Hair mask with mumiyo and oils. The best recipes for mummy masks against hair loss and to accelerate hair growth

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


The most unique medicines on earth are created not by man, but by nature itself. Our task is only to find them and learn to apply them. Hair, like any part of the body, needs care and treatment, and nature has not forgotten about this either. Shilajit for hair is an opportunity to take care of yourself without harm or expensive investments. A little knowledge about this exceptional biological product and a few minutes daily care will make your hair luxurious and full of health.

What is mumiyo and how to use it

Shilajit is biological active substance, the exact origin of which has not yet been established. It is found in the form of growths and smudges on rocks in the high mountain caves of Altai, Central Asia and other regions. Mumiyo consists of organic and mineral elements and is of plant, animal or mineral nature. Modern pharmacology produces this biological drug in tablets, capsules, and less often in granules or jelly. It is also added to ointments, creams, shampoos, etc.

Since natural mummy is a dark brown resin-like substance with a sharp, specific odor, products containing it have the appropriate aroma and color. Blondes and girls with highlighted strands should not worry - mummy is completely harmless for hair color, preparations containing it do not color or change the tone of the strands.

In our country, “Golden Mumiyo Altai”, a high-quality tablet preparation that has undergone several degrees of purification, has become widespread. Although the main method of administration according to the instructions is orally, external use will be no less useful, and the greatest effect will be obtained by combining these forms.

You can use golden Altai mummy for hair in the following ways:

  • make an aqueous solution (1 g per 250 ml of water), pour into a spray bottle, spray your hair with this spray two hours before washing or rub into the roots for an hour;
  • dissolve in shampoo (5-10 tablets per 200-250 ml), wash your hair as usual.

If the drug does not dissolve, make a pre-concentrated aqueous solution and pour it into shampoo or conditioner. Shake before each use.

Useful properties for hair

Chemical composition This biological product includes about 80 elements and has properties such as accelerated tissue regeneration, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity, activation of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and a general strengthening effect. The significant benefit lies in amazing property Shilajit forces the body to turn on its own defense mechanisms, i.e. boost immunity.

Due to the high content of zinc, calcium, manganese and other elements and vitamins of group B, mumiyo is used for hair not only in an aqueous solution, but also in all kinds of cosmetic substances (balm, mask, spray, shampoo, cream). Another rare property of this biological substance is getting rid of gray hair. True, in this case, external exposure will not be enough - along with cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to take tablets internally.

Recipes for making masks at home

Cosmetic masks with mumijo for hair not only help prevent hair loss, dullness and split ends, but also strengthen the roots, activate hair follicles, and provoke the active growth of new hair. For a quick visible effect, it is advisable to carry out such procedures regularly - 8-12 times a month. For sustainable benefits, monthly courses should be repeated 2-4 times a year.

The recipes presented below will tell you the secret of how to make your curls thicker, stronger and more beautiful. During the procedure, you should not use Shilajit for hair in solid (undissolved) form, and also heat the preparation above 45-50°C, because At high temperatures, active substances are destroyed. All ingredients should be warm (or room temperature). The unused raw materials remaining after the procedure should be stored in an airtight bag (not allowing them to dry out) in a dark, cool place.

For hair growth

  1. Dissolve 5 g of mumiyo in water (150-200 ml), add 1.5 tbsp successively. honey (liquid), 10 drops of burdock or sea ​​buckthorn oil. Mix until smooth, rub thoroughly into the roots, distribute the remaining mixture over the entire length. Keep for 20 minutes.
  2. Mix 2 g of the drug, 100 ml of full-fat kefir, 1 tsp. burdock oil. The warm mixture must be carefully rubbed into the skin (pre-root part) of the head, covered with a cap, left for an hour, rinsed off twice (the second time with shampoo).
  3. Take 5 g of mumiyo (dissolve in 1.5-2 tbsp of water), add 1 ampoule of liquid vitamin B6 and B12, 10 drops of bey oil, 1 tbsp. castor oil, 1 yolk. Gently beat and apply the resulting homogeneous mass to the roots. The recommended duration of the mask is 1-2 hours.

From falling out

  1. Combine 1% aqueous extract of mumiyo (1 g per 100 ml of water) with 100 ml of herbal infusion (mint, burdock, nettle or a mixture of these herbs). Leave for 15 minutes, rub the resulting solution into the scalp. Leave for 2 hours, rinse. Do the procedure for 3 weeks, then a break of at least 10 days is required.
  2. Dissolve 2 g of the drug in half a glass of water, add 100 g of fresh cranberries (mashed), 1-2 tbsp. honey Rub the resulting mixture into the roots, distribute evenly throughout all hair. Wash off warm water without shampoo after half an hour.
  3. Make a homogeneous mass of 1 g mummy, 1 tbsp. fresh grated ginger, 1 tbsp. Jojoba oil (can be replaced with almond or coconut). Rub the mixture into the roots, distribute over the entire length. Leave for 1 hour, then rinse thoroughly.

To strengthen

  1. Mix 3 g mummy, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. honey Distribute the resulting homogeneous mixture onto your hair (evenly from roots to ends). The exposure time of the mask is 1 hour.
  2. Prepare a mixture of 4 g of the drug, 1 clove (chopped) garlic, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. aloe juice Add 1 tbsp. liquid honey. The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair. Leave for half an hour, rinse twice (the second time with shampoo).
  3. Take 4 g of crushed mummy, 1 tbsp each of honey and oil (jojoba or almond), 0.5 tsp. propolis, 1 yolk. Stir thoroughly, rub into hair at the roots, distribute the remainder over the entire length to the ends, leave for half an hour under an insulating cap. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Shampoos and balms with the addition of mumiyo

Mumiyo Altai – balm-mask for all hair types (300 g)

  • Ingredients: base for the mask, mumiyo extract, extracts of bee bread, propolis, jojoba, avocado, D-panthenol, flavoring, vitamins A, E.
  • Indications: used for all hair types as a strengthening, growth-stimulating and restorative preparation. Prevents dandruff.
  • Application: gently rub into damp, pre-washed roots, leave for a few minutes, rinse thoroughly.
  • Cost: 270 rub.

Shilajit – Shampoo from Ecosvit-Sintez (250 ml)

  • Compound: washing base, mumiyo, strengthening serum, nettle extracts, chamomile, D-panthenol, preservatives, flavorings.
  • Indications: for weak, prone to hair loss, as well as gray hair needing to stimulate growth, strengthen and restore structure.
  • Application: apply to wet hair - lather well, leave on hair for 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Cost: 430 rub.

Bashwiye “Title” – Medical shampoo with Iranian mumiyo 80% (200 ml)

  • Ingredients: olive emulsion, Iranian mumiyo, vegetable oils (wheat germ, broccoli seeds, mustard, orange, St. John's wort stems, moringa, rice bran, ginger root), aloe vera extract, myrrh resin.
  • Indications: for thin, sparse, poorly growing hair. The shampoo is suitable for scalp with high oil content.
  • Application: use shampoo on damp roots, foaming slightly while massaging the skin, then rinse. Then rub the product in again, distribute along the length of the hair, do not rinse for 5 minutes - the shampoo acts as a mask. Rinse your hair well.
  • Cost: 800 rub.

Home doctor – Stimulating balm-mask (500 ml)

  • Ingredients: mask base, mummy extract, honey, flax oil extract.
  • Indications: to strengthen and stimulate hair follicles. Suitable for unruly hair that requires smoothness.
  • Application: wash your hair with shampoo, rub the balm-mask onto the root zone and distribute over the entire length to the ends. Leave the product for a few minutes, rinse with water. It is not recommended to use insulating caps.
  • Cost: 120 rub.


Like any biologically active substance, mumiyo has limitations. You should not use the drug internally if you are hypersensitive or pregnant or breastfeeding. In the presence of chronic or inflammatory processes, you must first consult with your doctor. Taking the product is not compatible with alcohol, because Shilajit is very poorly soluble in alcohol and will not be absorbed when used together.

There are no contraindications for external use, but there may be side effects in the form of dry skin or itching. In this case, you should not use mumiyo for hair in the form aqueous solution or with shampoo. Try mixing the drug with vegetable or cosmetic oils (burdock, olive, etc.). If the discomfort does not go away, use should be stopped. Intolerance to the smell of natural mumiyo occurs occasionally and is not a contraindication to use.

Mumiyo - hardened resin, formed on rock crevices. Mountain flora and fauna take part in its formation. Scientists are arguing about the specific method of its origin. But their opinion agrees on one thing: mumiyo - a real treasure trove, minerals and various active substances so necessary for the human body.

This substance contains:

  • 30 minerals;
  • 6 amino acids;
  • fatty acids;
  • bee venom;
  • resinous substances.

Depending on the specific place where mumiyo is mined, the amount of these elements in it contained in different ratios.

The natural product is a mass of brown or glossy black color, has the smell of bitumen with chocolate notes.

Buy purified extract mumiyo is available in pharmacies, it is available in the form of capsules filled with resin powder. In addition, you can buy plates of the substance from private traders.

How does it work on hair?

This is a miracle substance makes hair smooth and shiny. The action appears as:

  • active hair growth, due to the awakening of dormant follicles;
  • improving their condition due to increased vascular nutrition, their expansion, improving blood circulation;
  • drying oily hair by controlling the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • treatment, protection against fungal infections on the scalp and restoration of damaged tissue;
  • preventing the process of hair loss and split ends due to its regenerating properties.

Mumiyo – an excellent alternative to expensive procedures, which are carried out by professional cosmetologists in salons because they will solve many hair problems.

Methods and rules of use

To improve the condition of hair and scalp You can use mumiyo internally and externally. It should be used internally strictly in accordance with the instructions. Courses no more than 20 days. The tablets are pre-dissolved in liquid; the capsules are taken whole.

The maximum effect when using mumiyo externally for hair growth can be achieved by following some rules:

  1. It is not necessary to wash your hair first. Masks can have an effect even on hair that has not been specially prepared.
  2. Apply to dry or slightly damp hair.
  3. After application, the head is warmed with a towel or shower cap. Greenhouse effect impact will help.
  4. Masks with mumiyo for hair growth, Apply for 30-40 minutes with massaging movements.
  5. For a preventative effect, a procedure once a week is sufficient. or therapeutic maxi hair sections are done two to three times a week. The course consists of 15 masks.
  6. After one course of using mumiyo, take a break of 2 months.

The preparation of products based on mumiyo has some features that should be taken into account:

The tablets have a hard consistency and therefore practically do not dissolve in water. Adding them to various means associated with certain difficulties.

You can do this in two ways: crush into powder or use balm. The prepared product may be too thick or thin. If the product is too thick, bring it to the desired consistency with water; lumps can be broken up with a blender.

Hair condition after treatment

The effect is observed after 3-4 procedures. Hair becomes well-groomed. According to reviews, split ends disappear after two or three uses. Hair growth is restored a month after using products with mumiyo. The amount of hair loss decreases sharply and then disappears.

New growth begins after 5-6 procedures double use. It is impossible to say exactly how many centimeters hair will grow; it all depends on the individual properties of each organism.

The effect of the mumiyo in the photo below:

Forms for external use

Mumiyo is used externally by adding it to various cosmetics, as well as by making masks.

According to your hair type and existing problems Shilajit is mixed with various other products and is used as healing masks.

The procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week. The effect of the mask is noticeable after 30 days.

  1. For dry, brittle hair. For 100 ml of kefir take 2-3 grams of mumiyo, 30 drops of burdock oil.
  2. . A hair mask with mumiyo for hair growth is prepared in this way: mumiyo is dissolved in water or chamomile decoction and sprayed on the head before washing.
  3. For hair loss. 1g mumiyo, 1 yolk, tablespoon glycerin. A teaspoon of wine vinegar, a tablespoon of castor oil. The course is 2-3 weeks of daily use.
  4. For oily hair. Mumiyo 15 tablets, cranberries 100g, water - 3 glasses. The solution is infused for 3-4 hours and applied along the length of the hair for 30 minutes.
  5. . Gives hair smoothness and shine. 1 gram mumiyo, 1 tablespoon burdock oil, a few drops each of lavender and tea tree oil, 1. Apply for an hour, apply once a week for 1-2 months.

An example of a mask recipe for strengthening hair with mumiyo:

Shampoos with the addition of mumiyo

If you don't want to bother with preparing masks, you can add mumiyo to your shampoo. This product can be used daily, but its effect will come much later.

In a regular shampoo bottle 200 ml you should add 6 to 10 grams of the substance. This product should be used for regular hair washing. Just when applying it, leave it on your hair longer than you usually do. A greater effect can be achieved by combining hair washing with scalp massage for 6-7 minutes.

One use concentrated product once a week– 10 tablets in 6-7 ml of shampoo. Dissolve the tablets or powder in shampoo, let them sit for 30-40 minutes and wash your hair. Procedures are carried out weekly for 30 days.

Do not use drugs and cosmetics based on mumiyo constantly, between courses it is necessary to take breaks of at least 2 months.

Shampoo “Active mumiyo”

Shampoo “Active mumiyo” designed specifically to strengthen and enhance hair growth, as well as restoration of their structure. It also helps awaken dormant follicles and new hair grows from them. In addition to mumiyo, it contains almond oil and panthenol. The substances help activate the regeneration processes of hair and skin.

Hair becomes smooth, take on a well-groomed appearance, and split ends disappear. An additional effect is protecting them from environmental influences And high temperatures when laying.

However, there are also negative reviews about this shampoo. Shampoo for hair growth with mumiyo, sometimes may cause itching and dandruff appears after use. Most likely, this phenomenon is associated with individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition.

Solutions and decoctions

Mumiyo for growth hair can be used in the form of a solution - cooking recipe: 10 tablets are diluted in 1 liter of water or chamomile decoction, which is used to treat hair 20 minutes before washing.

On washed hair you can sprinkle the same infusion. This product will prevent your hair from drying out when you heat style it or blow dry it.
How not to harm yourself using mumiyo

Despite the enormous benefits, mumiyo is still a medicine, so it must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions. Besides there are certain nuances in application which should also be taken into account:

  1. If the substance is purchased secondhand, you cannot be completely sure that it is fresh and of high quality.
  2. By applying it, seborrhea or alopecia can be worsened. In this regard, cosmetologists advise using exclusively pharmacy products.

  3. There is an individual intolerance to mumiyo, and there may also be allergic reactions to it, although this is a fairly rare occurrence.
  4. To exclude the possibility of allergies; before the first use, a drug tolerance test should be performed. Apply the mixture, which you prepared, on the skin behind the ear for 20 minutes. If after this time no redness, itching, or rashes appear, feel free to use the prepared product.

  5. Mumiyo is a biologically active substance, therefore exceeding its dose can have a negative effect on the body.
  6. Use only the dosages indicated in the recipes.

Who should not use it?

Despite its high effectiveness, some people will have to stop using it.

Mumiyo is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • cancer patients;
  • people with individual intolerance.

Besides cannot be used means at elevated temperature, during a headache attack, in combination with alcoholic drinks.

Nature has given us a truly miraculous remedy - mumiyo. With its help, you will help your hair have a healthy, well-groomed appearance, and also stimulate its growth.

Useful information about using mumiyo for hair growth:

Details Updated 09/15/2015 16:13

Our nature is rich in various wonderful substances that can give lovely ladies health, beauty and youth. One of these substances and gifts of nature is mumiyo, which is often used to enhance hair growth, strengthen curls, restore hair structure and generally improve the health of your hairstyle.

Next, we will carefully look at what mumiyo is and where you can buy it, find out how mumiyo is useful, and also study the secrets of using this product, read recipes for masks and read reviews from women who have experienced its effect on their hair.

Shilajit can be safely called an invaluable natural remedy or a natural, organic raw material that is produced as a result of the long life activity of various microorganisms, animals and plants. It is usually mined from rock cracks, and scientists often call mumiyo “mountain resin,” although this natural product does not always consist mainly of resin. Real mummy, obtained naturally, resembles a resinous mass in appearance, smelling of chocolate, resin and bitumen. Shilajit extract is widely used in cosmetology; usually this extract is presented in the form of capsules or tablets.

The healing properties of mumiyo for hair

Organic mumiyo contains about 50 chemical elements and 30 natural substances. On at the moment Shilajit is very widely used in folk medicine and modern cosmetology, so mumiyo hair treatment has become very common in the twenty-first century.

Video: What is mumiyo, healing properties

There are legends about this beautiful and unique natural substance, telling that mummy can not only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, but also strengthen the immune system, improve the health of the body, normalize metabolic processes and act as an excellent bactericidal and choleretic agent. But we will still take a closer look at mumiyo as a hair product.

The high effectiveness of mumiyo is primarily due to the composition of this natural substance. Correct, balanced and harmonious content of enzymes and essential oils allows us to transform thin, lifeless and damaged hair into chic, long, voluminous hair. Mumiyo has an intense effect on hair follicles, thereby enhancing and accelerating blood circulation in the scalp. Masks, sprays, balms, hair shampoos, which contain mumiyo, will return your hair to a healthy appearance, and you will forget about your hair problems forever.

Benefits of mumiyo for hair

Overestimate useful qualities Shilajit for curls is very difficult. As mentioned earlier, “mountain resin” has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and normalizes the level of copper and zinc, without which it is impossible to improve hair health. Due to the fact that useful substances, contained in this natural product, perfectly penetrate the scalp, hair growth is stimulated, and this process strengthens each curl. For these reasons it can be stated that Shilajit is great for strengthening hair.

It should be noted that mumiyo is often used to treat hair loss and flaky scalp. Solution similar problems other means require much more time and considerable costs, but if you give preference to natural substances or mummy tablets, after just a few uses of these products you will notice incredible effectiveness and will be able to forget about hair loss and dry skin. In addition, masks with the addition of mumiyo will make your curls resistant to the adverse influence of factors environment. Shilajit is also recommended for use by women with very oily hair. Masks with mumiyo can dry strands and restore normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Remember that constant, systematic use of products and masks with the described natural product will make your hair thick, soft, manageable and restore its strength and shine.

Where to buy mumiyo?

Both whole mummy and mummy in tablets can be bought in stores specialized in natural cosmetics or in pharmacies. The most common is Altai mummy for hair; it can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online. The price for whole mummy starts from 200 rubles per 50 grams. As for the tablets, they are more widely available than the whole substance; their price is about 85 rubles for 20 tablets, weighing 200 milligrams.

Cosmetologists note that using whole mummy is more effective, but if you can’t find the whole substance in retail outlets in your city, you can safely buy tablets for use.

Using mumiyo for hair

Before moving on to recipes for masks and other methods of using tablets and the whole mummy product, I would like to outline some rules for using “mountain resin”.

So, you need to know that:

  1. Mumiyo is not recommended for use by pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as those people who have overly sensitive skin and there is a chance of an allergic reaction to one of the components included in this product.
  2. Prolonged exposure to masks with mumiyo can be harmful to dry hair, so such masks should not be applied to the hair and scalp for more than 30 minutes. Moreover, if the mask contains vegetable castor or burdock oil, then you can not follow this advice and leave the oil mixture on your head for the time specified in the recipe.
  3. After applying masks with this product, you need to insulate your head with a special cap and a terry towel, then the effect of using the mask will be more noticeable and the mask will be better absorbed into the hair roots.
  4. It is also important to use masks with mumiyo regularly; only constant use will have a beneficial effect on hair health. The recommended frequency of using masks is no more than once every seven days.

Use of mummy tablets for hair

Shilajit tablets are in a great way combat dandruff and dry scalp. To do this, you will need to prepare a decoction of burdock in advance by pouring 1 liter of water over the roots of the plant and boiling it for 10-15 minutes. Throw 3 mummy tablets into the warm prepared broth. For 2 weeks, you will need to rinse your hair with this product after each shampoo.

This decoction can be used in the same way as mummy spray; simply pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and spray wet hair with the spray immediately after washing.

To improve hair health, tablets are often added to shampoos.. Shampoos with mumiyo are made in this way: 10 tablets are diluted in 5 milliliters of shampoo that is suitable for your hair type. It is necessary to apply such a shampoo from the roots, carefully rubbing it into the bulbs to the ends, rubbing it into the ends of the curls. By doing this procedure weekly for a month, you will be surprised at how much your hair has changed.

Hair masks with mumiyo

Now that you know how to use “mountain resin” with shampoo, in the form of a decoction and spray, let’s find out the most effective and quite simple recipes masks with mumiyo.

Shilajit for damaged hair

Prepare in advance:

  • about 3 grams of mumiyo;
  • a tablespoon of liquid honey;
  • 2 yolks.

Dilute the mummy in honey and add the already beaten yolks to this mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. The composition must be rubbed into the scalp and distributed with smooth movements from top to bottom along the length of the hair. Then the strands are insulated with a cap and a towel, after 30 minutes the mass can be washed off the hair using a mild paraben-free shampoo.

Shilajit for hair growth


  • ¾ cup warm water;
  • 1.5 tablespoon of honey;
  • 7 grams mumiyo;
  • 3-4 drops of sea buckthorn oil.

Dilute the mummy in water, add honey and oil, stir everything well. Rub the resulting mask into the skin with massaging movements and apply with your palms to the entire remaining length of the hair. Warm your head and after 25 minutes rinse it from your hair. Note that it is better to apply such a mask to dirty strands. Other masks for hair growth prepared at home.

Shilajit against hair loss

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 gram mummy;
  • one yolk;
  • a teaspoon of glycerin (sold at the pharmacy);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of wine vinegar;
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of castor oil.

Mix all of the above until smooth, then rub the mixture into the hair roots. Be sure to warm your head with a hat and the warmest towel you have. Experts recommend walking with this mask on your head for at least 50 minutes. And after the specified time, you can wash it off your hair.

Shilajit for hair: reviews of use

Elena, 24 years old

I have been diluting mummy tablets in shampoo and conditioner for two and a half weeks now. I want to say right away that I noticed the effect after the first use. The hair has a healthy shine and the structure has improved slightly. I advise all women to try mumiyo on their hair.

Ekaterina, 29 years old

For a long time I used a mask intended for damaged hair. My problem was the following: I dyed my hair unsuccessfully and burned my hair. Somewhere after the third use, I noticed that my curls really began to look a little better, and after a month there was no trace left of the unsuccessful coloring.

Aliya, 27 years old

Hair growth mask is amazing. It is applied very easily and, despite the presence of oil in it, the hair does not give off a greasy shine after use. There is a growth effect, I didn’t expect such an effect on my hair at all, but now I have gorgeous hair. long hair and I rejoice. My recommendations!

For dessert, video: Useful properties of mumiyo

164 07/26/2019 6 min.

You can improve the health and condition of your hair using many methods. Most of us choose store-bought balms and masks, but folk recipes are also very effective and affordable. In our article we will talk about masks based on mumijo for hair.

It is not for nothing that this incredibly useful ingredient is considered almost the elixir of youth, because its benefits for the body are undeniable. How to properly prepare hair masks with mumiyo, as well as useful recommendations and rules for the use of such compositions are provided in further information.

What is the benefit

The origin of this unique ingredient is still not well understood. It is known that “tears of the mountains” are formed at sufficiently high altitude from the remains of organic matter. The chemical composition of mumiyo varies slightly depending on the area and species. These are not qualitative, but rather quantitative differences that characterize percentage one or another substance.

Useful properties of mumiyo:

  • Boosting immunity.
  • General toning of the body.
  • Good antibacterial effect.
  • Choleretic agent.
  • Accelerates metabolism and regeneration processes.
  • Improved blood circulation.

All these properties are fully used in cosmetology. So that masks and balms can be produced maximum effect, it is also necessary to take care of the quality of the main active ingredient. Don't buy mumiyo of dubious origin and at suspicious points of sale. There may be a risk of falsification, so it is simply wrong to take such a risk.

In the video - a hair mask with mumiyo:

How to use for cosmetic purposes

Buy mumiyo from pure form quite problematic. Usually, already processed and purified raw materials are available for sale. Pharmacology produces mumiyo in the form of powder, tablets and paste with a characteristic bitumen odor and a slightly oily consistency. To prepare anti-aging masks for face and hair, you need to take the specified amount of the component and grind it into dust. In some cases, an individual reaction of the body to this component may occur, but other than this, this substance has no contraindications for use.

You may also be interested in learning about what ingredients are needed to make them, as well as what effect you can feel from using them in the near future.

The best mask recipes

This ingredient has a very beneficial effect on hair condition. Thanks to improved blood circulation in the scalp, the tone of the hair follicles increases, which means that the curls will grow faster and thicker. In addition, the component gently cleanses strands of impurities and penetrates deeply into the hair structure. The high content of vitamins and microelements helps saturate the hair with everything it needs, so a good healing effect is noticeable almost immediately.

Recipe No. 1: kefir

Fermented milk products have long been popular when creating homemade cosmetics, so hair masks with this component are also in great demand. To enhance useful properties, kefir must be heated without bringing it to a boil.

The composition of the kefir mask is as follows:

  • A glass of kefir of sufficient fat content.
  • Natural oil - 30 drops.
  • Mumiyo powder - 2 grams.

Oil is added to the mixture to protect against drying, which mummy has on the hair structure. Any option you like will do: burdock, castor, olive or almond oil. You can use the now popular coconut oil, but due to its increased fat content, the dosage is halved. Apply the mask to clean hair and then wash off with regular shampoo. To enhance the effectiveness of the medicinal composition, it is better to rinse your hair after washing. herbal decoction. You can also try using a kefir mask to lighten your hair. All information is described in detail in the contents of this

Recipe No. 2: natural recovery

This anti-loss mask contains everything that is beneficial for healthy hair and skin. To do this on average length hair you need to take a tablespoon of honey, aloe juice, garlic (can be replaced with onion juice), one egg yolk. Add one gram of mumiyo to the mixture, whipped until smooth, and then distribute through the hair.

High efficiency and quick results are guaranteed by use twice a week. If you can’t get rid of the smell of garlic, you can replace this ingredient with pepper tincture or good cognac. This stimulates hair growth, eliminates dandruff and activates blood circulation. Find out more about the hair mask with aloe using this information.

Recipe No. 3: For dandruff

Getting rid of this unpleasant problem is quite difficult even with integrated approach. That is why the use of hair masks of similar properties must be repeated regularly. This mixture is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to brew two tablespoons of a strong decoction of burdock roots in a glass of water.

After the mixture has infused sufficiently, two grams of dry mumiyo powder must be added to the still warm liquid. Rub the resulting composition actively into the scalp and leave under the hood for at least an hour. After this time has expired, rinse your hair with water.

Recipe No. 4: for dry strands

You can restore damaged and dry strands with the following composition. To do this, take one egg yolk, mix it with a tablespoon of honey and olive oil. Add two grams of mumiyo to the mixture, mixed until smooth, and heat slightly in a water bath.

Distribute the mask over the hair and massage into the scalp. Use twice a week until lasting results are achieved. Find out what else you can do when your hair is dry, information from this

Recipe No. 5: for oily hair

Mumiyo perfectly tones oily hair. For optimal result you need to take about 100 grams of fresh or frozen cranberries, mash with a fork and pour into a glass hot water. After two hours of infusion, strain the broth and dissolve three grams of mumiyo in it. To make this happen faster, the cranberry broth can be slightly warmed up.

Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp three times a week. After the hair condition improves, the frequency of the procedure can be gradually reduced. If the mask still doesn’t help, then perhaps shampoo will help, but to find out which one, you should read this article.

Recipe No. 6: quick recovery

If the hair has been subjected to any stressful situations, the easiest way to restore your former health is with the following composition. To do this, take 100 grams of cream or low-fat sour cream, add crushed mummy powder (about 2 - 3 grams) and beaten homemade egg yolk.

Apply this mixture to the entire length of the hair. special attention focusing on the roots. After 40-50 minutes, rinse with regular shampoo and rinse with herbal decoction.

Important nuances of use

In order for such therapy to bring exceptional benefits to your hair, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the nuances of preparing and using such masks.

How to use hair masks correctly:

  • All ingredients must be good quality, fresh and free of preservatives and harmful additives.
  • This treatment can be used no more than twice a week.
  • After 10 – 15 sessions, you need to take a break for at least a month so that the mixture does not lose its effectiveness.
  • For greater impact, the composition should be left on the hair for at least half an hour.
  • The convenience of using homemade masks will be ensured by a heat-insulating cap. It can be a shower cap and a towel.
  • Using mumiyo you can enrich your regular shampoo or conditioner. To do this, you can add a little ingredient directly upon application. You shouldn’t add mumiyo to the whole bottle at once, it won’t do much good.
  • The use of mumiyo during pregnancy and lactation must be agreed with your doctor. To avoid harm to the child, it may be necessary to refrain from such activities.

In the video - a mask for hair growth with mumiyo:

Homemade hair masks with mumiyo are a real salvation for weak and damaged hair. The use of this component has long been a panacea for many diseases, but Shilajit is mainly known for its restorative and health-improving properties. This ingredient restores strength and shine to hair, accelerates its growth and relieves strands of oily shine and dandruff. The best recipes and useful tips on the production and use of such compositions are described in the information in our article.

Nature has many unique and valuable means for beauty, longevity and health. One of these priceless natural gifts is mumiyo. Scientists have been trying to unravel the full power of this substance for several centuries. But now when adding Shilajit for hair in shampoo, reviews very enthusiastic about the results. Curls acquire natural beauty and strength.

What is unique about mountain resin?

This natural substance is formed long time in mountain voids. For cosmetic and medical purposes it is used in purified form. The product becomes a shiny, homogeneous substance of rich brown. Also released Shilajit tablets for hair.

The resin has a very characteristic odor. For cosmetic purposes it is used not only to restore health to hair. Shilajit helps get rid of inflammatory processes on the skin. It has proven itself well as a rejuvenating and cleansing agent. Used as a means to improve metabolic processes.

They also produce mummy tablets for hair.

IN medicinal purposes used to enhance the protective functions of the body, better fusion of bones after fractures. It fights well against harmful organisms in the human body and promotes the flow of bile.

Mumiyo is mined in many parts of the planet - in Burma, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, in Ural mountains and in the Caucasus, Japan and Siberia.

Why is mumiyo so effective?

Any disruptions in the body primarily affect the condition of the hair, but there are also many external factors that prevent you from having healthy hair.

At improper care the hair is subject to mechanical damage. Therefore, you should not comb wet hair or overuse styling devices. For curling and coloring, choose the least aggressive means.

Poor environmental conditions and water with a high content of chlorine also negatively affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, it is better to use purified water for washing. Don't forget to rinse your hair with herbal remedies.

If improperly cared for, the hair is subject to mechanical damage.

In order for hair to be thick and healthy, it must be protected from temperature changes during the cold season and protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

A person whose diet is unbalanced can always be recognized by his hair. Excessive consumption of sweet, salty, spicy foods will make your hair dull and brittle.

Shilajit for hair- a non-hormonal remedy that can revive even the most hopeless hair. It contains more than 50 chemical elements and a large number of rare natural substances, including various metal oxides, amino acids, and bee venom. It contains a lot of different essential oils and resins.

The product penetrates deeply nutrients delivered to each hair follicle.

Benefits of mumiyo:

  • blood circulation and metabolic processes are normalized;
  • the level of copper and zinc in cells increases;
  • tissue respiration and cell regeneration are activated.

Shilajit helps a lot with oily hair

Shilajit also has antitoxic and anti-inflammatory qualities. Therefore, it can be successfully used for any type of dandruff. Also prevents hair loss at any stage of baldness. The problem of skin prone to peeling can be solved with the help of mumiyo much faster and more effectively.

The product protects curls from the adverse effects of the environment. It helps a lot with oily hair - the skin dries out and the sebaceous glands begin to work normally.

Can everyone use this product?

Mumiyo has been studied more than once by scientists different countries. But we were able to identify only a small list of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance, allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms.

Mumiyo should not be used simultaneously with alcohol.

When adding mumiyo to shampoo, you must adhere to the correct dosage

How is rock resin used in hair care products?

Mountain resin is used externally as a cosmetic product. Most often added Shilajit for hair in shampoo, rinse, balm, make various masks.

What are the proportions?

Adding Shilajit in shampoo it is necessary to adhere to the correct dosage. The product is added at the rate of 1 tablet per 50 ml of shampoo. You don’t have to grind them first - the substance will dissolve well on its own. At the same time, the color and smell of the shampoo change significantly.

For one use, it is enough to dissolve one tablet in a standard dose of shampoo. After applying the product, leave it on your hair for a few minutes.

Seeing the results of use Shilajit for hair in shampoo in the photo It is necessary to remember the regularity of procedures. After one use, you should not hope for miraculous hair restoration.

For one use, it is enough to dissolve one tablet in a standard dose of shampoo.

To stop the process of baldness and accelerate hair renewal, you need to dissolve 2 mummy tablets in hair balm, one ampoule of B vitamins - B1, B6, B12.


It is necessary to dilute 3 g of resin in 250 ml of water. A few hours before the hygiene procedure, apply the solution to your hair, rubbing into the roots.

It is more effective to use a decoction of calendula or chamomile instead of water. Women who were used in this way mummy for hair, reviews only give positive ones.

For dry hair, mix 15 ml of olive (burdock) oil with 20 ml of fresh burdock juice. Stir everything in 210 ml of water, add 3 g of mountain resin.

Rub into skin before or after washing your hair.

The best growth activator is considered to be a mixture of an aqueous solution of cranberries with 2 g of mumiyo

When using this product on damp, clean hair, the curls will more easily withstand any styling products and devices.

The best growth activator is considered to be a mixture of an aqueous solution of cranberries with 2 g of mumiyo. It must be carefully distributed over all hair and rubbed into the skin.

How to cook?

  1. Grind fresh cranberries (100 g).
  2. Mix the berries with 600 ml of boiling water.
  3. After 4 hours, dissolve 3 g of mumiyo in the resulting infusion.

Rinse against dandruff and dry scalp

Prepare a burdock decoction by pouring 50 g of plant roots with 950 ml of water. Then the product must be boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

Dissolve 3 tablets of mountain resin in a slightly cooled broth.

You should rinse your hair with the resulting solution every day for 14 days. You can pour it into a container with a spray bottle and use it instead of a spray. Apply to clean, slightly dried hair after each wash.

Masks based on mountain resin

If the strands are overdried or damaged, it can help hair mask with mumiyo and honey. These 2 natural components in combination give amazing results.

  1. Mix liquid honey (50 ml) with 3 g mummy.
  2. Add fresh chicken egg yolk (can be replaced with two quail ones).
  3. Mix until smooth.

Gently and evenly rub the product into the roots, distribute evenly along the entire length of the curls. The mask is washed off after 25 minutes with warm water and shampoo.

If your strands are overdried or damaged, a hair mask with mumiyo and honey can help.

The mass should not be overexposed, as this will negatively affect the condition of the hair.

Use effectively Shilajit for hair growth.

You will need:

  • water – 150 ml;
  • honey – 25 g;
  • mumiyo – 7 g;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 5 drops.

Stir the mountain resin in water, add the remaining ingredients. Mix until smooth. Massaging the skin, apply the mask to the roots. And then distribute along the entire length of the strands. It is better to apply to dirty strands.

You can wash off the product after 20 minutes.

To restore the structure of the hair, you need to take 12 ml of honey, garlic juice and aloe pulp

To strengthen your hair and avoid baldness, you can prepare the following mask:

  • mumiyo – 2 g;
  • egg yolk – 2 pcs.;
  • glycerin – 10 ml;
  • wine vinegar – 5 ml;
  • castor oil – 40 ml.

Mix all ingredients, the mass should be homogeneous. The mask is rubbed into the roots. Due to the large amount of oil, you can keep it for up to 50 minutes.

To restore the structure of the hair, you need to take 12 ml of honey, garlic juice and aloe pulp. Add raw yolk, 1.5 g of resin. Apply completely to all curls.

Hair looks like it came out of an expensive salon - you can achieve this effect yourself, without leaving home.

Split ends can be lubricated herbal infusion with the addition of mountain resin

Dissolve 1 g of mountain resin in 100 ml of heated water. In 10 ml of burdock oil, add 6 drops each of lavender oil and tea tree oil, 4 drops of any citrus oil. Finally, pour out 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid.

Mix the mask until smooth and apply to hair, paying special attention to the roots and ends. The product can be kept for about an hour. You can repeat the procedure once every 7 days.

Split ends can be lubricated with herbal infusion with the addition of mountain resin. To do this, brew 15 g of crushed burdock or mint leaves in a glass of boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, strain the product and add 2 g of mumiyo. Use before washing your hair. It will take 10-14 days to restore the hair structure. The treatment must be applied every 3 days.

You can also prepare the following mask for hair ends that are in poor condition:

  1. Mix 100 ml of kefir, 3 g of mumiyo and 30 drops of heated burdock oil.
  2. Mix the mixture well and rub into the ends.
  3. Wash off after half an hour.

The popularity of mumiyo for hair and its use at home is due to the availability of the drug

When using mumiyo for hair growth and strengthening, you must insulate your hair with polyethylene and a terry towel. This will help the mask to absorb better and penetrate into the deeper layers of the scalp.

What are consumers saying?

Among the many positive feedback those who used Shilajit for hair, before and after photos speak for themselves. Hair stops falling out, ends don’t split, and curls are shiny. Very noticeable new hairs in large quantities. The strands get dirty less often, the skin is not so oily, and the problem of dandruff disappears forever.

Popularity mummy for hair, application it at home is due to the availability of the drug. Mountain resin in whole form and in tablets can be easily purchased in almost every pharmacy or specialty store.

Whole mummy is more effective, but costs a little more.

Wipe the skin of the face with the mummy solution carefully, following the massage lines

Other uses of rock tar

For the face:

Dissolve 20 g of mumiyo in 50 ml of water. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution. Wipe your face gently, following the massage lines. This lotion starts the regeneration process in the epidermis and helps restore skin health.

For feet:

Pour 3 liters of hot water into a basin and let cool slightly. Dissolve 10 g mummy. Immerse your feet in the solution and leave for a quarter of an hour.

This procedure will help eliminate tired legs and relieve blisters, corns and calluses.

In addition to external cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to take mumiyo internally, 0.2 g every day before breakfast. The product must be dissolved in 35 ml of warm water. Treatment should be continued for 4 weeks.