How to cut a 45 degree corner. How to properly make a corner of a ceiling plinth using a miter box and available tools

– this is the shortest and seemingly simplest stage of repair. But probably many of you had to spend at least an hour trying to cut these 45 degrees. The only exceptions are the lucky ones with a technical mindset and those who were friends with geometry at school.

Today we will tell you how to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth and a floor plinth without resorting to complex calculations. You will see that this is not at all difficult work, which can be dealt with in a short time.

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth at an angle of 45°

Corner elements for ceiling plinths can be easily trimmed using a miter box or by hand. In the first case, you will need a miter box and a hacksaw, and in the second, a pencil and a hacksaw/cardboard knife. The hacksaw blade should be well sharpened so that you don’t have to think about how to cover up chips and roughness on the cut.

Cutting a corner using a miter box

We take a polyurethane ceiling plinth designed for the left or right side of the corner. We lean it against the future installation location so that the end of the segment opposite from the corner is against the edge of the already glued molding. In the place where the bottom edge of the ceiling plinth touches the top of the wall corner, make a dot with a pencil or stick a piece of insulating tape. We repeat these steps with the second segment.

How to cut an external corner of a ceiling plinth:

  • We place the left blank in the miter box from left to right, pressing it to the edge closest to us. The corner vertex mark should coincide with the leftmost slot in the same edge
  • We place the right blank from right to left, pressing it to the near edge. The mark for the top of the corner is to the far right slot.

How to saw down a ceiling plinth at an internal corner? Everything is very simple, the actions will be exactly the same, only the location of the corner vertex mark changes. Here it’s the other way around: for the left segment – ​​the far right slot, and for the right – the far left. The finished ceiling fillets must be aligned, and then the joints should be held up to the light - there should be no gaps. If they are very small, then editing is not necessary; you can get by with sealing with putty material after installation.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth: positioning the workpiece in a miter box

Important: sometimes the angles deviate too much from the standard 45 degrees, and a simple miter box for the ceiling plinth becomes useless - you can cut off the excess. The solution would be to purchase a rotary tool, but it is not cheap and this “one-time” purchase will be irrational. In this case, you can use the intersecting point method.

How to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth without a miter box

If you are wondering how to properly cut down a ceiling plinth without a miter box, then the following information will be useful to you. We take the right section of the ceiling plinth made of foam plastic, apply it to the installation site and draw a line on the ceiling along its upper edge. It should extend beyond the vertices of the corners by about 5 cm. We do the same with the left segment and put points at the intersections of the lines. We put the ceiling plinths in place one by one and transfer the resulting marks to them.

WITH top part We've sorted out the ceiling moldings, now let's move on to the bottom. Everything is simple here, the marks we need are the vertices of the corners. We mark their location with dots on the lower edges of the left and right ceiling plinth. Next, you need to connect the dots on the moldings - this will be the cutting line. This method will help you cope with even the crooked corners. Adjustment will most likely not be necessary, and if it is, it will be minimal.

How to cut a ceiling plinth without a special tool: the photo shows marks for the intersecting point method

Important: The work described here requires marking of surfaces. Therefore, you first need to start cutting and fitting the ceiling plinth, and only then think about how to glue the wallpaper. Or, if you want to mount the plinth on top of the wallpaper, mark and trim before finishing, and gluing after it.

We trim the internal and external corners of the floor skirting boards

It is no more difficult to trim floor moldings evenly than it is to trim ceiling moldings. We only select the cutting tool according to the material that we will cut. The works themselves will also be similar, only for manual cutting Here is a slightly different marking method.

Cutting wood floor molding using a miter box

It is necessary to measure the distance from the edge of the baseboard already glued to the wall to the top of the corner of the wall. Now we take a new piece of molding and set aside a length equal to this distance on its lower edge. We put a dot with a pencil or stick a piece of electrical tape. We perform this procedure for both external and internal corners. In the miter box we place the plinth pieces from left to right for the left side of the corner and from right to left for the right. In this case, they should be pressed as in the figure - to the side of the miter box closest to you.

How to cut a corner of a ceiling plinth - placing the workpiece in a miter box:

  • For the outer left one, match the mark on the plinth with the leftmost slot. For the outer right - from the far right.
  • For the inner left one, we match the mark on the plinth with the rightmost slot. For the inner right - from the extreme left.
Clarification: the slot refers to the one that is on the side that is closest to you.

Cutting the plinth at an angle: the red line marks the place of the cut

Floor plinth: internal and external corner “by hand”

Floor moldings are usually quite wide and thick, and therefore, finding only two points here, as for ceiling moldings, is not enough. To trim an internal corner, first place a point at its top at a height equal to the width of the plinth - in the figure this is a green point. From it to the left and right we set aside a distance equal to the thickness of the plinth - points 1 and 2.

We apply the left segment to the wall, and from point 1 we draw a line along it, perpendicular to the wall and put a point on the edge. We repeat the action with the right segment, only draw from point 2. In the figure, the point is marked with the number three. We draw a line from it across the baseboard to its opposite edge - we get point 4. Now we connect the green point with points 3 and 4 - we get a line and an angle along which we can cut the molding.

How to cut a plinth: make the necessary marks in the corners

Important: It is easier to trim external corners than internal ones. We set points on the left and right segments: A – mark of the top of the corner of the wall; C – the point of intersection of the lines, which is obtained by alternately drawing the left and right sections of the plinth along the floor; B – from point C across the molding a line is drawn to its opposite edge.

By connecting these points with one line, we get a line along which the cut will be made.

Selecting a tool for forming an angle

Most economical option– buying a simple plastic miter box. It is a plastic block with eight working slots. This device is designed for only two operations: trimming at 45, 90 and 22.5 degrees. An angle of 90 degrees is useful, for example, if you need to embed a socket box into the middle of the molding.

Some devices come with eccentric locks included. They are preferable because it is easier to work with - the plinth is clamped in the desired position and does not move during the cutting process. Accordingly, if any errors occur, they will be minimal and adjusting the angle will not be difficult.

What to cut plastic skirting board: simple plastic miter box

If you are undergoing repairs in own home, then perhaps it makes sense to purchase more serious instrument– rotary single-plane miter box. It is designed for cutting at angles of 15, 22.5, 30, 36, 45 and 90 degrees. The design of this miter box includes 2 clamps - for clamping in horizontal and vertical planes, as well as a limiter that will allow you to cut workpieces to the same length. The hacksaw will be built-in here. If it is not clear how to cut a ceiling plinth, the video review below will help you.

How to trim a baseboard in a corner: a rotary miter box

How to cut down a ceiling plinth: video contains detailed description miter box, and information on how to use this tool.

This will be useful to you in your work

As you may have noticed, the text mentioned making marks using duct tape. This is the most convenient way marking workpieces, since the pencil is not always visible on floor plinth, and sometimes it’s difficult to remove its lines from the ceiling. Bright pieces of electrical tape are very clearly visible, and when they are no longer needed, they are removed literally with one movement of the hand. There are no traces of glue left after removing such marks.

Sometimes you have to trim moldings with a very large pattern. How to connect corners to make them beautiful:

  • From one long fillet we cut pieces according to the number of corners, each of which should contain an element of the pattern. On both sides of the pattern there should be 5 cm of the length of the plinth.
  • We measure the resulting blanks and find their middle, cut along the center line.
  • We make corner trims as usual, but taking into account the fact that the centers of the patterns on the workpieces should fall on the tops of the corners.

How to join the corners of a ceiling plinth if there is a large pattern on its surface

Ceiling plinth is a product that in appearance is no different from its counterpart floor coverings. It is also called fillet. This detail serves to mask the joints between the wall and ceiling. It is installed at the very end finishing works, since the element does not carry any functional load, but only plays decorative role. The process of installing the product is not at all complicated, but many are faced with the dilemma of how to make a corner of the ceiling plinth. Depending on the selected materials and tools that are available, the fillet corners are cut in different ways.


Modern construction market offers the following options for these products:

  • Polyurethane. They are considered the highest quality and most reliable. In addition, they are moisture resistant and elastic. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high cost and exposure to temperature changes. Because of this feature, the corners of the ceiling plinth are made of of this material may crack if installed from below kitchen stove. It is also important to remember that inaccurate trimming may cause slight deformations, which can ultimately lead to significant curvatures.
  • Polystyrene. They are practically no different from the previous material, but they have a lower level of strength and therefore break easily due to mechanical stress. Also, polystyrene products cost a little less.
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This is the most cheap option material. The low cost has left its mark on the quality: the products are difficult to work with and are prone to dents. To make an outer or inner corner of a PVC ceiling plinth, you need a lot of experience and special tools. But the manufacturers of these products do not stand still, and today for these purposes you can purchase special fittings - corners for ceiling plinths, thanks to which even a novice home craftsman can install plastic parts.
  • Wooden. These skirting boards look impressive. Unlike all other products, wooden materials are installed with screws or nails, and not with glue.

The above options can be produced in various sizes, have a textured coating or be completely smooth. Usually the color of the products is white, but if desired, you can find or order any other color.

Creating fillet corners

To connect two planks, you can use decorative corners for ceiling plinths. But in the absence of such, the material will have to be processed. Next we will talk about how to correctly cut a corner on ceiling plinth.

How to use a miter box for processing

A miter box is one of the simplest carpentry tools used to make trimming various products from different angles. It is usually a plastic, metal or wooden tray with several slots in the walls. IN simple version There are slots for 45 and 90 degree angles only. In more complex ones, there are more angles, and a professional tool is equipped rotating mechanism, which allows you to direct the cutting element at any angle. The principle of operation is simple: before cutting off the corner of the plinth, the workpiece is secured in the tray, and then processed with a cutting tool (knife, saw, etc.), lowering it into the slots.

Trimming ceiling plinth using a miter box

How to properly cut the ceiling plinth for the inner corner on a miter box:

  1. The first step is to attach the plinth to the surface and mark the required length with a pencil.
  2. Then the part is placed in the tray so that its current position coincides with the position on the surface.
  3. Using a clamping mechanism, the plinth is fixed to the far wall of the tool container.
  4. The product is taken with the left hand. Then you need to select the correct position of the cutting element (45 degree angle). In this case, the handle of the tool should be as close as possible to the left hand.
  5. Applying light pressure on the part, begin trimming. It is important not to press the product too hard, otherwise you may deform it.
  6. The same manipulations, only in mirror image, must be done with the second baseboard.

Then the cut strips must be checked for correct processing. To do this, it is enough to connect the ceiling plinth by simply attaching the strips to the surface. If a wooden product is used, it will most likely have to be further processed with a file.

Note! First of all, it is necessary to design the internal corners on the ceiling plinths, only after that proceed to the external ones. Otherwise, the length of the purchased strips may not be enough.

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth for an outer corner:

  1. Before cutting the corners, you need to attach the fillet to the edge of the wall so that the product extends slightly beyond the boundaries of the surface, and make a mark.
  2. Then perform the same operations as in the previous instructions.
  3. At the end, make a fitting and, if necessary, further process the edges with a stationery knife or file.

Important! To cut the corners of skirting boards using a miter box, you need a perfectly even surface angle of 90 degrees. If there are any unevenness on the walls, due to which there will be deviations of more than 2 degrees, you will have to use other tools.

Processing fillets using markings

Most often the result final leveling are straight angles. But in some cases, the deviations are so large that even after fitting and filing the fillets, gaps remain. And then the question of how to correctly cut the ceiling plinth using a miter box will be meaningless, since in this situation it is better to cut the planks with preliminary fitting on the spot. To carry out this procedure you will need the following:

  • A thin hard pencil or marker (this tool leaves clear lines, so you don’t have to look closely).
  • A small fragment of a fillet.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • Special construction or stationery knife for processing polystyrene, polyurethone or PVC baguettes.
  • Saw or hacksaw for processing wooden baseboards.

Before cutting the ceiling plinth, you need to lean the strip against the corner and draw a line along the outer edge of the product on the ceiling surface. Then attach the same fillet fragment to opposite wall and draw the same line.

As a result, there will be an intersection on the ceiling surface, where the cut products will need to be joined. The resulting mark is alternately transferred to the parts that will be joined.

Then you need to take a ruler and connect the edge of the fillet with the markings. After which the product is placed on the table and cut along the line.

This method is quite simple, but it comes with some risks. As a result, the inside of the baseboard can interfere with the connection of the parts on the surface. To prevent this from happening, you can do the following: before cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners, it must be placed on the table in the same position in which it will be glued to the wall. Then cut the outer corner or inner corner at a 45 degree angle. The next plank should be processed in the same way. In this way, lengthy processing after fitting can be avoided.

Next, you need to adjust the joint, but already at the place where the fillet is installed. That is, before gluing the ceiling plinth in the corners, it is necessary to check the internal joint without applying adhesive or fasteners. Then carry out the same manipulations for the outer corner strips. After preliminary fitting and bringing the angles to perfect condition, you can glue products.

Now the question is how to join the ceiling plinths on uneven corners, should not occur.

Trimming with a square

Now let's look at how to cut a ceiling plinth using a standard set of tools. For this you will need:

  • ruler or tape measure;
  • square;
  • construction, stationery knife or hacksaw.

How can you cut off a corner of a ceiling plinth if the surfaces are perfectly flat:

  1. A ruler is applied to the fillet at an angle of 45 degrees. Using a knife, cut off the unnecessary fragment with one movement of the hand.
  2. Subject to availability wooden product, markings are first applied to the plinth with a pencil, and then sawed off with a saw or hacksaw.

If the surfaces of the walls have unevenness, then the first thing you need to do is measure the degree of the angle, and then divide it by two. Let's say the angle is 80 degrees, which means that each product needs to be cut at an angle of 40 degrees.

If adjacent walls do not form a right angle, then to cut the baseboard you will have to make some calculations

Decoration with decorative corners

The easiest way to join ceiling plinths in the corners is to use special products. They are sold in hardware stores and are immediately ready for use. The fillets are simply glued to the surface, and the joint is covered with a decorative element. IN in this case the question of how to properly cut a baseboard does not make sense. Even if the joint turns out to be uneven, this defect will be hidden by a decorative corner.

How to replace a miter box with improvised means

How to make the corners of a ceiling plinth using improvised means? There are several ways:

  • First way. It is necessary to prepare three wooden boards the same thickness and width. Using nails or self-tapping screws, connect them into a U-shaped structure. Mark the 45 and 90 degree angles (you'll need a square or protractor for this) and then make the cuts using a wood saw. The result will be a homemade miter box. How to trim ceiling skirting boards using this tool is indicated above.

  • Second way. In this case, before cutting out the ceiling plinth, you should build simple design to hold the fillet. To do this, you need to take two boards and put together a corner from them. Then take paper and draw lines on it going at different angles. Now let's look at how to cut corners using the resulting tool:
    • the fillet is laid on a wooden corner;
    • in the marked place - a template with drawn lines is applied to the product and trimming is carried out.

  • Third way. This method the simplest, but it requires some experience and a steady hand. In this case, you can use any structure that has a right angle, for example, a table.

Note! Before cutting the corner, measurements should be taken at the fixation site. To mark the inner corner, start measuring from the joint of the walls. Before cutting the outer corner, it is necessary to apply markings taking into account that the product will extend beyond the boundaries of the surface by its thickness.

The video demonstrates the process of making a miter box at home:

Installation of skirting boards

This operation will be successful if you follow several recommendations:

  1. The installation of ceiling fillets begins with the design of the corners. After completing this operation, you can begin installing the remaining parts.
  2. When fixing the products, it is necessary to press their edges so that there are no gaps left. In this case, excess glue should be removed immediately so that it does not have time to dry.
  3. If you purchased a PVC skirting board, then to fix it you can use finishing putty, which may have remained after finishing work.
  4. Before gluing the skirting boards to the ceiling, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with a special primer or just water. Then the fillets are put in place and wait until the surface underneath them dries. At the end, the seams and cracks are sealed with sealant or other material with a similar composition. It is better to use sealants containing acrylic.

Installing ceiling plinths is a fairly simple procedure that even a novice master can handle. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations and regularly check the correct installation using a level, even if the fillets look perfectly even by eye. It is also important to remember that this element is purely decorative, so even the smallest mistakes are unacceptable.

All photos from the article

The process of installing ceiling plinths does not take much effort and time. The only difficulty is cutting out the corners, however, if you familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of doing this work, then coping with it will not be difficult. Next, we will look in detail at how and how to cut corners on the ceiling plinth.

General information

Ceiling fillets provide a smooth transition from walls to ceiling. Thanks to them, the finish looks complete and attractive. Moreover, these decorative elements can emphasize that the interior belongs to a particular style.

The only thing for the baseboards to look neat and tidy is to cut their corners correctly. Of course, you can use additional corners, thanks to which the joints will look perfect. However, they cannot be used for all models; in addition, the corners in the rooms do not always correspond to 90 degrees.

The pruning process itself is not difficult. If the fillets are made of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam, they can be trimmed sharp knife, for example, clerical. If the products are plastic or wooden, you should use a hacksaw.

The whole difficulty lies in applying the markings, especially if the walls do not intersect at right angles. In this case, cutting the planks at 45 degrees will not work. Therefore, before starting work, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all its nuances.

This tool is a profile in the form of an inverted letter U. On the sides there are slots for sawing at an angle of 45, 60 and 90 degrees. More complex corner templates or miter boxes have fixtures for alignment different angles sawing.

For an inexperienced master the best option will be the purchase of a ready-made miter box in hardware store. At home, it can be made from three planed boards or plywood.

The tool can be assembled by fastening pre-prepared parts together. The corner template box must be secured using wood glue or screws. Side walls The miter boxes must be strictly parallel to one another. The horizontal beam should create a strict perpendicular to the side beams.

Step 3: we mark slots at different angles to cut laminate, trim, etc.

The application of the slots will affect the accuracy of the work performed in the future. Therefore, this process must be approached with special care. It is advisable to make cuts using the same hacksaw that will be used to perform the work.

Step 4: preparing the material to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees

It is necessary to secure the finished corner template on the desktop using a clamp. Next, markings for the future cut should be applied to the workpiece. Next, you need to align the workpiece with the 45-degree slot inside the miter box and press firmly.

The hacksaw must be inserted into the corresponding grooves of the corner template and cut the workpiece. The grooves will limit the movements of the saw and the cut will be carried out in the desired direction.

Subtleties of working with a miter box and various materials

When sawing elements such as baseboards, it is not always necessary to make a 90-degree cut. After all, the walls in the room may be uneven. Before sawing the baseboard, it is necessary to adjust the angle of the cut.

Thus, the article described and characterized the sawing process wooden materials using a miter box.

How to cut at a 45 degree angle

Often during repairs you may encounter a situation where it is necessary to saw off a piece from a part at an angle of strictly 45 degrees. Typically, this is needed to connect two parts at a right angle, 90 degrees, such as: door casing, baseboards, pieces of furniture and much more. Experienced master, professionally engaged repair work, can often do without special tools, and is able to cut evenly and accurately almost by eye required part. But if you are a novice repairman, and you have a desire to do the job as efficiently as possible, without damaging expensive parts, then you simply need to purchase a miter box - special device, which allows you to saw off material at a given angle without any special tricks.

To work, you need to have: a miter box, a hacksaw, a protractor with a pencil, a piece of wood, a screwdriver with screws or a clamp.

Using a ready-made miter box

The most common miter box is a U-shaped profile with slits on the sides, allowing you to use a hacksaw to make cuts at angles of 45, 60 and 90 degrees, respectively. It is enough to use it once and you will no longer have the question of how to cut at an angle of 45 degrees. There are miter boxes and more complex ones that allow you to independently set the angle required for cutting, and also, using a rotating structure, set hacksaw blade into the best position. The best option for a novice repairman would be to purchase ready-made tools at any hardware store. The miter box can be made of wood, plastic or metal. But you can make it yourself from scrap material, any boards or plywood, about 20 millimeters thick.

Making your own miter box

  1. 1. First you need to assemble the box of the future tool. To do this, it is necessary to drill holes in its side walls for future fastening with screws and, having smeared the ends of the parts with glue, connect them in such a way that both walls are strictly perpendicular to the bottom and parallel to each other, after which we fix them with screws.
  2. 2. Using a protractor, mark an angle of 45 degrees with a pencil, add if necessary additional lines for grooves. The most important part is the cuts; they are best done with the same hacksaw blade that you will use to cut the products. It is necessary to saw while holding the blade, avoiding strong pressure on the tool; first saw through one side, then the other.
  3. 3. We begin processing the material. Use a clamp or screws to secure the miter box to the work surface. At the site of the future cut, we make a mark on the plinth or board. How to cut at an angle of 45 degrees becomes clear if you press it firmly against the side wall and align the mark with the slot on the template. We insert the hacksaw into the groove and cut the workpiece, while the work of the blade is limited to cuts, which allows you to make the cut as evenly and accurately as possible.
  4. 4. Before sawing the baseboard, you need to make sure that the corner of the room is really straight and, if this is not the case, you need to adjust the cutting angle of the workpiece. To do this, measure the internal angle of the joint between the walls, and divide the result by two. If you do not have a professional rotary miter box capable of changing the cutting angle to the required value, then to achieve the result you need to cut additional grooves for the right angle in a homemade miter box. This way you can cut the baseboard for the most accurate alignment.

Now you know how to cut a workpiece at an angle of 45 degrees.

How to cut ceiling plinth

Perhaps it's time to move from theory to practical action. The portal team is confident that you will definitely succeed. Stay tuned!

A miter box will help you cut the baseboard at an angle of 45 degrees. By the way, do you know how to use a miter box? Our portal specialists have prepared a step-by-step guide for you.

How to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth without a miter box

How to cut a part or product at an angle of 45 degrees

Determining the slope of the roof - what it depends on
Calculation methodology
An example of calculating the roof slope in degrees
How to find out the roof pitch
Choosing a roof covering depending on the slope of the roof

In order for the roof of a building to fully perform all the functions assigned to it, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters when creating it. One of the most important parameters of a roof is its slope, which ensures the removal of precipitation from its surface and affects the ability to withstand external loads. How to calculate the slope of the roof will be discussed in this article.

Determining the slope of the roof - what it depends on

To correctly calculate the roof slope, it is necessary to take into account several factors, among which the following stand out the most:

  1. Wind loads. The slope of the slopes is greatly influenced by the wind. In order for the roof to be able to properly resist its impact, you need to choose the right angle. If the angles are too large, the load on them will be high, but an excessive decrease in the angle can also be dangerous - a flat roof can simply be torn off by a strong gust of wind.
  2. Snow and rain loads. With snow, everything is quite simple - increasing the angle of inclination simplifies its descent from the roof surface. When the roof is tilted more than 45 degrees, snow will hardly linger on it. The situation is the same with rainfall - if the angle of the roof is too low, then water can flow into the joints or even stagnate on the roof surface.

Based on these factors, you can calculate the angle of inclination of the slopes. In addition, before calculating the angle gable roof, it is worth paying attention to the recommended indicators: for areas with strong winds, a slope of 15-20 degrees is suitable, and in other cases the optimal slope is 35-40 degrees. Of course, you need to understand that the roof is calculated individually in each case, and it is simply undesirable to choose average indicators.

Calculation methodology

When designing a roof you need to mandatory carry out a series of calculations, among which there should always be a calculation of the angle of inclination of the slopes. This parameter directly affects the roof structure: as the slope increases, it decreases snow load, but the effect of wind increases, so rafter system needs to be further strengthened.

Cutting the corners of the ceiling plinth: tools and cutting methods

To arrange slopes at a large angle, more materials are required, which negatively affects the cost of construction.

Before you know the degree of roof slope, you need to calculate the operating load on the roof, which requires two parameters:

  • Total weight roofing structure;
  • Peak levels of snowfall typical for the region where construction is taking place.

A simplified calculation algorithm is reduced to the following steps:

  • First you need to determine the weight of one square meter of roofing cake;
  • The resulting value is multiplied by total area roofs;
  • The mass of the roof is multiplied by a factor of 1.1.

An example of calculating the roof slope in degrees

To understand how to calculate the roof angle, it is worth considering the calculation process for specific example. For example, the following data will be taken: the sheathing has a thickness of 2.5 cm, one square meter roof weighs 15 kg, as thermal insulation material a 10 cm thick insulation is used, a square meter of which weighs 10 kg, and ondulin with a weight of 3 kg per square meter is used for the coating.

The calculation of the roof slope is carried out in accordance with the method described above. Substitution of the available data leads to the following expression: (15+10+3)x1.1 = 30.8 kg/sq.m. The obtained value is quite acceptable - the average load on the roof of residential buildings is slightly less than 50 kg/sq.m. In addition, the formula contains a coefficient of 1.1, which slightly increases the actual weight of the roofing structure and makes it possible to subsequently replace the roofing covering with a heavier one.

How to find out the roof pitch

There is a direct relationship between the slope of roof slopes and snow load. If the roof slope angle is less than 25 degrees, then the snow load coefficient is 1, and at angles ranging from 25 to 60 degrees, this coefficient increases to 1.25. A roof with a large slope will not be subject to snow loads at all, so they are not taken into account in the calculations.

To determine the angle of inclination of the roof, you need to use the Bradis table and a simple technique: the height of the roofing structure is divided by the length of the pediment divided by two, after which it remains to find the angle in the table that corresponds to the result obtained.

The height of the roof at the ridge is determined as follows:

  • The first step is to calculate the width of the span;
  • The resulting value is divided by 2;
  • The result of the previous calculation is multiplied by a coefficient corresponding to a certain angle of inclination.

Using an example, the implementation of this calculation method looks like this: with a building width of 8 meters and a 25-degree roof slope, the calculated coefficient is 0.47. As a result of substituting the values, we obtain an expression of the following form: 4x0.47 = 1.88 m. The resulting value is the height of the roof corresponding to the available initial data.

Choosing a roof covering depending on the slope of the roof

There is a wide range of roofing materials on the market, so there is no choice suitable option there won't be any problems. Roofing coverings differ in characteristics and application possibilities, and all their parameters must be studied before measuring the roof angle - only in this case will it be possible to create a reliable and effective design.

When choosing a roofing material, you should consider the following recommendations:

  1. If the angle of inclination of the rafters is from 2.5 to 10 degrees, then coverings made of stone chips or gravel are best suited. In the first case top layer the coating has a thickness of 3-5 mm, and in the second - 10-15 mm.
  2. When tilted more than 10 degrees the best option will be coarse-grained or rolled materials, supplemented with bitumen waterproofing.
  3. For arrangement pitched roofs with an inclination angle of no more than 20 degrees, corrugated sheets or asbestos cement sheets are usually used. All seams and joints between roofing materials must be treated with sealant.
  4. If the angle of the roof is in the range of 20-60 degrees, then it is most often covered with metal sheets. In this case, the joints of materials must be sealed.


Knowing how to find out the angle of inclination of a roof in degrees will significantly simplify the design process and allow you to create the most reliable design, which can well protect the building box from precipitation, wind and cold.

How to cut ceiling plinth so that the corners are perfect

In the corners of the room, when installing ceiling plinths, for example, made of polystyrene foam, small inconsistencies can often occur that spoil general view premises. This, of course, can and should be avoided. So, how to cut a plinth straight with your own hands? The first assistant in this matter will be a tool such as a miter box. But buying one for one-time repairs is not always advisable. Although, if you decide to help all your relatives and neighbors with repairs, and in the future also earn money from it, then you need this device.

Example of ideal angles

If you are still limited to just installing the plinth at home, then this carpenter's tool optional. You can do without it. In order to consider all the ways to properly cut a ceiling plinth, let’s find out what it consists of.

Composition and features of the material

To understand how to properly cut a plinth, you need to understand its composition. This will help you choose the right tool and cutting technology.

  • Foam plastic. The price and strength of this material are the lowest. But since we create decorative decoration ceiling, then strength is not particularly required.
  • Ceiling plinth made of polystyrene foam is more dense. than regular foam. To cut such material, the most ordinary knife is used.

Tip: sharpen the knife well before use. This will eliminate the presence of torn edges at the incision sites.

How to cut a skirting board straight

  • Tree.

    How to saw off a 45 angle without a miter box

    Here you will have to put more effort into processing. For wood, use only a hacksaw.

Tip: the smaller and more frequent the saw tooth, the smoother the edges will be. You can even use a metal cloth.

  • Plastic. How to cut plastic baseboard? The same method is suitable here as with wood - a saw, a hacksaw. Alternatively, you can also use a grinder.

Using a regular hacksaw blade

Cutting methods

The product is installed around the perimeter rectangular room. Trimmed to finish right angles. Therefore, we will consider how to cut the baseboard at 45 degrees.

Cutting using a miter box

What is a miter box? This is a special tray made of wood, aluminum or plastic with grooves provided to guide the saw at the desired angle.

Here brief instructions on using such carpentry tools:

  • Preparation. We take the product and put it in the tray. We align it to the position in which it will be installed on the ceiling.
  • Cutting. With the other hand we insert it into the groove cutting tool. It could be a knife or a hacksaw. And we cut it boldly. The device will not allow you to miss the intended place.

You should know: the metal blade is also suitable for cutting foam plastic.

  • Processing. The wooden baseboard may need to be further processed with a file to align the edges of the cut. Plastic or foam can be trimmed with a knife, as long as it is sharp enough.

Tip: when cutting, do not put pressure on the product. The polystyrene foam may crumble, and the wood may even split.

This miter box is so easy and simple to use

Cutting without a miter box

If you do not have such a device, and you are not going to purchase it for one-time use, then you can use in the following ways How to cut a baseboard at 45 degrees.

  1. The first way is to make this simple carpentry tool yourself. To do this, knock down the most ordinary wooden tray. Then we measure the lines of the slots using a protractor or a school square. We cut the grooves and we have a primitive device ready.

  1. Second way. How to cut a plinth at an angle is even simpler. It is especially painless to use in cases where the corners of the room are not even.

We don't need a tray. All you need is two boards bent at 90 degrees and a cardboard stencil with a line drawn for orientation.

  1. Third way. In this case, we don’t knock anything down at all, but simply use a table placed against the wall or any other similar structure.

We mark future joints directly on the product itself, on the wall and on the ceiling. We apply the plinth the way we are going to mount it and cut according to the marks.

The simplest way without the use of special devices

Remember: when cutting, keep the tool strictly vertical to obtain a right angle.

Features of cutting various angles

We have discussed the general technology of how to cut ceiling skirting boards. But there are also some nuances when cutting different corners of this product.

Indoor floor

View of the internal corner

First, let's set the left and right plinths at right angles. We insert the left product into the miter box, applying it to outside, cut off the left inner corner. Then we perform a similar operation with the right one. Ready.

External floor

View of the external floor corner

In this case, using a miter box, we set the mode not to the inner, but to the outer edges. Otherwise the operation is similar.

External ceiling

View of the external ceiling corner

We already cut the ceiling corners into inside devices. Inserting the left plinth into the miter box, cut off the left outer corner. We substitute the right one – the mode is right outer edge.

Internal ceiling

View of the internal ceiling corner

By analogy external corner, cut off the inner one too. Just cut the inner left and right edges respectively.

It is important to remember: the product is always attached to the ceiling upside down. Therefore, insert it upside down into the miter box. This will help you cut the baseboard correctly.

  • Install the plinth strip only when you have already prepared the next one. It's better to do this on the floor rather than near the ceiling.
  • Patience, patience and more patience. Sometimes joints have to be corrected more than once. Don't be nervous, be careful, and everything will work out.
  • By using polystyrene foam and plastic, you can afford to leave small gaps at the corner joints. The putty hides them well. Be careful with the tree.


Effort pays off

If you still have any questions, then the visuals in this article will help resolve them.

By carefully following the recommendations and taking into account the characteristics of the material you are working with, you can give your ceiling beauty and originality. Choose the method you like and go ahead! You will succeed (read also about the advantages of polyvinyl chloride skirting boards).