What flowers should you keep at home for family happiness? Indoor flowers for home well-being: signs, superstitions, traditions

For many of us, plants are simply decorative element- they decorate, enliven the interior, absorb carbon dioxide... However, experienced housewives who are actively involved in growing indoor plants will tell you that the role of flowers is much greater. A plant can become a real family talisman, and if you take care of it properly, it will bring love, happiness and good luck to your home.

People have long noticed that some flowers improve the atmosphere in the house and create comfort, while others, on the contrary, have a negative effect on energy.

So, here are 10 plants that will bring good luck to your home:

10th place: Anthurium

Anthurium reveres the stronger sex and gives its representatives masculine strength. The plant also brings success with women to single men, and happiness to married men. family life to the house.

If you are an unmarried girl, it is worth getting this plant at least because of its beauty and, of course, for future family happiness. The flower has large dark green heart-shaped leaves, as if suspended from long narrow cuttings. If the plant is properly cared for, it blooms all year round. Anthurium flower - fluffy white or yellow spikelet in red-pink ( see photo) or a snow-white border.

The maximum height of a houseplant is 80 cm. Leaves can grow up to 40 cm in length, flowers up to 20 cm. You cannot call it a long-liver: the flower dies after 3 years.

Important! Anthurium is very poisonous, so it is necessary to protect small children and animals from it.

"Male Flower" warm and light-loving, which is not surprising: its homeland is the subtropics of Central and South America. To make your anthurium feel at home and bloom better, spray it with water twice a day. Do not direct the stream at the inflorescences of the plant: they may darken and crumble. It is necessary to water the flower once a week in winter and 2-3 times in summer. Anthurium has long been included in the TOP 10 indoor plants for family happiness.

9th place: Oxalis

Oxalis or room oxalis ( see photo) can only bring good luck - this becomes clear at first glance at the flower. The shape of the leaves resembles a giant clover, shaded with dark lilac in the middle. Therefore, it is customary to give the plant to the house for the holidays. The four-leaf oxalis is held in special esteem, promising incredible luck to its owner.

“Luck” tastes slightly sour due to its high content oxalic acid. The leaves of the plant may have different colors: green, lilac or two-color. They fold up at night and in cloudy weather. Oxalis blooms several times a year with charming small flowers:

  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Water this plant, your family “happiness,” once a week, expose the plant to diffuse light, do not allow temperatures above 25 degrees. From time to time, pamper the flower with mineral fertilizer.

8th place: Chlorophytum

Chlorophytrum has probably caught your eye at least once: it’s luxurious lush plant with oblong leaves of juicy green color. How do they call this mop of greenery: “champagne splashes”, “spider”, “green lily”, “bride’s veil”. But most often the plant is called “family happiness”, whose patron it is considered.

A flower can be not only family mascot, but also bring considerable benefits to the house. It has been proven that chlorophytrum intensively moisturizes and purifies the air of harmful bacteria. The effect will be enhanced if you place a couple of tablets of activated carbon into the soil at the roots of the plant.

A couple of pots of chlorophytrum, “charged” with coal, are an excellent replacement for an air purifier.

In addition, it contains large number essential oils. Therefore, inhaling the scent of the plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system and relieves stress. In a word, chlorophytrum literally discharges the atmosphere in the house. For this reason, the plant needs to be watered more often and exposed to the sun.

7th place: Calathea

At first glance, Calathea looks restrained and even somewhat stern. This is a real ascetic flower: it is unpretentious in care and can go without watering for a long time. It is known that in the tribes of South America, where calathea comes from, its strong leaves were often used for weaving baskets. All this fits perfectly with the fact that Calathea is the patroness of a long and lasting marriage and brings happiness to the home where it is cherished.

The large and fleshy leaves of the plant are decorated with an elegant pale pattern. By the way, a sign healthy flower is a uniform base color and clear lines on the leaves.

Size indoor flower can reach 60 cm. The length of the leaves is up to 30 cm. By itself, with minimal watering, calathea can last up to 4 years. If you take care of the plant and replant it in time, its life becomes endless.

6th place: Aichrizon

Aichrizon is a small shrub that is easily recognized by its thick stem and many round and fleshy leaves. By the way, to many they resemble hearts. Perhaps this is also why the flower is called the “tree of love.” The romance is also added by the fact that in wildlife aichrizon often grows “through rocks,” that is, in crevices where little is found.

The flower can reach a height of 30 cm. The color of the plant varies from lush green to light green, with whitish, reddish or brown spots. In the photo - aichrizon Guchi.

In order for the aichrizon to bloom in due time (the second half of spring), you need to try hard. In summer, the flower requires a temperature of 20-25 degrees and frequent watering, in the cool season - 10-12 degrees and one watering per week. It also needs to be sprayed from time to time warm water and wipe the heart-shaped leaves. Then at the beginning of May you will receive a home bright inflorescence from small yellow or red “suns”.

5th place: Myrtle

Fragrant myrtle is often given to newlyweds. It is believed to promote peace, friendship and trust between husband and wife. Spouses who have a myrtle bush in their house will always support each other, seek compromises and restrain themselves even in anger. Family happiness will not leave this house. Perhaps the reason for this is the subtle soothing aroma of the plant. In addition, literally from Greek “myrtle” is translated as “balm”.

If you plant the shrub as a houseplant, it can reach 1 meter in height. The plant is demanding: it can only be placed in a sunny place, but the light must be soft and diffused. Likes moderate temperatures: 17-20 degrees in summer and 7-10 in winter. Watering should be so frequent that the soil never dries out. In addition, the shrub needs regular spraying. By the way, you can prepare tinctures and balms from the leaves of adult myrtle.

4th place: Hoya

Hoya is a newcomer from Asia. It is also called wax ivy. IN room conditions is a medium-sized shrub with stunningly beautiful spherical inflorescences. Hoya is the patroness of young lovers, tenderness and fidelity. During flowering, it releases sweet nectar and an exciting smell. Therefore, it is best to place it in the bedroom.

In order for the flower to grow normally and not be capricious, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees in summer and 10-15 in winter. Hoya needs diffused sunlight, but in extreme cases, it will make do with artificial lighting. It is recommended to periodically spray and water the plant with settled water. Blooming hoya produces inflorescences of small white flowers and purple stars in the middle. A house where hoya blooms is considered lucky.
3rd place: Chinese rose

The Chinese rose or hibiscus took the “prize” place for bringing passion into the home. Moreover, to everyone indiscriminately: if you are free, you will soon meet a couple. If you are already in a relationship, then the love will only intensify. In the photo - hibiscus on a trunk.

There are many interesting Asian traditions associated with hibiscus. Large red, yellow and white flowers look great against the background of black silky hair of Asian women. Therefore, the latter actively use hibiscus as decoration. A flower above the left ear means readiness for a new romantic acquaintance. Above the right - the girl is already taken. The most immodest ones can decorate themselves with flowers on both sides, hinting that they would like to meet another guy.

As “passionate” hibiscus is, it is also thermophilic. Do not be confused by the deceptive appearance of a typical deciduous shrub from a temperate zone: the Chinese rose can easily tolerate up to 35 degrees of heat. In general, the flower is unpretentious, but from late spring to mid-autumn, more frequent watering is recommended, as well as mineral fertilizing. Bring it into the house at the first cold snap at night.

2nd place: Uzambara violet

She is also Saintpaulia, which is considered a symbol of endless love. Or love to death, as you wish. It is quite possible that the bet is on the sweet appearance of this plant: small bushes with velvety leaves, and during flowering small multi-colored flowers can also be seen in them. Small pots with violets are certainly a symbol of endless comfort and home warmth. Bonus - pleasant smell.

The little one, however, is a little capricious. Requires a lot of light, only soft, settled water, preferably with a mineral supplement. Watering must be done carefully - if you spill water in soft leaves, they will rot. Every 3-4 years the violet should be replanted. Pink, white, purple - these are the colors that violets are decorated with for several months of the year.

1st place: Spathiphyllum

Who could take first place in the ranking of the best 10 indoor plants for family happiness? Of course, the main female patron - spathiphyllum ( in the photo). That’s what they call it: “women’s happiness.” It gives love to single women, revived feelings to married women, pregnancy to infertile women, peace and tranquility in the family to large families, etc.

Spathiphyllum has narrow flexible stems on which buds form during flowering. The stems are bordered by large, but rather thin and sinewy leaves. The plant blooms with smooth white buds. By the way, sometimes the flower is called an indoor “lily” for its similarity to a calla lily.

Unlike anthurium, it is extremely unpretentious. It grows normally at temperatures from 18 to 23 degrees. If it gets hotter or cooler, it will simply “get stuck” at one stage of growth. The photo shows a spathiphyllum with white flowers.

Like most plants, spathiphyllum needs to be watered more often in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, the water supply should be reduced. In spring, the flower can be replanted.

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Hello. What do you know about flowers that bring good luck to your home? Do you know that with their invisible help it will be possible to improve relationships in the family, build own business, open internal energy reserves. See this incomplete list of indoor wizards with photos that will help you comfortably furnish your home.


Do you often get nervous, feel lonely and unwanted? Your husband refuses to help, and your children are constantly naughty? Need a boost of positive energy? If you answered yes to at least one question, my advice to you: urgently run to flower shop for .

A small indoor plant is very sensitive to mood swings in the household. Its goal is to stop strife, reduce the degree of negative emotions and restore harmony.

  • white helps stabilize emotional state people on the verge of a nervous breakdown. They reduce anxiety, relieve unnecessary worries, and improve mood. And, if you broke up with your loved one, snow-white violets will “take away” some of the pain and emotional distress;
  • red and pink flowers will mystically protect against many diseases and help overcome bad habits. I'll tell you in secret that flowers help you lose weight. overweight;
  • blue violets stimulate mental activity, reveal creativity and develop innovative thinking;
  • purple flowers needed by people who are only interested in material aspects and carnal pleasures in life. They awaken spirituality and allow you to find inner harmony.

Main feature violets is that it cleanses the house of negative energy, fills the soul with warmth, improves family relationships and stimulates one to achieve new heights.


The exceptionally positive effect of geranium is aimed not only at attracting family happiness, but also at improving material well-being.

Experts in the field of Feng Shui, astrology and magic unanimously claim that house plant protects from the evil eye, resists love spells and extinguishes negative energy. So you can safely invite your “favorite” friends to your house. Let them envy. To your health.

In order to get rich and attract money, you don’t need special rituals and dances with tambourines. It is enough just to properly care for geraniums. Her aroma is like a magnet for financial flows.

If you spend at least 15 minutes next to it every day, it will fill you with energy and help you rise career ladder and find an additional source of income.

I studied a lot of literature, and it turned out that the plant has a huge amount healing properties:

  • strengthens the nervous system, helps get rid of depression, fights irritability;
  • purifies the air and kills harmful microbes;
  • regulates hormonal metabolism;
  • reduces the risk of the formation of malignant tumors (according to healers).

Geranium is considered a symbol of love and passion. Therefore, the plant is simply irreplaceable on the windowsill of the married bedroom. Her positive energy harmonizes relationships in a couple and ignites former passion. There is an opinion that it even helps to get pregnant.

By the way, when this grows in the house amazing plant, your significant other is unlikely to decide to cheat. Ask your loved one to inhale the scent of the flower. If he likes the smell, it means he knows how to be faithful.

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Bougainvillea is a true financial genius that helps in business. For many peoples, it is considered a monetary symbol, which is directly related to financial flows and all material goods.

The plant develops intuition and, if you like, opens the third eye. It helps you see chances, take advantage of good moments to invest money, helps expand your clientele and attracts investments.

Bougainvillea will help eliminate any negativity from partners or competitors and neutralize the consequences of unsuccessful transactions. Helps revitalize business and its rapid development.

However, I do not recommend folding your hands and waiting for a miraculous solution to all problems. The plant loves exclusively hardworking, purposeful, active and strong personalities. You will have to work hard, but the results will exceed even your wildest expectations.

Then you can relax, enjoy your honestly earned wealth and sip cocktails under the bright southern sun, carefully moistening the leaves of your favorite bougainvillea.

Indoor bamboo

Bamboo is not an easy symbol of longevity and material well-being. It is able to activate energy flows in the house and cleanse negative energy. Chinese sages noted that the plant increases stamina and physical activity, stimulates creativity.

Indoor bamboo can fill its owner with inner happiness, increases self-esteem and self-respect. It gives inner strength, helps to resist stressful situations, reduces the percentage of anxiety and protects against depressive states.

As a symbol of progress, it helps all people who want to start their own business. Placing the plant in the south-eastern part of the house will attract success, money and prosperity.

Indoor bamboo has quite earthly properties. It purifies the air of toxic compounds, absorbs unpleasant odors and resists mold formation.


Four-leaf oxalis will absolutely bring good luck to its owner. It will help you break out of the vicious circle of unresolved problems and turn the wheel of Fortune in your direction. They say that outright losers become real darlings of fate when sorrel appears in their house.

It gives people inner strength, helps them gain self-confidence, makes them more resilient and resilient. One can only envy their restraint and equanimity, and mental abilities increase several times.

Oxalis helps to complete the most complex projects and gain authority with management, increases productivity, opens up non-standard and creative ways solving the assigned problems.

Oxalis has a beneficial effect on children. It improves parents' relationships with difficult teenagers, helps them find common language, smooth out rough edges and avoid conflicts.

The importance of material wealth, success, and romantic relationships in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. There have long been signs, talismans, including plants, that bring good luck and happiness to the home, give hope and allow you to achieve real results.

Green pets can become a “magnet” for positive changes in life. What indoor plants bring happiness, success, love, financial well-being and good luck? The answer to this question lies in legends and myths different nations, Feng Shui teachings, flower symbolism. Mystical meanings indoor plants is the ability to attract wealth, ensure good luck in love, family well-being.

Indoor plants that bring good luck and prosperity

All green pets in different times were cultivated by man. IN warm countries, where houseplants come from, they mean a lot to the local population. Thus, in the tropics of Colombia, the red anthurium flower has long been considered a flower that brings happiness and prosperity to the family. But in temperate latitudes it was eclipsed by crassulas with round leaves resembling coins. There are several “money” plants, in addition to Crassula (crassula) and the magic “dollar” tree in the fantastic story of K. Simak.

Crassula has rightfully earned the title of “money” or “coin” tree. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the plant copes well with the burden of responsibility for material well-being in the house and apartment. The better the tree-like stem of Crassula grows, the greater the likelihood of financial success and vice versa. According to Feng Shui, the fat plant should be allocated to the south-eastern window sill of the kitchen and grown in a red pot or tub. You can hang a pot with plectranthus of the same color on the wall. There are very decorative forms of this plant: with shiny bright green round leaves or with dark green leaf surface and purple petioles.

Green symbols of wealth also include palm trees and ferns. In the homeland of some types of palm trees (in Africa) large leaves cover houses to protect them from bad weather. A moisture-loving ficus in the kitchen will save you from “leakage” of money. Placing it in the bedroom is a sign of a new addition to the family. Small-leaved ficus species occupy less space, and bring considerable benefits - they pacify the home environment. Nephrolepis fern will protect your wallet from unnecessary waste. Greens have a calming effect. But beliefs about flowering ferns should be treated with humor; this group of plants does not have flowers and does not reproduce by seeds.

Cacti will help protect everything that was “acquired through backbreaking labor” from burglars. In tropical countries they are considered unsurpassed guardians of the house from burglars. There are beliefs about supposedly negative impact thorns on manifestations of feelings. It is not recommended to grow cacti unmarried girls- there is a high probability of being left without a soulmate. For everyone else, cacti are recommended for cultivation, because they are plants that bring prosperity (money). Plants from hot regions of our planet love bright light and moderate watering.

Many offices and apartments are decorated with twisted stems of “lucky bamboo” - Sander's dracaena. The houseplant is not related to real bamboo. It is difficult to obtain a spiral-shaped stem on your own at home; it is better to purchase a ready-made one. By analogy with bamboo in China, Sandler's dracaena represents the growth of well-being, especially its financial component, and movement up the career ladder. Bamboo is a plant that brings happiness and success to the home, it is very accessible and not the most capricious.

Attracting success to different areas depends on the number of stems in one pot:

3 - happiness.
5 - wealth.
7 - good health.
21 is a universal formula for the influx of wealth and good luck into life.

“Lucky bamboo” will require some attention and knowledge of basic care techniques. The stems need to be watered abundantly and the greens should not be exposed to direct sun rays. The groundless form of content has become widespread indoor bamboo- directly in water or gel. To enhance magical properties plants next to it you can place figures of animals that bring happiness. It is better to use melted or settled water, not tap water, and change it once a week. Any dracaena symbolizes success, but without reinforcement by human efforts, Fortune can turn away at the most inopportune moment.

Citrus fruits also attract good luck to the home. Legends associated with them have existed for thousands of years. Hercules had to pick the precious “golden apples” (oranges) in overseas gardens (in India) and deliver them to ancient Greece. Breed indoor lemons and tangerines became much easier after the creation of varieties resistant to diseases and pests.

Indoor plants that attract love and prosperity

Many gardeners have an irresistible desire to purchase aloe for their indoor collection. The custom goes back to the ancient ritual of the peoples of the Middle East, who hung unpretentious aloe over the entrance to the house as a symbol of longevity and prosperity for all household members. The stems remained alive for a long time without soil and even bloomed. In the East, a condensed medicinal liquid – “sabur” – was obtained from aloe leaves. Translated, this name means “patience.”

Eat folk sign that anthurium grows better in a house where tender feelings and understanding reign. The fame of the pet, which has long been considered the flower of love, has received a new impetus. A series of varieties has been released Anthurium Andre called "Love mix".

Hibiscus among the peoples of Southeast Asia is a symbol of the search for the ideal of beauty and passion. The plant blooms profusely with good care.

The smell of geranium is liked by those men and women who know how to be faithful. And the Zamioculcas flower is called “women’s happiness.” The plant is unpretentious, but rarely blooms, only when good attitude. The orchid in China symbolizes having many children, as a guarantee strong family. All over the world, amazingly beautiful flowers are considered a sign of luxury, the highest manifestation of feelings. Breeding them is a real art, akin to the ability to sing and draw.

Uzambara violet helps resolve conflicts and protects against diseases. The flower itself also needs protection from direct sunlight, drafts, and removal of excess moisture. Often the violet takes on the negative energy emitted by some household members or guests. Hoya, myrtle, chlorophytum in the house - to family well-being. Each of these plants is undemanding to conditions, which suggests the simplicity and cordiality of relationships in happy families. All that remains is to arrange necessary flowers in a house or apartment, take proper care of them, and luck and prosperity will not keep you waiting long.

Greetings to everyone in my Village!!

Winter has been going on for a very long time, don’t you think?! And the constant white and gray landscape outside the window creates a dull mood.

What if you diversify your window and put it on the windowsill? indoor flowers? What are the best flowers to grow at home? After all, it is known that live plants can not only decorate our homes, but also influence health, relationships and even well-being in the family!

What flowers will bring happiness to your home?

Usambara violet, or Saintpaulia

Violet. A very beautiful and at the same time capricious flower - a symbol of eternal love! They say that violet helps maintain peace in the family. These charming gentle flowers love careful care. They cannot tolerate hard water. They love the sun, but are afraid of direct rays. And yet this flower is very popular.

Chinese rose or hibiscus

If hibiscus appears in the house, expect passionate love, she will definitely come! Flowers this plant, incredibly beautiful and large, reminiscent of butterflies. Hibiscus needs warmth and a lot of light, because it comes from the tropics.


Guardian of peace and love considered myrtle. If this flower is in the house, your marriage will be successful, and in the current situation family it will definitely bring happiness. It is no coincidence that in some countries this is a plant They are given to newlyweds or decorated with twigs and flowers on the bride’s outfit. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”. If you rub a myrtle sprig with your fingers, you will feel the pleasant aroma of essential oils. Today, myrtle oil is used in cosmetology as a component of preparations for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. And homemade myrtle disinfects the room, filling the house with a unique aroma and freshness.


People call this flower tree of love, fidelity and prosperity. Aichrizon has original fluffy leaves, they are shaped like hearts. Bright yellow flowers, like numerous lanterns, will decorate your windowsill and give joy even just from contemplating it! This is a succulent plant. At proper care can grow up to 30 cm in height.


Very beautiful and unpretentious, Calathea is a symbol of domestic happiness, although many people grow it just for the sake of it beautiful leaves. This is a plant grows well in the shade. But he can’t stand it if you put it in the corner of the room (it’s impossible to imagine your happiness in the corner).


Oxalis helps solve problems in personal life. As children we called this flower just sorrel or hare cabbage. The juice of oxalis leaves contains oxalic acid, and they have a sour taste. The leaves of this plant can be added to salads! Tinctures are made from oxalis flowers, which are effective for diseases of the liver and stomach.

Spathiphyllum, or Women's Happiness

This perennial native to distant South American forests. But it is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray the spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil. And then:

– unmarried women will soon find their soul mate;

– whoever is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;

– in a family where women’s happiness grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

They also say that spathiphyllum will not bloom in a house where quarrels and conflicts constantly occur.

Anthurium, or Male happiness

"Fire Tongue" or « male happiness» . A very capricious flower, but very beautiful. It does not tolerate direct sunlight and requires frequent spraying because it has a weakness for high humidity(especially during growth). And also be careful this flower poisonous! But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love!

Other names for this flower: “Champagne splash” or “ family happiness" This flower very good for family happiness: it is easy to care for, and it grows well and blooms beautifully. Only in summer you need to water it more. With chlorophytum, your family life will be happy and calm - that’s what people say.

Crassula or Crassula

money tree. Everyone knows that this plant is bought to keep money in the house. Our advice: for a special effect, plant this flower into a red pot, and put a few large coins at the bottom.

Keep in mind that if small leaves predominate on the fat plant, then the change will jingle in your pocket; if large leaves, the bills will crunch. If the fat woman does not help you get rich in any way, get her a friend - plectranthus and get a shovel ready;).

Plectranthus, or indoor mint

In our country this plant is known as spur flower. This is amazingly cute plant provides for the whole family mental health. Long-lasting aroma of plectranthus will relieve insomnia and dark thoughts! It is very good to grow plectranthus as a ground cover to camouflage the edges of a pot.


Cacti are real guard for your home. All plants with thorns have always been attributed the property of protecting home from evil spirits. But the cactus is not only a watchman, it is also the keeper of calm and peace in your home. It should be placed as close to the door or on the window sills as possible. By the way, how to make a cactus bloom, read

Plant flowers. Look after them. And they will not only be a green decoration for your home, but will also bring prosperity and happiness to your home.

Communicate with flowers as with friends! During the day, plants accumulate energy, and at night they are freed from “negativity.” Therefore, it is better to communicate with them in the morning. Before watering the flower, “walk” over the leaves with your hands, as if shaking off negative energy from them.

They also say that if a flower, despite your care and attention, has dried up, it means that it has warded off illness or trouble from you.

Peace and prosperity to your home!

For many of us, plants are simply a decorative element - they decorate, enliven the interior, absorb carbon dioxide... However, experienced housewives who are actively involved in growing indoor plants will tell you that the role of flowers is much greater. A plant can become a real family talisman, and if you take care of it properly, it will bring love, happiness and good luck to your home.

People have long noticed that some flowers improve the atmosphere in the house and create comfort, while others, on the contrary, have a negative effect on energy.

So, here are 10 plants that will bring good luck to your home:

10th place: Anthurium

Anthurium reveres the stronger sex and gives its representatives masculine strength. The plant also brings success with women to single men, and a happy family life to the home for married men.

If you are an unmarried girl, it is worth getting this plant at least because of its beauty and, of course, for future family happiness. The flower has large dark green heart-shaped leaves, as if suspended from long narrow cuttings. If the plant is properly cared for, it blooms all year round. Anthurium flower - fluffy white or yellow spikelet in red-pink ( see photo) or a snow-white border.

The maximum height of a houseplant is 80 cm. Leaves can grow up to 40 cm in length, flowers up to 20 cm. You cannot call it a long-liver: the flower dies after 3 years.

Important! Anthurium is very poisonous, so it is necessary to protect small children and animals from it.

"Male Flower" warm and light-loving, which is not surprising: its homeland is the subtropics of Central and South America. To make your anthurium feel at home and bloom better, spray it with water twice a day. Do not direct the stream at the inflorescences of the plant: they may darken and crumble. It is necessary to water the flower once a week in winter and 2-3 times in summer. Anthurium has long been included in the TOP 10 indoor plants for family happiness.

9th place: Oxalis

Oxalis or room oxalis ( see photo) can only bring good luck - this becomes clear at first glance at the flower. The shape of the leaves resembles a giant clover, shaded with dark lilac in the middle. Therefore, it is customary to give the plant to the house for the holidays. The four-leaf oxalis is held in special esteem, promising incredible luck to its owner.

“Luck” tastes slightly sour due to the high content of oxalic acid. The leaves of the plant can have different colors: green, lilac or bicolor. They fold up at night and in cloudy weather. Oxalis blooms several times a year with charming small flowers:

  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Water this plant, your family “happiness,” once a week, expose the plant to diffused light, and do not allow the temperature to exceed 25 degrees. From time to time, pamper the flower with mineral fertilizer.

8th place: Chlorophytum

Chlorophytrum has probably caught your eye at least once: it is a luxurious, lush plant with elongated leaves of a lush green color. How do they call this mop of greenery: “champagne splashes”, “spider”, “green lily”, “bride’s veil”. But most often the plant is called “family happiness”, whose patron it is considered.

A flower can not only be a family talisman, but also bring considerable benefits to the home. It has been proven that chlorophytrum intensively moisturizes and purifies the air of harmful bacteria. The effect will be enhanced if you place a couple of tablets of activated carbon into the soil at the roots of the plant.

A couple of pots of chlorophytrum, “charged” with coal, are an excellent replacement for an air purifier.

In addition, it contains a large amount of essential oils. Therefore, inhaling the scent of the plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieves stress. In a word, chlorophytrum literally discharges the atmosphere in the house. For this reason, the plant needs to be watered more often and exposed to the sun.

7th place: Calathea

At first glance, Calathea looks restrained and even somewhat stern. This is a real ascetic flower: it is unpretentious in care and can go without watering for a long time. It is known that in the tribes of South America, where calathea comes from, its strong leaves were often used for weaving baskets. All this fits perfectly with the fact that Calathea is the patroness of a long and lasting marriage and brings happiness to the home where it is cherished.

The large and fleshy leaves of the plant are decorated with an elegant pale pattern. By the way, a sign of a healthy flower is a uniform base color and clear lines on the leaves.

The size of an indoor flower can reach 60 cm. The length of the leaves is up to 30 cm. By itself, with minimal watering, calathea can last up to 4 years. If you take care of the plant and replant it in time, its life becomes endless.

6th place: Aichrizon

Aichrizon is a small shrub that is easily recognized by its thick stem and many round and fleshy leaves. By the way, to many they resemble hearts. Perhaps this is also why the flower is called the “tree of love.” Romance is also added by the fact that in the wild, aichrizon often grows “through rocks,” that is, in crevices where little is found.

The flower can reach a height of 30 cm. The color of the plant varies from lush green to light green, with whitish, reddish or brown spots. In the photo - aichrizon Guchi.

In order for the aichrizon to bloom in due time (the second half of spring), you need to try hard. In summer, the flower requires a temperature of 20-25 degrees and frequent watering, in the cool season - 10-12 degrees and one watering per week. It also needs to be sprayed with warm water from time to time and the heart-shaped leaves wiped. Then at the beginning of May you will receive a bright inflorescence of small yellow or red “suns” in your house.

5th place: Myrtle

Fragrant myrtle is often given to newlyweds. It is believed to promote peace, friendship and trust between husband and wife. Spouses who have a myrtle bush in their house will always support each other, seek compromises and restrain themselves even in anger. Family happiness will not leave this house. Perhaps the reason for this is the subtle soothing aroma of the plant. In addition, literally from Greek “myrtle” is translated as “balm”.

If you plant the shrub as a houseplant, it can reach 1 meter in height. The plant is demanding: it can only be placed in a sunny place, but the light must be soft and diffused. Likes moderate temperatures: 17-20 degrees in summer and 7-10 in winter. Watering should be so frequent that the soil never dries out. In addition, the shrub needs regular spraying. By the way, you can prepare tinctures and balms from the leaves of adult myrtle.

4th place: Hoya

Hoya is a newcomer from Asia. It is also called wax ivy. In indoor conditions, it is a medium-sized shrub with stunningly beautiful spherical inflorescences. Hoya is the patroness of young lovers, tenderness and fidelity. During flowering, it releases sweet nectar and an exciting smell. Therefore, it is best to place it in the bedroom.

In order for the flower to grow normally and not be capricious, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees in summer and 10-15 in winter. Hoya needs diffused sunlight, but in extreme cases, it will make do with artificial lighting. It is recommended to periodically spray and water the plant with settled water. Blooming hoya produces inflorescences of small white flowers and purple stars in the middle. A house where hoya blooms is considered lucky.
3rd place: Chinese rose

The Chinese rose or hibiscus took the “prize” place for bringing passion into the home. Moreover, to everyone indiscriminately: if you are free, you will soon meet a couple. If you are already in a relationship, then the love will only intensify. In the photo - hibiscus on a trunk.

There are many interesting Asian traditions associated with hibiscus. Large red, yellow and white flowers look great against the background of black silky hair of Asian women. Therefore, the latter actively use hibiscus as decoration. A flower above the left ear means readiness for a new romantic acquaintance. Above the right - the girl is already taken. The most immodest ones can decorate themselves with flowers on both sides, hinting that they would like to meet another guy.

As “passionate” hibiscus is, it is also thermophilic. Do not be confused by the deceptive appearance of a typical deciduous shrub from a temperate zone: the Chinese rose can easily tolerate up to 35 degrees of heat. In general, the flower is unpretentious, but from late spring to mid-autumn, more frequent watering is recommended, as well as mineral fertilizing. Bring it into the house at the first cold snap at night.

2nd place: Uzambara violet

She is also Saintpaulia, which is considered a symbol of endless love. Or love to death, as you wish. It is quite possible that the bet is on the sweet appearance of this plant: small bushes with velvety leaves, and during flowering small multi-colored flowers can also be seen in them. Small pots of violets are certainly a symbol of endless comfort and home warmth. Bonus - pleasant smell.

The little one, however, is a little capricious. Requires a lot of light, only soft, settled water, preferably with a mineral supplement. It is necessary to water carefully - if you spill water on soft leaves, they will rot. Every 3-4 years the violet should be replanted. Pink, white, purple - these are the colors that violets are decorated with for several months of the year.

1st place: Spathiphyllum

Who could take first place in the ranking of the best 10 indoor plants for family happiness? Of course, the main female patron - spathiphyllum ( in the photo). That’s what they call it: “women’s happiness.” It gives love to single women, revived feelings to married women, pregnancy to infertile women, peace and tranquility in the family to large families, etc.

Spathiphyllum has narrow flexible stems on which buds form during flowering. The stems are bordered by large, but rather thin and sinewy leaves. The plant blooms with smooth white buds. By the way, sometimes the flower is called an indoor “lily” for its similarity to a calla lily.

Unlike anthurium, it is extremely unpretentious. It grows normally at temperatures from 18 to 23 degrees. If it gets hotter or cooler, it will simply “get stuck” at one stage of growth. The photo shows a spathiphyllum with white flowers.

Like most plants, spathiphyllum needs to be watered more often in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, the water supply should be reduced. In spring, the flower can be replanted.

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