White cement products. There is no demand for white cement

Ordinary Portland cement has a greenish-gray color due to the relatively high content of coloring oxides in it: iron oxide, manganese, titanium, chromium, etc. Clinker, which does not contain these oxides or contains them in small quantities, is white. This is achieved by using appropriate raw materials - white particles of clays, kaolins and limestones with a minimum content of these oxides.

Firing of white Portland cement clinker is carried out at a temperature almost 2 times higher than the firing temperature of gray Portland cement. Such cements are fired in kilns lined with special clean refractories. In addition, in order to eliminate the penetration of iron and its oxides into cement, raw materials and clinker are ground in mills lined with porcelain or silicon plates, as well as with a particularly hard, finely abraded steel lining made from high-quality steel. The grinding bodies are made of the same material. At the same time, the grinding fineness (specific surface area) of white cement is significantly higher than that of gray cement: 3900-4700 cm2/g - white, 2800-3300 cm2/g - gray.

To increase the whiteness of cement, the clinker is “bleached” when leaving the press, sharply cooling it with water, or exposed to an oxygen-free reducing environment with subsequent cooling. Bleaching causes the reduction of iron oxide Fe2O3 to iron oxide Fe3O4, which reduces the negative coloring power of iron compounds.

Thus, due to more high requirements to incoming raw materials, more energy-intensive and technologically complex process production, the cost of white cement is significantly higher than that of gray cement, which in turn affects the selling prices of manufacturers.

For comparison, the share of white cement consumption abroad is 10-15% of the local cement market, while in Russia this figure is several percent. This relatively low consumption is due to the higher cost of white cement compared to gray cement and the undeveloped culture of consumption of this product.

Fast rate of concrete strength gain initial stage its hardening. This is due to a certain specificity of the chemical and mineralogical composition of white cement (high content of C3S and C3A), as well as a fine degree of grinding. For example, the strength of concrete made from white cement (compressive strength) at the 16th hour of its hardening is already 60% of the strength of concrete made from gray cement at the 28th day of its hardening. This feature white cement is especially important in the production of cast products ( artificial stone, paving slabs, etc.)

Higher strength and weather resistance of white cement products and surfaces. Such surfaces are easily maintained in their original form, because they do not change color, do not crack, and in addition, subject to production technology and general building codes there are no so-called “efflorescences” on them. So, for example, the surface of any structure made on the basis of white cement does not darken in the rain: if gray cement loses up to 70% of its reflective ability, then white - no more than 5%. At the same time, consumers in the future have serious cost savings due to the unnecessary repair of plaster and paint.

High light reflectance (degree of whiteness).

This property significantly enriches the aesthetic and decorative appeal of white cement products and surfaces. In addition, the use of coloring pigments in combination with cement allows you to obtain an almost unlimited range of colors. But it is impossible to give concrete using ordinary Portland cement such a bright color and have color stability over time, like concrete using white cement, and obtaining “pure” shades (for example, yellow) is only possible using white cement.

Application of white cement

  • Commodity architectural concrete for casting statues, columns, fountains, small products architectural forms.
  • Precast concrete elements ( wall panels, balconies, fences, balusters).
  • Small-piece concrete products (paving slabs, facing brick, terrazzo slabs, artificial stone).
  • Dry building mixtures (plasters, putties, tile adhesives, grouts, masonry mortars).
  • Restoration of historical monuments.

Technology of using white cement

When working with white cement, experts recommend observing the following principles:

  • Concrete mixers, vehicles, as well as instruments in direct contact with fresh concrete mixture, must be completely clean, free of rust, sediment, grease, etc.
  • The formwork or molds must also be clean. Cleaning is done by blowing and removing dust. You can only use products to lubricate formwork and molds that do not stain the concrete.
  • All fillers for white concrete must have light colors. They should not contain dust impurities, clay and silt particles. Quartz sand does not contain pyrites.
  • Dosing of white cement corresponding to strength class CEM I 52.5 is at least 350 kg per 1 m3 of concrete.
  • To care for white concrete after stripping, in the initial stages of its maturation, only clean tap water should be used.
  • Steel reinforcement must be covered with a layer of concrete at least 3 cm thick. All protruding parts of the reinforcement must be insulated to prevent corrosion.
  • For white concrete, it is necessary to use plasticizing and air-entraining additives, and where necessary, retarders, but provided that they do not cause coloration of the concrete mixture. Among the bleaching additives, titanium dioxide (TiO2) can be used up to 3% by weight of cement. The use of zinc white (ZnO2) is not recommended.

Slava, the comparative table of characteristics is presented in another file

Comparative table of characteristics of white cements

Chemical composition

If we consider the chemical composition of cement, then, as already noted, the main thing that affects the color of cement (degree of whiteness) is the content of Fe2O3 and MgO. Accordingly, there should be as few of them in white cement as possible. The Fe2O3 content for white cement should not exceed 0.5%, and MgO should not exceed 4%. When the amount of iron oxide approaches or exceeds the limit, the clinker acquires a greenish tint. At the same time, the content of SiO2 and Al2O3 is higher than in gray cement. Characteristics such as losses during steaming1 and insoluble sediment2 are also indicators of the quality of any cement and their values ​​should preferably be kept to a minimum.

1Losses during steaming - loss in weight when heated to 1000 oC with free access of air. Mainly depends on the presence of organic components in cement.

2Insoluble precipitate is something that does not dissolve in solution hydrochloric acid. This is a certain unnecessary "ballast" in the cement.

Mineralogical composition

The mineralogical composition of cement clinker is certain business card of any cement and determines the strength of cement, the rate and order of its increase.

The main minerals of cement clinker are:

C3S (Alite) is the main link responsible for the strength of cement, but its contribution to the strength gain of cement is most significant only in the first month of hardening, then its influence decreases significantly.

C2S (Belit) is the least active mineral and its effect begins only a month after mixing the cement and then lasts for years.

C3A (Tricalcium aluminate) is the most active mineral and is responsible for the early strength of concrete, but has low strength. It is the cause of sulfate corrosion of concrete and for sulfate-resistant Portland cement the C3A content is limited to 5%.

C4AF (Tetra-calcium aluminum ferrite) - in its activity it occupies an intermediate place between alite and belite and does not have a definite effect on the hardening rate of cement.

Thus, based on functional purpose white cement, the percentage of C3S and C3A is important for it. At the same time, the C3S content should preferably be as high as possible, and the C3A content, then if it is high in clinker, the cement quickly gains strength in the first day, but at the same time loses its corrosion (sulfate) resistance when using products made from such cement outdoors.

Physical properties of cement

The main physical indicators of white cement that determine its quality are its degree of whiteness and strength characteristics (as a rule, indicated by the results of compression tests on the 2nd and 28th days from the start of mixing). They should, accordingly, be as high as possible. The specific surface area is also very important. The higher this indicator, the faster the cement hardens and its water demand increases (the higher it is, the better the process of hardening of concrete products and their strength characteristics improve).

For example, white cement from the Russian manufacturer JSC Holsim (Rus) SM in the Moscow region, for objective reasons, is the “freshest” and, compared to its competitors, has the shortest time period from the moment of its production to receipt of the end consumer. It is a 100% Russian product, made in Russia using local raw materials, therefore it has the most low price offers on the market. In terms of whiteness and strength, it is inferior to foreign cements, which is primarily due to the quality of the raw materials (high content of iron and magnesium - at the limit of permissible values ​​for white cements). At the same time, carried out in recent years reconstruction at the plant made it possible to practically remove the previously characteristic green tint at Shurovsky cement.

White cement due to its unique snow-white color, increased weather resistance and other characteristics, it is unique material for creating sculptures, constructing architectural compositions, producing colored concrete products and decorating the facades of buildings and structures.

Production technology

Clinker for the production of white cement is obtained from raw materials with a minimum content of “coloring” substances - oxides of Fe, Cr and Mn. The main components of clinker are: kaolin, white limestone and marble.

The technology for the production of white binder is practically no different from the technology for the production of conventional “gray” cement. However, due to the fact that there are a number of features, it is somewhat complex and consists of the following stages:

  • Enrichment of raw materials by sequential crushing and processing in screens using dry or wet technology. During this operation, unwanted “coloring” impurities that have accidentally entered are removed from the raw material.
  • Roasting of raw materials in rotary kilns running on natural gas or fuel oil (ash-free coolants). Due to the virtually zero presence of iron oxide, the liquid phase of white cement clinker is formed at more high temperatures than the liquid phase of clinker of a conventional binder, and is characterized by increased viscosity and a small temperature differential between melting and hardening. Therefore, raw materials for white cement are fired at a temperature of 1620-1650 degrees Celsius.
  • Clinker bleaching. The technical meaning of the operation is to restore the iron oxide (Fe2 O3) present in the finished clinker, which gives the material a greenish tint, to (Fe3 O4), which has little coloring ability.

All other stages: clinker grinding, laboratory tests and packaging of finished cement are similar.

Main Features

The characteristics of white “binder” should be considered in comparison with another type of “binder” - gray cement general use.

  • Increased frost resistance from 100 freeze-thaw cycles.
  • High level moisture resistance, allowing the use of white cement products in all weather conditions.
  • Minimum period of setting and gaining brand strength. 15 hours after pouring, the white cement-based solution gains 65% of brand strength, and final hardening occurs within 72 hours.
  • The main consumer characteristic is a high light reflection coefficient, which determines the decorative and aesthetic appearance products and structures.
  • The degree of light reflection (whiteness) regulates the composition of the clinker. Regulatory documents There are three grades of material depending on the ability to reflect light rays: grade 1 80% (minimum light reflectance as a percentage of the absolute reflection scale), 2-75%, 3-70%. The grade of the binder is indicated in its designation on the packaging or accompanying documents.

An example of the designation of white cement, GOST965-89: white Portland cement 2-400-D20. Where “2” is the degree of whiteness, “400” is the compressive strength of 400 kgf/cm2, “D20” is the content of additives no more than 20%.

At the same time, according to the compressive strength of mortars based on white cements at the “age” of 28 days after pouring, two grades are distinguished: 400 and 500, according to the content of additives without additives (D0) and with additives of no more than 20% (D20), according to the degree of whiteness 1, 2 and 3 grade.

Where is white cement used?

Today, white binder is used on almost all construction sites and precast concrete industries. In some cases, its use is specified in the technical documentation and is the only possible option.

The unique decorative effect and rapid hardening that this product has building material, are used in the following areas:

  • Finishing of facades of low-rise buildings.
  • Production of structural reinforced concrete products: paving slabs, stair steps, facing stone etc.
  • Manufacturing of products for decorative and artistic purposes: sculptures, products for decorating facades, flowerpots for plants, balusters and railings, fencing various types Ave.
  • Production of dry plaster mixtures, adhesive compositions and dry cement-lime mortars for finishing.

It is worth noting that white cement is often used for casting sculptures or decor; it is the only acceptable option not only in terms of the degree of whiteness, but also in the possibility of using these products outdoors without the need for additional protective measures.

Instructions for use

When using white binder at home, you should adhere to certain rules and strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. White cement is special type cements, so working with it requires compliance with simple but mandatory rules:

  • Tools, formwork, concrete mixer, molds for pouring, in other words, everything that will come into contact with the surface of the material being prepared and the structure being poured must be absolutely clean.
  • Fillers and sealer (water) must also be perfectly clean and free of impurities that can change the color of the solution.
  • If the pouring conditions require reinforcement with steel elements, they are first coated (coated) with a layer of concrete several millimeters thick.
  • Colored white cement mortar should not contain more than 5% color pigment.
  • You should not add an increased amount of sand to the solution. This “muffles” its color qualities and reduces the plasticity of the solution.

White cement should be diluted like regular cement: 1 part binder, 3 parts pure sand and 0.5-07 parts clean water.

Domestic and foreign producers of white cement

White cement is predominantly an imported building material. IN Russian Federation it is produced by one company, Holcim Rus LLC (formerly Shchurovsky Cement OJSC) - this is non-additive white Portland cement BPTs 2-400-D0 and non-additive white Portland cement BPTs 1-500-D0. To guide buyers, we summarize the main suppliers of white cement in the following table:

Manufacturing company Packaging, kg. Approximate price, rub.
ADANA, Türkiye 50 780-950
Cimsa, Türkiye 50 850
Aalborg White Cement, Egypt 50 950
Holcim Rus, Russia 50 820

As can be seen from the table (all prices are taken from open sources and are subject to change), the cost of domestic and imported white cement significantly exceeds the cost of its “gray” counterpart. This is the most important disadvantage of white binders, which must be taken into account when planning and producing construction and finishing works.

On construction market cement is represented quite widely. Each type is characterized by one or another composition that determines the quality of the material. One of them is white cement, which is slowly but surely gaining popularity, which “came into being” rather for aesthetic reasons. What distinguishes it from its traditional analogue is the composition responsible for giving the well-known solution a gray-green color.

Cement white contains clinker, characterized by whiteness due to the absence or minimal content of iron oxides!

Experts note that this building material is superior to its traditional gray counterpart in many respects. Firstly, it gains strength much faster at the initial stage of drying and hardening, which is due to its chemical and mineralogical composition.

16 hours after laying the solution, it hardens by 60%. The gray composition reaches this level only on day 28!

Secondly, products made from such a solution are characterized by a greater degree of strength and resistance to atmospheric phenomena. They retain their original color for a long time, without turning yellow even in the rain and straight sun rays, do not crack. All these properties allow you to avoid additional costs for repairs and painting. Thirdly, due to its whiteness, cement has a high light reflectance, which makes the finished product made from it more attractive. Moreover, the addition of coloring agents to white composition allows you to get a brighter and more saturated color.

White cement - application in various fields of construction

Cement is one of the main materials widely used in construction. However, white cement, the use of which began not so long ago, is still a “newbie” in this area. Experts note that its share in the building materials market is only 1-2%. However, this does not prevent us from obtaining amazingly beautiful architectural elements from it.

Excellent aesthetic and performance properties made this material an ideal raw material for the production decorative brick and stone, a variety of stucco details. White cement is one of the components of dry adhesive mixtures and an excellent basis for producing colored concrete. It is suitable for installing self-leveling floors and creating small architectural forms, for example, garden sculptures or flowerpots. White mortar is widely used for making steps, balconies, paving slabs or borders.

Features of using white cement

If after purchasing you are thinking about how to dilute white cement, then you don’t have to worry too much. The solution is prepared in the same way as a similar gray composition. However, you can focus on some features of its use. So:

  • All instruments that, in one way or another, come into contact with fresh solution must be perfectly clean. There should be no traces of rust or mold on them. This nuance is of paramount importance, because you have to work with a white composition.
  • The form into which the solution is poured, or the surface on which it is applied, must also be clean. To do this, dust and all visible dirt are first removed.
  • If you use any aggregates, they must be white, and the size of the fractions must be the smallest. Admixtures of clay, silt and other substances are not allowed.
  • If concrete is poured into reinforcement or other metal elements, then they must first be protected from corrosive processes. The thickness of the solution applied to them should exceed 3 cm.
  • To mix this type of cement, you must use only clean water.
  • To comply with the strength class, there must be at least 350 kg of solution per 1m3.

Thus, white cement is an excellent material for a wide variety of construction applications. However, in order for products made from it to please your eyes, you must follow the rules for its use.

The residence of the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II is striking in its beauty. The material that made it possible to create it and was widely used in finishing is white cement. It has a number of advantages over gray, which allows us to safely call it a material of the 21st century.

Chemical composition. White Portland cement is a type of ordinary Portland cement and differs in its chemical and mineralogical composition, which determines its color. The chemical composition of white cement differs from ordinary Portland cement in the increased content of SiO2, Al2O3 and a small amount of iron oxides, which determine the color. The standard of whiteness is milky glass, the reflection coefficient of which is at least 96.3%. According to the standard, white cement is divided into 3 grades:

And I grade (highest) - 80%;

A II grade - 76%;

And III grade - 72%.

Scope of application. The use of white concrete for the construction and decoration of shopping and business centers, theaters, museums, metro stations, stadiums, hotels, churches and residential buildings will make these structures beautiful and unique.

The most developed area of ​​application of white cement is the production of dry mixtures for all types of finishing works and decorative plasters various colors. The high coefficient of light reflection (whiteness) allows it to be used to obtain any shade (especially light colors) in the production of colored concrete, as well as cement paint.

White cement is an excellent material for the manufacture of self-leveling floors and floor slabs, as well as paving slabs and stones, stairs. Such products have high resistance to mechanical stress, low abrasion and an attractive appearance. From white cement, sand, expanded clay and dye, an excellent finishing material is obtained - artificial stone, which in appearance is practically indistinguishable from basalt, cobblestone, limestone and other natural stone, but has a number of advantages over them: two to three times lighter, more durable and frost-resistant , several times cheaper, can be of any color and shade.

White cement is widely used for the manufacture of products of small architectural forms and elements landscape design, namely: balustrades, columns, pillar covers, portals, flowerpots, flower beds, fountains, stairs, etc. These products have the noble appearance of natural stone and are similar in frost resistance and strength natural stone, easy to install and quite affordable. Modern technologies make it possible to realize any customer’s idea both in the form of the product and in color scheme. White cement is also used for finishing building facades (cornices, window frames, rustics, etc.), and facade elements can be laid when laying walls or attached to already constructed buildings.

White cement produces high-quality grouts and putties, as well as adhesives and cement mortars for tiles.

Main manufacturers. The only manufacturer of white Portland cement in Russia is JSC Shchurovsky Cement.

The production volume here is about 60 thousand tons per year. (For comparison: about 46 million tons of regular, gray cement were produced last year.) White Portland cement is produced and supplied to Russian market also the following factories: "AALBORG PORTLAND a. s." (Denmark), "HIROCEM a.s." (Slovakia), "CIMSA" CIMENTO SANAYI VE TICARET A.S." (Turkey), "Devnya Tsiment" (Bulgaria). Scandinavian countries supply this material in small quantities. According to expert estimates, approximately 8 thousand tons of white are imported to Russia cement.

Quality. All white Portland cement imported to Russia have international certificates of conformity confirming their high level of quality. Russian consumers require certificates of conformity from domestic certification organizations. The results of tests of imported white Portland cements for compliance with the requirements of GOST 965-89 allow them to make a more competent and informed decision on the use of these cements without implementation input control in our own production.

All manufacturers have such quality indicators of white cement as uniformity of volume change, magnesium oxide content in clinker, sulfur oxide (U1) and chlorine ion content, specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, meet the requirements of the standards. Additional indicators of the quality of white cement, such as setting time, grinding fineness, mobility of cement-sand mortar, spreadability of cement paste, hydrophobicity, water resistance, content of free calcium oxide, alkali oxides, insoluble residue in clinker, weight loss on ignition, shelf life, All white cements are practically at the same level.

Assessing the practice of their use, the following can be noted: Russian consumers use expensive imported white Portland cement for the production of SCC for decorative concrete and solutions, as well as for special-purpose mixtures, since their high whiteness rates make it possible to obtain white products even when using red and yellow sands. To obtain colored products, relatively inexpensive, domestic white Portland cement is used.

The main problem. Why does only one plant produce white cement in Russia? The difficulty is that for its production the raw materials are very high quality. Raw materials must have a low content of coloring impurities (iron oxide, manganese oxide). And there are few raw materials in our country that contain small amounts of these impurities. New developments. Employees of the Russian University of Chemical Technology, together with specialists from the Shchurovsky Cement Plant, have developed a recipe for frost-resistant white cement. An experimental batch has been released. If traditional white cement has frost resistance of 100 - 150 freeze-thaw cycles, then the new development has 200 cycles. This will significantly expand the scope of white cement. Products made on its basis can be used in long and harsh winters.

Technological advantages. White cement is a high-quality building material. It is distinguished by:

* good machinability and strength;

* more beautiful light and pastel colors when using color options;

* weak influence on concrete technology; * outstanding qualities regarding surface treatment and finishing;

* suitability for use in high-strength concrete due to low water consumption;

* improved machinability and increased compressive strength;

* high quality stability.

* Concrete mixers, vehicles, as well as tools in direct contact with the concrete mixture must be completely clean, free of rust, sediment, grease, etc. Formwork or concrete forms must also be clean. Cleaning is done by blowing and removing dust. Only stripping agents that do not cause staining of the concrete may be used.

* Filler for white concrete, in particular fractions 0 - 2 mm, must be white. It should be free of dust, clay and colored components. Siliceous sand does not contain pyrites. A grain size of no more than 8/15 is recommended.

* To care for white concrete after stripping, clean water should be used in the initial stages of its maturation.

* Steel reinforcement must be covered with a layer of concrete at least 3 cm thick. All protruding parts of the reinforcement must be insulated to prevent corrosion.

* For white concrete, plasticizing, air-entraining and retarding additives can be used, provided that they do not cause coloration.


Alexander Nochny, President of the Union of Concrete Producers: - Any cement contains two components: lime and alumina. They make up 75 - 80% of the composition of the clinker itself. And the color of cement depends on the composition and quality of these materials. To make colored cement, you first need to make white and add certain dyes to it. I know that the demand for white cement is not very high. And these cements - and they are more expensive than ordinary cement - are mainly produced to order. The problem is the lack of demand.

Little construction tricks and innovations often contribute to the finished building, saturate it with bright colors, and bestow new life. White cement is increasingly gaining popularity due to its advantages.

Characteristics and composition

White cement is a building material that is gaining popularity. It differs from the traditional analogue in composition, manufacturing process, operational and aesthetic characteristics and, of course, color. The substance is astringent, powdery, and when mixed with water it instantly hardens, forming a tight elastic mass. The whitish, pleasant shade is achieved through components with a minimum amount of ferrous compounds (manganese, chromium, iron, titanium).

The substance is based on low-iron clinker, as well as limestone rocks (chalk, limestone, marl, marble), clay, sand, gypsum, and chlorinated salts. Iron oxide should contain less than 0.45% of the total mass.

The strength of white cement is twice that of gray cement. This level can be achieved by sharply cooling the clinker after firing in an oxygen-free environment. Liquid fuel and gas burners are suitable for firing.

Grinding of clinker and crushing of raw materials occurs in mills or crushers with a special lining using basalt, silicon or porcelain slabs.

In order for cement to fully cope with its functions, strict requirements are imposed on its composition, including high quality ingredients. The clay component is primary and enriched (slip) kaolins. The slip consists of tiny quartz grains with an admixture of mica and kaolinite. It is better to avoid large grains of sand: they slow down the transportation and mixing of the mixture.

White cement is marked in two ways - M500, M400, less often - M600, M700.

According to the saturation of the shade (degree of whiteness), three types are distinguished:

  • 1st grade - reflection coefficient - 80-85%.
  • 2nd grade - 75%.
  • 3rd grade - 68%. When the reflectivity exceeds 90%, the cement is classified as premium class.

Features and Benefits

  1. Frost resistance. Withstands more than 100 winter-summer season changes.
  2. High moisture resistance allows the use of white cement in any climatic conditions.
  3. Strength. The mixture hardens 60-65% within 15-16 hours. Complete consolidation of the material occurs within 3 days.
  4. Resistance to ultraviolet rays provides pristine aesthetics for a long time.
  5. Decorative properties . Using coloring pigments, white cement can be colored. This creates a wide range of ideas for architects and sculptors, practically without limiting their creative potential.
  6. Resistance to precipitation. Under the influence of wind, rain, snow, hail, white cement does not change its strength and color.
  7. Great dispersion. It is not destroyed by high humidity and aggressive solutions.
  8. Environmental friendliness. Natural ingredients are used to create white cement.
  9. Economical. Due to rapid hardening and high strength, the cost of working with the material is reduced. In addition, cracks hardly form, so you rarely have to spend money on repairing them.


Due to its properties, white cement is used in both open and indoors, as well as on facades.

Main producers of white cement

HOLCIM, Russia and Slovakia

The largest manufacturer in Europe. The products comply with accepted GOST standards and contain the NOLCIM marking - PCB 1-500.

The advantages of this manufacturer are as follows:

  • strict production control;
  • thorough cleaning of raw materials;
  • modern equipment;
  • high light reflectance (at least 85%);
  • fine grinding, homogeneity of the finished material;
  • increased frost resistance.

The quality of our products allows us to export to 50 countries around the world. Russian manufacturer loses to Slovakia in color: cement has a greenish tint.

Cimsa uAdana, Türkiye

It is produced by the “dry method”, which results in a more modern, high-quality product. It is considered the “golden mean” in terms of price and quality.

Advantages of the Turkish product:

Aalborg White, Denmark

The only manufacturer of white cement in Denmark, however, it is the Danish building material that ranks first in the world market in terms of quality indicators. Degree of whiteness - up to 90%. The main advantage is the complete absence of sand and clay (sand is supplied artificially).

Other advantages are as follows:

  • a little alkali and chromates;
  • uniform color;
  • high sulfate resistance. Due to its high quality, Danish cement is the most expensive.

Aalborg White, Egypt

The production technology is similar to Danish, but Egyptian cement has more low quality. The main disadvantage is the difficulty of delivery from Egypt. Egyptian is highly wear-resistant and has a whiteness level of up to 89%.


Little is known about white cement, but one thing is certain: its applications are limitless. You can use it to create a variety of architectural masterpieces and even complete the entire façade of a house.

White is superior to “classic” in many ways. He doesn't require large quantity time and hard work when using, looks more beautiful, highly durable.

Not many countries produce white cement, but they have already learned how to fake the material. That's why upon purchase products You need to pay attention to quality certificates.