How to make a mirror surface at home. How and what is a mirror made from? How to clean silver jewelry

The 21st century was marked by the formation and popularization of author's design. Sleight of hand, play with fantasy and imagination can create real masterpieces. Today there are many ideas on how to make a mirror with your own hands. In addition, it will help to add charm to the mirror surface. decorative lighting or decoration with all kinds of materials.

How to make a mirror with your own hands?

Today the trend is to have hand-made things in the house. Many people think about how to decorate a room not only with vases, lamps, chandeliers, but also how to make a mirror with their own hands. Making real mirrors at home is very problematic. This requires special cutting without chipping, special substances for silvering and significant financial investments. But to make a budget imitation under mirror surface with the help self-adhesive film, mirror paints or foil is quite possible.

  • original wall mount;
  • decorated frame;
  • a kind of floor stand.

Restoring an old mirror will not only return it to its original appearance, but also make a non-trivial object the highlight of the interior.

DIY dressing room mirror

Every girl dreams of feeling Hollywood star. What better way to make your dream come true than a DIY make-up mirror? A Loft style makeup mirror with lamps around the perimeter is also ideal for creative people who value practicality, creativity and minimalism.

First you need to stock up on the necessary materials:

  • light bulbs;
  • plinths;
  • coil of wire;
  • switch;
  • cable connector;
  • screwdriver

Construction of a makeup artist's mirror with lighting is a rather labor-intensive process that requires certain knowledge and skills in working with electricity.

1. Make drawings and mark the locations of the lamp bases.

2. Secure the plinths along the contour.

3. Drill holes in each plinth and feed the cable through.

4. Remove sawdust from the surface using a vacuum cleaner.

5. Check the wire for possible short circuit.

6. Connect the wiring.

7. Secure the wire that will go out and attach the plug to it.

8. Screw in the light bulbs. It is advisable to buy high-quality lamps with a matte finish so that the light is softer. Choose the number of light bulbs at your discretion.

It's much easier to make a makeup mirror with LED backlight. In addition to its main functions, it will add charm to the room and visually increase the space.

The sun mirror is a round mirror framed by rays. Rays can be of any length, size and color. They can be made from various available materials:

  • wooden legs;
  • skewers;
  • ice cream sticks;
  • newspapers using papier-mâché technique;
  • disposable spoons.

The location of this product can be either wall or floor. In the latter case, Gesell’s translucent mirror will look original - tinted mirror glass with a one-way visibility effect.

To make a sun mirror with your own hands you will need:

  • round mirror;
  • printing cardboard;
  • glue;
  • 2 packs of wooden sticks.

A mirror-sun, the rays of which symbolize infinity, and the shape is reminiscent of the Provence style, will be the highlight of any home.

Making such a model is quite simple:-

1. Cut a round base from cardboard equal to the diameter of the mirror.

2. For an even and symmetrical arrangement of parts, draw a circle from the center to the sides in the form of sun rays.

3. Make half of the sticks with pointed ends using scissors and trim sandpaper. Cut the other half of the sticks in half crosswise and round the edges.

4. Glue to the cardboard base one by one: first a long, pointed stick, then a short one.

5. To make the sun more magnificent, you can glue additional sticks on top into the space between the first layer.

For painting, use spray paint. It is advisable to carry out the procedure on the balcony. Paint the product in a rich blue color and decorate it with white beads, you will succeed original mirror Snow Queen. To achieve an aged effect, we recommend painting the workpiece bronze. To avoid one boring tone, you can additionally age the product with two acrylic paints: bronze and gold. You need to pre-mix them, and then use a brush to make light highlights on the protruding parts of the decoration. All that remains is to attach the mirror surface to the base.

Parabolic mirror

Interestingly, a parabolic mirror is also called a sun mirror. Thanks to its concave shape, light rays are reflected in it at the same angle at which they hit its surface. Making it yourself is a little more difficult, since you need to make certain calculations, layout, cutting and, accordingly, the design itself. This product is ideal for photo shoots.

How to decorate a mirror with your own hands?

A mirror is an integral part of any home. You can transform its boring shape into the central composition of the interior by decorating it yourself.

Ideas on how to decorate a mirror with your own hands:

  1. Fans of extraordinary ideas can be advised to decorate the frame with varnished wood stoppers. Roses made from egg cells will look great on a frame.
  2. You can decorate the frame with twigs from a bush, twisted into a nest and decorated with butterflies.
  3. Framing can even be done with disposable spoons that are glued to cardboard round blank in the form of flower petals.
  4. For lovers of sweets, we advise you to decorate your frames with candy canes.
  5. Decorating with a floral pattern made of superplastic will give an old mirror a second life.
  6. Metal connoisseurs will definitely appreciate finishing the mirror frame with staples, old keys or designer forging.
  7. Decorating the frame in a baguette ( ceiling plinth) will give the product unusual design in Baroque style.
  8. For the New Year, the mirror surface can be decorated with Christmas tree decorations or framed with a Christmas wreath. A drawing with New Year's themed paints will look original.

Many people wonder how to make a mirror out of glass. Making it at home is not a difficult thing, but it requires not only special knowledge in the field of chemistry, but also special materials and money.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a mirror from glass:

  1. To begin with, the glass is wiped on both sides with acetone to remove greasy spots and pollution. The glass must rest for a while to restore its temperature.
  2. Next, the chrome effect is applied using a sprayer. You need to make about six passes. The workpiece must dry for at least 8 hours, but no more than a day.
  3. When the chrome has dried, water-based enamel “Silver” (GO 05 V550) with the addition of 4% crosslinker (YCM419) is applied by spray, thanks to which this material can even be applied to ceramic tiles. We made the mirror translucent.
  4. To prevent the glass from showing through, you need to make a base where the mirror will be glued.
  5. The last stage is decor. We decorate the mirror with crafts made from paper, beads, beads and other available materials. It’s safer, of course, to make a base out of wood.

A mirror surface can also be obtained from foil, but this will only be an imitation of a mirror.

DIY designer mirror for the hallway

So that the mirror does not resonate, but becomes an integral part of the interior, you can make a frame for it yourself. A hand-made mirror in the hallway, the frame of which:

  • trimmed with beads and sequins;
  • made from plant branches;
  • decorated with colorful fabric;
  • decorated with small round mirrors;
  • decorated with rope.

Mirror items for the bathroom can be decorated in a marine theme by covering the frame or edges of the items with shells, beads, or matting using a stencil. Do not forget that their surface in the bathroom fogs up, so it is not recommended to use decorations made of paper or cardboard as decoration.

Making a mirror at home is an interesting process. Some may find it illogical, because such a thing can be purchased at any furniture store. But this activity in itself seems to be a fascinating and useful activity, and the skill will be useful to you in the future, when the need arises to repair optical instruments. Let's find out how to make a mirror at home.

A little caustic potassium, silver nitrate, caustic soda, alcohol, wax, glass, nitric acid, glucose and distilled water.

The glass should be washed thoroughly first. In any case, there are fatty particles on it, so the first thing to do is get rid of them. Now clarify whether you want to make a mirror from a blank or prefer to shape the glass yourself.

  • First, dry the glass and make a 2-centimeter wax edge around the perimeter. Do not touch the glass with your hands, otherwise you will leave greasy stains again. Try to act carefully. If you want to protect the glass from dust, water it with distilled water before the work process.
  • Now you need to prepare working solutions. All of them will be based on distilled water. The first of these includes 10 g of silver nitrate and 200 ml of water. The second contains the same amount of liquid and 7 grams of sodium hydroxide. Preparation of the third involves using the same glass of water and 10 ml of glucose. Important: each solution must be prepared immediately before processing the mirror; you should not leave them for a long time. Use only proven chemicals.

  • Take a clean vessel and pour in the solution you made first. Add alcohol little by little, shaking the liquid, which will first become cloudy and then lighten. Add until the sediment becomes almost invisible. If you overdo it, dilute slightly with silver nitrate. The result will be a cloudy yellow liquid.
  • Now take the second solution and pour it into the mixture obtained in the previous step. Shake to dissolve the sediment, adding alcohol to do this. The result should be filtered.
  • Wipe the water off the glass, take the glucose solution and pour it onto the workpiece. Move it gently to distribute the liquid evenly and remove any air bubbles.

  • Now pour the glass with the solution you made in the first stages. The silvering process begins. In 10 minutes everything will be ready. Remove the solution from the glass and wash the mirror with water, then dry it. If you have any solution left, it must be disposed of as it is not safe to store. Don't forget to remove the sides from the product. Be extremely careful during all procedures.

Now you know how on our own make a new mirror.


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How to clean silver jewelry?

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Repairing mirror damage

  1. Place the mirror on the table and use cotton wool to clean the area to be silvered. Place the staniol (tin) leaf in place, straighten it and drop mercury into the center. Then rub the mercury with a piece of suede until it shines. After this, cover this place with a piece of writing paper and press down with weight. Leave for 12-16 hours.
  2. Thoroughly clean the area on the mirror from which the amalgam has come off with a piece of cotton wool. On another piece of unnecessary mirror, with the tip of a penknife, circle and cut through to the glass a part of the amalgam that is equal in size or slightly larger than the area being corrected. Place a small drop of mercury, about the size of a pin head, onto the scratched mirror amalgam.
  3. Mercury will quickly spread over the scratched surface. This piece of amalgam can easily be removed from the glass and transferred to the area that needs to be fixed. All this must be done extremely carefully and carefully. Press it in a new place with cotton wool, smooth it out and it will slowly stick.

Making a mirror with your own hands

Making a mirror means silvering glass, applying a thin silver film to its surface that reflects light well.

To make mirrors, smooth glass is selected that is resistant to water and alkalis (uneven, wavy glass distorts the image, poorly annealed glass easily cracks when grinding and polishing, and unstable glass quickly fades). Mirror glass should, in addition, be as transparent as possible, that is, it should transmit almost all the light falling on it.

Silver film is very capricious. It will lie firmly and evenly on the glass only if its surface is impeccably polished and cleaned. Therefore, glass is “refreshed”, washed in warm water, polish with crocus, wash with a weak alkali solution and then with distilled water.

There should be no small scratches, dullness, traces of grease or other contaminants on the surface of the glass.

Silvering of glass is a process that requires great purity and precision in the preparation of reagents. All substances and utensils used must be chemically clean.

There are many recipes for silver solutions. Here are the more common and simple ones.

Prepare two solutions. First solution. 100 g of silver nitrate is dissolved in 18 liters of distilled water, add 200 cubic meters. cm of 25 percent ammonia and a pre-prepared solution of 100 g of caustic soda in 500 cubic meters. cm of water. Water is added to the mixture so that the total volume is 20 liters.

Second solution. A reducing solution is prepared separately. 100 grams of refined sugar are dissolved in one liter of water, add 10 cubic meters. cm of ten percent sulfuric or nitric acid and boil the mixture for 20 - 30 minutes. Sugar is broken down into fructose and glucose. Both solutions are filtered. Just before silvering, add 11 cubic meters to one liter of the first solution. cm of reducing agent solution, stirring the liquid well.

The temperature of the solution and the surrounding air should not exceed 25 degrees. It is necessary to prepare solutions while wearing safety glasses, since the formation of explosive silver compounds is possible.

Glass prepared for silvering is washed with a weak solution of tin chloride, then with water and wiped with a soft sponge. Wear clean rubber gloves and lay the glass strictly horizontally.

Then the newly prepared silver liquid is poured onto the glass.

For the next 10 minutes, the silver solution “works”: glucose, interacting with the silver salt, releases particles of metallic silver from the solution, and they, deposited on the surface of the glass, form a thin film.

Then the liquid is removed and a fresh portion of the solution is poured onto the glass. Another 10 minutes - and the process is complete. The mirror is thoroughly washed to remove any remaining silver liquid and dried in a room with good ventilation.

It remains to protect the silver film from air, moisture and mechanical damage. To do this, a special mirror enamel is applied to the film with a very soft (squirrel) brush, and then asphalt varnish. The substances included in the protective coating must, of course, be completely harmless to the silver film. After this, the mirror is cleaned of traces of paint, varnish and other contaminants and inserted into the appropriate frame.

Second way. When silvering, you need to use distilled water. Several solutions are prepared: a) 1 part of silver nitrate and 10 parts of water; b) 1 teaspoon of caustic potassium and 10 teaspoons of water; c) ‘/2 tsp glucose and 10 tsp water. Add ammonia to solution “a” to remove turbidity. When the turbidity disappears, add solution “b” and clarify again with ammonia. Then add solution “c” and cover the clean surface of the glass with the mixture.

A glazed drawing, photo, painting looks very beautiful and making this beauty is not difficult. You can use any paper (passport) as a background or make a border. Based on our plans, we select the required glass size.

The glass should be clean, put a drawing or photo on it. If the edging is done according to the passport, then the upper edge of the picture from the inside should be slightly glued to the background. The drawing should be positioned so that on both sides the distance to the edges of the passport is the same, and the top field of the passport is slightly narrower than the bottom. Be sure to measure the exact location of the pattern under the glass, otherwise even a slight unevenness will spoil the entire appearance of the product.

Next, we apply the design to the glass, and cut the edges of the passport strictly to the size of the glass; cut out a sheet equal to its size from thin cardboard. In the upper third of the cardboard sheet, exactly in the middle, we make a horizontal cut (20 mm). We pass the ends of the ribbon through it from the face to the back, forming a loop, by which the drawing can then be hung on the wall. The ends of the ribbon that are on back side cardboard, glue it to it and, for strength, also seal it with a piece of paper.

Now we place the cardboard on the drawing with the loop facing outwards and proceed to the edging. With a sharp knife using a ruler from paper or calico, cut out four strips 20 - 25 mm wide.

On the cardboard on all four sides we draw lines that establish the position of the strips, taking into account how desirable it is to extend the edging onto the front side of the cardboard along the drawn line so that the ends of the strip on both sides extend one centimeter beyond the edge of the glass. Glue the strip to the cardboard.

We place the workpiece on a sheet of paper with the glass side up, take the edge on which the strip smeared with glue lies, fold it together with the strip onto the glass, press it firmly and smooth it. Then we cut the ends of the strip diagonally with scissors. We bend both ends of the strip onto the upper side of the glass and press it tightly through the paper.

We also glue the remaining strips. If the glue protrudes from under the glass edge, it must be removed.

Alloy: 95 parts tin and 5 parts zinc. The melting point of this alloy is 218°. The glass to be soldered is carefully heated to the specified temperature, after which the alloy is applied to the glass using a soldering iron; and let it cool. You can also take an alloy of 90 parts tin and 10 parts aluminum. This alloy requires a higher temperature.

Tip 1: How to make a mirror at home

Acceptable, the idea of ​​​​creating a mirror with my own hands will seem strange to you, because nowadays you can buy mirror every form in a furniture store, but, nevertheless, creating a mirror in home conditions may become interesting activity, which will give you pleasure and bring actual benefits. Knowing how to make home mirrors will help you when you need to repair any optical and lighting devices containing mirror elements.

  • Caustic potassium, silver nitrate, ammonia, formalin solution, distilled water, rubber gloves, glass, cuvette

1. To create a mirror surface, use the methodology of chemical silvering of glass. Wash thoroughly and dry glass surface, and then degrease it with a fifteen percent solution of sharp potassium. Heat distilled water and lower the glass into the warm liquid. To work with reagents, prepare distilled water and rubber gloves.

About 2 centuries ago, archaeologists found an unusual metal disk in one of the pyramids of Egypt. There were no hieroglyphs on it, but there was an impressive layer of rust. The disk was mounted on a heavy figurine in the form of a young woman. There was a long debate about the purpose of the disk. Some scientists argued that this kitchen utensils like a modern frying pan, others were sure that such disks were used as a fan. However, it turned out that the rusty metal circle is a mirror.

How were mirrors made in ancient times?

Mirrors in Ancient Egypt were made of bronze. They gave a fuzzy and dim image, and due to high humidity rapidly darkened and lost their reflective properties. Centuries passed, and silver mirrors began to be made in Europe. The reflection in them was quite clear, but the main enemy of such mirrors was time. Silver was tarnished, and besides, it was very expensive. In Rus', in the houses of rich people there were damask mirrors made of steel. However, they quickly lost their original radiance, became cloudy and became covered with a reddish coating - rust. At that time, people did not yet know that it was possible to prevent damage to the reflective surface in a rather primitive way: protect it from exposure to moisture and air. A thin and transparent material. Let's say glass. But neither the Egyptians, nor the Romans, nor the Slavs knew how to make transparent glass sheets. Only Murano masters succeeded in this. It was the Venetians who managed to optimize the process and understand the secrets of making transparent glass. It happened at the end XII-early XIII centuries. By the way, it was the workers from the island of Murano who came up with the idea of ​​blown glass ball turn into a flat sheet. However, combine polished to a shine metal surface and the glass did not work out. When cold, they did not stick together tightly, but when hot, the glass invariably burst. It was necessary to apply a thin metal film to a thick sheet of glass. And finally the special technology was developed. A sheet of tin was placed on a smoothed marble pedestal and mercury was poured over it. Tin dissolved in mercury, and after cooling, a film as thick as tissue paper was obtained, which was called amalgam. Glass was placed on top of it. The amalgam stuck. This is how the first mirror was made, more or less similar to the current one. The Venetians kept the secret of the special technology for making mirrors for several centuries. The leaders of European countries, and after that the rich and nobility, were ready to give up a huge part of their fortune just to acquire a mirror. The Venetian Republic once donated a mirror French queen Marie de Medici. This was the most precious gift of all received on the occasion of the wedding. The mirror was no larger than a book. It was valued at 150,000 francs. Carrying a tiny mirror with you became fashionable at most courts European countries. The French minister Colbert did not sleep at night, realizing that French money was literally floating to Venice and would never return. And then he vowed to reveal the secret of the Venetian mirror makers. The French ambassador went to Venice and bought 3 Venetians who had the secret of making mirrors. One dark autumn night, several craftsmen escaped by boat from the island of Murano. In France they were hidden so well that the spies were never able to discover them. A few years later, the 1st French mirror glass factory opened in the Normandy forests. The Venetians ceased to be monopolists. The mirror began to cost much less. Not only nobles, but also merchants and wealthy artisans could afford to purchase it. The rich people no longer knew where else to place the next mirror they bought. A reflective glass sheet was attached to beds, cabinets, tables and chairs. Small pieces of mirrors were even sewn into ball gowns. In Spain, there was mirror torture. A person was put in a room with mirrored walls, a mirrored ceiling and floor. In every atmosphere in the room there was only an invariably burning lamp. And from all sides the man saw only his own reflection. After a few days, the slave of the mirror room easily went crazy. However, even the best masters They couldn't make large mirrors. And the quality left much to be desired. The glass sheet was uneven, and therefore the reflection was distorted.

Evolution of special technology for making mirrors

The French still managed to make huge mirrors. They poured molten glass onto wide and long steel tables with limiting sides, then rolled it out with a shaft made of cast iron. But the glass still remained uneven. And then sand was poured onto this sheet, and another glass was placed on top and they began to move the sheets relative to each other. The work was monotonous, exhausting and caring. To create a small mirror, two craftsmen spent about 30 hours polishing. However, after grains of sand, the glass became matte due to the enormous number of microscopic scratches. The glass was polished with a tiny board covered with felt. This work took up to 70 hours. After some time, machines began to do all the work. On round table plaster was poured. Glass sheets were placed on top using a crane. After this, the table was rolled under the discs of the grinding, and then polishing, machine, which were rapidly rotating. Later, instead of tin, mercury was applied to the glass surface. However, all the types and compositions of amalgam known to society gave too pale a reflection, and during production the craftsmen constantly dealt with harmful mercury vapors. This special technology was abandoned approximately 150 years ago. They began to apply hefty quantities onto the glass sheet. thin layer silver In order not to damage it, the surface was covered with paint. Such mirrors were about as good as modern mirrors in terms of reflection quality, but they were expensive. Now in vacuum chamber It is not silver that is sprayed onto the glass, but aluminum. On 1 square meter no more than 1 gram of metal is used, and therefore mirrors are cheap and widely available.

It is possible to make any mirror, regardless of its purpose, by depositing a thin layer of silver on ordinary glass. This method is based on the reduction of silver from solutions of its salts with the support of various reducing agents. By the way, salt solutions are called silver liquid.

1. Glass for a mirror must be perfect in every sense: in terms of cleanliness, integrity and evenness of the coating. Before silvering, glass is washed by placing it in a caustic soda solution in order to remove all thick and oily stains. After washing in the solution, the glass is washed clean water and spread with finely ground chalk or Vienna lime. It is stored in this form until it is used directly. Before putting the glass into operation, simply clean it with a soft cloth and rinse it with water.

Keep in mind that the glass cannot be touched with your hands during the silvering process. No matter how much we wash our hands, they will still remain spotless flat surface glass has thick imprints visible to the eye. And in these places the silver solution will not stick. Handle glass only with a clean cloth, rubber gloves or wooden clamps.

In industrial conditions, distilled water is obtained by distillation in special devices - distillers. Because such a unit cannot be used at home, you can use another method.

  • Ordinary water;
  • device for heating water (boiler, gas stove etc.);
  • two clean vessels;
  • aluminum pan;
  • funnel;
  • hose – 2 meters.

1. Pour water from the tap into a clean vessel and, without covering, let it sit for 24 hours.

Do not forget that water has the ability to evaporate and boil away, therefore it must be continuously added and brought to a boil. Distilled water is not suitable for consumption because it lacks all suitable substances.

Rear view mirrors in a car are the main control element, without which it is very difficult to perform some maneuvers. If mirror has ceased to be adjusted in one of the planes, it needs to be disassembled and repaired.

1. To remove the mirror from the car, remove the plug secured to the door with 3 clips. Further Phillips screwdriver unscrew the three screws. Carefully remove the mirror.

If you couldn’t repair the mirror right away, buy a three-dimensional sticker and stick it on the reflective surface. This way you will be able to see the road surface and traffic participants even in a non-adjusted mirror.

A mirror is an object with a smooth surface prepared to reflect light. In everyday life it is used to control one’s own appearance or as a decorative element premises. Due to the relatively simple and inexpensive production method, this item is now distributed everywhere, and can be purchased for little money.

1. Archaeologists date the first small mirrors to the Bronze Age. The objects found from those times were bronze disks or polished slices of obsidian. In the 3rd century, mirrors were made from tin - it was poured into a glass vessel, cooled, and then broken. The resulting fragments were used as a mirror. In the 6th century, glass, which had long ago been learned to be rolled into flat sheets, began to be processed with an alloy of mercury and tin - amalgam. However, such mirrors gave a pale reflection, and the method of their production was hazardous to health.

Making mirrors in the old days was considered an unsafe activity. The mercury contained in its coating negatively affected the health of the master, causing severe poisoning. Now there are harmless technologies that allow you to make a mirror even at home. How and from what do experts make it? What is a mirror made of?

The basis of the mirror is ordinary glass and a reflective layer, impenetrable to sunlight. The quality of the produced mirror depends on the second. Modern technologies provide for the production of a reflective base:

    made of silver. A protective varnish, a layer of copper and an adhesive composition are applied over the metal solution. This way the mirrors are protected from moisture penetration. To give special properties an object's layer of silver can be replaced by a layer of gold, platinum or nickel;

    made of aluminum. This method is more accessible. At the same time, the mirror has better reflective abilities. Its downside is its small size.

Some craftsmen make unbreakable mirrors. The basis is not glass, but celluloid.

How to make a mirror

For excellent result They use only high-quality glass, well polished and immaculately clean. The mirror manufacturing process includes the following steps.

    Washing the glass is done in a weak soda solution to get rid of oil and grease stains.

    Preparation for making a reflective base: washed in clean water the glass is smeared with chalk and stored until the metal layer is applied.

    Silvering: cleaned with a soft cloth and well washed, the glass is immersed in the bath, 1 cm behind the bottom. The bottom is filled with a metal solution.

    Washing the mirror: the resulting mirror is washed in distilled water.

    Drying: occurs in a vertical position.

If you are interested in the topic of creating and setting up a website mirror, this article is for you. I'll tell you what a mirror is and how to make it.

What is a “site mirror”: meanings and types

In general, webmasters often mean different things by mirrors. And the goals of such mirrors are also different: site security, change of address and some others. I will tell you about all this below.

Mirror is a duplicate, a copy of the site. Mirroring your own or someone else's website can be complete or partial.

At the same time, the deeper concept of “mirror” is used in different contexts and can take on slightly different meanings:

  • Duplicate version of the site with “www.” at the beginning of the address or without. For example and simply If done the old fashioned way, such versions will be considered by search engines to be different sites (albeit identical in content) and they will need to be merged for correct SEO.
  • Another domain attached to the main site - when both addresses are “glued” with the same content. In this case, a copy of the main site will be shown at both addresses, regardless of which domain you make the main one - new or old. Such a copy may even be located on another server. This practice is common among large sites, when several domains use copies of the same database hosted on different servers. If one copy of the site fails, you can go to another.

It’s difficult to say definitely which option is used more often: most likely, for small sites it’s definitely the first one, for large sites it’s the second one.

So, Yandex and Google robots consider full copies of sites or site/about-2 and as mirrors.

At the same time, identical content can be shown both with and without In the absence of a redirect, the content is simply shown at two addresses, but the main mirror and only it participates in the search results.

Why and for what purpose are website mirrors made?

If you still don’t understand why exactly mirrors are created, I’ll tell you at specific examples.

I can make a mirror of the site on another, more beautiful domain, so that I can later transfer the site there, saving and search traffic, and a bookmark audience of regular visitors (having previously prepared them for moving to a beautiful domain). Such cases often arise in commerce during mergers and acquisitions of firms - when the name and address of the new combined company must change. Therefore, it is necessary to glue the new domain with the existing one.

I can "reserve" a domain. I will make a mirror site for booking similar addresses. For example: and, and Another example: and For what? Well, to protect against competitors, just in case. Many reasons. Sometimes it happens that, for example, “fotostudia” is easier for the user to remember and enter - and this is not only about the address bar of the browser, but also about search queries. Statistics on queries are replete with all sorts of typos and errors: “Volkswagen”, “iPhone”, etc.

The next goal follows from this.

I can make a mirror site for promotion in several countries on different languages. Example from life:,, (Russian version does not work in lately, generally worked).

I have already spoken about creating mirrors for the purpose of stable site availability - such a scheme will not only provide access to the site in the event of a failure of the main service, but will also distribute the load across several servers, i.e. in general, the site will always respond faster than from one “overloaded” server.

I can make a mirror of the site to remove it from under the filter. Let's say Yandex filtered a site under one domain (or blocked Roskomnadzor by IP), and I make a mirror on a new server, make a redirect - and again in the top. Neither Yandex filters nor blocking are scary.

Now I’ll tell you how to create a mirror for a site with two common purposes: let’s combine domains with “www.” to a regular one (+ back) and make a mirror site with a new domain.

How to make a mirror site by merging two domains with “www.” and without

In this case, we will need a 301 redirect. Go to the root of the site on your hosting and find the “.htaccess” file there. Create one if it doesn't exist. For example, in Notepad++. Make an empty file and save it somewhere.

Please note that I selected ALL TYPES in the file type. I also make mistakes due to carelessness - I recently edited the hosts file for Windows and saved it without looking at it as “hosts.txt”. It happened with “.htaccess” too.

The second point is that after successfully uploading the htacess to your hosting, you will lose sight of it. If you use the built-in browser manager cPanel, you won’t see it. And if you use an FTP manager, then enable the display of hidden files in the settings and everything will be fine.

So, let’s glue together two versions of the site: “” and “”. To make this the main version of the site, the site “” (instead of the site of seven bloggers there should be your site, this is understandable), add the following code to the .htaccess file:

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^15bloggers\.ru$

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

To have the main version of (without “www”), the code in .htaccess must have a different form:

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^www.15bloggers\.ru$

Guys, please note that if you want to make a website on a Cyrillic domain as a mirror (for example 7bloggers.rf) - the address must be in punycode format: “xn--8-btbddam3byadt.xn--p1ai” or “www.xn-- 8-btbddam3byadt.xn--p1ai", where ".xn--p1ai" is ".rf".

After filling out the .htaccess file in the chosen way, you need to change the robots.txt file - it is also located in the root of the site.

We need to say hello to Yandex and Google so that it knows which address will be the main one.

User-agent: Yandex


User-agent: Google


Host - main domain.

Now you need to be on the safe side and notify search engines through the webmaster panel about the changes made. You don’t have to do this, but it’s never a bad idea to play it safe. In any case, it will take about a month to glue the Yandex mirrors together.

How to make and configure a mirror site on another domain

For a new domain (including in a different domain zone), you will also need an .htaccess file - this time for a secondary domain. Code:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^15bloggers\.com

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^www.15bloggers\.com

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

Detailed information By this type gluing with the new domain is contained in the video:

There is also a video from Yandex specialists, but it cannot be embedded, follow the link below.

How to find out and check a mirror site?

Finally, I will teach you how to check the mirrors of your own and other people’s sites. Well, it’s simple, if you go to, and you are redirected to - the mirror works. IN in this case, is the main domain, and is a secondary domain.

The second way to check the functionality of mirrors (already glued together by search engines) is to enter the address of the site mirror into the Yandex or Google search bar. In the search results you will see the main domain displayed.

You can also check the domain for gluing (an option for the lazy) using the XSEO service. Go to the address and enter the domain to verify.

Bottom line - frequently asked questions about mirrors

Are mirrors indexed?

Since search robots glue mirrors together, only the main site is subsequently indexed - the main mirror. Accordingly, he also participates in search results. How to speed up site indexing - .

What will happen if the main mirror is not indicated at all?

It happens that webmasters glue together site mirrors, but at the same time forget to indicate to search engines which of the mirrors is the main one. In this case, the search robot will independently select the main mirror in accordance with its internal algorithm.

To avoid errors, do not forget to indicate to the robot the address of the main mirror: through the Host directive in robots.txt, with a server redirect in .htaccess. I gave examples of settings above.

Is it possible to directly check a mirror site in Yandex?

Can. This is done through the addurilka (“Report a new site”). If the added domain is a mirror, you will see: “The site you specified is a non-main mirror of the site”

When creating a mirror on another domain, are the characteristics of the old one taken into account?

Yes. If you make an old domain with indicators for the main mirror at a new address as a secondary mirror, this will help maintain existing positions in the search results.

Will sites stick together when redirected to the main mirror from all pages of a non-main mirror?

Yes. But it's better not to do that. Do it normally - let each page redirect to its corresponding page on the main mirror.

Why did the site disappear from search after setting up a server redirect to a new domain?

Probably because the new domain at the time of gluing was already a mirror (non-main). And the old site does not participate in the search, because... redirects, but the new one has not yet appeared in the search because enough time has not passed for the PS to recognize it as the main mirror.

What to do if the structure of the mirrors is different?

Nothing bad will happen if you correctly configure server redirects between mirror pages. The URL on the non-primary mirror should strictly redirect to URLs with identical content on the main site, and pages with the old structure to pages with the new structure. Let me give an example for clarity: -> -> ->

How to hang up mirrors?

Return the settings in robots.txt and .htaccess to the original ones. This way the search engine learns that the sites are no longer mirrors, they provide different content, and they can be unlinked. This will happen in 2-3 weeks, in rare cases up to 2 months. Let me remind you that you can check the posting in Webmaster through the “Report a new site” form: if the site was previously a non-main mirror and was successfully added to the form, everything went well.

Which services should I use to work with domains?

Full list I described the services in this article: .

That's probably all. Good luck in making mirrors.

Technology for making mirrors at home.

1. Place the glass on horizontal table To avoid crushing when wiping, substitute something soft.

2. Pour polishing liquid (you can also use ready-made liquid, for example, “Polish”) onto the surface of the glass. Wipe the glass thoroughly with soft leather, felt or felt (an old hat will do).

3. Wipe the glass with gauze soaked in a suspension of fine pumice powder (it must be sifted) in distilled water. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water.

4 . Wipe first with a wet sponge, then 2-3 times with a gauze swab moistened with a solution of stannous chloride (concentration - 0.15%). Rinse again and wipe with a swab.

5. After this, immediately pour a freshly prepared mixture of silvering solutions onto the surface of the glass. During silvering, the glass surface should be 8-10 degrees warmer than the solution. The liquid should spread over its surface, and a convex meniscus should be visible at the edges of the glass.

6. The glass will first darken, then quickly begin to lighten - this is silver being deposited. If they remain on the glass dark spots, they need to be removed by wiping these places with a swab soaked in a pumice suspension, then wipe with gauze soaked in a solution of stannous chloride and pour over again with a freshly prepared mixture of solutions.

7. After 5-10 minutes. after silvering begins, carefully remove the liquid from the glass with gauze, or better yet chamois, soaked generously in distilled water and pour the mixture again.

8. After another 15 minutes. Rinse the silver-plated surface with distilled water. To do this, you can lift one edge and pour water on the glass. Check whether the thickness of the silver deposit is sufficient by looking through a mirror at a 60 W electric light bulb (the outline of the light bulb should be barely visible).

9. For strength, the mirror must be “baked.” For 1-2 hours, the mirror must be kept in a vertical position at a temperature of 100-150 C.

10. First coat the silver film with waterproof mirror varnish using a spray bottle, and when the varnish is dry, apply a thick layer of paint or asphalt varnish

ATTENTION! The mirror can only be painted in one direction.

11. A swab moistened with a weak solution hydrochloric acid, remove streaks of silver on front side mirrors The mirror is ready.

12. To remove silver stains from skin and clothes, they are lubricated warm solution sodium hyposulfite (thiosulfate) and then hot water.

Preparation of basic technological solutions

1. Silver solution. Composition of 1 liter of solution: silver nitrate, silver nitrate AgNO3 - 4 g, 25% ammonia solution ( ammonia, NH4OH) - 10-12ml, Caustic soda (caustic soda, NaOH) - 4 g

Dissolve 4 g of silver nitrate in 300 ml of distilled water. Pour approximately 270 ml of this solution into a glass and add ammonia solution drop by drop, stirring vigorously with a glass rod. When the cloudy brown liquid becomes transparent, add a few more drops of silver nitrate solution to it, the liquid will become cloudy. Add pre-dissolved caustic soda - the color of the solution will change and become light coffee-colored. Again, drop by drop, stirring, add the ammonia solution until the solution brightens again (the liquid appears bluish to the light). Add the remaining ammonia solution and silver nitrate. Mix everything thoroughly and add distilled water to bring the volume of the solution to a liter.

ATTENTION!!! To avoid the occurrence of silver fulminate, the solution must be stored in an airtight container with a sealed stopper!

2. Aldehyde solution. Composition of 1 liter of solution: refined sugar - 100 g, Sulfuric or nitric acid (concentration 10%) - 10 ml

Dissolve sugar in hot distilled water, add acid, boil for 10-15 minutes, add distilled water to the required volume.

Prepare solutions wearing safety glasses and rubber gloves!

Preparation of the technological mixture:

ATTENTION! The mixture is prepared before direct use in the glass silvering process.

First pour 5 ml of aldehyde solution into a glass, then 500 ml of silver solution. Mix the mixture quickly. At first it will be orange-red, then immediately darken. At this point it is necessary to begin silvering. If there is too much aldehyde solution, metal flakes will fall out; if there is too little, silvering will occur very slowly.

Obtaining metallic silver

Work should be carried out in nylon, glass or plastic containers.

A zinc plate is lowered into the used fixer (after photographic work). Plates from used electroplating tools can be used. Silver begins to precipitate. After 2-3 hours the solution becomes cloudy. During the deposition of silver, the solution must be stirred several times (you can use plates on which deposition takes place or a glass spatula).

The plate is coated with a black layer of silver (so-called “sponge silver”), which is easily separated from the plate. After the silver is separated, the plate is again placed in the solution. And so on until the silver is completely released.

The resulting silver is thoroughly washed with hot water several times, the last time with distilled water. Silver dissolves well in nitric acid and can be used to produce silver nitrate.

To speed up the deposition process, the solution can be heated.