Schematic diagram of an individual heating point. What are ITP and TsTP

A heating point, or abbreviated as TP, is a set of equipment located in a separate room that provides heating and hot water supply to a building or group of buildings. The main difference between a heating substation and a boiler room is that in the boiler room the coolant is heated due to fuel combustion, and the heating point works with heated coolant coming from a centralized system. Heating of the coolant for transformer substations is carried out by heat generating enterprises - industrial boiler houses and thermal power plants. Central heating station is a heating point serving a group of buildings, for example, microdistrict, urban settlement, industrial enterprise, etc. The need for a central heating point is determined individually for each region based on technical and economic calculations; as a rule, one central heating point is built for a group of objects with a heat consumption of 12-35 MW

The central heating unit, depending on its purpose, consists of 5-8 blocks. The coolant is superheated water up to 150°C. Central heating stations, consisting of 5-7 blocks, are designed for heat loads from 1.5 to 11.5 Gcal/h. The blocks are manufactured according to standard albums developed by Mosproekt-1 JSC issues from 1 (1982) to 14 (1999) “Central heating points of heat supply systems”, “Factory-made blocks”, “Factory-made engineering equipment blocks for individual and central heating points", as well as individual projects. Depending on the type and number of heaters, the diameter of pipelines, piping and shut-off and control valves, the blocks have different weights and overall dimensions.

For a better understanding of the functions and principles of operation of the central heating station Let's give a brief description of heating networks. Heat networks consist of pipelines and provide transportation of coolant. They are primary, connecting heat generating enterprises with heating points, and secondary, connecting central heating stations with end consumers. From this definition we can conclude that central heating stations are an intermediary between primary and secondary heating networks or heat generating enterprises and end consumers. Next, we describe in detail the main functions of the central heating center.

4.2.2 Problems solved by heating points

Let us describe in more detail the tasks solved by central heating points:

    transformation of the coolant, for example, turning steam into superheated water

    changing various parameters of the coolant, such as pressure, temperature, etc.

    coolant flow control

    distribution of coolant across heating and hot water supply systems

    water treatment for hot water supply

    protection of secondary heating networks from increasing coolant parameters

    ensuring heating or hot water supply is turned off if necessary

    control of coolant flow and other system parameters, automation and control

4.2.3 Construction of heating points

Below is a schematic diagram of a heating point

The TP scheme depends, on the one hand, on the characteristics of the thermal energy consumers served by the heating point, and on the other hand, on the characteristics of the source supplying the TP with thermal energy. Further, as the most common, TP with closed system hot water supply and an independent connection diagram for the heating system.

The coolant entering the TP through the thermal input supply pipeline gives off its heat in the heaters of hot water supply (DHW) and heating systems, and also enters the consumer ventilation system, after which it returns to the return pipeline of the thermal input and is sent back to the heat generating enterprise through the main networks. for reuse. Some of the coolant may be consumed by the consumer. To replenish losses in primary heating networks at boiler houses and thermal power plants, there are make-up systems, the sources of coolant for which are the water treatment systems of these enterprises.

Tap water entering the TP passes through cold water pumps, after which part of the cold water is sent to consumers, and the other part is heated in the first stage DHW heater and enters the circulation circuit DHW systems. In the circulation circuit, water, with the help of hot water supply circulation pumps, moves in a circle from the heating substation to the consumers and back, and consumers take water from the circuit as needed. As water circulates through the circuit, it gradually releases its heat and in order to maintain the water temperature at a given level, it is constantly heated in the second stage DHW heater.

The heating system also represents a closed loop through which the coolant moves with the help of heating circulation pumps from the heating substations to the building heating system and back. During operation, coolant leaks may occur from the heating system circuit. To make up for losses, a heating point recharge system is used, using primary heating networks as a source of coolant.

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Homeowners know what share of utility bills is the cost of providing heat. Heating and hot water are what a comfortable existence depends on, especially in the cold season. However, not everyone knows that these costs can be significantly reduced, for which it is necessary to switch to the use of individual heating points (IHP).

Disadvantages of central heating

The traditional central heating scheme works like this: from the central boiler house, the coolant flows through the mains to the centralized heating station, where it is distributed through intra-block pipelines to consumers (buildings and houses). The temperature and pressure of the coolant are controlled centrally, in the central boiler room, with uniform values ​​for all buildings.

In this case, heat losses are possible along the route when the same amount of coolant is transferred to buildings located at different distances from the boiler room. In addition, the architecture of a microdistrict usually consists of buildings of various heights and designs. Therefore, the same parameters of the coolant at the exit from the boiler room do not mean the same input parameters of the coolant in each building.

The use of ITP became possible due to a change in the heat supply regulation scheme. ITP principle is based on the fact that heat regulation is carried out directly at the coolant inlet into the building, exclusively and individually for it. For this heating equipment located in an automated individual heating station - in the basement of a building, on the first floor or in a separate building.

Operating principle of ITP

An individual heating point is a set of equipment with the help of which the accounting and distribution of thermal energy and coolant in the heating system of a specific consumer (building) is carried out. The IHP is connected to the distribution mains of the city heat and water supply network.

The work of the ITP is based on the principle of autonomy: depending on outside temperature the equipment changes the temperature of the coolant in accordance with the calculated values ​​and supplies it to heating system Houses. The consumer no longer depends on the length of highways and intra-block pipelines. But heat retention is entirely up to the consumer and depends on the technical condition of the building and heat conservation methods.

Individual heating points have the following advantages:

  • regardless of the length of the heating mains, it is possible to ensure the same heating parameters for all consumers,
  • the ability to provide an individual operating mode (for example, for medical institutions),
  • There is no problem of heat loss on the heating main; instead, heat loss depends on the homeowner ensuring the insulation of the house.

The ITP includes hot and cold water supply systems, as well as heating and ventilation systems. Structurally, ITP is a complex of devices: collectors, pipelines, pumps, various heat exchangers, regulators and sensors. This complex system, requiring configuration, mandatory prevention and maintenance, while technical condition ITP directly affects heat consumption. At the ITP, coolant parameters such as pressure, temperature and flow are controlled. These parameters can be controlled by the dispatcher, in addition, the data is transmitted to the heating network dispatch service for recording and monitoring.

In addition to direct heat distribution, ITP helps to take into account and optimize consumption costs. Comfortable conditions with economical consumption of energy resources - this is the main advantage of using ITP.

Thermal point (TP)- a set of devices located in a separate room, consisting of elements of thermal power plants that ensure the connection of these plants to the heating network, their operability, control of heat consumption modes, transformation, regulation of coolant parameters and distribution of coolant by type of consumption.

Purpose of heating points:

  • transformation of the type of coolant or its parameters;
  • control of coolant parameters;
  • accounting for heat loads, coolant and condensate flow rates;
  • regulation of coolant flow and distribution across heat consumption systems (through distribution networks in central heating stations or directly to heating and heating systems);
  • protection of local systems from emergency increases in coolant parameters;
  • filling and replenishing heat consumption systems;
  • collection, cooling, return of condensate and quality control;
  • heat accumulation;
  • water treatment for hot water supply systems.

At a heating point, depending on its purpose and local conditions, all of the listed activities or only part of them can be carried out. Instruments for monitoring coolant parameters and metering heat consumption should be provided at all heating points.

An ITP input device is mandatory for each building, regardless of the presence of a central heating point, while the ITP provides only for those measures that are necessary to connect a given building and are not provided for in the central heating point.

In closed and open heat supply systems, the need to install central heating stations for residential and public buildings must be justified by technical and economic calculations.

Types of heating points

TS differ in the number and type of heat consumption systems connected to them, the individual characteristics of which determine the thermal design and characteristics of the TS equipment, as well as in the type of installation and features of the placement of equipment in the TS room.

The following types of heating points are distinguished:

  • . Used to serve one consumer (building or part thereof). As a rule, it is located in the basement or technical room of the building, however, due to the characteristics of the building being served, it can be placed in a separate structure.
  • Central heating point (CHS). Used to serve a group of consumers (buildings, industrial facilities). More often it is located in a separate building, but can be placed in the basement or technical room of one of the buildings.
  • . It is manufactured in a factory and supplied for installation in the form of ready-made blocks. May consist of one or more blocks. The block equipment is mounted very compactly, usually on one frame. Usually used when it is necessary to save space, in cramped conditions. Based on the nature and number of connected consumers, the BTP can be classified as either an ITP or a central heating substation.

Central and individual heating points

Central heating point (CHP) makes it possible to concentrate all the most expensive equipment that requires systematic and qualified supervision in conveniently servicing separate buildings and, thanks to this, significantly simplify subsequent individual heating units (IHP) in buildings. Public buildings located in residential neighborhoods - schools, children's institutions - must have independent ITP equipped with regulators. Central heating stations should be located on the boundaries of microdistricts (blocks) between the main, distribution networks and block networks.

With water coolant, the equipment of heating points consists of circulation (network) pumps, water-to-water heat exchangers, batteries hot water, booster pumps, devices for regulating and monitoring the parameters of the coolant, instruments and devices for protection against corrosion and scale formation of local hot water supply installations, devices for metering heat consumption, as well as automatic devices to regulate heat supply and maintain specified coolant parameters in subscriber installations.

Schematic diagram of a heating point

Heating point diagram depends, on the one hand, on the characteristics of the consumers of thermal energy served by the heating point, on the other hand, on the characteristics of the source supplying the thermal energy station with thermal energy. Further, as the most common, we consider a TP with a closed hot water supply system and an independent connection circuit for the heating system.

The coolant entering the TP through the thermal input supply pipeline gives off its heat in the heaters of the hot water supply and heating systems, and also enters the consumer ventilation system, after which it is returned to the thermal input return pipeline and sent back through the main networks to the heat generating enterprise for reuse. Some of the coolant may be consumed by the consumer. To replenish losses in primary heating networks at boiler houses and thermal power plants, there are make-up systems, the sources of coolant for which are the water treatment systems of these enterprises.

Tap water entering the TP passes through cold water pumps, after which part of cold water is sent to consumers, and the other part is heated in the first stage DHW heater and enters the circulation circuit of the DHW system. In the circulation circuit, water, with the help of hot water supply circulation pumps, moves in a circle from the heating substation to the consumers and back, and consumers take water from the circuit as needed. As water circulates through the circuit, it gradually releases its heat and in order to maintain the water temperature at a given level, it is constantly heated in the second stage DHW heater.

The heating system also represents a closed loop through which the coolant moves with the help of heating circulation pumps from the heating substations to the building heating system and back. During operation, coolant leaks may occur from the heating system circuit. To make up for losses, a heating point recharge system is used, using primary heating networks as a source of coolant.

Heating points industrial enterprises

An industrial enterprise should, as a rule, have one central heating point (CHS) for registration, accounting and distribution of coolant received from the heating network. Quantity and placement secondary (shop) heat points (ITP) determined by the size and mutual placement of individual workshops of the enterprise. The central heating center of the enterprise must be located in a separate room; in large enterprises, especially when receiving steam in addition to hot water, in a separate building.

An enterprise may have workshops with a homogeneous nature of internal heat release ( specific gravity in the total load), and with different ones. In the first case, the temperature regime of all buildings is determined in the central heating point, in the second - different and set at the electrical heating point. Temperature chart for industrial enterprises should differ from the household one, according to which urban heating networks usually operate. For fit temperature regime in heating points of enterprises, mixing pumps should be installed, which, if the nature of heat release is uniform across workshops, can be installed in one central heating substation, and if there is no uniformity, in individual heating substation.

The design of thermal systems of industrial enterprises must be carried out with the mandatory use of secondary energy resources, which are understood as:

  • hot gases coming from furnaces;
  • products technological processes(heated ingots, slag, hot coke, etc.);
  • low-temperature energy resources in the form of exhaust steam, hot water from various cooling devices and industrial heat generation.

For heat supply, energy resources of the third group are usually used, which have temperatures ranging from 40 to 130°C. It is preferable to use them for DHW needs, since this load is year-round.

The traditional regulation of heat supply to consumers in our country today turns out to be costly, and therefore qualitative and quantitative regulation of heat supply is becoming increasingly widespread. The article examines both schemes from the point of view of Russian realities.

  • The structure of modern heat supply systems and proposals for changing it

    Due to the peculiarities of climatic conditions, uninterrupted supply of thermal energy to the population and industry in Russia is an urgent social and economic problem.

  • Application of gasketed heat exchangers

    High efficiency and affordable price give heat exchangers priority construction market. Due to their low heat loss and high technical qualities, heat exchangers are an important piece of equipment for construction.

    All about the heating point

    Heating point(TP) is a set of devices located in a separate room, consisting of elements of thermal power plants that ensure the connection of these installations to the heating network, their operability, control of heat consumption modes, transformation, regulation of coolant parameters and distribution of coolant by type of consumption.


    The main objectives of the TP are:
    Converting the type of coolant
    Monitoring and regulation of coolant parameters
    Distribution of coolant among heat consumption systems
    Disabling heat consumption systems
    Protection of heat consumption systems from emergency increases in coolant parameters
    Accounting for coolant and heat costs

    Types of heating points

    Heating points differ in the number and type of heat consumption systems connected to them, the individual characteristics of which determine the thermal design and characteristics of the transformer substation equipment, as well as in the type of installation and features of the placement of equipment in the substation premises. The following types of heat pumps are distinguished:
    Individual heating point(ITP). Used to serve one consumer (building or part thereof). As a rule, it is located in the basement or technical room of the building, however, due to the characteristics of the building being served, it can be placed in a separate structure.
    Central heating point(TsTP). Used to serve a group of consumers (buildings, industrial facilities). More often it is located in a separate building, but can be placed in the basement or technical room of one of the buildings.
    Block heating point(BTP). It is manufactured in a factory and supplied for installation in the form of ready-made blocks. May consist of one or more blocks. The block equipment is mounted very compactly, usually on one frame. Usually used when it is necessary to save space, in cramped conditions. Based on the nature and number of connected consumers, the BTP can be classified as either an ITP or a central heating substation.

    Heat sources and thermal energy transport systems

    The source of heat for TPs are heat generating enterprises (boiler houses, combined heat and power plants). The TP is connected to heat sources and consumers through heat networks. Heating networks are divided into primary main heating networks connecting transformer substations with heat generating enterprises, and secondary (distribution) heating networks connecting transformer substations with end consumers. The section of the heating network that directly connects the transformer substation and the main heating networks is called the thermal input.

    Main heating networks, as a rule, are long (distance from the heat source is up to 10 km or more). For the construction of trunk networks, steel pipelines with a diameter of up to 1400 mm are used. In conditions where there are several heat-generating enterprises, loops are made on the main heat pipelines, combining them into one network. This makes it possible to increase the reliability of supply to heating points, and, ultimately, to consumers with heat. For example, in cities, in the event of an accident on a highway or a local boiler house, the boiler house of a neighboring area can take over the heat supply. Also, in some cases, a common network makes it possible to distribute the load between heat generating enterprises. Specially prepared water is used as a coolant in main heating networks. During preparation, carbonate hardness, oxygen content, iron content and pH are standardized. Water that is not prepared for use in heating networks (including tap water, drinking water) is unsuitable for use as a coolant, since high temperatures, due to the formation of deposits and corrosion, will cause increased wear of pipelines and equipment. The design of the TP prevents relatively hard tap water from entering the main heating networks.

    Secondary heating networks have a relatively short length (the distance of the transformer substation from the consumer is up to 500 meters) and in urban environments they are limited to one or a couple of blocks. The diameters of secondary network pipelines, as a rule, range from 50 to 150 mm. When constructing secondary heating networks, both steel and polymer pipelines can be used. The use of polymer pipelines is most preferable, especially for hot water supply systems, since hard tap water in combination with elevated temperatures leads to intense corrosion and premature failure of steel pipelines. In the case of an individual heating point, secondary heating networks may be absent.

    The source of water for cold and hot water supply systems is water supply networks.

    Thermal energy consumption systems

    A typical TP has the following heating systems:
    Hot water system(DHW). Designed to supply consumers hot water. There are closed and open systems hot water supply. Often, heat from the domestic hot water system is used by consumers for partial heating of premises, for example, bathrooms, in multi-apartment residential buildings.
    Heating system. Designed for heating rooms in order to maintain a given air temperature in them. There are dependent and independent connection schemes for heating systems.
    Ventilation system. Designed to heat the outside air, while ensuring the necessary air exchange to create indoor air conditions. It can also be used to connect dependent heating systems of consumers.
    Cold water supply system. Does not apply to systems consuming thermal energy, however, it is present in all heating points serving multi-storey buildings. Designed to provide required pressure in consumer water supply systems.

    Schematic diagram of a heating point

    The TP scheme depends, on the one hand, on the characteristics of the thermal energy consumers served by the heating point, and on the other hand, on the characteristics of the source supplying the TP with thermal energy. Further, as the most common, we consider a TP with a closed hot water supply system and an independent connection circuit for the heating system.
    Schematic diagram of a heating point

    The coolant entering the TP through the thermal input supply pipeline gives off its heat in the heaters of the hot water supply and heating systems, and also enters the consumer ventilation system, after which it is returned to the thermal input return pipeline and sent back through the main networks to the heat generating enterprise for reuse. Some of the coolant may be consumed by the consumer. To make up for losses in primary heating networks, at boiler houses and thermal power plants, there are make-up systems, the sources of coolant for which are the water treatment systems of these enterprises.

    Tap water entering the TP passes through the hot water pumps, after which part of the cold water is sent to consumers, and the other part is heated in the first stage DHW heater and enters the circulation circuit of the DHW system. In the circulation circuit, water, with the help of hot water supply circulation pumps, moves in a circle from the heating substation to the consumers and back, and consumers take water from the circuit as needed. As it circulates through the circuit, the water gradually releases its heat and in order to maintain the water temperature at a given level, it is constantly heated in the second stage DHW heater.

    The heating system also represents a closed loop through which the coolant moves with the help of heating circulation pumps from the heating substation to the building heating system and back. During operation, coolant leaks may occur from the heating system circuit. To make up for losses, a heating point recharge system is used, using primary heating networks as a source of coolant.

    Rules technical operation thermal power plants. Approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2003 No. 115
    Safety rules for the operation of heat-consuming installations and heat networks of consumers
    SNiP 2.04.01-85. INTERNAL WATER PIPELINE AND SEWERAGE OF BUILDINGS. Quality and temperature of water in water supply systems.
    GOST 30494-96. RESIDENTIAL AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Indoor microclimate parameters.

    Sokolov E.Ya. District heating and heating networks: a textbook for universities. — 8th ed., stereot. / E.Ya. Sokolov. - M.: Publishing house MPEI, 2006. - 472 pp.: ill.
    SNiP 2.04.07-86 Heat networks (ed. 1994 with amendment 1 BST 3-94, amendment 2, adopted by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated October 12, 2001 N116 and the exception of section 8 and appendices 12-19). Heating points.

    Journal “Ventilation, heating, air conditioning, heat supply and building thermal physics” (AVOC).

    Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

  • With centralized heat supply heating point may be local - individual(ITP) for heat consuming systems of a specific building and group - central(TsTP) for systems of a group of buildings. The ITP is located in a special room of the building; the central heating point is most often a separate one-story building. The design of heating points is carried out in accordance with regulatory rules.
    The role of a heat generator in an independent scheme for connecting heat-consuming systems to an external heating network is performed by a water heat exchanger.
    Currently, so-called high-speed heat exchangers are used various types. The shell-and-tube water heat exchanger consists of standard sections up to 4 m long. Each section is steel pipe with a diameter of up to 300 mm, inside which several brass tubes are placed. In an independent heating or ventilation system circuit, heating water from an external heat pipe is passed through brass tubes, heated by countercurrent in the interpipe space, in a hot water supply system, heated tap water is passed through the tubes, and heating water from the heating network is passed in the interpipe space. A more advanced and much more compact plate heat exchanger is assembled from a certain number of profiled steel plates. Heating and heated water flows between the plates countercurrently or crosswise. The length and number of sections of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger or the dimensions and number of plates in a plate heat exchanger are determined as a result of a special thermal calculation.
    For heating water in hot water supply systems, especially in an individual residential building, a capacitive rather than a high-speed water heater is more suitable. Its volume is determined based on the estimated number of simultaneously operating water points and the expected individual characteristics water consumption in the house.
    Common to all schemes is the use of a pump to artificially stimulate the movement of water in heat-consuming systems. In dependent schemes, the pump is placed at a thermal station, and it creates the pressure necessary for water circulation, both in external heat pipelines and in local heat-consuming systems.
    A pump operating in closed rings of systems filled with water does not lift, but only moves water, creating circulation, and is therefore called circulation. Unlike a circulation pump, a pump in a water supply system moves water, lifting it to discharge points. When used this way, the pump is called a booster pump.
    The circulation pump is not involved in the processes of filling and compensating for loss (leakage) of water in the heating system. Filling occurs under the influence of pressure in external heating pipes, in the water supply or, if this pressure is not enough, using a special make-up pump.
    Until recently, the circulation pump was usually included in the return line of the heating system to increase the service life of parts interacting with hot water. In general, to create water circulation in closed rings, the location of the circulation pump does not matter. If necessary, reduce slightly hydraulic pressure in a heat exchanger or boiler, the pump can also be included in the supply line of the heating system if its design is designed to move hotter water. All modern pumps have this property and are most often installed after the heat generator (heat exchanger). The electrical power of the circulation pump is determined by the amount of water moved and the pressure developed.
    IN engineering systems ah, as a rule, they use special foundationless circulation pumps, moving a significant amount of water and developing a relatively small pressure. These are silent pumps connected into a single unit with electric motors and mounted directly on the pipes. The system includes two identical pumps operating alternately: when one of them is operating, the second is in reserve. Shut-off valves(valves or taps) before and after both pumps (operating and inactive) are constantly open, especially if their automatic switching is provided. Check valve in the circuit, it prevents water from circulating through an inactive pump. Easily installed, foundationless pumps are sometimes installed one at a time in systems. In this case, the reserve pump is stored in a warehouse.
    A decrease in the water temperature in a dependent circuit with mixing to an acceptable level occurs when high-temperature water is mixed with reverse water (cooled to a given temperature) local system. The temperature of the coolant is reduced by mixing return water from engineering systems using a mixing apparatus - a pump or a water-jet elevator. A pump mixing unit has an advantage over an elevator one. Its efficiency is higher; in the event of emergency damage to external heat pipelines, it is possible, as with an independent connection scheme, to maintain water circulation in the systems. A mixing pump can be used in systems with significant hydraulic resistance, whereas when using an elevator, the pressure loss in the heat-consuming system should be relatively small. Water-jet elevators are widely used due to their trouble-free and silent operation.
    Interior space all elements of heat consuming systems (pipes, heating devices, fittings, equipment, etc.) filled with water. The volume of water undergoes changes during the operation of the systems: when the water temperature increases, it increases, and when the temperature decreases, it decreases. The internal hydrostatic pressure changes accordingly. These changes should not affect the performance of the systems and, above all, should not lead to exceeding the tensile strength of any of their elements. Therefore, the system is introduced additional element- expansion tank.
    The expansion tank can be open, communicating with the atmosphere, and closed, under variable, but strictly limited overpressure. The main purpose of the expansion tank is to receive an increase in the volume of water in the system formed when it is heated. At the same time, a certain hydraulic pressure is maintained in the system. In addition, the tank is designed to replenish the loss of water volume in the system in the event of a small leak and when its temperature drops, to signal the water level in the system and control the operation of make-up devices. Through an open tank, water is removed into the drain when the system overflows. In some cases, an open tank can serve as an air vent from the system.
    An open expansion tank is placed above the top point of the system (at a distance of at least 1 m) in the attic or in staircase and covered with thermal insulation. Sometimes (for example, if there is no attic), an uninsulated tank is installed in a special insulated box (booth) on the roof of the building.
    The modern design of a closed expansion tank is a steel cylindrical vessel divided into two parts by a rubber membrane. One part is intended for system water, the second is filled at the factory with an inert gas (usually nitrogen) under pressure. The tank can be installed directly on the floor of a boiler room or heating unit, or also mounted on a wall (for example, in cramped indoor conditions).
    In large heat-consuming systems of groups of buildings expansion tanks are not installed, and the hydraulic pressure is regulated using constantly operating charging pumps. These pumps also replace the usual water losses through leaky pipe connections, fittings, appliances and other places in systems.
    In addition to the equipment discussed above, automatic control devices, shut-off and control valves and instrumentation are located in the boiler room or heating point, with the help of which the current operation of the heat supply system is ensured. The fittings used in this case, as well as the material and methods of laying heat pipes are discussed in the section “Heating of buildings”.