steel mesh, with a cell of about 50x50 mm and a thickness of 0.8-1.0 mm. It needs to be fastened in increments of no more than 200-250 mm, while maintaining compliance with the plane of the surface... the mesh should not be waves, the installation should be uniform!

After installing the mesh, the surface is primed 2-3 times with a deep penetration compound. This is necessary to improve adhesion!

Applying plaster mortar

For this process all methods are good, but you need to use an accessible one that does not increase costs or time of work:

  • Manual plastering by levels or by eye;
  • Machine application of plaster;
  • Installation of formwork and pouring concrete into the cavity with vibration.

More often, manual application of plaster is used. Ready mix is thrown onto the wall with a trowel with a certain force and quite often to fill all the cavities of the wall. To avoid damage to the solution, which falls off the surface or scatters in the form of splashes, you must first cover the perimeter with plywood, OSB or plastic panels. The solution can be collected and poured again.

After applying the solution to 1-2 m of the base along the length, the mixture is leveled over the surface with a spatula of the appropriate size. At the same time, it is advisable to act consistently, working strictly from right to left or vice versa, but not chaotically, first on one side, then on the other. This is necessary for high-quality pressing of the mixture under the mesh, its leveling, and also the expulsion of air.

For a more even distribution of mass, you can use pre-installed beacons!

The plastered wall must dry for at least 36-48 hours. In hot weather, it is advisable to moisten it several times with a sprayer and also cover it with polyethylene so that due to uneven evaporation of moisture from the solution, the surface does not become covered with cracks!

Basement waterproofing

After the plaster has dried, it is swept over and covered with 1-2 layers of primer under the selected waterproofing composition. You can use a liquid bitumen primer, which must be applied thin layer and let dry for 4-6 hours. But when using standard bitumen mastic (you can also use more expensive waterproofing products - cement-polymer or polymer-bitumen), this is not necessary!

Bituminous mastic is applied to the surface with a brush or roller, which is slightly less convenient, evenly, in 2-3 layers, each of which is perpendicular to the previous one. This is necessary for the highest quality closure of possible microscopic pores in order to accurately limit the access of moisture to the finishing material and base.

After waterproofing, you need to install a canopy - a flashing on the protruding part of the base, so that over time, water from the roof does not break through cracks here and does not begin to leak under the plaster, peeling it off.

The flashing is installed on the wall above, with a preliminary cutting of the groove. Mounted on DBM - dowels quick installation. At the end of the work, the seam of the groove, where part of the ebb goes, is sealed with sealant!

This material can also be used to fill cracks in the blind area through which water flows to the foundation. But it is better to completely replace the blind area, since temporary measures to ensure its integrity literally save for 1-2 seasons. In any case, if you have restored the basement of a country house, but the budget is not designed to repair the blind area, fill the cracks with Vilaterm of the appropriate diameter, and cover the surface with mastic or sealant.

Lean attitude towards country houses will significantly extend their service life. You can postpone repairs and finishing for a year or two interior spaces, but you need to save the foundation and base from water first!

To repair a basement yourself, you don’t need to have special skills. This construction procedure is not very complicated and can be done if you know some of the nuances of this matter.

In simple terms, the base is the distance from the ground to the walls of the house. It can be large (ground floor) or consist of a foundation protruding above the ground to a certain height. When the basement of the house is deformed, the walls of the room also begin to collapse.

The main reasons for the destruction of the basement of a house

If cracks have appeared on the base of your house or fungus has formed, this indicates that work was carried out incorrectly during the construction of the building and that the necessary design standards were not observed.

The main reasons for the destruction of the basement of a house are:

  1. Shrinkage of the building. This process mainly depends on the soil on which the building is located and the weight of the building. A very pronounced shrinkage process can occur in a brick apartment building.
  2. Leakage groundwater. If the design does not take into account the depth of groundwater flow and all the necessary waterproofing measures are not taken, then the foundation of the house will be undermined. If you decide to make the foundation yourself, then be sure to contact professionals so that they can tell you at what depth the groundwater flows.
  3. Poor quality blind area. Failure to comply with the blind area manufacturing technology leads to erosion of the foundation.
  4. Violation of design standards. Very often, builders forget about insulating the foundation and waterproofing it; this mistake is usually made when repairs are done not by professional teams, but with their own hands. Such mistakes lead to the formation of fungus and freezing. building structures, which subsequently leads to the destruction of the base.

How to repair a basement with your own hands?

The integrity of the base is a very important characteristic for any house (one-story or multi-story, brick or wooden), since the base protects the foundation from the aggressive influence of external natural factors. Watch the video on how to strengthen the base with your own hands.

To repair the base yourself, you must adhere to the following sequence:

The slope of the blind area in the direction opposite to the house must be at least 2% so that the water drains and does not stagnate.

  • When the reconstruction work is completed, install a fine reinforcing mesh over the entire area of ​​the base of the house. It must exactly follow the structure of the foundation and fit tightly to it. To fix it, use dowels and nails, position the mesh vertically.
  • Cover the plinth and mesh with primer, then wait for it to dry completely.
  • Apply a layer of liquid cement mortar to the plinth and mesh. Do this in such a way that after the work done, the outlines of the grid cells are visible. Level the applied layer using a grater. Be sure to wait until this layer is completely dry.
  • Plaster the basement of the house.

How to protect the basement of a house from destruction?

Having completed all the above steps, you want to protect the foundation and basement of the house from destruction. You can do this in several ways:

  • A budget option, made with your own hands. It has been used for several decades. It consists in applying resin to the foundation of the house from the outside to protect it from external factors. This mixture is prepared as follows: diesel fuel is mixed with resin and slowly heated over a fire until a homogeneous mixture similar to jelly is formed. At the same time, you need to make sure that it does not get on your skin and you do not get burned. When this solution hardens, it forms protective film, which prevents moisture from entering the foundation.
  • Modern option. This method of protecting the foundations of a house is more expensive, but it provides better preservation of building structures. This method involves lining the base decorative tiles or a stone. Using this method you just need to choose the right mixture for gluing the required material.

It is necessary to cover the base in all types of buildings, especially those built from brick material.

Before you start repairing the basement brick house or the facade of an apartment building, it is necessary to determine the causes and degree of destruction of structures. Signs that restoration is required are visible cracks in the plaster or masonry, peeling of the cladding, the formation of fungus on the walls, subsidence or bulging of certain sections of the building façade, the loss of single bricks, deviation from the vertical.

Causes of destruction

  • Uneven shrinkage of the foundation. It occurs due to subsidence of heaving or soft soil, the weight of the building, or poorly executed blind area. Multi-apartment brick buildings are most susceptible to this process.
  • Close occurrence of groundwater and, as a result, erosion of the foundation of the house. This is due to the fact that this nuance was not included in the construction project.
  • Poor quality building materials and violation of building codes.
  • Trees planted close to the house with a powerful root system, undermining the blind area of ​​the building.
  • Communication problems. In the event that there is a breakthrough in the central water supply system and the foundation is flooded or the sewage system is poorly constructed.
  • Climatic phenomena (wind, frost, rain) and microbiological influences - the occurrence molds, lichens, which leads to mechanical destruction of the brickwork.

To repair the base yourself, you must first determine the degree of destruction and outline the list of work. If the facade and blind area are damaged in places, there are no progressive cracks in the base, then cosmetic repairs are made. In the case when the damage to the blind area is more global or it has moved away from the base, it should be replaced completely. When the building shrinks and the cracks increase, it is recommended to completely strengthen and strengthen the foundation.

What do you need for work?

For some types of work, fittings may be needed.

If you plan to repair a brick facade apartment building or a private building, you first need to free it from construction waste surfaces, remove damaged areas on which restoration will be carried out. Depending on the repair technology, prepare the following building materials:

  • exhaust mesh;
  • sand, gravel or crushed stone;
  • fittings, dowels;
  • reinforced mesh;
  • roofing felt or geotextiles;
  • boards for formwork;
  • steel or asbestos pipe;
  • primer, concrete mixture(1 part M500 cement to 3 parts sand);
  • waterproofing solution;
  • plaster mixture.

Partial restoration of the base and blind area

  1. Clean the parts of the building façade that require restoration from dirt, dust, and fungus, prime the cracks and recesses.
  2. Attach the exhaust mesh with dowels so that it does not protrude from the recess.
  3. Then apply a layer to the area to be repaired plaster mortar flush with the base.
  4. If the voids are large, you need to select the right size bricks or parts thereof, and use mortar to fill in the openings.
  5. After restoration, the areas are moistened with water and waterproofing slurry is applied in two layers.
  6. The next day, only after the wall has completely dried, you can start plastering.

To repair a blind area, you first need to remove all damaged areas of the material.

If the blind area has sagged in places, the damaged areas are removed and gravel, sand, and crushed stone are added to compact the soil. Mini-formwork is installed and the surface is poured with concrete at the same level as the undamaged areas, carefully leveling. In cases where there is simply a crack without subsidence of the base, it is rubbed with cement mortar.

Major renovation

The first step is to fill in a new blind area. Having freed the space from the old one, they dig a trench 35-40 cm deep. The width is chosen at your discretion. The lower 20 cm are covered with sand and crushed stone or gravel and compacted tightly. After this, geotextiles or roofing felt are spread and sprinkled with sand. For anchoring, holes are drilled in the foundation every 50 cm and pieces of reinforcement are driven in. A reinforced mesh is welded to it. The formwork is placed and the structure is filled with concrete.

The blind area must have a slope of several degrees away from the house to allow moisture to drain away.

Repair brick facade continue after the concrete has hardened. A reinforced mesh is applied to the cleaned surface of the base. There are 2 options for this:

You can use dowels to secure the mesh.
  • Holes are drilled in the wall, pieces of reinforcement are driven into 1-2 rows and a mesh is tied to them. After this, the surface is primed and formwork is placed, poured cement mixture and compacted.
  • The reinforcing mesh is attached to the wall with dowels, it is also primed twice and plaster is applied to the wall. After repair, protection of the plinth can be achieved using facing bricks. This option is used if it is not possible to make the layer being repaired wide in thickness.