Kitchen project with a hidden gas boiler. Is it possible and how to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen?

Many buyers of heating and water heating equipment are concerned with the question of how to hide a gas boiler so that it does not spoil the interior of the kitchen. After all, it is in this room that it is most often installed. There are several most common methods that you can use. And everyone chooses for themselves the one that is most suitable, based on their capabilities and the characteristics of the kitchen space.

What options are there to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen?

Modern gas boilers, compared to those units that were produced before, much more compact in size. In addition, they have more varied designs and different color solutions. Of course, the choice of colors is not too large, but there is still some variety. A neat and compact boiler with a shiny surface can fit perfectly into a kitchen designed in certain styles, for example, “High-Tech”. And a traditionally white unit will not stand out at all against the background of furniture of the same color.

If you still need to hide the gas boiler so that it is not conspicuous, you can consider the following options:

  • when placing equipment, take advantage of the existing features of the kitchen premises;
  • integrate the unit into one of the pieces of furniture in the kitchen set;
  • close the device decorative element;
  • disguise it or, on the contrary, highlight it as a separate element of interior design.

Each of these methods is good in its own way, you just need to choose the most acceptable one for yourself.

Gas boiler built into kitchen furniture or hidden by a decorative element

There may be several solutions, but when implementing any of them, security requirements must be observed, the main ones being:

  • unimpeded access to equipment for its maintenance;
  • presence of some free space around the boiler for him natural ventilation;
  • non-combustibility of the material of the internal walls of kitchen cabinets or decorative elements.

A profitable option is to place gas boiler in the kitchen cabinet. Of course, it is convenient when the unit is installed during the renovation of the premises, and then taking into account at this moment The kitchen set itself is ordered directly. In this case, the cabinet for the gas boiler will be made exactly to its dimensions and from a material that is resistant to heat. If the kitchen is already furnished, but you need to somehow position the boiler, then you can convert one of the existing cabinets to fit this unit or order a new one that fits the style of the interior.

Quite often, a gas boiler is located in the kitchen between wall cabinets. IN in this case side walls already available, all you have to do is order decorative grille or doors that attach to adjacent cabinets. Upper part and you most likely won’t need to order an additional bottom, because they are still not visible from the outside. In this case, the side walls of the cabinets and the inner surface of the decorative element must be painted with heat-resistant enamel or made of materials resistant to heat and fire.

Attention! A gas boiler cannot be placed in a kitchen cabinet close to its walls. There should be some space between them and the unit itself on all sides - at least 3 cm. The same applies to doors or grilles covering the boiler from the facade.

How can you disguise a gas boiler in a kitchen?

Various options for integrating a gas boiler into furniture are just one of the ways to conceal the unit in the kitchen. In some cases, it may not be hidden, but simply disguised. To do this, the body of the device can be painted to match the color of the kitchen interior. If it is possible to purchase a boiler in that color scheme, which is already present in the kitchen, then this is an even simpler option. In these cases, the unit will not stand out against the general background, which means it will not attract special attention.

Interesting and original solution may not be a disguise of the boiler, but, on the contrary, its highlighting in separate element interior – bright and eye-catching. There are many options here - this includes decorative painting and painting in several bright colors, and other ideas. Everyone can dream up and choose their own option that best suits the kitchen interior design.

To hide a gas boiler, you can take advantage of some features of the room layout. If there is a niche in the kitchen, it is convenient to place the unit in it, covering the outside with doors, a grill or some other decorative element. If there is a column in the room, the boiler can be hidden behind it, covering the entire structure, for example, with a screen.

It often happens that a gas boiler is installed at some distance from the kitchen unit. To hide such a free-standing unit from view, you can order a pencil case or build a structure in the form of a box yourself. In addition to the boiler itself, in such a case you can place another kitchen utensils, for which it is better to make separate doors for different compartments.

How to hide communications?

In addition to the gas boiler itself, it is necessary to hide all communications from view. The pipe through which gas is supplied to the boiler is prohibited from being walled up in the wall. It is desirable if the remaining pipes are within access for their maintenance. If communications are not covered, the look in the kitchen will be completely unaesthetic. To hide them externally, they can be purchased at hardware store special panels or decorative box. It’s not very difficult to make such a box yourself, then paint it to match the color of the interior or cover it with film to match the walls.

Advice. It is better if the decorative boxes are collapsible. Otherwise, they will have to be broken when the need arises to access any section of communications.

You will also need to hide the chimney pipe. To disguise it, you can make a decorative box with heat-resistant inner surface or order wall cabinet in the same style as the rest kitchen furniture. The material for making the cabinet must also be resistant to heat, since the pipe for removing combustion products heats up.

Various options for how to hide a gas boiler in kitchen area, there is enough large number. Therefore, when purchasing this useful equipment, there should not be any problems with how to hide it from view and not spoil the kitchen interior with the appearance of the unit.

How to install a boiler in the kitchen: video

How to hide a boiler in the kitchen: photo

90% of modern private houses and cottages are equipped with boilers individual heating. This allows owners to heat their homes at any time of the year and feel completely comfortable. There are many models of heating boilers, each of which has certain requirements. One of these requirements is the choice of location for equipment. Most often, the choice is made in the kitchen, since in a private house this room is quite spacious and has connections to the necessary communications. But besides convenience, owners are wondering how to design the interior of a kitchen in which a heating device is installed.

Modern designers work not only on the design of premises, but also on improving the appearance of various household appliances. Modern heating equipment is produced in a wide range of colors, is small in size and elegant. appearance. Thanks to this, an individual heating boiler in the kitchen can easily fit into the interior design of the room.

IN trading network black, white, and façade models are widely available metallic color, as well as with artistic painting. Such original models in the photo can be used not only for heating, but also for decorative decoration premises, selecting equipment similar in color to kitchen set. If you already have an individual heating boiler installed, you can decorate it by painting or applying artistic painting.

Attached heating equipment

If the kitchen interior with a boiler does not look aesthetically pleasing, it is recommended to build a special box for the appliance. It is important that the niche is larger than the heating device. This is necessary for the correct functioning of the equipment. There must be a gap of at least three centimeters between the walls of the niche and the body of the device. In addition, the shelf itself should not have a top, back or bottom wall. The side parts of the casing must be covered with a heat-resistant material.

Note that most often this option cannot be implemented in practice. Since the existing kitchen units are not designed to accommodate heating appliances. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a custom-made headset. In this case, it is necessary to think over a niche not only for an individual heating boiler, but also a special housing for hiding communication pipes and wires.

If you don’t have enough money to purchase a custom-made set, you can decorate the design of a kitchen with a boiler with an ordinary furniture case. It makes it possible not only to hide the heating device and all communications, but also allows you to place some dishes, containers and other kitchen utensils. In this case, it is recommended to equip the pencil case with two doors: for the boiler and for the dishes department.

Kitchen design with corner boiler

Individual heating devices are often placed in the corner of the kitchen in the photo. To hide unsightly equipment, you can build corner cabinet, which will decorate the interior design and hide the heating device from prying eyes.

You can go the other way - buy a headset, household appliances and heating device in one color palette. Then the boiler located in the corner of the room will not be noticeable.

What about communications?

Agree, hiding a heating device is not enough. In order for the kitchen to have an attractive appearance, it is important that gas, water pipes and electrical wires are hidden from public view. At the same time, you need to remember that communications cannot be hidden in walls.

Let's see how to hide a floor-standing gas boiler in the kitchen in the corner - the photos will show us how to arrange a kitchen set so that the kitchen design does not suffer from such proximity.

Why is it necessary to hide such bulky equipment as a floor-standing boiler in such a small room as a kitchen? Because not every house has a room designated specifically for the placement of boiler equipment.

However, before making plans for such placement, inquire with your local gas supply organization, and not with a specially designated boiler room. I think their answer will sober you up a little.

Photos of wall-mounted gas boilers placed in the kitchen

In the meantime, we will show exactly how wall-mounted gas boilers can be placed in the kitchen. Look at the photo and think again whether you need a floor-standing gas boiler given this condition of its placement.

Look carefully - there is a gas boiler with a coaxial chimney hidden there.

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Many of those who are planning to equip their home or dacha heating equipment, they are wondering whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in the kitchen, or whether only a special room should be used for these purposes. It should be said right away that the rules for installing heating boilers of this type allow their installation in the kitchen, but certain requirements must be strictly adhered to to ensure the safe operation of such equipment in the kitchen.

Advantages and disadvantages of using gas-type boilers

The high popularity of gas heating equipment, which, subject to certain requirements for the premises, can be installed in the kitchen, is explained by a number of reasons. These include:

  • long service life;
  • high reliability of boilers of this type;
  • the possibility of using for heating rooms with a large area;
  • fairly high efficiency;
  • the ability to select a model from a fairly large assortment in a specific design and with the required set of options;
  • ease of operation, management and maintenance;
  • availability and low price of the energy carrier used - gas;
  • fairly low cost of equipment.

Meanwhile, there is gas equipment and disadvantages, which include the following parameters.

  • Such equipment can only operate if there is gas in the pipeline connected to it.
  • Installing such equipment in a private home or country house is possible only if the appropriate permission has been obtained.
  • If the gas pressure in the pipeline drops, this leads not only to a decrease in the efficiency of the boiler, but also to the formation of a significant amount of soot during its operation.
  • The installation complexity of both the boiler itself and the chimney and ventilation system is quite high.

Types of gas heating equipment

Modern industry produces a fairly wide variety of types of equipment for equipping a gas boiler room or for installation in any other non-residential premises, which allows users of such devices to optimally select them in full accordance with their requirements and financial capabilities. So, depending on a number of parameters, boilers can be:

  • single-circuit or double-circuit type;
  • with a closed or open combustion chamber;
  • equipped various systems ignition;
  • with a boiler for heating external or internal water;
  • installed on the floor or mounted on the wall of the room.

In addition, of course, heating appliances for the kitchen differ in their power.

Differences between single- and double-circuit gas boilers

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers for the kitchen differ not only in the number of contours in their design, but also functionality. Thus, single-circuit type equipment can only be used for heating, and a double-circuit gas boiler can also be used to heat water for domestic and household needs. Meanwhile, if you equip a single-circuit boiler external boiler, then it can also be used to heat water for hot water supply in the kitchen.

Gas boilers with closed and open combustion chambers

Air enters boilers with an open combustion chamber directly from the kitchen, and exhaust gases naturally evaporate through the chimney. Installing a boiler of this type in the kitchen is not best option, since when it works in the kitchen, the amount of air decreases, which is especially critical if the volume of the room is small. Boilers with a closed combustion chamber operate on a slightly different principle, into which air is supplied from the street through a special coaxial-type chimney, and gases formed during the combustion process are discharged through it. The installation location for a boiler with a closed combustion chamber can even be in the kitchen small size(6–8 m2), where it is possible to install them inside furniture cabinets kitchens.

Differences in gas boilers by type of ignition

On heating devices, depending on the model, automatic and manual ignition systems can be installed. In devices of the first type, the burner automatically turns on at the moment when gas begins to flow into it, and when using a type with manual ignition, accordingly, you will have to carry out this process yourself, using matches or a lighter.

Gas boilers with external and built-in boilers

Naturally, it is much more convenient when, together with a gas boiler, a boiler is used in which water is heated to satisfy domestic and economic needs. Such boilers for the kitchen, as mentioned above, can be external or built into the boiler itself. Devices with built-in boilers are compact in size; such options are easier to install, but the volume of the tank that is built into them is quite small. The volume of the tank for boilers with an external boiler can be almost anything, but such devices, which should be taken into account when choosing them, take up more space, and in order to install them, it will be necessary to install additional communications.

Rules for installing a gas boiler in a kitchen

In order to install a boiler in the kitchen and not experience problems with such equipment in terms of its operation and maintenance, you should strictly adhere to the requirements specified in SNiPs. These requirements for installing a gas boiler, which should be followed when replacing an old device with a new one, stipulate a number of parameters, which include: the location of the equipment relative to plumbing fixtures, windows and hoods; the distance at which the side walls of the device should be located from the walls of the room; installation height of a wall-mounted gas boiler from the floor, etc.

According to the above parameters, installing a gas boiler in the kitchen is allowed if the kitchen is not used as a living room.

The most common today are two ways to install gas equipment in the kitchen:

  1. Installation of a gas appliance in a special box, which, in turn, is mounted in one of the furniture elements in the kitchen. Having decided to choose this option, you should keep in mind that installing a boiler in the kitchen in this way, according to safety requirements, is not possible in all cases.
  2. Installation of a boiler equipped with a decorative front panel. This is convenient because modern market We offer a wide variety of gas boilers with different options decorative finishing, which makes it possible to optimally select a boiler for almost any interior.

Gas boiler built into kitchen cabinet

Basic requirements for installing gas heating boilers in a kitchen area

The layout and equipment of the kitchen, if it is planned to place a gas heating boiler in it, must immediately provide for the requirements for the installation of such equipment. Such requirements, in particular, determine the following kitchen parameters:

  1. The presence of a door in the kitchen, which is necessary to isolate it from the living areas of the house.
  2. The presence of a window opening in the kitchen and its size. The requirements for this parameter are minimal.
  3. Availability of supply and exhaust ventilation in the kitchen.
  4. The presence of electrical sockets and gas supply pipes in the equipped kitchen and the distance from them to the installed heating boiler.
  5. Availability of a smoke exhaust system in the kitchen.

Basic standards for placing a floor-standing gas boiler

It should be borne in mind that the requirement regarding the presence of a door in the kitchen in which the gas boiler is installed is very important, since the room in which such equipment is operated must be isolated from living rooms.

In addition, it is very important to leave a certain distance from the wall of the boiler itself to the wall of the room, since the air around such equipment must circulate freely, which is very important to ensure the safety of its use.

The presence in the kitchen, in which a gas boiler is installed, vents and ventilation systems

The list of requirements relating to kitchen premises in which a gas boiler is used clearly states that windows installed in such premises must mandatory be equipped with vents. Thus, according to this requirement, if there are installed metal-plastic windows, in which there are no windows, this is a violation of safety standards. Meanwhile, in the vast majority of cases, representatives of gas services do not pay attention to such violations of requirements.

The need for a window in the windows of a kitchen room equipped with a gas boiler, as well as a convection hole in door leaf, is explained by the fact that the air in such a room must constantly circulate so that it does not create a high concentration of volatile substances dangerous to human life.

In the event that the gas boiler will be mounted in the internal part kitchen cabinet, then you should especially carefully ensure that such equipment is located in the path of air flow in the kitchen area. In addition, with this option for placing a gas boiler, it is necessary to provide for the presence of convection openings in the doors of the kitchen cabinet itself, in which the heating equipment will be located.

When operating a heating gas boiler of any type inside a kitchen, the air in such a room is burned in any case, which explains the requirements according to which in kitchens with gas heating equipment it is mandatory to install ventilation system.

In addition to the very fact of the presence of such a system in a kitchen room with a gas boiler, certain requirements are also imposed on the rules for its installation.

  • The hood that will serve the gas boiler cannot be connected to the kitchen exhaust air duct; a separate duct must be installed for it.
  • The diameter of the ventilation duct to which the gas boiler hood will be connected must be calculated taking into account the performance of the heating equipment.
  • In the room in which the gas boiler and the exhaust ventilation system for its maintenance will be operated, a certain air exchange must be ensured, the specific value of which is specified by the requirements of SNiP 31-01 of 2003. According to the requirements of this normative document, when operating gas boilers with atmospheric burners, double air exchange is taken into account, and when using equipment with a closed combustion chamber, single air exchange is taken into account.

Video: requirements for natural ventilation when installing a gas boiler in the kitchen.

Recommendations for choosing a gas boiler for installation in the kitchen

Before studying the room requirements for installing a gas boiler in the kitchen, you should decide on the choice of the equipment itself. So, the main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing are:

  • power;
  • number of circuits in the design;
  • type of combustion chamber;
  • installation type;
  • type of heat exchanger used;
  • tank volume of a built-in or external boiler;
  • the brand name under which the equipment is manufactured.

In addition, choosing heating boilers, parameters such as fuel and electricity consumption, as well as the amount of water that such a device can heat per unit of time should be taken into account.

Video: how to choose the right wall-mounted gas boiler.

A heating boiler can be decorated with a kitchen set only if the dimensions of the cabinet ideally match the dimensions of the boiler. Otherwise, you need to choose another way to disguise a gas appliance in the kitchen.

Many owners of both private cottages and apartments in multi-storey buildings, decide to disconnect from the heating plant and install independent heating. As a rule, a gas boiler is installed in the kitchen. An ordinary white unit can disturb the interior of the room, so they think about how to fit the boiler into the existing design.

A gas boiler can only be installed in non-residential premises, and the presence of a window and door is required!

The design of the part of the room where the boiler is installed needs to be thought out before installing the heating device.

How to hide a boiler:

  • Homemade chipboard box for the boiler. Ideally, the front panel of the box should coincide as much as possible with the facade of the kitchen unit.
  • Niche made of profile and plasterboard. The front part of the structure is also closed with a door under general style kitchens.
  • Finishing the boiler with film or special paint.

When installing new furniture, you need to discuss in advance the size and location of the cabinet for the boiler. The wiring of communications is also taken into account, which can be hidden if desired.

Floor-standing AGV can be installed in the corner of the kitchen according to the installation rules. It is also allowed to hide the floor-standing boiler in a cabinet-cabinet, while complying with the standards and safety rules.

Kitchens with a gas boiler: design and installation of a chipboard cabinet

If a gas boiler was installed after purchasing a kitchen set, and there is no way to hide it in one of the existing cabinets, you can decorate it homemade door. To make a boiler cabinet with your own hands, you will need chipboards and wooden slats.

In addition to the tools - tape measure, bolts, jigsaw and awnings, you will need a ready-made door that is closest in color to the kitchen facade.

Before starting work, you need to accurately calculate the dimensions of the gas boiler. The minimum distance from any side of the boiler to the cabinet is 3 cm, respectively, add 6 cm to the height and width of the boiler and select a door of this size.

Work progress:

  1. Using a jigsaw, you need to cut out the side walls of the cabinet from chipboard boards based on the measurements. The depth should also be 3-4 cm greater than the depth of the gas boiler.
  2. Make holes in the bottom wall for water and gas supply pipes, and in the top wall for the chimney.
  3. Use a crown to cut holes for furniture curtains on the right or left side.
  4. Maintaining perpendicularity, fasten all sides of the cabinet together with bots. There should be no back wall; instead, attach two planks parallel to each other at the top and bottom.
  5. Attach the fasteners to the kitchen wall using the fixed slats. Hang the cabinet door with curtains.
  6. Attach the resulting structure to the boiler and hang it on the wall.

A wall-mounted boiler can be placed in the corner of the kitchen, mounted in a wall-mounted corner cabinet, or covered with the same homemade door. If desired, you can leave the device open and disguise it with beautiful decor - stickers or decals.

Kitchen in a private house with a gas boiler: installation rules and regulations

Placing a gas boiler in the kitchen requires certain rules and regulations. Failure to comply with them can lead to serious consequences. The room in which the gas boiler is installed must be at least 4 square meters, more than 2.5 m high, have a window and a door to the corridor. There must be a device in the kitchen that will notify you of a gas leak.

The power of gas boilers installed in the kitchen should be no more than 60 kW. The heating boiler can be installed on the floor or attached to the wall.

You will learn about the operating principles and design of double-circuit boilers in the following article:

The gas boiler is attached to the wall, which is made of non-combustible materials. The boiler must not be installed close to cabinets; there must be space for air circulation between the appliance and the walls of the furniture.

The layout of gas and water pipes must be carried out in accordance with the rules. The gap between the boiler and the refrigerator and gas stove must be at least 30 cm. The heating boiler is installed at a distance of at least 0.8 m from gas meter at a height of 1.6 m. The electrical socket for the boiler is mounted at a distance of 1 m.

After the boiler is installed and all lines are connected, it is strongly recommended to check its operation and the chimney draft - the safety of using the device depends on this.

Kitchen interior with a gas boiler on the wall: how to hide communications

Having resolved the issue of masking a gas boiler in the kitchen, the question often arises of gas and water leading to the appliance. The bulky, ugly chimney and hoses connecting the unit to the individual heating system are also not pleasing to the eye.

Under no circumstances should all elements be covered in the wall; they must be accessible if necessary!

Today, the most popular option for hiding communications is a box made of profiles and plasterboard, which can be covered with tiles or wallpaper. When installing the box, you should use moisture-resistant drywall.

The gas pipe can be hidden behind the kitchen unit. In this case, cabinets and bedside tables should not put pressure on the pipe; you need to leave about 1 cm of free space between them. If the pipe runs at a height of more than 1 m from the floor, you can use it as a stand for towels. To do this, the pipe is cleaned of rust and covered with several layers of chrome paint - after drying, you can hang towels and napkins on it.

Corner plumbing or gas pipes, which cannot be covered with a cabinet, can be decorated with artificial flowers or fruits, decorated with glass mosaics, or painted with colored paint to match the interior of the room.

Question to the designer: how to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen (video)

Hiding a gas wall-mounted boiler is not a problem if you approach this matter wisely. After correct calculations and installation of a homemade cabinet, you need to think about gas and water pipes, which can also disrupt the entire design of the room. Ideal option- sew them in plasterboard box and decorate with tiles.

Examples of how to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen (photo)