Long burning boilers. Long-burning boiler Long-term loading boilers

Nowadays, increasingly various types stoves that need constant fuel supply come long-burning solid fuel boilers. The main advantage of such heating devices is that the heat supplied to the room is distributed over a long period of time, without requiring replenishment of solid fuel.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers have a special design in which a special chamber is installed to burn the gas released during the combustion process.

Operating principle such a boiler is based on the fact that the fuel does not burn with a bright flame, but slowly smolders, releasing large number heat. Special ventilation pumps, which turn on automatically, remove excess oxygen from the boiler furnace.

The amount of oxygen required for the combustion process decreases, and the combustion process itself turns into a smoldering process. The result is a noticeable saving not only of your time, but also of the fuel itself, which, to put it mildly, does not become cheaper over the years.

The design of the long-burning boiler includes a compartment for afterburning, which makes the device not only economical, but also environmentally friendly, because Toxic products released as a result of boiler operation are almost completely destroyed in this very compartment.

Construction of a long-burning boiler in Stropuva

The main types of long-burning boilers operating on solid fuel

1. Classic boiler

In this type of boiler, heat is released from the burning fuel, entering the boiler.

2. Pyrolysis boiler

Here, the heat source is firewood, which is exposed to high temperatures. As a result of this impact, the fuel breaks down into charcoal and gas. This gas mixes with oxygen and, when burned, releases a large amount of heat.

Long burning boilers are divided into to:

- single-circuit
- double-circuit
- combined

Double-circuit boiler It works on the same principle as a classic boiler, however, it also performs the function of heating water for household needs. The fact is that this type of boiler is equipped with a heat exchanger or water jacket, where domestic water is heated.

Thus, a double-circuit wood-burning boiler will not only warm the room, but will also give you the opportunity to use the hot water supply circuit.

Combination boiler comes with gas burner and automation, or with the possibility of their installation. In some models, this equipment may not be included in the boiler delivery package and must be purchased separately.

The owner of such a boiler can easily use a special remote control to switch the device from wood heating to gas heating, and vice versa.

Whatever type of home heating you purchase, they all have approximately the same technical characteristics characteristic of this type of heating device.

Main technical characteristics of long-burning boilers

— operating pressure about 1 atm
— water temperature at the inlet and outlet of the boiler is 5 and 80 degrees, respectively
— maximum power 100 kW
— operating time when loading one batch of fuel is 10-12 hours
— Efficiency 90%
— the temperature of the gases going into the chimney is about 250 degrees.

Long-burning boilers, from left to right: Buderus, Junkers, Viessmann

Like any other types of heating devices, long-burning solid fuel boilers have their pros and cons.

Pros when using:

— maximum efficiency

— availability autonomous system pumping fuel, which allows the device to work independently for a long time

— high efficiency (t up to 650 degrees)

- environmental cleanliness

— ability to control the device via remote control

- in boilers combined type it is possible to operate on different types of fuel

— availability of a DHW circuit for household needs

- quite realistic price

— ease of operation and low maintenance

— compactness compared to brick kilns

As for the disadvantages of this type of heating devices, I would like to note that they become noticeable only indoors small size:

- the need to have extra bed for storing fuel reserves

special requirements to dry the fuel

— when operating combined heating units, there is a need for a separate room (boiler room)

Modern market heating appliances fully corresponds to the demand for these products. It also presents the best European products that have good reviews consumers, and goods good quality domestic production.

Boilers Stropuwa

Long-burning solid fuel boilers from the company are a recognized leader in this area. Just one filling of firewood in this Lithuanian boiler is enough to operate this unit for one and a half days, and when using coal - 5 days!

Boilers Stropuva

These are the most best performance for this type of heating devices.

What else is so attractive about solid fuel boilers Stropuva:

1. Highest level of security

The manufacturer guarantees that even if the load on the boiler is exceeded many times, their boilers will not explode, but will only shrink inward

2. High efficiency, because It is possible to use even wood waste as fuel.

3. Energy independence.

They operate without connection to electricity.

4.Environmentally friendly, appropriate high requirements world standards.

5. Aesthetic appearance.

Practical Lithuanians, thanks cylindrical shape their boilers for long burning, which does not require large space, manage to use the heating unit even in a city apartment.

6. 5 year warranty.

Pricing policy for long-burning boilers

The price level depends on a number of factors:

- boiler brand
— thermal power
- design versatility

For example, wood-burning boilers from the aforementioned company Stropuva with a power of 20 kW cost about 1500-2000 euros, and universal devices of the same power cost 2000-2500 euros.

The classic German (Buderus) long-burning, burning wood, coal, coke or costs about 1500-2000 euros, depending on the thermal power from 15 to 32 kW.

Solid fuel boilers from a German company Junkers(Junkers) with a power of 32 kW have a cost of about 1500 euros.

Perhaps the most expensive Vitoligno pyrolysis boilers will cost the buyer from 2500 to 6000 euros with a power of 80 kW.

The cheapest ones are Russian production, the cost of which is about 40 thousand rubles.

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As you can see, the choice of heating equipment and, long-burning solid fuel boilers in particular, it is sufficient today on the Russian market and beyond.

Before purchasing this type of boiler, calculate the area of ​​the room that will need to be heated with its help. Having decided on the brand and model of the boiler, be sure to consult with specialists before purchasing, and trust the installation of equipment only to professionals.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers

What are solid fuel boilers and what are the principles of their operation

It would seem that heating a house with solid fuel (wood, coal, peat) will disappear from use in the 21st century. But this statement turned out to be premature: today many modern houses fueled by these energy sources. Of course, to heat the room, it is not the old stone stove that is used, but modern ones. heating boilers on solid fuel.

These heat generators can operate on different types energy carrier:

  • coal pellets;
  • firewood;
  • ordinary coal;
  • peat pellets.

The principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler is quite simple: any of the above energy carriers is loaded into the combustion chamber of the boiler and ignited. The heat from the combustion heats the water, which circulates through the pipes to heat the house. Such long-burning wood heating boilers have a number of negative features:

  • short burning period (2-8 hours);
  • the need to remove ash;
  • the need to regularly add new portions of energy into the firebox.
  • low efficiency.

It was possible to get rid of these shortcomings with the development of fundamentally new solid fuel heat generators, which are long-burning solid fuel boilers. They are divided into two types:

  • pyrolysis;
  • top combustion boilers.

Long-burning pyrolysis solid fuel boilers

The functioning mechanism of a pyrolysis boiler is based on the principle of splitting the energy carrier into pyrolysis gas and coke. This problem is solved with the help of a low combustion rate of fuel, which, in fact, does not burn, but smolders. As a result of this smoldering, pyrolysis gas is formed, which burns when combined with air.

A long-burning pyrolysis boiler using wood or any other solid energy carrier is structurally composed of two chambers: in the first, the fuel itself is split, and in the second, the pyrolysis gas is burned. In such a unit, the combustion process is controlled automatically: to increase the combustion intensity, the system slightly opens the combustion chamber damper, letting more oxygen into it, and to reduce the temperature, it closes it.

Pyrolysis gas generators have a number of advantages:

  • high efficiency of energy carrier burning (minimum waste remains);
  • long period of operation without additional loading;
  • environmental friendliness (releases a minimum of harmful gases that undergo thorough filtration);
  • high reliability.

Pyrolysis units, due to the fact that they consist mainly of mechanical elements, are extremely easy to operate. If you want to install a long-burning boiler with your own hands, then this heat generator option is optimal.

But pyrolysis models also have certain disadvantages. They operate on forced draft, so they depend on uninterrupted power supply. The fuel loaded into the pyrolysis boiler must be absolutely dry, and its volume in the firebox must meet the requirements of the heat generator manufacturer.

Top combustion boilers

Fuel combustion in conventional boilers and fireboxes of fireplaces and stoves occurs from the bottom up, which is explained by the physics of combustion. But this scheme is not always effective, since the burning rate is too high, which is why not all materials burn out completely. This drawback was eliminated in top-burning boilers, where the fuel burns gradually from top to bottom.

This mechanism was made possible thanks to design feature heat generators. They do not have a grate and an ash pan. There are no combustion-supporting elements in the pan at all.

Fuel burnout occurs when there is a deficiency of oxygen, which is supplied to the combustion chamber through movable nozzles, and the oxygen supply volumes are controlled automatically. The fuel in the chamber burns out in stages, layer by layer, due to which such equipment demonstrates a number of advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • minimum volume of waste (ash);
  • minimum fuel consumption;
  • environmental friendliness (minimum amount of harmful emissions).

A long-burning solid fuel boiler of this type is also equipped with an automatic system that controls the intensity of combustion, limiting or increasing the supply of oxygen to the chamber.

The average power of such equipment is 6 kW, which is quite enough to heat a small house. Ease of maintenance is the main advantage of top combustion boilers: you only need to load about 50 kg of firewood or other energy carrier into the firebox, after which you can forget about the existence of the boiler for the next 30 hours.

How to choose a long-burning solid fuel boiler

If you have decided on the type of device, then in order to buy a long-burning boiler that best suits your requirements, you need to find out a number of more nuances:

  • volume of heated room;
  • average temperature in the room;
  • level of thermal insulation of the house;
  • type of solid fuel.

Selection by power criterion

In order for the boiler to provide a comfortable temperature in the house, it is important to choose a unit with optimal power. This parameter is calculated by the formula P=S/10, where P is the power of the heat generator, and S is the area of ​​the heated room.

By chamber volume and type of loading

When choosing equipment, the volume of the combustion chamber and the method of loading it play an important role. Since this criterion affects the main labor costs when using the boiler. It is better to give preference to units with large chambers, into which fuel is supplied from above. This arrangement allows the boiler to be completely loaded with flammable material and reduces the time between procedures.

According to heat exchanger material

The transfer of combustion energy to the coolant (water) occurs through a heat exchanger; in such devices there are two types - cast iron and steel.

  1. The first option is different for a long time service (30 years), but is afraid of temperature changes and hard water.
  2. And the second requires regular cleaning, but is resistant to sudden temperature changes and chemical composition coolant. Its operating time is 2 times less than cast iron.

Decide among the many technical parameters Professional consultants who work in specialized heating equipment stores will help.

If price is the determining parameter when choosing equipment, then it makes sense to pay attention to a domestically produced long-burning boiler. Russian models are distinguished not only by their attractive prices, but also by their high reliability.

Bottom line

By purchasing a long-burning solid fuel boiler, you are guaranteed to provide your home with uninterrupted heat supply, the cost of which will not be too burdensome for the family budget.

The main disadvantage of solid fuel heating boilers is the short operating time from one fill. The fuel in the firebox burns out within 2-3 hours. Long-burning wood-burning boilers have a special design that increases the battery life to several days.

The principle of operation of a wood heating boiler, long burning

A long-burning wood-burning heating boiler with a water circuit uses the ability of wood to oxidize when exposed to high temperature and limited oxygen content. The wood becomes charred due to a large accumulation of smoke, limiting the access of oxygen. Large amounts of CO are released.

The design and principle of operation of a wood-burning boiler for long-term operation from one load is aimed at recreating similar conditions in the limited space of the combustion chamber. Firewood does not burn in the full sense of the word, but smolders. The operating time increases, and the lack of heat is compensated by the afterburning of the released gases.

The design of long-burning boilers includes the following components:

Most long-burning boilers are equipped with an enlarged loading chamber. The internal device allows for autonomous operation for 8-12 hours. Some manufacturers offer boilers that can operate for several days on one fill.

How to choose a slow burning wood boiler

Long-burning wood heating boilers are offered by several domestic and foreign manufacturers. The design of the equipment, as well as the thermal characteristics, differ significantly. When choosing a heat generator, pay attention to the following parameters:
  1. Performance.
  2. Design features.
  3. Country of manufacture.
Based on the three parameters listed above, select suitable model boiler for domestic needs.

Power calculation

A properly selected long-burning wood-burning heating boiler can easily cope with heating a living space of up to 400 – 500 m². When choosing, take into account the performance of the heat generator. Power calculations are performed as follows:
  1. Calculate total area Houses.
  2. Calculate the required boiler power using the formula 1 kW = 10 m².
  3. If the design has a DHW circuit, add 15-20% of the reserve to the result obtained.
The above calculations are suitable for buildings with an average degree of thermal insulation, located in the middle latitude of Russia and having a ceiling height of no more than 2.7 m. For rooms with a complex configuration, a large number of windows and doorways, calculations are carried out using online.

Design features

Types of long-burning boilers are usually classified into several groups, according to the following criteria:

Separately, it is worth highlighting boilers that have a built-in storage boiler. Models of this type have one heating circuit, but are designed to heat the coolant and hot water.

The best manufacturers

Finding the best wood-burning boiler for heating your home can be quite difficult, especially when you consider that the products are produced in Russia, Austria, Germany, the Baltics, the Czech Republic and Poland, and are represented by at least a dozen different manufacturers. The cost of the equipment, its thermal characteristics and reliability depend on the country of manufacture.

Thanks to consumer reviews, the following rating of long-burning wood-burning boilers was compiled:

  • German boilers - equipment are offered by several companies, among which models and stand out. The product is fully automated and has economical fuel consumption.
  • Austrian boilers are produced models that are almost identical in quality to German units. A distinctive feature of Austrian boilers is maximum automation and the presence of a multi-level security system. Products are offered by concerns, Wirbel, etc.
  • Czech boilers – the most popular brands are considered to be ATMOS. Universal stations operating on both wood and other types of fuel remain in demand. Judging by the number of sales, boilers with cast iron heat exchangers are in particular demand among domestic consumers.
  • Baltic boilers - the Russian consumer was able to evaluate the quality and thermal efficiency of Latvian boilers, the main advantage of which is long time work from one load of fuel. In offline mode, the boiler can operate for more than 2 days. The design of the unit is so simple that local “craftsmen” offer diagrams of the device for self-assembly.
  • Russian boilers, the first models of long-burning boilers, were not entirely successful and had many design flaws. In modern models, the errors have been corrected, which has increased the popularity of heating equipment. On at the moment, products are offered by factories Teplodar, Trayan and others. Low price for long-burning wood heating boilers, unpretentiousness to fuel quality - all this explains the high popularity of products from domestic manufacturers.
  • Polish boilers - products from manufacturers are represented on the market: , Defro, Wichlacz. The boilers are practically analogues of German and Austrian companies, but at a more reasonable cost. The popularity of the models is somewhat limited by difficulties with the supply of components and has increased somewhat in lately price of units.

Features of operation of wood boilers with long burning

The burning time of one stack of firewood ranges from 8 to 24 hours. The battery life depends on several factors:
  1. Boiler type.
  2. Fuel quality.
  3. Correct operation.
Learning how to properly heat a boiler is much easier than it might seem at first glance. During kindling and further operation, adhere to the requirements specified by the manufacturer in the technical documentation. After several fires, the process becomes familiar.

How to make wood burn for a long time

The consumption of firewood, provided that the long-burning mode is used, is 30-40% less than in conventional boilers. Efficiency reaches 92%. Not all consumers are able to get the boiler to work in long-burning mode the first time. Some people complain about the excessive release of resin during the burning of wood.

You can achieve long-term burning of firewood by carefully following the manufacturer’s recommendations:

  • Firewood is lit with the damper fully open.
  • The boiler is switched to long-burning mode only after reaching a temperature of 600°C.
  • The moisture content of firewood should not exceed 20%. drown coniferous species wood is not recommended.

Violations of operating rules lead to the formation of tar from the firewood in the boiler. Most often, the following conditions are not met:
  • The minimum temperature of the coolant at the outlet should not fall below 65°C.
  • It is correct to heat a boiler with hard wood: aspen, beech, acacia, oak, etc.
  • High humidity of firewood leads to abundant release of resin.
Proper operation of long-burning boilers extends the service life of equipment and increases heat transfer.

How to load firewood correctly

The stacking of firewood in the boiler is carried out in accordance with the following rules:
  • The logs are split into large pieces.
  • The firewood is placed in the firebox as tightly as possible. It is important to avoid voids between logs.
  • The length of the logs should be smaller sizes loading chamber, at least 5 cm.

Ignition is carried out exclusively with dry splinters. It is prohibited to use gasoline or kerosene to kindle firewood. From time to time, it is recommended to use special chemical briquettes that remove tar deposits on the walls.

How much firewood do you need for the winter season?

The long-burning boiler allows you to save on fuel by approximately 15-30%, depending on the chosen model. The approximate consumption of firewood is calculated as follows:
  • It is generally accepted that to heat every 100 m², 3 Gcal/month is required.
  • When burning a kilogram of wood, 3200 kcal is released.
  • To obtain 1 Gcal, long-burning boilers burn 312 kg of wood.
  • To obtain 3 Gcal, approximately a ton of wood will be required.

During the heating season, to heat a house of 100 m², you need 7-8 tons of firewood.

Rules and regulations for installing a long-burning wood-burning boiler

The installation of a long-burning boiler is carried out in compliance with the standards that apply to all wood-burning boilers. During the installation work, take into account the existing requirements of PPB and SNiP:

In the room used as a boiler room, it is necessary to have supply and exhaust ventilation and natural lighting. If necessary, it is possible to place the boiler in the basement.

Long burning boilers are a completely unique and absolutely new design boiler equipment, the operating principle of which is based on the use of solid fuel for heating. At the same time, for full operation it is necessary to use only solid fuel whose moisture content will not exceed 20 percent. The performance level of such a device is 50, 70, and sometimes even as much as 100 percent!

Operating principle

Solid fuel for long-burning boilers are firewood, peat briquettes or coal. The supply of oxygen to the combustion chamber with a water circuit is extremely limited, so the smoldering process of the fuel occurs very slowly. The combustion process of the inert gas generated from the fuel resource also slows down.

Thus, traditional combustion is transformed into a fairly slow smoldering. The volume of initial resources is sufficient to obtain generator gas at the output, which has very high thermal conductivity, and then pave the way to the refractory ceramic nozzle to reach the combustion chamber, where the active combustion process, supported by additional air, continues. The ignition moment begins when air and gas are mixed and is enhanced by the use of a catalyst. At this time, the generator gas itself burns out with soot and heavy compounds.

When fuel is burned within a boiler installation, the combustion becomes very superficial and the release of heavy compounds into the chimney is inevitable, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances that pollute environment. However, from a chemical point of view, These products provide excellent combustion and economy for the boiler owner.

The smoldering process, accompanied by a deficiency of oxygen, preserves the most valuable products inside the long-burning boiler, which contribute to maximum energy output, and non-flammable and practically non-toxic elements enter directly into the chimney, forming absolutely harmless smoke.

Although firewood is the most common and even traditional type of solid fuel, a much more profitable and practical alternative is peat briquettes, the moisture content of which even at improper storage barely reaches 18 percent, and the burning time is 12 hours. Thanks to this, it is enough to replenish the combustion chambers no more than once every two or even three days, while wood burns no longer than 6 hours, as a result of which the intervals between adding new portions of fuel are noticeably reduced.


According to its design, such a long-burning heating device is a standard single-circuit boiler, used exclusively as a heating system operating on the basis of forced circulation. At the same time, the production and supply of hot water should be completely excluded from domestic consumption.


Specifications and Precautions

Selecting a boiler according to individual needs

Of course, qualified sales consultants will help you choose a long-burning boiler for several days according to individual needs buyer, however, most specialists are interested in selling certain types and models of boilers. That's why it will be It is advisable to prepare for the purchase in advance and at least when choosing solid fuel heating boiler Consider the following key factors.

An important point when choosing a boiler is its purpose and intended use, since solid fuel boilers can be used both as a main and an additional source of heating.

When using a long-burning boiler as the main functional unit, it is better to find a high-quality model with an optimal price-quality ratio. The price is determined mainly by the reliability of the installation and its quality characteristics. The choice of inexpensive devices most often leads to a decrease in efficiency and disruption of the stability of the functioning equipment.

If the boiler installation is planned as an additional source of heating, the choice can be made on quite budget models of the device.

The next criterion is the types of fuel suitable for refueling different models long burning boilers. Let’s say in a village, an urban-type settlement, or just a small locality There is a large amount of inexpensive firewood available for sale. It would be advisable to give preference to this particular material and, accordingly, to the installation that will support the operating mode on this type of fuel. At the same time, we should not forget that it is coal that has the highest energy output and calorie content. Based on this, You can also choose a universal type of boiler unit, providing simultaneous combustion of wood and coal.

Despite the fact that in the Western market, including the European one, the sales leaders are solid fuel boilers equipped automatic system fuel supply and control, on domestic market They are shunned and there is practically no consumer demand for them. The high cost of equipment scares the mass buyer, but such high-tech installations have a lot of advantages and are very beneficial in operation, since the investment pays off incredibly quickly, while the boiler will last for many years.

The likelihood of breakdowns and any other inconveniences is very small. Moreover, automatic long-burning boilers should be loaded no more than once every 6-7 days, since refilling is enough for almost a week of operation without interruption.


Modern long-burning heating boilers have a high degree of efficiency, convenience and productivity. The latest models of boiler equipment adapted to work on two types of solid fuel simultaneously(for example, on wood products, coal or regular firewood). Due to the compactness of solid fuel boilers, their use in small-sized premises of both residential and commercial types becomes especially convenient. Such boilers have also gained noticeable popularity due to their ease of operation and the absence of any difficult maintenance conditions.

Electric boiler operation may cause a short circuit, which often leads to fires or other emergencies involving material waste and even human casualties. Unlike conventional gas and diesel units, long-burning solid fuel boilers are absolutely safe to operate, since the risk of explosion is reduced to zero. Thus, a device running on solid fuel is not only economical and productive, but also a guarantee of safety.

To purchase a suitable heating unit for a private home, you need to soberly evaluate the characteristics of the proposed options and take into account all the features of the home that needs to be heated. To cope with this task, you will have to make precise mathematical calculations and carefully consider the timing of fuel delivery. The information you will receive from this article will help you understand how to choose a long-burning solid fuel boiler. Use the material provided to avoid common mistakes and accept right decision.

Types and principles of operation of long-burning solid fuel boilers

If you have to choose a long-burning solid fuel boiler, first of all, familiarize yourself with the classification of these units. Having general idea about existing varieties, you will be able to navigate the wide range and immediately exclude suitable options. Solid fuel heating boilers differ in several ways, which will be described later in the article.

By fuel combustion method

Long-burning heating boilers using solid fuel are divided into two categories:

  • Traditional. They implement the simplest fuel combustion scheme. According to the principle of operation, they resemble an ordinary stove with a special window for supplying fuel. The main element is a heat exchanger, which ensures temperature transfer directly to the coolant. Such boilers are characterized by unprecedented reliability and durability, but their efficiency leaves much to be desired.
  • Pyrolysis (gas generating) This type is different increased level Efficiency Such units produce thermal energy, burning fuel in a special way. First, the unit dries the fuel. This is followed by degassing, during which about 85% of the substances during combustion are converted into flammable gas. The remaining 15% remains in the form of coal. In the internal cavity of the combustion chamber, the temperature rises to 600°, due to which the combustible gas oxidizes and ignites. This process leaves a burning layer of coal. Masses of low-temperature gases are saturated with carbon, providing a temperature increase of up to 1000°. Under such conditions, coal decomposes, releasing large amounts of thermal energy. The air flow supplied to the upper wall of the combustion chamber directs the flame vertically downward. Due to this, the combustion process becomes controlled. Continuous air supply ensures constant oxidation of flammable gases.

According to the material of manufacture

The range of household solid fuel boilers includes units made from various materials. Manufacturers use two types of metals:

  • Cast iron. The boiler is made of cast iron and is a sectional structure, each section of which can be separated from the rest. The ability to disassemble makes the unit more convenient for transportation and installation. If there is a need for repair work, this feature greatly facilitates the task of the technician. During operation of a cast iron boiler, the internal walls of the combustion chamber are subject to chemical corrosion. Dry rust (a film consisting of iron oxide) appears on them. As a rule, it does not progress, so the efficiency of the unit remains at a consistently high level. You won't have to clean it often to remove carbon deposits. The only significant drawback is susceptibility to temperature changes. Heat shock can damage the chamber walls. Such cases should be avoided.

  • Steel. A boiler made from this metal is a monoblock unit that is assembled in a factory. It cannot be disassembled for ease of transportation. Steel solid fuel boilers with long combustion are not afraid of thermal shock, which is why automatic boilers are more widely used in them. electronic devices regime changes. However, systematic temperature changes lead to the formation of tired zones on the walls of the combustion chamber, which over time leads to burnout of the metal. If this happens, the unit cannot be repaired.

By type of fuel used

Long-term combustion solid fuel heating boilers are divided into four categories according to the type of fuel burned:

  • On wood. The most common variety. Its popularity is explained by its simplicity of design and unpretentiousness to fuel. A long-burning solid fuel boiler using wood can operate under almost any conditions, but it has one significant drawback - the lack of automation. As the fuel burns, the user has to add firewood to the firebox.

  • On coal. Suitable for home large area much more than wood-burning. Coal is low cost and easy to transport.
  • On pellets. The fuel used for this variety is wood pellets, which are compressed waste from the woodworking industry. They are called pellets. The relatively small combustion chamber of a pellet boiler burns briquettes, producing a large amount of heat.
  • On sawdust. A separate type of solid fuel boilers in which sawdust, dry grass, leaves and other waste are burned. Such units provide high-quality heating of housing, and also solve the problem of recycling waste of plant origin.


Solid fuel double-circuit boilers Long-burning stoves are distinguished by the fact that they not only heat homes, but also heat water for domestic use. By installing such a unit, you will heat the house and at the same time solve the problem of providing warm water for the bathroom and kitchen. A long-burning solid fuel boiler with a water circuit is more expensive, but it eliminates the need to install a gas water heater or boiler.

Criteria for selecting long-burning solid fuel boilers

WITH general classification We have already familiarized ourselves with solid fuel boilers. It's time to consider the criteria by which owners of private houses determine the optimal options for units for installing heating systems. After reading the following sections, you will learn how to choose the right long-burning solid fuel boiler for your home.

Fuel type

First of all, you must decide what fuel will be used for heating. Based on what type of fuel is more convenient to buy and import. If you have harvested wood, it would be wise to purchase a wood-burning boiler. Owners of cottages where there are no trees can recommend heating with pellets. Coal boilers are suitable for those who have the opportunity to favorable conditions order quality fuel. Sawdust heating systems are typically used to heat wood processing facilities.


To determine the required power of the heating system, you need to make simple mathematical calculations. Calculate the total volume of the premises you are going to heat. The resulting figure will help you find a model with the appropriate parameters in a wide range of long-burning solid fuel boilers. Keep in mind: you should always provide a power reserve so that during severe winter frosts the house does not become cold.

Device weight

When choosing a long-burning solid fuel boiler for heating a private home, the mass parameter is taken into account only if the owner intends to mount the purchased unit on the wall. According to state standards established by the Russian gas service, this installation method is allowed for heating boilers with a volume of less than 100 liters.

Loading chamber volume

This parameter characterizes the ratio of the volume of fuel supplied to the power of the heating unit. The more fuel that fits in the loading chamber, the less often you will have to replenish the supply of firewood/coal/pellets. For steel boilers, the ratio of these values ​​is 1.6-2.6 l/kW. Cast iron heating units consume fuel in smaller quantities - 1.1-1.4 l/kW.

The total volume of the loading chamber will help you roughly estimate the capabilities. In any case, you will not be able to fill it 100%. The usable volume of the loading chamber is much more important. This value reflects the actual amount of fuel that you can load into the combustion chamber. To determine it, you need to know the principle of combustion of the selected boiler and the method of loading fuel (top or front).


One of the most important parameters for any long-term combustion solid fuel heating unit. The figure expressing the efficiency of the boiler characterizes that part of the generated thermal energy that is actually spent on heating the home. By choosing a unit with a high efficiency, you can reduce power requirements. Low efficiency means waste of heat, so you will have to add more fuel to maintain an acceptable temperature in your home.

Review of the best manufacturers

The modern market for heating systems for private homes is filled with offers from many brands, but not all of these units can boast of reliability and durability. You learned how to choose a long-burning domestic solid fuel boiler from the previous sections of the article. It's time to narrow your search to those manufacturers who truly deserve respect:

  1. Stropuva. The Stropuva trademark produces high-quality coal heating boilers with a high level of efficiency and a long burning life after each filling.
  2. Hearth. The Ochag company produces solid fuel boilers equipped with heat exchangers of the most modern design. The units of this brand are characterized by durability and high performance.
  3. Wichlacz. A reliable Polish brand that produces excellent solid fuel boilers that operate on the principle of layer-by-layer combustion of fuel.
  4. Viadrus. A world-respected manufacturer of coal, wood and coal-wood solid fuel boilers.
  5. Don. Heating units of this brand are reliable and durable. With minimal fuel consumption, Don provides high level Efficiency
  6. Teplodar. Long combustion heating units trademark"Teplodar" in its reliability and performance can be compared with the best creations of German manufacturers.

Where to buy and how much they cost

Purchasing a long-burning solid fuel boiler to heat a private home is a serious task. You need to approach it with maximum responsibility. Such a unit costs a lot of money, so the first thing you need to do is evaluate the reliability of the selling party. In the table below you will find contact details and some commercial offers of trusted Moscow suppliers of heating equipment.

Organization name

Address, Website

Name of the proposed model

Price, rub


Zavodskoye Highway, building No. 9A; Website: teh-dom

Double-circuit pyrolysis

Viardus Woodpell 7

Automatic pellet


st. Aircraft constructor Mil, house No. 19; Website: termo-mir

Don KS-T-16


Don KS-GV-50N



Business Park Rumyantsevo, Kyiv highway, building No. 1, building A, office No. 905; Website: garantcomfort




Website: teplodar

Teplodar Kupper OK15

Universal solid fuel

Teplodar Cooper OK20

Universal solid fuel

Teplodar Cooper OK20

Universal solid fuel


For those who are unable to purchase an expensive heating boiler, the option of assembling such a unit at home is suitable. The video below will explain in detail how to do this. Listen to the advice of experts, and you can independently create an alternative version of a long-burning solid fuel boiler.