Indoor guzmania flower propagation. Guzmania: conditions for home care for a tropical beauty

We were invited to an anniversary - the first year of marriage of friends. I started asking what to give the newlyweds. Previously, such a “wedding” was called a chintz wedding, and everyone carried diapers - but today they are not needed at all... It turned out that I was behind the times - most of my friends advised me to buy a flower that I had never even heard of.

They say that it is absolutely necessary to bring guzmania into the home of a young family. It will improve the love microclimate in the home, and in general, it should be placed in the bedroom to increase the owner’s masculine power.

These are epiphytes that can still be seen today in the rainforests of both Americas.

Guzmania is a member of the Bromeliad family (like other indoor flowers - Vriesia, Tillandsia, Neoregelia, Billbergia, and also pineapple). About 130 species of this plant live in the wild.

On top of the Guzmania bushes (Gutsmania, Guzmania) there is a bright “plume”, usually red, but it can be yellow, orange, pink, and now even blue, purple or two-colored (the so-called Guzmania mix created by people - by the way, not only the flowers, but also the leaves may be atypical and contrasting).

Many people think it is a flower. No! This is a conspicuous bract, with the help of which the plant attracts insects to pollinate less conspicuous flowers.

The roots of the plant are small. But they are amazing: in the wild, a flower can “crawl” with their help - not far and very slowly, but still!

As for the size of the flower, on the windowsill it grows to a maximum of 40 cm, although in the wild it can be larger - up to 70 cm.

Features of Guzmania flowering

  • Guzmania blooms once in a lifetime. Almost all species, after the flower dies, wither and die (this takes about six months, and even the wisest and most careful care will not save the plant). Therefore, if you want to continue admiring this beauty at home, have time to drop off your children (I will write about how to do this below).
  • Many flowers need insects for pollination, but some species have learned to pollinate themselves.
  • A plant may refuse to bloom if: it finds itself in a draft, receives little light or feeding, becomes a victim of temperature fluctuations (first of all, it will freeze, but it also does not like to “steam”) or improper watering.

This is what bracts look like. Here's how different and decorative they can be:

And this is already a flower:

What amazing properties are attributed to this home flower?

  • In the homeland of Guzmania they say: the flower increases male strength. And not only on the bed of love. It is believed that if you keep this beauty in the house, the owner will become a real long-liver, and will be cheerful and cheerful all the time.
  • Many people believe that this plant symbolizes love and care, and if you give a man (guy) such a flowerpot, it’s for a reason.
  • Bioenergetics specialists assure: guzmania cleanses the energy of the room (any room - not only at home, but also in the office), positively influencing the tone of everyone present, even women and children.
  • If you keep the pot in the bedroom, guzmania will improve sleep and protect against depression. And if you put it in your office, the plant will become a real muse, awakening your creative abilities. It is especially recommended for workaholics who sit at the computer until late at night.
  • Remember: in the spouses’ bedroom (according to Feng Shui) you should place not one, but two pots of guzmania. In general, in this place everything should be in pairs. When the flowerpot blooms, the feelings of the husband and wife will flare up with redoubled force.
  • And our scientists also say: the flower perfectly purifies the air, and this is certainly not a myth.

What care does guzmania need?

  • Room temperature. Blooming guzmania requires about 25 degrees, and when the flower finally blooms, the plant becomes less demanding - 20 degrees will suit it. In general, the flower feels comfortable at a maximum of 27 and a minimum of 13 degrees.
  • Humidity. It should be as high as possible. A box of expanded clay will not be enough - it is better to spray the plant daily, avoiding getting on the bracts (“plumes”, pseudo flowers). Stand the water or buy distilled water. In autumn and winter, the spraying procedure can only be carried out in the morning.
  • Watering. The water should be soft and warm. As soon as the top soil in the pot dries, immediately bring a watering can. Moreover, you need to pour water inside the leaf rosette. In spring and summer, the flower needs to be watered more often.
  • Feeding. Suitable for flower fertilizer for Bromeliads (but without copper and boron in the composition - these substances can destroy your flower). When diluting the fertilizer, add twice as much water as indicated on the bag. You can feed the flower infrequently - once every 30 days, from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. You can apply them when spraying, as well as watering (all in the same place, in the outlet).
  • Lighting. The light must be indirect. Shade the flower - the direct rays of the sun will burn the leaves.
  • Transfer. Since the plant does not live long, rarely does anyone replant it. However, sometimes from the ugly pot in which it was grown in shopping center, I want to “relocate” it to my own, more decorative one. Take a heavy ceramic but shallow pot. Place plenty of drainage at the bottom. The soil that is sold for orchids or ferns is suitable. The roots of the plant are very delicate, so use only the transshipment method, do not shake off the soil from them.
  • Insects are enemies. This is a mealybug, scale insect, mite. As a preventive measure, you can “wash” the leaves with soapy water from time to time.
  • Diseases. Rot (of roots and leaves) is caused by excess watering. Fungus ( dark spots on the leaves) can eliminate the fungicide that will be sold to you in flower shop. Yellow spots on the leaves can be left by the sun - shade the plant even more, because once burns appear, it means the flower is in pain.

Flower propagation

When guzmania fades, it produces lateral shoots on the sides, they are also babies. Even near the “mother” they begin to grow roots. The rooted baby is separated with a knife (spread the cut with coal or garden varnish, not only on the baby, but also on the “mother” - let it live a little longer).

Remember: even children of the same size can grow roots differently. Therefore, if some of your sprouts are not yet ready for transplanting, this is normal.

Each child is dropped off in small pot with “adult” soil. To ensure that they take root, they are covered with a film on top (but it must be lifted so that the sprout does not suffocate). When the babies get stronger, they can be transferred to ordinary pots, where they will bloom over time.

This video will tell you what babies look like and how to properly separate them. It is long (16 minutes), but very detailed. Just what a beginner needs:

Curiously, this flower can also reproduce by seeds. They are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate and sown on top of the soil for Bromeliads (without sprinkling on top). The pot is wrapped in film or covered with transparent glass. Keep warm, water only by spraying.

The babies sprout within 2 months. When they get stronger, they are planted in small pots. From there they are moved into large pots no earlier than six months later.

Such guzmanias will not bloom soon - only in a few (3-5) years. But how long will they live!

By the way, if after flowering “boxes” filled with seeds have formed in the bracts, congratulations - insects managed to pollinate your guzmania (or maybe it did it for itself). These seeds can also be sown in the ground.

A scientific description of a perennial epiphytic plant was made by the Spanish botanist Guzman, after whom it is named.

Classified as a member of the bromeliad family, the flower grows well among wildlife India, Brazil, South America. In Russia, modern varieties adequately decorate greenhouses, winter gardens, offices, residential premises and is considered an annual plant.

The striped, smooth, shiny leaves of guzmania are not only beautiful, but also connected into a rosette of an original shape, which forms the basis of the plant. Their length can reach 70 cm. The flowers do not amaze with their beauty and durability.

They are small, inconspicuous, but surrounded by multi-colored bracts, creating a bright colorful spot in the center. It is for their sake that the flower is grown. Various varieties have red, yellow, purple shades of bracts.

The flowering period is considered the most beautiful, but the last in the development of 130 species of Guzmania. After flowering the bush dies. In order for flowers to appear earlier, experienced flower growers suggest creating an atmosphere containing acetylene released by rotting apples placed next to the flower pot.

Cover the apples and the flower with a bag, regularly making sure that apple mold. The package is removed when the spike-shaped inflorescence emerges.

The most popular varieties:

  1. Tongue. The flower can develop on rocky soil (epilith) or as an epiphyte. There are numerous varieties of this guzmania species. For example, varieties purple, modestly colored, regular, small. You can choose a composition from species that bloom in different months of the year.
  2. Blood red. It is distinguished by a low peduncle, deeply embedded in the rosette, and thin bright bracts. It has varieties called bloody, short-legged. Flowers open in April. The number of leaves is about 18 pieces. In nature, it is found among rain forests located at an altitude of up to one thousand meters in Colombia, Tobago, Trinidad, Costa Rica, and Ecuador.
  3. Mosaic (musaika). The long leaves form a spreading rosette, decorated with bright pink stipules. Yellowish flowers. Varieties Musaica, Concolor, Zebrina They have tongue-shaped leaves covered with scales, instead of which beautiful red stripes are formed during the growth process. Flowers open in March and April.
  4. Single-haired. The peduncle resembles an elongated spike growing from a rosette of yellow-green leaves. Varieties Monostachia, Variegata, Alba bloom in summer.
  5. Nicaraguan. A type of Guzmania, included in the list of cultivated crops since 1903. Grows in Mexico, Central America. It has a low inflorescence with yellow petals forming the shape of a narrow cylinder.

Caring for Guzmania at home

Studying the requirements, tips for caring for a flower, special attention point out that Guzmania is a natural epiphyte. Its roots help to anchor itself to the base, but are poorly developed.

The plant feeds through a funnel located in the center of the rosette. Therefore, it is impossible to water or fertilize guzmania along the top layer of soil, but only through a natural funnel.

The main agrotechnical methods of care are techniques that provide it with a comfortable temperature and high humidity.

Proper care ensures the plant blooms for 16 weeks.

1. Lighting

When trying to create conditions similar to natural ones, there is no need to worry about any special lighting. It actively develops in warm partial shade with diffused light without exposure to bright sun.

It must be covered from the hot summer rays. Western and eastern windows can become your favorite place in the apartment. Plants standing on the north side do not always bloom. In summer, it is taken out onto the balcony and the room is ventilated more often.

In winter, during flowering, additional artificial lighting is created through the use of lamp light sources. They are installed at a distance of 60 cm from the flowers. Turn off after seven or eight hours of continuous operation.

2. Temperature

The temperature required for the development of a flower is considered to range from 18 to 25. Its highest value must be ensured during growth, before flowering.

The acceptable lower temperature threshold is considered to be the value. During prolonged stay in conditions of more high values temperatures than 25, the flower may die. During winter dormancy, the plant should be kept at a temperature of about 17.

3. Humidity

It is very important to create a constant humid atmosphere near the plant pot. It is sprayed daily with settled rainwater. The humidity level should be about 60%. It is advisable to spray in the morning.

Water should not get on the bracts. This shortens the flowering time. Big leaves plants absorb moisture well from environment. If there is a lack of moisture, it is recommended to wipe them with a wet cloth.

If there is a forced lack of watering, it is recommended to place the pot on a tray covered with damp sphagnum moss. In winter, the pot is placed on a stand, moving it away from the radiators that create dry air. Optimal humidity conditions are automatically formed when grown in a humid greenhouse or terrarium.

4. Watering

The plant has special watering requirements. Considering the high sensitivity to chlorine in water, it is necessary to use filtered, when
Possibility of distilled, settled boiled water. Her temperature is slightly higher than room temperature.

The soil in the container is kept moist, not wet. Watering into the outlet funnel is done when the soil dries slightly. In summer, there should be water at the bottom of the outlet at all times. Once every two or three days it is added to the center of the outlet. In winter, water much less often. The soil should dry to the middle of the pot's height.

The time of required watering is determined by temperature measurements. If it's hot, water more often. If it's cold, it's better to spray lightly. The plant tolerates short-term drought better than excess water.

5. Feeding

Standard preparations for bromeliads, recommended by experts, are used as fertilizers. The concentration of solutions can be made less than indicated on the packaging.

This is explained by the fact that the flower is not very responsive to the use of fertilizers. The preparations should not contain boron or copper, which are highly toxic to Guzmania. Excess nitrogen sometimes causes flower death.

6. Disease and pest control

The most dangerous are slugs, snails, aphids, spider mite, worm. Control is carried out using insecticides. Having detected pests in the primary stage, they are removed by wiping with a napkin soaked in a concentrated solution of soap.

Diseases arising from different stages flower growth are most often associated with gross deviations from the rules of care. Excess moisture combined with low temperatures leads to numerous types of fungal diseases.

At the same time, the tender root of the plant quickly rots. A constant excess of water in the outlet funnel also ends in rotting of the root and the base of the stem. Externally, this is expressed in wrinkling and darkening of parts of the plant.

Possible errors during cultivation

The main reason is wrong choice places. This sunburn. The flower must be urgently moved to partial shade or covered with a special curtain.

If the air is too dry, for example, when you are near heating equipment, the tips of the leaves become brown and curl. It needs to be sprayed more often. Appearance white plaque on green leaves talks about using hard water.


After flowering, lateral shoots appear. This is intended by nature so that the life of a beautiful flower will continue forever. Next to the dying maternal rosette, babies appear, on which small roots grow.

At the moment when the length becomes about 1.5 cm, they are carefully separated and used as planting material. They are planted in containers under protective caps from film. Grown seedlings are transferred into permanent pots by transferring an earthen clod.

Seed propagation is considered difficult and is rarely used. Amateur flower growers do this by spreading the seeds over the surface of the soil for bromeliads and covering them with glass.

Shoots appear after about three weeks, but only if light hits them. The container is often ventilated. Watered by spraying. The next stage is picking the seedlings. After six months they are transferred to the chosen location. It blooms in the fourth or fifth year.


The need for transplantation arises after purchase and during independent propagation. In this case, special care is needed when working with a fragile root, which occupies a small volume. In this regard, they choose ceramic pot not too big.

It is better to choose a shallow, bowl-shaped container. Fill with soil for bromeliads and provide good drainage. It can be made from small stones, pebbles, and expanded clay. The thickness of the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot should be 4 cm.

The soil composition for planting can be made from peat, sphagnum, sand, turf land. The main thing is that it is porous. When planting, do not cover the neck of the plant to prevent rotting.

IN lately flower growers have learned to grow many exotic plants in hydrogel, including guzmania. Its decorative qualities complement original solutions home interior design.

The methods of planting in hydrogel do not differ from the techniques used when using soil. The main thing is to securely secure the plant in an upright position.

Protecting from drafts, protecting from bright sun rays, watering correctly beautiful flower guzmania, you can hope for kind, generous relationships in the house.

The flower brings harmony and mutual understanding into family life, activates energy in men, and increases people’s vitality. There are numerous legends and myths about these miraculous properties of the flower. And they, of course, will come true.

IN recent years unusual is popular among flower growers indoor flower- guzmania, or guzmania (lat. Guzmania). It harmoniously combines light green leaves and bright bracts. There are usually no difficulties when growing - this is unpretentious plant. And all the subtleties of agricultural technology are described in this article.

Guzmania has been known relatively recently as a houseplant. It came to us from the tropics of South and Central America. In nature, it is an epiphyte - it uses trees as support. In apartments, Guzmania is grown as a potted ground crop. Interesting feature - long flowering. It lasts up to several months. After this, the mother plant gradually dies, leaving children to replace it.

The height of the plant is no more than 80 cm including the flower. Diameter - about 25 cm. A funnel-shaped rosette is formed from long leaves. An unusual inflorescence forms in the center. The bracts are colored red, pink, and burgundy. High decorativeness is achieved by the contrast of bracts with green leaves.

Interesting fact! Guzmania belongs to the bromeliad family and is a close relative of the pineapple.

Varieties of Guzmania

In total, about 130 varieties of guzmania are known. Not all of them are adapted to growing in apartment conditions. The following varieties are considered popular.

  1. Guzmania reed. Shade-tolerant, blooms in winter. Inflorescences are short, multi-flowered. Reproductive organs are yellow in color. The rosette is formed from broadly linear numerous leaves.
  2. Guzmania Zana. Colombian variety with wide, pointed leaves. The color of the leaves is greenish-yellow with longitudinal red veins. Bracts and flowers are yellow, stem vegetative organs are scarlet.
  3. Guzmania Nicaraguan. It grows wild mainly in Mexico and Central America. The leaves are tongue-shaped, pointed, with red strokes.

Important! Guzmania pollen is a strong allergen. An allergic reaction is manifested by an itchy throat and skin rash. Allergy sufferers are advised to refrain from growing guzmania in an apartment.

Features of care

Caring for Guzmania is simple, but has several features. To preserve the decorative appearance of the plant, the following conditions are created for it.

  • Temperature. Grows well at room temperature 18-25 °C. They maintain a stable temperature throughout the year, without lowering it for the winter.
  • Lighting. The pot with the plant is placed in a bright place, inaccessible to direct sunlight. It grows better in partial shade than in intense light.
  • Watering. When watering, water is poured directly into the rosette of leaves. During the next watering, the remaining old water is poured out and fresh water is added. In the warm season, watering is plentiful, in winter - moderate. Use soft, lukewarm water.
  • Humidity. Stable high humidity - main factor rapid growth and long flowering. The plant is sprayed daily, the soil is covered with a layer of sphagnum. In summer, there should always be at least a small amount of water left in the outlet.
  • Priming. The optimal soil for guzmania is loose and light. It is better not to use store-bought mixtures. The soil is prepared from equal parts crushed sphagnum, garden soil and peat. It is recommended to add crushed charcoal.
  • Feeding. Carry out in spring and summer every 2 weeks. Use any flower fertilizer in low concentration.
  • Transfer. If the plant was purchased in a small pot, the guzmania will need to be transplanted into a container larger size. Target next transplant- children's department. When planting, do not bury the base of the rosette into the soil.

Advice! Guzmania does not have to be planted in a regular pot. Experienced flower growers They experiment by planting the plant in coconut shells, fancy driftwood and pieces of bark. To prevent the roots from drying out, they are wrapped in sphagnum moss and moistened frequently. This growing method looks very impressive, but requires a responsible approach.

Reproduction methods

Guzmania is propagated in two ways - suckers and seeds. Both methods have their own subtleties.

  • Growing from seeds. The seeds are dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes, washed and dried. They are sown in a mixture of crushed sphagnum and sand. Peat can be used instead of sphagnum. Seeds need direct light to germinate, so they are not sprinkled with anything on top. The container is covered with glass or film. The temperature is maintained at 22-24 °C, the substrate is regularly sprayed, and the greenhouse is ventilated. Shoots appear no earlier than 10 days later. Strong seedlings are planted in separate pots with substrate for adult plants. Guzmania grown from seeds blooms in 3-4 years.
  • Reproduction by offspring. The mother plant gradually dies after flowering. This activates the renewal buds. Numerous offspring grow from them. They should remain next to the mother bush for 2 months. During this time, they will form a root system and produce 3-4 leaves. They are carefully separated and planted. Young plants gain green mass faster under a hood, at a temperature of 26-28 °C.

Advice! After flowering, the rosette can live up to 2 years. Offshoots for further breeding can be separated without waiting for the complete death of the mother bush.

Growing problems and pests

Guzmania is not resistant to diseases and pests; violation of the rules of care can also harm the flower. Most often they encounter the following problems.

  • Anthracnose. Caused by a fungus. Spots appear on the leaves in the form of dimples with a brown border. Sometimes the center of the spot turns pink. Gradually the fungus takes over everything large areas, the flower dries and dies. They are treated with antifungal drugs and provide scant watering and warmth. Sprouts from a diseased plant are not taken.
  • Spotting. Brown, purple spots with light dots in the middle appear on the leaves. The leaves turn red and dry out. The reason is fungal disease caused by helminthosporia. Main role in its development it is given direct sunlight and abundant watering. Fungicide treatment is carried out at intervals of 1 week.
  • Bacterial spotting. One of the most common diseases of Guzmania. Dotted watery brown or yellow spots. In the heat, the spots become covered with mucus and quickly spread to healthy areas. To resuscitate the plant, the infected parts are removed. Reduce the number of waterings; the plant is not sprayed. Getting water on the leaves will speed up the spread of the fungus.
  • Darkening of leaves at the base. Sign of root rot. Develops when water stagnates in the roots. The children are planted and the mother plant is treated with a fungicide.
  • Salt accumulations. When watering with hard tap water, white spots remain on the leaves. The plant is sprayed with distilled water and gently wiped with a soft cloth.
  • Yellow spots. Appears when exposed to direct sunlight. The plant is moved to a shaded place.

Guzmania looks good next to other flowers and fits well into any composition.

Surely, when visiting flower shops, your gaze lingered on plants with green, lush foliage and bright inflorescences of different colors. These are selected species of representatives of the bromeliad family. But among the blooming echmeas, cryptanthus, and tillandsias, the guzmania flower stands out most brightly and impressively - an exotic guest from Central and South America or the West Indies. At home it grows in tropical forests, preferring open ground bark of dying trees. The plant genus owes its name to Guzman, a botanist, explorer and traveler from Spain; therefore, the correct name is Guzmania.

Guzmania grows naturally on trees

The species of the bromeliad family consists of two groups: epiphytic plants and terrestrial ones. Bromeliad, Guzmania, Vriesia, Aechmea are part of the epiphytic group. The leaves form a kind of bowl in which it collects rainwater. The main purpose of the small roots is to secure and hold the plant on stones or tree trunks. Developing on a tree trunk, the plant is protected from grass-eating animals and receives better lighting. Species included in the terrestrial group, thanks to their well-developed root system, feed on soil water.

Be sure to check with the seller the group to which the selected copy belongs. Belonging is a fundamental factor in creating optimal conditions.

The genus "Guzmania" was first studied and described at the beginning of the 18th century, according to different sources has more than 200 species. Since then, breeders have developed more than 10 hybrid varieties for growing exotic ornamental plants at home. Cultivated species of guzmania grow lower than their wild counterparts - up to 40 cm, the height depends on humidity and light.


Lovers of bright and colorful flowers need to remember that blooming guzmania is not perennial, at the same time, the flowering period extends to 2-3 months.

Caring for it at home is not difficult, but before purchasing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main features.

Features of caring for guzmania at home

Despite its unpretentiousness, there are a number of features that are characteristic of the entire bromeliad family - monocarpic plants that flower and bear fruit only once in a lifetime. You need to know how to care for such plants and how to create the most favorable environment for them.

Optimal conditions for Guzmania growth, flowering and reproduction:

temperature regime. Under natural conditions, the flower grows in subequatorial and tropical climatic zones, which are characterized by hot summer season and high humidity. Accordingly, the houseplant guzmania is a heat-loving flower. Recommended temperature in summer is 24-28º C, in winter – 18-20º C;

lighting. The tropical guest is light-loving, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. It is recommended to place flower pots in the western or eastern room. In winter, in order to compensate for the lack of lighting, it can be moved to the south side, preferably not on the windowsill;

watering. The peculiarity of Guzmania is that its root system is underdeveloped. Settled water at room temperature must be poured directly into the leaf bowl. Unabsorbed water is carefully drained - excess moisture threatens the roots with rotting. IN winter period water moderately, in spring and summer - more abundantly in combination with periodic spraying of leaves;

priming. Required condition– high-quality drainage, expanded clay balls will cope with this task. The optimal soil composition is a mixture that includes peat, charcoal, soddy clay soil and sand (1:1:0.5:0.5). You can buy in flower shops ready-made composition, specially selected for flowers of the bromeliad family;

transfer. How many times it is necessary to replant is a controversial issue. Some sources indicate once every 2-3 years, practitioners recommend this procedure be carried out once - after purchasing a flower. Optimal diameter pot 10-15 cm;

feeding Guzmania at home does not need fertilizer, so you can do without feeding. If desired, in stores you can purchase a complex solution of minerals prepared for flowers of this type and apply it once during the flowering period.

Features of reproduction

The long period of flowering of Guzmania is at the same time the culmination period of its life. After the end of flowering, guzmania first withers, the leaves dry out, then dies completely - this is precisely the peculiarity. Mature plant flowered and died, but by this moment young children (layers) had already formed. By the time the new shoots reach a height of 15 cm, they have already formed their own roots and the plants are ready for separation and transplantation. Due to the uneven growth of children, separation from the maternal root system is recommended to be carried out one at a time - starting with the strongest and most developed.

Can be used for separation stationery knife with a new blade.

The root shoots of young shoots are weak and fragile; try not to damage them when planting.

To maintain the required level of humidity, during the rooting period it is recommended to cover the pot with a polyethylene cap. Subsequently, the young guzmania receives the same care as an adult plant. As a rule, a young plant blooms in the third year. If only a few children have formed (1-2 sprouts), they can not be separated, but carefully cut off the dried parent trunk, leaving the same root system. In this case, the flowering period may begin at next year.

Formed babies on faded Guzmania Separated Guzmania babies Rooted Guzmania babies

In addition to layering, guzmania reproduces by seeds. Before planting, the seeds must be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried. Plant in a planting container filled with a mixture of peat and sand. Important - the seeds are not sprinkled with soil, but the container itself must be covered with glass or polyethylene. Periodically, the film is removed, the seeds are ventilated and sprayed with water from a spray bottle. If optimal conditions are created, seedlings will appear in 15-20 days. After 2-3 months, young plants are picked and planted in separate pots.

Decorative types of guzmania

Under natural conditions, the color range of guzmania is represented by various shades of three colors - most often red and orange, less often yellow. Decorative varieties bred for growing at home are characterized by a much wider color spectrum - they are found in purple, blue, white colors, sometimes in two colors at the same time.

In home floriculture, the most common types are: guzmania reed, ostara, blood red, mosaic, conifer, single-spike, Nicaraguan. Distinctive characteristics of the created varieties: compact shape, bright and varied colors, long flowering period, striped leaves.

Guzmania lingulata – basic decorative look, characterized in that the inflorescence is bright red and the flowers themselves are yellow. Long leaves with green or variegated colors. A variety of the species is Guzmania minor rondo, a compact plant with a stemless rosette of red leaves. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, varieties with very different color palette As a rule, sellers call such plants guzmania mix.

Ostara is a variety obtained by crossing the species Guzmania lingulata with Guzmania witmackii.

It reaches a height of 40-50 cm, arrow-shaped leaves of a rich green color, the inflorescence is usually bright red, blooms with small white flowers that fall off after a few hours.

Blood red (Guzmania sanguinea).

A distinctive feature is that during the flowering period (April-August) the color of most of the leaves of the rosette changes.

Characteristic color - different shades red

Mosaic (Guzmania musaica).

It is distinguished by denser green leaves with longitudinal light stripes. The inflorescence opens on a high stem, the color ranges from shades of red to pink. It has a more developed root system and is capable of rooting.

Conifera (Guzmania conifera).

It is distinguished by the shape of the inflorescence - a cone-shaped cone of red-orange color on a solid peduncle.

Compared to Guzmania reed, it is a larger plant.

Single-eared (Guzmania monostachia).

The name of the variety is associated with the shape of the inflorescence - it looks like a large spike of red or orange color.

Throws out one peduncle.

Nicaraguan (Guzmania Nicaraguensis).

Compact, small plant with green and smooth leaves.

The color of the inflorescence is bright scarlet. Due to its size, it is ideal for breeding at home.

Optima (Guzmania Optima).

It differs in size - plant height 0.8 - 1 m, diameter 0.6-0.8 m. The inflorescence is bright red.

Guzmania optima serves as a decoration for winter gardens or flower beds in summer period.

In conclusion. It doesn’t matter what type of guzmania you buy, the main thing is that knowing how to care for a flower, you can create the most favorable conditions for its growth and flowering. Blooming guzmania is an original decoration for any apartment or house.

Guzmania, or Guzmania, belongs to the genus of evergreens herbaceous plants and the Bromeliaceae family. There are a huge number of species of guzmania, but at home they found wide application just some of the most unpretentious and decorative varieties. Guzmania mix is ​​not a separate species, but is a mixture of several varieties grown in one flower pot.

Description of the plant

Along with other bromeliads, Guzmania has foliage whose bases overlap each other, creating a cup that the plant uses to store moisture. As a rule, guzmania foliage is monochromatic, but there are several varieties that have longitudinal or transverse stripes on the foliage. The length of the leaves can vary between 40-70 cm, and the average diameter of the leaf rosette is approximately 50-60 cm. Depending on the species, the length of the peduncle can also vary.

Inconspicuous flowers, according to many gardeners, are not decorative enough appearance, but are characterized by a rather bright and glossy, red, yellow, white or orange colored bract. The height of an adult plant can reach 40-50 cm. A special feature is the death of the plant almost immediately after flowering.

Guzmania mix can be represented by a mixture of the following types of ornamental tropical crops:

  • Donnell-Smith (G.donnell-smithii);
  • Blood red (G.sanguinea);
  • Mosaic (G.musaica);
  • Lingular (G.lingulata);
  • Nicaraguan (G.Nicaraguensi);
  • Single-eared (G.monostachia);
  • Tsana (G.azahnii).

Guzmanias, along with frisea, belong to the category of the most heat-loving bromeliad crops, so take care of ornamental plant it is necessary correctly, and care must be of high quality at all stages of growth and development.

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Reproduction at home

The flowering process causes the gradual death of the mother rosette and the formation of children, which, as they develop, build up their own root system. After the roots reach a length of one and a half centimeters, the shoot is separated from the parent plant using a sharp sterile garden tools. Cuts on the parent plant are processed using a garden varnish. It should be remembered that the development of the root system on children does not occur simultaneously, and shoots must be planted gradually.

Guzmania can be propagated and by seed method. In this case, it is necessary to prepare planting soil based on peat chips and medium-grained sand. The seeds of the decorative crop must first be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried slightly. Sowing is carried out superficially, and then the planting container is covered with a transparent film. The temperature for seed germination should be maintained at 22-24ºC.

With regular spraying, seedlings appear in about a couple of weeks. After a couple of months, the seedlings are planted in nutrient soil based on leaf and turf soil with peat in a ratio of 2:1:4. Landing on permanent place cultivation takes place after approximately six months.

The best varieties for home

If a florist has a desire to decorate their home with such exotic flowers, the first thing they start doing is choosing a variety. In nature, this plant is a fairly bright mix of colors, and in culture there are even more of them!

The most popular varieties of Guzmania are the following:

Variety name Description
Rondo reed Minor Variety with flowers white, which are beautifully set off by red stipules and dark green foliage. The plant has a short stem and compact size. Root system the variety is very weak
Donell Smith The plant's bright lemon flowers blend seamlessly with pale green foliage. The peduncle is elongated, with bright red stipules, pyramidal in shape. After flowering, it forms seeds that are used by breeders to create new varieties.
One-Eared Minor A variety with yellowish-green leaves and a very bright peduncle with stipules streaked with brown or pink.
Mosaic Minor A variety with decorative variegated leaves and a spreading rosette shape. The variety is distinguished by bright pink stipules and small pale yellow flowers.
Nicaraguan Tempo The leaf blades of the variety are green, the peduncle is small, immersed in a rosette of leaves. Flowers reddish-orange, stipules bright red

Flower lovers often prefer to grow red guzmanias, as they are believed to bring harmony in relationships into the home. Whether this is true or not, everyone can find out from their own experience. Fortunately, this flower does not require much effort.

How to transplant guzmania (video)

Home care rules

Growing guzmania mix is ​​not too difficult, which makes it possible for novice gardeners to cultivate this indoor plant. Attention should be paid to temperature, humidity, watering and fertilizing.

Temperature and humidity

At the resting stage, indoor Guzmania mix needs temperature conditions at 18-21°C. During the active growing season, including the flowering period, it is recommended to maintain the temperature within 22-24°C, which will allow the plant to bloom within three months. Tropical ornamental culture needs enough high level humidity, so the plant needs to be provided with regular moisture. In spring and summer, the aboveground part of the guzmania should be sprayed a couple of times a day with settled water at room temperature. In winter, foliar spraying is reduced to two to three times a week.

Watering and fertilizing

To irrigate the soil in a flower pot, only settled water at room temperature is used. Characteristic feature epiphytic guzmania is the superficial location of rather tender roots, which are prone to rotting as a result of stagnation of water in the soil. In autumn and winter, watering should be very moderate, as the top layer of soil dries out. In the spring-summer period, irrigation activities are carried out once a day.

It is very important to remember that during the watering process it is necessary to fill the central funnel, which is formed by a leaf rosette, with water. It is recommended to feed exotic ornamental crops with a special mixture for bromeliad epiphytic plants. Fertilizers are applied a couple of times a month during the active growing season. Divorced warm water The leaf rosette of an indoor ornamental plant is filled with fertilizer.

A mandatory event that must accompany indoor growing Guzmania mix is ​​a timely and competent transplant exotic plant in the shallow flower pot, filled with high-quality and well-drained substrate. A plant purchased at a flower shop also needs to be replanted after purchase. It is recommended to replant young ornamental crops annually, in early spring period, before the indoor plant begins to flower. Adult plants can be replanted once every two or three years, in the spring and summer, with annual amendments or addition of substrate. Guzmania transplantation must be done extremely carefully and carefully, which is due to the presence of a very delicate and vulnerable root system in the plant.

Experienced amateur flower growers recommend cutting off flower stalks, since the ripening of seed material can inhibit the growth and development of new rosettes and shoots. Houseplant, due to the characteristics of its origin, can be affected by a number of pathogenic microflora.

How to separate Guzmania babies (video)