Mother-in-law's tongue from an unkind eye: contradictory signs about a flower. Is it possible to keep mother-in-law’s tongue at home?

Sansevieria is commonly known as mother-in-law's tongue. Being, in fact, a harmless houseplant. Unpretentious, with almost the same healing properties that it also protects aloe family happiness from various adversities. The inflorescences it produces in the middle of winter serve as a signal of danger. This happens literally within three days. Botanists consider this a consequence of poor care; mystics refer to signs that should be examined.

Looking through various information about the flower, you can come across very contradictory observations. One thing is true, mother-in-law’s language is not easy. If everyone understood what he wants to tell about, it would certainly be easier to take the right life guidelines.

Some argue that Sansevieria blooms extremely rarely, once every two years, signifying domestic well-being. It comes from Africa, apparently, which is why it does not require abundant watering. In summer, once every 10 days is enough, in winter, no more than once a month. Feels good in turf soil on the windowsill, although it adapts well to the shade.

Coming from the agave family, it has many varieties; about five are grown at home. Mother-in-law's tongue got its name from its long, wide leaves, green in color or with a yellow edge, pointed at the ends. When purchasing, you must carefully inspect them for damage or fading. Strengthened in the ground root system is also important, which allows him to feel good for quite a long time. Frequent replanting is not required, only when the pot becomes crowded, it is replanted.

Why do the buds bloom?

Numerous disputes about signs associated with mother-in-law's tongue can lead to a dead end. This concerns, first of all, flowering. To understand, let’s compare the rules of cultivation and what superstitions say.

If the plant suddenly produces a stem with buds, expect trouble, the man will leave the house, rumor says. A respondent from one of the women’s Internet forums claims that this is so, commenting on the development of family events: “the sansevieria bloomed, the husband left, he took the flower to work, the husband returned.”

Another sansa owner joyfully reports the following: “my mother-in-law’s tongue has bloomed only three times over many years and, coincidentally or not, at the same time my daughters were getting married.”

Flower growers explain the interpretation of the events of both women simply - improper care behind the plant. Consistently every year from April to August, Sansevieria bears fruit separately with a flower stem growing directly from the ground. This is explained by the abundance sunlight which she adores.

Signs about leaves

Particularly superstitious people show great concern about dying leaves.

Not good, they say, someone will die soon.
And, by the way, this happens. An eyewitness says: “My colleague often complained that a flower was drying up in her office. No rehabilitation measures helped. A few months later, the owner of the plant fell ill and died. In her place they took a cheerful, cheerful girl, with whom the plant came to life in just a couple of months, grew stronger and grew.”

But is it all about the plant or was it simply filled with water, which the mother-in-law’s tongue doesn’t really respect, botanists object?

According to own life cycle the flower produces two to three leaves per year, forming a rosette system. Water it not directly, but into the pan from which it will take required quantity moisture. Frequent watering leads to waterlogging. With a constant excess of water, the leaves begin to rot and the plant dies.

In addition, if the sansa is not replanted at all or is done after several years, the flower in the pot becomes cramped, which is why the stalk appears out of hours.

To be fair

Many wonderful signs are attributed to Sansevieria. However, the most interesting thing is that she, according to esotericists, absorbs negative energy: anger, envy, gossip, irritation. Despite this, Sansa received the name mother-in-law's tongue, but in reality she nips gossip in the bud, eating it like dessert.

Living in a family, the flower stabilizes nervous tension between spouses. The sudden drying of leaves signals that it is time to reconsider the relationship, otherwise the couple will face divorce or a serious conflict.

Anyone who has such a wonderful flower on their desktop can easily tolerate various stressful conditions. Depression does not haunt such a person as much or often. And all because of an unsightly-looking plant.

In addition to the above benefits, it cures bodily ailments. For example, sansa juice is dripped into the ear for pain, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the healing process.


Now, having useful information and signs about Sansevieria, everyone will draw conclusions whether it is worth breeding it at home or keeping it at work. But the main thing to remember is that this living creature, sensitively reacting to any manifestation of a person towards him. It, just like us, needs care and attention.

Quite popular among lovers of home flora. This flower came to us from the distant and hot African continent. Today there are more than 60 varieties of Sansevieria in the world, ranging from an indoor flower to a plant nesting in the branches of tropical trees. In our country, the flower is better known under the name " pike tail"or "mother-in-law's tongue."

It is unpretentious, can grow in poor light conditions and easily adapts even to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Description and care

Depending on the subspecies of mother-in-law, the tongue may differ in leaf color, shape, height and rosettes. This plant is characterized by heavy, dense leaves, most often bright green.. They may have numerous yellow lines and small black spots in the center.

The size of sansevieria can reach one and a half meters, but there are also very dwarf babies that do not grow up to 20 centimeters. In tall plants, the rosettes are most often hidden in pointed leaves; if it is small, then the leaves often bend outward, forming the shape of a flower.

Mother-in-law's tongue practically not picky about its contents. Loose soil and a large clay container are enough for him. Please note that it is clay, since the plant has a very powerful root system that can easily penetrate plastic or plastic. The pot must be wide enough and stable, since the leaves of sansevieria are very dense and heavy, which can lead to a shaky position of the flower.

If you are the owner of a tall plant, then a couple of weeks after transplanting it is better to play it safe and tie your mother-in-law’s tongue to a support. Periodically check the container with the flower, the root system develops very quickly, and if the flower becomes crowded, it may die.

To prevent water from accumulating in the plant pot, use gravel as drainage. The lighting in the room where Sansevieria grows should be as bright as possible, since it is used to basking in the sun in hot Africa.

Otherwise, the wide leaves of the pike tail may lose their bright, rich color, and the plant will stop blooming. By the way, mother-in-law’s tongue got its name precisely because of the external similarity of the shape of the leaves to this human organ.

Mother-in-law's tongue is an excellent air purifier in the apartment. Among other houseplants, Sansevieria has the most developed oxygen filtration system due to its wide, dense leaves. The flower is also capable of absorbing electromagnetic radiation from a computer, TV, etc. household appliances. It is also commonly believed that mother-in-law’s tongue cleanses the room of negative energy and attracts good luck and prosperity to the house.

Superstitions: can you keep it at home?

Widely known among the people magical properties Sansevieria. There are many different folk tales associated with this flower. It is believed that if conflicts often break out in your home, animals suddenly begin to show aggression towards their owners, children do not obey, and there is no understanding and care between you and your loved one, then mother-in-law’s language will become great solution all these problems.

Besides the fact that the plant has excellent wound healing and antiseptic properties, it is capable of cleaning the energy background in the house.

It is believed that mother-in-law's tongue attracts material wealth and good luck to the apartment. You can not only improve relationships with loved ones, but also improve your well-being. A tall plant with its long leaves forms a kind of magical antenna that concentrates positive energy.

Those who want to restore harmony in their relationship with their significant other should get a low plant with bowl-shaped rosettes. They accumulate love energy in the room.

Mother-in-law's language is not easy capable of absorbing negative energy in the house, it also helps a person get rid of bad thoughts, adjusting his aura in a positive way. The mystical abilities of the plant are quite extensive. The flower also carries protective properties. He protects the house from enemies and prevents evil tongues from spreading gossip.

If you don’t have good team relationships at work, place a pot of sansevieria next to your workplace. It will draw out all the negativity from your ill-wishers, after which their desire to harm you will significantly decrease.

At first glance, or rather, hearing, one gets the impression that the plant carries negative properties. We have all heard about the behavior of the mother-in-law in the family, about her sharp tongue, love for gossip and stories. In the case of Sansevieria, everything is different. The name of the flower is indeed due to its resemblance to the sharp tongue of the old pepper shaker, but... magical properties are aimed at maintaining harmony and order between households.

Why does Sansevieria bloom?

Mother-in-law's tongue can bloom at any time of the year, everything will depend on proper care of the plant. Despite its unpretentiousness to the external environment, if a flower is left for a long time without water and grows in insufficient light, it it may not bloom at all.

There are widely known cases when Sansevieria begins to bloom in winter or late autumn. It is with this untimely event that people associate a variety of signs and superstitions.

For example, it is believed that if a flower blooms in a cold winter time, then this will become a harbinger of severe conflicts and disputes in the family. If the plant is at work, then relationships in the team will also not develop in the best way.

Oddly enough, the cause of all disagreements will be excessive guardianship and care of one person for another. If it occurs to you to take a colleague under your protection or begin to tightly control or your significant other, stop. It is important to have a sense of proportion in everything; without noticing it, you can take up someone else’s personal space, which will only cause aggression, but not gratitude.

If you are expecting guests to arrive or loved one, and mother-in-law’s tongue suddenly blossomed in the house, then most likely it will be a messenger with bad news. In former times it was believed that flowering Sansevieria could produce clean water liars, but how exactly she does it, the information has not been preserved.

There is also folk sign about what will happen if mother-in-law's tongue blooms in spring or summer. In this case, the plant indicated the possibility of an early wedding of one of the family members living in the house or their relatives. Sansevieria flowers in the warm season could foretell the birth of a child or the receipt of good news.

In any case, the fact that the flower has gained color indicates positive energy in the room, harmony and stability in people’s lives.

Sansevieria is a unique plant in many respects, cultivated as an indoor plant since the 13th century. The flower is quite decorative; it owes its beauty to its leaves, which have an unusual shape and color. Thanks to its amazing vitality, it is considered one of the most unpretentious and is recommended for cultivation, including for beginning gardeners. Caring for it will not require much time and effort, since the “pike tail” is a succulent.

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    Sansevieria is a spectacular succulent plant of the Asparagus family. The flower is distinguished by unusual leaves collected in basal rosettes and growing directly from the rhizome. Depending on the type they may have different sizes and shapes: be flat or fleshy, narrow belt-like or wide and short, spirally twisted, pencil-shaped. The tips of the leaves often end in a point.

    In most representatives of the genus, the leaf blades are colored green and have dark stripes or a speckled pattern. Some varieties have brownish leaves, with light (white or yellowish) longitudinal or transverse stripes or a waxy coating.

    Due to the unusual shape and color of the leaves, the plant is popularly called differently: “snake skin”, “pike tail”, “mother-in-law’s tongue”. The generic name (Sansevieria) was given to the plant in honor of the famous philanthropist Prince Sansevierio (18th century), who was fond of botany and played an important role in the development of this science.

    IN room conditions the plant blooms extremely rarely, forming racemose inflorescences carried by a long (15-20 cm) peduncle. The inflorescences are formed by white flowers with long stamens, which have a pleasant and quite strong smell.

    Features of cultivation and care

    Unusual and highly decorative appearance- not the only feature of sansevieria. The flower is amazingly resilient and grows in a wide variety of conditions, sometimes unsuitable for growing other indoor plants, with minimal care. However, a plant kept in optimal conditions looks noticeably more decorative.

    Features of Sansevieria:

    • not picky about temperature regime and air humidity;
    • needs infrequent but regular watering, periodic fertilizing and rare (according to indications) transplants;
    • resistant to pests, rarely gets sick.

    Nevertheless, proper care behind the flower suggests:

    • the presence of a sufficient amount of diffused light;
    • maintaining a certain temperature regime that does not go beyond critical limits;
    • dry indoor air.

    Creation optimal conditions will greatly simplify the already simple care of a flower at home.


    The “pike tail” feels equally comfortable both in well-lit places and in partial shade. The best option There will be western and eastern windows. When placed on southern window sills, shading from direct lines will be required. sun rays. On northern windows and in the back of the room, the plant looks less decorative due to lack of light.

    A feature of Sansevieria is the need to gradually acclimate specimens that have been in the shade for a long time to light.

    Variegated varieties are more demanding on lighting. The more light (yellow, beige) tones the leaves have, the more sun the plant needs.

    Air temperature and humidity

    Sansevieria does not need to create a specific temperature regime; it is comfortable at normal room temperatures (from 16 to 26 °C). The flower can withstand short-term drops in ambient air values ​​down to +5 °C. It also tolerates heat well.

    IN summer time the plant can be placed outdoors.

    Experienced flower growers claim that Sansevieria feels better in an atmosphere of dry air. In the long summer heat, to give the plant freshness, the air around the flower is irrigated with a spray bottle. Dust can accumulate on the leaves, so they are periodically wiped with a damp soft cloth.

    Caring for the plant is simple and does not go beyond the traditional activities for gardeners.

    Sansevieria is watered, occasionally fed and sometimes replanted.


    Being a succulent, piketail does not need frequent watering. Its regularity is determined by the drying of the top layer of soil by 1-1.5 cm. In summer, moistening occurs approximately once a week, in winter - once a month. Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature.

    When watering sansevieria, it is important to observe 2 points:

    1. 1. Moisture should not get into the leaf rosette: this provokes the occurrence of fungal diseases.
    2. 2. Overfilling is unacceptable: excessive dampness and stagnation of moisture in the pan lead to the development of putrefactive processes.

    Fertilizer application

    With a correctly selected substrate and timely transplants, the flower grows without fertilizing, but when fertilized it looks more impressive.

    Feeding is carried out infrequently, but regularly:

    • from May to September - once every 2 weeks;
    • the rest of the time - no more than once a month.

    Liquid mineral additives containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are used as fertilizers. Mass fraction their nitrogen content should not exceed the content of potassium and phosphorus. Maintaining this ratio is especially important when growing variegated forms.

    Sansevieria responds positively to the application of universal fertilizers for cacti and succulents.


    One of the advantages of the flower is the absence of the need for frequent transplants. The procedure is carried out only in two cases:

    • complete filling of the container with roots, accompanied by their exit from the drainage holes to the ground surface or cracking of the container;
    • thickening of the planting resulting from the growth of new shoots.

    Sansevieria in need of replanting

    On average, such a need arises no more than once every 3 years.

    Transplantation is carried out in the spring, in March or April, into a new container with a complete change of soil. At high planting densities, daughter shoots are separated and used for propagation. The flower tolerates this procedure painlessly.

    Choosing a pot

    Sansevieria has powerful, strong roots that tend to grow sideways, so shallow and wide ceramic or plastic pots with thick walls are suitable for growing it. As they grow, the roots of sansevieria can destroy the thin plastic of the walls of the pot.

    Sansevieria is resistant to pests, but dry air and heat reduce its resistance to spider mite and thrips. Multiple yellow dots and cobwebs between the leaves indicate a mite attack, and the appearance of small light green insects is a sign of a thrips invasion.

If you want to buy yourself mother-in-law's tongue(flower) - signs will help you better understand what this plant is. Most of the beliefs are, of course, related to the name of the flower, but some of them are still worth listening to.

Mother-in-law's language - signs and symbolism of the name

Since ancient times, many superstitions associated with various plants. So, we can find out which ones draw out energy, and which ones, on the contrary, help a person become stronger.

The pike tail plant has many names. Some of them were put together by the people, but the scientific name of the plant is Sansevieria. It is also called the Indian sword, snake skin, devil's tongue and mother-in-law's tongue, which has led to the appearance of a negative sign about this plant.

This is due to the fact that the leaves of the indoor flower have very similar long tongues. And as you know, the mother-in-law is far from the most pleasant character in the family, and her angry, long tongue often prevents young people from living quietly and peacefully. She usually doesn’t like her son-in-law and constantly talks about how her daughter could find a better husband.

Of course, not all girls will agree with this, but such an opinion still exists. It is possible that the now popular title “Mother-in-law’s tongue” was given to the plant solely as a joke. But over time, this name stuck.

But what else connects the plant and the mother-in-law? Nowadays, many people believe that the flower attracts quarrels, swearing, gossip, rumors, and discord. According to one of the signs, if there is Sansevieria in the house, then there will be no peace in the family and very soon the marriage will fall apart.

Nevertheless, many bioenergetics specialists and psychics absolutely disagree with this sign. They claim that the effect of the flower is similar to the plant "Women's happiness" (spathiphyllum).

If such a flower is located indoors, then bad energy will finally leave him, the relatives will finally stop sorting things out, and harmony, love and understanding will return to the family.

Pike tail - beliefs about energy

Probably everyone knows that it is very important to maintain a normal energy balance in the room where you live. If this is not done, negative energy will be attracted to the house, and it will not be comfortable and calm.

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In addition, it is unlikely that residents will have the desire to come to a room where chaos and negativity reign. Therefore, if you can choose the right indoor plants, then get rid of domestic troubles and quarrels.

In fact, Mother-in-law's tongue is a wonderful pet. The plant is very unpretentious and can adapt to different climates. Like many other vampire plants, piketail actually feeds on energy.

However, his distinctive feature the fact that it absorbs negative energy, heavy and unnecessary. The flower literally devours Bad mood owners, anger and aggression. Thanks to this, people living in the house become more friendly, sociable, and indulgent towards each other.

Psychics believe that the main value of the plant is its long leaves, which absorb negativity and emit beneficial energy.

Surprisingly, with the help of Sansevieria you can even get rid of your enemies. Think about where your ill-wishers bother you the most? Maybe you have problems with your employees or maybe some scandalous acquaintance comes to visit you regularly? In this case, place this flower at your workplace or in the hallway.

The pike tail is popular due to its ability to ward off ill-wishers. He will interfere with people who will try to do something bad to you. Rest assured that such ill-wishers will soon stop bothering you and you will finally be able to go about your business in a calm atmosphere.

Why does the Sansevieria flower bloom?

A very popular question is what could this bloom mean? unusual plant? It is impossible to give a definite answer, since it all depends on what time it happened. People are convinced that mother-in-law's tongue blooming at the wrong time (when it couldn't possibly happen) is a bad sign.

For example, winter bloom indicates that in the near future you will be faced with a very big problem; a colossal conflict is possible that will significantly change the course of your life.

Moreover conflict situation possible both at work and in the family. According to the sign, the cause of the conflict will be the immeasurable desire of someone to take care of others (employees or family members).

If you believe, you will accept, if indoor flowerdid not bloom in winter, this is very good sign. This is because this can only happen if the plant feels good, if it feels that there is a favorable atmosphere around, good people, grace and happiness.

Nevertheless, experts say that the flowering of Sansevieria at any time of the year indicates that the plant is overwatered and does not have enough light. However, whether you believe in omens or indoor plant experts is up to you.

As it turned out, the mother-in-law's tongue plant is not as terrible as it seems at first glance. Therefore, if you take good care of it, the flower will help you change your life for the better.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower (sansevieria, sansevieria, pike tail) – house plant, producing large number oxygen with simultaneous absorption harmful substances from outside. Novice gardeners appreciate this flower for its decorative appearance and ease of care.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower: care at home

This flower, like many others, is demanding of its environment.


Mother-in-law's tongue is a flower that does not need bright light, but keeping it in obvious shade is not recommended. Provided there is moderate illumination, preferably natural, the leaves of the flower will be beautiful, thick and bright. To avoid burns, do not place the plant in the sun. Also not needed sunbathing varieties that have yellow stripes on the leaves - they will burn out.


The mother-in-law's tongue flower will feel quite comfortable at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. It tolerates heat well, but only for a short time. Drafts and low temperatures(at least +5 degrees) will also not cause serious harm to the plant. But then you need to water it as little as possible.


Mother-in-law's tongue, which must be properly cared for, is capable of storing liquid in its tissues, and therefore it needs to be watered little by little and after the soil dries out. The flower can remain without moisture for a long time. There is no need to spray it, but to remove dust from the leaves and give the plant a more attractive appearance, it is recommended to wipe it with a damp cloth as necessary.

A rosette is a part of a plant where water should not get in, otherwise it will rot. This is important to pay attention to. If this cannot be avoided, healthy leaves should be cut off and used for propagation.


Caring for the mother-in-law's tongue flower also implies timely replanting. As soon as it grows and there is not enough space in the pot, care should be taken to expand the “territory”. The roots of the plant are shallow, so the container for replanting should be similar. The soil should be light and low in nutrition; it is better to give preference to soil mixtures intended for the growth of succulents.

Top dressing

During the spring-summer period home flower Mother-in-law's tongue needs regular feeding - 2-3 times a month. In the fall, this should be done less often - once a month. And in winter there is no need to feed the plant at all. A universal product rich in minerals is suitable as a fertilizer.


Breeding the mother-in-law's tongue flower is possible by dividing the rhizomes or leaf cuttings. This is called vegetative propagation.

To divide a bush, you need sharp knife Carefully cut the rhizome that connects the “parent” and the shoot. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal, plant in fresh soil, water and care for it, following the recommendations described above. There is no need to feed the plant for about 1 month. Layings most often take root without problems.

Leaf propagation can only be done if there are mature and healthy leaves. Cut cuttings up to 10 centimeters long, dry in the open air (no more than 2 days), plant in moderately damp sand no deeper than 2 centimeters and cover with a bag. Ventilate the leaves every day and water if necessary. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will produce roots, after another 1-2 months, children will appear, and after 2-3 months, stems will appear. Plant young flowers in pots.

The peculiarity of variegated varieties is that when propagated by dividing the leaves, the characteristics of an adult plant - stripes - are not transmitted to the children, so it is better to propagate such species by dividing the root system.


Even with good care At home, the mother-in-law's tongue flower blooms quite rarely. The plant produces a long arrow (15-20 centimeters) on which flowers form in the form of a brush. white with a pleasant and quite rich aroma.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower: signs

The indoor flower mother-in-law's tongue, according to popular belief, is a symbol of well-being. This plant is incompatible with quarrels, disagreements and scandals. All negativity is caught and intercepted by pointed leaves. Signs with the mother-in-law's tongue flower are associated only with positive aspects. It is believed that its bloom is a sign of new beginnings. The buds will wither to warn household members about imminent problems and troubles.

Before believing in signs, you should pay attention to the time of year and the characteristics of care. Care, timely feeding and adherence to watering rules will allow you to correctly evaluate the “hints” of the mother-in-law’s tongue flower.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a plant that has a beneficial effect on the spiritual atmosphere in the house and has excellent medicinal properties. Its leaves have antiseptic properties and are widely used in folk medicine for the purpose of treating wounds, abrasions and burns.


The mother-in-law's tongue flower reacts very sensitively to the attitude towards it. He will reward you for competent care and attention with beauty and attractiveness, as well as positive energy that will fill the apartment and give to the household good mood and positive.