Making blinds from wallpaper. DIY wallpaper blinds

Stylish design and the atmosphere of comfort is perfect combination which is a must have in every home. Of course, this will require a lot of effort. After all, you need to carefully think through every detail, including decorative elements. But if you have difficulties finding suitable decor in specialized stores, then do not rush to get upset. Almost everything can be done at home. Today we offer to create beautiful blinds with wallpaper patterns.

Blinds: features and types

To begin with, we note that blinds are a product made of plastic, paper or metal, which is placed on windows instead of curtains to protect from the sun. Most often they are chosen for office premises. But every year there are more and more original options with interesting textures. Therefore, now they can be seen in modern houses, apartments.

The most popular are horizontal blinds. They are very convenient to use and allow you to regulate the degree of sunlight penetration into the room. By the way, these are the designs that are easiest to make at home. In turn, vertical blinds are no less common. But unlike the previous version, the stripes are placed vertically. This way they can be rotated in any direction, which is very convenient.

There is another type of blinds - pleated. This is a fairly large piece of fabric or paper, folded like an accordion. There are guide threads along the edges of this design, which allows them to be adjusted to the desired position. This option is perfect for windows of non-standard shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of wallpaper blinds

Before you go searching suitable wallpaper, we recommend that you carefully evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this design.

Firstly, it is worth noting that despite the wide variety of colors and prints, it can be difficult to choose the ideal option for yourself in stores. If you make blinds with your own hands, then you can be sure that the color scheme will suit the interior of the room.

In addition, production does not require a lot of money. Which is a significant advantage for those who do not want to invest too much of a budget on decorative elements. We also note that it will take literally several hours to create the blinds. But as a result you will get something really worthwhile, beautiful design, which will definitely not go unnoticed.

It should be noted that modern wallpaper is most often washable. This is very convenient, since the blinds can be periodically removed and wiped with a damp cloth. It's very simple and doesn't take much time. And such basic care will significantly extend their service life.

And of course, such products are universal. After all, they can even be used in combination with fabric curtains. It looks amazingly beautiful, especially if the color scheme is chosen correctly.

Wallpaper blinds also have some disadvantages. First of all, this is service life. It is not very long lasting, but to a large extent it depends on the quality of the wallpaper. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to thick wallpaper good manufacturer. Remember that too budget options will not look very nice and will deteriorate or fade in the sun in just a few months.

DIY wallpaper blinds: step-by-step instructions

Of course, modern stores offer a fairly wide variety of blinds. But if you haven’t found a suitable option, then be sure to try making them yourself. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Just follow the step-by-step instructions and then everything will definitely work out.

We will prepare the following materials:

  • wallpaper;
  • pencil or pen;
  • centimeter;
  • thick thread;
  • scissors;
  • gypsy needle or awl;
  • scotch;
  • cardboard;
  • double sided tape.

First you need to take measurements of the window and decide what type of blinds you want to make. Keep in mind that you must leave a fairly large allowance, as the accordion will make the wallpaper much shorter.

We make a mark on the wallpaper based on the desired length and cut it off. Carefully fold the accordion so that the result is a fairly dense strip.

We make a mark exactly in the center - this will be the puncture site. This is necessary in order to pass the thread, which is intended for adjusting the blinds.

Make a hole using a gypsy needle or awl. You can also try using a hole punch. But if the accordion is too large, then it is better to choose the first option.

We straighten the accordion a little and thread the cord or thick thread.

We fix the thread and tie a strong knot. For greater reliability, it can be secured with simple tape. We leave a small margin at the bottom. We also glue a piece of cardboard.

Glue the strip double sided tape for fastening.

We connect the edges of the accordion with tape.

Beautiful, unusual blinds are ready!

If you wish, you can not make blinds from wallpaper, but simply decorate plastic construction. Thanks to this, you can easily update the decor of your room without extra costs.

For this you will need:

  • plastic blinds;
  • wallpaper with print;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • ruler;
  • brush.

First of all, you need to measure the length and width of the plastic strips, and also count their number. Then on inside We mark the wallpaper based on the measurements. On each part we put dots where the holes for the rope are located. It is at these marks that we cut the wallpaper.

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)


Blinds are an expensive pleasure, for which not everyone can quickly allocate funds from family budget. But sometimes their presence is necessary - the sun’s rays strive to get into your room. Affordable way make original roller blinds yourself - buy wallpaper or find an old roll in your closet. Using ordinary wallpaper, you can make exclusive blinds that will decorate your interior, protect from the sun and save money.

Advantages of wallpaper roller blinds

If you doubt that roller blinds made from wallpaper yourself will look no worse than store-bought blinds, then check out the advantages of this idea:

  • Saving. Price good blinds in the store is from 2000 rubles, depending on the size and material. You can do it paper version, spending about 300 rubles on tools. The service life of homemade roller blinds will be shorter, but even annual replacement will be much more profitable.
  • Stylish element decoration. Select beautiful wallpaper that will fit into the overall interior of your room. You can make a unique design that will look great in any room. All your guests will definitely pay attention to it.
  • Protection. Homemade blinds will perform their main function - to protect the room from sun rays, the views of strangers.
  • Ease of manufacture. It will take you about two to three hours to make paper blinds.
  • Easy to care for. You can purchase washable wallpaper that can be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Possibility to install blinds on any windows: wooden, plastic or aluminum.

How to make blinds at home

In order not to be distracted by trips to stores and make mistakes during the manufacturing process, immediately familiarize yourself with the principle of operation. Prepare all the tools in advance. If you doubt you can handle it alone, call for help. Take all the necessary measurements and start creating original roller blinds that will delight you for at least a year.

Tools and materials

Most likely you will find all the materials at home, and you won’t have to go to the store:

  • Wallpaper. You can use leftover wallpaper or buy new ones. The wallpaper material is dense, so it is perfect as a sun protection mechanism.
  • A meter ruler, a centimeter, a pencil will be needed for measurements.
  • Sharp scissors, stationery knife.
  • An awl to make holes. You can replace it with another sharp object, such as a hole punch.
  • String, rope or decorative tape if you want to decorate your blinds.
  • A clamp to secure the blinds. An item of clothing that is often found on the hood cords of a sweatshirt can be used as a fastener. In addition, the retainer can be replaced with a small clothespin that matches the color of the wallpaper or general style rooms.
  • Double sided tape.
  • Glue.

Roller blind size

Once you have collected everything necessary equipment, start measuring the window and curtain. Measure the length and width of the glass to which you plan to attach the blinds. The width of the curtain will be the same as that of the window, but the length should be different - additional centimeters are needed to form folds. To do this, add a quarter of this number to the resulting glass length. For example, if the length of the window is 1000 mm, then add another 250 mm - this will be the length of your canvas.

Accessories for roller blinds

Correctly selected accessories will make the curtain easy to use and create an attractive appearance. As accessories you can choose:

  • Cornice. Will act as interior decoration. Such accessories are expensive, suitable for a living room or bedroom. If you have small windows and want to visually expand the space, then choose curtain rods 30-40 cm wider than the window. You can also hang the curtain rod just above the window opening.
  • Runners, hooks. Economical, simple option for the kitchen. You will not have any problems with choosing sliders - they are all the same in terms of the method of fastening. All you have to do is decide on the appearance.
  • Brackets, chains. The chain mechanism is very easy to use and is popular. Brackets are a durable structure onto which the shaft is mounted. If the blinds are made of thick wallpaper, then it is better to choose long brackets.
  • Ropes. The rope mechanism is inexpensive and easy to implement: to do this, sew rings to the side panels and pass threads through them. Attach them to the bottom of the curtain.
  • Weights. Serves as a weighting agent. Such a decorative accessory will allow you to emphasize the entire roll design. All models have different colors, shapes, sizes, styles, so you can choose suitable option for your blinds.
  • Additional accessories: handles, decorative strips, other parts.

Types of mechanisms

There are two types of fastening roller blinds: open and closed:

  1. When the type is open, the cassette shaft on which the web is wound is visible. The shaft is mounted between two holders. This type of mechanism will allow you to fix the curtains above the window opening and in the opening itself. Wallpaper curtains can be controlled using a spring mechanism or a chain. Double-sided tape can serve as a fixation. The disadvantage of this design is adhesive layer may melt during heat. Therefore, it is better to use self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws. Open type fastenings – budget option, which is available to anyone.
  2. Closed type differs from the first by the presence of a box that masks the cassette shaft, protects it from dust and dirt, and gives the structure a neat appearance. This system is suitable for plastic, wooden and aluminum windows. The system can only be mounted with an inclination of 15°. The closed type of mechanism is more difficult to implement and more expensive than the open type. Installation is carried out by drilling the frame. The control method can be using a chain, a spring mechanism or an electric drive. The latter allows you to adjust the level of illumination remotely using the remote control.

Set of components

In order to install paper curtains with your own hands, you will need the following components:

  • plastic or metal box, its guiding element;
  • plugs for the box;
  • chain, if provided manual mechanism;
  • connecting elements for chain;
  • brackets;
  • a clamp that will fix roller curtains at any distance;
  • adhesive tape (double-sided tape), holders, supports for attaching the shaft to the ceiling;
  • bracket-clamp, if a spring mechanism is provided.

DIY wallpaper curtains - step-by-step instructions

If you decide to decorate your apartment with homemade blinds, then below is described detailed master class on how to make roller blinds from wallpaper:

  1. Removal window measurements. Carefully calculate the window parameters using a centimeter. When calculating the height of the curtain, do not forget to add a quarter from total height windows.
  2. Preparing and cutting a roll of wallpaper.
    • Clear the table of unnecessary items and lay out the wallpaper. The edges may curl, so place something heavy on them. Mark the required canvas markings.
    • After this, you need to mark the fabric to the size of the folds. Optimal width stripes - from 3 to 5 cm. To keep the stripes even, connect the lines using a ruler and pencil. There are more the hard way making strips by cutting them.
    • Assemble the curtain into an accordion along the lines using the edge of a ruler.
    • Once the accordion is ready, find the middle of the blind and make a hole using an awl or hole punch. If you choose another model, then make two holes along the edges of the blinds, retreating 15 cm.
    • Thread a cord or rope through the resulting hole. Melt the edges of the rope in advance. Secure the lower part of the rope in the clamp, leaving a tail of 4-5 cm - there will be a reserve to stretch the curtain in length. Extra centimeters can be tied into a knot or bow. Secure the rope to the top fold of the curtain with tape. Glue double-sided tape on the same fold - this will be where it will be attached to the window.
    • To make the design more reliable, you can use wooden slats. The top edge of the wallpaper is glued to it, and a cord is threaded through the holes.
    • If the model is with a rope in the middle, then bottom part curtains can be fixed in the shape of a fan. To do this, pull the rope down and fasten the lowered edges together with glue, double-sided tape or a decorative clothespin. The result will be a nice design.
    • Place a fastener with one opening on the rope. Pull the clamp up to raise the curtain. To close the window again, lower the fastener down the rope.

  1. Edge processing. To make the curtains last as long as possible, reinforce the edges of the wallpaper with self-adhesive tape or tape.
  2. Fixation of the upper edge in the roller mechanism. Roller blinds are fixed using tape to the frame of a plastic window. In addition, you can screw in screws or hooks. If you want to fix the blinds to the wall, use screws. At the bottom you can hang special magnets that will prevent the bottom edge from dangling.
  3. Fastening the cornice with curtain in window opening. If the kit includes a cornice, then you need to know a few nuances about its fastening:
    • The distance from the side walls to the cornice may vary depending on the type of structure.
    • If the curtains are light, then they can be fixed above the window. If you hang weighting elements and the blinds turn out to be voluminous, then it is better to attach the curtain rod to the wall.
    • Place the curtain rod so that it does not interfere with the process of opening and closing the window. Secure it a few centimeters above the window opening.
    • Mark on the wall the places where the holes for the cornice will be made with a drill. Secure the short cornice to two brackets. If the cornice is long, it is better to install an additional bracket in the center.
  4. Attaching decorative weighting elements along the bottom edge of the curtain. It is better to secure the bottom edge of the curtain so that it becomes more secure and does not bend. To do this, glue the cardboard on the wrong side. The end of the rope or the bottom fold can be decorated with a decorative weight.

Not many people know how to make blinds from wallpaper. Although this solution is more economical and original than a factory product. To make it you will need a minimum of material and a little skill.

Wallpaper blinds

Paper blinds are becoming more and more popular among housewives who like to create coziness with their own hands. In addition, this decoration option window openings not only universal - can be used in the kitchen, hallway and bedroom, but also multifunctional - you can completely or partially shade the room. The product will fully correspond to the interior, since color scheme, as well as the shape, the craftswoman can easily choose by purchasing the necessary wallpaper.

What is needed first

How to make blinds interests many housewives, but it is also important to prepare correctly: choose the material, tools, decorative ornaments already ready-made curtains. You don’t need much time to work - only 1-2 hours. It all depends on the complexity of the model.

Tools for making curtains from wallpaper:

  1. Sharp scissors so that the edges do not tear and are neat;
  2. Hole puncher. It’s better to buy something purchased, it will be easier to thread the fixing cord later;
  3. Ruler for aligning edges;
  4. Measuring tape - calculation according to window measurements;
  5. A simple pencil for marks while preparing a sketch of the future product.

Such devices can be found in every home, so there is no need to purchase special equipment.

As for the selection of material, you don’t have to worry here either:

  1. Wallpaper that will make up the base of the curtain;
  2. Tape, decorative cord - will fix the position of the wallpaper;
  3. Latch. Instead, you can use regular beads;
  4. PVA glue;
  5. Scotch.

Important ! The lifespan of wallpaper blinds directly depends on the quality of the wallpaper.

As for the choice of wallpaper, there are some features that will determine the type of blinds and service life. It is better to choose thick wallpaper so that the curtain does not tear for a long time and covers the windows completely. The colors are preferably discreet; such wallpaper will fade slowly, which means it will not lose its aesthetic appearance for a long time. The pattern should not be too large - this may affect visibility in the room.

Step by step instructions

Attention ! The holes into which the cord will be threaded must be covered with tape so that they do not fray.

Making paper blinds is very easy, and most importantly, quick and inexpensive. For production, you can take the remainder of the wallpaper after repair and ordinary auxiliary tools.

Types of paper blinds

You can make a wide variety of blinds with your own hands, which will add a unique flavor to your interior. Curtains of a similar design are very popular, but unlike the above, they have two tightening cords. They are usually placed vertically to each other different sides from the edges.

The only thing to consider is that you need two clamps and the consumption of the cord and tape will increase. But the product, designed in this form, is identical to real factory blinds. The curtain perfectly covers the windows, protecting the residents of the apartment or house from the sun's rays and curious glances.

Paper roller blinds are extremely popular. They look very impressive, and at the same time completely shade the room, as they fit well to the window. Making a roller blind with your own hands is very easy. Often, during production roller blinds, they take not paper, but fabric. But it’s better to study on paper, since a damaged piece of material will cost the housewife much more than part of a roll of wallpaper.

The peculiarity of making roller blinds is that you don’t need to fold the paper into an accordion - just wind it into a tight small roll. There is no need to make a hole for the tape that will fix the condition of the curtain. The fastening system for this type of paper blinds differs significantly from those already listed.

Blinds are that item in the house with which you can beautifully decorate any room. Blinds are a charming type of decor. They will be able to turn an ordinary room into an original and beautiful room. They are also able to protect the room from scorching sun rays. They can be used not only in rooms, but also in the kitchen, hallway, balcony, loggia, and country house. You can buy blinds in a store or make your own.

How to make blinds from wallpaper: their variety and design

Blinds made from simple and cute wallpaper are very popular among many owners of houses and apartments. Such window protection devices will decorate any room, make it cozy and bright, and also add variety to your home.

Thick wallpaper paper can not only protect the room from overheating, and the curtains from fading, but will also organically fit into the overall interior, especially if you use the same material that covers the walls of the room

How to make wallpaper into blinds to transform your home? This requires a little time, patience and diligence. By making them yourself, you will make your home bright and unusual.

It’s very easy to try making blinds out of wallpaper. You can even cope with such a simple task yourself. The most important thing is to be patient, and then you will definitely succeed. Blinds can be different, so first you need to determine which type you will make.

Popular models and types of blinds for windows:

  • Vertical;
  • Horizontal;
  • Rolled;
  • Blinds – pleated;
  • Stationary.

All types of blinds are completely different from one another. Each of them has its own special design, adjustment method and the material from which they are made. Blinds - pleated and horizontal, are the most popular; with their help you can regulate the lighting of the room, making it light or completely darkening it. Roller blinds can be made not only from wallpaper; fabric is also suitable. Blinds made from fabric will look much more impressive in the interior.

Unusual DIY blinds made from wallpaper: their main advantages

Blinds appeared a long time ago; they began to be used back in the 14th century in countries with hot climates. This is the most effective method, which allows you to protect the room from heat. Blinds more practical than curtains, they can be washed and cleaned without removing them from the window. If you cannot purchase ready-made blinds, then make them yourself.

These wallpaper blinds will last a very long time, and if you get tired of the color, you can easily make new ones

DIY wallpaper blinds will look very original in any room. With them, the room will look bright and chic, to the envy of the neighbors

Homemade blinds will make your room unique, and you won’t have to throw away the beautiful pieces of wallpaper that you have left over after renovation.

Advantages of blinds made from wallpaper:

  • Multifunctionality;
  • Suitable for any window;
  • Economical;
  • Very easy to make.

Paper blinds can replace regular curtains in your home and at the same time you will save your money. They will also help refresh your interior by adding bright colors. In this case, you can get blinds in exactly the color you want.

DIY master class: wallpaper blinds

It only takes a couple of hours to create blinds from a material such as wallpaper. And most importantly, of course, we need the wallpaper itself. It is best to use thick fabrics, such as non-woven fabrics. Such products will be more reliable and will last a long time.

Unique blinds that will distinguish your interior from many others

DIY wallpaper blinds, master class will help us a lot in this matter. Everything will need to be done correctly and calculated so as not to damage the product.

To work, we will need to purchase the necessary tools, prepare the basic material from which we will make our blinds. We will also need various decorative elements, with which we will decorate the finished product.

To work on manufacturing we will need:

  • Pieces of wallpaper;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Hole puncher;
  • Centimeter;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scotch;
  • Decorative tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • Latch.

Wallpaper for blinds must be chosen carefully. If you want them to serve you for a long time, you need to choose wallpaper that is more durable and of higher quality. You can choose any color, but it will look better if it is discreet and not too flashy. The pattern on the wallpaper should not be too large, so that it is not too noticeable and does not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room.

Making blinds from wallpaper with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Making blinds from wallpaper is very simple, quick, and without any cost. Such a product will look beautiful and original, but most importantly it will help you get rid of the bright sun.

Curtains made from scrap materials have some clear advantages

DIY blinds from wallpaper - step by step instructions will be simply necessary. She will help you do everything right without making a single mistake.

To receive good result, you need to do everything slowly and step by step, then your blinds will be reliable, durable and will last a long time.

Step-by-step instructions that we will need:

  • At the very beginning, measure the width and length of the window;
  • Cut a rectangle from a piece of wallpaper of the desired size;
  • Fold the rectangle like an accordion, its width should be from 3 to 5 cm;
  • Measure the middle with a pencil and make a hole with a hole punch;
  • Cover the hole on both sides with tape for strength and make holes again;
  • Thread a ribbon or cord or braid into this hole and straighten the blinds;
  • Secure the upper end of the tape with a knot;
  • Attach the blinds to the window with double-sided tape;
  • Decorate the bottom in the form of a fan, secure the two bottom strips with tape;
  • Place a clamp on the end of the tape to prevent the blinds from moving apart.

Using these instructions, you can make any kind of blinds, you just need to use your imagination. Handmade blinds will add bright variety to your home, giving it sophistication and beauty. They will also help you hide from the very bright rays of the sun and prying eyes.

DIY window blinds from wallpaper step by step (video)

You can highlight any interior by decorating the windows in the room. To do this, the easiest way is to choose original blinds, which, oddly enough, can be made by yourself. Paper, fabric, or wallpaper blinds are always in fashion. How to create a budget version of blinds for a window and what is required for this, we will learn in more detail later in the article.

Types of blinds

More than 600 years ago, blinds appeared in Arab countries and are still used today in almost all office premises and houses. These accessories not only perform a sun protection function, but are also considered a good alternative to even the most expensive curtains. Blinds are one of those things that, by their very appearance, create comfort and coziness in the house. One of the most important advantages of this window accessory is that it evenly transmits light into the room. A number of other advantages of blinds include: ease of installation, affordable cost, durability, ease of maintenance, etc.

Types of blinds can be distinguished based on the type of design, as well as the material of the products.

Classification of blinds by type of design
Horizontal suggest horizontal placement of strips, which can be various widths. It is recommended to buy this type for small windows, as it is believed that the horizontal stripes visually expand the space.
Vertical They fit well into any room and are very popular. Visually, this design makes the ceilings higher.
Rolled These blinds operate using a cylinder roller. They consist of a lifting mechanism that ensures the unwinding and winding of the fabric into a roll. It is recommended to use this type on windows in small rooms.
Pleated This type of blinds is considered a new product in the huge range of these products. Thanks to its dense, neat folds, this look is perfect for decorating any windows.
Electrically driven This type of blinds ensures trouble-free use of the window sill. The electric mechanism allows you to control the slats and turn them in different directions without extra effort.

In addition, there are also multi-textured and cassette designs. Especially for plastic windows cassette blinds are designed. They are attached to plastic frames, which open together with the blinds. Multi-texture blinds are a mixture of multi-layered and multi-colored masterpieces. It is this look that will give the window unusualness and originality. It involves a combination of materials and designs, which ultimately turn into a rich decoration of any interior.

According to the material from which slats for blinds are made, there are:

  • fabric;
  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • paper designs.

Fabric blinds can be either horizontal or vertical design. Cassette and roll versions are also made from fabric material. These window decoration items resemble ordinary fabric curtains and come in a huge range. In order for the material to serve for a long time and retain its primary properties, the blinds are treated with antibacterial and anti-dust impregnation. Blinds made of fire-resistant fiberglass are recommended for use in the kitchen.

Wooden blinds are called classic. In appearance, they are very reminiscent of curtains with lambrequins. Vertical and horizontal designs of wooden blinds are often sold in stores.

Aluminum blinds are found in the form of vertical, cassette and horizontal products. In terms of environmental properties, they are considered one of the best, therefore they are recommended for use in children's institutions, as well as in healthcare.

Whatever the shape of the blinds, they can be very easily and conveniently cleaned of dust, even with a vacuum cleaner. Due to their properties and functions, blinds have been and remain a popular window accessory all over the world and occupy a worthy place among other products of a similar purpose.

A huge amount of this type of window decor is sold in stores and on the market. You can purchase blinds in different colors and with a variety of patterns. But it is no less interesting and economical to create blinds with your own hands. What is needed for this and how to choose the right material for paper blinds, we will consider further.

DIY paper blinds

The production of paper blinds does not require any special financial costs. with my own hands. For those who want to try to create such window decor on their own, the first question that arises is: How to choose the right material for paper blinds?

Necessary tools and materials for making paper blinds with your own hands

For work we need the main material - paper. It can be of different density and texture. At the request of the master, you can purchase plain material or colored wallpaper. Experienced needlewomen note the quality corrugated paper. It is quite durable and resistant to sunlight. Paper products for windows, in addition to being considered a cheap option, have other advantages:

  • easy to use. It’s not a pity to throw them away in case of repair, or replace them with others;
  • handmade design embodies all the individual wishes of the owner;
  • multifunctional: they decorate the window space and perform a protective function.

Before you begin the process of making paper blinds with your own hands, you first need to prepare auxiliary materials for work. We will need:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • tape and glue;
  • hole punch;
  • ribbons;
  • clamps;
  • pencil;
  • clothesline;
  • rings for curtains.

Paper blinds can be made using very common methods. The first is to use a material such as wallpaper, the second is to use newspaper tubes. The third idea is based on corrugated paper.

The result of all the options is surprising and pleasing, since even with your own hands and without experience you can create real masterpieces for decorating windows.

DIY pleated blinds made from wallpaper

Before starting any processes, you need to carefully take measurements from the window for which future blinds are intended. Experts recommend that the width of the blinds be made exactly according to the window, but it is better to make the length with a margin. It is better to take wallpaper as the main material medium density, the vinyl look is much more difficult to work with in this case.

Based on the measurements, we cut the wallpaper and use the technology of working with paper to make a so-called “accordion”. At the next stage, using a hole punch we make a hole in the middle of the accordion. Glue the finished last step with a piece double sided tape. We tighten the clothesline into the hole and also fix it with tape. When cutting the rope, be sure to leave some extra. We straighten the structure, attach it to the window, and all the blinds are in place. Cheap, simple and quick option the production of blinds at home finds its fans every day, especially since handmade are now very popular.

DIY roller blinds made from newspaper tubes

The second way to make blinds with your own hands is to use newspaper tubes. This is quite a voluminous job that will require both time and effort, but this design can last quite a long time.

Step-by-step instructions for making blinds with your own hands from newspaper tubes are as follows.

Step 1. Take measurements from the window.

Step 2. For the width of the window, we prepare approximately 250 (depending on the size of the window), painted in the desired color, newspaper tubes.

Step 3. Newspaper blanks must be laid out flat and leveled. Then they need to be connected to each other using a rope. You need to tie using the ring technology, connect one tube to the next, and so on.

Step 4. When all the parts are connected, they need to be aligned in length, and all excess material should be removed using scissors.

Step 5. The last work process is to make the lifting mechanism. Using a rope, you need to connect the upper and lower edges of the blinds so that the structure becomes functional. In order to paper curtain secured in a raised position, a clamp must be put on the end of the rope.

Based on these two common methods of constructing structures for windows at home, you can implement many interesting ideas paper blinds.

Using colored material, you can decorate ordinary plastic blinds. Paper blinds not only perfectly decorate any interior, but also perform one of their main functions - they protect from summer sunlight.

Do-it-yourself stackable blinds made of corrugated paper

In order to put this idea into practice we will need:

  • wooden planks that serve as fastenings;
  • nylon cord;
  • tape and PVA glue.

The entire work process consists of making garlands from individual paper elements in the form of various figures. As additional components, you can add various beads and decorative units that will improve the light transmittance of the window structure.

All paper elements are attached with glue to a nylon cord, which is then pulled through the holes on the wooden plank. The garlands are tied into a strong knot. In order for all paper elements to keep their shape, it is better to strengthen them with cardboard.

Window blinds made of paper are a good alternative to structures made of more durable material, which differs significantly in price policy and embodies the most original creative ideas into life. For more detailed information To learn how to make paper blinds with your own hands at home, watch the video at the end of the article: