How to remove wheatgrass from a plot using folk remedies. How to get rid of creeping wheatgrass using gentle and radical methods. Treat wheatgrass with potassium permanganate.

Can you tell me how to choose a lawn herbicide against wheatgrass and when it should be used? In addition, I am interested in the types of existing effective herbicides, the principle of their action and how to apply them to the soil? And also when will the results be visible?

Weeds cause significant damage to the lawn, competing with cultivated plants in the desire to receive more nutrients, moisture and light. Weed control in cultivated areas consists mainly of weeding and herbicide treatment. But weeding is not always an effective measure for controlling weeds, and also takes a lot of effort.

The use of herbicides is a simpler and more effective way to prevent harmful plants from occupying lawns.

There are drugs with continuous and targeted action:

  1. The first ones destroy plants on the surface of the entire area; you just need to treat the leaves with the drug. In this case, the death of the weeds along with the roots occurs within 15-20 days. These products are suitable for killing weeds before sowing lawn grass or cultivating soil for agricultural crops.
  2. The second type of herbicide has a selective effect and is capable of destroying certain type vegetation without affecting the grass lawn.

When should you use herbicide?

To the delight of owners of summer cottages, a lawn herbicide against wheatgrass effectively solves the problem of combating this harmful plant. The active ingredients of this product in the required dosage destroy the above-ground part and damage the root of the weed.

It is recommended to use the herbicide during the period of active growth of the harmful plant. In summer, weed death occurs a week after treatment, and in autumn period Due to the decrease in daily temperatures, plant cells are damaged by the drug more slowly and the effect will be noticeable 12 days after spraying. It is advisable to use the product after the plant reaches 20 cm in height. After treatment, you should not dig up the soil so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

In order to destroy weeds, before sowing the lawn, products based on glyphosate (Uragan, Raumdal) should be used. This activity should be undertaken 3-4 weeks before the planned sowing.

To treat lawns, continuous action preparations are used, such as:

  • Agrokiller– suitable for cultivating soil for sowing grass. It is a high-concentration herbicide with continuous action to combat all types of weeds.
  • Tornado is a universal, continuous action product for the destruction of all types of weeds. Optimal for tilling the soil before sowing.
  • Lontrel-zood– is a selective herbicide for lawns. It is best used against dicotyledonous weeds on grass lawns.

How to apply the product?

To ensure the best effect, you must follow the instructions for the drug located on the packaging of the selected herbicide. It indicates the rate of application per unit area of ​​the site, the method of dilution and the concentration of the active solution. In addition, it indicates the method by which the drug should be administered. The product can have different composition and release form: suspension, powder, emulsion.

Methods for applying herbicide also vary:

  • diffusion;
  • mixing with mineral fertilizer:
  • spraying;
  • irrigation.

Herbicides against wheatgrass are not dangerous for pets, environment and man. When diluted, they decompose very quickly. However, when working with them you must still exercise some caution.

Absorbing all the nutrients, they choke out cultural plantings, so it’s also not as easy to get rid of some species as we would like. Today we will talk about creeping wheatgrass, Let's get acquainted with its description and methods of getting rid of the aggressor plant.

What does it look like

The fact that creeping wheatgrass looks harmless at first glance should not be misleading. This bright greenery can take root almost 20 centimeters deep, while occupying up to 3 meters in width.

Did you know? In difficult lean years, our ancestors used the weed for food purposes. Wheatgrass rhizomes were used to grind flour and bake bread and flatbreads. It is still used today: fresh roots are used in soups, salads and side dishes; even a drink reminiscent of coffee is prepared from dried and fried roots.

As a preventive measure can be used in an undeveloped area. Place a layer of hay 35 cm thick on the surface of the beds for a year. This method will not destroy wheatgrass, but as the plant's roots make their way to the light, they will leave a layer of soil, stuck in the mulch. This will allow you to quickly and easily

Fighting methods

As stated above, the weed is tenacious, therefore, it is important to get rid of wheatgrass on the site forever, otherwise it will sprout at the most inopportune moment, drowning out and oppressing cultivated plants.

Agrotechnical techniques

One of the most famous methods is a plot and then selecting all the root shoots of the plant. you don’t need to use a pitchfork: this way there is a greater chance of not leaving roots cut by the blade of a shovel; in addition, it is difficult to dig with a shovel a layer of earth dotted with plant roots. The method is time-consuming, since you will have to go through each inverted layer, and also labor-intensive if you have a large area.

Second method: walk through the area to a depth of 20 cm, and then plant plants: . In this case, the aggressor will be the weed suppressor. The method is also good because it improves the quality of the soil on the site, saturating it with oxygen and nutrients. Mown cultivated grass is embedded in the soil as


To kill weeds on garden paths You can use soda solution or salt. Absorbed into the soil with watering, these products will destroy wheatgrass along with the root system.

IN foreign countries A popular method is grain processing waste, the so-called feed grain. You need to wait until the planted cultivated plants take root well, and carefully sprinkle this grain around them. As the biomaterial decomposes, it releases gluten, which inhibits the growth of weeds.

How to deal with wheatgrass in the garden - this is a problem that every owner faces personal plot. The plant rightfully deserves the title of one of the most tenacious weeds. It sprouts both from seeds and from a small part of the weaving root, on which there are dormant buds. In a short time, wheatgrass is able to develop an impressive plot of land, after which getting rid of the weed is very labor-intensive and problematic, but this does not mean at all that this is impossible to achieve.

For effective fight with the enemy you need to know his strengths and weaknesses, use them skillfully and victory will not be long in coming.

What is creeping wheatgrass?

Creeping wheatgrass (plover, worm-grass, dandur) - perennial herbaceous plant from the cereal family, reaches a height of 40 to 130 cm. Has long cord-like roots with a large number of dormant buds, from which new stems grow at the slightest damage. The leaves are flat and long, 3–8 cm wide, dark green in color, possibly with a bluish tint. The inflorescences form a spike of about 150 seeds, which retain the ability to germinate for 12 years. In just a few months, the weed will easily turn a once cultivated and well-groomed area into a piece of land unsuitable for growing cultivated plants.

Wheatgrass control

There are many ways to get rid of wheatgrass in your garden and dacha, and everyone can choose their own option. Based on the effect on the weed, the following control methods can be distinguished:

  • artificial creation of conditions unacceptable for the normal development of the plant;
  • treatment with special preparations;
  • preparation and use various compositions at home.

Agrotechnical measures

Most environmentally friendly clean way to eradicate wheatgrass from a site without harming the soil means creating an environment unsuitable for its growth or mechanically destroying the roots and shoots of the pest. Covering a piece of land with dense material:

  • dark film;
  • cardboard;
  • slate;
  • old pieces of roofing felt.

The plant will not be able to climb up and, deprived of a source of light, will die.

Mulching straw, fallen leaves, sawdust will make it difficult for the stems to germinate, which will significantly weaken them, in addition, the root system of the weed lies at a depth of 20–25 cm. The presence of an additional layer on the surface will force it to rise higher and it will be easier to completely remove the weed.

Regular weeding forces wheatgrass to produce new shoots, which quickly depletes it and leads to death.

Removing roots manually can be produced in a small area in the fall or early spring, digging it up with a pitchfork and removing all the bushes. The work is very painstaking, but quite effective.

Growing green manure: peas, sunflowers, beans, corn, alfalfa, clover, mustard, capable of suppressing pests, will help rid your garden of its invasion.

Sowing oats - not only one of effective tools how to get rid of wheatgrass on your site forever, but also enrich the soil with nitrogen, improving its quality composition. The root system, more powerful than that of a weed, densely braids the upper layers of the earth, preventing more weak species. Before the oats have time to put out an ear, they are mowed, the soil must be plowed together with the topsoil and the seeds must be sown again. This procedure is repeated about three times, after which cultivated plants can be planted.

Arrange beds on weeds also an effective option for combating wheatgrass. The grass is mowed, and leaves, sawdust, straw and other organic matter from the garden plot are placed on top of it. All this is covered with earth, on which you can plant vegetables or flowers. A single growth that has emerged from under the embankment can be easily removed. Rotted bottom layer becomes an excellent organic fertilizer.

Fighting wheatgrass in the garden using chemicals

Faster and effective way To clear the area of ​​weeds is to treat it with herbicides. A considerable number of products have been developed to effectively combat wheatgrass. Depending on the specific application, drugs can have continuous or selective action. The former are used in places where it is simply necessary to clear the area of ​​any type of vegetation. The second is for destroying weeds in beds and fields that already contain useful crops. Among the most well-known chemicals for combating wheatgrass are the following:

  • glyphos;
  • Hurricane Forte;
  • roundup;
  • fusilade forte;
  • tornado,
  • agrokiller.

Created using modern technologies When herbicides fall on the foliage, they are absorbed and poison the entire plant, including the roots. After two weeks, the weed dies, and the reagents completely disintegrate in the soil and the area becomes suitable for planting seeds and seedlings. However, it is important to pay attention to the fact that treatment with chemicals is recommended no more than once every three years - herbicides kill not only plants, but also damage the microflora in the soil.

Depending on the name of the poison the method of application and consumption are different, but general rules working with it is universal:

  • It is necessary to spray the composition on dry grass in cool, windless weather;
  • mowing and weeding are not carried out in the treated area;
  • the treated weed will begin to die in about 5–7 days;
  • when working with the substance, be sure to use protective equipment, such as a mask, goggles, gloves, wear clothes made of thick fabric.

Brief description of the most famous herbicides

Agrokiller, Glyphos, Hurricane forte, Roundup, Tornado- highly effective continuous action preparations that destroy all types of weeds. Main active substance Glyphosate (isopropylamine salt) in the soil decomposes into harmless elements within two weeks. Not highly toxic to humans and insects.

Fusilade forte, Gesagard, Dinoseb- selective herbicides that protect areas with potatoes, sugar beets, legumes and other non-cereal crops already affected by wheatgrass. Not dangerous for bees, worms and soil microflora, do not inhibit the development of other plants, and are not toxic to humans.

EM drugs

Not only can you clear out the wheatgrass garden forever chemicals, but also beneficial microorganisms. Microbial strains bred by biochemists feed on organic matter in the soil . Getting into root system bacteria, cause EM fermentation, having a detrimental effect on the plant. EM preparations not only do not harm the soil microflora, but also qualitatively improve its composition and structure.

Among the most effective bacterial compositions are the following:

  • Revival;
  • Amyx;
  • Tamir;
  • Baikal EM-1.

How to remove wheatgrass using folk remedies

In order to get rid of a weed in the garden, it is not at all necessary to treat it with chemicals. Products prepared at home or easily available in nearby stores or supermarkets will be quite effective in clearing your area of ​​weeds.

Salt can be used in places where it is not planned to grow any cultivated plants; it should be scattered around the area. After rains or watering, it will be absorbed into the soil and destroy the roots, and with them the shoots themselves.

Soda It will also eradicate weeds around the beds, on the recreation area, between the tiles paved on the path.

Ethanol, diluted 1:10, will get rid of weeds in the garden. The prepared solution is used to treat the area at the rate of 11 liters per 2.5 acres of land. This should be done a month before planting the main crops.

Herbicidal soap will become a faithful assistant in the fight against wheatgrass. The composition should be used carefully, as it kills all vegetation it comes into contact with. It is good to use against perennial weeds. Make this remedy at home from the following components:

  • vinegar 15–20% - 3.8 l;
  • detergent- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • table salt - 0.5 cups.

All this is thoroughly mixed, after which it is applied to the grass in dry, windless weather.

Preventing the appearance of wheatgrass on the site

Constant and systematic control of weeds in the garden will not allow them to grow and occupy the entire sown area , the following activities will help with this:

  • mulching beds with grass and sawdust;
  • timely weeding from unwanted pests;
  • drip irrigation;
  • alternation of cultivated crops and periodic sowing of green manure;
  • covering row spacing and plant-free soil with black film.

Creeping wheatgrass- an incredibly tenacious weed, but with diligence and ingenuity you can get rid of it forever, the list of ways to remove the grass is quite wide and everyone can choose a remedy to their liking.

Before covering the methods of combating wheatgrass, I will tell you my case. There is no wheatgrass on our site. A couple of weak bushes were quickly destroyed by the cat and the cat. Behind the fence is a still unsold house with a plot, I dug out 4 dense wheatgrass bushes from there and moved them to my plot in the darkest corner corner. The bushes have taken root, but all of them have been gnawed by our cats to the maximum (they always have queues and cat fights). It’s interesting that our animals prefer wild wheatgrass to special grass for cats. So there are cases when wheatgrass is not only removed, but rather cultivated.

Now let's talk about how to get rid of wheatgrass. The grass is easy to recognize by its long stem with wide blades of grass-leaves on the sides. Once established, this weed is truly difficult to eradicate. Let's list the most effective ways for this:

  1. Dark-colored plastic (film) or tarpaulin (waterproof) is placed directly on the areas where wheatgrass grows. The edges are secured with stones. The goal is to isolate the wheatgrass from sunlight and rainwater. Keep the weed in this mode for 3-4 weeks. He will most likely die.
  2. The option is somewhat the opposite of the first. Instead of isolating the weed from the sun, on the contrary, they enhance its influence. This is done by overlaying transparent plastic(films). As in the first case, secure it with stones. After a short time, a greenhouse effect, which will reduce weeds to nothing. The process takes about 3 weeks.
  3. Roundup herbicide is guaranteed to kill wheatgrass. It is worth understanding that it is also dangerous for other plants. Therefore, apply the product with a brush to wheatgrass leaves. If there is no danger for other plants, then Roundup can be sprayed over areas with weeds.
  4. Dig up the wheatgrass bushes together with a piece of earth 30 x 30 x 30 cm. Cover the dug area with fertile soil, and place dark plastic (film) or a thick layer of mulch on top. This will prevent the weed from regenerating from the remaining root patches in the soil.
  5. Suppress wheatgrass with hardier crops. For example, oats, buckwheat, dahlias, peas, winter rye, zucchini, alfalfa, and corn will clearly dominate wheatgrass and eventually completely eradicate the ill-fated weed.
  6. Cover the areas with wheatgrass with cardboard, on top of which pour a small layer of soil sufficient for the growth of greenery (dill, parsley). The cardboard and wheatgrass will rot inside, and you will pick off the fragrant greens from above!

Tip 1: Don’t dig up wheatgrass. Each broken rhizome can produce a new weed.

Tip2: when digging the soil, if you get a wheatgrass bush, be sure to try to remove as many of the thinnest rhizomes of this weed from the ground as possible. This way you will avoid its growth.

20.11.2017 32 699

How to remove wheatgrass from the garden forever - three proven methods

How to remove wheatgrass from the garden forever is not known to every plot owner, but every gardener dreams of getting rid of the weed, and to do this, you need to know what the plant is afraid of, the most effective means struggle - manganese, miracle shovel, Hurricane herbicide, chemical-free preparations, how to weed and much more...

How to remove wheatgrass from the garden forever - effective herbicides

Wheatgrass is an incredibly tenacious plant, taking over a decent amount of land from other plants in a couple of months. Weeding and other tricks get rid of the malicious weed for a short time, and therefore it haunts summer residents all season headache, how to remove wheatgrass from the garden forever. The first thing any person thinks of is to use herbicides, since these chemicals have the ability to destroy weeds along with the roots.

When choosing an aggressive herbicide for wheatgrass, it is worth deciding on the active substance - it can be a continuous action drug that destroys all crops, or a selective one that affects individual species herbs, but both herbicides for wheatgrass have shown themselves to work well, and when choosing them, it is worth considering the safety rules for cultural plantings.

It is advisable to use continuous action herbicides in places where there are no cultivated plants - these include the preparations Tornado, Agrokiller, Antiweed, and the herbicide also has a good effect - in addition to wheatgrass, it also removes the annoying loach from the site.

If wheatgrass has colonized the beds, selective substances are chosen. If you have any difficulty in how to destroy wheatgrass on strawberries, you should buy Lontrel - it works on all plants except this berry. If wheatgrass has infested potato plantings, the drug Lazurit, Zenkor or Panther can deal with it - they are used to destroy wheatgrass in onion and tomato plots, on potatoes, in beds with carrots and beets, and the Hacker tool will help remove wheatgrass from cabbage and beet beds .

When using chemicals, it is recommended to observe safety measures and strictly follow the instructions - if necessary, crops growing nearby are covered with a film during treatment, and even if the herbicide is blown onto them by the wind, they will be protected. It is allowed to treat the area with chemicals against weeds no more than once every three years.

Fighting wheatgrass with folk remedies

Since it is not always possible to remove wheatgrass from the garden forever with the help of chemicals, and they often cannot be used, folk remedies for weed control will come to the rescue, and substances that can be found in any home will help you get rid of this annoying plant:

  1. Sodium bicarbonate or regular baking soda- prepare a strong solution from it (standard packaging for 5 liters of water) and pour it into places where wheatgrass grows, but this product is not suitable for treating large areas. A strong solution of table salt (3 kg per bucket of water) has a similar effect;
  2. Citric acid- a solution for spraying wheatgrass is prepared from it, liter jar take 3 tablespoons of crystalline acid. It is advisable to spray in clear weather - the brighter the sun, the faster the weed will die;
  3. Medical alcohol from 60% strength- this product is used to water the soil in the spring, when the first wheatgrass seedlings appear. The consumption is small - up to 5 liters per hundred square meters, and seeding and seedling crops can be planted a month after treatment.

Wheatgrass roots are so sharp and powerful that they penetrate any obstacles, such as a bulb.

Another unusual way how to remove wheatgrass from the garden forever - burning with an open fire, it will require blowtorch and caution. They burn the grass in the dew so that the fire does not spread to buildings - this method works best on paths, but the disadvantage of this method is that there is no 100% guarantee; at a depth of more than 5 cm, the roots of the wheatgrass remain alive, and over time the weed sprouts again.

Another folk remedy for getting rid of wheatgrass without chemicals and much labor is planting special plants that suppress the growth of this weed - phacelia green manure is exactly what wheatgrass is afraid of; others also have a good effect - mustard, rapeseed, lupine and clover.

How to destroy wheatgrass in the garden - mulch, weeding and a miracle weed shovel

These are the oldest and most common ways to destroy wheatgrass in the garden, and the most labor-intensive, because summer residents will have to literally fight the weed bare hands. All of them require remarkable patience - the effect will be noticeable by the end of summer or the next season.

The main task is to cut off the wheatgrass’s access to what it needs for growth and development, that is, to light, moisture and, if possible, air - problems will arise with the latter, but with limiting light and moisture everything is simple:

  1. In the spring, as soon as the surface of the soil becomes slightly moist, we cover its surface with sawdust - they will absorb moisture from the ground, preventing the wheatgrass from gaining strength for germination. Instead of sawdust, you can use mulch from bark or mown grass;
  2. A film is placed on the sawdust, preferably black, so that light does not penetrate under it - the germinating wheatgrass will weaken, and then, when the soil under the film warms up to high temperatures(black cover creates a powerful greenhouse effect), the grass will die. Instead of black film, you can use old sheets of rubber slate.

Mulch is also used to get rid of weeds on paths - in this case it is better to use a thick layer of expanded clay chips or other stones of small diameter, and before laying them, the soil is treated with chemicals or folk remedies. In autumn, remove the mulch and dig up the soil, removing the remains of rhizomes.

miracle shovel against wheatgrass - pictured

A more labor-intensive way to remove wheatgrass from the lawn and beds is weeding and digging up plants with roots; it will require maximum quantity time and effort. You will have to start processing in early spring - first, dig up the area with a miracle wheatgrass shovel or an ordinary pitchfork, since these tools do not cut the roots, but remove them from the soil intact. The roots should be removed, as well as the remnants of the green parts of wheatgrass. They spend the entire season weeding the area, trying to remove the plants along with their roots, and in the fall they dig again with a pitchfork or a miracle shovel. On next year the amount of weed will decrease, but it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Wheatgrass is one of the most difficult weeds to remove, and the tips given will help summer residents get rid of it, if not forever, then for several years, the main thing is not to give up in the fight against this annoying and tenacious plant.