Individual heating point (IHP): diagram, principle of operation, operation. Individual heating point (ITP)

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Homeowners know what share of utility bills is the cost of providing heat. Heating and hot water are what a comfortable existence depends on, especially in the cold season. However, not everyone knows that these costs can be significantly reduced, for which it is necessary to switch to the use of individual heating points (IHP).

Disadvantages of central heating

The traditional central heating scheme works like this: from the central boiler house, the coolant flows through the mains to the centralized heating station, where it is distributed through intra-block pipelines to consumers (buildings and houses). The temperature and pressure of the coolant are controlled centrally, in the central boiler room, with uniform values ​​for all buildings.

In this case, heat losses are possible along the route when the same amount of coolant is transferred to buildings located at different distances from the boiler room. In addition, the architecture of a microdistrict usually consists of buildings of various heights and designs. Therefore, the same parameters of the coolant at the exit from the boiler room do not mean the same input parameters of the coolant in each building.

The use of ITP became possible due to a change in the heat supply regulation scheme. The ITP principle is based on the fact that heat regulation is carried out directly at the coolant inlet into the building, exclusively and individually for it. For this heating equipment located in an automated individual heating station - in the basement of a building, on the first floor or in a separate building.

Operating principle of ITP

An individual heating point is a set of equipment with the help of which the accounting and distribution of thermal energy and coolant in the heating system of a specific consumer (building) is carried out. The ITP is connected to the distribution mains of the city heat and water supply network.

The work of the ITP is based on the principle of autonomy: depending on outside temperature the equipment changes the temperature of the coolant in accordance with the calculated values ​​and supplies it to the heating system of the house. The consumer no longer depends on the length of highways and intra-block pipelines. But heat retention is entirely up to the consumer and depends on the technical condition of the building and heat conservation methods.

Individual heating points have the following advantages:

  • regardless of the length of the heating mains, it is possible to ensure the same heating parameters for all consumers,
  • the ability to provide an individual operating mode (for example, for medical institutions),
  • There is no problem of heat loss on the heating main; instead, heat loss depends on the homeowner ensuring the insulation of the house.

The ITP includes hot and cold water supply systems, as well as heating and ventilation systems. Structurally, ITP is a complex of devices: collectors, pipelines, pumps, various heat exchangers, regulators and sensors. This complex system, requiring configuration, mandatory prevention and maintenance, while technical condition ITP directly affects heat consumption. At the ITP, coolant parameters such as pressure, temperature and flow are controlled. These parameters can be controlled by the dispatcher, in addition, the data is transmitted to the heating network dispatch service for recording and monitoring.

In addition to direct heat distribution, ITP helps to take into account and optimize consumption costs. Comfortable conditions with economical consumption of energy resources - this is the main advantage of using ITP.

Individual heating point allows you to provide heat supply, hot water supply and forced ventilation in a separate building (residential building, housing and communal services facility, industrial building).

The tasks of an individual heating point include converting the coolant and regulating its parameters, rational distribution of the coolant, protecting thermal energy consumption systems from dangerous excesses of the parameters (pressure, temperature) of the coolant, accounting for heat consumption and the coolant itself.

There are three types of individual heating points (IHP) depending on power:

  • small (up to 40 kW);
  • medium (from 40 to 50 kW);
  • large (from 50kW to 2MW).

Small and medium-sized ITPs are intended for private houses with a small number of residents, large ones - for apartment buildings and industrial facilities. The choice of an individual heating point should be based on engineering calculations.

Individual heating points provide users with many advantages. For example, a reduction in accident rates is ensured by excluding hot water supply from the general network. Material costs for thermal insulation and building materials. Investments in heating networks are reduced by reducing the length of the pipeline by half. Heat losses during transportation to the end consumer are also halved, and the amount of electricity required to supply coolant to the subscriber is reduced by 25-40%. Automation of heat supply and hot water allows you to save up to 15% of thermal energy, as well as provide the most comfortable microclimate by regulating the temperature in heating systems and water pressure. Payment for the use of hot water supply and heating occurs on an actual basis, and not on an average basis - this is ensured thanks to specialized metering devices. Installation costs in-house systems heating can be reduced through the use of polymer pipes, as well as the use of pipes of smaller diameter. Besides, factory production allows you to reduce time and labor costs for the installation process of a heating point and this also ensures greater reliability of the heat and water supply networks. ITP is usually located in basement, which makes it possible not to pay for the land occupied by the point.

Installation of an individual heating point

The most common ITP scheme includes the following nodes:

  • heating network input;
  • accounting of thermal energy consumption;
  • coordination of pressures between heat supply and heat consumption systems;
  • connection of ventilation systems;
  • connection of hot water supply systems;
  • connection of heating systems;
  • replenishment of independently connected ventilation and heating systems.

Mandatory components when designing an individual heating point are units for metering thermal energy consumption, network input and pressure coordination. The configuration of other components and their quantity may vary depending on the project.

Operating principle of ITP

Cold water coming from the city water supply system to the ITP is distributed into two parts: the first is supplied to the user, the second is heated and supplied to the hot water supply circuit. Part of the heat in a closed circuit is consumed, so its temperature must be constantly maintained.

In an individual heating point, the heating system is a closed circuit through which the coolant (usually water) moves through circulation pumps from the ITP to the subscriber and in the opposite direction. Naturally, coolant leaks may occur, to compensate for which an IHP make-up system using city networks is connected.

Installation of an individual heating point

The first stage of ITP installation is equipment configuration. After this, the equipment is installed in unified system and connects to pipelines. Then comes the stage electrical installation work and assembly of the control and measuring part. After this, commissioning work is carried out and the final stage is the delivery of the finished object to the Technical Inspectorate and the customer.

Input nodes are equipped with steel shut-off valves, which can be connected to the pipeline either by welding or using flanges. It should be remembered that when installing the input unit, the nominal diameter of the pipeline must exceed 32 mm. Although a strainer can be used in pipelines, installation of a customer sump tank is also necessary because it helps protect the filter strainer from deformation and damage from solid particles. SNiP 41-02-2003 regulates the installation of mud traps in ITP before control devices on the return pipeline in mandatory. If it is intended to install IHP to fill heating systems connected to a closed heating network according to a dependent circuit, it is allowed to install the input unit on a jumper with a diameter of 20 to 32 mm without a mud pan.

The installation of a heat metering unit for an individual heating point is developed separately, and the design of this unit must be carried out in accordance with the regulations of the “Rules for the metering of thermal energy and coolant”. Thermal energy consumption metering devices are heat meters, the design of which has been approved government organizations. When choosing a flow meter, care must be taken to ensure that real consumption coolant did not exceed limits dynamic range devices. When designing a heat consumption metering unit, as well as the entire individual heating point, one should take into account possible pressure losses in flow meters.

The pressure matching unit is necessary to protect coolant systems from emptying and from boiling of the coolant when overheated. This node also provides required pressure coolant in systems, limits the maximum coolant flow rate, and automatically regulates the hydraulic balancing of heating networks. During installation in case of open system heating system, it is recommended to install a temperature regulator direct action in the DHW mixing unit after the differential pressure regulator. The optimal location for the differential pressure regulator to protect it from overloads and increase service life is the return pipeline.

For closed heating systems as heaters tap water In the ITP hot water supply system, it is better to use plate or capacitive water heaters. The second option is suitable for small ITPs, or for ITPs with limited hot water consumption.

Safety measures and operating conditions of ITP

The operating personnel of an individual heating point must have the appropriate qualifications and must familiarize themselves with the operating rules specified in the technical documentation.

It is forbidden to put the pumps into operation in the absence of water and with the inlet fittings closed. During operation, you need to check the pressure according to the pressure gauges at the inlet and outlet; control the heating of the electric motor; monitor the absence of extraneous noise and avoid increased vibration.

It is not allowed to disassemble the regulators when there is pressure in the system, and it is not allowed to use excessive force when manually operating the valve.

Pipelines and heat consumption systems must be flushed before connection.

An individual heating point is designed to save heat and regulate supply parameters. This is a complex located in a separate room. Can be used privately or apartment building. ITP (individual heating point), what it is, how it works and functions, let’s take a closer look.

ITP: tasks, functions, purpose

By definition, an IHP is a heating point that heats buildings completely or partially. The complex receives energy from the network (central heating station, central heating point or boiler house) and distributes it to consumers:

  • DHW (hot water supply);
  • heating;
  • ventilation.

At the same time, it is possible to regulate, since the heating mode in the living room, basement, and warehouse is different. The ITP is assigned the following main tasks.

  • Heat consumption accounting.
  • Protection against accidents, control of parameters for safety.
  • Disabling the consumption system.
  • Even heat distribution.
  • Adjustment of characteristics, control of temperature and other parameters.
  • Coolant conversion.

To install ITP, buildings are modernized, which is not cheap, but brings benefits. The point is located in a separate technical or basement room, an extension to the house or a separate building located nearby.

Benefits of having an ITP

Significant costs for the creation of an ITP are allowed in connection with the benefits that follow from the presence of a point in the building.

  • Cost-effective (in terms of consumption - by 30%).
  • Reduce operating costs by up to 60%.
  • Heat consumption is controlled and taken into account.
  • Optimization of modes reduces losses by up to 15%. The time of day, weekends, and weather are taken into account.
  • Heat is distributed according to consumption conditions.
  • Consumption can be adjusted.
  • The type of coolant is subject to change if necessary.
  • Low accident rate, high operational safety.
  • Full automation of the process.
  • Silence.
  • Compactness, dependence of dimensions on load. The item can be placed in the basement.
  • Maintenance of heating points does not require numerous personnel.
  • Provides comfort.
  • The equipment is completed to order.

Controlled heat consumption and the ability to influence performance are attractive in terms of savings and rational resource consumption. Therefore, it is believed that the costs are recouped within an acceptable period.

Types of TP

The difference between TPs is in the number and types of consumption systems. Features of the type of consumer predetermine the design and characteristics of the required equipment. The method of installation and placement of the complex in the room differs. The following types are distinguished.

  • ITP for a single building or part thereof, located in the basement, technical room or nearby structure.
  • Central heating center - the central heating center serves a group of buildings or objects. Located in one of the basements or a separate building.
  • BTP - block heating point. Includes one or more units manufactured and supplied in a factory. It features compact installation and is used to save space. Can perform the function of ITP or TsTP.

Operating principle

The design diagram depends on the energy source and specific consumption. The most popular is independent, for closed DHW systems. The operating principle of ITP is as follows.

  1. The heat carrier arrives at the point through a pipeline, giving the temperature to the heating, hot water and ventilation heaters.
  2. The coolant goes into the return pipeline to the heat generating enterprise. Reusable, but some may be used by the consumer.
  3. Heat losses are replenished by make-up available in thermal power plants and boiler houses (water treatment).
  4. IN thermal installation Tap water enters, passing through the cold water pump. Part of it goes to the consumer, the rest is heated by the 1st stage heater, sent to the DHW circuit.
  5. The DHW pump moves water in a circle, passing through the consumer's TP, and returns with partial flow.
  6. The 2nd stage heater operates regularly when the liquid loses heat.

Coolant (in in this case- water) moves along the contour, which is facilitated by 2 circulation pump. Its leaks are possible, which are replenished by replenishment from the primary heating network.

Schematic diagram

This or that ITP scheme has features that depend on the consumer. A central heat supplier is important. The most common option is closed system DHW with independent heating connection. A heat carrier enters the TP through a pipeline, is sold when heating water for the systems, and is returned. For return, there is a return pipeline going to the main line to the central point - the heat generation enterprise.

Heating and hot water supply are arranged in the form of circuits through which the coolant moves with the help of pumps. The first is usually designed as a closed cycle with possible leaks replenished from the primary network. And the second circuit is circular, equipped with pumps for hot water supply, supplying water to the consumer for consumption. When heat is lost, heating is carried out by the second heating stage.

ITP for different consumption purposes

Being equipped for heating, the IHP has an independent circuit in which a plate heat exchanger with 100% load is installed. Pressure loss is prevented by installing a double pump. Make-up is carried out from the return pipeline in the heating networks. Additionally, the TP is equipped with metering devices, a DHW unit if other necessary components are available.

ITP intended for hot water supply is an independent circuit. In addition, it is parallel and single-stage, equipped with two plate heat exchangers loaded at 50%. There are pumps that compensate for the decrease in pressure, and metering devices. The presence of other nodes is assumed. Such heat points operate according to an independent scheme.

This is interesting! The principle of implementation of district heating for heating system can be based on a plate heat exchanger with 100% load. And the DHW has a two-stage scheme with two similar devices, loaded by 1/2 each. Pumps for various purposes compensate for the decreasing pressure and recharge the system from the pipeline.

For ventilation, a plate heat exchanger with 100% load is used. DHW is provided to two such devices loaded at 50%. Through the operation of several pumps, the pressure level is compensated and replenishment is provided. Addition - accounting device.

Installation steps

During installation, the TP of a building or facility undergoes a step-by-step procedure. The mere desire of the residents in an apartment building is not enough.

  • Obtaining consent from the owners of premises in a residential building.
  • Application to heat supply companies for design in a specific house, development of technical specifications.
  • Issuance of technical specifications.
  • Inspection of a residential or other facility for the project, determining the presence and condition of equipment.
  • The automatic TP will be designed, developed and approved.
  • An agreement is concluded.
  • The ITP project for a residential building or other facility is being implemented and tests are being carried out.

Attention! All stages can be completed in a couple of months. The responsibility is entrusted to the responsible specialized organization. To be successful, a company must be well established.

Operational safety

The automatic heating point is serviced by properly qualified workers. The staff is introduced to the rules. There are also prohibitions: the automation does not start if there is no water in the system, the pumps are not turned on if the input is closed shut-off valves.
Requires control:

  • pressure parameters;
  • noises;
  • vibration level;
  • engine heating.

The control valve must not be subjected to excessive force. If the system is under pressure, the regulators are not disassembled. Before starting, the pipelines are flushed.

Permission to operate

The operation of AITP complexes (automated ITP) requires obtaining permission, for which documentation is provided to Energonadzor. These are technical connection conditions and a certificate of their implementation. Needed:

  • agreed upon design documentation;
  • act of responsibility for operation, balance of ownership from the parties;
  • act of readiness;
  • heating points must have a passport with heat supply parameters;
  • readiness of the thermal energy metering device - document;
  • certificate of existence of an agreement with the energy company for the provision of heat supply;
  • work acceptance certificate from the installation company;
  • An order appointing someone responsible for the maintenance, serviceability, repair and safety of the ATP (automated heating point);
  • list of persons responsible for maintenance of AITP installations and their repair;
  • a copy of the welder’s qualification document, certificates for electrodes and pipes;
  • acts on other actions, as-built diagram of an automated heating point facility, including pipelines, fittings;
  • certificate for pressure testing, flushing of heating, hot water supply, which includes an automated point;
  • briefing

An admission certificate is drawn up, logs are kept: operational, on instructions, issuance of work orders, detection of defects.

ITP of an apartment building

An automated individual heating point in a multi-storey residential building transports heat from central heating stations, boiler houses or combined heat and power plants (CHP) to heating, hot water supply and ventilation. Such innovations (automatic heating point) save up to 40% or more of thermal energy.

Attention! The system uses the source − heating networks to which it connects. The need for coordination with these organizations.

A lot of data is required to calculate modes, loads and savings results for payments in housing and communal services. Without this information, the project will not be completed. Without approval, the ITP will not issue permission to operate. Residents receive the following benefits.

  • Greater accuracy of temperature maintenance devices.
  • Heating is carried out with a calculation that includes the state of the outside air.
  • The amounts for services on housing and communal services bills are being reduced.
  • Automation simplifies facility maintenance.
  • Reduced repair costs and personnel numbers.
  • Finances are saved on the consumption of thermal energy from a centralized supplier (boiler houses, combined heat and power plants, central heating stations).

Bottom line: how the savings happen

The heating point of the heating system is equipped with a metering unit upon commissioning, which is a guarantee of savings. Heat consumption readings are taken from the devices. Accounting itself does not reduce costs. The source of savings is the possibility of changing modes and the absence of overestimation of indicators on the part of energy supply companies, their precise determination. It will be impossible to attribute additional costs, leakages, and expenses to such a consumer. Payback occurs within 5 months, as an average, with savings of up to 30%.

The supply of coolant from a centralized supplier - the heating main - is automated. Installation of a modern heating and ventilation unit allows you to take into account seasonal and daily temperature changes during operation. Correction mode is automatic. Heat consumption is reduced by 30% with a payback period of 2 to 5 years.

Central heating point (later central heating point) is one of the elements of the heating network located in urban settlements. It acts as a link between the main network and heat distribution networks that go directly to consumers of thermal energy (residential buildings, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.).

Typically, central heating points are located in separate buildings and serve several consumers. These are the so-called quarterly central heating centers. But sometimes such points are located in the technical (attic) or basement of a building and are intended to serve only this building. Such heating points are called individual heating points (ITP).

The main tasks of heating points are the distribution of coolant and the protection of heating networks from water hammer and leaks. Also in the TP the temperature and pressure of the coolant are controlled and regulated. Temperature of water entering heating devices, subject to adjustment relative to the outside air temperature. That is, the colder it is outside, the higher the temperature supplied to the heating distribution networks.

Features of the operation of central heating stations, installation of heating points

Central heating points can operate according to a dependent scheme, when the coolant from the main network flows directly to consumers. In this case, the central heating station acts as a distribution unit - the coolant is divided for the hot water supply system (DHW) and the heating system. But the quality of hot water flowing from our taps with a dependent connection scheme often causes complaints from consumers.

In independent operating mode, the building The central heating station is equipped special heaters - boilers. In this case, superheated water (from the main pipeline) heats the water passing through the secondary circuit, which subsequently goes to consumers.

The dependent scheme is economically beneficial for thermal power plants. She doesn't demand permanent presence personnel in the central heating center building. With this scheme, they are mounted automatic systems, which allow you to remotely control the equipment of central heating points and regulate the main parameters of the coolant (temperature, pressure).

Central heating stations are equipped with various devices and units. Shut-off and control valves, hot water supply and heating pumps, control and automation devices (temperature regulators, pressure regulators), water-water heaters and other devices are installed in the buildings of heating points.

In addition to working heating and hot water pumps, backup pumps must be present. The operation scheme of all equipment in the central heating center is thought out in such a way that the work does not stop even in emergency situations. In the event of a prolonged power outage or in the event of an emergency, residents will not be left without hot water and heating for long. In this case, emergency coolant supply lines will be activated.

Only qualified workers are allowed to service equipment directly connected to heating networks.

The block-type central heating point will have reliable equipment. Reason and differences from the notorious TsTP? Thermal units from a Western manufacturer have almost no spare elements. As a rule, such heating points are equipped with soldered heat exchangers, which are at least one and a half, or even two times cheaper than collapsible ones. But it is important to say that thermal central points of this type will have a relatively small mass and dimensions. IHP elements are cleaned chemically - in fact, this is the main reason why such heat exchangers can last about a decade.

Main stages of central heating station design

An integral part capital construction or reconstruction of the central heating point is its design. It refers to complex step-by-step actions aimed at calculating and creating an accurate diagram of a heating point, obtaining the necessary approvals from the supplying organization. Also, the design of a central heating station includes consideration of all issues directly related to the configuration, operation and maintenance of equipment for a heating substation.

On initial stage During the design of the central heating station, the necessary information is collected, which is subsequently necessary to carry out calculations of equipment parameters. To do this, first install total length pipeline communications. This information is of particular value to the designer. In addition, the collection of information includes information about temperature conditions buildings. This information is subsequently necessary for correct settings equipment.

When designing central heating stations, it is necessary to indicate safety measures for the operation of equipment. To do this, you need information about the structure of the entire building - the location of the premises, their area and other necessary information.

Coordination with the relevant authorities.

All documents that include the design of a central heating point must be agreed upon with municipal operating authorities. To quickly obtain a positive result, it is important to correctly draw up all project documentation. Since the implementation of the project and the construction of a central heating point is carried out only after the approval procedure is completed. Otherwise, the project needs to be revised.

The documentation for the design of a central heating station, in addition to the project itself, must contain an explanatory note. It contains the necessary information and valuable instructions for installers who will install the central heating unit. The explanatory note indicates the order of work, their sequence and necessary tools for installation.

Drawing up an explanatory note - final stage. This document ends the design of the central heating station. In their work, installers must follow the instructions set out in the explanatory note.

With a careful approach to the development of a central heating station project and the correct calculation of the necessary parameters and operating modes, it is possible to achieve safe work equipment and its long-term flawless operation. Therefore, it is important to consider not only the nominal values, but also the power reserve.

This is extremely important aspect, since it is the power reserve that will keep the heat supply point in working order after an accident or a sudden overload. The normal functioning of a heating point directly depends on correctly drawn up documents.

Installation manual for central heating unit

Besides the drafting a central heating point the design documentation must also contain an explanatory note that contains instructions for installers on how to use various technologies When installing a heating substation, this document indicates the sequence of work, type of tools, etc.

An explanatory note is a document, the drafting of which ends the design of a central heating substation, and which must be followed by installers when installation work. Strictly following the recommendations written in this important document, will guarantee the normal functioning of the equipment of the central heating point in accordance with the provided design characteristics.

The design of central heating stations also involves the development of regulations for the current and service central heating equipment. Careful development of this part of the design documentation allows you to extend the life of the equipment, as well as increase the safety of its use.

Central heating point - installation

When installing a central heating substation, certain stages of the work performed remain unchanged. The first step is to draw up a project. It takes into account the main features of the operation of the central heating station, such as the amount of area served, the distance for laying pipes, and, accordingly, the minimum capacity of the future boiler house. Afterwards, an in-depth analysis of the project and the technical documentation supplied with it is carried out to exclude all possible errors and inaccuracies to ensure the normal functionality of the mounted central heating stations long time. An estimate is drawn up, then everything is purchased necessary equipment. The next step is the installation of the heating main. It directly includes the laying of the pipeline and installation of equipment.

What is a heating point?

Heating point- this is a special room where the complex is located technical devices, which are elements of thermal power plants. Thanks to these elements, the connection of power plants to the heating network, operability, the ability to control different heat consumption modes, regulation, transformation of the parameters of the coolant, as well as the distribution of the coolant according to the types of consumption are ensured.

An individual - only a heating point, unlike a central one, can also be installed in a cottage. Please note that such heating points do not require the constant presence of maintenance personnel. Once again, it compares favorably with the central heating point. And in general, ITP maintenance, in fact, consists only of checking for leaks. The heat exchanger of the heating point is capable of independently cleaning itself from the scale that appears here - this is the merit of the lightning-fast temperature drop during the analysis of hot water.

A heating point, or abbreviated as TP, is a set of equipment located in a separate room that provides heating and hot water supply to a building or group of buildings. The main difference between a heating substation and a boiler room is that in the boiler room the coolant is heated due to fuel combustion, and the heating point works with heated coolant coming from a centralized system. Heating of the coolant for transformer substations is carried out by heat generating enterprises - industrial boiler houses and thermal power plants. Central heating station is a heating point serving a group of buildings, for example, microdistrict, urban settlement, industrial enterprise etc. The need for a central heating point is determined individually for each region based on technical and economic calculations; as a rule, one central heating point is built for a group of objects with a heat consumption of 12-35 MW

The central heating unit, depending on its purpose, consists of 5-8 blocks. The coolant is superheated water up to 150°C. Central heating stations, consisting of 5-7 blocks, are designed for heat loads from 1.5 to 11.5 Gcal/h. The blocks are manufactured according to standard albums developed by Mosproekt-1 JSC issues from 1 (1982) to 14 (1999) “Central heating points of heat supply systems”, “Factory-made blocks”, “Factory-made engineering equipment blocks for individual and central heating points", as well as individual projects. Depending on the type and number of heaters, the diameter of pipelines, piping and shut-off and control valves, the blocks have different weights and overall dimensions.

For a better understanding of the functions and principles of operation of the central heating station Let's give a brief description of heating networks. Heating networks consist of pipelines and provide transportation of coolant. They are primary, connecting heat generating enterprises with heating points, and secondary, connecting central heating stations with end consumers. From this definition we can conclude that central heating stations are an intermediary between primary and secondary heating networks or heat generating enterprises and end consumers. Next, we describe in detail the main functions of the central heating center.

4.2.2 Problems solved by heating points

Let us describe in more detail the tasks solved by central heating points:

    transformation of the coolant, for example, turning steam into superheated water

    changing various parameters of the coolant, such as pressure, temperature, etc.

    coolant flow control

    distribution of coolant across heating and hot water supply systems

    water treatment for hot water supply

    protection of secondary heating networks from increasing coolant parameters

    ensuring heating or hot water supply is turned off if necessary

    control of coolant flow and other system parameters, automation and control

4.2.3 Construction of heating points

Below is a schematic diagram of a heating point

The TP scheme depends, on the one hand, on the characteristics of the thermal energy consumers served by the heating point, and on the other hand, on the characteristics of the source supplying the TP with thermal energy. Further, as the most common, we consider a TP with a closed hot water supply system and an independent connection circuit for the heating system.

The coolant entering the TP through the thermal input supply pipeline gives off its heat in the heaters of hot water supply (DHW) and heating systems, and also enters the consumer ventilation system, after which it returns to the return pipeline of the thermal input and is sent back to the heat generating enterprise through the main networks. for reuse. Some of the coolant may be consumed by the consumer. To replenish losses in primary heating networks at boiler houses and thermal power plants, there are make-up systems, the sources of coolant for which are the water treatment systems of these enterprises.

Tap water entering the TP passes through the cold water pumps, after which part of the cold water is sent to consumers, and the other part is heated in the first stage DHW heater and enters the circulation circuit of the DHW system. In the circulation circuit, water, with the help of hot water supply circulation pumps, moves in a circle from the heating substation to the consumers and back, and consumers take water from the circuit as needed. As water circulates through the circuit, it gradually releases its heat and in order to maintain the water temperature at a given level, it is constantly heated in the second stage DHW heater.

The heating system also represents a closed loop through which the coolant moves with the help of heating circulation pumps from the heating substations to the building heating system and back. During operation, coolant leaks may occur from the heating system circuit. To make up for losses, a heating point recharge system is used, using primary heating networks as a source of coolant.