Construction of houses from wood concrete blocks. Briefly about building a house from wood concrete with your own hands

Construction from wood concrete blocks is gaining momentum in Moscow and the Moscow region. Arbolit (in other words - wood concrete) remains one of the unique building materials. An environmentally friendly product, mainly consisting of organic fillers, has optimal characteristics for the construction of residential two- and three-story houses, agricultural and industrial buildings.

Due to its excellent thermal conductivity and sound insulation, resistance to biological effects, high frost and fire resistance, as well as ease of processing with any tools, wood concrete is in demand for construction market for many years. The main proof of the favorable price-quality ratio of this material There are wood concrete houses built in the mid-60s in the Soviet Union and have not yet lost their strength characteristics.

Construction of a house from wood concrete. What is the reason for the choice of material?

Arbolite consists of an organic filler (most often wood chips, shavings), cement, water and a chemical additive.

GOST defines the use of wood chips, sawdust, rice straw, flax, cotton as an organic filler for wood concrete. Depending on the components and purpose, heat-insulating and structural types of material are distinguished. Both have a number of technical characteristics distinguishing them from similar building materials:

  • low weight of products;
  • high heat capacity;
  • long service life;
  • special durability;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • good soundproofing.

An equally important advantage is the absence of shrinkage processes. The minimum reduction in the size of the block can be triggered by the large weight of the roof, ceilings and is observed only the first few months after the construction of the building.

The water absorption of wood concrete varies from 75 to 85%, which means that when pouring from above onto the block, water easily penetrates inside, but does not stay there. Therefore, when building a house from wood concrete Special attention need to be given to the exterior, thereby considering protection against moisture from the environment.

In all respects, wood concrete is ahead of its construction counterparts and is a profitable investment. Union best qualities stone and wood guarantees high strength indicators to the buildings of wood concrete houses and at the same time maintaining the ability of the walls to "breathe".

It must be remembered that blocks made in artisanal, home conditions may be inferior in some characteristics of products created industrially... MARSi GROUP company is engaged in the production and sale of wood concrete in the Moscow region and offers high quality low prices... Turning to us, you can always be sure that the building material meets the declared characteristics.

We are building a house from wood concrete. Process features

It is not difficult to build a house from wood concrete; for this it is enough to know some of the features of the material and follow the recommendations of specialists.

MARSi GROUP pays special attention to the characteristics of the building material. We build houses from wood concrete High Quality in Moscow, Balashikha, Domodedov, Dubna, Kolomna, Krasnogorsk, Serpukhov, Chekhov, Korolev, Podolsk, Elektrostal and other cities and towns of the Moscow region.

In some cases, our specialists make their choice in favor of the monolithic construction of low-rise buildings. This approach uses removable or non-removable formwork and fabricates the material on site. The monolith eliminates the presence of cold bridges, and, therefore, improves thermal insulation characteristics the whole house. Experts recommend installing a monolithic base, but they do not exclude the possibility of using the usual lightweight strip foundation.

Construction stages

The rules of wood concrete construction are not much different from other materials and require compliance with the main stages of the work.

Development and design of the project

It is important to take into account that wood concrete is intended for the construction of one-, two- and three-story houses. Walls made of this material will not withstand a greater load. The most common layout option for a two-story house: on the ground floor there is a living room, an entrance hall, a kitchen combined with a dining room, a bathroom, a boiler room; on the second floor there are bedrooms, a spacious hall, a bathroom, a storage room.

Carrying out land works, pouring the foundation

The base is deepened below the level of soil freezing in accordance with the established markings. The average dimensions of the trench are 50 × 30 cm. A formwork is being built, which is filled with sand, a reinforcing cage (10 mm in diameter), and M300 concrete. The foundation is designed to protect the wood concrete walls from moisture, so it rises above the ground by at least half a meter.

Arbolite blocks masonry

For masonry, a cement-perlite mortar is used, consisting of perlite, cement, water, air-entraining additives, in a ratio of 1: 5 or ordinary cement-sandy 1: 3. To prevent moisture from penetrating into the blocks during laying, they are abundantly moistened with water in advance. This way the solution does not lose its adhesive strength.

Conducting communications

In addition to the main work with communications, it is necessary to lay blocks intended for the ventilation duct in one of the internal partitions.

Installation of floors between floors

These floors are concrete slabs that resemble a strip foundation and evenly distribute the load from the weight of the building materials. With the help of wood concrete blocks, they are insulated around the perimeter.

It is important, in order to avoid deformation of the walls and to facilitate the construction of the entire building, hollow blocks should be used for the second and third floors.

This stage is also preceded by the installation of a reinforced cement screed, which has the same functions as floors between floors. As a material for the roof, bituminous or metal tiles are used.

External and internal finishing

Any material is suitable for a fine exterior finish of an arbolite wall: brick, plaster, siding, lining, timber and much more. This allows you to design the house in accordance with any wishes of the owner. Interior decoration also does not have any restrictions, although most often experts choose wood as the main material.

It is easy to build a house from wood concrete in a fairly short time. It is easy to lay block elements, you do not need to use heavy equipment - you can do it in a couple of months. Since there is no shrinkage process, you can start external finishing immediately. All this not only minimizes the construction time, but also reduces material costs.

Arbolite houses: pros and cons

The advantages of low-rise buildings made of wood concrete are many. Let's list the main ones.

The dream of any person living in a stuffy and gray city sooner or later becomes his own Vacation home made of environmentally friendly material, reliable and durable, comfortable for year-round use. A building made of wood concrete blocks meets all these requirements.

Despite a number of advantages, this building material also has disadvantages, which you also need to be aware of.

  • The influence of moisture on the structure of the wood concrete block. The liquid freely penetrates into the interior of the product and evaporates in the same way. Therefore, it is so important to protect the walls with special finishing materials.
  • Low-rise construction. For the construction of a four-story and higher building, wood concrete is no longer suitable because of the likelihood of its deformation under the weight of ceilings and beams.

If you, as a future home owner, are not afraid of the disadvantages of using wood concrete in construction, without hesitation, give preference to this versatile building material.

Turnkey construction from wood concrete blocks in the Moscow region

The company MARSi GROUP has been engaged in the construction of one-story (as well as two-, three-) houses from wood concrete for several years in Moscow, the Moscow region: in Kolomna, Lyubertsy, Noginsk, Serpukhov, Protvino, Shatura, Fryazino and other cities of the region. Our qualified specialists have extensive experience in the design, as well as the construction of residential and industrial buildings from wood concrete. We are ready to take into account all the wishes of the future owner and take full responsibility for the construction work. We offer services:

  • project creation;
  • land works;
  • selection and filling of the base;
  • turnkey construction of a house;
  • designer services;
  • gardening, landscape design;
  • commissioning.

If you still doubt the choice and ask the question: how much does an arbolite house cost? Be aware that in cooperation with our company, you can count on an additional reduction in the cost of a building under construction. This is due to the fact that we not only conduct and fully control the construction process, from project development to commissioning, but also independently produce wood concrete, which excludes the participation of third-party firms and manufacturers and frees the customer from paying additional funds for delivery and overpayments for the main cost of construction materials.

For more information on product features, construction processes and green residential and turnkey construction, please contact our company. At your request, managers will calculate the cost of blocks and additional services.

Building a house is a very important undertaking. Its effectiveness directly depends on the availability quality materials and the exact observance of the building construction technology. When choosing materials, preference is given to those with which you can build a durable and comfortable home... One of these materials is wood concrete (also called wood concrete).

In most cases, the construction of houses from wood concrete is advisable when erecting buildings that do not exceed 3 floors in height. From this material, you can equip internal walls and partitions, as well as erect garages and various outbuildings.

Arbolite consists of 3 main components:

  • organic filler;
  • portland cement;
  • modifying additives.

The organic filler is the waste of woodworking enterprises:

  • sawdust;
  • shavings;
  • chips.

Modifying additives are designed to improve the technical characteristics of wood concrete. They can be presented in various compositions:

  • improving bactericidal qualities;
  • accelerating the setting process of the material;
  • regulating the porosity of wood concrete, etc.

Often used for the manufacture of building material liquid glass and ash. By the way, this technology is patented.

Wood concrete production can be carried out both in the form of blocks and in the form of panels. Block material used for the construction of building walls. Standard size block for the construction of external walls is 0.3 * 0.2 * 0.5 m, internal walls and partitions - 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.5 m.

The thickness of the panels is 20-28 cm, the length is 2.3 m, and the width is 1.2 m. The main purpose of the panels is to insulate the exterior elements of the house from wood concrete.

Characteristics of wood concrete

In the manufacture of the material, the waste of wood processing enterprises is actually recycled. And the built house made of wood concrete (pictured) is lightweight, which leads to:

  • reducing the labor intensity of the building erection process;
  • reducing the cost of using special equipment;
  • simplification of installation work.

Walls made of wood concrete are less susceptible to deformation processes during the shrinkage of the house. For this reason, such structures will not be covered with cracks and other damage.

Arbolite has the following main characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • increased frost resistance;
  • excellent fire resistance;
  • excellent adhesion;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • strength and durability;
  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • small cost.

Due to its low thermal conductivity, a monolithic wood concrete house is characterized by excellent retention of warm air inside rooms in winter, and in summer it does not allow excessive heat penetration into the room.

Arbolite adheres to any facing material... This will not create any special problems when carrying out external and internal finishing work. Any material will be easily attached to wood concrete. And without the use of a reinforcing mesh.

Arbolite blocks or panels are easy to cut and drill. They can also be split. Thanks to these properties, the material can be quickly adjusted to size. Wood concrete can be both screwed in and nails driven.

Considering projects of houses made of wood concrete, one should also take into account the fact that the material has a porous structure. This significantly improves the soundproofing properties of the premises. Due to the difference in density between cement and wood, which are the main components of wood concrete, sound waves are naturally suppressed.

In addition, the porous structure of the material leads to excellent air exchange and the maintenance of optimal humidity. What will contribute to the creation of the most comfortable microclimate in the house.

The most attractive qualities of wood concrete are increased strength and long service life. Wood concrete blocks can withstand maximum loads. When the loads increase, the material works in bending, after which it returns to its original shape.

Due to the presence of additives in wood concrete and a dense cement coating, the appearance of mold and fungal deposits is prevented. This explains the long service life of the material, which reaches 35-40 years.

Among the disadvantages of wood concrete, it should be noted low moisture resistance. For this reason, it is not recommended to build baths, saunas, swimming pools and other rooms with high humidity from the material.

The nuances of self-production of material

Of course, ready-made wood concrete blocks can be purchased for building a house. But there is also a more economical option. It provides for their manufacture at home.

Preparatory stage

At the initial stage, the preparation of the filler is carried out. Sawdust or wood shavings are commonly used. The main requirement for the material is a minimum size of 4 * 5 * 0.5 cm. This is explained by the fact that the wood is soaked in moisture too quickly. And if the filler is smaller, then when mixed with cement, it will lose its quality.

  • for 3-4 months, wood processing waste lies in the open air;
  • after this time, they are treated with lime mortar (2.5 kg / 150 l of water);
  • the shavings are mixed for 3 days;
  • mortar should be absorbed and dry.

As additives to the wood concrete mixture, the following can be used:

  • slaked lime;
  • sulphide aluminum;
  • aluminum chloride or calcium.

Form making

After preparing the shavings, it is necessary to make molds with which wood concrete blocks will be obtained. If you need blocks to build a house different sizes, you will have to make several shapes.

The shape is a bottom and 4 side walls. Typically used as the main supporting structure wooden planks, which are sheathed with plywood or sheet of metal. The second option is more preferable, since it will be easier to remove the finished blocks from the sheet.

Linoleum can also be attached to the bottom of the mold. It does not need to be sprayed with water at all. But linoleum will have to be changed periodically, as it wears out quickly. To facilitate the work with the forms, they can be equipped with handles.

Preparation of the mixture

For the manufacture of 1 m³ of wood concrete solution, we need:

  • 250-300 kg of shavings;
  • 250-300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 10-35 kg of chemical additives;
  • 400 liters of water.

The process of making blocks from wood concrete includes the following stages:

  • shavings and additives are poured into a concrete mixer;
  • the mixture is covered with water and mixed;
  • Portland cement and water are added;
  • the solution is thoroughly mixed again;
  • forms are processed with lime;
  • the solution is placed in them and compacted.

The mortar is placed in the mold in such a way that 2-3 cm remain to its edge. On top, the arbolite is covered with a plaster mixture and leveled with a spatula. During the day, the block is kept. Then it is removed and placed under a canopy. After 2-3 weeks, you can build a building from the blocks made.

For the manufacture of wood concrete insulation boards, you can use ordinary reeds, which are mixed with lime and aluminum sulfate. To make a mortar, wood concrete with a density of 700 kg / m³ will have to be consumed:

  • 350 kg of cement;
  • 200 kg of dry reeds;
  • 8-40 kg of additives;
  • 400-430 liters of water.

Arbolite house foundation

Before you build a house from wood concrete with your own hands, you should create a reliable foundation. It should be mentioned right away that wood concrete is a material with low weight and high fracture strength. That's why special requirements to the type of foundation does not exist. In any case, wood concrete walls will not crack over time.

The best solution for an arbolite house would be to fill a shallow strip foundation. It makes no sense to dig a foundation to a depth that exceeds the level of soil freezing.

The trench is filled with sand and gravel. The thickness of each layer is 10 cm. A reinforcing cage is mounted on the sand-crushed stone cushion, which will make the base more durable. Formwork is made from boards. Then the concrete solution is poured.

A prerequisite for creating a foundation is its high-quality waterproofing. As noted above, wood concrete is afraid of moisture. You can solve this problem in one of two ways:

  1. The height of the foundation should be 0.5-0.7 m above the ground.
  2. Brick is being laid at a similar height, which serves as the basis for wood concrete blocks.

Home construction

The technology of mounting blocks from wood concrete is practically no different from brick or cinder block masonry. The process starts from the corners, after which the walls are erected. For laying wood concrete, a lime mortar diluted with a small amount of cement or a special perlite mixture is used.

Arbolite walls

To implement high-quality masonry walls, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • so that the wood concrete does not absorb moisture from the solution, the blocks must be abundantly moistened before laying;
  • the obligatory use of a protective moisture-resistant layer before the external finishing of the walls with a topcoat;
  • the absence of cold bridges, which lead to a loss of heat (they can be removed by breaking the mortar joint with wooden planks);
  • when erecting buildings that differ custom design, blocks of complex shape are used;
  • to cut wood concrete, use a stone saw or a regular hacksaw.

The widest blocks are used for the first row. The largest side of the wood concrete is placed at the base. The seam thickness should be within 1 cm.

If you need to lay a pipe through the block, then proceed as follows:

  • a form is made;
  • a pipe is inserted into it;
  • the solution is poured;
  • the form is parsed;
  • you get a block with a hole for the pipe.

If a two-story house is being built, then when arranging a floor, you need to create a rectangular structure that will be similar to a strip foundation.

Arbolite blocks are being installed along the perimeter of the house on the outside. They act as external formwork. Inner side amplified by a regular board. The reinforcement is fastened and the concrete is poured.

An integral ring is created from the reinforcement, which is a frame element for the interfloor floor. In fact, this ring acts as a base for concrete slabs.

External insulation of slabs is carried out using wood-concrete blocks. All joints are carefully sealed with masonry mortar. The minimum thickness of blocks for thermal insulation of the slabs is 15 cm. If there are projections (bay windows), the slabs are cut off.

Roof construction

The main task in the construction of the roof is the correct distribution of loads. To solve it, you can use one of two options:

  • device concrete screed, which is reinforced along the upper layer of wood concrete;
  • laying wooden beams on top of blocks.

The second option is more common. Beams (10 * 20 cm) are treated with an antiseptic and laid in 0.6 m increments. To create rafters, boards with a section of 20 * 5 cm are used. A waterproofing material is attached to the rafters.

For the device of the ridge, a 5 * 5 cm bar is used, which is screwed to the rafters. To create the lathing, you should use a 15 * 3.5 cm board. The step of its attachment is 25-30 cm. The board is covered with OSB sheets. As roofing material one of the varieties of modern tiles can be used.

Wood concrete finish

Wood concrete blocks have a rough surface. This ensures excellent grip on any finishing material without preparatory work.

There are many options for exterior decoration of an arbolite house:

  • siding;
  • brick;
  • lining;
  • block house;
  • ventilated facade;
  • acrylic urethane facade paint.

The only thing mandatory requirement- external finishing should be made with a material that will protect the wood concrete from moisture. The same goes for interior decoration premises. You can use any materials, but the humidity in the rooms should not exceed 75%.

Video about building a house from wood concrete

Building a house is a very responsible and important task, therefore, for her quality execution there are a lot of different details to consider. The choice of the building material from which the house will be erected largely determines the strength of the structure and the degree of comfort that the building will have. Today, for the construction of houses, arbolite (wood concrete) is increasingly used, which has a lot positive qualities, contributing to the growth of its popularity among builders. Many people prefer to build a house from wood concrete with their own hands, thereby significantly saving financial resources.

Wood concrete composition

Arbolit belongs to the group of lightweight concrete. It has a large-pore structure, 80% of the base of which is wood chips, characterized by a standardized size and uniform distribution in the mass of the material. The binder that gives the wood concrete a significant margin of safety is high quality cement.

Positive qualities of wood concrete

  • A high margin of safety and a long service life are the most attractive indicators of this building material. Arbolite blocks are capable of withstanding significant loads, therefore, buildings with a height of 2-3 floors with a wall thickness of 30 cm can be safely erected from them (the thickness of a standard block). The durability of the material is explained by the fact that it does not support the decay process, and fungi and microorganisms that are detrimental to the structure cannot exist in its structure.
  • Low heat conductivity distinguishes wood concrete from other building materials. Thermal properties of wood concrete allow it to hold well warm air indoors in winter and prevent excess heat from entering the building in summer.
  • The presence of a porous structure guarantees high sound insulation of buildings and structures built of wood concrete. Wood and cement effectively dampen sound waves due to the difference in their density.
  • Arbolit is not afraid of fire. it has high refractory properties.
  • The porous structure of wood concrete provides good level air exchange and maintains an optimal level of air humidity, which contributes to the creation of a comfortable microclimate inside the building.
  • The insignificant weight of wood concrete blocks is another significant advantage of the material. This feature allows you to build houses without the need to build a powerful and expensive foundation. In addition, the probability of subsidence of a house made of wood concrete is extremely small.
  • Good adhesion allows you to successfully combine wood concrete with other building materials (putty, plaster, etc.).

House construction process

We will describe the process of building a house from wood concrete blocks.


The construction of any home begins with laying the foundation. The advantage of using wood concrete is that a building constructed from this material can be installed on any type of foundation, because the wood concrete wall does not crack even if the foundation subsides. This is explained by the fact that wall blocks made of wood concrete differ from wall blocks made of other materials unique property: they have very high flexural strength (fracture toughness). This feature allows you to use any type of foundation and significantly save on costs associated with its construction. Often, for building a house from wood concrete, preference is given to a foundation on bored piles and a tape-type foundation.

During the construction of the foundation, one should not forget that wood concrete has one drawback - low moisture resistance. Most effective way protection of wood concrete blocks from moisture is the waterproofing of the foundation, which can be done in two ways:

  • Raise the foundation half a meter above the soil surface.
  • Make a half-meter brick backing.

Wood concrete blocks should be laid on a lime mortar to which a small amount of cement is added.


In order to independently perform high-quality wall masonry, the following points must be taken into account:

  • A house made of wood concrete will fully manifest its thermal properties only if there are no cold bridges in the structure, which have a large coefficient of heat loss. In order to remove them, you should use the method of breaking the mortar joint using wooden planks. If you are not familiar with this method, then more detailed information you can learn about it from numerous sources on the global Internet.
  • Wood concrete absorbs moisture very well, therefore, when dry, it quickly absorbs the water contained in the cement solution. To avoid this, you must either use not completely dried blocks, or abundantly wet the surface of dry blocks with water.
  • Another way out of the situation may be the use of a more liquid cement mortar. In addition, the high moisture permeability of the material implies the mandatory use of a protective finishing layer, which is applied at the stage of external wall decoration.
  • For the construction of a house with a custom design, wood concrete blocks may be required complex shapes... In this case, the machining of the building material is best done at the construction site using a stone saw and other tools adapted for this. It is possible to order wood-concrete blocks of non-standard shape directly at the place of their production, however, this will significantly increase financial costs and entail additional temporary losses.

External finishing

Wall wood concrete blocks have a rough surface that provides good adhesion between wood concrete and plaster, even without any preliminary work associated with the preparation of the walls. Also, for cladding the outer part of the house, you can use brick, siding, clapboard, ventilated facade, wood (block house). If desired, you can apply acrylic urethane facade paint.

It is permissible to carry out finishing only with those building materials that are able to reliably adhere to wood concrete and protect it from excessive moisture. If there are uneven walls, it is permissible to use a wooden lathing.

Interior decoration

There are no restrictions when decorating the interior walls of the house. The only rule that must be observed is that the humidity inside the house should not exceed 75%. wood concrete is not a moisture resistant material.

The roof construction is final and very an important milestone in the process of building a building. During its construction, it is very important to correctly distribute the load, which it will subsequently create on upper part walls of the building. Decide this task can be done in several ways. An example is the option of creating a cement screed with reinforcement along the top layer of wood-concrete blocks. Can also be used as a roofing base wooden beam laid on upper layer wood concrete wall blocks.

Arbolit - perfect material for the construction of small-sized housing.

A small-sized house means a single-family house, not an apartment building.

In addition to building blocks, it is used to create heat-insulating materials.

Due to the fact that it is light, it is advised to use it in areas where there is a danger of earthquakes.

We want to tell you what arbolite is and show what it is capable of.

History of creation

The idea of ​​wood concrete is as old as the construction itself. In Asia, since time immemorial, a mixture of chopped reeds, straw and clay called adobe, in the form of bricks or blocks, has been used to build small houses. In a dry area, even under winds and frosts (and in the desert it is very cold in winter), houses made of adobe have been standing for several centuries.

Arbolite was invented in the thirties and forties, and was officially approved as a building material in the 60s. Mass-produced as a lightweight concrete type, it has been used in the construction of many buildings in the residential sector. They are perfectly preserved and are used to this day.

The constituents

The basis of wood concrete is wood chips and shavings. According to GOST 19 222 84, the content of wood components is 80% of the total volume.

It is best to obtain chips by mechanical crushing into pieces no longer than 2.5 cm.

Bonding materials - M500 cement, sand and water.

Some manufacturers add coagulants to the mixture, which increases plasticity. As the volume of wood increases, concrete becomes lighter and can be used as.

Mounting method

Installation of wood concrete walls is very simple and quick. In terms of labor costs, it is comparable to foam concrete masonry, but 3-4 times faster. The blocks are laid on a conventional cement-sand or perlite mortar. Additional reinforcement of the masonry due to large sizes blocks are only recommended by technology. This can lead to freezing of the seam. You can lay the reinforcement in specially cut cuts.


Arbolite is superior to wood in its ability to retain heat. A wall made of wood concrete with a thickness of 30 cm corresponds to a brick wall of 60-70 cm.The material breathes much better than wood thanks to its fine-meshed structure. Shrinkage of wood concrete is 0.4% (for wood up to 10%), mechanical resistance to bending is not inferior to wood. It practically does not burn, and if specially set on fire, it smolders a little outside and immediately stops.

Companies building houses from wood concrete

Due to its excellent construction qualities, arbolite is again becoming in demand in the market for the construction of individual housing. We invite you to get acquainted with some of the proposals and areas. Can you afford the proposed houses made of wood concrete?

We have specially selected the segment of budget housing. It is impossible to call wood concrete the most inexpensive material, the production technology is not cheap. But if we consider the cost of masonry per 1 sq. meter of the wall, moreover, with decoration decorative bricks, then it comes out cheaper than walls made of bricks or ceramic blocks by 50%. And the tree turns out to be 2 times more expensive.

Turnkey construction can only be carried out by companies with extensive experience and a team of specialists of all profiles. Natural selection allows to achieve success only to those whose reputation and price-quality ratio are better than those of competitors.

When choosing a future contractor, you can and should learn as much as possible about his previous projects. So we recommend that you do not hesitate in finding reliable information. Contact the owners of the home built by the contractor of your choice. Builders should be proud of their properties, so it's easy to find addresses.

Woodhousegroop company

Offers to build a house from wood concrete in a complete set "for finishing". The site contains ready-made projects, among which we found one suitable for making an approximate calculation of the cost of work and materials.

The project of a one-and-a-half-story cottage (the second floor is made as an attic) is called "Ecohouse-1". The total area of ​​the house is 101 sq. meter. Internal layout the customer can discuss with the contractor.

The basic equipment is estimated at 2,121,000 rubles. It includes:

  1. Foundation (screw piles 150 mm with a reinforced grillage 0.5 m) on a sandy tamped pad 0.3 m. Excavation work for the development and movement of soil is included in the price. Leads are laid for communications and a ground loop, bituminous waterproofing is made.
  2. External walls from wood concrete blocks 500x200x400 mm, laid on a perlite mortar. Ceiling height 2.8 m (excluding armopoyas). Window and door lintels are reinforced concrete insulated.
  3. Internal walls made of wood concrete 500x200x300 mm.
  4. External finishing tiled under fake diamond and plaster.
  5. Overlap of the first floor
  6. Roof (wooden lathing from a bar of 50x200 mm., laid between the rafters with mineral wool insulation, impregnated fire retardants, vapor barrier made of roll materials, metal tile).
  7. Window from a metal-plastic profile at the customer's choice. Insulated metal door with a safe lock.

All costs for the delivery and storage of materials and accommodation for the builders during the work are included in the construction cost.

All other work on bringing the house to a turnkey state can be estimated according to generally accepted standards among professionals at 25-30% of the cost of a complete set "for finishing".

Of course, modern market provides materials of any value, but let's be rational. Plastic windows, warm floors, good heating systems with automatic adjustment, interior finishing of walls and ceilings - everything can be realized at a reasonable price. Therefore, the total costs will amount to approximately 2,600,000 rubles.

Arbolitstroykomplekt company

Provides a full range of construction services. Wood concrete production is another component that allows you to successfully compete with other contractors. Provides a guarantee for all work performed for a period of at least 5 years.

House projects are developed taking into account the wishes of the customer. Box size and design are taken as a basis, and that's enough. Therefore, the customer can focus on the average prices individual elements the buildings. The company offers for 14,000 rubles. per sq. meter to build the basic equipment of the house.

When calculating the value of a house basic configuration we chose a total area of ​​135 sq. meters. In the virtual project, only a heated area, there will be no veranda or other cold rooms.

Construction of a house according to the selected dimensions will roughly cost 1,890,000 rubles. The building will consist of a common thermal circuit. Here is the scope of work performed by the company:

  1. Foundation(bored piles 150 mm to a depth of 2 m with a reinforced grillage 0.4x0.4 m), concrete M300, reinforcement A12, compacted sand bedding 0.3 m. All work on the development and movement of soil. Leads for communications and a ground loop, bituminous waterproofing of the foundation.
  2. External walls from wood concrete blocks 500x250x300 mm, laid on a cement-sand mortar. Ceiling height 2.8 m (excluding armopoyas). In the window and door lintels, special wood concrete blocks with a U-shaped profile are mounted, inside which reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured.
  3. Internal walls from wood concrete 500x200x250 mm.
  4. Interfloor overlaps on wooden beams 100x200 mm, fire and bio-protected.
  5. Roof(double lathing made of planed boards 50x200 mm, laid between the rafters with mineral wool insulation, impregnated with fire retardants, vapor barrier made of roll materials, metal tiles).
  6. Window from metal-plastic REHAU profile and a double-glazed window. Reinforced door with a good lock.

Exterior trim is not included in the basic kit. Let's round up 30% of the cost for finishing and as a result we get about 2,500,000 rubles.

Arbostroy company

Produces wood concrete since 2006. The complete sets of houses produced by her are combined into the "Standard" and "Comfort" groups. When ordering a house with total area from 150 sq. meters, the company guarantees work for 16,500 rubles per sq. meter. The layout is chosen by the customer.

For 2,475,000 rubles, the company will build a one-and-a-half-story cottage in the "Comfort" set (the second floor is an attic). All other works up to a turnkey state can be ordered for an additional fee.

The complete set "for finishing" includes:

  1. Foundation(monolithic reinforced slab 0.15 m with monolithic tape 0.3x0.6 m). Along the perimeter of the filling, a thermal contour made of wood concrete is laid out. Compacted sand cushion 0.3 m. Grounding contour from a metal corner L = 63, communication leads and all excavation included in the cost of work.
  2. External walls from wood concrete blocks 500x250x400 mm, laid on a warm mortar (cement-sand-perlite). Ceiling height 2.75 m (excluding reinforced belt). Window and door lintels are reinforced concrete, insulated with wood concrete.
  3. Internal walls from wood concrete 500x250x200 mm.
  4. Overlap of the first floor of reinforced reinforced concrete slabs, second floor - by wooden beams 100x200 mm.
  5. Roof(wooden lathing from a bar 50x200 mm, laid between the rafters with mineral wool insulation, impregnated with fire retardants, vapor barrier made of roll materials, plywood layer, treated hydrophobic composition, bitumen shingles Kerabit, color of your choice).

To bring the house to a ready-to-move state will require another 700,000 rubles.

With all the advantages of wood concrete construction, like heat and strength, one drawback is still worth noting. The water absorption of the material is quite high, and when the wood concrete swells, it can become covered with microcracks. The tree increases in volume, and the cement-sand mortar that binds it does not accept new conditions and cracks. Existing chemical additives help to reduce the degree of water absorption at times. And for outdoor protection it is better to choose waterproof materials.

Arbolit has good prospects in the construction market. With its remarkable heat capacity, this material should be appreciated by regions with a continental climate, to which the Moscow region belongs. We hope that our article has shown you another opportunity to build your warm house.

Look at the video facts about building a house from wood concrete:

Building a house is one of the main duties of a man (after that, plant a tree and give birth to a child). Everyone dreams of living in their own home. But, for this you will have to make a lot of effort, spend a certain amount of money and time, especially if you perform construction works on one's own. Another problem is the choice of material for construction. On this moment There are so many raw materials for work that you can break your head. You have to choose, analyzing the pros and cons of the material, the purpose of the building, the climate, the available funds, etc. As practice has shown, one of the the best materials for the construction of a residential building is arbolite. It is practical, lightweight, durable, durable and environmentally friendly clean material which is based on sawdust and Portland cement. Houses made of wood concrete blocks differ in their energy intensity, because the heat conductivity of wood concrete is 0.07-0.16, depending on the density. Living in such a house is warm and comfortable.

In this article, we will look at how the construction of a house from wood concrete blocks is going on, the stages of doing the work with your own hands and some recommendations for laying the foundation and laying the walls. The article contains supporting videos.

Tools to get the job done

You cannot complete home construction without the right tools and materials. They must be prepared in advance and in good condition. The list is as follows:

  • shovel, stone cutting saw.
  • level, tape measure, plumb;
  • stakes and long rope;
  • reinforcement rods Ø14 mm;
  • container for solution;
  • trowel, notched trowel or trowel for laying blocks;
  • rubber mallet;
  • fishing line for aligning blocks.

Now you can start building a house from wood concrete blocks.

1st stage of construction - design

Every developer knows that the construction of any building begins with drawing up a project. However, this procedure is the first in any kind of work. Projects are needed for orientation, so that construction proceeds quickly and according to plan. Such a plan must be drawn up in advance and approved by the district administration. It should indicate the details of the entire construction of the house. You can say - this is a map by which you will know what to do.

The plan should contain drawings of the house, its size, number of storeys, material, layout, communications, etc. Projects of a house from wood concrete sides can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Order a specialist designer (the most expensive option).
  2. Buy a project on special sites.
  3. Free download.

As for point 3, be careful, as free projects may not always be of high quality. And this, in turn, will affect the entire construction. A well-prepared plan may have in the family the approximate cost of each material, its quantity and the approximate cost of building a house.

When your project is ready, you can buy everything necessary materials and start building!

Stage 2 of construction - foundation arrangement

The foundation of any building is the foundation. It is he who is the guarantor of the reliability and durability of the building. Due to the fact that wood concrete blocks are quite lightweight, the construction of a reinforced foundation is not required. This saves you a little money. The type of foundation can be different:

  • pile;
  • tiled;
  • tape shallow;
  • columnar.

The most common type of foundation for an arbolite house is a strip foundation that repeats the design of all walls.

Let's look at the sequence of work on its construction:

  1. Site preparation and marking. The site should be freed from all unnecessary things: garbage, old things, bushes, etc. Based on the project, marking is done on the ground with rope and stakes and the top fertile soil layer is removed.
  2. Digging a foundation pit. Recommended trench width - 30 - 40 cm, depth - 60 cm (depending on the soil). These dimensions must be taken into account when marking and do it correctly.
  3. Leveling the walls and bottom of the trench.
  4. Sand cushion device. Compacted with 5-10 soy sand and 5 cm layer of crushed stone.
  5. Formwork erection. Its height can be 30 cm, but if you live in an area with a harsh climate, we recommend making a 50 cm base.
  6. At this stage, communications can be laid while the concrete has not yet been poured.
  7. Reinforcement cage manufacturing. In order for the foundation to be strong, you need to make a reinforcing mesh (reinforcement Ø14 mm) and place it in the pit.
  8. Pouring concrete. There are 2 options for the development of events: prepare concrete yourself or order ready mix... The pit is filled with concrete. Then the finished foundation is leveled with a trowel.

Now it takes time as the concrete must dry completely. This takes about a month. The formwork can be removed for 10 days. The surface of the foundation must be protected from external factors. To prevent it from collapsing, cover it with plastic.

note! To prevent the foundation from cracking, periodically spray the surface with water, moistening it.

Your foundation is now ready. You can start building the walls of the wood concrete house. Blocks can be bought or made by yourself.

Stage 3 of construction - laying of walls

Before proceeding with the laying, it is required to ensure the waterproofing of the foundation. To do this, it is covered with bituminous mastic or 1-2 layers of roofing material are spread on the surface. So the foundation and walls will be protected from the effects of destructive moisture, and the construction will not be in vain.

Advice ! To correctly calculate the number of wood concrete blocks for the laying of a house, use a special calculator.

All that is required is to enter into the form the dimensions of the block, the thickness and height of the walls, the perimeter and thickness of the mortar when laying. Then you will find out the amount of material required.

Wall masonry is a responsible business. They must be perfectly flat and strong. It will be easier for those who have already performed brickwork or other material. It is even easier to work with wood concrete. First you need to cook cement mortar... Everything is simple here: achieve a 1: 3 ratio (cement, sand) and add water to bring everything to the desired consistency. Make sure to prepare as much mortar as needed for the masonry. Having made a lot of solution, you may not have time to use it while it is liquid.

Note! For masonry, you can also use special glue for aerated block. It dries faster and is easier to work with.

The time has come for laying wood concrete blocks. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Laying starts from the corners of the building. Expose the corner blocks to the mortar. They should be perfectly even, because the blocks in the corner are fundamental. Use the level. If the wall is long, install an additional block in the middle.
  2. Pull the line between the products. It should touch the top of the block slightly and serve as a guide for even laying.
  3. Now lay the rest of the blocks, forming 1 row. Apply mortar or glue to the foundation and align the blocks. Please note that the seam between them should not exceed 10 mm. Tap the block with a rubber mallet, adjusting it to the line.
  4. It is clear that the length of the wall will not always be equal to the exact number of blocks, so one of them will have to be cut. The question arises: how to cut wood concrete blocks? You can use a stone saw. Arbolite is easy to process, so it is easy to cut. When doing this, use a metal corner so that the block comes out even.
  5. When the first row of masonry around the entire perimeter is completed, you can proceed to the next. The procedure is exactly the same, only now you need to make a bandage.
  6. During construction, do not forget to the right places make openings for windows and doors.

Watch the video, which clearly shows the laying of wood concrete blocks.

This is all technology. It remains to build the walls, make lintels over the windows and doorways, overlap and arrange the roof, according to the selected technology. The construction of the building box made of wood concrete blocks has been completed. But, this is far from the end, because you still have a lot of work to do.

If this is your first time laying blocks of wood concrete, then these tips will help you do everything right.

Keep in mind that wood concrete blocks must be protected from external factors. Therefore, it is better to do the interior and exterior decoration faster.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video, which describes in detail the construction of a house from wood concrete blocks.