We make a workshop from a sea container. What can be built from shipping containers? Eco house in China


Sea containers, originally used for the transportation of goods, due to their versatility, over the years have found a wider, and sometimes unexpected, application for their properties. Due to a very significant margin of safety, which is laid down during the design, as well as standardized dimensions and fastenings, today shipping containers are successfully converted into various structures.

We have compiled a list of the most useful and functional ideas. So, what can be done from a sea container?

1. Change house

Temporary living quarters or, in short, very often converted from shipping containers. Such a structure can be effectively used both in warm climates and in cold northern latitudes - depending on the climatic zone, materials and technologies are selected that provide a comfortable microclimate indoors at an outside temperature of plus 40 to minus 50 ̊С. Change houses are compact and can be repeatedly transported, like ordinary dry cargo containers. However, it can always be retrofitted or re-equipped.

Such options are ideal for construction crews and agricultural work - in short, in those areas where work and place of residence depend on the season or the current project.

2. Workshop

Workshops based on sea containers are mainly equipped for the repair of scooters, motorcycles, ATVs and similar small equipment. Depending on the scale of activity, the module can consist of one container, representing a kind of garage-workshop for personal needs (where, by the way, a car can easily fit), or several, being a full-fledged workshop serving customers' vehicles.

3. Laboratory

Very practical option is a mobile or stationary laboratory. The undoubted advantage of the mobile module is the ability to conduct research directly at the facility and, if necessary, quickly move the laboratory to another facility. This kind of converted sea containers finds wide application in the construction industry (e.g. for quality control of concrete, cement mortar and other components), oil and gas and petrochemical industries, where the objects are geographically distant from each other.

4. Warehouse

Warehouses converted from dry cargo containers are popular with both product manufacturers and retail outlets. They are sealed and it is possible to maintain a certain temperature regime, required according to the conditions of storage of products. In addition, such a warehouse is very difficult to break into or otherwise damage, and in the event of a decrease in turnover or exit from business, it is much easier to sell than a conventional one. warehouse space, tied to a specific location.

5. Mini production

This option allows you to significantly reduce capital costs for the construction or purchase of premises, which is especially important for starting a business. However, modern technologies and materials make it possible to make the container fully meet all the requirements of a particular production. When expanding the activity or changing its specifics, the modules can be retrofitted with the necessary equipment or an additional workplace. This option, paradoxically, is used with equal success by novice entrepreneurial businessmen and fairly large firms that carefully consider their benefits.

6. Point of sale

A practical anti-vandal kiosk or concept showroom can also be converted from a shipping container. Sometimes the appearance of a simple module can be transformed beyond recognition, and the interior decoration can match the decor of a designer boutique. Fragments of the walls of the block in this case are often replaced with glazing, and the showcases located in them are effectively illuminated. This format of retail outlets is still not very popular among entrepreneurs, but it is impossible to deny that its novelty attracts visitors, distinguishing the kiosk from others.

7. Rental point for bicycles and goods for outdoor activities

Dry cargo containers are ideal for arranging rental. Moreover, enterprising owners very successfully offer bicycles, scooters, skateboards, children's cars and special seats for bicycles for rent in summer, and skates, skis, buns and sleds in winter. Such modules are located, as a rule, near a park, square, embankment or on the territory of recreation centers, where they are very popular with citizens and guests of the city.

8. Gym

Sports enthusiasts and businessmen often use sea containers to organize a gym. High-quality thermal insulation and a ventilation system allow you to comfortably train at any time of the year and not be afraid for the simulators located in the block - a well-equipped module will not leak and will serve as reliable protection against hacking attempts. In addition, the gym can be additionally equipped with security systems and security and fire alarm especially for commercial premises.

9. Fish farm

Re-equipment of a dry-cargo container for a fish farm involves the installation of special technical equipment (the so-called fish tanks, pumps, a pipe system and a number of devices for creating and maintaining the necessary water parameters), thermal insulation of the foundation and communications. In such conditions, sturgeon, trout and some other fish species are successfully grown. Expand production either by installing additional fish tanks, if design allows, or by purchasing another converted unit.

10. Mobile sales office

On the basis of sea containers, they are in demand in the field of microfinance of the population, the provision of tourism and other services. At the same time, they can be designed in such a way that they do not require connection to external water supply and sewerage, which sometimes becomes an important decisive factor. High-quality thermal insulation, in turn, allows employees to feel comfortable in hot and cold weather, and design variability helps to re-equip or retrofit in a timely manner, depending on changes in staffing. Thus, the mobile sales office grows and changes with the business.

11. Post on duty

Dry cargo containers are also quite often converted. In this case, one or more combined units are equipped with a door and necessary quantity windows, and can be zoned into working and living areas. If this is the post of the mover on duty, then it is installed inside necessary equipment to control the crossing, the same happens at security posts with automatic gates or barriers. If necessary, emergency lighting and alarms are additionally mounted.

12. Office

The trend to retrofit is gaining momentum around the world. Such offices, which originally emerged as a more budget-friendly alternative to classic fixed premises, in last years have become an object of interest for well-known architectural firms and companies wishing to keep up with the times and remain mobile. There are a huge number of options - ranging from small one-component premises to buildings of bizarre shapes, completely made of block containers. Internal and exterior finish such premises can have absolutely any, which attracts creative architectural companies to the creation of new projects in this market.

13. Dining room

Long service life and an unlimited number of assembly/dismantling and transportation make dry cargo containers ideal for mobile canteens, in demand at construction sites, agricultural works where it is necessary to provide food to people. Depending on the required bandwidth may consist of one or two or several dozen blocks at once. In accordance with the standards and certificates in the dining room, a cooking zone, storage rooms, a hygiene room and a hall for visitors are organized. This design is built very quickly and is immediately ready for operation.

14. Substation, generator

In this case, the converted container plays a protective role in relation to the expensive equipment that is installed in it. The module protects against atmospheric precipitation, dirt, dust, aggressive UV radiation, as well as from hacking, shock and other mechanical influences. At the same time, in addition to protection, the equipment also acquires mobility, since the converted unit still retains the ability to be transported by all modes of transport.

15. Hygiene room

Sea containers effectively solve such a very delicate issue as the organization of a hygiene room. At the same time, depending on the needs in each specific case, it can include not only toilets and sinks, but also showers with changing rooms. An important feature such structures becomes an internal coating that is resistant to high level humidity - depending on the budget, these can be MDF panels or, for example, ceramic tiles.

16. Bar

The low cost of dry-cargo modules allows redirecting the released funds to the development and implementation unique design, which is essential for bars where people come for a special atmosphere. Such structures are very popular in America and have every chance of finding their fans in Russia, in the coming years, embodied in bold creative solutions, which, first of all, will take place in large cities with a population of over a million.

17. Cafe

Massive dry cargo container at the will of the customer and under skillful hands professionals can turn into a stylish and attractive cafe, in which, after such transformations, it will be impossible to make out a simple transport module. Depending on the idea of ​​the project, it can be a classic indoor cafe or a mobile one. summer cafe With folding walls, which can also be successfully used for large outdoor events and luxury weddings open air.

18. Sauna

Unusual at first glance, the use of a converted container is a sauna or bath. However, this option, however, can be increasingly found in private land plot or near a guest cottage for rent, since the presence of a sauna for many vacationers serves important criterion choosing a place to stay. In the arrangement of the bath, thermal insulation is very important, only in this case its task is not to let the heat out of the steam room. External and internal decoration, as a rule, is decorated with wood, imitating a log house, typical for log buildings.

19. Creative studio

Creative workshop from block containers on this moment is an original and unhackneyed architectural move. This option is chosen, as a rule, by young creative agencies and creative associations who want to demonstrate to clients their willingness to experiment and change. Modules are arranged in several rows or floors, create spectacular transitions and divide inner space for a variety of stylistic design zones. Such a creative studio serves as a living calling card that says more than a dozen videos and hundreds of flyers.

20. Hotel

The holding of various concerts, festivals, sports competitions has led to the emergence of another interesting view facilities based sea ​​block containers– mobile hotel. Instead of building stationary hotels, the number of which will be half empty after the end of the event, practical Europeans are actively using the services of such “hotels on wheels”, which help to accommodate participants, attendants and guests of the event. The owners of mobile hotels promise that their facilities will be ready for use in just 48 hours from the moment the car arrives, which, of course, captivates with speed and moderate costs.

Practice shows that dry cargo containers still have a huge potential, which will be realized for decades. Today, a wide variety of projects are at various stages of implementation around the world: spas, bridges, hostels, forest houses, beach cafes, etc. And maybe soon we will talk about new ideas for structures made of shipping containers, which just recently simply transported goods, and now have become an integral part of the vibrant architecture of world capitals, a practical choice for small cities and a godsend for enterprising people.

Find out more about the conversion of shipping containers on our service page.

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Sea freight containers are strong, durable structures for operation in difficult conditions environment. They are waterproof and windproof, have a neat appearance, and are convenient for transportation. By upgrading, you can get convenient, functional containers for a specific area of ​​​​application.

What kind of business houses can be built from shipping containers?

Positive characteristics of containers (significant margin of safety, standard sizes and fasteners) are supplemented with:

  • insulation;
  • engineering communications (electricity, water and heat supply);
  • connections to a centralized drainage system or autonomous sewerage devices;
  • installation of anti-vandal elements;
  • fire and security alarms.

There are many types of business objects from converted containers. Let's name the most common options.

  • Workshops. Typically, such buildings are used to repair small equipment. They can serve as personal workshop garages, act as commercial facilities for customer service. In the latter case, a modular building is most often built from several containers.

  • Rental points for transport and other equipment for active rest: bicycles, scooters, skateboards, skis, skates.

  • points fast food. Appropriate indoor equipment, connection to engineering communications, painting the walls in the colors of the company and applying the logo turn a nondescript metal block into a full-fledged branded fast food object.

  • Retail outlet. Interior decoration of the module can correspond to both an ordinary kiosk and a designer boutique. Walls are often replaced with glazing, and backlighting is used for shop windows.

Building from containers as a business

Today, the housing problem is being solved not only through capital construction, but also through the construction of modular buildings from cargo containers. Therefore, the number of companies offering design and turnkey delivery similar objects, is constantly growing.

What are the most popular options for modular residential buildings?

  • Single storey buildings. Often two containers are mated with long sides, in which arches are made or installed interior doors. Usually, living quarters are arranged in one module, and utility rooms in the other.
  • The blocks can be installed at an angle or separately with a covered terrace between them.
  • Two- and even three-story houses in which the modules are interconnected by internal stairs.

Styrofoam, expanded polystyrene, stone wool are used to insulate cargo containers converted into housing. As floor coverings use linoleum, laminated panels, ceramic tiles, for walls - plasterboard, wallpapered, wooden or plastic lining.

People live in a variety of houses that best suit their needs. Some buy large structures made of concrete, become and glass to strengthen their social position, while others choose something else. Either way, it's something that suits their needs. Not everyone has the ability to build own house but we have a crazy idea for you - live in a container. Yes, you heard me. Old shipping containers can now be used as their own home. Don't believe? Then take a look at our selection of projects.

What containers to use to build your home?

Sea container houses are most interesting for those who want to build a large and spacious house. It's just that sea containers are the largest and most common. Below is a table of sea container sizes 40 feet and 20 feet:

The cost of a house from containers:

As we have already said, the price of a container house is perhaps the biggest argument in favor of choosing containers as a building material. Below are the INTERNAL dimensions and cost of one of the types of shipping containers:

Container 40' high (40′ HC):

  • Length = 12.05 m.,
  • Width = 2.34 m.,
  • Height = 2.68 m.

The average cost of a sea container is 2000 $ .

Therefore, by simply placing 3 such containers side by side and planning a house out of them, you get a house with internal dimensions 12 meters on the 7.1 meters, which in terms of area is 85.2 m2. In this case, the price of 3 containers will be approximately 6000 $ .

Take a look at 25 shipping container house designs:

Eco house in China

More and more people care about environment. Architects and designers have come up with numerous original ideas houses with ecological clean materials. One such example is this house. Made from shipping containers, this is a very nice functional single family home.

Located in China, this home has modern design and it impresses with its simplicity of execution. The eco house consists of used shipping containers, bamboo cladding and a lawn on the roof.

In addition, he has solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems, all these features have been incorporated into a simple and chic scandinavian design. The house is approx. 2000 square feet. It has three bedrooms, a nursery, an office and a huge living room.

Bright guest house

One of the most interesting projects that I've seen all along. The guest house is made from a previously used shipping container. The container has been painted blue and some of the walls have been dismantled to accommodate big windows. A bold combination of colors and materials make this the perfect place to relax.

Large structure made of colored containers

An impressive project from a Brazilian architect - MarcioKogan.

Architectural solution from Partouche

Now take a look at a more complex project from Partouche. The area of ​​this modern house is 680 square meters, the cost is 220,000 euros. What I love the most are the container doors that act as shutters to create a moment of privacy.

Elegant house made of two shipping containers

Who said a container house has to look like a boring box? This project shows that it can be quite elegant.

Floating holiday homes

Would you like to spend your holidays in a similar house? I wish I could!

Modern minimalism

This unique house, made from four shipping containers, looks like a full-fledged house.

Lake house

Made from 4 shipping containers, has 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms. Excellent nest by the lake.

Transportable building from a shipping container

The main advantage of shipping containers is their portability. Can create cozy space in a container and transport it to any place.

Cozy home in Millbrook

Fascinating buildings from Thomas Phifer.

Functional coffee shop

This is how a portable coffee shop can be created from a sea container and transported to anywhere in the city.

Sea container marketplace

World's first store Hayes Valley, which was built only from shipping containers.

Another retail space

First trading area from shipping containers opened in London. Commercial premises are different forms and types to attract more buyers. Boxpark Shoreditch- first in London shopping center from shipping containers.

miniature houses

Company Add a room specializes in the creation of unique miniature houses, which are made to order from shipping containers.

Modular houses

Company Honomobo based in the Canadian province Alberta, builds modern houses, offices, studios, apartment complexes and much more from modular shipping containers. And they are good at it.

Another version of the compact house

All in one container. Bedroom, bath, fully equipped kitchen, parquet floors, furniture and more.

If you have ever used a shipping container, you know that this is a very versatile item. Often they are used not only for the transportation of goods, but also for the temporary residence of workers! The main thing is to insulate and equip it well.

Another convenient option- convert it into a garage or workshop. He has a lot inside free space for travel and storage Supplies and the outside is excellent. protective layer, keeping your equipment from rain, snow, scorching sun and any other weather manifestations.

Advantages of creating a workshop from a shipping container

It is much more profitable than renting a room or buying a ready-made one. In addition, the rented premises can be located on the other side of the city or even in the suburbs, and you can always put your own in any place convenient for you.

Reconstruction of containers is also worth choosing for reasons of saving resources: building a workshop from scratch involves an additional investment in Construction Materials a waste of time and energy.

Building a workshop from a sea container is even safer - all the work can be done a common person who knows how to handle tools. You do not need to call a team of workers for some complex details.

What you need to create a workshop from a sea container

The set of required resources is quite small:

The container, its choice depends on the expected dimensions of the final room. The most commonly used designs are 40ft long, but you can also choose a 20ft shipping container if you need a little space. For large workshops, two 40ft containers can be used and connected by removing the side wall of each. You can buy it both new and used - most importantly, check its condition.

The foundation is pile or strip. The choice is yours, but for a workshop or garage, it is better to choose a pile one: it will withstand any load, has greater strength and stability.

Insulation. Inexpensive but very good option will be foam.

Tools for work.

Procedure for making a workshop from a shipping container

First of all, we work with piles, for them it is desirable to have a vibratory pile driver or a special hammer in order to quickly and “painlessly” drive the piles into the ground. We install the piles at a depth of about 2 meters and carefully cut them at the same level. This must be done with great precision: if the center of gravity shifts slightly, the floor of the container may fall through.

When the floor is ready, we take on the sea container itself. If you have two of them, remove the side wall from each. Now you need to measure the windows and doors and cut them out of the structure.

After you have made all the necessary technological holes, put them on piles, weld them to them and to each other. The frame of the workshop is ready!

It is not yet possible to use the workshop in this form, it is necessary to insulate it and make the floor. If you want to use the space as a garage, you can cut a hole - in this case, you need to take special care to insulate the container, since the earth will draw heat.

You can cover the floor with cement-bonded particle board in order to avoid fire in the future. Chipboard is also suitable for the floor, but DSP is much stronger.

Sea container insulation

In general, the finished container is already initially treated against corrosion, but before warming it can be done again. We prime the surface, lay insulation and sheathe it with external material: for this, you can use ordinary lining, and profiled sheet or siding.

For roofing the best choice- professional sheet. Usually profiled sheet 44 is recommended, but 22 mm is also suitable. The roof can be made sloped so that snow and rainwater themselves flowed down.

The final work is connected with the little things: insert windows, conduct light and electricity. If necessary - heating, plumbing and even sewerage!

In European countries, constructions from sea containers are a very common phenomenon. Dachas are built from them, country houses and even small hotels. This is quite convenient: the premises are protected from external influence, resistant, withstand big weight. Inside there is a lot of free space that can be equipped for any needs, and the cost of all materials and work is much lower than during the construction of a full-fledged building.


Building houses from sea containers is quite popular among people from many countries, but there are also other areas in which metal structures can replace conventional ones. Huge advantage metal containers is their tightness, compactness and the possibility of transportation. Structures are easily transported both by road and by rail. Structures from containers can combine all the necessary functionality and at the same time take up little space.

What containers can be used in construction

The most popular types of structures used in construction are closed cargo containers. Forty-foot tanks are most commonly used, but twenty-foot tanks can sometimes be converted. The walls on all sides allow you to make a lot of holes and openings in the metal structure in the right places, and also not to worry about the roof and floors. Tanks can be simply installed on the site or dug into the ground with pre-treatment of the walls. The structures do not require pouring the foundation and can be mounted even on compacted soil.

Where can containers be used?

There are many buildings that are small in size and can be replaced with metal structures. Tanks can be equipped with special devices and serve as a mobile laboratory or become small cozy house for builders. Often containers are used as garages as they provide good protection from moisture and do not require permission to install. Another popular option for re-equipping structures is to remake them into a power plant. All important connections are inside a sealed container that can be easily transported from place to place.


Often in warm regions of the country houses are built from metal structures. Residential buildings are able to withstand temperatures down to -20-25 degrees. The advantage of container houses is their affordability. Three tanks have an area of ​​​​about 85 square meters. m., and their cost is usually no more than $ 6,000. Since the containers already have a roof, there is no need to carry out additional roofing. Also, the homeowner does not need to deal with pouring the foundation and floor. In residential premises, it is only necessary to carry out communications and make cosmetic repairs.

country house

Since a person spends less time in the country than at home, a small space is enough for him to live. Housing should include all the necessary facilities, but at the same time be compact. Container structures allow you to create several zones, including:

  • hallway,
  • kitchen,
  • bedroom,
  • bathroom,
  • living room.

With high-quality insulation in the house, it will be possible to spend the night all year round. If necessary, the building can be quickly transported from site to site.


Office premises do not require much space and can be located in a fairly small area. In a converted container, there should be a well-thought-out ventilation system, as well as summed up the necessary communications. The layout may include only one long room provided that there is a sanitary room in the immediate vicinity of such an office. There are options for multi-storey office buildings made of metal structures. In such buildings, a staircase, a rest room and ancillary facilities should be thought out.


Many manufacturers have appreciated the advantages of shipping containers. Their tightness and strength allows you to create multi-tiered and safe warehouses. Special locking systems prevent unauthorized people from entering the boxes. It is easy to maintain temperature and humidity levels in the structures. Unlike standard warehouses, container structures are not tied to a territory and can be quickly transported to another area. Another indisputable advantage is the relevance of the solution. Containers individually are much easier to sell than a large warehouse with additional equipment.


The container can easily serve as a workshop for various purposes. Often structures are used as workshops for:

  • shoemakers
  • auto repairmen,
  • weavers,
  • metalworkers,
  • carpenters and many specialists in other specialties.

Built workshops from containers can be moved, if necessary, to another location without interrupting production. All equipment is attached to the walls and floor, which allows you to be sure of the reliability and safety of fastenings. Depending on the purpose of the workshop, additional space may be required, which can also be converted from containers.


Many people want to have a bathhouse on their site, but there is no way to build it because of the high price of materials. Since containers cost about $2,000, this affordable solution to fulfill a wish. Proper finishing will ensure the fire safety of the building and help retain heat for a long time. For the organization of saunas, forty-foot structures are most often used, which allows them to place not only a steam room, but also rest rooms, bathrooms, a swimming pool and much more.


A mobile laboratory in a box allows you to quickly move the building to different parts of the city, region or country. It often happens that it is necessary to regularly take certain samples at a specified location, and the construction of a stationary laboratory is not provided for in it. In such cases, the use of sea containers will also be the best solution to the current situation. In the converted design, it is easy to maintain sterility, and the communications made will facilitate the process of examining the samples taken. Often, mobile laboratories are used during the construction of various facilities to control the quality of building materials.


Cargo containers can easily be converted into sanitary rooms. Mobile toilets are used not only during mass events, but also in the construction or beautification of the territory, which does not provide for a stationary bathroom. The idea of ​​using small cubicles is far from new, but unlike dry closets, you can also put a portable shower in converted boxes. Such additional option will be very convenient for people who want to freshen up or put themselves in order.


Bars from containers are gaining popularity in many European cities. The small size of the box prevents the accumulation of a large number of people in one place. The low cost of offshore structures allows you to create a business from scratch without having a large amount of money. Bars will also be very popular among lovers of a special atmosphere. Inside the box, you can create an authentic design that will attract people and help you gain regular customers in a short time. The institution, if necessary, can be easily moved to another location without loss of functionality.


Gyms are enjoyed by people in great demand. In some places it is difficult to find suitable premises and the best way out may be a sea container. Boxes do not take up much space, but allow you to equip yourself with a gym. Converted premises with a well-thought-out ventilation and lighting system are no different from stationary ones. gyms. Additionally, the room can be equipped with a shower and a video surveillance system. With proper thermal insulation in the gym made of metal structures, both in winter and summer it will be very comfortable to perform physical exercises.


Small cafes with takeaway food are conveniently located in a sea container. The converted room can accommodate all the necessary technological facilities, as well as have tables or benches for visitors. Most often, boxes are used to create shawarma, but sushi bars and cafes with Japanese cuisine are not uncommon. The combination of several modules will allow you to create a spacious cafe or an authentic restaurant with a unique atmosphere that people will want to return to more than once. Also, cafes in the boxes can become great solution when holding holidays in nature or in places where there is no desired place to eat.

Trading points

Containers are perfect for street trading or creating a small shop. Quite often on the streets there are bread shops from twenty-foot containers. also in recent times pavilions with meat and sausage, dairy or fruit and vegetable products are gaining popularity. Mobile points allow you to transport the store to the place where the goods will be in greatest demand. Anti-vandal materials of the module allow you not to worry about the safety of the contents, but bright design very attractive to visitors.


A checkpoint is a place through which people pass on a daily basis. a large number of of people. Since people are in it most of the time, it is important to provide workers comfortable conditions labor. At good insulation and the proper organization of space in the boxes is very pleasant even in winter. Checkpoints or guard posts are often installed during construction or field work, after which the module is no longer needed and is transported to another location or converted for other purposes.

Rental point for bicycles and seasonal goods

Since the installation of a cargo container requires a minimum of documents, they can often be found in parks, squares, near embankments or in the mountains. The anti-vandal system protects the contents of the container and allows the owners not to worry about the goods. AT different time year the module can be moved to the most optimal location, and the product in it is replaced by another. In large cities, the rental of skateboards, bicycles, roller skates, scooters and other goods for outdoor activities is gaining more and more popularity, thanks to which entrepreneurs can easily create a business without large investments.


Metal modules have optimal size to accommodate one or two small cars. Garages can be installed both on the territory of the site and behind it, without fear of stealing your car thanks to a good locking system. The cost of a container is much lower than building a brick or cinder block garage. A huge advantage of sea containers as a garage is that there is no need to fill the foundation. The machine will be reliably protected from moisture, and if necessary, the room can be heated to the desired temperature.