How to choose and replace a disk in a grinder. Working with a grinder

How to remove a disc from a grinder - an angle grinder (hereinafter referred to as an angle grinder), popularly referred to as a grinder, is probably the most sought-after inventory that is present in the arsenal of almost every master, regardless of his qualifications.

This tool is actively used in abrasive processing: cutting, grinding, cleaning workpieces made of stone, metal and many others. It is widely used in such fields as: construction, woodworking and other similar types of work. Like any other tool, grinders are also divided into several classes.

This refers to the following: household, semi-professional and pro-class tools. This classification is determined by the power resource of the tool, its performance, the presence of certain additional options, material and build quality, etc.

Consumables for angle grinders in addition to various kinds cleaning brushes are cut-off wheels and a variety of grinding discs. Types of equipment for grinders: how to make right choice?

Discs for grinders differ from each other according to the following main features:

  1. Outside diameter;
  2. Disc thickness;
  3. The material from which the disk itself is made;
  4. Characteristic of the maximum speed of rotation;
  5. And, of course, the area of ​​proposed work.

For a better understanding, let's look at the main types of grinder discs and define their use:

  1. Cutting circles. These are the most widely used consumables for grinders. Their main purpose is to work with metal, stone and wood. A variety of cutting wheels for grinders are diamond discs. This is a heavy-duty equipment for processing high-strength materials such as reinforced concrete, tiles, porcelain stoneware, marble.
  2. Grinding and grinding wheels. As the name implies, given type disks are used for grinding various materials, for example, polishing products made of stone, or for removing (peeling) the top layer, for example, eliminating a layer of rust or an old paint coating.

Cutting wheels for the grinder, in turn, have their own subspecies, such as:

  • Cutting wheels for metal work;
  • Abrasive wheels for working with stone;
  • Circles for woodworking;
  • Diamond discs (which were mentioned above).

The purpose of each type of disk usually corresponds to its name.

Among grinding discs, four main subtypes are distinguished - petal, wire, diamond and grinding discs based on bakelite (straight, profile T41 and dish-shaped, profile T27).

  1. The petal disc is made from sandpaper. Its main purpose is the elimination of existing coverage, such as old paint, primer or coat paintwork. Also, discs of this type are used for grinding wooden products.
  2. Wire discs are used by craftsmen to remove rust. They can also remove other types of persistent pollution.
  3. Diamond discs are used for polishing stone work.
  4. Disc discs are made of plastic or rubber and are used for polishing metal surfaces.
Please note: in the process of working with most discs, a special paste or lubricant is used, which contains finely ground abrasives. They are mainly used for grinding surfaces, such as, for example, automotive body parts.

The main question: How to choose the right disc for the grinder?

When choosing equipment for angle grinders, first of all, you should decide on the type of intended work. The choice of disk type will depend on this. We also want to mention that when choosing a consumable, be sure to consider the power characteristics of each specific model. Study the label. Often, it is applied to the disk itself and includes a set of symbols by which you can determine the relevance of this consumable for the intended work.

Also, focus your attention on such a parameter as the diameter of the disk. In no case should it exceed the size of the protective cover on a specific tool model. The size range of discs is usually represented by the following diameters: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm. The most common diameters are 125 mm. and 230 mm. They are optimal for most types of work and the capabilities of the tool itself.

As for the thickness of discs for metal, stone, it often varies from 1 to 3.0 mm. cutting discs). According to the reviews of many masters, it can be concluded that the thinner the disc, the more convenient it is to work with. This, of course, is true, but do not forget that when working with a thin disc, its fragility and the risk of failure of the entire tool increase.

Among the Bakelite-based grinding discs, the most popular discs are 6.00 mm thick. This parameter depends on the total diameter of the disk. The dependence is as follows: the larger the diameter of the disk, the greater will be its thickness and vice versa.

How to put the disk on the grinder?

To correctly put the disc on the grinder, it is first worth noting that the disc is mounted on the grinder spindle using a special clamping flange with an M14 thread. Let's take a closer look at how to remove a disc from a grinder. In order to unscrew the disc from the grinder, you first need to dismantle the flange. Especially for such purposes, manufacturers complete grinders with a special open-end wrench. It has a specific shape. The pins located on the horns of this key are inserted into specially provided holes on the flange.

To unscrew the flange, we fix the spindle. To do this, we clamp the latch, which is usually a button on the top of the case. When pressed, the cotter pin is placed in the hole of the driven disk of the gearbox, and this in turn prevents its rotation. Next, we insert the key pins into the specially provided holes on the flange, pressing the latch, you must simultaneously turn it counterclockwise and move the flange from its place. If the manipulations were successful and the flange succumbed, you can unscrew it by hand and put it aside.

Now let's remove the disk. Often, in the process of intensive work with the tool, a certain plaque is formed on the inside of the protective casing from small particles of metal and abrasive material. For optimal, stable and durable work of the grinder, we remove lower part flange and clean the casing with a steel brush.

To install a new drive, after cleaning the casing, you must perform the following steps:

  1. We install the bottom flange in its place;
  2. We put a special gasket on top of it (if gaskets are not provided, you can cut them yourself. Optimal material cardboard or tin will serve).
  3. Installing the disk
  4. We put the second gasket;
  5. From above we install the upper flange;
  6. We wrap the upper flange by hand in the opposite direction from the rotation of the grinder circle, while holding the disk itself;
  7. Next, press the lock button again and scroll the flange with your hand until you feel resistance;
  8. At the final stage, we make the final fixation using the same open-end wrench. To do this, insert the key into the holes and scroll a little more.
    Remember that you need to tighten no more than a quarter of a turn, since in case of excessive fixation of the flange, the disk will become unusable.
  9. Before starting work, be sure to scroll the disc at idle for at least 30 seconds.

After all the actions taken, you can safely continue to do the work.

One of the most frequently asked questions about the installation / dismantling of angle grinder equipment is: “Which side to put the disk on the grinder?”.

Usually, inexperienced masters ask such a question. Is it possible to set the circle with the wrong side - yes. Firstly, if the disk is not flat, but, for example, petal, then you will not be able to install it incorrectly, if the petals are not positioned correctly, you just need to twist the casing and the handle on the grinder. That is, the question disappears by itself.

If the circle is still flat, then you should focus on its label, the so-called "shirt".

If the angle grinder rotates towards itself, the disk should be installed with the “shirt” outward, if the disk rotates away from itself, then, accordingly, it must be installed with the “shirt” inside.

If you do not adhere to this algorithm, there is a high probability that the disk will fail very quickly or immediately deform.

What to do if the disc is jammed (bitten) on the grinder?

Everyone who has experience of intensive work with an angle grinder must have faced such a situation at least once.

Usually, this happens if the disc jams between the parts, it stops or breaks, and the grinder's motor continues to rotate and thus permanently tightens the nut.

So what can you do if you bite the disk on the grinder?

Each master has his own secrets. Especially for you, we have learned a few of them and now we will share the most common ways out of the situation.

Method number 1 to remove the disc from the grinder

First, figure out which way to unscrew the nut.

The flange must always be turned in the direction in which the disc rotates.

For this kind of work, you will need either two gas wrenches or two clamps.

Here's what needs to be done: we destroy the remains of the disk, with one key we fix the washer located behind the disk, with the second we unscrew the flange.

Method number 2 to remove the disc from the grinder

This method involves the use of the famous VD-40 lubricant.

It is probably like electrical tape, applicable in all cases of life.

You need to spray the flange, wait about 5 minutes and try to unscrew it with a wrench.

Method number 3 to remove the disc from the grinder

This method is used in extreme cases.

When all other methods fail, you can try sawing the flange with a tool such as a hacksaw, and then purchase a new one from a specialized store.

Method number 4 to remove the disc from the grinder

How to change the disk on the grinder to avoid disassembling the tool and intense impact on it? To do this, we crush the disk as far as possible, dismantle the protective cover of the grinder and remove the remnants of the circle with a hacksaw.

When carrying out all the above manipulations, do not forget about safety precautions.

Take care of yourself and the safety of your instrument.

Make it a rule that the replacement of cutting and grinding wheels on the grinder it is carried out in work gloves, and the work itself must be carried out in special goggles.

The grinder is a useful device that should be in the arsenal of any master. It allows you to perform a wide range of complex and important works however, it must be used with care to avoid injury. We will talk about the rules for using an angle grinder in this article.

Rules for personal protection when working with dangerous tools

It is possible to work correctly as an angle grinder, without endangering yourself, only if you are extremely collected and attentive. The device should not even be picked up, being unhealthy, tired and in a state of intoxication. Carelessness can cost you dearly when using a grinder. In some cases, negligence leads to very serious injuries, and sometimes to the death of the negligent master.

Main condition correct operation with the tool - the use of glasses and a protective casing. The work of a grinder necessarily leads to the scattering of sparks, metal fragments, scale and abrasive particles. If you do not protect your face and eyes, there is a high chance of injury. It is best to use a mask or goggles closed type. Fragments and sparks from the grinder fly along complex trajectories, therefore they can fly under the glasses if in some part they do not fit snugly enough to the body. The mask is best used with a safety net, since during operation there is a possibility of fragments separating from the circle, which fly at high speed and can pierce unreinforced protective equipment.

The first barrier that stands between the grinder operator and the rotating wheel is the safety guard. In practice, the wheels are quite often destroyed during operation, which usually occurs due to the jamming of the circle in the slot. The casing is fixed on the tool in such a way that it protects a person from sparks and possible fragments if they appear. The casing must be fixed to the machine as securely and firmly as possible in order to completely eliminate the possibility of its spontaneous rotation. Of course, working with a cover is more difficult and less convenient than without it, but by removing this protective screen, you expose yourself to unnecessary danger.

To work with a grinder, you need not only a casing and a protective mask, but also hand protection - mittens or gloves. Your hands will be very close to the spinning circle, so they should be protected from sparks and all kinds of fragments. We recommend using thick leather mittens or gloves to protect your hands, cotton products are not able to reliably protect you.

When processing concrete and stone materials, it is also necessary to use a special respirator - it will protect the respiratory tract from dust. All your clothes should be wide and well tucked in; any loose part of your clothes can be pulled in a circle that rotates with high speed and cause injury.

How to use a removable tool on a grinder?

LBM allows you to perform different types work, process various materials and for each of them you should use a specially designed for this abrasive tool. By using the wrong circle, you increase the likelihood of it splitting and endangering yourself. Never place discs on the unit bigger size than intended for this model.

Small angle grinders differ from large ones in a higher speed of disk rotation. Circles of large diameters may simply not withstand too high rotation speeds and collapse. This applies to both new circles and used and because of this, reduced in size. Another reason to refuse large circles is that in order to use such a disc, you have to remove the casing protecting the operator, and this is completely unacceptable. Moreover, large circles create a greater load on the tool nodes - it wears out faster and may soon fail.

You can put a disc on the grinder if it matches the device used and does not have any damage. Cracks, gouges, chips and other irregularities of roundness or flatness significantly increase the likelihood of kickback and wheel resolution during operation.

For safety reasons, it is completely forbidden to install saw blades for wood on angle grinders. Very often, such actions lead to tragic consequences, so do not repeat the mistakes of others if your life is dear to you. Cutting wood with a grinder should not be done for several reasons. Firstly, the tree is a heterogeneous material in which there are knots, and sometimes foreign bodies, such as nails, because of which the wheel can break at high speeds. Secondly, such work is simply impractical - due to the high speed, the wood discs will quickly become dull.

In order to safely use the angle grinder, it is necessary, after installing the disk, to check the operation of the device at idle at maximum speed for 60 seconds. When checking, the circle should spin freely, with minimal vibration, without touching the protective cover.

It is equally important to qualitatively fix the workpieces before work. Self-weight can rarely guarantee the complete immobility of an object, therefore it is best to fix materials in a vice or clamps on heavy structures. Do not attempt to handle objects held in your hands. By doing this, you violate two safety requirements at once, which read:

  1. 1. The grinder must be held with both hands.
  2. 2. The workpiece to be machined must be firmly fixed.

By holding the workpiece with your hand, you increase the likelihood of the part moving and the wheel jamming. You should completely eliminate the bending of the workpiece in the area of ​​the cut, especially if it can narrow the cut. This will almost inevitably cause the disc to pinch and kick back.

General recommendations for the use of grinders - how not to endanger yourself?

Despite the danger of the angle grinder, it can be safely used if you follow the safety precautions and avoid any mistakes. To do this, you need to hold the tool with only two hands. At secure hold device, even a reverse blow will not lead to a strong displacement and falling out of your hands. It is also necessary to ensure that the position of the whole body is as stable as possible, without the risk of losing balance.

Operate the device in such a way that the power cord is always located away from the spinning wheel. If the cord is nearby, you can cut it, and it can also be pulled towards the blade, creating the danger of a short circuit or a sharp stop in rotation with the tool moving.

The machine must not be released until the movement of the disc has completely stopped. If you do not fulfill this requirement, you can catch on some objects or surfaces with a rotating disk. move from one working area you can only go to another place with the device turned off, otherwise the circle may grab your clothes. In the event of a power outage, the grinder must be unplugged from the outlet, otherwise, when the electricity supply is restored, it may turn on uncontrollably.

Keep in mind that discs can get very hot during use and should not be touched until they have completely cooled down. Make sure that all bystanders are on safe removal from the place of work of the tool, because abrasive particles can harm not only you, but also those around you.

To start working with a grinder - to make contact with a rotating disk with a material or workpiece, it is possible only when the spindle reaches full speed, otherwise the disk may jam. Machine manufacturers advise cutting in such a way that the tool always moves in the same direction as the installed disk rotates. So you protect yourself from the sudden exit of the circle from the slot made.

Many users do not follow this recommendation, since with such a holding of the tool, a jet of sparks from under the circle hides the markings applied to the workpiece. If you drive the machine in the opposite direction, you can easily control the cutting accuracy, but because of this, a safety violation does not cease to be such. And when choosing between convenience and safety, it is better to give preference to the second.

It is extremely important to ensure the correct position of the tool throughout the entire process of its use. The cutting line should not rest against the operator, it should pass by, away from you. In case of jamming, jamming of the circle, the jet movement of the device will continue away from the person. When cutting, you do not need to press hard on the tool, give the angle grinder the opportunity to perform cutting on their own. A strong load on the device can lead to warping and even jamming of the circle. Your task is to guide and adjust the tool, you need to press it only sometimes and not very hard. Never turn on the tool if the circle is located in the cut, cutting metal and other materials in this case is likely to end with a kickback.

Be sure to comply with TB and grinding work. It is not necessary to use very thin wheels for grinding, as well as cut-off wheels not intended for such work - they may break. Grinding should be done with the edge of the disc at an angle of 15-40 degrees to the surface. The tool should be moved with moderate pressure back and forth. After installing a new, unused disk, it is best to work it in one direction first - forward. If you drive it backwards, it may crash into the work surface. After rounding the disc, it can work in both directions.

For cutting tiles, stone and concrete foundations use special circles. When working with these materials, a lot of hazardous dust is generated. It is best to organize automatic dust extraction using construction vacuum cleaner connected to the protective casing. Otherwise, be sure to use a respirator. To reduce the amount of dust, you need to ventilate the room during work, as well as suppress dust with a jet of water that is directed to the cut. For this you will need an assistant.

Bulgarians can be used for various works, including for chipping. When cutting walls that may contain reinforcement, as well as elements engineering communications, you need to be especially careful and cautious. If the disc comes into contact with such elements, a short circuit or kickback may occur. Therefore, before carrying out work in unfamiliar places, it is imperative to study the presence of communications within the walls.

There must be no flammable materials or flammable liquids inside or near the working area. Keep away from the grinder products and any objects that may be affected by sparks and abrasive fragments. If such things cannot be removed, it is best to cover them with a wet rag. In wet rooms, to use the grinder, you should connect it through the RCD. Only in this way can you be sure to prevent electric shock.

Never entrust work with angle grinders to unauthorized persons if you are not sure of their qualifications and ability to comply with safety regulations.

Backstroke - what is it and how to avoid it?

The reverse blow is a sharp, sudden rejection of the angle grinder due to jamming of the rotating circle. It represents the greatest danger to the operator, as it is usually accompanied by the destruction of the disc. When the disc is jammed, the reactive displacement of the tool is carried out in the opposite direction to the rotation of the disc. Most often, a kickback occurs due to erroneous actions of the operator or a direct violation of safety regulations by him.

Our recommendations will help to avoid such a problem as a kickback or, in case of its occurrence, to avoid severe consequences. Always use the standard handles to hold the tool and do not hold it with just one hand. Stand firmly on the ground so that you do not lose control of the tool if the tool is thrown. Always stay away from where the tool will move when kicking back. When the angle grinder moves away from you, it can bounce right into you.

Particular care must be taken when processing edges and corners. Kickback often occurs at the end of a cut, when the last bridge connecting two parts of the same object is cut. In such a situation, in order to avoid problems, it is recommended not to bring the cut to the very end, it is better to remove the circle from the opening and cut the jumper with reverse side. If the device is jammed, it should be turned off and carefully removed from the cut made.

Despite all the difficulties and dangers, you are quite able to work as a grinder on your own. Just follow our recommendations, they will help you cut and grind without problems.

Main spare part of angle grinder (angle grinder) - interchangeable cutting tool. An abrasive disc that rotates at high speed cuts, grinds or polishes materials. For metal processing, circles are made of abrasive chips, steel milling cutters are used for wood, and metal discs with diamond coating are used for stone. Special nozzles - brushes, petal emery wheels further expand the capabilities of your grinder. Next, we will find out what types of disks are, how to properly remove the old one and install a new one, and also consider possible problems arising during the replacement process, and ways to solve them.

Types of discs for grinders: how to choose the right one

Industry manufactures grinders and discs for them standard sizes: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm. Angle grinder from 180 mm is used for cutting stone. The most common size of machines for home and summer cottages is 125 mm, most discs and nozzles are produced for them.

Attention! Always select a disc that matches the size of your angle grinder. You can put a disk of smaller diameter in the angle grinder. But removing the casing and putting in a disk of a larger diameter is extremely dangerous!

We offer to divide the discs according to their purpose: cutting, grinding, sharpening and peeling. Let's consider each type in detail.


We cut through the metal

Inexpensive disk for steel of the Luga plant

Cutting materials is the most common task in repair and construction, a simple abrasive wheel for metal will easily cut steel bar, roofing iron or plastic. These wheels are made of corundum (crystalline alumina) or electrocorundum (synthetic corundum).

Sawing a stone

The budget disc for stone is produced by the Luga plant

To cut stone, we recommend taking a special disc - they use a different abrasive - silicon carbide. He can handle white silicate brick and slate. Here is the red brick tile and even more so concrete - they won’t succumb to it - you have to take diamond disc.

Dissolving the tree

These are also available for the grinder

Wood cutting blades are very similar to a circular saw blade. Actually, this is a disk for a circular, only a bore diameter of 22.2 mm is suitable for a grinder spindle.


As you know, diamond is a very hard mineral, so diamond blades can easily cope with red brick, porcelain stoneware, and tiles. The main material that is cut with diamond blades is concrete.

Diamonds must be handled with care - the disc does not cut steel, it must not be overheated. After two minutes of sawing concrete, the disc will become very hot - take a break. Cooling slots are made around the circumference of the dry cutting disc.

Produce wet cutting discs ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Water cools the disc and washes away dangerous dust.

How to choose the thickness of cutting discs

Every craftsman knows that the thinner the tool, the better. Less material goes into chips, it is easier to saw, the cut comes out cleaner.

Discs for angle grinders 115 and 125 mm are produced with a thickness of 1.0–2.5 mm. Discs 150 and 200 mm - 1.8–4.0 mm thick. Pressed corundum powder reinforced with synthetic mesh.

Attention! The thinnest disc (1.0 mm) “walks” during sawing and breaks easily, its pieces fly at high speed in all directions. Don't forget to protect your eyes and hands.


The next most important work that the craftsmen entrust to the grinder is grinding and polishing. Similar processing is applied to metal, wood, plastic and other materials.

Petal circle on wood: dozens of emery petals quickly cut chips

The choice of grinding discs is very wide. If you are restoring a sideboard, a petal wheel will work to remove layers of shellac. It grips large surfaces and cuts a lot of material in one pass.

The sanding attachment is a plastic circle to which sandpaper is attached with Velcro

Another nozzle is screwed onto the grinder spindle. Sandpaper is attached to it on Velcro (Velcro). For coarse processing - P60 or P80, for finer processing - P120 or P180. With a decrease in grain size, grinding smoothly turns into polishing.

Alpaca wool polishing pad

Especially for polishing, there are nozzles in the form of pillows, felt or fabric discs. Before work, a polishing paste is applied to them, for example, GOI.

grinding wheels

In fact, there are special machines for sharpening tools - sharpeners. Nevertheless, the rotating disk of the grinder is able to correct a dull ax or cleaver, knife or scythe. Taking into account the wishes of the masters, the industry produces 115 and 125 mm grinding wheels for angle grinders.

Sharpening discs turn the grinder into a grindstone

The discs are made of coarse abrasive pressed into a thick plate (more than 5 mm) with a bulge in the center. If you install such a disk on a spindle, the flange hides in a recess and does not protrude above the disk plane. Coarse grinding wheels are also used for cleaning welds.

Roughing brushes and discs

Craftsmen Renovating Mid-Century Homes Face Withdrawal oil paint from the walls. Wire cutters are suitable for this job.

Not a single paint can stand against such a steel cup

Korshchetka is a cup, around the circumference of which are steel or brass harnesses. They differ in the thickness and rigidity of the wire - for coarse and fine peeling. The brush is screwed onto the spindle with an M14 thread.

Stone grinding disc cuts old cement evenly

After removing the oil paint, the curve concrete wall need to be polished. Only a Bulgarian can cope with such a task. The working surface of the diamond grinding disc is perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Synthetic diamonds cut and smooth concrete like sandpaper on wood.

How to make a replacement

It is already inconvenient to cut with such a disk

Discs for the grinder - consumable, when cutting, they are quickly erased. A worn disc needs to be replaced. Let's see how to do this using the example of our Interskol-115 angle grinder.

Attention! Before working, check that the machine is switched off from electrical network!

Step-by-step instruction

The disc is mounted on the grinder spindle with a clamping flange with an M14 thread. To unscrew the flange, the grinder comes with open end wrench. Its pins cling to the flange holes.

Open end wrench will unscrew the flange

To unscrew the flange, the spindle must be fixed. To do this, a latch is made on the side of the case opposite to the disk. When the button is pressed, the cotter pin enters the hole of the driven disk of the gearbox and prevents the spindle from rotating.

The button fixes the spindle

We insert the open-end wrench into the flange holes. Right hand press the lock button, at the same time turn the key counterclockwise with the left and remove the flange from its place.

Open end wrench inserted into flange holes

Our grinder rotates clockwise. If you have a different direction, remember - you need to unscrew in the direction of disk rotation.

If the flange succumbed, unscrew it by hand, remove and set aside.

Top flange removed

We remove the old disk. We don't need it anymore, we can throw it away.

old disc withdrawn

Remove the bottom flange.

Bottom flange removed

With intensive sawing with inside hardening of the casing is formed from burnt particles of metal and abrasive. Use a steel brush to clean the casing.

The brush cleans the casing

We install the lower flange on the spindle, making sure that the flats on the flange coincide with the grooves on the spindle. Put a pad on top.

Bottom flange and gasket installed

If gaskets are not attached to your angle grinder, such a washer can be cut out of cardboard or tin.

We put the disk in place, close it with a second gasket.

New disk installed

Thanks to the gaskets, if the disc gets stuck in the material and breaks, you can still easily unscrew the flange.

We twist the upper flange by hand against the direction of rotation of the circle (in our case, clockwise), holding the abrasive disc. With your right hand, hold down the lock button and twist it with your hand until you feel resistance. We insert the open-end wrench and twist a little more, no more than a quarter of a turn. It is not necessary to tighten the flange too much, the disc will warp.

Disc replaced, angle grinder ready to go

This completes the disc replacement, you can continue sawing. Sometimes when changing a disk, obstacles arise in the way of the master. What to do in such situations - we will consider further.

Video: how to remove the old and install a new disk

Possible difficulties in the process

What to do if there is no key

The open-end key is not tied to the grinder and may well be lost. How to unscrew the flange in this case?

  1. We make an open-end wrench from a nail. We take a “weave” nail, bend it in the shape of the letter “P” so that the distance between the vertical posts is equal to the distance between the holes in the flange. Cut off the tip and head with a hacksaw. We stick the resulting “key” into the flange holes and unscrew the mount, not forgetting to fix the spindle. If the nut is tightly tightened and there is not enough finger strength, we insert another nail between the vertical segments - the lever will be larger.
  2. We use the gas key. We take a large pipe wrench, it is also called "gas". With such a tool, plumbers twist steel pipes. We part the key so that it clasps the entire flange. We try to move the nut from its place, securing the spindle. The gas key has a huge shoulder. If you apply force, the spindle lock will break.
  3. Knocking out the nut. Take a metal bar or a thin chisel. Fix the spindle. Tap the edge of the hole in the flange in the direction of rotation of the disc. So you can move the nut out of place. This method is not the safest: the tool damages the flange and breaks the key holes.

Disc broke, flange jammed

Let's imagine that the master makes an anvil from a steel rail, cuts out the point with a grinder. The disc is skewed in the material and jammed. The motor continues to run and tightens the flange tightly. All work has stopped. How to change the disk, if now it does not unscrew?

  1. We disassemble the gearbox. We unscrew the mount and remove the gearbox housing. We hold the spindle shaft with a gas wrench or pliers, twist the flange with a horn or other gas wrench. The disk is not affected by this method, you can remove the normal one, good disk. The method works even if the spindle lock is broken.
  2. We use two gas keys. The method does not require parsing the grinder. Carefully break out the rest of the disk to get to the bottom flange. With the first gas key we clamp the upper flange, with the second key we hook the lower one. We turn in opposite directions.
  3. We heat the nut with a torch. We warm up the seated nut portable gas burner. The nut will expand from heating and can be easily unscrewed.
  4. Cut the flange with a hacksaw. Some craftsmen prefer to cut the stuck flange with a hacksaw. The method is barbaric - you have to buy a new nut.
  5. Lubricate threads with penetrating lubricant. Spray the stuck nut with WD-40. It penetrates into narrow crevices and threaded connections. After a five-minute break, try to move the nut with a wrench.
  6. Cut out the rest of the disk with a hacksaw. We break the disk with pliers, while it is possible. We remove the protective cover, insert a hacksaw into the slot and cut out the remnants of the abrasive wheel. Delicate and reliable method. It does not require parsing the grinder and hard impacts on the tool. The master must have patience, as the method will take up to an hour. Abrasive wears off quickly hacksaw blades, you will need several of them. The advantage is the preservation of the guarantee for the angle grinder, there is no risk of breakage.

Video: how to change the grinder disk if the key is lost

What are cardboard spacers for?

It's very simple and very important. To ensure that the flange always unscrews easily, a gasket must be placed between the abrasive disc and the flange. Or two - on each side of the disk.

These circles ensure that the flange does not get stuck.

Such discs can come with a grinder or you can cut them yourself.

For angle spindles grinding machines factories produce thin and thick abrasive discs, metal cutting wheels, nylon brushes. All these spare parts turn the grinder into universal tool and reveal its possibilities from an unexpected side. For example, a grinder turns into a grindstone. It is not difficult to change the disk, but the master must be aware of some features of the process in order not to get into a difficult situation.

Bulgarian is a universal angle grinder (angle grinder), replacing outdated types hand tool. Versatility is given to it by a replaceable working body - disks or nozzles. Exists a large number of types of discs produced by different manufacturers: for low-power (household), medium-power and high-power professional angle grinders. Disks (nozzles) cut, grind, polish, clean workpieces. They process products made of steel and cast iron, non-ferrous metals and wood, stone, concrete and other materials. To learn how to choose a disc for an angle grinder in accordance with the purposes of use, as well as how to properly remove and install discs, read our article.

Types of discs for grinders

Angle grinder is widely used in construction and repair technological operations. Discs for grinders differ from each other:

  • dimensions of outer diameter and thickness;
  • material and method of manufacture;
  • purpose and maximum speed.

The choice of disks for a grinder implies knowledge and consideration of the features of not only the workpieces being processed, but also the capabilities of the tool itself.


The most used wheels for angle grinders are also called abrasive. They are classified according to different features. There are discs for working with metal, stone, wood. There is also a diamond disc, which is used to work with the most durable and hard materials (reinforced concrete, porcelain stoneware, tiles, marble, granite and other natural and artificial stones).

Let's give brief description every kind.

A common feature for all cutting discs is the classification according to the outer diameter and thickness. The outer diameter is:

  • 115 mm for small household grinders;
  • 125 and 150 mm for medium-sized angle grinders in terms of power and weight;
  • 180 and 230 mm for powerful professional tools.

The thickness of the discs varies from 1 to 3.2 mm. It depends on the size of the nozzle: discs with large diameter have a large thickness; discs medium and small - any. The choice of disc thickness is influenced by:

  • speed of rotation of the working body of the grinder;

Cutting (abrasive) wheels for metal

These wheels are used to work with body sheet steel (disc thickness from 1 to 1.6 mm) and rolled steel: rebar, round timber, channel, angle and other types (disc thickness from 2.5 to 3.6 mm). There are special nozzles for working with stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron and other metals.

Cutting disc for metal grinder

Information about this is available on the surface of the disk in the form of a printed marking and a colored strip. Abrasive discs are several layers of fiberglass mesh, on which great pressure bakelite abrasive material (silicon carbide, corundum, electrocorundum) is pressed on both sides. The reinforced abrasive discs are then placed in a heat treatment oven to gain strength. The set heating temperature is 200 degrees. There, the mass is sintered and becomes strong and resistant to destruction into fragments.

Abrasive discs for stone

They are absolutely identical to discs for metal and differ only in the abrasives used.

Circle for stone

For wood

They are made of high-strength steel and equipped with sharp teeth on the outer diameter. These nozzles work on the principle of a circular and are quite dangerous in operation. It is recommended to permanently fix the angle grinder with a special tool.

Cutting disc for wood for grinders


They are used for cutting high-strength materials made of natural and artificial stone.

Diamond disc for stone grinder

There are different types diamond discs for concrete, reinforced concrete, stone. Between themselves, they differ in the fractional nature of the diamond coating and the type of cutting edge - solid, with large or small slots, notches. It is important to know that the diamond blade is not used to work with metal blanks. By appearance It is difficult to understand the purpose of diamond discs. The best option- before buying, consult a sales assistant or carefully study the application to the package.

Some manufacturers of diamond blades paint front side paint, depending on the material for which they are intended:

  • green - for granite;
  • yellow - for gypsum and tiles;
  • blue - for marble and concrete;
  • gray - for granite ceramics and tiles;
  • orange - for brick.

A diamond blade with a segmented cutting blade is used for cutting stones in a dry way. Circles with solid cutting edge require water cooling. Slotted turbo discs run at a higher rotational speed than segmented blade discs.

Grinding and roughing

Grinding wheels are divided into four types:

  • Rust is eliminated with special wire wheels and stubborn dirt is removed.
  • Diamond modifications in the form of a bowl are used to polish stone products.
  • Disc discs made of plastic or rubber are polished metal surfaces. Interchangeable disks can be attached to the plates with sandpaper, felt, sponge, cloth.

Most grinding discs work with special pastes or liquids, including finely ground abrasives. These nozzles polish surfaces of any materials, including car body parts in car services.

How to choose a circle for a grinder

When choosing the right nozzle for the grinder, you need to pay attention to the following points:

How to change a disk: step by step instructions

  1. Disconnect the angle grinder from the electrical network and jam the rotation shaft with the disk with a special button.
  2. Unscrew the lock nut with a special wrench with two lugs. If the nut is tightened as a result of the disc jamming, then you can: try to unscrew it with a gas wrench, heat it with a cutter and cool it sharply (it will help 100%, but you need to be very careful), cut out the rest of the disc with a hacksaw. Keyless nuts are a fairly complex device that is unscrewed and tightened by hand using a folding handle.
  3. Remove old disk.
  4. Place the new disc on the mounting flange.
  5. Screw in and secure the lock nut with a wrench.
  6. Replacement completed.

Video instruction: how to remove the old one and put a new circle on the grinder

Summarize. As the retinue makes the king, so the grinder is made an indispensable tool by interchangeable discs. They expand the scope of the grinder, dramatically increase the productivity of labor-intensive operations, improve the quality of the work performed.

In careless hands, an angle grinder is dangerous: discs can jam in the body of the workpiece, break into pieces and scatter into different sides. The risk can be minimized high quality nozzle manufacturing, the right choice and reliable fastening circle on the drive shaft of the grinder.