Using thuja brabant in garden design. Thuja occidentalis "Brabant": planting, care, use in landscape design

In order to make your garden perfect, you will have to try. After all, when planning a personal plot, you need to take into account many little things. So, in landscape design Today, evergreen coniferous crops are widely used, including the western thuja. They form rock gardens and hedges, arrange alleys and group compositions, and such plants are also used for single landings. The topic of our conversation today will be a comparison of thuja Brabant and Smaragd in landscape design. We'll tell you which one is better and what the differences are between them.

In design, Smaragd and Brabant are usually used to form hedges. Both varieties of thuja are widely used by gardeners and landscape designers. A hedge can be a wonderful addition to a garden plot; it is not only an important design detail, but also helps protect against dust and snow.

What are the differences between Brabant and Smaragd??

Both of these plants are representatives of the western thuja. They are tall, but Smaragd grows a little slower than Brabant. So for those who want to get a live fence as quickly as possible, there is nothing better than Brabant in the design of the site. If you provide them with good care, they will be able to gain from thirty-five to fifty centimeters per year. Such trees have a columnar crown shape, and in adult plants it can be one and a half meters in diameter.

What are the best qualities of Smaragd for design? As for this type of western thuja, this culture has other advantages. Its crown looks cone-shaped, and remains especially rich in color in the cold season, maintaining the richness of its dark green color. Thuja Smaragd has a slightly slower growth rate, which in some cases can play into the hands of gardeners. After all, such trees do not need to be trimmed very often, unlike Brabant.

As for the use of Smaragd and Brabant in landscape design, both varieties of thuja, as we have already found out, are used in the organization of hedges. They can be molded - clipped, or unshaped - freely growing. Thujas of the Smaragd species look better when grown in free-growing hedges, because they are characterized by less branching. In addition, the cone-shaped crowns of such trees do not begin to close over time.

Thuja Brabant species the better, which is more successful when cutting. Thus, annual pruning of these trees in March, as well as in August, will stimulate the active interweaving of their branches, which in turn will ensure the creation of a dense impenetrable wall.

Features of planting western thuja Brabant and Smaragd

Both of these varieties of thuja are planted on personal plot in spring or mid-autumn. Immediately before starting work, it is worth marking a straight line on the site; it is along this line that the planting should be carried out. The easiest way to mark a line is to stretch a rope between the pegs or stretch it across the surface of the soil.

Focusing on the intended line, you need to dig holes. Each of them should be approximately seventy centimeters deep. And the width of each hole depends on the size of the rhizome with some margin.

Trees should be planted at regular intervals. When forming a hedge from Brabant seedlings, it is best to place them at a distance of one meter from each other. After all, in a year the plants will have time to grow fifteen centimeters in width or more. As for planting Smaragd, the interval between trees can be smaller - seventy centimeters.

Although both varieties of western thuja are quite unpretentious to soil characteristics, those readers of Popular About Health who own a plot with poor soil should fill the planting holes with a soil mixture made up of turf, sand, compost, and peat. In case of heavy clay soil, it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the holes.

If the seedlings were purchased in containers, you need to release the rhizomes immediately before planting in open ground. The root collar of plants should be level with the soil. The soil is mulched after planting.

Features of caring for thuja occidentalis Smaragd and Brabant

In order to get a bright and succulent hedge of thuja trees, you need to properly and systematically care for them. Plants need to be periodically watered, fed and trimmed regularly. If long-acting fertilizers were applied to the seedlings during planting, there is a need to feed them only in the third year - in the spring. In this case, you need to use fertilizers that are intended specifically for thujas.

The soil around the plants needs periodic loosening and weeding.

In the first years of cultivation, it is worth covering thujas with special awnings so that they are not damaged by scorching heat. sun rays. For the winter, it is better to wrap them in light fabrics, because otherwise the bright greenery may turn yellow and dry out. It is clear that Smaragd and Brabant will be of little use in design in this case, so it is better to prevent such difficulties.

Pruning the crown of such thujas should be done twice a season - in March and also in August. During this procedure, dried and unattractive branches should be cut off from the tree. When forming a crown, you should focus on your taste preferences. The Brabant variety needs to be pruned more radically, since it grows much more actively than Smaragd. For the same reason, Smaragd trees can be given the most different shapes that will last a long time.

It should be noted that thuja West Brabant is less frost-resistant than Smaragd. But in principle, both types of trees need shelter for the winter. It is advisable to cover thuja Brabant well with spruce branches.

The picturesque evergreen tree is loved by designers and cottage owners because of its unique decorative qualities. Elongated coniferous thuja pyramids form beautiful “living” hedges that hide the territory of individual plots from prying eyes. Plantings all year round exude delicate aroma, and in winter they turn the area into an enchanting fairy tale.

Thuja is responsive to care. The crown is easy to cut and give the desired shape, which the slender beauty retains for a long time.


The homeland of thuja is North America and East Asia. Despite its exotic origin, it has excellent winter-hardy qualities, unpretentiousness, and good survival rate. The only “contraindication” to cultivation will be dry areas or regions with winter temperature below – 30-36°C.

Brabant branches of a lush green hue


  • Compact branched crown of conical shape;
  • with scaly needles with a strong aroma;
  • rich green color of the crown, sometimes with a golden-yellow veil at the ends of the branches. The peculiarity of the Brabant variety is that it retains its rich color, unlike other types of thuja, all year round.
  • rough brown bark with exfoliating structure;
  • rapid growth: over the course of a year, thuja occidentalis can increase up to 30-40 cm in height, and in diameter - up to 12-15 cm.

Brabant is the tallest representative of the thuja family, reaching a maximum height of 20 m with a crown 4 meters in diameter. True, in the conditions of central Russia you can rarely find coniferous representatives taller than 5-6 m. Some record holders reach 10-15 m. The flowering period of the tree is April-May: oblong brown cones up to 10 mm in size appear on the thuja.

When and how to plant thuja Brabant?

Points to consider before boarding:

  • Brabant is not picky about soil type, but it is dry and poor nutrients the soil will lead to poor crown formation and inexpressive color.
  • Thuja loves lighted areas, but direct sunlight leads to dehydration of the plant. It is optimal to give preference to partial shade.
  • Brabant has a closed root system, which allows replanting without harming the health of the tree.
  • All planting measures are effective in spring.

Planting a thuja seedling

The root hole for planting is prepared according to the size of the root system: approximately 1 meter wide. On wet soil, loamy soils, drainage of 15-20 cm (expanded clay, broken brick) is first poured.

A mixture of turf, peat, sand in a ratio of 2-1-1 is laid on top. Pre-planting fertilizing with nitroammophos at the rate of 300-500 g per tree will accelerate the development of the root system. After filling the hole, the root collar should be level with the ground.

The landscaping is completed with abundant watering. The water should “stand” in the depression near the trunk.

Landing geometry

Rules of care

Two weeks after planting, the cuttings are watered abundantly. So that the soil around the future tree is well moistened.

You will also need:

  • Watering during the dry period (2 times every 7 days) with spraying.
  • The first winter is a big test for the young Brabant: the adaptation process is not yet completely completed. Therefore, covering the crown with kraft paper or other material is required. The method protects the tree from cold, sunburn and winter-spring sun.
  • To improve root nutrition and enrich the soil layer with oxygen, the soil is regularly loosened (no deeper than 0.1 m) and mulched with peat additives.
  • Regular prevention with fungicides against diseases and insect pests that are relevant to thuja.

You should not hope for a sharp increase in size in the first year of planting. This is a period of rooting, adaptation to soil and climatic conditions. You can make the establishment easier by fertilizing the young shoots. However, when adding growth accelerators to the planting soil, you should not overuse feeding with such compounds during growth. An excess of nutrient chemicals inhibits crown formation, color design needles


There are practice-tested methods for propagating thuja occidentalis:

  • Cuttings with heel. They are collected from a young bush in the spring before awakening or when buds begin to set.
  • They reproduce well cuttings obtained from pruning thuja occidentalis. For rooting, it is enough to place shoots 10-12 cm long in a jar of water. After a year, such roots are ready for planting in the ground.
  • Summer cuttings of the first stage of growth. True, complete rooting cannot be achieved over the summer: it will require wintering in a well-lit, cool room.
  • Dividing young bushes, which are earthed up in the spring and divided at the beginning of autumn.
  • Horizontal bends followed by rooting within 12 months. True, this method is fraught with disruption of crown formation, which worsens decorative characteristics.


Trimming the western thuja in compliance with the basic requirements allows you to achieve very interesting options registration

  • The first full pruning is carried out 2-3 years after planting.
  • Thuja withstands the haircut procedure. But you need to select a powerful pruner to avoid deformation of the cutting areas. This way, the planned crown configuration is formed faster and the structure of the branches is not damaged.
  • If there is an idea to acquire a green wall, a two-stage pruning will be required. summer season. The first pruning takes place in early summer after budding and formation of branches. Then leveling is carried out at the end of August. This method provides good compaction of coniferous mass for hedges or decorative forms. To maintain the configuration between haircuts, it is necessary to periodically carry out corrections: cut off the side shoots and the top of the crown.
  • Formation begins only after Brabant has reached the planned height. It is not recommended to cut off more than a third of the shoot, otherwise the bush weakens and the crown becomes sparse.

Pests and diseases


Sometimes the rotting process is caused by a fungal infection. In this case, it is enough to treat the tree with medicinal preparations.


The greatest danger to thuja Brabant is aphid colonies. If the pests have settled “seriously and for a long time,” a waxy silver coating appears on the branches due to the grayish tint of the insects. Subsequently, the needles acquire a yellowish-brown color and fall off. You can resist the invasion by treating with foundationazole and spraying with fungicidal preparations.

Insects lay larvae under leaves and in the root system area. If you don't preventative treatment fungicides, the tree can be lost.

Estimated cost

Purchasing western Brabant thuja seeds will cost, on average, 700-800 rubles per package.

Choosing ready-made seedlings will cost more: about 10-15 thousand rubles per seedling. The price range is determined by the age and size of the plant.

For a 3-meter seedling you can pay within 10 thousand rubles, but only a rooted “baby” costs no more than 1 thousand.

At first glance, purchasing seeds provides significant cost savings, but when purchasing a small tree, the costs are recouped by the quick greening of the area.

Western thuja external signs very reminiscent of cypress: the same pyramidal shape of the crown, approximately the same height of an adult plant, high degree decorativeness of needles. However, unlike cypress, western thuja quickly gained popularity and spread throughout Russia.

Cypress is more demanding on climate, ideal conditions for its cultivation - subtropics, while some varieties of thuja are able to survive in the Siberian region if there is good care and careful insulation for the winter period.

Western thuja Brabant - characteristics and use in landscape design

Thuja Brabant is one of the most popular plant species. It is grown in two forms: as a tree and as a shrub. Most form it into a bush to create a hedge. Without pruning, thuja can reach a height of up to 18–20 meters in the southern regions and up to 5 meters in middle lane Russia. Life span exceeds 100 years.

The special decorativeness of the Brabant species lies in the lushly growing conical shape of the evergreen crown and the beautiful light green color of the needles, which from a distance look like scales climbing up the trunk of a tree. The bark of the plant has a brown tint and is prone to peeling. Brabant is characterized by a rapid pace of development and growth.

This popular type of thuja also has another equally common subspecies - Golden Drummer. It differs from its closest relative in the color of its needles - it has a golden hue. The height of representatives of this variety does not exceed 3 meters.

Used in group plantings And coniferous compositions, is also grown as a hedge. Brabant is not picky about the composition of the soil; it can withstand both short-term waterlogging and short dry periods. Adult plants can easily tolerate frosty winters, but can be severely damaged by burns from the spring rays of the sun - especially in the first years after planting, thujas must be shaded.

Planting and care - preparing the site and creating favorable conditions for the development of thuja

In order to plant thuja, it is recommended to choose sunny areas of the garden or local area, because the shadow negatively affects the color saturation of the needles and slows down the growth of the plant as a whole. As for the soil, light loamy or peaty is preferable. When planting in heavy soil, it is necessary to create an additional drainage layer at the bottom of the planting hole, at least 15 centimeters thick.

Herself landing pit It is dug up in accordance with the size of the earthen clod in which the rhizome of the seedling is located. Depth from 75 to 90 centimeters depending on the age of the plant and soil characteristics. It is advisable to prepare the soil with which the volume of the pit will be filled in advance so that it has time to be saturated with the nutrients added to it. A mixture of peat is best suited turf land and sand in a ratio of 1:2:1. To stimulate growth, it is recommended to add nitroammophosphate - up to 100 grams per thuja.

The main criterion for the success of growing western thuja is the health and quality of the seedling. When purchasing, you should definitely pay attention to the elasticity of the needles and the richness of its varietal color. There should be no yellowing or dried areas on the branches. There should be no signs of fungal diseases or insect pests. Thuja needles are especially loved by aphids and spider mites.

Description of planting thuja in open ground:

  1. 1. The bottom of the pit is filled in layers: first, drainage from broken brick or expanded clay, then a layer of soil prepared to fill the volume of the pit.
  2. 2. Preparing a seedling consists of spraying an earthen clod clean water room temperature or a solution of a drug to stimulate root formation - Kornevin or Epin.
  3. 3. The thuja is placed in a hole so that the root collar of the plant is flush with the surface of the earth, and then covered with soil.
  4. 4. In the process of filling the hole, the soil mixture is compacted by hand to avoid the formation of air voids, which in the future can lead to rotting of the root shoots of the seedling.
  5. 5. Upon completion of the planting event, a trunk circle, the area of ​​which is generously watered with 1-2 buckets of water, after which it is mulched with compost or pine bark.

The arrangement of plants on the site directly depends on the variety of western thuja chosen for planting. For Brabant specimens planted next to each other, a distance of 3.5-4.5 meters is maintained, and when planting Brabant Golden, a more compact variety, a distance of 1-1.5 meters between plants will be sufficient. The same interval is maintained when preparing hedges, regardless of the height of the seedling.

Features of traditional and special plant care procedures

Maintenance comfortable conditions For the development and growth of western thuja, it involves carrying out traditional and special measures to care for the plantings. In the first month after planting the plant in open ground, the tree trunk circle is moistened once a week. In dry weather - 2 times. Loosening of the soil is carried out monthly, to a depth of 10–12 centimeters - no more, since the thuja has drumming root system is located close to the surface of the earth and is easily damaged.

The plant responds very positively to sprinkling, especially during dry periods. The event should be scheduled early in the morning or in the evening after sunset. Pruning begins from the third year of the thuja's life - in June and at the end of August. The upper part is trimmed to the desired height, all damaged and dried areas are cut off. Regular trimming leads to the crown becoming denser and thicker each time.

It is important to take into account one feature: thuja shoots are cut to no more than a third of their length, so as not to damage negative impact on the health of the plant.

To trim the crown of a thuja, you need to use only a well-sharpened pruner, which will not injure the cut areas, making them as even as possible.

When preparing thuja plantings for winter, so that the branches of the plants do not break, they are tied with twine or rope. Young bushes should additionally be covered with spruce branches to protect the delicate needles from the scorching rays of the sun in the spring, and the roots from freezing of the soil.

Western thujas are fed in the spring season by applying complex fertilizers, for example, Kemira-Universal - 50 grams per 1 square meter planting areas.

Hedge - formative seasonal pruning

A hedge of western thuja Brabant attracts attention with its spectacular appearance and splendor, while at the same time hiding from prying eyes garden plot owners. In the yard, a fence is created to delimit the territory, hide unattractive parts of the garden, and protect plantings cultivated plants from dust from the roads.

The planting of thujas itself does not require formative pruning; this event is carried out only to maintain a certain shape of the crown of a particular representative of conifers or the hedge as a whole. The first haircut is carried out in the spring, the second - simultaneously with sanitary pruning - at the end of summer. To prevent the bush from becoming bare over time, its upper part must be made narrower, then a sufficient amount of water can reach the lower branches. sunlight for their growth and splendor.

Hair cutting specialists ornamental plants create real works of art that can become the main attraction and highlight of any landscape design. This plant is easy to shape and quickly recovers from injuries received in the process. When pruning shrubs, it is very convenient to use a large mesh: it is pulled over shoots that go beyond the boundaries established by the form and carefully cut off.

The long cuttings that remain after cutting are excellent for rooting for the purpose of propagating western thuja.

One of the members of the cypress family, Thuja Brabant is considered almost ideal for decorating any area, as a single tree or to create a magnificent hedge. Of all the species of this plant, the Western Brabant is the most popular and loved, as it has remarkable qualities.

The tree looks like a cypress, the height and shape of the crown are similar, but it has an undoubted advantage over its gentle brother. Today it is grown throughout the country, even quite healthy and beautiful plants can be found in Siberian cities. Many gardeners, when planning their future garden, are happy to set aside space for this exotic plant.

Positive qualities of thuja

Many are attracted by the rapid growth and splendor of the needles. In addition, it is characterized by frost resistance. Usually, in the middle zone it grows to a maximum of two tens of meters. Due to this, it is often used as a hedge. The compactness of the crown and the almost unchanged color are attractive.

Color can vary from light green to emerald with a golden tint. It is also characterized by unpretentiousness, which only increases interest on the part of plant growers. It can grow in dry and waterlogged soil, but fertile soil with good but moderate watering is considered the most favorable.


Thuja occidentalis brabant is considered to be native to East Asia; it also grows in North America. The survival rate in other places is good. The existing variety of Golden Brabant is recognized as the tallest (height - 20 m, crown width - about 4 m.

Trees live for almost 150 years. The shape is conical, with light green needles, the scales of which look upward. For those planted in the middle zone, the usual height is up to 6 m. In this case, the crown can be a meter high.
Flowering occurs in May. The fruits are small cones. The bark does not look like normal bark; it peels off, sometimes in the form of ribbons.


The purposes for purchasing thuja are different. Some people dream of an evergreen hedge, while others like a plant in full height. In any case, planting and care should be carried out according to rules that are not difficult to follow.

Even an inexperienced person can cope with this task. The main thing is to maintain the recommended distance. It depends on the composition of the soil; if it is rich, then there should be about a meter between seedlings in a row. If the soil is poorer, then 80 cm is sufficient. For a two-row dense hedge, an interval of 70 cm is required.


This type of planting requires more space. Trees need to be given space, so the distance between them is up to 8 m.
It is preferable to plant thuja in autumn period, but so that it can take root before the weather gets colder. This method will also save the gardener from excessive watering. The baby planted in this way will meet spring with new vigor.

For the first two years, it is advisable to protect the plant from scorching rays, and send it well covered in winter. Having reached a height of 1.5 m, the thuja is able to cope with natural vagaries on its own.

How to plant thuja correctly

First you need to take care of the supporting cast. What will you need?

  • foliage, turf in 2 parts,
  • sand, peat, humus 1 hour each,
  • nitroammophoska - 0.5 per seedling.

A hole is dug along the thuja with a diameter of 1 m to a depth of 0.7 m. Drainage is laid and soil is poured. The tree is planted so as to completely cover the root collar with soil. If the soil is too dense, the drainage layer is increased to 0.2 m. This will help avoid excess moisture.

At first, small thujas Brabant require regular watering. In the future it will not be so important.
In spring, green pets need feeding (organic + minerals). Usually they take 100 g per square meter. Loosening and removal of dried or frozen branches are also required.

If a haircut is necessary, it is best to plan it for August and early spring. The cut should be a third of the length of the shoot, without damaging the bark, which will then take a long time to heal. It is advisable to carry out this procedure on a cloudy or cloudy day to avoid sunburn.


Like all conifers, Thuja Brabant is sick, so proper care can help you avoid them. If, nevertheless, the tree is exposed to disease or is overcome by pests, it is worth resorting to drugs.

Sometimes yellowing is due to poor watering or sunburn. In another case, the presence of brown spots indicates that the tree or bush is suffering from cercospora. Increasing watering and removing all diseased branches will help to cope with this.

Smaragd and Brabant: what is the difference

At first glance, both types of thuja are almost the same, but you shouldn’t rush to choose. You need to decide what exactly your tree is being planted for. If the goal is to acquire a hedge as quickly as possible, then it is worth considering that the emerald grows slower than its fellow, although both of them are tall.

The emerald has a denser, cone-shaped crown that does not branch much. The color remains dark green in winter. This type of haircut is also done less frequently. Thinking about the differences between Emerald and Brabant, you should not forget that caring for them is almost the same, although the external indicators are slightly different, as the photo shows well.

Thuja Brabant will perfectly complement any house plot. It will decorate with a bright hedge, fill the air with healing phytoncides, and give the opportunity to create and create something new.

Thuja is a genus of perennials belonging to the cypress family. She is very popular among landscape designers, because it has decorative form crowns, does not present high requirements to the conditions of its growth, and is also distinguished by a wide variety of varieties. Thuja is planted both in separate groups and as part of hedges.

Thuja forms

On the territory Russian Federation The most common is the thuja occidentalis. She has several basic forms:

  1. Pyramid (variety Smaragd).
  2. Columnar (varieties Columna, Yellow Ribon, Fastigiata, Brabant).
  3. Ball-shaped (Globosum, Woodwardy, Hosery, Danica).

Requirements for pruning individual varieties of thuja

Whether an individual thuja plant is worth pruning should be judged based on how organically it fits into a specific design plan. Sometimes it happens that individuals initially have perfect shape crown, then there is no need to waste time correcting it. However, most often you have to take garden shears and correct the shape of the plant’s crown. And now more about pruning individual varieties plants.

Thuja Smaragd

This variety is most often found on land plots Russians. It owes its popularity, among other things, to its original regular pyramidal shape. Thuja Smaragd acquires a fairly correct and beautiful appearance on its own, even without the gardener’s intervention in the process. However, sometimes it has to be trimmed in order to give the crown more correct proportions.

Thuja Smaragd is often used to create original living garden figures:

  1. Spirals.
  2. Chess pieces.
  3. Balls on legs and much more.

This type of plant easily tolerates branch removal. Well, if you decide to use thuja Smaragd for growing a hedge, then it is simply necessary to trim it. Otherwise, neither even nor dense vegetation will emerge. Forming hedge, it is necessary to begin pruning the plant in accordance with the intended appearance, immediately after it is planted in the ground. There is no need to wait until the thuja grows in width and height to the specified standards, and then take up the pruning shears.

The plant is trimmed annually, with a gradual increase in size.

Varieties Fastigiata and Columna

Pruning of these plants is carried out according to the same principles as for the Smaragd variety. That is, if the plant begins to deviate from its plan in its development appearance, you should immediately begin shaping or decorative pruning.

Brabant variety

Unlike the previous ones, this variety requires mandatory pruning. Without this work, the plant grows spreading, loose, and not beautiful enough. Therefore, immediately after Thuja Brabant lands on permanent place, it must be cut according to the intended shape. Further, its crown is corrected every year. Only by adhering to this tactic can you achieve a well-filled plant.

As for the use of thuja Brabant for the formation of hedges, in this case its pruning is carried out exactly according to the same rules that apply to the Smaragd variety.

Varieties Danica, Hoseri, Woodwardy

These plants belong to the thuja globulus. They usually do not require pruning. The only case when their crowns should be actively formed is planting of these varieties as part of low-growing, living, border hedges. However, they will have to be trimmed regularly until a uniform border is obtained.