Flower mother-in-law's language: all about flowering, signs and superstitions. Mother-in-law's tongue from an unkind eye: contradictory signs about a flower

Mother-in-law's tongue - house plant, which is still held in high esteem by our flower growers. This decorative flower, unpretentious and great for breeding in offices and at home. Not all flower lovers know that the scientific name of this plant is Sansevieria.

Description of the flower

“Mother-in-law’s language”, “language of dragons”, “ pike tail", "bayonet plant", "snake skin" and many other names this indoor plant has. The tropics of Africa and Asia are considered the homeland of sansevieria. There are more than 60 varieties of plants in nature.

However, only some varieties are used for home breeding. It is necessary to find out whether it is possible to keep a mother-in-law’s tongue flower at home and how to care for it so that it pleases its owners? According to some sources, these plants are classified as members of the Dracaena and Iglitsa families. Yours interesting name The flower was found in honor of Prince von Sanseviero.

Low-demanding and persistent flower Mother-in-law's language and varieties in nature:

  • A tall, erect plant with long lance-shaped leaves.
  • The low ornamental plant has short leaves that form a rosette.

Depending on what species the flower belongs to, the leaves may be greyish-green, green or dark green. The shape of the leaf directly depends on the species. Wide white or yellow stripes may appear on the leaf. Stripes of a different color, such as light green, may be placed across. The leaf may have a reddish edge. Brief flowering occurs in spring.

Varieties for home care

The decorative flower is grown not only at home, but also as an office decoration. Because the plant is unpretentious, it is very easy to care for it. But flower growers still distinguish several varieties of mother-in-law’s tongue:

Mother-in-law's tongue flower and care at home

If someone decides to grow sansevieria at home, then it is important to follow a few simple tips:

  • Support temperature regime in the room.
  • IN summer period Any temperature is suitable for indoor flower mother-in-law's tongue.
  • In the cold season, the temperature should be at 14-16 0 C. But you still need to take into account that minimum temperature- this is 10-11 0 C. Sudden changes have a bad effect on the plant.

It is known that the flower retains water in its leaves, so it should be watered sparingly.

When keeping the mother-in-law's tongue flower at home, is it possible to fertilize it and with what preparation? Sansevieria is not very fond of nitrogen. Therefore, when purchasing fertilizer, you need to pay attention to the fact that it should contain the least amount of fertilizer. It is enough to fertilize once a year. IN winter period the plant is not fertilized. In spring summer time fertilizing can be done with cactus formulations.

Flower pests and how to deal with them

The main pests of the mother-in-law's tongue flower are:

  • Thrips.
  • Spider mites.
  • Mealyworms.

That the flower is infected spider mites, can be determined by the color of the leaves. They change color to a paler color.

Thrips settle on bottom part leaves in large colonies. At the same time upper part the leaf is covered with gray-brown spots with a silvery sheen.

If a mealyworm has settled at the base of the rosette, it begins to suck the juice from the leaves and peduncles. Leaves become diseased and distorted.

How to deal with pests of the mother-in-law's tongue flower? Is it possible to keep chemicals at home or is it better to use them? folk remedies? You can try everything, but you need to start with plant prevention:

  • Make an infusion from citrus peels. Moisten a cloth with this infusion and wipe the leaves of the flower.
  • Carry out regular preventive spraying with the biological product "Fitoverm".
  • If pests are detected, you can spray with Actellik and Decis.

Does Sansevieria bloom?

When to bloom, the plant chooses the time for this completely independently. Mother-in-law's tongue may not bloom for years, and then suddenly bloom into delicate flowers. Their aroma is reminiscent of vanilla. Fills the entire room and extends beyond the front door.

The beauty lasts for about a week. The reason for unexpected flowering is that the plant senses the approach of death and nature forces it to bloom in order to leave behind seeds.

According to popular superstitions, the mother-in-law's tongue flower, which blooms in winter, tells the owner about impending troubles.

Benefits of a flower in the home

Sansevieria is popularly considered a real healer. It has been established that it helps with the following ailments:

  • Cystitis.
  • Inflammation of the appendages.
  • Otitis (shooting pain in the ears).
  • Defeats skin(scabies, ulcers, itching, wounds and cuts).

Many people have no idea what mysterious properties the mother-in-law’s tongue flower has. Is it possible to keep a healer at home who:

  • Destroys harmful bacteria.
  • They release oxygen.
  • Absorbs negative energy.

It has been noticed that if there is this flower in the house, then the owners of this miracle:

  • They suffer less from headaches.
  • They suffer from colds less often.
  • Pressure drops in hypertensive and hypotensive patients become less frequent.

Placing a flower in a classroom promotes better knowledge acquisition and active creativity.

What do people say about him?

Mother-in-law's tongue flower and signs associated with it:

  • If flowering happened in the summer, then you need to expect great luck. And if it bloomed in winter time, then this is a sign of approaching troubles.
  • If the leaves turn yellow and this is not the work of pests, then you are about to part with someone.
  • If healthy plant begins to hurt and waste away, this indicates that the situation in the house is tense.

Is it possible to keep a mother-in-law’s tongue flower at home if people talk about various signs? Of course you can, because it is a peacemaker plant. And not all signs promise trouble. There are also good ones, for example:

  • If a person is sick, then you need to stroke the flower more often in order to give it away negative energy.
  • A husband and wife will no longer quarrel if a flowerpot with a plant given by the parents of one of the spouses is placed in their bedroom.
  • Unmarried young ladies can cast spells in mother-in-law's language.

Of course, grow a beautiful and proud plant.

In Japan, there is a funny tradition according to which you should say “Bless you” to a sneezing cat. In this case, the person will never have toothache or pain. at least He won't have to see a dentist anytime soon.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower - signs and superstitions

Almost every indoor plant has its own list of signs and superstitions. Some help in financial matters, others help establish family relations. Green pets can clear space from negative energy and protect their owners from the machinations of ill-wishers.

Sansevieria, known to many as “mother-in-law’s tongue,” has precisely these abilities. Folk omens claim that this plant creates an atmosphere of goodwill and extinguishes conflicts.

Is it possible to keep mother-in-law’s tongue at home: what do the signs say?

Sansevieria - evergreen native to Africa with long or short lanceolate leaves of a dark green hue, decorated with white, yellow streaks or borders. Often used by designers to create flower arrangements in residential premises, offices and winter gardens.

A distinctive feature of the plant is the absence of a stem. The leaves grow straight from the root and can be flat or rolled into a tube. In some varieties they come out of the ground like a fan, in others they are located strictly vertically or stick out in different sides from the socket.

The variety of colors and shapes has given rise to many names under which Sansevieria is familiar to lovers of indoor floriculture. Among them are the following:

  • cuckoo tail;
  • pike tail;
  • devil's tongue
  • Indian sword;
  • leopard lily.

The most famous name Sansevieria - mother-in-law's tongue. This is the name given to a flower with erect leaves. They can reach a meter in length and end with a sharp sting.

According to signs and superstitions about mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant is recommended to be placed in a home for the following purposes:

  1. Cleaning space from germs and viruses.
  2. Protection against harmful fumes emitted by synthetic materials.
  3. Normalization of intra-family relations.
  4. Development of creative abilities.
  5. Protecting household members from gossip.

To stop conflicts between employees, mother-in-law's tongue is recommended to be cultivated in offices. In the presence of sansevieria, children become more obedient and attentive, adults restrain negative emotions, and animals do not show aggression.

Mother-in-law's tongue has bloomed - what do the signs promise?

All plant varieties have medicinal properties. The juice of the leaves is poisonous and is not suitable for internal use. It is used to treat skin diseases and is instilled into the ears for otitis media. Tinctures are prepared from rhizomes to boost immunity. Dry plant people suffering from headaches are set on fire and smoke is used to fumigate them.

If you decide to get a plant like Mother-in-Law’s tongue in your home, you should listen to folk beliefs, because some of them promise good things, while others are a harbinger of unpleasant ones life changes. What signs exist about the Mother-in-Law flower and how they can be recognized will be helped by the advice of experienced fortune tellers.

Interpretation of superstitions about the plant

This flower has several folk names- in floristry indoor flower called Sansevieria, popularly - snake skin, pike tail, devil's tongue or Indian sword. The flower received this name for a reason - its long and pointed foliage really resembles swords or long tongues in appearance.

As the sign about the Mother-in-Law flower says, a bush growing in the house is an excellent symbol of strengthening family relationships between spouses and all family members. Practice shows that families who acquired such a flower lived for a long time in happiness and love, and all quarrels, disagreements and troubles left their home away.

Despite the name, which implies gossip, discord and disagreement, the Mother-in-Law flower, on the contrary, is real and powerful protection all household members from any negativity - the evil eye, damage, the evil eye and other magical influences.

The flower scares away all ill-wishers who have bad thoughts and bad intentions towards your family. It protects household members on an energetic level and prevents negativity from entering the house.

Energy properties

Folk signs about the Pike Tail claim that such a flower is capable of balancing the energy balance of any home - be it a house or an apartment. In a house where there is no such plant, complete discord will reign.

By folk signs, The mother-in-law’s tongue in the house is capable of absorbing all the negativity - anger, hostility towards others, bad mood, and in return, charging the person with positivity and positive energy. The pike tail helps all family members get closer, find common language and understanding. Long leaves take away all the bad things and radiate the energy of calm, comfort and well-being in the house.

If there is a negative atmosphere in the house, the financial situation has worsened, or one of the family members is often sick, it is necessary to place Mother-in-Law’s Tongue in a place where all family members often gather. This could be the kitchen or living room. The plant will soften the tense atmosphere, absorb all negativity and direct positive energy in the right direction.

Signs about flowering

Signs about the Pike's tail, which blooms, have several meanings.

  1. If Mother-in-law's tongue blooms earlier or later than expected, it is a bad sign. A major scandal or quarrel awaits you at home or at work (if the plant is located in the office). A quarrel can be provoked by excessive guardianship or concern for other people. Usually this phenomenon occurs in winter, which is not typical for Sansevieria.
  2. Some believe that Mother-in-Law’s tongue blooms only in a house or apartment where there is a favorable atmosphere, understanding and comfort. Therefore, if a plant blooms at any time of the year except winter, there is nothing bad or alarming about it. As superstitions and signs say about the Pike Tail flower, new and successful endeavors await a person - receiving new position, developing hidden talent, closing a new deal, etc.

How to get the most benefit from a plant

For positive superstitions to come true and for you to be able to force the plant to diligently take care of the well-being of the family, you need to provide it with good care:

  • water frequently;
  • feed periodically;
  • keep in a bright, warm place where there are no drafts and sudden temperature changes;
  • To maintain its decorative effect, periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

When buying mother-in-law's tongue for your home, it is important to remember what such a plant brings maximum benefit only positive, kind and optimistic people. The plant subtly senses the home aura and the atmosphere in the house, multiplies it and directs it in the right direction.

The mother-in-law's tongue flower is a common plant inhabitant of apartments and fits well into the interior. There are many rumors around the houseplant; many signs and superstitions are associated with the mother-in-law’s language.

Where does this name come from?

Mother-in-law's tongue scientific world Sansevieria (Sansevieria) is correctly called, but popular names in different countries because of appearance The plant has significantly more leaves:

  • they also call him pike tail,
  • the flower is called snakeskin,
  • some call it the Indian sword,
  • There is such a name as leopard lily.

Its long leaves are similar in appearance to long tongues, which is where the main name of the indoor flower took root.

People believe that mother-in-law’s tongue is sharp and carries numerous gossip, quarrels spouses and is the source of family scandals, which is why many signs about quarrels and troubles have appeared around the plant.

Sansevieria came into our home and office interiors from the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and India. Under the hot sun and predominantly drought, the plants have developed unpretentiousness and resilience, adapting to grow both on plains and among rocks.

In its small homeland, the pike tail does not act as a carrier of bad omens, but is used as:

  • hedge,
  • natural remedy with medicinal properties,
  • raw material in the manufacture of fabric and rope.

According to the biological description of mother-in-law’s tongue, it is:

  • a plant with a strong root system and a high crown, one meter or more in height,
  • a flower with long shaped leaves, pointed at the tips.

There are types of sansevieria that form the crown not in a straight vertical direction, but with a slope to the sides, almost horizontally. The color of the leaves is most often bright green, but they can have brown and yellow hues, diluted with stripes and specks. In some species, the leaves are covered with a waxy coating.

Sansevieria – flowering plant. It usually blooms in spring, with inflorescences formed from white-green stamens with petals that have a vanilla scent.

Mother-in-law's tongue at home

There are signs that prohibit keeping this indoor flower at home, so as not to invite trouble. So, if you believe some, then:

  • a pot of mother-in-law's tongue located in the bedroom will provoke quarrels and lead to adultery,
  • a pike tail in the kitchen will be a source of domestic disputes,
  • A snakeskin growing among the interior of the living room will force spouses to argue about financial topics.

The older generation is not sure whether it is possible for young families to keep a plant at home, and does not advise newlyweds to have such an indoor flower. According to the signs about mother-in-law's tongue, for a fragile couple with less than a year of marital experience, the flower will bring minor everyday quarrels and disagreements that they are not yet able to cope with.

In contrast to many signs, some happy families With experience, we are sure that it was the pike tail that brought mutual understanding, peace and family well-being to their home, absorbing all the negative energy that was at home.

Also considered bad omen keep him home young unmarried girl. The longer this indoor flower lives in her apartment, the longer she will be unmarried.

Some superstitions prohibit giving a pike tail as a gift:

  • a flower presented to a young wife as a gift for her husband’s relatives should be a cause for concern, since it is believed that along with the gift, the mother-in-law brings quarrels and gossip into the young woman’s house,
  • young families who received a plant from a woman speak poorly of such gifts, suggesting that she is thereby trying to destroy their family,
  • not everyone is ready to accept it as a gift from widowers or people who have their own family life didn't work out.

But a pike tail that comes into your home by inheritance will become a real amulet.

In order for only benefits to come from the mother-in-law’s tongue and for it not to act as a source of discord between spouses, it should be placed in right place. Best place there will be a kitchen window sill for him, the windows of which overlook the courtyard. Skeptics are sure that this way you can protect yourself from envious passers-by looking into your windows.

You need to carefully approach the choice of flower pot:

  • do not plant your mother-in-law’s tongue in the house and office in a flowerpot of red color and its shades that incites passions and squabbles,
  • choose a calm palette of gray and blue shades for the plant,

Metal ornaments will become good addition to cool the mother-in-law's tongue, because metal cools passions.

Snakeskin in the office

Sansevieria fits perfectly into work interiors and is often used as designer decoration office. Its unpretentiousness in care makes it possible not to pay indoor plant too much time, which is not enough at work. But not only can mother-in-law’s tongue please the eye while staying in the place where colleagues gather:

  • signs say that snake skin will cope with all the gossip around the owner of the indoor flower,
  • Sansevieria will protect its owner from empty conversations that are unnecessary during working hours,
  • a pike tail will help get rid of annoying colleagues who interfere with the performance of their work duties and will warn against their envious glances.

Such signs are primarily associated with the fact that mother-in-law’s tongue is credited with the ability to absorb a lot of energy. So vegetal energy vampire feeds on negativity in the form of rudeness and angry mood, unpleasant situations and bad mood. Exactly such emotional states plenty when working in a team. Therefore, many are sure that the pot with mother-in-law's tongue in office space will set you in a working mood, add sociability and friendliness when communicating between colleagues.

Many signs associated with growing mother-in-law's tongue do not recommend keeping this unpretentious and very attractive indoor flower at home. According to such prejudices, negative manifestations when placing a flowerpot with this ornamental crop are expressed in the absorption of energy. There is a well-known superstition according to which if “mother-in-law’s tongue” blooms in winter, then such a phenomenon foreshadows major quarrels in the family.

However, such indoor flowers are fed exclusively negative emotions of various origins, including rudeness, Bad mood and anger. Long foliage serves as a kind of antenna, which helps absorb negativity and emit energy of peace and creativity. Sansevieria helps in getting rid of liars, gossips and ill-wishers, and also makes the indoor microclimate more harmonious and comfortable for life. This indoor flower will also be useful for people who cannot concentrate or need increased concentration.

Sansevieria: cultivation and care (video)

Popular types

The plants belong to the genus of stemless and evergreen perennials. Sansevieria is popular herbaceous plant from the Asparagus family, and in natural conditions is often found in regions characterized by dry and rocky soils.

Species nameDescription of the plantSpecies features
Great Sansevieria (S.grandis)The leaf rosette consists of two to four juicy and fleshy leaves of light green color.Leaves with attractive dark transverse stripes and a pronounced reddish edge
Sansevieria hyacinth (S.hyacinthoides)A half-meter plant with a tufted leaf rosette, including two to four dark green leavesThe presence of light green W-shaped shading on the leaves and a reddish or whitish marginal border
Sansevieria dooneri (S.dooneri)A subdued leafy succulent plant forming a leaf rosette of two dozen flat and erect leavesThe foliage has a dark green pattern characteristic of the species.
Sansevieria graceful (S.gracilis)A perennial succulent plant with leathery, oval, long, pointed leaves of a grayish-green color, covering the stem base.The foliage has a gray-beige pattern in the form of transverse streaks
Sansevieria kirkii (S.kirkii)The plant is characterized by a relatively short rhizome and short leaf rosettes represented by spotted leavesVarieties with brownish or reddish-brown foliage are known in floriculture.
Sansevieria liberica (S. liberica)A leafy succulent plant with an expanded leaf rosette of six flat, parallel, dark green leaves.The foliage has blurry light green streaks and streaks, as well as a thin reddish-white or brown border.
Sansevieria three-lane (S. trifasciata)The most common in domestic indoor floriculture plant with xiphoid, green or greenish-yellow leavesThis species is characterized as absolutely undemanding to cultivation conditions and is distinguished high level decorativeness