Methods of psycho-emotional unloading and self-management. create the desired emotional state at will with the help of words addressed to oneself

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Department" practical psychology"

Speciality " Psychology education"

Faculty of Psychology and Education


Topic: " Methods self-regulation and psychological unloading"


Buravtsova Elena Anatolievna


Zinchenko Tatiana Olegovna

Voronezh, 2011

  • 1.1.2 Methods of self-regulation
  • 1.1.3 Rules of self-regulation
  • 2. Autotraining technique
  • 3.1.2 Forms of meditation
  • 4.1.2 Art therapy methods
  • 5. Self-regulation of the psychophysiological state with the help of acupressure
  • 5.1 Basic methods and methods of massage
  • 5.1.1 Types of acupressure
  • 5.1.2 Acupressure that optimizes performance
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


That, what we we hear often is forgotten then, what we we see remembered several better, but only then, what we do themselves, can understand and feel for real deep. (Eastern wisdom).

In a healthy body healthy mind. The reverse is also true - a healthy mind is absolutely essential to a healthy body. After all, everything that happens in one part of our body is reflected in other parts of it. And a healthy psyche may well give rise to healthy body to restore health in him - if you believe in it, if you want it and if you know how to do it.

The fact that the emotional state affects the general well-being and the occurrence of certain diseases ultimately depends on it has long been known. For example, a prolonged state of irritability increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, prolonged depression increases the likelihood of cancer, as immunity decreases. Constant anxiety, fear, restlessness, excessive mental stress adversely affect the state of health.

A stressful situation requires an active response from the body. However, our current "natural" way of life, with its habitual lack of movement, does not provide an incentive for an active response. For us, the reaction of "leaving the situation" is becoming more and more familiar. And this combination of an inadequate lifestyle with biochemical and hormonal responses to stress can lead to significant deviations in health status.

For a long time there was an opinion that the anxiety reaction is unpredictable and unsafe and in a different way a person can not react to stress. However, many years of experience shows that it is much more useful, using the reserve capabilities of the body, to master the methods of conscious and active self-regulation. It is necessary to learn how to manage stress in spite of the natural automatic reaction and respond to it in an autoregulatory or relaxational way.

Practice shows that stress and depression can be completely avoided if you form attitudes and the ability to get out of stressful situations with minimal losses.

At present, it is impossible to imagine the training of a professional psychologist without mastering the methods of self-regulation. Moreover, in whatever field of activity a psychologist would work after graduation, he must be able to maintain professional health.

Unfortunately, professional burnout " - a common phenomenon for psychologists, since their professional activities require a lot of mental, mental and physical strength from them. And it is in our power to mitigate their action. And how to do this, we will understand.

psychological self-regulation unloading massage

1. Introduction to psychophyological self-regulation

1.1 General concepts of mental self-regulation

1.1.1 Mechanisms of self-regulation

In the beginning there was a word...

The influences of the external environment, called signals (signals of the first order), due to the sense organs, cause responses in the body - reflexes. In this case, there is a connection between the stimulation signal and innate, unconditional, reflex activity. It is this activity that forms the basis of the first signaling system possessed by animals and humans.

In the course of human evolution, a second was added to the first signaling system. The signaling of impressions from the surrounding world with words, which are called second-order signals, or constitute the second signal system, is inherent only to man. It was speech that became such a feature in the work of higher departments. nervous system which qualitatively distinguishes man from animals.

It has been known since ancient times that the doctor's word can heal the sick. This unique ability underlies almost all methods of psychotherapy. Apparently, psychotherapy originated in those ancient times, when people only mastered the basics of speech.

How did the word acquire such a powerful healing factor property?

At first sight medicinal property the words really seem unusual. Another thing is a drug, it is material, tangible, pharmaceutical companies are working on its development. But the word also has great material power. After all, it causes the same reflex reactions as other stimuli. The word affects our psyche through the brain.

It is known that memories of an already experienced event can cause in a person the same physiological changes and reactions that occurred in a similar real situation. Even the retelling of this event, if it is brightly colored emotional character, causes a person to increase heart rate, respiration, increase blood pressure.

For example, try imagining that you are cutting a lemon. Fragrant juice flows from thin slices. Even reading these lines, you can notice how your salivation intensifies, and feel the spicy smell of citrus. And all this comes from my own imagination.

This simple example demonstrates that words expressing the properties of an object or phenomenon produce the same effect on the organism as the object or phenomenon itself, signified by these words. The word becomes a natural irritant.

Principle self-regulation . So, the word can cause reactions in the human body due to various stimuli, and thus in many cases replace them.

The depth of our perception is primarily influenced by the nature of the interaction of the two main nervous processes - excitation and inhibition (a special phase state of the cerebral cortex), as well as the degree of mental and physical concentration. What matters is the interest in the material being presented, the mental readiness to perceive what is heard, the environment, the magnitude of the flow of exciting or, conversely, calming stimuli, and many other factors.

The processes of excitation and inhibition are so interconnected that they form a single whole. If we observe the change in the degree of human activity during the day, we will notice that in different time he looks either cheerful and active, or tired and sleepy. His level of wakefulness changes all the time. This is the manifestation of the interaction of these basic processes of higher nervous activity.

The process of excitation in the nervous system has long been known. The discovery of the process of inhibition in the central nervous system, which was made in 1862 by the Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov. The study of the inhibition process reached its greatest development in the works of I.P. Pavlov and his students. They created the doctrine of protective inhibition.

The normal response of a neuron to stimuli is not unlimited. From time to time, a state occurs when he begins to behave inappropriately, or even does not respond to any stimuli at all. This property, called inhibition, began to be considered as protecting nerve cells from overwork, exhaustion and destruction.

Exist various kinds braking . External inhibition occurs under the influence of environmental stimuli - light, noise, heat, etc. Internal inhibition develops under the influence of internal causes, for example, fatigue or accumulation of products of muscle activity.

At exorbitant load, without full-fledged recreation and switching deIvalidity nervous cells not only get tired but and are depleted. Sometimes such nervous exhaustion maybe lead to heavy organic diseaseeopinions (gastritis, ulcerative disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia on hyper- or hypotonic type and etc.) and psychosomaticskim upsetstvam, for exampleandmeasures violation sleep, decline appetite padenie workableproperty, neuroabouttic disorders.

Human activity during the day changes repeatedly. Figuratively speaking, the human body is complex fabric of countless different rhythms. The basis of this tissue is circadian, i.e. circadian rhythms, united in a clearly organized system. These rhythms affect every aspect of our lives, from how we sleep and how active we are after waking up, before we get active. An imbalanced circadian rhythm releases hormones at the wrong time of day, resulting in sleep and mood problems. Circadian rhythm disturbances are a major factor in most cases of mood disorders, mental well-being and sleep disorders. A typical cause of circadian rhythm disturbance is the change of seasons.

The leading circadian rhythm in humans is the rhythm of activity and rest, sleep and wakefulness. During the period of activity, under normal conditions - during the day, the processes of energy consumption expended on the performance of physical and mental work intensify in our body. During the rest period, usually at night, recovery processes are activated, i.e. the body restores everything that is destroyed in the active phase of its life. Therefore, rest is not a passive state, in a sense, rest, especially sleep, is also work.

The more complete is the rest (recovery), the higher the level of activity the body can show. With insufficient rest, the processes of energy exhaustion begin to predominate, and the state of fatigue develops into overwork, which is fraught with a significant decrease in the efficiency of activity. There is an old folk wisdom: in order to spend money, you must have it. Rest for the body is like an automatically replenished bank account, activity is the use of this account. The larger the bank account, the more you can afford to spend.

You have already seen that words as a physiological stimulus (and, consequently, thought) can profoundly affect the state of mind. Moreover, as observations have shown, the weight of words increases if the person who perceives them has a reduced level of wakefulness. In such cases, even a weak stimulus can cause a strong response.

Therefore, for the optimal impact of the word on a person, you can choose the time when he is in a state of physical fatigue, well relaxed, but has not yet lost touch with the surrounding reality. It turns out that verbal suggestion is effectively enhanced during periods of drowsiness. It is at this time that information settles in the deep areas of memory.

mental self-regulation is a set of techniques and methods of self-correction of the psycho-physiological state of a person, thanks to which the optimization of the mental and somatic functions of the body is achieved.

Normally, any living organism easily adapts to the effects of various stimuli of the external and internal environment, while maintaining its health. This is achieved through the action of self-regulation mechanisms, which were discovered by I.P. Pavlov. The scientist artificially measured the magnitude of blood pressure in animals by small bloodletting, introducing various solutions into the blood, and irritating one or another nerve. And every time after a while, the blood pressure returned to its original level.

So was installed principle samoreregulation how the form interactionactions inside organism, at which deviation from norms is cause (incentive) return to norm. This principle subsequently become nazsvat " haboutlotom rule self-regulation" .

In his further studies, I.P. Pavlov found that the principle of self-regulation applies to all bodily functions. He also emphasized that self-regulation provides a subtle balancing of the living organism with the environment. And if this balancing does not occur, unusual reactions are possible, a sharp change in behavior.

Dream - natural self-regulation.

The proverb is clear: Fatigue - the best pillow" .

For centuries man worked during the day and slept at night. It was natural: how much can you do in the dark? Technological progress gave people electric lighting, and here is the result: people began to sleep 20% less. Chronic sleep deprivation has become the scourge of modern society.

After a sleepless night, the immune system works at only a third of its capacity. If a person does not rest during the night, fatigue gradually increases, efficiency decreases, and then the body's resistance to various adverse factors. In the future, insomnia may develop.

Sleep protects brain cells from exhaustion and destruction. Energy is restored during sleep nervous tissue consumed during wakefulness.

During the night, the human body does not rest, but "throws out" unnecessary rubbish of random impressions from memory, clears itself of toxins, accumulates energy for next day. During sleep, the muscles relax and tighten, the pulse changes its frequency, the temperature and blood pressure “jump”.

If you deprive a person of sleep, a nervous breakdown can occur.

The brain, which did not have the opportunity to rest, will not be able to perform its functions, it will simply “turn off”, and after it all other organs will do the same.

Dream - best result inhibition of the cerebral cortex - occurs as the expenditure nerve cells energy during the day and reduce their excitability. In a state of inhibition, cells fully restore their energy reserves. By the time of awakening, if the sleep was deep enough and full, they are again ready for active work.

Muscle tone management.

Muscular tone - this is muscle tension, with the help of which the balance of the body is ensured and its readiness to engage in active movement. This working background of the muscles either decreases or increases, on which the level of our wakefulness also depends to a certain extent.

Normally, the tone is maintained automatically, reflexively, without the participation of our consciousness and will. Unfortunately, we usually do not notice an increased tone. This state of the muscles is commonly called tonic (or involuntary) tension, when one part of the muscle fibers is in a state of contraction, and the other is resting, relaxed.

The second type of muscle tension is usually called arbitrary, which we create at will: in this case, all muscle fibers work simultaneously.

Thus, in humans, muscle tone can be arbitrarily regulated within certain limits.

Everyone can learn to manage muscle tone. Many successful athletes say that the secret of their victories is the ability to relax well.

There is a close interdependence between muscle tone and the emotional state of a person. Watch yourself, and you will notice that when you are in a calm state of mind, your muscles are not tense, their tone is reduced, rest is most effective, strength is restored faster.

If you are irritated, muscle tone increases dramatically. It turns out that no matter what the calming effect is caused by - warm baths, a kind word, medicines - in all cases, muscle relaxation is observed.

Muscle relaxation is a form of relaxation. It is not easy for people, for example, who have never played sports, to voluntarily relax their muscles. The ability to voluntarily relax muscles, to feel their tone does not come immediately, it is necessary to first learn the art of "muscle relaxation" with the help of autogenic training.

1.1.2 Methods of self-regulation

Since a person, as a living organism, functions according to the laws of rhythm, two approaches can be distinguished to ensure the necessary functional state of high activity.

1. Mobilizing methods immediately before the period of activity and during it.

2. Methods aimed at full recovery of strength during periods of rest:

a) methods of mental self-regulation (autogenic training, meditation, art therapy);

b) methods of psychophysiological self-regulation (physical exercises during the period of professional activity, self-massage, aromatherapy, color therapy, music therapy, reflexology, thermal recovery procedures - sauna, bath, shower, swimming pool).

Without belittling the importance of mobilizing methods, I would like first of all to dwell on restorative methods, since There are many ways to spend money, but first you need to get it.

Sufficient, timely, full sleep could be called the best remedy achievements full recovery forces and ensuring the functional state of high human activity. However, work overload, chronic nervous tension and other stress factors that lead to overwork and cause sleep disturbance make it necessary to search for additional methods aimed at achieving a good rest for the human body.

One of the well-known ways to optimize activity is self-regulation by a person of his mental and physical state through a variety of methods, which we will consider later.

Evidence of the use of methods of self-hypnosis and self-regulation can be found even in the pre-scientific era of the formation of psychotherapy in medical and healer practice. It has been argued that there is no suggestion at all without self-hypnosis.

The founder of Russian medicine S.G. Zabelin back in 1877 said that a disciplined mind conquers bodily ailments, and this victory is natural. This fact justifies the need to use self-hypnosis methods to regulate bodily ill health.

Basic the reason on whichoh arise negative psychicallyskies Withaboutstanding at psychologist in result his work, isetsya short aboutfessionaism. Start off professional Firestartering psichologist necessaryaboutdimo With personal growth.

It is hard to imagine how a "mental health professional" can help other people solve their problems if he himself is full of the same problems. No matter how many methods and techniques a psychologist has, he must, first of all, act as an example of mental health and maturity for his clients. Otherwise, all his recommendations will look doubtful, which can discredit in the eyes of the client not only the psychologist himself, but psychology as a whole. In addition, a psychologist who has not worked through his problems is not able to work on the same problems with a client. That's why personal growth psychologist is pledge his psycholaboutlogical, ethicalesky and spiritual health.

Ppsycho-emotional loads arise hamore at nonprofessional psychologist. But even an extra-class psychologist is not alien to anything human. He also gets tired, he, like any person, needs rest. The methods that a psychologist can use to optimize his mental state are very diverse, and they can be used both by the psychologist himself for self-regulation and in working with clients.

1.1.3 Rules of self-regulation

Exist certain rules, allowing to rationally influence the psyche and volitional processes.

1. Please note that the successful completion of the vast majority of undertakings depends on the ability and willingness of a person to periodically evaluate the intermediate stages of activity and make timely changes in their actions, if necessary, returning to work already done, and achieve the intended result. A sufficiently reliable guarantee against the forcing effect on you of temporary failures can be the initial psychological readiness for constant intermediate monitoring of the results, the psychological attitude to calmly make corrections, if necessary, in your work.

2. Without exception, all self-hypnosis should be aimed at the formation of good health, clear consciousness, optimistic perception of life. Any harmful suggestions (pain symptoms, negative emotional states, etc.) are strictly prohibited!

3. During classes, if you experience any ailment, negative emotional states, discomfort, you should definitely seek the advice of a teacher. Such a consultation is also necessary if such reactions arose after the lesson, but you intuitively associate them with auto-training.

4. Even if you consider yourself a healthy person, constantly monitor all the changes that occur in your body. If you have any somatic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor.

5. Starting classes, you must remember that internal changes happen to you when you become yourself, and not when you try to be like others. Neither from the decision to "be better" of others, nor from the effort to change, nor from the requirements of the teacher, the requests and persuasion of loved ones, will any changes occur.

Paradoxically, inner change only happens when you give up the pursuit of being (or being) what you should be. Awareness of what is happening to you and what you are striving for will help you to feel how everything is in your power, and to understand that in any situation, with any decision and any choice, the word is yours.

So, the first step on this difficult path should be to determine what you really want, i.e. goal setting.

2. Autotraining technique

2.1 Autogenic training as the main method of self-regulation

2.1.1 Summary of autogenic training

In medical practice, there are facts when self-hypnosis made people disabled, and it also saved from death and many sufferings. It is surprising how few people knew about this method of mental influence, although it is natural for a person to succumb to self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis was used in Ancient Greece, India, China and other countries. In Russia, one of the first to use it was V.M. Bekhterev in 1880. Even then, valuable results were obtained. So, for example, there is a known case of cure by self-hypnosis from such a serious illness as trigeminal neuralgia.

Throughout human history, at different times, thousands of existing and forgotten techniques and methods of self-influence have been proposed. Europeans were surprised how, for example, Indian yogis can, without burning themselves, walk on hot coals and freeze in one position for a long time.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the German neuropsychiatrist Johannes Schultz, having visited India, introduced the technique he developed into clinical practice, which subsequently underwent a number of modifications. Being engaged in the treatment of people with hypnosis, Schultz noticed that thanks to autosuggestion, some of his patients could themselves develop in themselves that state of calm, relaxation, which he inspired in them. He found that the hypnotic state induced in medicinal purposes, in most patients was accompanied by similar sensations: a feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs, a feeling of warmth and pleasant relaxation in the muscles of the body and in the abdomen, a feeling of coolness in the forehead.

Schultz proceeded from the fact that if a person is taught to evoke sensations in himself that correspond to those that he experiences during immersion in a hypnotic state, then this will allow him, without the help of a doctor, to introduce himself into a state close to hypnotic, and through self-hypnosis to independently get rid of many painful mental and physical disorders that interfere with a normal life and work.

This observation prompted Schulz to develop a technique called autogenic training (AT).

AT, proposed by Schultz as independent method, is synthetic in nature. It is based on the findings of the ancient Indian yoga system, the Chinese health system of qigong, the experience of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using self-hypnosis of the Nansian school of psychotherapists, psychophysiological studies of the neuromuscular component and the experience of using muscle relaxation.

Currently, AT is considered as self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (first stage) or hypnotic trance (second stage), based on muscle relaxation and is intended for rest and recuperation.

The greatest value of AT lies in the fact that almost all people can independently master its basic techniques. It is not only an "ambulance" for overwork, but also allows a person to control his emotions, moreover, with its help you can cope with many diseases.

To effectively master the AT technique, it is necessary to develop self-regulation mechanisms, i.e. learn to:

manage muscle tone: relax at will, and if necessary, strain them as much as possible;

create the desired emotional state at will with the help of words addressed to oneself;

to influence the function of the autonomic nervous system not by direct volitional order, but indirectly through the reproduction in memory of figurative representations associated with previously experienced and emotionally colored sensations;

manage such mental process like attention: concentrate it on the desired image and narrow its circle when you need to relax or fall asleep.

As you can see, the mechanisms of self-regulation in AT consist not only of muscle relaxation, but also of the involvement of many properties of the psyche.

2.1.2 The self-suggestion formula is the basis of the self-regulation method

At the beginning of the 20th century, the method of therapeutic self-hypnosis, developed by the French pharmacist Emile Coué, became widespread. Communicating with patients, he noticed what a great influence the strength of the idea of ​​​​them has on the effect of drug treatment. Mental accompaniment can help improve the effect of the drug, if you believe in its effectiveness, or, conversely, weaken its effect.

Coue believed that the subconscious "I" is a force that can either heal or cause disease. He believed that conscious self-hypnosis is a method to suppress painful ideas and replace them with beneficial ones.

One of Coue's theoretical positions is that success is brought not so much by willpower as by the power of one's own imagination. He argued that it is enough to think that, for example, one or another organ works well, as a thought turns into reality. The tool for the implementation of the conscious "I" is the will, and the unconscious - the imagination.

Coue revealed certain laws of this phenomenon.

1. In the struggle between will and imagination, the latter wins.

2. In the struggle between the will and the imagination, the power of the imagination is proportional to the exertion of the power of the will.

3. If will and imagination are coordinated, then they do not add up, but multiply, and their product expresses the final strength of both energies.

4. The power of the imagination can be controlled.

According to E. Coue, the healing ideas, which he called the "formula of self-hypnosis", are essentially a statement of fact. The self-hypnosis formula should be simple and not be violent. For example: "Every day my relationships with other people improve." It does not matter, Coue believed, whether the formula of autosuggestion corresponds to reality, because. it is addressed to the subconscious "I", which is distinguished by gullibility and takes it for truth, for an order that must be carried out. The simpler the formula, the better the therapeutic effect.

Arbitrary self-hypnosis should be carried out without any volitional effort. If unconscious self-hypnosis, often of a bad nature, is so successful, it is because it is carried out without the effort of the will.

An example of a self-suggestion session,

A verbal formula is drawn up, which can be changed in the future. It should be simple, consist of a few words (maximum of 3-4) and always have a positive content. For example, "I'm healthy" instead of "I'm not sick."

In some cases, the formula may be extended. For example, in conditions of tobacco dependence, a person inspires himself: "My decision to quit smoking is final. I refuse any pretext or persuasion of friends. My decision is firm." The self-hypnosis session takes 3-4 minutes.

At the same time, they take a comfortable position in a sitting or lying position, close your eyes, relax and not loudly, in a monotonous voice, without fixing attention on the content of the phrase, the same self-hypnosis formula is pronounced 15-20 times. At the same time, you need to believe in what you inspire yourself, and keep in front of your inner eye the picture that you are striving to realize, for example, you see yourself as a calm, balanced person; or beautiful and rich.

They will practice self-hypnosis skills within two weeks. It is recommended to conduct a session 2-3 times a day in a drowsy state (in the morning when waking up and in the evening when falling asleep).

2.1.3 Breathing and its role in self-regulation

Since ancient times, the connection between breathing and the psychophysiological state of a person has been known. In all Eastern systems of harmonization - yoga, qigong, Zen Buddhism - the use of various breathing exercises is a necessary condition for achieving the desired mental states.

Breathing is a universal tool that allows you to regulate the tone of the central nervous system in a wide range: from deep inhibition to a high level of mobility. By adjusting the depth of inhalation and exhalation, the size of the pause during inhalation and exhalation, and also by using different parts of the lungs (upper, middle or lower) when breathing, you can consciously control the tone of the body. If it is necessary to achieve its reduction, as happens with muscle relaxation, it is advisable to increase the duration of expiration and the pause on exhalation, and the breath itself should be diaphragmatic (or lower). Lower breathing is used when it is necessary to overcome excessive excitement, to overcome anxiety and irritability, to relax as much as possible for a quick and effective rest. In addition, lower breathing is the most productive, because. in the lower parts of the lungs, the largest number of pulmonary vesicles (alveoli) is located.

To increase the tone, on the contrary, they practice an elongated breath and a pause on inspiration, using mainly the upper and middle sections of the lungs.

Full breathing combines two types of breathing. It has a powerful physiological effect on the vegetative system, stimulates metabolism, and helps to optimize the psycho-emotional state.

In classical yoga, there is a system of breathing exercises, developed in detail and tested by centuries of experience, called Pranayama. Currently, these exercises are widely used both in the practice of psychophysiological training and for therapeutic purposes.

Exercises: "Training (full, relaxing and activating breathing)", "Cleansing breath", "Blows", "Rhythmic breathing through one nostril", "Breathing in a circle".

Examples of mastering breathing techniques.

Practice each type of breathing at least 7 times.

Exercises can be performed both in a group and individually.

It is important to bear in mind the following:

1) in group work, a more pronounced effect is usually achieved, which can negatively affect the attitude of those involved in independent practice;

2) after completing each exercise, the participants of the training should talk about their feelings; this procedure is equally important both for the participants themselves and for the facilitator, since it allows you to objectively control the individual process and make the necessary adjustments.

An example of the formation of a background state.

1. Preparation for the formation of the background state, i.e. the state against which the exercises are performed begins with the presentation of the sensations of the state that you would like to experience after the lesson.

Think about why you are doing auto-training, about your motives. These can be: achieving a calm, balanced state; a state of pleasant cheerfulness, etc.

2. Take a comfortable position. Maintaining this posture for 1-2 minutes, keep your attention on the breath without trying to interfere with its rhythm.

3. Imagine a background state. Usually this is a state of deep peace, pleasant rest, etc.

4. Recall situations from your life in which such states were realized involuntarily. Perhaps it was during a rest after a tiring successful work or during a serene contemplation of pictures of nature, etc.

5. Choose as a figurative reinforcement one of the images with which given state associated for you. For example, clear blue skies, calm music, etc.

6. Make a verbal formula for self-hypnosis of the background state. For example: "I am calm (on)", "I experience serene peace", etc.

7. When pronouncing the formula, select the tempo and intonation of the voice that is most appropriate for you. For example, the formula may consist of one word "calm". Do not try to force the completion of this task. The time spent on it will pay off in the next lessons.

An example of an exercise in concentration, self-suggestion and visualization

The goals of attention concentration exercises: increasing sensitivity to kinesthetic perception, developing the ability to voluntarily concentrate on weak stimuli. These skills are necessary for differential self-diagnosis, which is the starting point on the path to achieving an optimal state.

Instructions: do 2-3 of the suggested exercises: "Tree", "Point", "Concentration", "Ball".

Note. It is advisable to perform all concentration exercises 2-3 hours after eating. With any discomfort - headache, deterioration of the emotional state - stop doing the exercises!

The goals of self-hypnosis and visualization exercises: regulation of the psychophysiological state, development emotional sphere, increasing creativity and empathy, sharpening intuition.

Instructions: perform 2-3 of the suggested exercises: "Contemplation of the object", "Feeling warmth in the hand", "Colored circle", "Snowman", "Bud", "Landscape", "Removing muscle clamps".

Note. The ability to visualize, or create an internal image of an object, is formed not only through visual representations, but also different ways activating the imagination with the help of olfactory, gustatory, tactile sensations and their combinations.

An example of a muscle relaxation exercise

Thought, muscles, breath. This combination is always fixed on the basis of a reflex relationship and soon (with repetition) turns into a habit. It will be enough to remember the sensations inherent in relaxation, as the muscles will immediately respond with relaxation, and breathing will be more rhythmic.

The development of relaxation skills is an absolutely necessary step in all methods of self-regulation. Special attention you should pay attention to the muscles of the face, shoulder girdle and hands, since it is these parts of the body that are most innervated (represented) in the cerebral cortex and, having achieved their relaxation, you can significantly approach a decrease in overall muscle tone.

Exercises: "Working out the skills of tension and relaxation of the muscles of the hands", "Feeling of heaviness and warmth in the limbs".

Note. When exercising, care must be taken to avoid injury.

An example is the restoration of strength, the reduction of fatigue.

Instructions: perform muscle relaxation exercises according to the following scheme: tension and relaxation of the muscles of the hands; relaxation triad; relaxation different groups muscles; feeling of warmth (heaviness) in the limbs. Bring the performance of the adjusted set of exercises to automatism.

An example of developing skills to exit the state of autogenic immersion.

Instructions: Perform the exercise according to the following scheme.

1. Decide for yourself what state you would like to be in after class. Try to describe this state to yourself as colorfully as possible, indicate what sensations, emotions you would like to experience, what your mood, general well-being should be like. Choose 3-4 adjectives to describe this state. If after the lesson you are going to go to sleep, then you can not exit the state of autogenic immersion. If then you have to be active, then you should go to paragraphs 2-6.

2. Imagine all the operations that you will perform to exit the state of autogenic immersion. These can be: sipping, smooth rotation of the hands and feet with a gradual increase in pace, maximum tension of the fingers, head rotation, etc.

3. Formulate the verbal commands that you will use when exiting the state of autogenic immersion. Possible options: "Consciousness becomes clear"; "The body is filled with cheerfulness", "The mood is even", etc.

4. Determine the sequence and manner of pronouncing the command formulas you have chosen. It is important to consider the sense of proportion here. Do not try to make commands too expressive, as this can lead to excessive excitement, which is often soon replaced by a decrease in tone, a depressed mood. Listen to your feelings!

5. Choose image reinforcements suitable for exiting the state of autogenic immersion. For example: the idea of ​​an expanding spring, emotionally charged images (for example, a cat stretching after sleep). At the same time, one must also follow a sense of proportion.

6. Perform the entire set of planned exercises. Test yourself to see if your exercises, verbal commands, and image reinforcements are really effective. Did you feel any changes compared to the state that was before the exercise?

7. Evaluate separately the effectiveness:

verbal commands;

figurative reinforcements;

individual exercises performed;

the entire complex as a whole.

If necessary, make adjustments. Bring the implementation of the corrected set of procedures to exit the state of autogenic immersion to automatism.

3. Relaxation and meditation as methods of psychological relief

3.1 General information about relaxation and meditation

3.1.1 Relaxation as a way to regulate mental states

Relaxation (from Latin relaxatio - relief, relaxation) is defined as a state of rest associated with complete or partial muscle relaxation. The relaxation effect is used as a separate element in psychotherapy (art therapy, dance-movement therapy, etc.).

Relaxation techniques help a person to live a better life in a civilized environment. Relaxation is available to everyone, some techniques do not require any aids or special time. The ability to relax will be useful to you not only to neutralize current states of tension. Without this, it is impossible to talk about a whole range of techniques that allow you to know yourself more deeply.

Complete relaxation - this is not just muscle relaxation, but also the release of consciousness. Disconnect from everything unpleasant, free your body from the dictates of the cerebral cortex, give it full rein. Believe me, your own body - the best master to repair your body and spirit!

All relaxation techniques are based on more or less conscious muscle relaxation. This does not require perfect knowledge and mastery of the methods of AT itself. Since mental tension leads to increased muscle tension, the opposite is also true.

If it is possible to reduce muscle tension, nervous tension also decreases, so that the state of relaxation already has a psychohygienic effect in itself, and often this is quite enough.

In this way, relaxation - this is a kind of state of wakefulness, characterized by reduced psychophysiological activity, which is felt either throughout the body or in its separate system.

Before relaxation exercises, it is necessary to get rid of tight clothing, take off watches, glasses, etc. The room must be ventilated, without bright lighting and noise. The most typical body position during relaxation is the "coachman's position", but you can also practice lying down. The muscles should be completely relaxed, breathing deep and even.

It must be remembered that relax sation is a skill that requires constant, consistent and gradual training without haste and forcing. The deeper the relaxation, the more complete the rest and the less bad influence stress and tension. And one more important condition is necessary - motivation!

With regular practice, relaxation exercises gradually become a habit and are associated with pleasant experiences. Naturally, these impressions will not arise immediately - to master the skills of relaxation, perseverance and patience are required. The criteria for proper learning are the pleasure you get from the classes, and the well-being even after a long time after their completion (as if you were cleansed from the inside). If such pleasant sensations do not arise, or pass quickly, or after them you begin to experience fear, tension, muscle fatigue, then you are making some kind of mistake. It may consist, for example, in the fact that a relaxation technique that is not suitable for you was chosen.

There are a lot of relaxation methods: the J. Jacobson relaxation technique, M. Shlepetsky relaxation, the rapid relaxation technique, relaxation with elements of meditation, relaxation with a focus on breathing, anti-stress relaxation, etc.

3.1.2 Forms of meditation

Meditation is a system of spiritual practices that will allow you to take responsibility for the content of your thoughts. Meditation creates a center of silence and tranquility in a person. The concept of "meditation" comes from the Latin meditari - driven to the center. This is exactly what happens during meditation. Without tension, without effort, you are at the very center of yourself.

Most forms of meditation are passive, as their purpose is

achieving a state of absorption without any mental or emotional activity. The programs of such a passive method of self-immersion are primarily meditative forms in the traditions of yoga.

Active forms of meditation are found in the highest exercises of Zen Buddhism, in various yoga practices, in the rituals of the dance traditions of the Sufi. Their use can bring a person to a state of ecstasy.

Informative meditation . Everyone already has an experience of meaningful meditation. This happened, for example, when you looked at the sky, following the clouds with your eyes, and you were captured by the immensity of the sky, the whiteness of the clouds, their slow but continuous movement. That is, the content of your meditation was a natural phenomenon.

Another type of meaningful meditation is musical meditate a tion . When you listen to music with concentration, various pictures begin to appear in your mind, and you discover a world of sounds.

At the core deep meditation there are simple formulas, or mantras (combinations of sounds, with or without meaning), which, in the process of natural calming of the psyche, gradually go out, until, finally, complete peace of mind reigns. This allows you to expand the boundaries of consciousness. The body with deep meditation quickly comes to a state of rest.

Unlike the methods of meaningful meditation, the technique of deep meditation and its effects have been extensively researched by scientists.

Revealing meditation associated with daily activities. An example of this is Buddhist mindfulness meditation. It requires a person to have a conscious attitude to any activity, that is, it is necessary to form a consciousness related to present moment to this reality.

Certain impact on mental condition also have the effect of color. For example, red is uplifting while purple is calming. Yellow concentrates attention, while blue scatters. Orange color generates a surge of energy, ambition and the desire for triumph. Interactions of colors further enhance the effect on emotions. For example, golden yellow and aqua color mutually reinforce emotional balance.

There is no one "correct" meditation technique: each has its own merits.

To master the method of meditation, you need to work at least three to four weeks. It is best to meditate once a day, at the same time, ideally in the morning. Meditation takes 15 to 60 minutes. Fifteen minutes of daily meditation will do more than an hour twice a week.

4. Art therapy as a method of psychological relief

4.1 The main provisions of art therapy

4.1.1 Art therapy in work with personality

Art therapy - modern direction in psychotherapy, which uses as the main therapeutic means both the creative process in which the client is, and its results: paintings, poems, music, etc.

The ability to draw is not required to apply this method, although as a result of the practice of the method, this ability may open up in a person along with other creative abilities.

Art therapy allows you to unleash the creative potential of a person, release his hidden energy resources and, as a result, find the best ways to solve problems.

4.1.2 Art therapy methods

Art therapy includes many methods: isotherapy, music therapy, sand therapy, fairy tale therapy, phototherapy, etc.

isotherapy - Therapy with fine arts, primarily drawing. Isotherapy perfectly expresses the emotional state of the painter.

Musical therapy is the controlled use of music in healing, rehabilitation and relaxation.

In the process sandy therapy some non-adaptive attitudes, irrational ideas of a person can be corrected. One of the main mechanisms for the positive impact of sand therapy is based on the fact that a person gains experience in creating small world, which is a symbolic expression of his ability to build his life.

Phototherapy based on the use of photographs or slides to solve psychological problems, as well as for the harmonization of personality. The basis of photography is the creation of artistic images. This allows us to consider photography as a form of visual art.

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TOPIC № 5.3. Ethics of solving disputable situations.

Measures and means to prevent and eliminate the conflict:

1. Strict observance of the basic rules of discussion:

Your opponent is your partner, who is looking for a reasonable way out of the situation with you.

Try to understand the goals and interests of the opponent.

Everyone can have their own opinion. You are not necessarily absolutely right.

Draw conclusions and back them up with facts.

Listen and have the strength to make unpleasant arguments.

Discuss less personal characteristics opponent.

Maintain discipline in the discussion and give the opportunity to express your own opinion to the opponent.

2. Attention should be paid to the analysis of possible contradictions, the prerequisites for the conflict, the identification of possible opponents and their likely positions:

Pay special attention to what unites opponents;

Both sides depend on each other and need each other;

Understand the essence of the main conflict, remove superficial, emotional components that complicate the conflict;

Creation of conditions for joint work, where opponents get to know and help each other better;

Avoiding petty analysis of clashes and quarrels so as not to be distracted from the main task.

What will help you understand the goals and interests of your opponent?

How can you control your emotions?

Make rules (for yourself) to prevent, behave or resolve conflict.

Living in a technocratic world, a person is constantly faced with various life situations that need to be adequately responded to. And this is possible only in a calm emotional state. In order not to throw out your negative energy on others (mostly the people closest to you suffer), you need to master the simplest methods of psychological relief.

Ways out of the conflict situation.

Consider: What has conflict taught you?

what benefit can be derived from this sad experience;

do not let this negative life experience lead you astray (lower self-esteem);

remember that conflicts are inevitable, but they make up only a small part of professional activity;

do not spend a lot of effort on persuading a skeptic, try to communicate with friendly people;

be prepared to communicate with those people with whom there was a conflict or who, in your opinion, had an unpleasant impression;

need to get rid of negative emotions:

a) never work with the next client immediately after a conflict. Ask the client to wait 5-10 minutes without giving a reason;

b) go to the utility room and catch your breath;

c) wash your hands, including imagination, imagining that you are washing away the dirt after the conflict;

d) vigorously walk around the room, clenching, unclenching fingers or sitting in a darkened room with closed eyes with pleasant music;

e) find an object to discharge;

f) if possible, put an aquarium, plants;

g) water the plants, rearrange, wipe the dust, tidy up the table;

h) have a tangible object of pleasant memories at hand;

i) Charging:

1. Close your eyes tightly and frown your brows, slowly relax;

2. Tighten your lips and jaw for a few seconds, slowly relax;

K) “putting on a smile”;

f) make sure that the hands and muscles of the lower jaw are not tense;

m) remember that there are no hopeless situations.

Think over for yourself the procedure for psychological unloading after a conflict in the cabin for 5-10 minutes.

Psychological unloading in the evening or at the weekend.

Generalizing lesson on the subject -

When it gets unbearably bad, what do you do? Do you dampen your mood with alcohol, sleeping pills, or swallow the state, ramming the negative in the depths of your soul for the time being? Such methods can only lead to a hospital bed. Do you want that? In such cases, productive psychological relief is needed.

The morning is wiser than the evening

No wonder people say: "This problem needs to be slept over." Indeed, waking up in the morning, you will remember yesterday's "nightmare" much calmer.

View the family album

For all its simplicity, this is a very effective way to remove yourself from a negative situation. The faces of people close to you, their smiles, memories of happy moments of life allow you to feel yourself and your condition in the context of time - everything passes, this too will pass. The brightest days remain in memory.

Personal account of psychological relief

Of course, getting an appointment with a professional psychologist is very good, but in our culture this is not a very common practice. After all, a lot of time is spent, and many can not afford it. Then create your own office, the purpose of which is your personal psychological relief. It can be a gallery of beautiful pictures you have selected from the Internet. In general, such photos that evoke an emotional response in you, a smile on your face and peace. Or another option: sit in silence cozy room or take a walk along the promenade, the park. If there is such an opportunity, of course.

The problem is in the box!

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of psychological relief is? Let's give a hint: in pronouncing the problem. When a person talks in detail about a disturbing situation, he actually analyzes what is happening, gives the mind and subconscious mind to find the best way out. Psychological consultations and trainings are based on this. Therefore, it is necessary to speak about the difficulties, in no case be hushed up. Tell a friend, sister, neighbor, anyone you trust about the problem. If there is no such thing, which often happens, or the situation does not allow telling anyone about it at all, write a letter. In detail, not missing exciting details, not skimping on expressions and not caring about vocabulary. Send an email. Where? Here is needed preliminary preparation. Create a virtual mailbox, come up with an intricate, long password for it, without writing down anywhere, and immediately forget it. Here in this box and send your troubles.

Arms up, legs up!

Going in for sports is the best psychological relief, no matter how it sounds. They will not only relieve stress, but also how its prevention is useful: strong muscles - strong nerves.

Tune in to the music

Music, it not only builds, as you remember, but also helps to live. True! Listen to the tracks of your favorite artists, turning them on at full volume. Sing along and dance if the situation permits. But psychological unloading should end with calm, pleasant music for you. If there are no such preferences, use the classics. Beethoven, Bach are very psychological. Your heart will begin to beat in unison with the music, which will calm it down, setting it in a different way.

In the conditions of market relations, the pace labor processes significantly exceeds that which prevails under centralized control. The market economy involves competition, which spurs the intensity of labor in all phases of production. In the conditions of the market, people must work with ever-increasing energy. And if you do not take special measures
to reduce the mental tension of workers, then adverse consequences are inevitable.
In all economically developed countries, special measures for relaxation (relaxation) are practiced. The experience of large Japanese companies is interesting in this respect.
The relaxation method, first introduced by the Matsushita Denki company, has become widespread in Japan. The procedure is carried out in a special room. It consists of two rooms separated by a corridor. The stands in the corridor reflect the history of the company and present various episodes from its life. In the first room, divided by screens, ordinary and spherical mirrors hang, mannequins of managers and foremen stand, leather swords stuffed with sawdust hang from the ceiling. On the wall hangs the slogan: “At your service. Work hard!” There is a basket of bamboo sticks against the wall. The poster encourages visitors to pick up a stick and beat their boss's dummy. You can also hit him with your fist. It is said that workers get no less pleasure from this. The Japanese themselves claim that having “worked” in the office, they become calmer, their reactions become sufficiently clear. In this they are assisted by a consultant psychologist who works in an adjacent room. The main task of the consultant is to conduct consolatory conversations with the workers.
There is experience in the functioning of relaxation rooms at our enterprises. In our country they are called rooms of psychological unloading (CRC). The procedures are, of course, different from Japanese.
CRC is a specially equipped isolated room designed for conducting sessions of a complex psychophysiological effect on a person's mental state. The purpose of the sessions is the emotional unloading of workers, reducing their level of fatigue, extinguishing anxieties and experiences. The basis of the methodology here is exercises to create a good mood. The content side of the exercises is the visual, sound and verbal impact on the psyche of people.
The visual range of exposure is formed by changing slides, transparencies or film fragments and a colored dynamic background. Sound row - musical pieces and natural noises (voices of birds, the sound of the surf, the rustle of leaves, etc.). The verbal series is represented by texts of aesthetic and suggestive direction.
laziness. The presentation of all three types is strictly synchronized: the noise design corresponds to an adequate image and verbal content; natural sounds are in harmony with the image. To enhance the effect, various aromas are used (the smells of needles, flowers, medicinal herbs), the air is saturated with phytoncides. The session is often timed with the distribution of tonic drinks and oxygen cocktails. One session usually lasts 10-15 minutes. The stay of employees in the CRC lasts up to half an hour.
session procedures. There are no strict patterns. Procedures vary depending on the characteristics of the region, the nature of the work, as well as the professional training of consultants. In particular, medical workers focus on the psychophysiology of a person, psychologists - on the structural components of personality. At the same time, we can recommend a standard procedural scheme consisting of three periods (Lopukhina E.V. - 1986).
The first period is "calm". Duration 3-4 minutes. Workers take a comfortable position in their chairs. Natural noises slowly increase (the sound of the surf, the rustle of leaves, the singing of birds, etc.). Bright light fades. Calm music is heard with a soft musical-rhythmic pattern of medium volume. A soothing blue light turns on.
The second period is "relaxation". Duration 4-7 minutes. The green backlight turns on. Sounds melodic soft music with joyfully soothing notes. Slides with views of nature are projected (mountain peaks, expanses of water, winter meadows, etc. - depending on the inclinations and national characteristics of the workers). The voice of a psychologist is heard, pronouncing relaxation formulas.
The third period is "mobilization". Duration 3-4 minutes. Color illumination from green gradually turns to pink, and then to orange color. The volume of background music increases. The average tempo is replaced by a major rhythmic one. Dance and marching rhythms, song fragments are heard. Workers move from the “reclining” position to the “sitting” position. Everyone makes a short exhalation and a long breath, the intensity of illumination increases. Slides depicting landscapes, sunrise are projected. Close-up flowers, berry bushes, fruits, species of birds, animals, landscapes of city parks and architectural ensembles, mass celebrations,
laughing faces of people. All lights are on. The command is heard: "Get up!" Everyone gets up and stretches.
All three periods of psychological unloading can, at the request of the teacher (instructor), be filled with auto-training and meditation formulas. Then the period of stay in the CRC increases.

The KPR premise consists of three adjoining rooms. It is located inside the production workshops, near workplaces. The rooms are isolated from sources of noise, vibration, radiation, dust. Good ventilation and proper heating are essential. Effective area treatment room - at least 30-40 m2 with a height of 2.8-3 m. Number of seats 12-20. Aesthetic design: cosiness and normal comfort. On the walls there are panels depicting natural landscapes, sustained in the main range of colors. The lighting is calm and natural. Use of decorative floor lamps is possible. Lighting adjustment is displayed on the operator's console. On the windows - curtains made of dense impenetrable fabric to match the tone of the walls. Wall slides, aquariums, decorative and artistic compositions from plants are allowed. The floors are carpeted in dark green tones. Armchairs with adjustable backs (stereo headphones are suspended from each). On one of the walls there is a screen for projection of slides, cartoons, film fragments. Entrance hall (waiting room) -
area 16-18 m2. Equipped with built-in wardrobes for storing clothes and shoes. Coffee table, newspapers, magazines, equipment for distribution of oxygen cocktails. Control room - 12-16 m2 Located next to the hall, has a viewing window for visual control. The room has an operator console, a table, 2-3 chairs. The remote control regulates: a) broadcasting of work programs for autogenic relaxation; b) movement of video frames; c) synchronization of sound, color, speech; d) microphone communication with each seat;
e) air temperature and humidity. Sanitary and hygienic conditions of the KPR: a) temperature 2023 °; b) relative humidity within the limits; c) maximum permissible noise levels - not more than 50 dB. Lighting - scattered light. The color of the ceiling and walls changes with the help of electric lighting from a soothing green-blue to an exciting yellow-orange. Acoustic system with stereophonic effect. Equipment: VCR, TVs, stereo recorder, stereo player, overhead projectors, movie projectors, lighting installations with filters, stereo headphones, a set of color slides with nature views, a set of music records, air humidifiers, air ionizers, air conditioning, household chairs with adjustable backs, aquariums, dimmers, electronic watch.

The design of the CRC and the nature of the equipment may vary depending on local conditions. However, in all cases, reasonable comfort and necessary amenities must be provided to visitors. The environment of the CRC and the whole procedure for its functioning should make people feel good. As practice shows, each worker visiting the CRC must do quite a certain preparatory work.
Task 1. Selection of music.
Listen to a range of pieces of music. Determine which of them have a calming effect on you, which invigorate. Start by listening to, for example, the overture to the opera "Khovanshchina" by MP Mussorgsky - "Dawn over Moscow"; nocturne by Chopin - "Morning"; musical sketches by P.I. Tchaikovsky - “The Seasons”; concert works by Tchaikovsky and others.
When determining the required melody, use a 10-point scale, where 10 points means an extremely pleasant effect, and 1 point means unpleasant. Repeat listening three times, do not rush. It's easy to make mistakes in a hurry. Select works that receive 6 or more points.
Task 2. Selection procedure.
To listen to the melody, sit comfortably in a chair. Close your eyes, relax your muscles. Take a full breath, take a breath. Surrender to the enchanting melody of music. Resist the temptation to fall asleep. When choosing music, you may want to take some melody from the repertoire. Know that pop music most often has a destructive effect on the body.
Think about the content of two messages from the periodical press:
How do snakes react to music? What kind of music do they “prefer”? This question was asked by many herpentologists. The Indian snake trainer Rahman Bhavapali Tanchalan also contributed to this problem. He keeps in his "household" twenty adult cobras, including especially dangerous king cobras. When setting up his experiments, the trainer used a variety of music: from Indian folk melodies (mostly dance) to modern jazz and rock music. Most often he works with his pet - the king cobra Nagini. The results of his research showed that quiet and melodious Indian music makes Nigaina slowly rise from the basket and sway smoothly to the beat of the music, as if half asleep. Loud jazz music disturbs Naga-ina so much that she puffs out her "hood". The deafening and sharp sounds of "metal" rock bring the snake into a state of extreme excitement. While in the basket, she stands on her tail and makes quick threatening movements.
The forest fur farm, located near the West German town of Hagen, bred minks, columns, martens, silver-black foxes. The farm flourished. However, things soon got worse: the animals lost their former energy, lost weight, and became lethargic. The examinations carried out
gave an explanation for what happened. The clue was found when examining the surroundings of the fur farm: it turned out that a youth recreation center was located not far from it. And there, for a long time, especially on Saturday and Sunday, pop music thundered and rumbled, repeatedly amplified by electronic equipment. As reported in the press, such nervous pressure brought the inhabitants of fur farms out of a state of "mental comfort."
Task 3. Text selection.
In the psychological relief room, in addition to music, they listen to texts literary works.
Pick up texts that you like and listen to them periodically. Start by listening to the works of A.I. Kuprin - "Anathema"; L.N. Tolstoy - "Father Sergius"; Alexei Tolstoy - "Russian character"; A. Green - "Scarlet Sails", etc. Listen to the poems of A.S. Pushkin, M.YuLermontov, contemporary poets. Listening to the selected texts, try to feel the impact of their form and content.
Task 4. Selection of slides, cartoons, film clips.
Pick up a series of slides, cartoons, movie clips. Check them out. Make a conclusion about the influence of these means on your mind, feelings and will. Notice when, under what circumstances you are pleased to watch this or that slide, cartoon, movie clip.
Meditation takes place while sitting (in an armchair, on a chair in the “coachman on a droshky” pose). Relax, set your breath, leave your eyes half closed. Focus on breathing, slowly pronounce the key words at the exit. It is better if this word does not have a specific subject meaning. For some, the word “time” is suitable for others - “om”, for others - “ong”, etc. e. A word ending in sonorous sounds works well. There are also varieties of autogenic meditation, when imaginary or real objects are used instead of a keyword:
a) after complete relaxation and breath setting, one’s favorite landscape is mentally reproduced to the smallest detail. Thus, closing his eyes, the trainee runs his eyes through all corners of the landscape;
b) mental reproduction of any object (vase, bouquet, individual flower). To achieve an autogenic effect, first study the object with open eyes, and then reproduce it in all shades with closed eyes;
c) mental reproduction of a candle flame. To do this, a burning candle is placed a meter away from you. Then, for 2 minutes, they carefully study the flame and then, closing their eyes, reproduce the flame in their minds. In all cases, the duration of the session is 15-20 minutes. Double daily training has a beneficial effect on well-being, helps to get rid of many ailments, and contributes to the education of character.

Starting position - sitting in a chair (on a chair). Relax, set your breath, close your eyes. Focus decay on the breath. Mentally count the exhalations from 1 to 10, then repeat all over again. Breathe slowly. Perform the exercise for 15-20 minutes.
During the exercise, various phenomena may occur: some will think that a bell has rung somewhere, others will hear the sound of the sea, some other picture will appear to others, etc. All these experiences occur before going to sleep. Try not to fall asleep, persistently continue counting.
Daily two-time workout breathing meditation beneficial effect on performance. Long-term work on oneself by the method of breathing meditation eliminates many personal ailments.

Working with people, especially in the field of education, is a responsible and energy-intensive business. Many preschool leaders educational institutions accustomed to work and live non-stop. Hyper-responsibility, perfectionism and the ability to work intensively for a long time set managers apart from the rest. Of course, such features help to quickly achieve goals, develop and improve work in kindergarten. But, unfortunately, often behind success and effective work preschool institution is worth the undermined health of the leader.

Daily routine, heavy loads, checks by regulatory authorities, tight deadlines - all this causes stress in the human body. For some, it manifests itself instantly, for others it can accumulate for months. In any case, an eventful life requires physical, psychological and emotional relief from us. To feel great at any time, you need to be able to get rid of the accumulated negativity. If you learn how to restore your strength on your own and find your own sources of energy and inspiration, then any troubles will be perceived as elementary tasks that should be solved.

You can love your job with all your heart, spend all your free time immersing yourself in managerial and pedagogical tasks. But one day you will feel a sharp decline in strength, indifference and unwillingness to do anything if you do not rest. Of course, there are many ways of emotional unloading, including medication. But this is an extreme case, when stress is already destructive to the body. Then, no doubt, going to a specialist will be very useful. Nevertheless, it is better to prevent a problem by taking care of options for unloading your nervous system in advance.

10 best ways of psychological relief

1. Psychosomatic relaxation

As you know, all diseases "from the nerves." For good health, our body and soul, of course, must live in unison. You may have noticed that when you feel dissatisfied or irritated, the body begins to react instantly. Your throat may suddenly become sore or your blood pressure may rise. All processes in our body are closely interconnected. Any disease has a psychological cause.

For example, the “lost voice” disease common among teachers or any other throat disease is associated with the inability to fully express oneself. Sore throat is "swallowed anger". Unexpressed negative emotions have a strong energy. By suppressing them within yourself, you are harming your health. Famous psychosomatic experts Louise Hay and Leah Burbo talk about the importance of full self-acceptance. You can't go against your true desires. Listen to what caused this or that discomfort. Perhaps you should let go of the accumulated grievances for a long time? Forgive and forget? Or finally express everything that you have long wanted to say? To feel healthy and happy, it is important to keep track of your condition in time, to be able to analyze your emotions, and most importantly, to express them freely.

2. Physical unloading

Another one of the most effective ways relieving emotional stress are sports. With systematic physical activity endorphins are released into the body, and you feel light and cheerful. You do not have to run 10 km or wear yourself out with daily training on simulators. Choose the most suitable way of physical relaxation for yourself. It can be swimming in the pool after a hard day at work, yoga or belly dancing. The most important thing is that you practice with pleasure, fixing how stress and negative emotions go further and further with each lesson.

3. Change of scenery

Overstayed at the workplace, and the vacation is still far away? Try to find an opportunity to go to nature or to another city on the weekends. A change of scenery has a positive effect on the mental state. Even one day spent in a completely different environment will energize you. You will feel like you are truly relaxed. You can also make a rearrangement at home or at work. The updated interior will help get rid of the feeling of stagnation and routine in life.

4. Unity with nature

The activity of the head of the kindergarten involves working with documentation in the office. And numerous meetings, as a rule, take place indoors. Do you find time to take a walk in the forest? Or go on a weekend out of town for a picnic? Fresh air is essential for good health. Communication with nature is an important element in the harmonization of personality.

5. Soul connection or loneliness

Communicating with a large number of people every day, some of the managers are energized, while others are exhausted and feel empty. Depending on these features, it is important for the head of the preschool educational institution to find time to restore energy and strength. If you quickly get tired of people, spend the weekend alone, find time for yourself. If you don’t have enough communication, switch temporarily from formal communication to sincere communication. Gather your loved ones in a warm family circle, arrange a bachelorette party or go to the theater with your best friend. All this will have a positive effect on the emotional and psychological state.

6. Audiovisual unloading

Music is a certain conductor of mood. Do you want to relax or cheer up? Listen to music that matches your mood. Go to a concert of your favorite artist, enjoy a performance in the theater, visit an interesting exhibition. Absorb all the most beautiful and pleasant. At home, you can create a nice selection of the best photos that cause positive emotions. Add pleasant relaxing music to your viewing and enjoy. Try to surround yourself with things that are pleasing to the eye and ear.

7. Floating

Increasingly popular in many cities are gaining special float chambers, where you can quickly and effectively relax completely. Translated from English floating - swimming on the surface. A special saline solution in the bath will allow you to experience a state of weightlessness. Perhaps you already have such float tanks in your city that allow you to restore energy and improve your physical condition. Contraindications to floating are minimal, but the benefits for the body are very significant. If you don’t have such cameras in your city, then treat yourself to any water procedures. Water is the best stress reliever. Whether it is bathing procedures, swimming in the pool or in the sea, your well-being will improve significantly.

8. Break the cup

Stress took you by surprise right at the workplace and you urgently need to blow off steam? Break a cup or do 10 squats. Your anger will go into these actions. Excessive emotions can harm both your health and those around you.

9. Write a letter

Recently, an interesting opportunity has appeared on the Internet to get rid of the accumulated negativity. You write everything that worries you in a letter and send it by e-mail to the address [email protected] According to the authors of the project, no one reads letters, so you can write in any form, including a "strong" word. After a couple of days, they are automatically deleted. An alternative to email can be paper version. After describing all your problems on a piece of paper, you can deal with him however you like. Tear to pieces, burn, drown - whatever you want. Most importantly, you must realize that by getting rid of the letter, you cleanse yourself of all negativity. Rest assured, the method is very effective.

10. Positive thinking

The best way to control your psychological condition is the ability to think positively. Try to start your morning with a good attitude. Control your thoughts. As soon as you receive unpleasant news, do not immerse yourself in it completely. Strong emotional accompaniment of events entails negative consequences. Thoughts snowball clinging to one another. And now you have not one problem, but several. Therefore, it is extremely important to control your thinking. This may seem difficult at first. But over time, you will definitely develop the habit of positive thinking.

There are many more interesting and useful ways of emotional and psychological relief. In the second part, you will learn how to quickly deal with stress right at the workplace? In addition, we will tell you about some of the secret techniques used by real wizards. Read more on our blog very soon.