How to build an artificial pond. Do-it-yourself pond at the dacha

However, if you are the owner small plot, you can think about a mini pond. A mini pond is usually placed on a terrace or in a garden. But thanks to its modest size, it can be done on the balcony or even inside the house.
In general, a mini pond is a body of water in the range of 0.5 - 1 cubic meter. (but not less than 20 liters of water), which is a small ecosystem with plants and even animals (fish). It can be complemented by a fountain and other decorative elements.
In order to make such a pond with your own hands, you will need a wooden box, a waterproof container made of plastic or anything else, most importantly a stainless material, a waterproofing film, gravel, stones, sand, soil, and plants.
Here is a diagram of a mini pond:

It should be remembered that in sunny summer weather a lot of water evaporates from the surface of the pond, so it needs to be topped up regularly.

Mini pond plants need sunlight for 6-8 hours a day. Therefore, it is better to avoid northern and poorly lit areas.
Almost all planted plants need a substrate for rooting (the exception is plants that float in water with their roots. You can use gravel from the bottom of a stream, or you can buy special “construction gravel”, which contains sand and pebbles 16-32 mm in size Some plants can be placed in a pond in separate bowls. For example, water lilies grow well in a substrate with a predominance of clay.

In summer, ornamental plants in a small pond tolerate daily temperature fluctuations well; in the cold period, with proper preparation, they tolerate frosts, with the exception of foreign heat-loving plants, which are best moved indoors for wintering.
A pond looks very impressive on the terrace when the tub is deepened into the ground. And they decorate the perimeter of the reservoir with stones and various plants.

We build a pond with our own hands for the garden

Create a pond with your own hands for goldfish and aquatic plants within your capabilities. Make sure your garden pond is at least 60 to 90cm deep. Nothing beats a garden pond if you want to make your garden even more attractive. It's surprisingly easy to make and care for. Dig a hole, fill it with a layer of sand, line everything with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film, and you have a pond of any shape you want.

Before you begin, make sure that: your pond is located on a level surface with sufficient sunlight, at least five hours a day, can be reached with a garden hose and can be seen from your home, porch, or patio. Surprisingly, the larger your pond, the better.

Anything less than 60cm deep and 2.5m in diameter collects heat and becomes clogged with algae. In cold climates, it is necessary to dig a hole at least 90cm deep so that the fish can survive the winter.

Check before you dig. Mark the desired shape of the pond using a hose. Sprinkle the hose with sand or flour to outline the outline of your pond.

You will need:

PVC covering

fine gravel


Stone slabs

Round stones for the bottom of the pond

Step 1

Dig a hole at least 60cm deep, slightly sloping the sides. Remove large roots or sharp rocks completely.

Step 2

Make sure the edges of the pond are level using a level. Place a 5-7cm layer of wet sand on the bottom and walls of the pit. This helps smooth the sides and protect the coating from punctures.

Step 3

Place a PVC cover in the hole, leaving an extra 30cm of cover around the entire pond. Cover the pond with bricks so that the PVC covering is not visible.

Step 4

Place the slab so that it is 2.5-5cm from the brickwork. Let the water sit for two days to remove any chemicals.

Step 5

Lower pots of aquatic plants to the required depth. For example, a water lily should be placed so that the edge of the pot is 15-30 cm from the surface of the water.

Carefully place round stones on the bottom of the pond. When selecting aquatic creatures such as fish, snails and tadpoles, contact your supplier to determine the amount of space required.

It’s worth taking a small plastic sealed box or a suitable container, and with a little imagination, decorate it so that it turns into a small pond with its own ecosystem.
To do this, you need to take some soil, pebbles and green vegetation and the container with water will turn into a nice pond.
On the terrace you can place a large wooden tub hidden in the ground. Naturally, the water will need to be changed periodically, and if the pond is located in the sun, then it will need to be topped up during the day. But nevertheless, such a piece of the water element, combined with the general style of the entire garden, will become a real decoration and highlight of the garden.

Photo: fancy2110 (
This pond is built in a concrete flower pot.

The front garden is a great place for a mini-pond. A small pool with water lilies will look good in the shade of plants. As a container, you can use a galvanized basin or a trough covered with natural material.

In a seedling box or in a basin.
On balconies and verandas, a mini pond can be arranged in a seedling box, in a basin or in a tub. If you decide to make a pond on the balcony, then it is better to install it on a low table or even hang it. The outer sides can be decorated by gluing stones, pebbles or mosaics on them. Cover the bottom of the container with a layer of humus, then with a layer of sand and a layer of pebbles. You can also make a small hole to drain the water, although this is not necessary for such a small pond.

Mini pond. A corner of quiet privacy in your garden

Marina Savinykh

Water is the source of life, a symbol of eternity and inviolability. It is known that nothing can soothe and relax as looking at the water. So in landscape design, mini-reservoirs have become popular.

The tradition of decorating gardens with artificial ponds originates in Japan. Truly a gem Japanese garden is water. Reservoirs come in a wide variety of shapes and are always decorated with finely selected aquatic plants, and often their inhabitants are goldfish. It is no secret that the Japanese landscape is more than aesthetic beauty, it is also a tribute to ancient traditions, legends and wisdom. Each landscape object contains a certain symbol that can influence the viewer.

In order for the mini pond to please throughout the summer, it is worth thinking about its project now. Many plants that will serve as a decoration for a mini-pond must be planted in early spring, by which time the type of small reservoir, its shape and location should already be determined.

Today, modern technologies make it possible to create miniature ponds on a site of any size, with varying levels of complexity. Even in a minimal area, you can place a pond that will significantly enliven the landscape.

There are the following types of ready-made containers for artificial mini-ponds:

Structures using polymer materials are arranged according to the following principle: a recess of at least one and a half meters is dug and completely covered with a polymer film, the edges of the film are decorated on the outside with tiles, natural stones, wooden frames, etc. The construction of a reservoir is inexpensive, and if necessary, it can be easily disassembled, so it is possible to put it indoors for the winter. But there are also disadvantages - the polymer film loses strength over time and can leak.

Ready-made structures are made of polymer materials, metal, wood or ceramics, and can be mounted at different levels. Unlike polymer films, finished structures will last longer.

For monolithic ones, a recess of at least one and a half meters is initially dug, then walls are formed from reinforcement, which are then filled with concrete. The advantages of such a tank are durability, increased strength, and the ability to realize any conceived shape.

The principle of caring for a mini-pond depends on the presence of plants and animals in it. If the design of the pond is limited solely to external decor, then changing the water once a month is enough. Maintenance becomes much more complicated if aquatic plants, as well as fish and other aquatic inhabitants, are added to the mini-pond.

It must be remembered that a mini-pond sets the overall style of landscape design. A “mini” pond can be treated as a corner of wild nature by decorating it with boulders and planting climbing and moss plants. You can create a small piece of a fairy tale by placing goldfish and water lilies in a mini-pond, and planting them around the pond marshy plants(reed, cyperus, etc.). More impressive small pond It will look great if you install the backlight in a gentle tone. Then the mini-pond will become a favorite place of quiet solitude in the evenings.

Corner mini pond made of brick

Landscape design This is not only the green part of the site with plants, but also the area adjacent to the house. Let’s say there is a boring corner on your site where, for some reason, you can’t place plants. You can revive it with the help of this mini pond made of brick. Height and width body of water selected according to the size of your free space.

Brick for body of water We take a regular one, not rounded, and draw a semicircle using wide seams between the bricks. Interior body of water: either a ready-made form or we concrete the structure inside; a film for ponds is also suitable. Plants planted in containers will add water to your mini pond naturalness and beauty.

Pond from old bath with your own hands

Let's talk about how to hands in the garden do pond from an old bathtub. After renovation, the old cast iron often remains in the house. bath. You can use it further - make it garden pond.

The most important thing is to decide on the location of the future pond. Then dig a pit under bath. At the bottom of the pit you need to pour gravel, crushed stone 10-20 cm, then sand 20 cm. In the place where the drain hole is in the bathroom, make the drainage layer deeper. This is so that later, if desired, you can leave the drain hole and drain water from it for the winter. If there is good drainage under the drain, the water will bathroom not much and it will absorb into the ground without any problems. The second drain hole must be cemented.

Lay bricks in the corners, install it on it bath. Add soil, gradually compacting and adding water. Leave the top of the bath slightly above ground level.

We decorate bath under pond flagstone stone. For this we installed bath slightly above ground level, so that around baths Pour crushed stone 20-30 cm. We lay flagstone on the crushed stone with cement mortar. It’s as if we “bring” the flagstone stones inside baths, thereby covering its ugly edge. To prevent the shape of the pond from actually resembling a bathtub, we place stones along the edges of the bathtub and extending beyond baths. You need to put at least 3-4 layers of stone.

Surface baths white, for pond it's not beautiful and unnatural. You can cover the inside of the bathtub with black film, then this must be done before stone work. Place the edges of the film under the stone.

Can you paint it? bath, but the surface of the bathtub is smooth, the paint peels off over time. Therefore enamel baths For pond it needs to be cleaned to make it porous for better paint application.

For surface cleaning baths you need a “grinder”, a special attachment with a sticky surface, to which a “Petal” emery wheel or a “Brigadier” wire attachment is attached. A consultant at any construction market will advise you on what paint to coat the surface with. It is better to choose dark gray color. To the bottom pond You can add some pebbles.

Add water and pond from an old bathtub garden ready. Everything is done with your own hands.

Now you need to select plants for pond, plant them in small groups near the pud according to your taste. Next to pond Irises, hostas, and bergenia look beautiful. It will be beautiful inside pond from the bathroom disembark aquatic plants in containers, it is even possible to start fish.

You don’t have to drain the water for the winter if your garden pond There will already be a biological environment, it will try to survive. After all, a bath in the depths of the earth is the warmth of the earth; snow will lie on top of the ice - it will also retain heat. To be safe for the winter, you can throw a couple of plastic bottles into the water.

Idea for decorating a pond with large stones

Idea pond design big stones. In this version, the form pond semicircle. Myself pond can be made from a ready-made mold or covered with film. Cover the edges with large stones. Because the stones are very large, they can easily cover all the edges pond. Make one like this pond It’s very simple to do it yourself, it doesn’t require any special skill, and it looks like the work of professionals. The only problem is that the stones are very heavy, you need to carry them together, stretch wide ropes or a thick bag under them and grab them by the edges. Don’t forget to pour a little gravel under the stones, where they lie directly on the ground, sand on top and cover them with black lutrasil, so as not to pull weeds between them later.

In this version, an ordinary indoor cyperius is planted directly into the water in a container; it loves moisture and looks harmonious for pond.

The second option is very similar, only this is a motor-driven fountain, decorated with gravel.

Stylistics of garden ponds

Arrangement of a reservoir is aerobatics in the art of landscape design. In Russia today there is an increased interest in ponds, streams and waterfalls in the garden. Having played enough alpine coaster, hedges and mixborders, owners suburban areas gradually they come to understand a simple truth: without water, the garden still remains not entirely harmonious, as if unfinished. But before you start renovating the area, in which you should definitely find a place for a pond or watercourse, you need to evaluate all the forms in which water can appear in the garden.

With all the variety of gardens, and there are more than a dozen different garden styles, they are all divided into two large groups: regular and landscape. The former are characterized by a symmetrical layout, emphasizing the regular geometric shapes of flower beds. Such gardens include Muslim, French and Italian classical gardens. The reservoirs in them also have strict geometric outlines; fountains are very common classic shape, correct form canals, cascades, aqueducts and ponds.
The landscape style is well known to Russians. Most of our compatriots prefer ponds and streams of natural forms, inherent in English classical gardens (landscape); stylistics of the Far East (Japanese and Chinese); natural style gardens (from the German Naturegarten). The free outlines of ponds and the lively flow of streams and waterfalls in landscape gardens give them an extraordinary charm and make the garden as similar as possible to a corner of natural nature.

Avant-garde style gardens stand somewhat apart, the distinctive feature of which is originality and conceptuality. It is almost impossible to predict the shape of a reservoir in such a garden: it can be symmetrical, natural, or so unusual that you will not immediately decide to call the structure invented by the designer a reservoir or watercourse...

Regular bodies of water

A conversation about regular-style ponds should begin with Islamic gardens. Not because they are the most ancient - it is possible that this is not the case. But the fact is that greater respect for water cannot be found in any other garden style. Water, which in the Arab lands was an extremely limited resource and the greatest value, eventually quite naturally became a symbol of luxury. Garden of Eden in the minds of Muslims, this is a place where fountains certainly flow and roses smell fragrant. The composition of all Islamic gardens is a strictly geometric square or rectangle, divided into 4 parts by shallow channels (this garden structure was typical of ancient Persian gardens and has stuck for centuries). In addition to these channels, water is present in the form of rectangular ponds and fountains. The latter were present in large numbers and were technically very advanced: their activity was carried out due to the force of gravity. Under the fountains (or under a rectangular pond with fountains installed in it) ran a labyrinth of pipes, intersected by valves and gates designed to control the distribution of water to countless fountain outlets throughout the garden.

Fountains are one of the most beloved forms that humanity has sought to give to water. The difference between Islamic ones is in their brevity: since the Koran prohibits depicting living beings, as a rule, these were simple drinking fountains with a small stream of water, barely rising above the bowl or surface of the pond.
If we talk about the demand for the Islamic style in the gardens of modern Europe, including in Russia, then it is rather a lighter and more elegant Spanish-Moorish style, which can easily find a place in the patio or in the space in front of the house, even if it is small, as is the case with townhouses.

The French regular style, which entered the life of the nobility under the Sun King Louis XIV, is widely known throughout the world. In the magnificent garden of Versailles, created by the brilliant gardener Henri Le Nôtre, luxurious feasts were held, accompanied by splashing water jets and the sparkle of water in canals and ponds. The triumph of man over Nature is the main idea of ​​this style, told through strict symmetry, cropped topiary forms and water squeezed into rigid frames. The water of a regular garden consists of strictly shaped pools, sculptural fountains, small wall fountains and cascades. Peterhof Park became an example of this style in Russia.

Very close French style Italian, which is classic version was designed as a small garden near the villa, surrounded by trimmed hedges. Diagonal and straight paths invariably led to the center of the garden, where there was certainly a pond or fountain. Ponds, as a rule, were given the shape of a circle, oval or square. Old Italian estates were often surrounded by artistic water canals, a bit like moats around fortress walls.

Today, both French and Italian regular styles are quite in demand. In any case, not a single worthy exhibition on landscape design can do without projects of this kind. The most common use of this style in private property is the front (entrance) area of ​​the estate in classic style or the classic symmetrically regular design of the patio, where the water looks like canals, fountains or a mini-pond.

Particularly noteworthy are the new generation of formal decorative pools, which are abundant in the projects of the best European designers, in particular those who take part in the Chelsea Flower Show in London, and which are almost absent in Russia. These are reservoirs of ideal geometric shape, usually of very shallow depth, the main role of which is to create a feeling of freshness in the garden and play the role of a natural mirror, giving reflections of the sky, clouds and graceful vegetation surrounding such reservoirs.

I would like to separately note that ponds in each of the listed regular styles can be arranged either flush with ground level or have a bowl raised above the ground with walls up to 0.5-0.7 m high, which is almost never found in landscape gardens.

Landscape style

The landscape style embodies freedom and naturalness: the trees in it are never trimmed, they try to make the paths inconspicuous and asymmetrical, and they try to give the water the appearance of a natural body of water, as close as possible in its appearance to the natural one. The most ancient examples of this style belong to Far East- China and Japan, and the most common today follow the principles of creating gardens in the British Isles.
Chinese gardens, as a rule, occupy quite large areas. For centuries, their owners have treated reservoirs with great trepidation. Typically a garden will have a central pond and several additional streams and waterfalls surrounded by rocks and lush vegetation. The ponds and lakes in the garden were usually large, and it was possible to ride in dragon-shaped boats in them, thus moving through the entire garden. Today, ponds may be small, but there must be one or more bridges across a watercourse, of a characteristic shape, most often stone or wooden.

Ponds in Chinese gardens often became a refuge not only for magnificent aquatic and coastal aquatic vegetation, but also for animals : Koi carp, silver crucian carp, and mandarin ducks are frequent guests of such gardens. The streams are very beautiful Chinese garden- it’s not for nothing that they liked to erect elegant gazebos on their banks...

Island Japan has always suffered from a lack of space for gardens, and therefore their landscape art is, in fact, the art of miniatures. This statement has nothing to do with monastery gardens and large parks. “Secular” Japanese gardens are mostly small, a few square meters, areas intended for viewing and short walks. In any case, for the Japanese, a garden is a small model of the Universe. Water is not always present in the garden, but if it is, its forms are very diverse and specific.

Japan is characterized by a tendency to value not so much the surface of the water as the dynamics of the flow and the sounds made by streams and waterfalls. Waterfalls in a Japanese garden can be simple or complex, multi-stage. The location for the waterfall is chosen with special care. They are almost always covered with vegetation, which makes the landscapes even more romantic.

Garden ponds in the eastern garden always have islands, one of which is considered paradise and is not connected to the shore. There are several types of islands: forest, mountain, rocky, with young pine trees on the sand. In modern Japanese gardens, ponds are replaced by small stone pools of water, and sometimes there is not even room for them. Then this element of nature can be introduced into the garden composition in the form of a tsukubai - a stone bowl with water in the form of a barrel, in which hands were traditionally washed during the tea ceremony. In some cases, tsukubai may be at ground level, but most often it is raised to a height of 20-30 cm. Typically, tsukubai is placed on a low, small, level area in front of stone wall, hedge or in the center of the garden and certainly illuminated with a stone lantern.
Another decorative element garden, which is directly related to water, is a thin water pipe made of a hollow bamboo stem through which water runs. The Japanese name for this watercourse is shishi odoshi, which means “scaring deer”, because it was originally invented by farmers for this very purpose. Most often, such structures are located at the edge of the pond.

Fascinated by the beauty and naturalness of the Far Eastern gardens, the English colonialists “infected” their compatriots with a love of natural landscapes. Today, Great Britain is considered a state in which the landscape style (words such as English, romantic, natural have become its synonyms) has reached its heyday. Landscape composition techniques strived for beauty and naturalness. A characteristic feature, in addition to the beautiful “bouquet” tree plantings, was the vast spaces allocated for lawns. Beautiful ponds, streams, waterfalls and cascades surrounded by greenery and moisture-loving vegetation are a characteristic feature of such gardens.

The naturegarten style is very similar to the English landscape, with the same naturally shaped ponds and streams, but its main principle in the design of a reservoir is the rejection of the most beautiful coastal plants, possibly imported from afar or, on the contrary, long ago included in the culture and subjected to selection, in favor of “savages” - that is, that vegetation that is characteristic of a given area and grows literally behind the fence. Decorating the coastline with coastal plants characteristic of the area makes this solution as viable as possible.

Avant-garde gardens

Today, the most interesting garden ponds are found in those gardens that are designed in an avant-garde style. Landscape architects who love the avant-garde have always treated water with special trepidation, rightly believing that one can only relax and truly relax near a body of water. Life-giving moisture can be present in such gardens in the very in different forms. For example, one of the exhibition gardens from The 100% Pure New Zealand Garden was a fairy-tale fantasy of the aesthetics of an uninhabited seaside. The water seemed to flow from the mountains, trying to reach the sea, and on its way passed the rain forest, the wild cliffs of the western coast, and the wind-swept dunes. More than 3,000 species of plants were used to create the garden!

The water of an avant-garde garden can become a symbol of caring for this valuable natural resource. For example, in the project Bradstone: Walking Barefoot with Bradstone, which won a gold medal at one of the exhibitions in Chelsea, a special garden drainage system was used: through special funnels, rainwater is collected from the roof of the house and from the walls of a blind fence that surrounds the garden on both sides, accumulates in large reservoirs inside the walls and is used to keep the water level within the garden's closed water system. Of course, in the absence of rain, water resources are replenished from civilized sources, and yet this system is very interesting and environmentally friendly.

The combination of glass and water is very advantageous. An example is an interesting “water” project - “Ravine Garden: gift of the Glacier” from the Lake Forest Garden Club. Glass blocks installed among the greenery of trees on a hillock seem to melt, giving life to a stream. The stream flows down, surrounded by simple but very graceful plants, but the water does not just go into the ground: it falls on a glass platform, similar to an unmelted block of ice, and from there it falls into the canal, creating an interesting lens effect.

An absolutely wonderful avant-garde pond was shown at an exhibition in Chelsea in 2008. Designer Arabella Lennox-Boyd. A thinly curved ribbon of water lilies running down the center intersected with a garden path, which was also a bridge from one edge of the reservoir to the other. The composition was structured by beautifully arranged stones set in the water.

Russians will soon celebrate 20 years since landscape design in its modern form came to the country. Obviously, their preference is landscape-style ponds and streams. But allowing yourself only reservoirs of this kind is too strict a restriction, significantly narrowing the number of options. To appreciate the variety of shapes and design styles of modern reservoirs, it is enough to visit one of the European landscape design exhibitions, for example, the English exhibitions in Chelsea or the Hamptons.

Own artificial pond at the dacha has ceased to be a luxury, now anyone can build such a masterpiece. Such a structure can be aesthetic and functional. Some ponds are designed to decorate the landscape, others are intended for swimming or fish farming. Even just watching the water in a pond calms you down and improves your mood. It’s easy to make a pond on your site, just understand the basic nuances.


For some people, an artificial pond is not a decoration, but a necessity. If you have a pesky stream running through your property or have long put up with waterlogged soil, a pond will greatly improve your situation. It is best to build a pond in the spring. There are many options for building a pond yourself, which involve the use of special expensive materials or affordable (even improvised) means. Such construction does not require much time, effort and money. All you need is attention to detail and strict adherence to recommendations.


An artificial pond at the dacha is built for various purposes. It is by this criterion that the following types can be distinguished:

  • Small. A small pond becomes part of the landscape design. It is designed to decorate a specific area in the garden. Near such a pond you can read a book in a chair, but it does not involve active recreation.
  • Decorative. Deeper than the previous version. Such a pond has a fountain inside, lighting around the perimeter, an openwork bridge and other decorative elements. The purpose of decorative ponds is to attract all the attention. Such reservoirs are located near a gazebo or open terrace.
  • For fish breeding. This pond will delight fishermen, children and cats. The beautiful fish are a pleasure to watch, and many species are great for dinner. It is important not only to launch the fish, but also to create comfortable conditions for them to reproduce.
  • For swimming. Your own pond on the site is a good alternative to a simple pool. Such a pond is not limited only to aesthetic properties, but also provides benefits. A small pond will provide an opportunity to cool off in the heat, while a deep and large one will allow you to swim and play water games.


For fish breeding


Key issues such as location, size, shape and stylistic design are decided based on the type of reservoir. Therefore, first set a clear goal for yourself, only then move on to the next steps.


Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of materials for making your own pond. It all depends on your goals and financial capabilities. To make the right choice, you need to carefully study everything possible options. To construct a swimming pond, a good option would be to build a concrete bowl.

Filling the pond allows it to be used long time. This option is quite expensive, but reliable. A more suitable and affordable option is polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or fiberglass. The reliability of the materials allows the bowl to be used for 5 to 30 years; this directly depends on the work performed and the type of material. Both options for creating a pond allow you to create the desired depth and shape.

Purchased forms are a simplified version. You just need to dig a pit, install a mold and reinforce the structure with sand. Plastic bowls are quite durable and can easily withstand winter frosts. Polypropylene bowls are afraid ultraviolet rays and become unusable due to their prolonged exposure. The disadvantages of such structures are the rather high price and difficult transportation.

It will be difficult to bring a bowl under a large pond to its destination without damage. Moreover, you will need basic skills in installing such structures; it is difficult for beginners to cope with such a task without damaging the bowl.

The most reliable film is considered to be butyl rubber, made from rubber. Experts recommend using this material for those who have a pond of impressive depth, a bottom with many stones and roots. You can enjoy a pond with such waterproofing for 50 years. The great advantage of the material is its favorable reaction to repeated freezing and thawing. Specialized materials are the preferred option, but not the only one. Craftsmen offer the following options:

  • Old bath. Such an object can be painted and installed on the surface, or it can be lowered into the ground to an arbitrary depth. You can easily install a small fountain along with a pond.
  • Tires. Variably, tires or wheels are used as the frame of a small pond.
  • Basin. The installation method is similar to a bathtub. The item itself is so light that such ponds are often made by children and women, whereas they cannot handle a bathtub. It is important to pay special attention to the decor so as not to overload the space with details.
  • Plastic bottles . This material makes it possible to create small reservoirs at maximum speed. It is enough to cut the eggplant at the desired level and dig it in the right place.

Keep in mind that the material determines how long you will enjoy your summer cottage pond. It is important to choose materials that do not harm the environment. Otherwise, toxins will penetrate into the soil, and this will affect your harvest.


It cannot be stated unequivocally that a large pond will cost more than a small one or will have better aesthetic properties. Optimal options you need to select based on your goals. Key factors when choosing a size:

  • Dimensions. This parameter depends solely on the location of the reservoir. It is believed that the reservoir should cover no more than 3-10% of the area of ​​the entire summer cottage. There are no clear boundaries, it all depends on your preferences.
  • Length and width. This criterion also largely depends on the size of the site, the purpose of the reservoir and your capabilities. The latter concerns digging a pit - you can dig a small one yourself, but for a large one you will need special equipment.
  • Depth. The larger the pond, the deeper it can be made. Thus, a mini-structure can have a depth of several tens of centimeters, and a swimming pond - several meters.
  • Zoning is relevant for large bodies of water. Design experts recommend dividing the pond into 3 zones. Coastal zone - 10-40 cm deep for approaching the pond and landing ornamental plants. Shallow water zone - from 40 cm to 1 m; at this depth you can plant a winter-hardy water lily or nymph. If this is a body of water for swimming, then this is the area that will make it possible to smoothly enter the water. Children can swim at shallow depths. The deep-water zone is more than 1 meter deep, adults can swim here, and fish are also bred at this depth.
  • Biodynamic balance. This factor must be taken into account if the pond is inhabited by various kinds living creatures. Provide such a balance that the artificial pond can clean itself. Purification of water in a pond with fish or plants using chlorine or ozone is not provided.
  • Care. As a general rule, the larger the pond, the easier it is to clean. Be sure to think about ways to care for plants, fish, and the pond itself.


It is very important to position the pond correctly. Especially if we are talking about a large-scale structure that will serve you for many years. Important factors when choosing a location:

  • Plot size. This factor is closely related to the size of the pond itself, and therefore to its location.
  • Relief. It is important to consider the combination of the topography of the earth with the shape of the pond itself.
  • Soil composition and groundwater. This factor is directly related to the maximum depth of the pond. If the circumstances are unfavorable, you will face additional hassle and material costs.
  • Illumination. Choose a shaded place. The sun should not be on the water for more than 5-6 hours a day. Neglect of this factor leads to active evaporation of water and increased bacterial activity. To select the right location, observe the solar regime for 2-3 days. It is especially important to correctly evaluate this criterion when breeding fish. Heated water reduces the amount of oxygen, which can lead to the death of pets.
  • Visibility. Choose a place so that the pond can be seen from a window or gazebo. A decorative pond will become the calling card of your site if it is noticeable at the entrance to the territory.

  • Reflection. Oddly enough, it is better to think in advance what will be reflected in your pond. If the reflection includes a toilet in the yard or a shed, this can ruin the overall impression.
  • Degree of landscaping. Make sure that tree roots cannot damage the pond bowl. Also keep in mind that in the fall, leaves and branches may fall into the pond and turn into sludge at the bottom. Carelessness when choosing the right place can lead to difficulties in caring for the pond. If you really want to decorate the perimeter of the pond with bushes, then consider the option of plants in barrels (tubs).
  • Electricity supply. Some decorative elements are powered by electricity. So, you can install an interesting fountain, make lighting and much more. The main thing is to carefully consider the option of supplying electricity to water. It is better to think through this issue at the design stage. It is safest to place the wires underground in a secure corrugation. For permanent access to them, equip a hatch.
  • Future expansions and improvements. Plan ahead. You may want to expand the pond or develop a more detailed recreation area near it. Provide free space at least on one side of the pond.


The waterproofing tone has great value, affects the overall image. The black bottom creates the illusion of a mirror. In such a reservoir, plants and the sky are perfectly reflected. The brown and black material allows you to create an imitation of natural soil, which is usually located at the bottom of a reservoir.

Blue and cream ponds do not closely resemble the creation of nature, but are an excellent option for breeding colorful fish. Also, blue and grayish tones are great for the body of water in which you are going to swim. These colors imitate the bottom of the pool.

Thus, the color should be chosen based on the purpose. The decorative pond will be closer to its natural appearance thanks to the dark bottom. For breeding fish and swimming, you should choose light colors, even white.


It is almost impossible to describe all the shapes of ponds, because the imagination of design masters knows no bounds. Conventionally, we can distinguish between regular geometric shapes and fantasy ones. Among the first, the most popular designs are in the shape of a circle, oval, and rectangle. Fantasy forms are more whimsical, and this is their charm. Such ponds are most similar to the creation of nature, which does not tolerate severity. Among the popular forms, one can highlight the imitation of a natural form.

Style and design

Design specialists responsibly declare that a country pond can be made in two versions, but they can have many modifications. Design options:

  1. Formal. The name speaks for itself. Such a country pond has clear geometric shapes. This option is well suited for areas in the style of modern, high-tech, minimalism, and classic. Formal ponds include not only rectangular, square and round ponds. This also includes broken figures; they can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. The design of such ponds is strict. Classic neutral colors are used. A formal pond is characterized by few or no additional decorative elements.
  2. Landscape. This option is more popular than the previous one. Such a pond has an unclear coastline and is close to its natural appearance. It is the landscape style that makes it possible to create a harmonious balance between an artificial reservoir and nature itself. You can realize your wildest ideas. Before choosing a pond style, evaluate the topography of the site. Level ground guarantees the embodiment of any fantasy shape.

Raises and depressions in the ground require careful design, but make it possible to easily build a cascade or waterfall. On intricate terrain, bridges and slides look more natural.

A suitable relief can be created artificially. Requires more than complex technologies when working with the foundation. Carelessness will lead to distortion due to subsidence of the earth. A high pond (located above ground) is also possible as part of the landscape design. There are many advantages of this design:

  • Easy to care for.
  • Minimum amount of excavation work.
  • Safety of children and pets.

A bathtub pond is the most striking example of such a reservoir. You can paint the walls in Japanese style, which looks natural in the garden. Such an element will complement the overall landscape design of the site.

How to do it yourself?

The construction of a pond should be carried out according to clear instructions. This way you can properly dig out the boiler and lay down waterproofing. Construction of a pond using film step by step:

  • Making a pond starts with a plan. Choose a convenient scale and draw absolutely everything, including the depth of each zone. It is recommended at this stage to think about decorative design. This is especially important if you are planning to build a pond with a waterfall. A detailed plan will help you avoid mistakes.
  • Now you need to mark the future pit. This can be done using a rope stretched over pegs, a rubber hose, or even sand (draw an outline with it). It is important that the banks are at the same height. Start digging a pit based on the plan. Check their level from time to time.
  • It's time for excavation work. Dig a hole the depth of which will correspond to the depth of the coastal zone. Make markings and fix the burial line. Arrange the second tier and make a line for digging the deepest zone of the future pond. It is better to carry out excavation work together, and for a large pond, even hire an excavator.

  • After the hole is dug, you need to measure the dimensions and depth. Do this with a cord. To the resulting number, add 50 cm on each side of the pit. Now you know how much PVC film you need to purchase.
  • Cover the hole tightly with film. Geotextiles can be laid underneath to prevent tree roots from damaging the waterproofing over time. In addition, the structure can be strengthened using roofing felt or linoleum. You can also strengthen the shore and bottom using tightly compacted sand. It is recommended to perform this procedure on a sunny day, so the film will heat up and lie more tightly on all the bends of the pit.
  • The edges of the film must be tucked into a pre-prepared trench around the perimeter of the pond. Next, you need to fill the trench with crushed stone or other stone. This way you will ensure reliable fixation of the film.

  • The bank should be strengthened so that over time the earth does not crumble. Reinforce the edge of the pond with stone blocks or plastic pipes; they need to be nailed to pegs. It is recommended to lay out the edge natural stone and complete the picture with large boulders.
  • At this stage it is necessary place plants that will decorate the pond, into special baskets and install them in the right places in accordance with the plan. Line the bottom with small stones or gravel.

  • It's time to fill the pond with water. A hose will be your best assistant. Carrying water in buckets is not convenient, especially if the reservoir is large. Standing water can cause many problems, including an unpleasant odor. To eliminate this complexity, you can make the pond a stream. To do this, simply raise the source slightly above the level of the pond, and supply water to it from the bowl itself using a pump. This device will save you from unnecessary hassle.
  • Installation of a submersible pump, pipes to the source of the stream and connecting the filter - the last stage technical work. It is recommended to use a pressure filter to purify water; it is more effective.

More household option a pond from an old bathtub can be made in such a way that the old plumbing will be unrecognizable in the magical composition. The process of constructing a pond can be performed according to the following instructions:

  • Dig a hole for the bathtub so that the depth of the pit is 40 cm higher than the tank itself.
  • Finish the edges of the hole. Remove 35-45 cm of soil around the perimeter.
  • Deepen these strips so that the height is equal to the height of the bathtub.

Be sure to close the bathtub drain. You can use concrete or film for waterproofing. After this, lower the bathtub into the hole.

  • Cover the inside of the bathtub with small tiles or paint it with waterproof paint in the desired color. After this, cover the bathtub and leave until completely dry.
  • Cover the perimeter of the bath with a chain-link mesh. This material is rightfully considered the best for reinforcement.
  • Cover the chain-link with a mixture of sand and cement.
  • Carry out decorative work. For this you can use stones, tiles, gravel and similar materials.

Required Tools

The amount of inventory depends on how complex and varied the pond you want to create. To build a simple pond, you will need:

  • Shovel.
  • Ground trolley.
  • Construction level.
  • Cord for marking.
  • Pegs.
  • Water supply hose.
  • Film for waterproofing a pond or any other base.

Such a minimum list is always needed. In addition to the above, you may need fencing. This will keep your animals and children safe. Decorative fencing significantly influences the overall appearance of an artificial reservoir.


To create a more complex composition, you need to acquire additional equipment:

  • Water purification filter. This is especially important if you are creating a fish pond.
  • Water pump. This device is used for pumping and pumping water, operating filters, fountains and waterfalls.
  • Sterilizer. This device guarantees crystal clean water in the pond.
  • Aerator (compressor). The device saturates the water with oxygen. Relevant in a pond with fish and plants. It is important to choose a model specifically for the pond; models for aquariums do not have the required power. You may have to use an excavator to dig the pit.

Water purification filter

Water pump


Plants and additional accessories

As a decoration, you can install a decorative fountain in the pond. The structure can be purchased ready-made or built independently. A decorative pond is often supplemented with bridges. Garden figurines nearby will perfectly complement the composition. Flowers and plants in the pond require special attention. Plants are divided into deep-water and shallow-water.

The first ones are planted at the bottom in special baskets. They should occupy no more than 30% total area reservoir, otherwise it will turn into a swamp. Such excess can destroy other inhabitants of the reservoir, especially fish. Carefully plant flowers on the coast, keep in mind that they will grow over time.

First of all, nymphs are planted in the pond, and then the bottom is covered with decorative stone, starting from the deep zone. On the terrace you can plant marsh calamus, calamus, sedge, chastuha and susak. On the surface of the water you can place water hyacinth, bagel, pistia or swampweed.

On the shore you can place various types of iris, reed, buzulnik, aruncus, miscanthus. The composition can be supplemented with perennials: hostas, buttercups, primroses, astilbes or bathing flowers.

Peltiphyllums, loosestrifes, and Rogers plants look great near an artificial pond.

Do you need fish?

A reservoir can be populated with different fauna. Ducks and even swans can live on the pond, it all depends on you. Most often, fish live in country ponds. The choice of residents of the reservoir should be taken carefully. The most common inhabitants of ponds are crucian carp, goldfish, carp and tench. Keep in mind that one fish up to 15 cm in size requires about 50 liters of water space.

Many summer residents dream of building a beautiful pond in their garden plot. However, not everyone can boast large area plot of land, trying in vain to place on it a vegetable garden, fruit trees, as well as several flower beds with favorite flowers. In addition, the construction of a pond involves significant costs, which not everyone can afford.

A small charming pond is not difficult to build yourself

Several options for a small pond

Our photos show various options artificial reservoirs in summer cottages. Among them you can find budget ones and you can choose one of the simplest ones. In addition, the choice of option should be determined by the composition of the soil, as well as the availability of free space in the garden or yard. It’s easy to build a mini pond with your own hands if you have the appropriate building materials on hand. Available materials can serve as the main argument in finding a solution.

Film pond - a universal solution

To prevent water from escaping from a homemade pond, it must be sealed. In a good way the use of film is considered. If you want to save money, you can use the remains of plastic film that was purchased for greenhouses, but such a pond will only last a few years.

If it is possible to purchase a butyl rubber-based film, which is designed specifically for constructing ponds, the life of the pond will significantly increase. A compromise option is dense polyvinyl chloride film.

It happens that the remnants of the film are scattered pieces - in this case they can be glued together to obtain a coating of the desired size. To do this, it is advisable to use a special glue, which can also be used to seal cuts and other material defects.

A film pond allows you to build a pond of any shape and size

In addition to the main material, you will need sand, geotextile and stones. To arrange a pond with your own hands, you should act according to the plan:

  1. Mark the area for the pond. You should not arrange it right in the garden next to fruit trees. It is advisable to choose a flat surface so that the bank levels are the same height - otherwise the water from the pond will pour out on one side.
  2. Dig a pit, making sure that its walls are flat, which will allow the banks not to crumble during operation. The angle of inclination of the pit walls should be up to 45˚. If desired, the banks can be made into ledges.
  3. Next, you need to carefully compact the bottom of the pit, and then fill it with sand to a height of 5–10 cm. Lay a piece of geofabric on the sand; some craftsmen replace it with old blankets.
  4. Now the pond can be lined with film. This should be done slowly, trying to immediately straighten any wrinkles that arise. Place the edges of the covering on the banks.
  5. You need to pour water into the reservoir in parts, this will prevent the coating from tearing. It is recommended to take a two-hour break between each stage.
  6. Once again we check the level of the banks and, if necessary, level them by adding soil. We secure the waterproofing along the entire shore using stones.

Important: it is best to work with film in the summer, on a hot day. This will make all manipulations with the material easier, since it will be softer.

A small pond made of a plastic bowl under guard

Plastic bowl - quick and easy

If you don’t want to work with film, you can speed up the work on building a small pond. To do this, you should choose a ready-made PVC bowl. Similar containers are sold in hardware stores and can vary in shape and size. In addition, plastic inserts differ markedly in price and quality. Low-quality plastic quickly breaks down under the influence of frost and ultraviolet radiation sun. The choice is yours. Below are instructions for installing a reservoir with your own hands:

  1. First you need to mark the place for the pit. To do this, drive pegs around the perimeter (corners) and tie them with rope. Make markings larger than the dimensions of the bowl, 20 cm on all sides. Dig a pit with a depth equal to the height of the bowl plus 20cm.
  2. Now you need to fill the bottom of the hole with sand, achieving a flat surface - this can be checked using a level. Moisten the sand and compact it. Next, place the bowl in the pit, trying to ensure that its edges are level with the surface of the earth.
  3. When the bowl is installed, it is necessary to pour sand between its side parts and the walls of the pit (in the same reserve of 20 cm). The sand should be poured in and compacted lightly as the bowl is filled with water. This will avoid deformation of the tank walls.
  4. You should not pour water into the bowl all at once, but in small portions. A sudden load on the plastic can lead to distortion and damage.

The easiest way to make a small pond is from a plastic bowl

Concrete pit - a reliable option

The method of constructing an artificial pond from concrete is suitable for those who know how to work with concrete. Such a pond has an undoubted advantage over its counterparts - it is reliable and durable. However, it will not be possible to move it to another location; therefore, before starting work, you should carefully consider its configuration and choose the most suitable location on the site. Let's take a closer look at how to build a concrete pond with your own hands:

  1. The pit under the pond should be made with ledges. Let its walls be flat; here it is also important to adhere to an angle of up to 45˚. The hole needs to be compacted well.
  2. Next, you need to fill in the sand, but the layer should be small - 3 cm is enough. On top of the sand you need to lay a film of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, which should not be pulled too tightly.
  3. It is necessary to lay concrete starting from the walls, and only then move to the bottom. It is important to complete this work within one day to avoid cracking of the concrete at the joints.
  4. Next, you need to wait until the composition hardens slightly, and then press it into it. metal mesh for concrete reinforcement. This must be done so that the edges of the mesh protrude above the surface of the reservoir.
  5. After the concrete has completely dried, it is necessary to pour the next layer. Before starting work on the second layer, the lower concrete must be sprinkled with water. Experts recommend at this moment to check the bottom surface to ensure that it is horizontal.

Once the top layer of concrete is completely dry, you can pour water into the pool. Then start decorating it - planting plants on the banks, introducing fish or arranging lighting.

Miniature pond plus scrap materials

Budget options for creating ponds in the countryside involve using all kinds of available materials, instead of buying a bowl or film. Some craftsmen build a pond from an old cast iron or children's bathtub, while others were able to adapt a car tire or an old basin. The pond will turn out to be quite small, but caring for the mini pond is not difficult. It is easier to change the water than in a large tank, and with the help of plants in tubs and decorative stones it can be easily turned into a blooming oasis.

Preparing a pit for a pond from a bathtub

After many years of use, the bathtub loses its original appearance. If there are no through holes in the bowl, it can be used in the country as a makeshift pond. To build a small pond without high costs, you need:

  1. First you need to mark the place under the pond, and then add 10 centimeters on each side. Dig a pit, the depth of which will be 20 cm greater than the height of the bath.
  2. Now you need to mark at the bottom of the hole the place where the bowl drain will be located. There you need to dig a hole with a diameter of 30 cm and a depth of half a meter. This will be drainage. You need to insert a rolled sheet of metal into a cylindrical hole and fill it with crushed stone. The edge of the metal should protrude 15-25cm above the pit.
  3. After preparing the drainage, you need to make a “cushion” for the bath, which will allow it not to sag over time. To do this, a layer of crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the pit and sand on top. This pillow should be about 20cm high. All this must be thoroughly compacted, after which the sheet of metal should be removed.

At correct installation bath pond will last for many years

Pit for a two-level pond

If you decide to build a pond from an old bathtub, you can make it quite unusual. We propose to create a two-level pond with your own hands, the construction of which will require a little more effort. Work plan, step by step:

  1. Before digging a pit for a bathtub, you need to mark the area, adding half a meter on each side. The external outlines should be slightly modified - make this line wavy, giving it a contour reminiscent of the natural outlines of a lake.
  2. Now you can start digging a pit. To do this, you need to dig a hole 30-40 cm deep, focusing on the external contours. Next, at the bottom of the dug pit, you need to mark the outline for the bathtub and deepen the pit under the bowl as described above. That is, the total depth of the pit will be greater than in the first option by the same 30-40 cm.
  3. When the bathtub is installed, the outer contour of the reservoir should be limited by fiberglass slate. A corrugated hose must be placed on the edge of the slate.
  4. Next, the space that has formed between the bathtub and the slate must be filled with sand and compacted, or filled with concrete.
  5. The bowl must be covered with film, forming a single pool for water. The film should be secured with stones.

A two-level pond is more difficult to make, but no one will guess that a bathtub is used in the pond

Installing a bath

After preparing the place for the bath, bricks should be laid at the bottom of the pit - several bricks in each corner, on which the bath is installed. This precaution will prevent the bulky container from sagging. Next, you should check how level the bathtub is installed and make sure that its edge is level with the ground. There is empty space between the walls of the bathtub and the pit. It must be covered with sand, which must be moistened and compacted thoroughly.

Mini pond made from a tire

If you can use an old tire, you can easily and quickly build a miniature tire pond with your own hands. A tire from a KAMAZ wheel or tractor will make it possible to make the pond much larger.

First you need to dig a pit of such a size that the tire can easily fit into it. Before installing it in the hole, it is necessary to cut it with a knife top part rubber. You should end up with a bowl with a hole at the bottom. Next, you need to take the film, cover the bottom and sides of the tire with it, bringing the edges up. They need to be tucked over the edges of the tank. All that remains is to pour water into the finished tire pool and decorate its edges with plants and stones. In a similar way, you can build a pond from a plastic basin.

A tire pond will not take up much space and will be an excellent garden decoration.

Several ways to decorate a pond

Today there are many ways to decorate a mini pond. Among them are the installation of plaster figures on its banks, the laying of decorative stones and tiles. Any body of water will be decorated with greenery, which can be placed around it directly in flowerpots. In other cases, soil is poured on the banks of the lake, interspersed with stones. Moisture-loving perennials are planted in the ground, which over time form beautiful thickets on the shore.

A small waterfall and beautiful lilies will decorate and enliven the pond

If you want to plant aquatic plants, you need to ensure that they do not grow too much. Otherwise, the surface of the pond will be completely covered with greenery. Experts recommend using water hyacinth for this purpose.

You can also decorate the pond with a bridge and install lanterns around it. Another way to enliven the water of an artificial pond is a fountain or waterfall. All this can be built later, the main thing is to take into account the possibility of modernizing the pond at the stage of choosing a place for the pond.

01.03.2016 45 434

How to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands - step-by-step technology and mistakes

Beautiful decorative ponds, photos and pictures of which can be seen everywhere, have become an integral part of many gardens and summer cottages. However, not everyone knows how to make such a decoration with their own hands. A pond is a decorative element, a place where you can relax and escape from the bustle of the city. Water is the best remedy for stress. Recommendations, a photo gallery, tips on arrangement will help you overcome the steps on the path to a beautiful, serene place, and will also teach you how to improve your home area with minimal investment. Installing a pond in the yard and decorating it will not take much of your time.

Which style to choose and where to place it?

The initial stages of landscaping a reservoir are important and necessary. Thoughtful stylization in harmony with the landscape design will be the basis for creating a reservoir. You need to select a style in accordance with the architecture of the house and buildings. In the interior of the garden, you can place a formal version (of regular geometric shape), or a free natural pond, forming an integral composition with other decorative elements.

Formal views are the main decorative element in the garden. They are suitable for small and large areas, come in different sizes, and are placed in the center. Free reservoirs are arranged in arbitrary shapes, giving a natural look, hiding artificiality.

do-it-yourself pond at the dacha - in the photo
small pond in the country with your own hands

in the photo - a pond on a summer cottage
in the photo - a pond in the garden plot

Choosing japanese style, remember, stone, water and lanterns are the basis of the image. Think about the shape and location in advance. Bonsai style trees, tea house will complement and decorate the garden. Garden walls, windows, and moon gates are considered an indispensable attribute of Chinese manners. The entrance to the structure is equipped with an entrance gate. The English garden strives to merge with nature, the French one is filled with majesty and large space with fountains, cascades, and sculptures. Italian mini-pits with fountains are located in front of the main entrance of the house and are the central composition.

Choosing a location and material for arrangement

Many craftsmen know how to make a pond with their own hands, taking into account the size, location, and choosing sunny open areas. Trees located in close proximity will create additional troubles. Fallen leaves and constant shadow of trees hinder the growth of ornamental plants and pollute water. You can arrange the structure under trees, but you must be in the sun for 5-6 hours a day.

DIY pond in the country house

Regarding sizes, consider the scale of the site. The pond should fit harmoniously into the landscape design. Small garden plots with an area of ​​6 acres are equipped with small structures that are easier to construct and the financial costs will be insignificant. Deep and voluminous ones are made for large areas and fish farming. If you don’t plan to introduce fish, don’t dig a big pit.

DIY pond in the country house
in the photo - a do-it-yourself country pond

To build a pit with your own hands, you need to buy and prepare materials for future construction. This opens up great possibilities for your imagination. You can build a decorative lake on your site from any materials. A permanent reservoir with a concrete base will require time and money. Various plastic containers, a lake from an old bathroom, tires from large tractor wheels will cost less and will look beautiful if done correctly. The design can be easily made using a special elastic durable film.

in the photo - a pond on your site

Step-by-step creation of a lake using black film

Schematically sketch out the design of the future reservoir, indicating the width, depth, location of the curtains (thresholds for planting). The drawn drawing will allow you to correctly arrange the plant, decorative elements, and avoid mistakes and alterations.

step 1
step 2

  • Draw the contours of the lake using a garden hose, sand, spray paint, and other available materials. Uneven surfaces must be leveled.
  • A pit is dug to the depth of the nearest threshold (for plants and flowers), the next tier is marked, and dug out. The lake can be made in several tiers. You can do without thresholds if it small sizes.

step 3

  • To buy a film of the required size, the finished pit is measured using a cord, and 40-50 centimeters are added on each side of the bowl.
  • The next step is to pour sand and compact it. There is no sand, proceed to laying the next layer. Small option can be done without sand.
  • You can protect the material from cuts and damage using geotextiles, which are laid on the bottom and walls of the pit after a layer of sand. You can replace purchased material with existing old unnecessary linoleum, carpeting, or roofing felt.

step 4
step 5

  • It is more convenient to secure the material by digging a shallow trench along the edges. The edges of the film are placed in it and sprinkled with a layer of earth and crushed stone.
  • A stream and a submersible pump, which is placed at the bottom, will help rid a large pit of stagnant water. The pump is connected to cleaning filters. The stream is located above the level of the lake so that the water flows freely down and rises with the help of a pump. You can hide it under beautiful stones and plants. The brook hill is planted with beautiful flowers and decorated with various decorative elements (sculptures, clay pots).

step 6
step 7

  • The coastline along the entire perimeter is lined with decorative stones (natural cobblestones), preventing the earth from sliding into the pond. Place the plants, cover the bottom with small pebbles, and fill with water.

The construction of the lake with your own hands is completed, keep the reservoir clean and tidy, remove debris and algae in a timely manner. Use preparations to maintain biological balance, plant fertilizers, anti-algae agents, and to clarify water. Find the right place, do it right, decorate it beautifully. Mistakes and miscalculations can turn an attractive, good body of water into a complete problem, take this into account.

Whether you like to swim or just relax near the water, relaxing on the shore of a body of water is one of the wonderful pleasures of summer. But not every summer resident has the opportunity to build a summer house near water. Therefore, sooner or later, each of us thinks about how difficult it is to make a pond on the site with our own hands. Ideally, we see a pond in a dacha not only as a decorative element of landscape design, but also as a small body of water in which you can happily swim on a hot day.

However, faced with colorful descriptions of the technical difficulties, costs and nuances of regular care, many of us give up on this idea.

Let's start with the basics - what fundamentally distinguishes a pond from a swimming pool is the self-regulation system.

DIY swimming pond.

We will tell you the process of creating a pond step by step, and you can make a garden pond with your own hands - by building a cool oasis in the middle of the heat right on your summer cottage, where with every light breath of a fresh breeze our everyday worries disappear.

A garden pond is a living organism.

The pond at the dacha imitates the process that nature uses to keep lakes clean. Everything from the size and shape of the pond, plant species and water circulation are designed to maintain the pond in a stable natural state.

The problem that a pond owner faces is maintaining a balance between plants and water - the plants either die or cover the entire surface of the pond. Only a pond that represents a balanced ecosystem provides optimal water clarity and quality, and maximum enjoyment from swimming in the pond.

The water in the pond must circulate among the roots of the plants to cleanse itself. Plants enrich the water with oxygen, which supports the vital activity of beneficial bacteria that utilize pollutants and potentially harmful organisms, and also create a habitat for dragonflies, frogs and other aquatic inhabitants. The result is a stable, ecologically diverse system. Nature has revealed its technology to us and we need to use it carefully.

How to make a pond yourself. Principles of pond operation.

Water is a living biologically active component and all purification occurs due to the work of plants and beneficial microbes. For this purpose, the pond has a swimming area and a filtration area for plants. The filtration zone is actually the swamp part of our water zone, and just like in nature, it is this zone that guarantees the cleanliness of the entire reservoir. This zone must occupy at least 50 percent of the total surface area of ​​the pond.
If you have noticed, in nature there are almost no tiny bodies of water with consistently clean surface water - they quickly become overgrown or silted up. Natural stable biological balance can be achieved in ponds with an area of ​​100 sq.m. Smaller ponds require more of our attention because... Their biological balance is precarious. Therefore, to maintain cleanliness, these ponds include a skimmer and UV sterilizer, but still offer a chemical-free swimming area and support the growth of aquatic plants.

It is useful to regularly enrich the water with oxygen by adding a small waterfall, stream or fountain to the pond. Although, an aerator can be used for the same purposes.

How is water purified in a pond?

You can see that the process of filtering water in a pond is not complicated:
1. Water from the swimming area flows into the regeneration area.
2. Water circulates back to the bathing area.

Through drainage pipes under the plant roots in the regeneration zone and/or after the skimmer, water is pumped through the UV sterilizer to a waterfall, stream or to the bottom of the swimming area. The pipe leading to the bottom of the swimming area is raised slightly above the bottom so that the flow of water prevents the formation of silt on the bottom.

What should the shape of the pond be?

The pond bowl looks more like a soup bowl with large rims than a bathtub. The height difference should be about 30 cm for every meter of depth. It is this shape of the pond bowl that ensures the stability of the walls. The picture shows a cross section of a pond with a planting and swimming area:

After compacting the surface layer of soil in the pit, geotextiles and a sealed liner are laid on the bottom of the pond. In the plant area there are drainage pipes and gravel. In order to separate the swimming zone from the plant zone, a small mound is formed - its top is 3 cm lower from the surface of the water. You can make it from bags of sand or gravel. The mound allows water from the swimming zone to pass into the plant zone, where the water is filtered by plant roots, and at the same time protects the plants from fluctuations in the water of the swimming zone.

This pond design will allow you to conveniently clean the swimming area without affecting the plant area. In addition to cleaning the water, the shallow waters warm up quickly and provide habitat for frogs and other invertebrates, which you will appreciate when they begin to eat mosquito larvae.

To imitate the natural contours of a pond, use a combination of different pond edge profiles. If you place plants on the terraces of the pond, it is better to do this in pots so that they can be easily removed when cleaning the pond.

What size pond is suitable for our site?
The optimal size of the pond is 1/10 of the area of ​​your site.

What about mosquitoes?
One of the first questions that arises when you hear the word “do-it-yourself pond” is what about mosquitoes? Mosquitoes breed only in stagnant water, but the water in a pond will never be static, so mosquitoes will find it unattractive for their habitat. Even if at some point they appear, the ecosystem of the pond in the form of frogs will reduce their population to a minimum.

Why make a pond at your dacha?
People who make a pond with their own hands make this decision because they want their pond to be a beautiful part of the landscape design and at the same time have a clean, attractive place for swimming on a hot day.
Is it possible to have fish in a swimming pond?
Unfortunately, fish, on the one hand, happily eat beneficial microflora, on the other hand, they are carriers of pathogenic bacteria, so there should be no fish in bathhouses.

Is it possible to do sandy beach on the pond?
The best solution for entering the pond is a walkway or ladder. For a beach entrance to the water, you need enough area, because... The angle of entry into the water is small. In addition, the sand quickly silts up - those beaches that we see are often simply trampled down to sand, most of the shore of the pond is usually densely overgrown with plants.

Should I swim with frogs?
Yes, frogs are full-fledged and important inhabitants of the pond. Additionally, to purify the water in the pond, it is good to have bivalve shells or pearl barley, which filter water up to 40 liters per day. You can also get snails (coils, livebearers) - they eat dead plants and clean the pond well.

What's the best place for a pond?
It is better to place the pond away from trees, because... falling, the leaves will rot in the pond. Moreover, growing roots can damage the waterproofing film or tilt the finished container. The illumination of the area should be about 5 hours in the morning, and the rest of the time should be in partial shade. The pond does not need high illumination because... leads to increased formation of algae and overheating of water in the reservoir.

What to do with a pond in winter?
In winter, the pond, like natural bodies of water, freezes. There is no need to drain it. For the winter, all equipment (pumps, filters, skimmers) must be removed from the pond.

Does soil type affect the creation of a pond?
No, the composition of the soil does not affect it. There is a misconception that it is good when the groundwater level is high. In fact, groundwater at the freezing level, it’s more of a problem. When ice freezes, it can bulge the bottom of the pond. This is especially problematic if the pond is made on the basis of a rigid finished mold.

DIY pond made of film.

The main question when creating a pond is how to make it waterproof. There are several types of pond waterproofing - film, clay castle, concrete and rigid form installation.

Installing a rigid mold is a simple and durable method, but they usually come in small sizes up to 3.5 square meters. meters. Their service life is 10-50 years.

Waterproofing with concrete is the most expensive; in addition, to protect it from frost, it requires additional treatment with a frost-resistant agent and liquid glass.

A clay castle is the cheapest in terms of materials, but the most labor-intensive. In order to waterproof a pit with clay, the compacted soil is covered with wood ash or soot. Then a 15 cm layer of clay dough is applied to the walls and compacted. When the layer dries, apply a second 30 cm. When the layer is almost dry, crushed stone is poured onto it, slightly pressing it into the layer.

The optimal solution for the construction of ponds with an area of ​​more than 5-6 sq.m. - film waterproofing.

How much film is needed for a pond:
Film length= pond length + 2 pond depth + 50 cm margin for fasteners.
Film width= pond width + 2 pond depth + 50 cm margin for fasteners.

The film is available in widths from 2 to 10 m and lengths of 10-50 m. Knowing your needs, you can choose the optimal roll. Buy the film before digging a pit; this will allow you to cover it immediately when the pit is ready, preventing its edges from fraying.
Which film to choose for a pond.
PVC film for a pond is cheaper, but over time it is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, its service life is 8-10 years.
Butyl rubber fabric is more expensive, but has protection from both ultraviolet and cold. The service life of such film is 50 years.

DIY pond construction photo.

A do-it-yourself pond begins with marking a pit. The curved shape can be marked with a hose. We remove the turf along the coastline and remove the soil with a bayonet - this will be the line of the swamp zone, then the next level of soil is removed inside the resulting border, and so on. As a result, our terraces will be 50 cm wide with slopes of 20 cm. When the pit for the pond is ready, all solid objects that can damage the film: stones, roots, etc. , we remove. We level and compact the walls and bottom of the pit.

Before work, the film is laid for several hours in a sunny place so that when it warms up, it becomes more elastic. Film installation is done in warm weather. Overlapping panels of geotextile or felt are laid on the compacted pit; they are needed to protect the waterproofing film from protruding roots and stones over time.

A waterproofing film is spread on top of the geotextile with a margin of 50 cm along the edges of the pit. The edges are temporarily fixed with stones. The film is allowed to sag a little, smoothing and leveling it to the shape of the pit.

The film inside the swimming area can be protected with dry stones stacked on top of each other.

Instead of stones, you can use bags of gravel or sand. But keep in mind that it is more convenient to care for a pond with film walls. – it is easier to clean it from silt and mud.

Fill the pit with water in portions, removing air bubbles from under the film.

When the pond is completely filled with water, securely fix the ends of the film in a trench, which is made at a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the pit. In a trench 20 cm deep, the edges of the film are wrapped in a roll and covered with stones and pebbles.

We make a pond with our own hands. Coastal decoration.

After you have made a pond with your own hands, before you start decorating the shore, you need to water it generously and wait 2-3 days, because... shrinkage is possible. In addition, during this time the water in the pond will settle.
We mask the film on the shore with crushed stones, stones, and snags. We plant plants in shallow water. A pond needs plants that saturate the water with oxygen. There are many suitable plants - reeds, crabgrass, iris, bathwort, marigold, arrowhead. Any plant that grows on the shore of a natural body of water will be suitable for your pond. Don't forget about algae, such as hornwort, which just floats in the water. Deciduous ornamental shrubs are best planted behind marsh grasses, which are planted directly on the shore.

Illumination adds additional charm to the pond.

Floating flower beds look seductive on the surface of the pond.

Pond safety.

If there are very young children in the family, then perhaps the construction of a pond should be postponed until they are older. It is necessary to consider visiting the pond by elderly people and school-age children. Make a convenient ladder to enter the pond, don't forget to clean it so it doesn't become slippery! It is better to cover all other sides of the pond, except the entrance, with plants.

Pond care.

The new pond will take on its natural appearance over the course of a year - while it forms its own ecosystem. The small world of your pond is very vulnerable. The pond may quickly heat up or freeze, water may evaporate, or the pond may overflow after rain. This puts stress on aquatic life that cannot immediately transition to a safer, more stable environment.

Therefore, your pond, like any living organism, requires care. On a hot day, you need to add water, use a net to collect debris that floats on the surface, check whether the plants have grown or perhaps something has not taken root and needs to be replanted. However, a surprising number of life forms will colonize your new pond; they will quickly explore new waters and will stay if conditions suit them.

The quiet splash of water is the most enchanting melody of a hot summer; water bewitches, attracts and seduces us with a playful play of light, transparent depth and invigorating coolness. A DIY pond will give your dacha a special charm.