What is the difference between gravel and granite crushed stone? Crushed stone (granite, crushed gravel, limestone, etc.)

Some buyers, wanting to purchase crushed stone, call this building material gravel, while others, on the contrary, call gravel crushed stone. This confusion with names is most likely due to the fact that they both have natural origins. Or perhaps people are confused by such a concept as crushed gravel. Both materials are extracted from rocks, but they have a number of differences.

Methods for producing crushed stone and types of material

To better understand the differences between gravel and crushed stone, it is necessary to understand the essence of how these rocks are produced. Let's start with crushed stone. This material may originally be granite rock, or it may be gravel, limestone, reclaimed rock, or scoria. The process of extracting granite crushed stone begins with a series of explosions, during which granite blocks of various sizes break off from the rock. Remaining large pieces explode again. Grinding and sorting into granite fractions is carried out at the plant, where the stones are transported by special equipment.

IN certain cases Primary crushing is carried out in a quarry using special equipment, after which partially crushed stone is supplied to the crushing and screening plant.

Crushed gravel is obtained by sifting quarry rock through a special vibrating sieve, as well as by grinding stone rock. Depending on the extraction method this type The material is divided into crushed stone and gravel. Stones have been used in the production of reinforced concrete building products and in the construction of roads. Both types of building materials are inferior in strength to granite crushed stone. Limestone (dolomite) material is obtained by grinding limestone. The stone is a sedimentary rock formed primarily from calcite. Dolomite has been used in road construction and the production of reinforced concrete concrete.

Recycled crushed stone is extracted by processing construction waste. For this purpose, bricks, pieces of asphalt and concrete can be crushed and divided into fractions. This process has its own standards, which are described in GOST 25137-82. The main advantage of recycled materials is its low cost. The material has been used in arranging the bottoms of pits and trenches utility networks, in the road sector (used as fill) and in the production of concrete (used as coarse aggregate).

Slag stone is a product of grinding waste metallurgical slag and treating it with fire. Cast slag crushed stone is divided into fractions. Depending on the grade that is assigned to the bulk material taking into account the level of strength, slag is used either in road construction or in manufacturing cement concrete various brands.

Mining of sedimentary rocks and their scope of application

Gravel is the result of long-term destruction and weathering of rocks. Construction material can be sea, river, glacial and mountain. Such pebbles contain an admixture of sand, clay and dust. They are mined in open and closed quarries using dredgers, bulldozers, excavators and other heavy special equipment.

Of these varieties, sedimentary rock of mountain origin is most often used in construction. It has a rough surface, due to which the adhesive ability of the materials being joined increases. The sequence of gravel stone extraction is divided into washing (allows you to separate the rock from foreign impurities), crushing and sorting. As for the area of ​​application of mountain gravel, this type of rock is used:

  • in the production of heavy cement concrete;
  • in the construction of roads and filling ramps;
  • during the arrangement air cushion on various kinds platforms;
  • in the process of laying foundations;
  • in the manufacture of roofing products.

Marine and river sedimentary rock is cleaner than mountain rock, as it contains a minimal amount of impurities. But the very smooth surface of the stones does not allow them to be used for the production of high-quality heavy concrete. Gravel mined from river and sea beaches is widely used in construction. Due to the rounded shape of the grains, it has been used in landscape works and decorating various types of areas.

In addition, sea and river pebbles can have different colors; they can be gray-blue, dark brown with a red tint, white, black, pink and even yellow. The variety of colors allows them to be used in the process of decorating gardens, ponds, when forming pedestrian paths, playgrounds, and when laying out flower beds and flower beds.

So what is the difference between gravel and crushed stone?

Having familiarized yourself with the methods of extracting gravel and crushed stone, you can confidently answer the question of what is the difference between these two materials:

  1. 1. The first difference is different way receiving material. After all, as mentioned above, to extract crushed stone you need a strong explosion, and to collect gravel you need special equipment.
  2. 2. The main difference between these two types of stones is the shape and size of the grains. Gravel pebbles, compared to crushed stone, have small sizes and smooth edges, whereas crushed stone is larger and has sharp corners.
  3. 3. The natural shade of crushed stone is limited gray, and nature has endowed river and sea pebbles with a variety of colors.
  4. 4. The difference between gravel and crushed stone also lies in the fact that the first material, due to its streamlined shape, cannot reliably adhere to other building materials, while any fraction of crushed stone, due to its roughness, has a high level of adhesive abilities. And thanks to its flatness and the presence of sharp corners, it tends to compact well.

Completing this material, we can conclude: there is a difference between gravel and crushed stone, and it must be said significant. Therefore, when planning to decorate a garden or home pond, you should not order over the phone in a confident voice a couple of tons of crushed stone, and even of the maximum fraction. Without knowing the differences between gravel and crushed stone, you risk losing the presentable appearance of your residential area.

Gravel refers to sedimentary rock of inorganic origin, consisting of rolled pieces of minerals and rocks. It is a natural material formed by the weathering and erosion that occurs in rocks. Particle size different types gravel can be from 1 mm to several centimeters.

Typically, deposits are found on river terraces, floodplains, in glacial deposits, and coastal coastal zones. The formation of this material is associated with the activity of rivers, seas, and glaciers.

Depending on its origin, gravel can be river, sea, mountain, or glacial. The formation of river and sea gravel (pebbles) is associated with the impact of flowing water. On the coasts of the seas it is formed due to the action of waves, ebbs and flows. The resulting friction of pebbles against sand particles, as well as against each other, plus the grinding effect of water flows lead to the fact that over time they acquire a rounded shape and a smooth surface.

Mountain gravel is formed during the natural destruction of rocks under the influence of wind, rain, fluctuations in air temperature, and cycles of freezing and thawing of water. It consists of pieces of rock various shapes and has a rough surface.

Mountain gravel

The glacial variety is associated with the movement of glaciers. This process is still happening in some places, but in the past, during the spread of glaciations, it was observed in many areas.

Particles of river and sea gravel can be representatives of completely different rocks and minerals, so they have different colors and different properties. If the parent rock was more durable, then the gravel particle will be harder and less well-rounded.

Among the grains of gravel, it is impossible to detect halite (sodium chloride mineral) and other rocks and minerals that are highly soluble in water, which will simply be washed away by water flows.

A close analogue of gravel, but only with a smaller particle size, is sand.

Properties of gravel

fine gravel
  1. Based on particle size, fine gravel (1 – 2.5 mm), medium gravel (2.5 – 5 mm) and coarse gravel (more than 5 mm) are distinguished, that is, small, medium and large fractions. Depending on the size of the fraction, the bulk density of the material also changes. If the gravel is small, then it is 1700 kg/m3, and for coarse gravel it is 1500 kg/m3.
  2. Hardness and strength. Determined by the degree of abrasion and crushability. They depend on the composition of the particles and have highest value when using this material in road construction.
  3. Temperature stability. Depends on how much freezing and freezing the particles can withstand.
  4. Amount of impurities. The most common undesirables are clay and dust. The least amount of impurities is in gravel formed by water flows, and the largest amount is observed in the mountain variety of this material. Also considered undesirable are impurities such as gypsum, silica, pyrite, pieces of dense clay, and iron ore.
  5. Predominant grain shape. It can be round, lamellar, rounded-angular and angular.
  6. Washed gravel. It is obtained from ordinary gravel by thorough washing, and therefore, specific gravity There are minimal impurities in it.

How is gravel mined?

Gravel mining

Gravel extraction is carried out open method using special equipment. Gravel mined from mountain quarries needs to be washed. This material is transported various types ground transport. For short distances, conveyors and trolleys can be used.

Where is gravel used?

The availability and prevalence of this material makes its use widespread and ubiquitous. Main directions:

  1. Concrete production.
  2. Road construction.
  3. As a decorative material.

Mountain, glacial or mixed gravel is more suitable for making concrete. Due to the roughness of the particles, this material creates better adhesion to cement than smooth particles of water gravel. Another condition is the resistance of the particles to alkalis.

In road construction, the main requirement for a material is the strength of the particles. In some regions, frost resistance is also important.

Gravel is increasingly being used as a decorative material. Fine gravel is suitable for paths, mini beaches, and recreation areas. Aquatic types of gravel are optimal for this purpose. Larger gravel has found use in landscaping artificial reservoirs and in creating a landscape on a personal plot.

Gravel and crushed stone

Gravel and crushed stone are quite similar materials in appearance, but they also have significant differences. Gravel is formed in natural conditions, and its particles have softer outlines. Crushed stone is obtained artificially - by crushing solid rock. Therefore, its particles have sharp outlines and sharp protrusions. Crushed stone gives stronger adhesion to cement, so the concrete produced from it has more high level strength. At the same time, a cubic meter of gravel will cost less than a cubic meter of crushed stone and is quite suitable for the construction of small structures.

IN construction work rocks are widely used and natural materials. The main ones are gravel and crushed stone, the differences between which are not always obvious to the layman. They need to be understood, since the characteristics and properties of minerals determine their scope of application.

Main characteristics of gravel

Natural gravel is formed during the destruction of rocks in natural conditions and can have a variety of geological origins - river, sea, mountain, glacial. Its extraction involves collection, further washing, sizing and sorting if necessary. Artificial (expanded clay) material is manufactured industrially.

The natural mineral has many varieties, the basic physical and mechanical properties of which vary greatly and depend on:

  • the type of rock from which it was formed;
  • geographical location of the mining site;
  • composition of the mixture.

Important indicators are determined experimentally for each batch. These include:

  • Fraction. It can have a range of 1–70 mm - according to this indicator, the mixture is divided into several groups.
  • Strength. Most types of gravel are loose material. If the mineral was formed from fragments of granite, marble or quartz, then it has high strength indicators.
  • Abrasion– from 10 to 50%.
  • Density– from 1.43 to 1.61 t/cub.m.
  • Frost resistance– from 15 to 300 freezing cycles without loss of strength.

The acceptability of using gravel for certain purposes is determined by the hardness and roughness of the mineral. The higher the indicators, the more durable the product can be obtained. The most commonly used material in construction is hard rock, and technical requirements it is regulated by GOST 8267-93.

Crushed stone is obtained as a result of the deliberate destruction of large blocks of limestone, granite, dolomite, large fractions of gravel or secondary raw materials by crushing using special equipment. Excellent ability to adhere to the components of the building mixture due to the sharp angles that the material receives during mechanical crushing is the main difference between crushed stone and gravel. This is the main technological property of the material, which determines its widespread use for production. concrete solutions.

Other important characteristics include:

Flakiness. This percentage in the total mass of individual fractions of a flat, lamellar shape. The lower this indicator, the higher trademark has material:

  • up to 15%– cuboid;
  • 15 –25% – improved;
  • 25 – 50% – ordinary.

Fraction. The dimensions of crushed stone are regulated by GOST. There are several groups, each of which is used for specific purposes:

  • dropout up to 5 mm– as an anti-icing material;
  • 5–10 mm– for manufacturing concrete slabs and solutions;
  • 10–20 mm– as a base for roads and buildings;
  • 20–40mm– for the production of complex heavy structures;
  • 40–70 mm– for the construction of multi-storey buildings, highways;
  • 70–120 mm– for decorative purposes.

Differences between crushed stone and gravel

Both materials are of natural inorganic origin. Understanding the difference between gravel and crushed stone will help you right choice for one task or another.

Form of factions. Crushed stone can be immediately identified by its sharp edges. Sea and river gravel has a streamlined shape, which is a consequence of the long-term influence of water. The mountain species has a slightly rough surface.

Color. There is only crushed stone gray. Numerous types of sedimentary mineral have different natural shades.

Grip index. Thanks to its rough, irregular shape, crushed stone easily combines with other components of the concrete mixture. The adhesive properties of its opponent are significantly lower due to its streamlined shape.

Application. The differences between crushed stone and gravel determine their areas of use. The main purpose of the first material is as a filler for concrete solutions. Only some types of gravel (mountain, shungizite, washed or glacial) are suitable for the production of building mixtures. Most often the sedimentary mineral is used as:

  • foundation cushion to prevent water stagnation;
  • embankment for highways;
  • natural filter for natural wells and household appliances;
  • material for landscape design, decorating artificial reservoirs, forming garden paths.

Gravel is a unique decorative mineral. In some cases suitable for concrete mixtures with moderate strength - its use allows you to reduce the cost of the solution. For production heavy solutions, products with increased requirements must use crushed stone as a filler.

Due to the fact that construction is gaining momentum every year, the demand for materials used for it is also increasing. One of the most popular stones, which are used in the construction of various structures, are gravel and crushed stone.

There are certain differences between the two that people often don't realize once they start getting into the construction process. It should be understood that this information is extremely important, since, based on it, you should make a choice in favor of one material or another.

Correct use of stones is the key to successful completion of the work.

Features of gravel

In order to clearly understand all the characteristics of gravel, you should first analyze the methods of its origin. The material is rock deposits that are formed by the sedimentary method of occurrence. Because of this, the structure of the gravel is quite loose.

Experts distinguish the following types of gravel depending on the size of its fractions:

  • fine material. Its particle size is only 1 to 2.5 millimeters. In essence, it is a kind of;
  • medium material. Its stones have dimensions of no more than 5 millimeters in each projection;
  • large material. He represents the most great view gravel. Its fractions reach 10 millimeters in size.

The origin of gravel can also be quite different. Experts distinguish the following types of this material:

  • mountain material;

This material is also used for pouring and many other elements of structures. Gravel can be completely different in its color scheme. This stone It is found in blue and pink, as well as yellow and brown.

Thus, we can conclude about its high aesthetic properties. Because of this, this material is often used for decorative purposes. In squares and parks in lately no work is complete without the use of gravel.

First of all, this is influenced by its color scheme, which allows you to create almost real pictures on the ground. What is the difference between gravel and crushed stone must be understood, since the wrong choice of material can lead to certain difficulties in construction, loss of money and time for the commissioning of the project.

Characteristics of crushed stone

It is quite easy to distinguish crushed stone from gravel due to the fact that these building materials have quite different appearance. The first is characterized by a completely different structure. Crushed stones have roughness, abrasions and sharp corners that are visible even to the naked eye.

The size of this material is often significantly larger than the size of gravel. This information is also indicated in the corresponding .

Extraction of crushed stone occurs by crushing certain rocks. First of all, they are boulders, granite and limestone.

A distinctive feature of crushed stone is that, with the help of its rough structure, it can adhere quite well to many other materials. This greatly expands it practical possibilities use in the construction industry.

The purpose of crushed stone is based directly on the size of its stones. This correspondence must be taken into account when selecting material for specific tasks.

Crushed stone comes in the following sizes:

  • fraction up to 5 millimeters. This kind of material specialist is called a dropout. It is formed as waste from the production of larger stones. Crushed stone of this size is used to form roads and platforms;

  • they are often sprinkled on the roadway during icy conditions, as this significantly helps improve the adhesion of coated car wheels;
  • fraction from 5 to 10 millimeters. Such material is also considered to be quite small, so it is used mainly for cooking and. Also from it form concrete and reinforced concrete slabs;

  • fraction from 10 to 20 millimeters. This material has medium sized components. It's most often used in bridge construction, as well as during the construction of foundations for structures and road surfaces;

  • fraction from 20 to 40 millimeters. Builders most often use this material to create complex and quite heavy structures;

  • fraction from 40 to 70 millimeters. Such large stones are used to build multi-story structures and road surfaces. Stones of similar sizes able to withstand quite significant loads without being subject to deformation;

  • fraction from 70 to 120 millimeters. Such material can serves only decorative element . It should not be used as a filler.

Fraction 70-120

If we talk about the performance properties of crushed stone, then we should definitely talk about its strength and resistance to low temperatures. Depending on the last factor, the material is even divided into different classes according to. You should pay attention to this when choosing a stone for outdoor use.

Gravel and crushed stone also have differences in price. The cost of these materials depends on many factors that need to be taken into account when purchasing them.

For more information about the characteristics of crushed stone, watch the video:

Comparative analysis of crushed stone and gravel

Despite almost the same origin, crushed stone and gravel are used for completely different construction purposes. Among the main differences, it is also worth highlighting adhesion - the ability to adhere to other materials.

In this regard, gravel is largely inferior to crushed stone. Therefore, the latter has a wider range of applications. This is affected by its irregular shape, the presence of corners, rough surface, etc.

In addition, it is definitely worth noting the physical superiority of crushed stone over gravel.

The first material is significantly stronger and resistant to various mechanical influences. The angles and presence of planes in the crushed stone ensure that the stone compacts well. This means that there will be fewer voids in a layer of such material than in a round one, like gravel.

In turn, this property affects the stability of structures and elements. Different types gravel have approximately the same appearance. Because of this, it is possible to make a slight mistake when choosing this material. This will not happen with crushed stone, since it has more pronounced features.

It is worth noting the difference between the two types of materials in aesthetic terms. Here gravel beats crushed stone by several points. This is due to the presence of smooth and beautiful surface, as well as a variety of colors.

In comparison, gravel can be said to be an ideal stone to use for purposes. First of all, this concerns landscape gardening art.

In addition, it is used to decorate the facades of houses and some other elements of buildings. This way they become more attractive and interesting. Crushed stone, due to the lack of such aesthetic properties, does not allow making any decorative details.

Currently, quarry sand is rightfully the most common material used in construction and repair. all its characteristics.

High-quality cement is an excellent binder, without which it is impossible to make any repairs. decoding of cement grades.

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Also, the difference between gravel and crushed stone is that the first represents an already formed mountain nature with its own unique properties and parameters, and the second is the material that requires crushing. That is, essentially at the stones various ways extraction and creation mechanisms.

More complete and beautiful shape in gravel, which nature created by influencing it with some of its own forces (friction, gravity, etc.).

The same mineral that was produced through human intervention has a less aesthetic appearance. Thus, we can conclude that the properties and characteristics of crushed stone, due to its crushing and low decorative properties, made it possible to use it in a wider range of different construction applications.

At the same time, gravel, having a variety of colors and quite beautiful appearance, gained its popularity mainly for decorative purposes.

The photo allows you to understand how gravel differs from crushed stone. The picture shows different fractions of these materials, each having a unique shape and unique color.

It is worth noting that there is such a stone as crushed gravel. It is made artificially. To do this, they break the monolithic rock with certain tools. Crushed stone and gravel have certain differences between them.

First of all, this concerns the production method. The second material is created by nature, and not through human intervention.

Differences and similarities of materials

By analyzing gravel and crushed stone, it is possible to draw some conclusions regarding the individual properties of these materials. They can be expressed this way:

  • nature of education. Both materials are of inorganic origin from rocks. In this regard, there are no differences between them. They are completely identical in their original appearance;
  • creation mechanism. Gravel is created by influencing the material by certain forces of nature, and crushed stone is formed by influencing blocks of rock by humans;

  • appearance. Gravel has a streamlined shape, many different colors and decorative features. Crushed stone is distinguished by sharp corners, the presence of planes and a limited number of shades;

  • operational properties. Gravel is not able to withstand large and significant loads, as well as the effects of severe and prolonged frosts. In this regard, this material is rather weak;
  • crushed stone is able to withstand heavy loads and periods of temperature changes. environment;
  • they also differ in characteristics; for crushed stone it is slightly higher than for gravel;
  • scope of application. Gravel is predominantly decorative material, without which it is quite difficult to create a beautiful appearance of construction projects. also applies to structural stones, since with its help certain elements of structures are created, which are responsible for their main function.

If you take into account all the above factors, you can really choose the material that is needed. According to this scheme, it is worth approaching the purchasing process by comparing certain properties and capabilities of stones.

The photographs allow you to see the differences between gravel and crushed stone. First of all, this concerns their decorativeness and appearance.


If you clearly understand the main differences between crushed stone and gravel, you can accurately select exactly the material that will be most useful for certain purposes.

Therefore, before you start purchasing, you should analyze all the features of these stones, their application possibilities and methods of use.

This will allow you to achieve the most optimal result ultimately after construction is completed. Moreover, the choice the right material help save money and time, which often plays a key role in the construction of structures.

Almost every one of us has dealt with construction issues at least once in our lives. And many have probably dealt with gravel and crushed stone when finishing works, pouring the foundation or, for example, during direct production building materials. At first glance, you may not notice any fundamental differences between crushed stone and gravel, since both materials actually perform the same function, are very similar in appearance, and both belong to rocks. However, upon closer examination of this issue, clear differences emerge that have a significant impact on the choice when solving construction issues.


Crushed stone– material obtained by crushing rocks. The crushed material can be of various sizes (in fact, this is determined by the fraction) and shapes. This allows crushed stone to be used in a variety of areas: from concrete production to landscape design. For example, the finest crushed stone is ideal for sprinkling sports fields and roads during icy conditions. But large crushed stone most often performs a decorative function: designing swimming pools and ponds, paths in the garden, and the like.

Gravel is formed during a long and natural process of rock destruction. It is characterized by a smooth surface and the presence of various impurities (for example, sand or soil). This significantly worsens adhesion to concrete. The material, as well as crushed stone, is widely used in construction and decorative works. Gravel can be different - river, mountain, sea, it varies depending on the place where it is mined. But in construction, in the vast majority of cases, the mountain option is used.


We have already found out that both materials are of natural origin and are very popular in solving issues of construction and interior design. Now is the time to talk about the immediate differences between gravel and crushed stone.

The first is appearance. Upon closer inspection, you will find that gravel has a smoother surface, while crushed stone tends to have very sharp corners and rough surfaces. As for size, crushed stone is mostly larger than gravel and has a monotonous color. Gravel can come in a variety of colors.

The second is application. High grip cement mortar makes crushed stone an indispensable material for pouring foundations. But gravel, thanks to its different colors and smooth surface more often used for decorative purposes.

Conclusions website

  1. The appearance of gravel is its main advantage. This makes it possible to use it to decorate flower beds, paths, pools and ponds;
  2. The main advantage of crushed stone is its natural characteristics, in particular adhesion to concrete, allowing the use of crushed stone in the production of building materials and pouring mortar.