When and how to prune pear trees in the fall. How to prune a pear correctly in the summer - the basic principles of summer pruning Do you need to trim the branches of a pear

Some gardeners do not want to plant a pear on their site, citing the fact that it requires a lot of attention. In fact, this tree is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and productivity, without requiring special care. In this article we will tell you how to trim a pear, give instructions and step by step diagrams with advice.

Completely abandon the pear to the mercy of fate and wait big harvest it won't work. The plant still needs some care. If you do pruning, watering, applying the necessary fertilizers, and grafting in time, the result will not be long in coming, and the pear will reward you with a good harvest of tasty, beautiful and useful fruits. Table optimal conditions for growing pears:

Culture Period

life (years)

Height Distance (m) Productivity Attitude towards Depth (m)


between the rows in a row to the world Soil pH
Pear 25 5 5 4 80 6,5-7,0 2

The main role in pear care is given to pruning the crown. Inexperienced gardeners, for fear of cutting the wrong branch, do insufficient pruning or do not prune at all. This leads to extensive growth of the crown, which will inevitably reduce the harvest, which, moreover, will be difficult to harvest.

[CLICK] What does NOT properly pruning a pear lead to!

The health of the tree depends on how correctly the branches are pruned.

Step-by-step instructions for pear pruning

Proper bending and tying of pear branches contributes to the correct formation of the crown and increased yield. The numbers indicate the age of the tree (click to enlarge)

Pear is a light-loving crop, so proper pruning will prevent thickening of the crown.

  1. It is not recommended to trim large number branches at once. The plant will have to use all its reserves in order to quickly recover, in which case expectations of a good harvest will be in vain. Ideal option– do pruning in two steps: remove some this season, cut out the rest next season.
  2. First you need to remove the shoots that form an acute angle in relation to the trunk. Then remove those parallel to the trunk and directed vertically upward.
  3. When removing branches, you should not leave large stumps, so as not to provoke rotting, but you should not remove them flush either - there may be problems with long-term healing of the wound. You need to choose something in between: ring trimming. The guideline for such pruning is a kind of influx of bark located at the junction of the branch and the trunk.
  4. If there is a need to cut a branch with a diameter of more than three centimeters, then you should cut it first at the bottom, and only then make the top cut. This will help avoid damage to the bark on the trunk in the event of a branch breaking, which usually occurs when the top is cut incorrectly.
  5. It is not recommended to touch the branches that form the base of the trunk (no more than 4).
  6. After completing the work, a few days later, it is necessary to lubricate the cuts with garden varnish to avoid the release of tree sap from the wound. It can serve as a bait for insects that will feed on it, thereby taking vitality from the plant.

What tools are needed for pruning?

For any plant, pruning is stressful. For it to pass painlessly, you need the right and quality tools. They must be sharp - to obtain smooth and even cuts, safe and easy to use - this is important for the one doing the pruning.

  • – a must-have for any gardener. Its scope is wide: pruning thin and medium branches, removing excess growth and dry stems; it can easily cope even with branches 2.5 cm in diameter.
  • – has external and functional similarities with pruning shears. The difference is in the length of the handles; on a lopper they are much longer, which provides access to high branches and simplifies the work.
  • Garden knife - it is used to trim shoots, budding, cleaning wounds on a plant, grafting and many other small jobs in the garden. It has a comfortable handle and a very durable and sharp blade.
  • Garden saw - it should be small and have correct wiring, sharpening, thickness and length of the cutting element. To her positive qualities This includes low weight, which is important during long periods of work, and a handle that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. Read also the article: → "".

Pruning pears in spring

The most important pruning for pears is spring; it guarantees an excellent harvest. It is in the spring that buds are laid - this is an indisputable fact. For their origin, a large amount of sunlight is required, so thickening the crown is unacceptable in order to avoid darkening, which can interfere with the development of flower buds. No flowers - no fruits!

To prevent this, a one-year-old seedling should be pruned when it reaches a height of about half a meter. Only the top is cut to ¼ of its length, which will stimulate growth for the lower branches, thereby beginning the formation of a proper crown.

Tip #1.It is important to prune in the spring before the buds begin to produce leaves.

Only then will the formation of the crown be successful, and one of the goals: compactness will be achieved. The main thing in pruning a pear in spring is to give good lighting each fruit branch and achieve ventilation of the crown. Two-year and three-year-old seedlings are pruned in this way:

  • just like annuals, they are cut to a quarter of the length, but here they also add pruning of neighboring branches “to the ring”;
  • leave 3-4 main shoots, with an angle of inclination to the trunk of 45°, remove the rest;
  • branches with ovaries need to be bent down, giving them a horizontal position;
  • Bend the rest down too and secure with twine.

As the plant matures, the number of young shoots decreases every spring. To increase the speed of their formation, it is necessary to shorten the entire crown of an aging pear, giving it a pyramidal shape.

  • firmly established positive temperature (not lower than +5°C);
  • absence of night frosts;
  • carry out work before the start of sap flow in the tree.

Tip #2. After spring pruning, you should refrain from applying nitrogen fertilizers to the pear so that the taste of the fruit does not deteriorate. During spring awakening, the tree itself takes from the soil everything it needs.

Pruning pears in autumn

Proper pruning young pear seedlings are the key to a good harvest in the future (diagram). Click to enlarge

In the fall, the so-called sanitary cleaning of the crown is carried out, freeing it from broken and diseased branches. This work must be done very carefully. If too many branches are removed, the plant will have difficulty surviving the coming winter. Another goal of autumn pruning is to prevent diseases and pests from spreading so that the plant goes into winter healthy.

Scheme for pruning pears in autumn:

  1. Removal of dry and diseased branches to eliminate the possibility of damage to healthy branches if diseased branches accidentally fall in the winter.
  2. Branches that are in a horizontal position relative to the trunk, as well as those directed inside the crown, must be removed.
  3. Shortening annual shoots, leaving a few buds on them so that in the spring these buds will produce new shoots.
  4. Empty branches that hang over fruiting trees and suppress their development should also be removed. The remaining branches that seem superfluous should simply be trimmed, making them shorter, and removed only in the spring.
  5. Pay careful attention to the remaining knots, cutting them into rings.

Tip #3. Everything removed from the tree must be burned so as not to infect other plants located in the vicinity of the pear with bacteria remaining on diseased branches.

🎥 Video lesson from the Poddubny family “How to trim a pear correctly”

A practical video lesson from Vitaly Poddubnykh explains step by step how to trim a pear correctly ⇓.

How to prune a young pear tree

A seedling planted in autumn should not be pruned. If the pear was planted in the spring, then you need to carry out the first pruning to facilitate the adaptation of the plant and lay the foundation for the crown; the size of the trimmed top is a quarter of the length.

Seedlings older than a year are pruned twice per season to form the skeleton of the crown, increase branching and ensure the growth of fruit branches. Annual branches are cut to ¼ length. The second tier of branches is formed at the age of four years. It should be noted that excessive pruning of a young tree leads to a later onset of fruiting.

How to prune an old pear tree

The more branches removed from a pear tree, the better for its growth. Pruning at 1, 2, 3, 4 years (click to enlarge)

Every gardener has his favorite plants in his garden. Most likely, there is a favorite pear tree, which has been growing for many, many years, but every year it produces less and less fruit. This situation can be corrected by rejuvenating pruning of the long-lived pear, which is best done in early spring, while the tree is in “dormant mode.”

First you need to work with top part crowns, carefully cutting out not only old branches, but also young shoots. There is no need to feel sorry, the pear will withstand the removal of the crown by almost 50% and will only be glad of such an update, quickly restoring fruiting.

After finishing processing from above, you should go to bottom part crowns Cut everything out, leaving thick branches in 2 rows; note that there must be at least seven skeletal branches. The distance between tiers is about 1 meter. If this is not possible, then you can sacrifice the middle branches, leaving only those located perpendicular to the trunk.

After inspecting the location of the branches in the crown, you should remove broken and crossed branches. Do not be afraid to cut out thick branches; they no longer fulfill their main function - fruiting. Literally in a year the tree will cope with the cleaning and will delight you with an abundance of fruits.

The most common mistakes when pruning pear trees

To make fruit trees pleasing to the eye, they need competent care, which is expressed in proper formation and reasonable pruning. Inept processing will give a result that is difficult to correct and can even lead to the death of the plant.

Mistake #1. Irregular pruning

Carrying out spring pruning does not mean the end of caring for a pear tree or any other tree. fruit tree. You can’t remember him only once a year. The pear requires constant attention and care, especially during periods of rapid growth. After spring pruning, as a rule, top shoots appear, which in 2-3 years can make the tree unrecognizable, becoming thicker than the mother branch, and significantly reduce the yield, taking away everything nutrients at the main trunk. Therefore, it is worth periodically inspecting the pear and fighting tops.

Mistake #2. Incorrect branch deletion

When removing a branch, you should strictly follow the “ring” pruning rule. Only then will the tree be able to use its own bark to heal the wound, which will prevent infection by harmful fungi, prevent insect pests from settling in, and make it impossible for a hollow to form in place of a rotten twig.

Mistake #3. Covering a fresh cut

After removing the branch, a cut remains, from which tree sap is released. If you immediately cover a wet wound with paint or garden varnish, it will begin to rot before it has time to dry. After trimming a branch with a diameter of more than 3 cm, you should wait 3-5 days, and cover the wound only after it has completely dried.

Answers to frequently asked questions about pear pruning

Question No. 1. How to prepare a pear for wintering?

Preparing for winter isn't just about pruning. First of all, you need to remove all rotten fruit from and under the pear. Then, to prevent scab on the crown and trunk, they should be treated with a five percent urea solution, healing all existing wounds. Insulate the plant and apply preventive measures for protection against various harmful insects and rodents.

Question No. 2. What to do if the branches on the pear grow upward?

After pruning, active growth of new shoots usually begins. But not all shoots are good for the pear. From cuts of thick branches, tops grow, directed vertically upward. They can be removed simply with your fingers while they are still small and not roughened. They also appear on the trunk and from the root, they should also be removed. If you do not do this in a timely manner, the crown will thicken very quickly and the yield will decrease.

Question No. 3. Is it possible to prune a pear tree in winter?

IN winter time years when there is no foliage on the tree, all branches in all directions are clearly visible. Therefore, winter is the best period for formative pruning. At the same time, you can get rid of damaged and frozen branches. Most importantly, the temperature should not be lower than -10, maximum -15°C. And since the pear has a dormant period in winter, when all processes proceed very slowly, it will easily tolerate light, not heavy, pruning.

Question No. 4. When is the best time to harvest shoots for pear grafting?

To plant the desired pear variety, you will need an annual shoot, otherwise called a cutting. Grafting is usually carried out in the spring, when sap begins to flow in the tree and the buds swell. It is better to prepare material for grafting in late autumn or even early winter until severe frosts set in. After cutting the cuttings, wrap them in a damp cloth and pack them in plastic. A refrigerator or damp sand in the cellar is suitable for storage.

Question No. 5. Is it possible to prune pear trees in summer?

Pruning a pear tree summer period undesirable. At this time of year, there is an accumulation of glucose and other useful substances. During pruning, young foliage is lost, and with it nutrients. It's better to wait until autumn.

An important element in plant care.

This process must be carried out carefully so as not to harm the tree, so it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of spring pear pruning.

Why is spring pruning necessary?

Doubts about whether to prune often plague novice gardeners. But this procedure must be carried out to ensure the plant’s healthy existence and active growth of shoots. By pruning pears, you can increase the yield of the tree, as well as the quality of the fruit.

Important! When pruning the branches of a young pear, it is necessary to immediately begin the formation of the crown, which will facilitate better absorption of sunlight by the leaves of the tree and accelerate the photosynthesis of the plant.

Also pruning pears in spring correct scheme will help the plant form a strong trunk and branches so that they can withstand the load of a large harvest. It will be able to provide the plant with a normal distribution of nutrients, the necessary space for processing and convenient harvesting.

Optimal timing for spring pruning

Pear pruning must be done at a time when the air temperature does not drop below -8°C, from March to May. At this time, the tree is still in the dormant stage and the juices are not distributed along the trunk, so the pear will bring the procedure without any undesirable consequences.

If you neglect the advice on the timing of the procedure and prune very early, when a strong drop in air temperature is possible, the plant can be harmed or even provoke its death.

Set of garden tools for work

In order to correctly carry out the procedure for pruning a tree, it is necessary to prepare special garden tools. For young plants that have thin, fragile branches, you will need and.

In order to cope with older trees, you cannot do without a saw and a lopper. It is important not only to choose correctly, but also to maintain their cleanliness. Store garden supplies in a clean and dry place. Also make sure that they are good and do not harm the plant during manipulations.

Did you know? Very durable pear wood is widely used for making musical instruments and furniture, as well as kitchen utensils that can be washed in the dishwasher and nothing will happen to them.

Differences in pruning old and young trees

Depending on the age of the pear, pruning has its own characteristics that must be taken into account during the procedure in order to ensure normal development and fruiting of the plant.

Pruning young

Let's look at how to prune a young pear in the spring. Trimming operations are carried out on next year after planting, when the seedling has completely taken root and grown stronger. The further formation of the tree crown depends on the first pruning.

If you do the whole procedure correctly, then in subsequent years it will be easier to care for the pear, since a correctly formed crown will only require pruning last year’s shoots and the formation of skeletal branches of the crown.

Spring procedures contribute to increased branching, and semi-skeletal branches are formed, which affect the formation fruit branches, for this purpose the shoots are shortened by 1/4 of the length.

Also pay attention to the tops that often form on young trees. The tops that thicken the crown can very quickly grow into full-fledged large branches, so you should not hesitate to trim them. The gardener must turn them into overgrowing and semi-skeletal branches.

Fruiting pruning

Let's consider detailed description, how to prune a fruiting pear in the spring so that novice gardeners can perform this procedure correctly and protect them from unnecessary, rash steps.

The first tier of the crown must be formed before the pear enters the fruiting period. Approximately in the fifth year, the tree must be prepared for the formation of the second tier of the crown. By the age of six years, the crown thickens and the fruiting area shifts to the periphery.

To prevent this process, it is necessary to lighten the crown. It is necessary to leave conductor branches that extend from the trunk at an angle of up to 90°, and cut out competitors at the base of the branches. On the selected conductor, it is necessary to select skeletal branches, which are collected in groups by height and trimmed, forming two or even three tiers of the crown.

The height between the first and second tier should be at least 60 cm, and the height between the second and third tier should be at least 30 cm. Next, you need to start shortening and thinning out individual branches in accordance with the height of each tier.

Did you know?Each leaf on a pear tree grows at one angle - 135° , which provides foliage maximum quantity moisture and light.

Let's look at how to prune a pear if the branches grow upward and extend from the trunk almost parallel. In this case, first, formative pruning of the conductors is performed; if these branches are healthy, do not thicken the crown of the tree and do not intertwine, then there is no need to remove them completely; you can simply shorten them in accordance with the tier to which they belong.

It is also necessary to remove all branches that grow inside the crown, thicken it or intertwine with each other. It is also important to take care of shortening the growth of skeletal branches, cutting them off by ¼ of the entire length.

Trimming old

Pruning of old trees is done to rejuvenate the plant, to stimulate fruiting and to give the tree a shape for convenient harvesting of fruits. It is very important at this stage to carry out the manipulation correctly, because old trees may not survive a poorly performed procedure.

In the case of pear rejuvenation, there are two situations on which your further actions will depend:

  • If the tree has not been subjected to regular removal of branches and has grown quite large, but does not bear fruit well, then the procedure must begin by shortening the crown of the tree.
  • If the pear has been subjected to regular removal of branches, then the rejuvenating procedure must begin with thinning the crown of the pear.

Pruning a pear is carried out with the aim of providing the plant with quality care, rejuvenation, as well as stimulating growth and development or extending the productive period, so such an event must be carried out correctly and in a timely manner. It is necessary to prune the pear different stages growing season, and step by step guide for beginners allows you to correctly determine how many such activities need to be done in the process of annual care of the fruit crop.

Pear pruning options

In conditions home gardening The following options for pruning pear trees are most often practiced:

  • formative pruning aimed at creating a correct and productive crown of the fruit tree;
  • the second pruning is sanitary, before the stage of activation of the growing season, characterized by the removal of all shrunken and diseased or damaged shoots;
  • main or maintenance pruning, carried out before the first ten days of April and involving the removal of part of the crown in order to prevent overload of ovaries and fruits.

It should be remembered that strong one-time pruning of any kind can negatively affect the productivity of fruit plantings, so the activity is carried out in stages. It is important to note that at the pruning stage, nitrogen-containing fertilizers cannot be applied, and fertilizing is carried out only after the cutting areas have healed.

How to prune a pear in spring (video)

Spring pruning

The pear, like any other fruit tree, bears fruit abundantly in home gardening conditions only with strict adherence to agricultural technology and compliance with the crown pruning scheme. To the list of main spring work The garden also includes the planting procedure. Proper pruning, as well as timely removal of all unnecessary branches, contributes to uniform illumination of the crown and its ventilation, which allows you to obtain a high and high-quality harvest.

Spring pruning must be done with sharp and clean garden pruning shears in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • young pear, in the first year after planting permanent place, should be cut at a height of 50-60 cm from the ground surface, which helps stimulate the growth processes of new branches from the buds, which are located on the lower part of annual seedlings;
  • the stem part of the seedlings in the second year after planting must be cut by a quarter, as a result of which no more than four to five side branches should remain on the main part, located at an angle of 45 degrees to the trunk;
  • Competing branches must be removed into a “ring” so that the main lower branches are located above the second-order shoots.

Horizontal shoots play an important role in the formation of a beautiful looking and highly productive crown. In the process of pruning young plants, all new shoots intended for the formation of ovaries and harvest must be bent to a horizontal position. It is important to remove vertically growing shoots, and the cut areas must be treated with garden varnish or Rannet.

Important to note, that in mild conditions winter period pear cuttings can be cut not only in winter, but also in early spring period, until the phase of active bud break. Cuttings for vegetative propagation fruit plants can be done at the spring pruning stage using an exclusively healthy parent tree.

Summer pruning

The second pruning after the winter rest of the fruit plantings is carried out in the summer. It is during this period that most amateur gardeners carry out another inspection of fruit trees and, if necessary, remove deformed or diseased branches. However, experienced gardeners and experts say that Summer pruning is most often a forced measure and should be carried out only for serious indications.

In summer, it is very important to prune a pear tree if the crown is very thick, which can interfere with the ripening of the fruit. Activities such as pinching or pinching apical shoots on plants older than 3 years are carried out precisely in the summer, in June.

How the crown of a pear is formed (video)

Autumn pruning

Early autumn, With last numbers August and until mid-September, it is necessary to remove all dried, broken and with signs of disease branches and their subsequent destruction. The formation of the crown involves shortening it by about a third, leaving several buds that will be involved in the formation of new branches.

Beginners and inexperienced amateur gardeners are strongly recommended to use the agricultural technology of forming a pyramidal shape in plants at the age of two years. This autumn pruning helps to increase the productivity of the fruit tree and facilitates the harvesting process.

It is important to note that autumn sanitary pruning of pears can be carried out as long as the air temperature remains above zero. In conditions of even slight frosts, pruning should be postponed to the spring, since otherwise the cuts do not have time to heal before severe frosts, as a result of which they freeze.

Wood rejuvenation

Pruning an old pear tree is quite a serious procedure., requiring some skills and certain knowledge. Fruit trees older than eight to ten years are thinned in the spring, even before active growth processes in the buds and foliage.

Standard pruning of an adult plant should begin with the removal of excess branches of the crown, which will provide the aboveground part fruit crop good lighting and air access. At the next stage, all young branches growing in a direction parallel to the main stem part are shortened. As a result of such measures, it is possible to achieve the fastest and correct formation of young, productive shoots.

How to prune a pear in summer (video)

Subject to all rules for caring for the fruit tree after pruning, including such measures as watering, fertilizing, thoroughly loosening the soil in tree trunk circles, and also preventative treatment above-ground part and soil, allows you to achieve high results in home gardening conditions and obtain a highly productive fruit tree.

In order to collect good harvest It is not enough to plant a tree from pear trees, the main thing is to care for it properly. In this article we will outline the answers to the following questions: “Why is pear pruning so important?”, “What time of year and how best to prune?”

Pruning is a necessary procedure that helps achieve the following goals:

  1. Increased productivity.
  2. Formation correct form crowns
  3. Improving access of sunlight to the crown.
  4. Rapid tree growth and accelerated fruiting.
  5. Extending the life of pear trees.
  6. Convenient and fast harvesting.
  7. Elimination of shading of other garden trees by pear trees.

When is the best time to prune?

Pruning at different times of the year has its own tasks, so each pruning is important in its own way. In autumn, pruning is done for sanitary cleaning of the crown, and pruning in summer or spring to stimulate flowering and for the correct formation of the crown. The very first pruning of pear trees, which are formed according to the five-leg system, should be carried out in the spring before the buds swell.

Pruning in spring

Spring pear pruning diagram

Pruning pear trees at any time of the year is carried out using sharp pruning shears with a narrow blade. Also, the following tools can be used: lopper, hand or electric scissors (the handle can be long or short), garden knife, garden saw.

Spring pruning of pears (maintenance) guarantees a bountiful harvest by autumn, because it stimulates growth, unlike summer pruning, That's why experienced gardener will not miss pruning in the spring. Exact date It’s very difficult to say when you need to prune a pear, so rely on the outside temperature. If the temperature rises above plus five degrees and no longer freezes at night, then you can safely start pruning.

The approximate period is from the beginning of March to the end of April. Southern regions can perform pruning throughout the winter, because there is no risk of pruned branches freezing.

Spring pruning is needed for:

  • crown lightening;
  • reducing tree height;
  • cutting off all lateral growths on the upper bud (flower);
  • thinning overgrown branches.

In the spring, thin, fragile branches are pruned, which can easily break due to the weight of ripe fruits. The second method involves removing absolutely all branches to the base that are growing incorrectly, that is, not growing horizontally to the ground.

In the spring, the tree crown should be thinned out so that sunlight and heated the branches that would bear fruit and the trunk. To stop the growth of a pear tree, it is worth shortening the trunk by one fourth. Each cut should be treated with special means.

Summer pruning

Summer tree pruning can be done bare hands. You should start already at the beginning of June from the moment the ovaries begin to form and continue every ten days throughout the entire growing season until harvest, because in the summer the branches do not stop growing.

The method of summer pruning is called pinching or pinching; it allows you to retard the growth of the pear, because the pear is a vigorously growing tree. The essence of the method is to pinch off unnecessary young shoots at the top using nails. This will remove the entire top, including the already hardened area. This method will not allow young shoots to continue growing in length, that is, it prevents the growth of unnecessary branches.

If you regularly prune trees in summer, you can save your energy during autumn and spring pruning. Most of the branches will be easily removed, because the branch does not have time to gain strength. Also, proper summer pruning helps transform leaf buds into fruit buds, that is, sends nutrients to the fruits.

Pruning in autumn

Autumn pruning (sanitary) allows you to increase the yield for the next year and prepare pear trees for winter, so this procedure should begin at the end of August, the last chance to perform autumn pruning is given in mid-September, but only after harvesting.

Autumn pruning consists of the following steps:

  1. Removing dried, diseased, damaged branches that can break off when frozen in winter and damage healthy shoots.
  2. Branches growing at an angle of 90 degrees are removed.
  3. Those growing incorrectly are subject to partial removal. Those branches that will interfere with the growth of fruit-bearing branches are removed.
  4. When completely removing branches, stumps should not remain; focus on the rings located at the very base of the branches.

Branches deleted when autumn pruning, you will definitely have to burn it. This is necessary so that others garden trees were not affected by pathogenic bacteria remaining on the cut branches.

Features of age-related pruning

Pear pruning scheme by year

By the end of the first season, pruning of the young pear tree should begin. If the tree was planted in the spring, then the top of the seedling is cut off at a height of 70 cm. This allows you to stimulate the growth of uterine branches towards the end of the season.

Next year, in the second spring, the branches (crown frame) should be shortened by half or 2/3 of the length (depending on growth). Trimming should be done on the outer bud, removing excess shoots.

In the second year, branches of the second order will develop. We also shorten the main branches by half or 2/3, but only those that are located to the trunk at the greatest angle of departure. There should be a central branch and about 3 side branches that grow at an angle of 45 degrees.

A pear tree older than one year should be pruned 2 times a year.

In the early spring of the third year, half-skeletal branches are pruned to the outer bud. That is, the formation of branches is carried out, which will then form the skeletal basis of the pear tree.

In the 4th year, in the spring, the conductors begin to be pruned, but there is often no central conductor, because pear trees have strong lateral branches.

If the branches grow upward, then they are subject to mandatory pruning, that is, shortening, in order to transfer them to fruiting, or they are twisted under the lower branches. If they are moved to a horizontal position, then accelerated fruiting will be possible.

The old pear tree has very thick and strong branches that cannot be cut with ordinary pruning shears, so a garden saw is used to cut them. On old pear trees, rejuvenating pruning is carried out in the spring or at the end of winter, the main thing is to do it before the growing season begins.

This type of pruning is carried out only for trees whose age has exceeded ten years. Old pear trees are more resistant to low temperatures, but it is preferable to do pruning at temperatures above zero degrees.

A rejuvenating haircut is needed in the following cases:

  • if the tree has grown very much because it did not receive proper care;
  • if the tree still bears fruit, but the yield has decreased significantly and the quality of the fruit has deteriorated;
  • There are many dry areas that are affected by insects and diseases.

Frozen and dried branches are also subject to mandatory removal. Branches that interfere with young healthy branches should also be removed after cutting down the conductor.

If you are concerned pruning pears, forming a crown and caring for them in the spring - the scheme of these processes is quite simple. You just have to delve a little deeper into questions asked and everything will work out for you. The photos and videos in the article below will help you with this!

If you want to get a good harvest from your tree, make sure that it is well developed and well cared for. Despite the great differences of opinion, one thing can be said for sure - in the summer it is better not to touch or prune the pear tree; summer pruning can only harm, not provide proper care. Along with the excess branches, you will also destroy some of the leaves, as a result of which the tree will not receive the required amount of sap, will not be nourished and develop. It is best to plant pears when planting, as well as in early spring; more details can be seen in the video.

Trim when planting

Many gardeners are afraid to prune pears; they are afraid of doing something wrong and ruining the tree. This is a vain fear, because without pruning the tree begins to age very early, grows greatly, and the quality of the harvest decreases.

In order to form the crown of a pear, it is necessary to create a stable and durable skeleton that can withstand a large load of fruit. The crown should be well lit, and the skeletal branches should be covered with fruit. Take care to create a crown that will be convenient to trim and collect fruits from.

After landing

Immediately after planting a tree, it is necessary to restore the broken correlation between the above-ground part and the roots; for this purpose, pruning is carried out, as well as subsequent care. If you trim the branches too much, the tree will begin to grow too quickly, which will cause significant damage to the formation of the crown itself. It is best not to shorten the branches, but to thin them out.

In the first year, the pear grows very slowly, because of this it practically does not need spring filing and special care. During the formation of the crown skeleton, that is, the growth of the vegetative parts, the branches are cut minimally, only giving the tree its shape. You can limit yourself to just bending the extra branches; they can be pulled with twine to the nail at the base of the trunk. This will significantly help speed up fruiting. By the way, it is recommended to trim branches to one quarter of the length.

Prune in spring

After the severe frosts have passed, the time comes for spring pruning of pears. This is done so that your tree does not grow, while bringing a minimum of harvest. If you care for it properly during the first years of development of the pear, then you will not need much further care. Spring - best time To do this, start before the buds swell. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the tree based on foliage and growth. Each fruit requires about 50 leaves for its development; they mainly accumulate on growths. At the top, growth should reach 100 cm, this will indicate the normal development of the tree. In the middle part of the crown, growth should reach 50 cm, but in the lower part - 20-30.

If the tree is old, you need to improve its quality and rejuvenate it in the spring. To do this, it is worth shortening the branches, thinning and reducing the crown, and cutting out weak fruits.

Main stages of work

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all shoots that extend at an acute angle from the trunk. You also need to remove non-fruiting (top) shoots, as well as those that grow parallel to the trunk. Work on the shoots that head towards the center of the crown.

Make the trunk shorter

Treat all cuts with a special product.

It is necessary to shorten the entire young growth by about a third.

Fruit buds should not be cut; fruits and flowers will form on them.

When pruning, make sure that no stumps remain. There should only be an influx of branches left.

To remove large branches, make several cuts, one from below, very deep, and the second from above. This will avoid damage to the bark if the branch suddenly breaks under its own weight.

If the branch is damaged in some way, you need to remove the damaged parts, clean everything thoroughly and thoroughly treat the fresh “wound”.

After “ennobling” the tree does not need additional feeding; it will have enough own strength to restore work after losing its parts.


In this video you can more clearly understand how pears are pruned.