Remove clogs in the toilet with a bottle. How to unclog a toilet at home

Toilet clogs are common. household problem, requiring an immediate solution. It occurs for various reasons. It is important to notice and understand the origin of the contamination in time; this will help you deal with it yourself, without the help of a plumber.

Signs of a clogged toilet

If water overflows outside the toilet, it means there is a blockage in it.

You can tell that the toilet is clogged by the following signs:

  • the water begins to flow away more slowly or does not flow away at all;
  • a persistent unpleasant sewer odor appeared;
  • When the toilet is flushed, water leaks out into another plumbing fixture – the sink or bathtub.

Removing the blockage on your own is only possible in mild cases. If the water not only does not flow away, but also rapidly increases or is already splashing out of the toilet, immediately contact the emergency service, as well as the employees of the management company or the HOA.

Emergency services work around the clock and will arrive at short terms, meanwhile management company will turn off sewer riser and notify neighbors.

Causes of blockage

The causes of obstruction in pipes can be divided into external and internal.


Don't throw it in the toilet foreign objects so as not to cause blockage

Appear from objects falling into the toilet:

  • large food waste, cleaning;
  • sponges, brushes or rags that fell into the toilet while cleaning;
  • accumulation of hair or personal care products;
  • plastic bags, thick paper, cardboard;
  • leftovers vegetable oil, greasy waste, for example from cleaning pans.

All this contributes to the formation of mineral and other deposits, which leads to a decrease in the diameter of the pipe and the occurrence of obstruction. However, if detected in a timely manner, such blockages can be easily removed on their own.

A common cause of blockages is improper disposal of cat litter. According to the instructions, most compounds must be thrown into the trash after use. However, often people do not study the recommendations and flush their pet waste down the toilet.

Blockage caused by litter cat litter, can become a serious problem in the form of obstruction of pipes, requiring replacement of plumbing.


Related directly to the equipment:

  • improperly installed plumbing;
  • low quality pipes;
  • problems with water pressure levels.

Internal causes are more fundamental and will most likely require dismantling the existing equipment and calling in the help of a plumber.

Method for determining the degree of blockage in the toilet

Before you start cleaning the toilet from a clog, you need to determine its extent. To do this, pour in a liter of water and observe whether it flows away. If the liquid passes slowly, but the situation is not critical and, most likely, you will be able to cope on your own. If it is in the toilet, you are dealing with a major blockage and you should not deal with it yourself.

When checking the level of clogged pipes in this way, do not use the drain tank under any circumstances. There will probably be too much water in it and it will overflow the edges of the toilet.

Determine the location of the blockage. If the water only stands in the toilet, it means that the pipe or corrugation is clogged. But if liquid accumulates in the sinks and bathroom, the situation is more serious and there is a blockage in the common sewer pipe. This is a task for a plumber.

How to unclog a toilet with a cable, a bottle, or a plunger

Baking soda will help clear blockages caused by greasy deposits.

So, you are sure that a blockage has formed, you have a rough idea of ​​the reasons for its occurrence, its degree and location, now you need to choose a way to eliminate it.

Hot water

If it is a small plug, you can use the simplest and most gentle method - pour hot water into the toilet, about 1 bucket or 80% of the volume. Wait until the water has subsided, then rinse and repeat the procedure again if necessary.

You cannot use boiling water if the connecting corrugation is made of thin plastic, since high temperature may damage it.

Hot water with soda

If you suspect that the blockage is caused by greasy waste, it is better to use hot water with soda - at the rate of half a standard pack per bucket of water. Baking soda will dissolve grease and other food waste.


A plunger will easily remove a small blockage in any plumbing fixture.

A simple and inexpensive device that can be found in every home. It is a rubber valve on a wooden or plastic handle and operates on the principle of a pump.

To remove the blockage you need to use a device larger diameter than the diameter of the drain hole. To unclog a toilet with a plunger, place it in the drain and apply a few firm pressure movements. This will push debris out narrow section pipes into a wider one.

Plastic bottle

If you don’t have a plunger at hand, a simple plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5–2 liters will come to the rescue. Screw the neck tightly and cut off the bottom - about 3 cm.

How to clean a toilet with a bottle:

  1. Place it in the drain hole.
  2. Make forward and downward movements. The bottle will create a hydraulic wave that will dislodge the trash plug.

Once the clog is cleared, fill the toilet. hot water with the addition of soda.

Plumbing cable

For complex blockages, you need to use a plumbing cable

For more serious cases it is better to use specialized device- plumbing cable. It consists of a long wire, at one end of which there is a handle, and at the other a brush or screw, like a corkscrew, which hooks the resulting debris, then either pushes it through or removes it.

How to clean a toilet with a cable:

  1. Place it in the drain hole.
  2. Using circular motions, insert to maximum depth.

After cleaning, rinse the toilet with hot water and treat the cable with a disinfectant.

How to clean the corrugation yourself

Corrugation is a type of plumbing equipment used to connect a toilet bowl to a sewer pipe. Often, garbage deposits form in it.

To dismantle, first drain the water from the tank and turn off the water supply. Then disconnect the part of the corrugation that is attached directly to the toilet, and pour the remaining liquid into the pipe. After cleaning the corrugation, install it in place.

Chemicals for toilet blockages

There are many products for pipes on the household chemicals market: Mole, Tiret, Mr. Muscle – gel, liquid, granular. These drugs must be used with rubber gloves in strict accordance with the instructions. Never mix several different cleaning compounds.

Store-bought chemicals are not suitable in all cases. For example, they cannot dissolve cat litter or clogs caused by sand or plastic bags.

After using chemicals, the toilet should be flushed with plenty of water.

Preventing clogs in the toilet

As a rule, mechanical blockages occur due to the fault of the household members themselves. Using plumbing equipment for other purposes and lack of preventive cleaning leads to contamination.

To avoid this, follow these rules:

  • Do not flush anything unnecessary down the toilet except toilet paper and then in small quantities.
  • Do not dispose of greasy food waste.
  • If there are children in the house, explain to them the rules for using the toilet.
  • Carry out preventative cleaning at least once every six months using hot water and soda.

If any elements of plumbing equipment are of poor quality, do not skimp and replace them.

Every home should have drain cleaning equipment. Blockages in toilets do not appear according to a schedule, but at those moments when no one expects problems and there is no time to go shopping.

In such cases, you can make do with improvised means, and an ordinary plastic bottle will help save the situation. We will tell you how to clean a toilet with a bottle. We will describe in detail what else you can use to quickly fix plumbing problems.

A clogged toilet is one of the biggest troubles that can happen to your sewer system. If the water drainage stops, sewage fills the bowl of the plumbing fixture, and a heavy smell spreads throughout the house.

If a blockage occurs, it should be removed as quickly as possible, otherwise bad smell will appear not only in the apartment, but even in the entrance

Although the first and most important thing is cleaning, it is still advisable to figure out what exactly caused the stagnation of water in order to know how to properly handle the plumbing fixture in the future.

There are two main reasons why a blockage may occur: improper installation and negligence in operating the toilet. The function of the toilet may be impaired if it is connected to the riser by a pipe that is too large. The slope is not enough for normal drainage waste water, and deposits remain on the pipe walls.

The gap in the pipes gradually narrows, so sooner or later there comes a time when it becomes insufficient for the passage of water. The fundamental way to solve problems associated with poor-quality installation of the device is correct installation.

As for operation, it is important to remember: the toilet is a useful plumbing equipment, and not a garbage dump into which you can dump garbage. The device is not intended for pouring out cat litter, throwing away cotton wool, rags, diapers, threads, food waste, construction waste and cement mortar residues.

If you treat your toilet like a trash can, you will inevitably end up with clogs. You cannot throw anything unnecessary into it. Accidentally dropped objects should be immediately removed from the toilet, and not ignored, much less flushed, pushing them further into the sewer pipe.

General principles of sewerage operation

The sewer system consists of a riser and pipelines that are designed to drain liquid waste from plumbing fixtures. The riser is a pipe large diameter and is usually located in the bathroom.

If in the toilet of an apartment in multi-storey building water stops draining due to a blockage in the riser, this is a problem for all residents. Only utility workers can solve it. Special inspection niches are provided for cleaning risers

Modern risers are often made of plastic, but many houses still have cast iron pipes. The advantage of cast iron is strength, and plastic risers less susceptible to blockages. Most often, old cast iron pipes become clogged. There are burrs on their inner walls, which causes deposits to quickly form.

To prevent air from the sewer from entering the room, a siphon is provided in the design of the toilet - a bend where a water plug (hydraulic seal) is constantly located. When flushing, water displaces and replaces this plug, pushing sewage from the toilet into the sewer riser.

When you press the button on the tank, the water drains into the bowl, washing it, and passes further through the pipe into the riser. The clog prevents the toilet from working properly and water remains in the bowl

If there is debris in the pipe and the water has not pushed it out into the riser, a clog may form. Scraps of paper, waste, hair, threads get caught on sharp or large objects. Gradually, all this turns into a large lump of dirt, which narrows or completely blocks the pipe section.

Reading time: 4 minutes. Published 08/28/2018

Proper use of the toilet does not create the prerequisites for it to become clogged, but excluding such a possibility is the height of arrogance.

If such a problem does happen, the first thing that comes to mind is to call a plumber. Unfortunately, you have to wait quite a long time for such specialists from the housing department, and the services of a private craftsman are not cheap, so it makes sense to try to cope with the problem yourself.

To do this, there are several ways to clean a clogged toilet at home that have proven themselves to be excellent.


Cleaning with a plunger. This useful plumbing accessory is found in every home and is a thick rubber dome on a long, durable handle.

When you close the toilet drain hole with a plunger and vigorous forward movements, a certain amount of water is pushed into the depths, creating the effect of water hammer (a sharp increase in pressure).

The water hammer pushes the blockage into the riser, along which it will continue on its way to the sewer. This method is good in cases where the blockage is deep.

If the blockage is not so far from the drain, then the movements of the plunger will be slightly different: the pressure on it should be soft, and the reverse movement should be energetic and sharp. Such actions give a “suction” effect and allow you to pull out foreign objects, which is much more effective.

Plastic bottle

Clearing a clogged toilet with a plastic bottle, as a substitute for a plunger, is used in rare cases. For these purposes, the optimal capacity is 1.5 or 2.5 liters, in which sharp knife the bottom is cut off, while the plug should remain twisted.

The resulting product must be lowered into the water so that the cut edges of the bottle fit into the drain hole of the device, then sharply lower the bottle into the water several times.

The principle of operation of this primitive but ingenious product is the same as that of a plunger - increasing the pressure of the water column, pushing or pulling the clog out of the toilet water seal.

To study the whole process in detail, it is worth watching a video that shows the steps of clearing a clogged toilet with a plastic bottle.

Chemistry and soda

Much more humane chemical methods getting rid of blockages. For these purposes, a number of special means– liquid, granular and powdered, effectively dissolving contaminants in pipes without damaging the material from which they are made.

You can start unclogging your toilet using a popular, accessible and cheap method - baking soda. About half the pack is simply poured into the toilet.

Once dissolved, soda creates an active, highly concentrated alkaline solution that can cope with the scourge. Of course, it is better to know the nature of the blockage: this will help you choose the optimal remedy for effective and quick solution problems.

As a rule, methods for unclogging a toilet water seal do not involve any particular difficulties: anyone can handle them, even without being a professional in this field. But still best way combating blockages is to prevent them, that is, to be attentive to the fact that often in a hurry, instead of the trash can, it goes into the sewer.

Rags and auger

Complete with a strong stick or mop (its handle), fold the rag and plug the toilet drain with it, creating something like a plug. Then, with a mop (or stick), this “plug” is sharply pushed deeper, creating a water hammer designed to push the blockage in the direction of the sewer riser.

You can clear a clog in the toilet using an auger (plumbing cable, “wrench”). This device consists of a hollow axle equipped at one end with a handle for torsion, and at the other with a spiral connected to the axle using a flexible tube.

The auger is forcefully pushed into the depths of the toilet, while simultaneously rotating the handle. This helps break up the blockage, after which the system is flushed with a sufficient amount of hot water.

It is important to remember that plumbing fixtures are made of earthenware - a very fragile material that is susceptible to the application of excessive force. Therefore, you should not be too zealous when carrying out measures to empty the toilet.

Digging around in the toilet is not very pleasant, so we leave the solution to the problem of how to unclog a clogged toilet to the shoulders of local plumbers. Despite the fact that they do an excellent job with this task, the craftsmen still create such incredible dirt in the house that you inevitably think about the fact that next time you need to try to take the situation into your own hands and do everything yourself. But how? I don’t understand anything about this matter, do I? Yes, there is nothing to understand here. There are only three ways to remove a clog from a toilet - two “official” and one popular. We’ll talk about them in this article, in which, together with the site, we will find out what each of these methods is and which one is better.

What to do if the toilet is clogged

How to unclog a toilet: determine the location of the blockage

First of all, you need to remember that water may not drain from the toilet not only because it is clogged. In most cases, all the troubles lie in a mud plug formed in the riser itself. Before taking any measures, you need to check on your neighbors in the riser - if this situation is not only yours, then this is definitely not the case in your sewer system. In such a situation, you need to decide where this plug is located and definitely call plumbers from the housing office.

Determining the location of the blockage is not so difficult - going down from the top floor to the bottom, we look for an apartment in which everything is fine with this matter. As soon as one comes across, we can conclude that the blockage is located between this and the upper floor. If residents of the first floor suffer from this scourge, then the blockage is located in the basement on the sunbed. And this is also the diocese of plumbers from the housing office.

If you are the only one experiencing problems with draining water, then we can safely say that the blockage is located in or on your deck chair. Only now can we ask ourselves a concrete solution to the question of what to do if the toilet is clogged?

How to find the clog and unclog the toilet

Clearing clogs with traditional tools: two ways

In most cases, the question of how to clean a toilet is solved by plumbers using a cable or a plunger. These technologies are quite simple, but have their drawbacks.

In my opinion, the most the right decision The question of what to do if the toilet is clogged is to use one proven folk way, which helps clear any blockages. Let's talk about it further.

How to clear a clogged toilet using a plastic bottle

The solution to the question of how to clean a toilet if it is clogged probably lies quietly or stands with a supply of water somewhere next to the trash can. Yes, you heard right, we are talking about a 2-liter plastic beer or soda bottle - it is the one that can quickly and efficiently solve the issue of cleaning the toilet. The principle of operation of this homemade device the laws of hydrodynamics are laid down. To be more precise, there is such a thing as water hammer, which will have to be artificially created in the liquid that has stagnated in your toilet. How to do this? It's very simple - you just have to get a little dirty, so it's better to stock up on a pair of rubber gloves.

We take a two-liter plastic bottle and cut off its bottom with a sharp knife - we don’t throw away the cap from the neck, but rather screw it on tightly. Now we insert the bottle with the cut bottom into the toilet and slowly press it into the water until we feel the air resistance inside the bottle. Did you feel it? Now we sharply press the bottle into the toilet as hard as we can and immediately pull it out of there. The pressure resulting from this action is very large - it pushes the blockage inside.

How to clean a toilet with a plastic bottle

As a rule, more than two or three such water hammers are not required to break through the blockage. Here you need to understand the principle of this method and not be afraid to use it. In most cases, a person who is aware of this method of removing blockages succeeds in everything the first time. So if the toilet is clogged and the water is standing still, you shouldn’t immediately run to the housing office - it’s better to go to the nearest store for soda.

Before resorting to using one of all of the above methods, excess water from the toilet must be scooped out - it should remain as it was in normal situation. Otherwise, you will not be able to use a plunger, a cable, or a plastic bottle.

The video shows another way to clean a toilet with your own hands.

Cleaning the toilet using household chemicals

Recently, the so-called household chemicals, which is a weak solution of acids. It is actively used to remove sewer blockages for the reason that it allows you to deal with most types of blockages without getting your hands dirty. You should understand that everything here depends on what your toilet is clogged with - if by some miracle socks ended up there, then it’s unlikely that even strong acid, especially if other dirt has already adhered to the rags.

How to clean a toilet using household chemicals photo

If you decide to test the products of modern chemistry in practice, then it is better to use acid in pure form, for example, salt. It can be purchased at modern construction markets. You need to be extremely careful with it and use all kinds of protective equipment - you need to protect not only your hands and open areas skin, but also eyes, and especially the respiratory tract. The water from the toilet should be scooped out as much as possible - only after this can you pour about a liter of hydrochloric acid into the toilet and immediately leave the room. The reaction will occur within 30-60 minutes. After this time, the acid will corrode everything there, and the toilet needs to be rinsed generously with water and cleaned with modern disinfectants. You need to be prepared for the fact that all connections in which the acid will penetrate will have to be additionally sealed. I believe that this method should be used only in extreme cases when no other methods help.

That's all that can be said about how to unclog a toilet. In my opinion, we need to act more traditionally, and most importantly in safe ways. I completely forgot to mention another old grandfather’s method, which has been used since the times of the USSR. After scooping out the water, a pack or even two sodas are poured into the toilet. After its dissolution, an active alkaline environment is created, which quite easily copes with some types of blockages.

If the toilet is clogged, apartment owners prefer to call a plumber. But sometimes this service turns out to be temporarily unavailable or too expensive. What to do in this case? After all, you can do without water, gas, electricity. But you won’t be able to survive a day without a toilet. In this case, you have to take on cleaning the toilet yourself. There are several ways to cope with this task.

There are many reasons that can lead to a clogged drain. This may be due to improper use of the toilet: throwing garbage, waste after repairs, or cat litter into it. But sometimes the sewer gets clogged even without the “help” of the owners. Neighbors can also contribute. And sometimes a blockage occurs due to poor-quality, too hard water, which ensures the gradual deposition of plaque on the pipes. Then there is an urgent need to figure out how to clean the toilet yourself if it is clogged. Before you look at effective methods for cleaning sewers, you need to consider four tips from the experts.

  1. Find out the cause of the jam. Solving the problem must begin by asking all family members about the possible source of the problem. For example, a child may accidentally drop a toy into the toilet. In this case, half of effective methods will turn out to be ineffective. To cope with such a jam, if the object is far enough away, only a cable will help.
  2. Determine the location of the plug. If the water does not drain well from the toilet, what do newbie owners immediately decide? They assume that the blockage occurred in the toilet pipe and use everything available methods for cleaning it. This approach is not entirely correct. After all, the congestion could have occurred much further away, in the sewer pipe. To approximately determine the location of the plug, you need to open the taps in the bathroom and kitchen. If the water flows normally and does not linger in the pipe, then the problem really lies in the plexuses of the toilet bowl. But if water quickly fills the pipe and leaves the sink very slowly, then the problem is quite serious, and it is better to use the services of a plumber.
  3. Do not use the tank. To check how water flows out or clean pipes under pressure, do not use cistern. If the clog in the toilet is too strong, then all the water mixed with sewage can spill through the toilet directly onto the floor. Another unpleasant phenomenon is also possible. The bathtub and toilet are two communicating vessels. That's why dirty water, which is unable to clear the blockage, there is only one thing left to do - flood the bath. It is better to drain the water from the basin, strictly controlling the process of its outflow.
  4. Call a plumber immediately. In some situations, even knowing how to clean a toilet if it is clogged, you will not be able to achieve a positive result. If, after opening the toilet, you notice that the water level is gradually rising, this means that a blockage has formed in the common riser. In this case, your toilet and sewer riser will become communicating vessels. Need I say that very soon all the sewage will overflow and fill the toilet? No amount of cleaning will help solve the problem. Only a plumber can handle this plug using special inspection hatches and plumbing cable.

If blockages occur too often, then you need to pay attention to the toilet itself. Modern models, which harmoniously complement the design of the toilet, are not always suitable for installation with old sewer systems. Therefore, when purchasing plumbing fixtures, it is important to pay attention not only to its combination with the overall interior, but also to technical specifications selected model.

Folk remedies to help. Cleaning the toilet

How to remove a clog in the toilet? If no one has thrown any foreign objects into the toilet, then ordinary home remedies can come to the rescue. They will bring invaluable benefits in the formation of congestion from rust, urinary stones, fatty deposits and plaque. These folk remedies are the most common and effective.

  • Citric acid. It effectively removes urinary stones and plaque on pipes. It is recommended to pour three tablespoons into the toilet bowl citric acid. The plumbing is left in this state for three to four hours. Then the closet is cleaned with a brush and the water is drained. A pleasant bonus of such an event will be freshness in the toilet room.
  • Soda. If possible, empty the toilet of water. Then soda is poured into it. You will need about 250 g (half a pack). The plumbing fixtures are left in this form overnight (at least eight hours). Then carefully drain the water, using a brush if necessary. Cleaning with soda will not only help remove plaque, but also effectively whiten the toilet.
  • Vinegar. To get rid of the congestion, you will need a 9% product. A liter of vinegar must be heated. The warm liquid is poured into the toilet bowl, with the water previously scooped out, and left for three to four hours. Use a rough sponge or brush to carefully clean the accessible surface. Then carefully rinse with water.
  • Soda with vinegar. If these products individually do not bring the desired result, then you can try to clear the congestion by combining soda and vinegar. The water from the toilet needs to be scooped out. Pour 250 g of soda into the drain. Then pour a glass of vinegar into it. Be prepared for some sizzle. After 15 minutes, when the “disturbance” of the soda ends, pour half a liter of very hot water into the toilet. But remember that you cannot use boiling water, otherwise the porcelain toilet may not withstand temperature changes. This product will get rid of plaque and eliminate grease plugs if food debris is often poured into the toilet.
  • Hydrochloric acid. It acts very aggressively, so it is used only in extreme cases. But it is hydrochloric acid that can dissolve the congestion formed by cat litter. You need to pour some liquid into the toilet and leave it for one hour. Then you can try to wash off the water. But if sewer pipes made of plastic, the use of hydrochloric acid is prohibited. It will corrode the pipes.

There is advice to use such improvised means as bleach, Coca-Cola, bleach. They are ineffective and can only cope with small traffic jams. But they are very useful as toilet bleach.

Anti-congestion chemicals

Manufacturers have developed many chemical compositions, capable of dissolving plugs formed in pipes. Their main advantage over traditional methods- speed of impact. Typically, effective cleaning occurs 15-20 minutes after using the selected reagent. The following products can be used to unclog your toilet.

  • "Mole". Budget remedy, which can effectively clean pipes. It contains caustic soda and surfactants. This combination ensures the dissolution of fats and solid waste such as fish scales and hair. "Mole" is produced in the form of powder and gel. The product can be used for steel and cast iron pipes. But for plastic analogues, some varieties of “Mole” are strictly prohibited.
  • Vortex Draft. This cleaner is available in liquid form. Active chlorine, caustic soda and surfactant components provide effective dissolution of congestion. The drug is able to cope with heavy biowaste and fat accumulations. Can be used for any pipes.
  • "Bagi Pothan." This is an expensive option that ensures that even the most serious blockages are removed. But the reagent also has negative quality. This substance contains alkali, so it can worsen the condition of the pipes. Given such an aggressive effect, it is not recommended to use Bagi Pothan for worn-out plumbing fixtures. And you shouldn’t resort to his help too often.
  • "Mr. Muscle." This product is produced in the form of a powder or gel. It has a mild effect, and you should not count on eliminating serious congestion with its help. “Mr. Muscle” will cope with minor traffic jams in just a couple of minutes. But if the blockage is more serious, then it is recommended to pour the product into the toilet and leave it overnight.
  • "Tiret." The drug is based on chlorine bleach, surfactants and sodium hypochlorite. The product can be used for both metal and plastic pipes. Effectively clears congestion, eliminates unpleasant odors and has disinfecting properties.

If you have to clean plastic pipes, it is best to use a gel or liquid reagent. Powdered household chemicals can get stuck on the joint areas. In this case, such components will gradually corrode the rubber seals.

Mechanical cleaning methods

If you unclog the toilet yourself using folk or chemicals If it fails, then you can resort to mechanical cleaning. The procedure is carried out manually or using such “helpers” as a plunger and a plumbing cable.


What to do if the toilet is clogged with foreign objects: toys, rags, large food scraps? Before clearing a clog in the toilet, you need to inspect the emergency area manually. Putting gloves on your hands, perform four steps in sequence.

  1. Scooping water out of the toilet.
  2. They put their hand into the drain and try to feel for a foreign object.
  3. Grab soft clogs with your fingers and carefully pull them out of the toilet.
  4. Objects located further away and denser are pulled out with a wire with a hook at the end.

Sometimes, after unsuccessful attempts to pull an object out of the toilet, the owners decide to push it through. Such actions drive the traffic jam much deeper and only aggravate the problem.


When the cause of the blockage has not been identified, and water is still able to leak, it is recommended to use a plunger to unclog the toilet. The effectiveness of cleansing depends on the correctly chosen “assistant”. There are several types of plungers on sale.

  • Cup-shaped. This simple model. It is designed to clear minor congestion. A bowl-shaped plunger can help clean your sink. But in case of a clog in the toilet, this remedy is ineffective.
  • Taper. This model is capable of clearing a clog in the toilet. A dense rubber nozzle with a cone shape ensures correct entry into the drain hole.
  • Pneumatic. The most advanced model with great power. The plunger is equipped with a nozzle that can “maneuver” inside the pipe.

The procedure for cleaning a toilet with a plunger is quite simple and includes the following three steps.

  1. The rubber nozzle is placed on the drain hole so that the plunger completely covers it.
  2. To pump out, apply several light pressures (the rubber suction cup should “adhere” to the hole).
  3. At this moment, they sharply pull the handle and tear the nozzle away from the drain hole.

With this technique, hydraulic shock ensures clearing of plugs formed by newsprint, small scraps or other debris.

Plastic bottle

How can you break through a toilet without a plunger at home? If the necessary device not on the farm, then you can try to create hydraulics using conventional plastic bottle. The purification process is carried out in four stages.

  1. The bottom of the bottle is carefully cut off.
  2. Screw the lid tightly on the remaining part.
  3. The cut side of the plastic bottle is placed on the drain hole.
  4. holding on to top part with a lid, they try to create a water hammer like using a plunger.

Plumbing cable

This measure is used in the most extreme cases, when the plug cannot be removed by any of the above methods. A plumbing cable is used when the sewer is clogged with construction waste (sand, clay, putty) or cat litter. An auger (cable) is a flexible steel “snake” with which you can reach the most inaccessible areas of the sewer system. It is equipped with a special handle that allows the cable to rotate. To clean the toilet, seven steps are performed in sequence.

  1. The plumbing cable is lowered into the drain hole.
  2. Slowly move the cable along the bends of the toilet.
  3. The cable is carefully turned so that it passes freely through the pipes.
  4. When the auger stops, it begins to rotate, winding up the debris.
  5. The cable with the hooked “load” is carefully pulled out of the toilet.
  6. After cleaning the auger, it is re-launched into the sewer pipe.
  7. Repeat until the blockage is completely cleared.

Cleaning the toilet at home is easy. But this procedure can hardly be called pleasant. To avoid the need to clean the toilet, experienced owners recommend preventive maintenance. To do this, you need to clean the toilet from time to time using soda and vinegar. In this case, plaque and dirt will not accumulate, and the toilet will always be snow-white and fresh.