Unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. Causes of occurrence, effective solutions, current recommendations

Almost all owners of this refrigerator encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as the smell from the refrigerator. household appliances. Of course, it would be wise to immediately wash the freezer, as well as all the drawers, doors and shelves. However, this does not guarantee that the amber will disappear. Often it only becomes less strong. What to do then? Resort to application folk remedies from the smell in the refrigerator. But first we must identify why technical device it started to smell bad. So let's get started.

Causes of unpleasant odor

An unpleasant smell from the refrigerator does not appear on its own. It may indicate the expiration date of some products, the presence of “particularly smelling objects” inside and problems with drainage (yes, this household appliance has it too). To get rid of amber, you should use the instructions to find and clean the hole, throw away all spoiled food, and pack the remaining food in airtight containers or wrap it in plastic wrap.

Please note: if the refrigerator is new, it may also not have the most pleasant smell. In this case, it is recommended to wash it with soda, cleaning agent or detergent. Then you should wipe all surfaces dry and let them dry for 2-3 hours. Read on to find out what products you can use to eliminate odors in your refrigerator and how best to do it.

Baking soda is your best helper

Baking soda is the most accessible remedy from the smell in the refrigerator. It prevents and quickly eliminates stench, perfectly disinfects space, destroys bacteria that have accumulated on shelves, walls and rubber seals household appliances. To eliminate the odor, just make a solution of alkali and water and use it to wash all the shelves, doors and freezer. Or you can also pour baking soda into a shallow container and place it on a shelf to absorb the smell. In the latter case, the product must be changed once every 2-3 months.

Another great method for eliminating unpleasant odors is this: mix ½ of a pack (or 250 grams) of baking soda with 3-4 drops of your favorite essential oil in a bowl. First, wash the disconnected refrigerator, then “spread” the product over its surfaces and leave for 30-40 minutes. Thoroughly rinse the “insides” of household appliances with a napkin and clean water.

Also, in the fight against a bad aroma, you can resort to creating a homemade sachet: put baking soda mixed with essential oil in a bag with drawstrings or the middle of a handkerchief, and tie it. Place in the vegetable compartment. Store for a month, then change.

Ammonia is like heavy artillery

Regular ammonia can also help in getting rid of unpleasant odors. A tablespoon of this product should be poured into a glass and diluted with 3 spoons warm water. Then moisten the cotton wool and place it on the door, or take a cotton cloth, dip it in the solution and wipe all compartments of the household appliances. As a result, even the most persistent odors, including from rotten meat, garlic or fish. However, it is better to use ammonia only in exceptional cases; the solution itself also does not smell very good, many people do not like its aroma.

Activated carbon is another protector against amber

Activated carbon is one of the best remedies for unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. For this purpose, you need to crush 2-3 tablets, put them on a saucer or put them in a jar, and leave them on the shelf. There is no need to cover with a lid or cloth. It is recommended to change 1-2 times a day.

Another way to remove the odor is with a plastic Kinder Surprise egg. You need to make several small holes in it. Pour crushed activated carbon, heated in the microwave, into the middle. Close the “egg” with a cap and put it on a shelf in the refrigerator, in the fruit or vegetable compartment. This procedure should be repeated at least once a month. If necessary, activated carbon can be replaced with charcoal, if available.

Brown bread in the fight for good smell

Rye bread can also be used as a remedy for refrigeration. To do this, you need to cut it into thin slices and transfer it to saucers covered with napkins. Place the dishes on several shelves at once. This method will help you get bad smell very quickly, but you should resort to it only after all spoiled food has been thrown away and the refrigerator has been cleaned. Otherwise there will be no point.

Rice is an excellent absorbent

Slightly boiled rice grains are able to actively absorb bad odors, so they can be used as a remedy for odor in the refrigerator, poured onto a plate and placed inside household appliances. To improve the effect, you can place potatoes or apples cut into slices around. You just need to remember to change this composition more often, as it may begin to deteriorate.

Herbs and spices in the fight for aroma

Dill, mint, cloves, thyme or tarragon can all help remove odor in the refrigerator. It is enough to put the products inside household appliances so that the unpleasant odor stops emanating from there. But remember that herbs and spices can transfer their smell to other products. Therefore, you need to try to choose those whose aroma is liked by all family members.

Orange and lemon will help fight odor

Citrus fruits can be used as the best means from the smell in the refrigerator, even very persistent ones (from fish and other products). To avoid the smell, you can follow three experimental paths:

  • place the dried crusts or slices on a shelf, storage time - 2-3 days;
  • wipe all compartments with a cloth soaked in a mixture of lemon, sugar and salt;
  • squeeze a spoonful of juice from a lemon, dilute it with 10 tablespoons of pure vodka, take soft material, moisten it and wipe all doors, shelves and walls.

Instead of fruit, you can use 1-2 grams citric acid. It should be diluted in 5 tbsp. l. water. This remedy is also very effective.

Onion or garlic as a lifesaver

To combat unpleasant odors, you can cut cloves of garlic or an onion in half and place them on shelves. Change as soon as they dry out. It is also worth rubbing the walls of household appliances with the juice of these vegetables. After completing the procedure, do not close the doors for 12-14 hours, the amber should go away.

Coffee or tea are ideal odor absorbers

To remove the smell, you should brew coffee or tea and place a cup of them inside the switched off refrigerator. This needs to be done several times. You can also pour lightly roasted coffee into a bowl, a jar baby food or a tube of cream and put them on the shelf of household appliances.

Vinegar guards pleasant aromas

Vinegar is a unique remedy. Despite the fact that it itself does not smell very good, it quickly absorbs foreign unpleasant odors. Particularly effective against mold. To eliminate amber in the refrigerator, you need to take a glass of water, pour 2-3 large spoons of 70% vinegar into it, and stir. Moisten a cleaning cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the “insides” of the household appliance.

The refrigerator must be thoroughly washed before performing this procedure. It is advisable to avoid processing metal parts, as this may cause the unit to fail. If the plastic molds that are located in it begin to smell, you can leave a napkin soaked in a vinegar solution in them for 8-9 hours, or better yet, overnight.

Essential oils are good fresheners

Essential oils also turn out to be very useful in everyday life. In the kitchen you should put an aroma lamp with rosemary or peppermint extract, the space will be filled with fragrance. To get rid of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, you can do the following:

  1. Moisten a porous stone made of baked clay, or, in the absence of one, ordinary gauze in a mixture of essential oils lemon and lavender (take 1 drop each), put on the refrigerator door for 1-2 days, repeat the procedure.
  2. Add 30 drops of lemon oil (lavender or tea tree) to 1 liter of 9% vinegar and mix well. Wipe the desired surfaces with the resulting mixture.
  3. Take a plastic “egg” from a Kinder Surprise and use a hot awl to make several holes in it. Place a cotton ball soaked in lavender, mint, basil or lemon oil inside and put it in the refrigerator. Repeat all steps after 2-3 days.

It is worth noting that these compositions not only eliminate odor, but also perfectly disinfect the surrounding space.

Preventive measures

It is always easier to prevent any problem than to solve it. In order not to have to look for the answer to the question of how to remove the smell in the refrigerator using folk remedies, you should try to prevent its occurrence. To keep your refrigerator smelling good, follow these tips:

  • the unit must be defrosted and washed at least once a month;
  • any products, especially those emitting strong odors, should be stored tightly closed;
  • It is recommended to wipe up spilled liquids immediately;
  • The freshness of products and prepared food should be checked 1-3 times a week.

For preventive purposes, you can also place a holed or half-opened package of soda in the refrigerator; this will also help prevent the development of odors. If the stench is due to rotten chicken eggs, you can try cleaning all the shelves in the refrigerator with potassium permanganate. It is more effective than many other means in helping to cope with such a smell. It is also recommended to check the freshness of eggs before placing them on the door of household appliances. To do this, just put each one in a glass of water: the fresh one will fall to the bottom, and the spoiled one will remain on top.

As a conclusion

Now you know how to remove the smell from the refrigerator. Folk remedies will help with this. But, if desired, you can use store-bought absorbers of unpleasant odors instead: air ionizers, special balls, filters and fragrance sprays. Good luck in your fight!

Unpleasant odors from the refrigerator are a fairly common phenomenon that occurs for a number of reasons. Why does the back of the refrigerator stink and what to do about it, I asked the refrigeration specialist.

There are different smells

The elimination method depends on the reasons, which can be divided into two categories:

  1. the first is a technical factor associated with the breakdown or malfunction of the refrigerator;
  2. the second is human, going hand in hand with our burning desire to store slightly spoiled products.

Smell of plastic

Pay attention!
There are many myths surrounding refrigerant or freon.
But in the context of the problem under discussion, it is important to understand that the gas used to refill the refrigerator is odorless and, by the way, absolutely harmless to the ozone layer, you and even your cat.

Most often occurs in new refrigerators that long time stood tightly packed in boxes. To eliminate, wash the unit warm water, I would not recommend using chemical products with a strong aroma, but the available products in the “face” of citric acid, soda or vinegar can become your reliable helpers.

Clogged drainage system

If the back wall of the refrigerator stinks, the cause will most likely have to be found in a clog. drainage system. Condensation, along with tiny particles of food, remains in the hole, which leads to an unpleasant odor and the appearance of water in the refrigerator.

To solve the problem, you will need to clean the drain; to do this, just arm yourself with a wire and a small syringe.

No Frost

Refrigerators with a No Frost system are characterized by the whole list of classic problems that cause an unpleasant odor, but there are also very specific ones that lie in the innovative system itself. If it fails, air circulation in the chamber stops.

Corpse smell

In most cases, the blame lies entirely with the owners. No, no, they didn't hide a boring neighbor there. More often, the reason lies in products forgotten in a disconnected refrigerator (especially meat).

If you think that thorough washing and airing will be enough, you are mistaken. You cannot do without the participation of a specialist who can replace the insulation.

If you leave the refrigerator turned off in the autumn-winter period at the dacha or in a country house, be sure to open the door.
Otherwise, when you return to your summer residence, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the musty ombre emanating from the kitchen giant.

Technical smells

Most often they occur due to oil leaking out of the compressor or a breakdown of the automatic defrosting system. In the first case, the help of a qualified technician will be required, and to eliminate the second reason, it is enough to blow out the channel with a rubber tube and rinse the gutter with a non-aggressive detergent.

And, of course, remember that the reason may not only be of a technical nature. Perhaps the potato on the bottom shelf, your favorite cheese, or exotic smoked meats are trying to tell you about their demise.

Looking for a solution to the problem

Now you know why the refrigerator stinks, it’s time to get to work eliminating the problem.

Innovative technologies and systems

Unfortunately, most refrigerators do not have built-in systems to get rid of unpleasant odors. The only exceptions are biodeodorizing units produced under the Sharp, Samsung, and Toshiba brands.

An anion purification chamber is installed in the air circulation channel, thanks to which odors are removed, food remains fresh, and the air is disinfected. The Samsung RS21DLMR and Sharp SJ-P691NSL models are equipped with this know-how.

Toshiba went a little further, their Hybrid Plasma system decomposes ethylene into carbon dioxide and water. The principle of cleaning - photocatalytic suggests that upon contact organic compounds with a catalyst under the influence of ultraviolet light they decompose into neutral components.

The above will be useful to those who are just choosing a kitchen monster with a cold heart. What should those whose refrigerator is very old do?

They will come to your aid here autonomous systems refreshing freezers and refrigerators.

  • For example, Hotpoint-Ariston brand odor absorber(price – from 500 rub.). Plastic container, filled activated carbon, the manufacturer recommends installing it at the top of the refrigerator. If there is a No Frost system - near the fan.
  • Electrolux gel deodorant-absorbent looks no less interesting(cost - from 420 rubles).

In the photo - an ionizing device for purifying air in the refrigerator

  • Third generation absorbers can not only eliminate, but also prevent the appearance of odors.. AirComfort XJ-100 belongs to this category (price - from 850 rubles). It is an ionization purifier, destroys unpleasant odors and bacteria, and ensures freshness of products by enriching the chamber with ozone. The design is powered by batteries, which last for 150 days of continuous operation.

People's War

In search of an answer to the question of what to do if the refrigerator stinks, it would be unfair not to remember the products we are familiar with that have absorbent properties.

Natural absorbents:

Instructions for use
Black bread
  • Place 2-3 pieces of black bread on each refrigerator shelf.
  • Exposure time is 10-14 hours.
  • The method is quite effective, but does not give long-lasting results.
  • Fresh lemon cut into slices has a similar effect.
  • An open “lemon” plate is operational for 1-4 days.
  • By selecting this method As an answer to the question of what to do - to prevent the refrigerator from stinking, do not forget to systematically check the slices, especially if you have a No Frost system, which dries unpackaged food very quickly.
Salt and soda A pack of salt or baking soda can be refrigerated for 1-2 months.

If you need to quickly remove an unpleasant odor, pour baking soda into half a lemon with the peeled pulp (leave for 2-3 days).

Activated carbon Crushed activated carbon tablets are poured into a convenient open container and placed in the refrigerator.

Harmful tips include using a container of soda solution and vinegar. The first will only increase the humidity in the refrigerator, and the second will forever give the refrigerator a vinegar aroma.

Summing up

Modern innovative ionization and purification systems, lemon on plates and Darnitsky slices do not cancel the basic rules for operating a refrigerator. In order not to wonder what to do - if the refrigerator stinks, systematically check the products, remove spoiled ones and carry out preventive techniques.

I hope I was helpful to you. All I can do is offer you the video in this article and wish you good luck in the difficult battle for purity. How do you deal with unpleasant odors in the kitchen, or maybe you have unique secret quick wash microwave oven? Share your tips in the comments.

Greetings, dear blog readers! I think every housewife knows that in any closed room, sooner or later a specific smell appears. The refrigerator is no exception.

But before you start rubbing the unit with all available detergents, you need to figure out what is the source of the “aroma”. This will make it much easier to deal with the problem, and it will also save you from some troubles. Therefore, I propose today to talk about what to do if there is a smell in the refrigerator and how to get rid of it quickly.

So, let's imagine that you just bought new equipment. As soon as you take your purchase out of the box and install all the shelves and drawers, you will definitely smell the plastic. This is normal, because before this all the plastic parts were closed and did not have access to air. To eliminate this problem, you need to thoroughly rinse the new unit.

Attention! You need to wash it before turning it on. And after you finish, leave the doors open for a couple of hours to ventilate the technical insides as best as possible.

What to wash with new refrigerator? You can do this either with regular dishwashing detergent, or use soda diluted with water or a weak solution of ammonia (a few drops per liter). It is advisable to use both products to ensure that you get rid of odors, germs, and stains. Because the technique is not dirty, it will be quite simple and quick to do.

After you have treated all the walls, fixtures, containers and shelves, rinse off the cleaning solutions clean water and wipe with a dry cloth, then leave to air for several hours.

BUT! If you have been using the refrigerator for some time and suddenly notice that there is a distinct chemical smell in it, then immediately remove the food and call a specialist!

It is possible that some kind of breakdown occurred that led to the penetration of chemicals into your device. This is very dangerous and can have an extremely negative impact on your health!

How to deal with food odors

Even if the refrigerator is regularly washed and defrosted, an unpleasant odor may still appear in it. The fact is that some products themselves have strong smell. For example, garlic, fish or strong marinades. How to remove them, especially if the flavors are mixed? There are several folk remedies:

  • Vinegar. Make a solution of 9% vinegar (a tablespoon per glass of water), wet a clean cloth and wipe all the insides of your device.
  • Lemon. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and wipe everything inside (especially the shelves). Then, cut the whole lemon into 3-4 parts and leave it in the refrigerator for several days.
  • Rye bread. After washing the device, place pieces of rye bread in the corners (on a saucer or napkin). This method will absorb all unpleasant odors! Also, raw potatoes and rice do an excellent job with this task. Just leave them inside for a few days.
  • Activated carbon. This method also allows you to collect all the “flavors” from the air. To do this, you need to crush 40 charcoal tablets (4 packs) and leave it on one of the shelves.

What to do to avoid smelling like a pharmacy

Many housewives store medicines in the refrigerator. And even if all the packages are closed and are in a strictly designated place, then all the same, both the equipment itself and the food stored there one day begins to smell strongly of all this pharmacology. What to do?

  • Place an open pack of baking soda in the refrigerator to help absorb medication odors.
  • Place cat litter on one of the shelves.
  • Use a store-bought product - hardware stores have quite strong and safe absorbents designed specifically for this equipment.

This was the situation with my grandmother's refrigerator. Various bottles of medicine were stored on the side of the flap, and although they were closed, over time an unpleasant odor appeared. Thoroughly cleaning the refrigerator did not help for long, the technician came several times, they thought there was some kind of leak. In the end, he recommended removing all medications, and after some time the smell completely went away!

What if the smell is very strong?

Sometimes the refrigerator can develop not just an unpleasant smell, but a real stench. For example, you left for several days, and at that moment your electricity was cut off and all your food spoiled. Or you accidentally left a large piece of blue cheese uncovered.

Sometimes the smell is so unbearable (especially from rotting fish or meat) that the simple remedies we use at home will not help. We will delete it like this:

  1. Rinse the refrigerator several times with dishwashing detergent. It is advisable to take it with a refreshing effect.
  2. We wash it as thoroughly as possible, without missing a single shelf, container or fastener.
  3. Afterwards, we rinse our device with clean water and dry it with a dry cloth.
  4. Wipe everything inside with lemon juice.
  5. We ventilate for a day, or maybe two.
  6. Thoroughly wash all dishes that were near the source of the “aroma.”
  7. We place the odor absorber described above on one of the shelves.
  8. After a few days you can replace it with a natural flavor (coffee, orange peel, gauze swab, soaked aromatic oil etc.).


I think you will agree that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences. How should you store food?

  • When putting food into the refrigerator, make sure all lids are tightly closed.
  • Try to pack food in foil or bags.
  • By the way, foil perfectly replaces the lid (if suddenly there is none).
  • Defrost and clean your refrigerator regularly (even if you have the No Frost function).
  • Don't forget to wash the rubber bands and drain.
  • If the product begins to deteriorate, it is better to get rid of it immediately.
  • Try to leave free space in the freezer so that the air can circulate freely.
  • When planning a trip, it is better not to leave food in the freezer. Try to use them as much as possible, and it’s better to give away the rest.

As you have seen, there are many ways to get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. The main thing is not to forget to regularly care for your equipment, and it will serve you long and reliably. Do you know any other methods to solve this problem? I'm waiting for you in the comments!

Until we meet again,

Anastasia Smolinets

No matter how much we try to be thorough in caring for our refrigerator, sooner or later we may notice a telltale odor coming from it. For it to occur, very little is needed - just forgetting to cover some strong-smelling product with a lid. How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator? Can this be done quickly? Which traditional methods are there solutions to this problem?

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator

Although this can happen very unexpectedly, the problem can be resolved just as quickly. To do this you need to know a few simple but effective methods to combat refrigerator odors.
Here are the most common ways to get rid of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator:

  • using vinegar;
  • use lemon;
  • we use ammonia;
  • activated carbon as a method of combating odors;
  • soda and bread are reliable helpers.

Now let’s take a closer look at which method is most effective for which odor.

How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator with vinegar

Naturally, if you find foul odors in your refrigerator, the first thing you need to do is clean it. Remove all products and check their expiration dates. Perhaps one of them was not tightly packed, or the packaging was damaged. All this can cause an unbearable odor.

After you have removed all the products and double-checked them, throwing away the missing ones, it’s time to properly clean the refrigerator. How to get rid of mold smell in the refrigerator?

  1. Prepare a vinegar solution: 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar per glass of water.
  2. Clean the refrigerator using a sponge and detergent.
  3. Soak a sponge in a vinegar solution and wipe all surfaces of the refrigerator, all compartments and all rubber seals.
  4. Avoid handling metal parts as this may damage the refrigerator.

This method will allow you to breathe freely and no longer hear the intrusive smell. But how to get rid of fish smell in the refrigerator? Our second method will help you with this.

How to remove unpleasant odor from the refrigerator using lemon

Lemon is an excellent natural acid that can neutralize negative odors. The persistent smell of fish also cannot resist lemon. How to use it correctly to quickly achieve maximum effect?

  • Squeeze some juice from a fresh lemon onto a clean sponge.
  • The refrigerator should be thoroughly cleaned first. and throw away spoiled food.
  • Wipe all shelves except metal elements with a cloth soaked in lemon juice.
  • Cut the remaining lemon into small pieces and place in the refrigerator. Let him stay there for a few days. This will prevent the development of microorganisms that produce an unpleasant odor.

This natural method, completely safe for humans, helps to cope with various odors in the refrigerator.

Important! Make sure the lemon is fresh. Don't wait until it disappears in your refrigerator. Otherwise, you will have to deal with another unpleasant odor later. Be balanced.

Fighting unpleasant odors from the refrigerator with ammonia

Sometimes, when purchasing a refrigerator, many people have a pressing question: how to get rid of the smell in a new refrigerator? The fact is that the plastic from which the shelves and the inner surface are made home appliancechemical substance. When plastic is kept in a confined space for a long time, it can give off an unpleasant odor. How to fight it?

Ammonia will come to the rescue. First, clean the refrigerator with a washcloth and cool water. Add a little regular dish detergent.

Prepare a solution of ammonia. Dilute a few drops in a glass of water. Dampen a cloth and thoroughly rub all surfaces of the refrigerator. Leave it open all day. The smell of plastic will disappear, and you will only be left with cleanliness and freshness.

Using this method also answers the question: how to get rid of the smell of garlic in the refrigerator. Although the most best way– do not store garlic there at all, but ammonia can still eliminate the consequences of your mistake.

Obviously, there are many methods that can help combat unpleasant odors from the refrigerator. But how to get rid of the rotten smell in the refrigerator?

Activated carbon to combat odors from the refrigerator

The best way to deal with odors is to not contribute to their appearance. Usually the most “sinister” aromas come from rotten meat or spoiled dairy products. What if there is already a problem? How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using folk remedies?
To start, throw away any foods that emit odors. Check absolutely everything in the refrigerator.

Wash the surfaces, shelves and rubber bands of the refrigerator very thoroughly with detergent. Rinse with clean water. Be sure to wipe dry.

Now is the time to use activated carbon tablets. Crush several tablets of powder and pour into a container. It is important that the powder has large area contact with air. That is, the container should be wide and open. Leave in the refrigerator for 8-9 hours. The charcoal will absorb the smell well and leave it fresh.

Advice! If you often encounter the problem of an unpleasant odor in your refrigerator, install a carbon filter. It will always help keep the refrigerator fresh.

If you don’t have pharmacy activated carbon on hand, you can replace it with charcoal. The principle of operation of such carbon is absolutely identical to activated carbon.

We learned how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator quickly at home. Now let's talk about how baking soda and bread can help in cleaning the refrigerator.

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using soda and bread

Let's find out how to get rid of onion smell in the refrigerator. It happens that while preparing a dish, you cut an onion and put it in the refrigerator for a while. This caused the onion enzymes to quickly spread throughout the refrigerator and saturate it. How to deal with these aromas?

First, wash it thoroughly. Ventilate by first wiping dry. Now prepare the soda solution.

A few tablespoons of baking soda should be dissolved in a glass of water. Then soak a sponge in it and rub the entire inside of the refrigerator. Leave for a couple of minutes and rinse with clean water. Wipe dry again and let air out.

Baking soda is great at killing bacteria. This is one of best methods How to get rid of the smell in an old refrigerator.

Excellent simple means To combat unpleasant odors, use regular black bread. If you cut it into small pieces and place it in the refrigerator, very soon it will absorb all the unpleasant odors. However, this effect is only possible if the refrigerator is first washed and spoiled food is removed.

Now you know how to clean your refrigerator to get rid of the smell in it. Let's find out what can be done to ensure that an unappealing smell never settles in it.

Preventive measures to prevent unpleasant odors from appearing in the refrigerator

Of course, the most unpleasant thing is the smell in the refrigerator. How to get rid of it quickly is important to know, but how to prevent it is much better!

To ensure your refrigerator always smells delicious, here are a few helpful tips.

  1. Clean and defrost your refrigerator regularly.
  2. Always seal any food tightly that you plan to store in the refrigerator - especially those that emit a strong odor.
  3. Regularly monitor the freshness of the food you store. Get rid of spoiled items in a timely manner.
  4. Store food in food containers or wrap them in cling film.
  5. Place a pack of soda in the refrigerator. By making small holes in it, this will prevent the development of odors. Change it every few months.

Applying these simple tips, you don’t have to look for an answer to the question of how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

Video on how to deal with unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

Let's watch a video that will clearly show the most effective methods to remove unpleasant odors.

The unpleasant smell emitted by the refrigerator can spoil the mood not only of the owners of the house, but also of the guests. Sometimes it can be so strong or specific that it can even penetrate into neighboring rooms. What to do in such cases? Is it possible to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator or is the only way out is to buy a new unit?

Causes of unpleasant odor

A questionable “aroma” in the refrigerator does not appear on its own. Therefore, before choosing a method to eliminate it, you need to identify the reasons for its occurrence.

The most common sources of unpleasant odor are:

  1. Plastic particles on the inside of the refrigerator compartment: this odor is usually associated with new technology. To eliminate it, no special means are required. It is enough to wipe the refrigerator inside and out with a damp cloth and leave it with the door open for 1-2 days.
  2. The results of the vital activity of microorganisms, most often mold fungi or microbes. In such a situation, it is more difficult to get rid of the smell; simple washing will no longer be enough. To solve the problem, you will have to use traditional methods or household chemicals.

It would seem, how can microorganisms be present in a refrigerator if this device is designed to protect food from them? The reason for their appearance may be one of the following circumstances:

  • refrigerator malfunction leading to defrosting of the freezer;
  • power outage causing food spoilage;
  • improper storage of products (without packaging, outside containers or bags);
  • storage of expired products: the temperature maintained in the refrigerator compartment is not low enough to prevent microbial activity and stop the rotting process.

Household chemicals and odor absorbers for refrigerators

Usually, household chemicals are used in cases where the odor can be removed using traditional methods fails. Most often this happens when meat spoils in the refrigerator, fish is stored incorrectly, etc. The smell in such cases can spread throughout the entire kitchen, and even into neighboring rooms.

The most popular product is OdorGone - an odor removing product based on water based. Under this name, several types of odor absorbers and neutralizers are produced: for rooms, furniture, appliances, trash cans and even animals. The product is considered safe for health and environmentally friendly, and is approved for use in children's rooms.

The Top House set, which includes a spray and a special napkin, will also be a good helper. The product not only effectively removes dirt and dust, but also fights germs and absorbs odors.

Clean Home Gel is an effective and safe cleaning agent for refrigerators that does not require rinsing. It is based on hydrogen peroxide, thanks to which the gel effectively cleans surfaces without damaging them.

ZOOL ZL-377 cleaner will not only help clean or freshen your refrigerator, but will also prevent mold. It has disinfectant properties, is effective and is non-toxic.

The following types of fresheners and odor absorbers are very popular:

  • balls filled with silica gel, which not only absorbs odors, but also excess moisture;
  • egg-shaped odor absorbers;
  • absorbers with carbon filter;
  • gel odor absorbers;
  • absorbers with an ionization function, which not only eliminate odors, but also inhibit the activity of various microorganisms.

Eliminating odor from the refrigerator using traditional methods

Not only household chemicals can cope with the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator. This task can also be accomplished by our usual food products.

  1. Soda. This inexpensive product has excellent absorbent properties and absorbs almost any odors. In order to refresh the refrigerator, just pour baking soda into 2-3 saucers and place them on the shelves. This air freshener will work for 4-5 weeks, after which the soda will need to be replaced. It should be remembered that soda cannot affect microbes, so the refrigerator should be washed first.
  2. Vinegar, diluted with water in equal parts, is often used by experienced housewives as a refrigerator cleaner. To consolidate the result, you can place an open container with this solution on the refrigerator shelf for 2-3 hours.
  3. Although coffee beans do not absorb odors, they will help refresh a clean refrigerator or mask the smell of a new unit.
  4. Brown bread will help cope with the recent smell. It is enough to cut half the loaf into pieces and place it on the shelves. It is not recommended to keep bread in the refrigerator for longer than 10-12 hours, because... otherwise, the product may begin to deteriorate, which will add a couple more not-so-pleasant shades to the existing odors.
  5. Lemon juice mixed with vodka (1 part lemon to 10 parts vodka) makes an excellent cleanser with a refreshing effect. To consolidate the effect, you can keep a slice of the citrus itself in the refrigerator.
  6. Activated carbon. Crushed activated carbon tablets make a wonderful refrigerator freshener. To do this, just chop them, put them on a saucer and leave them in the refrigerator at least overnight. Has the same property charcoal, but finding it is not so easy.
  7. Teaspoon ammonia, diluted in a liter of water, will help clean the refrigerator from both dirt and foreign odors.

Before putting a product that can absorb odors into the refrigerator, be sure to wash and dry the unit first. Otherwise, you will “vainly” fight the consequences without eliminating the causes.

Few things compare in persistence and disgust to the smell of missing meat. Its source is the result of the activity of anaerobic bacteria, so first get rid of their food source. For health reasons, it would be wise to get rid of other products, especially those that were stored in open form or in a loosely closed container.

Due to the fact that the refrigerator will need to be thoroughly cleaned (this smell is very corrosive and is literally absorbed into all surfaces), it must first be turned off, and then all contents must be removed, including not only food, but also shelves, drawers and other removable parts, including doors.

Primary cleaning is best done using household chemicals. Then you need to wipe everything inner surface refrigerator with a detergent prepared according to a folk recipe:

  • soda solution or powder;
  • water with ammonia dissolved in it;
  • lemon juice with water;
  • table vinegar with water.

All plastic parts must be processed especially carefully, because... They are distinguished by their ability to absorb any odors. They must be removed, washed completely with detergent and wiped with a solution you prepared yourself.

After washing, do not rush to install the doors and shelves in place and turn on the unit. The refrigerator needs ventilation, so it is better to move all removable parts of the refrigerator to the balcony, and in the room where the equipment is located, open the windows more often. To achieve results, periodic washing and airing may take 5-30 days, it all depends on how long the spoiled product has been in the refrigerator.

If your actions were effective, the refrigerator can be assembled and turned on. At the same time, do not forget to place saucers inside with products or substances that absorb odors: soda, lemon, activated or charcoal, etc. You can also use store-bought air fresheners.

In cases where, after all such measures taken, the smell from the refrigerator has not gone away, we can conclude that microorganisms have managed to penetrate into it. internal parts and nodes. To process them, you will need to disassemble the refrigerator almost completely, and without the help of a specialist you will not be able to cope with this matter. As a result, some owners of equipment damaged by odor decide that it is easier to buy a new unit than to try to do something with the old one.

The room in which the refrigerator is located also needs thorough cleaning. You need to wash the walls and floors, wipe down all the furniture and keep the windows open more often.

How to remove fish smell from the refrigerator

Fish is not only healthy and tasty, but also has a specific smell even when cooked. In its raw form, this product smells much stronger; the smell itself is easily absorbed into any objects and is quite difficult to remove.

To rid the refrigerator of the fishy “aroma,” you must first defrost it, then wash it with detergent, wipe it clean with a damp cloth and dry it completely.

After this, you can use one of the traditional methods to completely remove the smell (wipe the walls with soda, place saucers with coal in the refrigerator, etc.), but the best effect will be obtained by wiping all the walls of the refrigerator with lemon juice. After three hours after treatment, the juice will need to be washed off and the refrigerator left to ventilate for 1-2 hours.

After the refrigerator is cleaned and completely dried, it can be connected to the network. At the same time, do not forget to place products or products that absorb odors on the shelves of the unit.

What to do if your refrigerator smells like mold

Mold, without exaggeration, is the most unpleasant guest. Most often, it settles inside those refrigerators that are used periodically, for example, in the country. In addition to the unpleasant odor, mold also forms visible, unsightly stains. You can get rid of both the fungus itself and its smell. Sold in stores large number appropriate funds. But, most likely, the refrigerator will have to be processed several times.

Ways to combat mold
Today in stores you can find the most different manufacturers and in any form: spray, powder, emulsion. They should be used strictly following the instructions, which most often boil down to the following: the product must be applied or sprayed onto the surface, left to act for several minutes and then thoroughly rinsed off its remnants at the end of the treatment.

Do not clean the refrigerator with a solution copper sulfate, no matter how much you praise this remedy. Of course, it can destroy a mold colony, but it also poses a danger to humans. It is impossible to treat food storage areas with vitriol, it is poison.

Add household chemicals You can use home remedies like baking soda and vinegar. Treating your refrigerator with baking soda is easy. To do this, you need to pour a little baking soda powder onto a regular sponge, slightly moisten it and wipe the refrigerator. Then complete the treatment using a vinegar solution. Special attention When cleaning the refrigerator from mold, you should pay attention to the rubber on the doors, the hole for condensation drainage, shelves, and drawers. Everything that is removed must be removed and carefully processed.
After finishing cleaning, the refrigerator and its removable parts must be dried thoroughly, preferably with a stream warm air, because mold fungi don't like high temperatures and air movement. You can use a heat fan or UV lamp to dry your refrigerator.

If there are no longer any traces of mold, but the smell still does not go away, put a saucer in the refrigerator with soda, slices of rye bread or slices of lemon - these products perfectly absorb different odors.

Mold prevention
In the future, to prevent mold from reappearing in the refrigerator, try to follow these recommendations;

  1. Get rid of stale food in a timely manner. If one of them becomes moldy, then there is a risk of fungal spores getting on other products and on the walls of the refrigerator;
  2. Store food in bags or containers;
  3. Keep the refrigerator clean, wash it often with a soda solution and ventilate it;
  4. Monitor the humidity level inside the refrigerator. Silica gel packets, which we see in boxes with new shoes, work well for this. Just place them on the refrigerator shelves.

How to avoid foreign odors

Whether you have previously encountered the problem of an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator or not, it does not matter. In any case, follow these simple recommendations that will allow you to avoid this situation:

  1. Check the expiration dates of products and do not store food in open form, use bags, containers, dishes and other accessories;
  2. Immediately wipe away dirt (spilled milk, drops of jam, etc.);
  3. Use refrigerator fresheners. These can be purchased odor absorbers, as well as products with the same properties: a saucer with soda or ground activated carbon, half a lemon,
  4. Twice a year, thoroughly wash the refrigerator, dismantling all the shelves both in the chamber itself and on the door;
  5. When planning a trip for a long period of time, make purchases so that by the time of departure you leave the refrigerator empty: no one is insured against a sudden power outage or breakdown of the refrigerator. Or ask family members or neighbors to visit your apartment periodically.

An unpleasant smell from the refrigerator can seriously complicate your life. It is not always easy to get rid of it: sometimes it requires repeated washing and ventilation of the unit. Therefore, do not forget to check the expiration dates of products and follow the recommendations for their storage. Wash your refrigerator regularly and refresh it using folk remedies or special devices.

Video: effective methods for getting rid of odors from the refrigerator