A simple sawing machine made from a manual circular saw. DIY circular saw table

Many summer residents and owners of private houses were faced with the need to process and saw boards, plywood and other lumber. For such work you will need a circular saw, which will not be difficult to do using available tools. This homemade equipment will not be inferior to the purchased one in functionality and quality of execution, allowing you to save several tens of thousands of rubles on the purchase of ready-made units.

Description of equipment

DIY circular saws can be stationary or portable. Design the simplest circular will include a metal or wooden supporting frame, inside of which are mounted an electric motor, an electricity supply control unit, a table top and the working saw itself, which is mounted on the circular shaft or installed through gears and a trunnion mechanism. The saw is located in a slot in the table top, which makes it easy to cut lumber, performing high-quality processing wood

The tabletop can be made from lumber or you can use ready-made metal blanks for this. Smooth easel tables are made from wood, The top of such a tabletop will need to be covered with a durable metal sheet. Otherwise without metal protection the wood will begin to wear out quickly, and the equipment will last several years during active use, after which complex and expensive repairs will be required.

First of all, you need to decide on the main tasks of the sawing machine. If you need to saw boards or firewood for the winter, then a simple installation from strong table with slot for disk.

Some models imply the presence of an additional shaft to which knives, a jointer and a plane are attached. Such universal machines are equipped with powerful electric motors, which allows you to perform a wide range of wood processing work. Making multifunctional machine, you must be guided by high-quality diagrams and drawings that will allow you to create universal and reliable equipment.

If you need to perform various kinds carpentry work, then equip coordinate table with guides. Existing stops and guides can be fixed under different angles, which allows not only to ensure safe operation of the machine, but also to perform high-quality wood processing, easily changing different diameters.

Advantages of homemade equipment

Very popular homemade circulars are used due to the simplicity of their manufacture, durability and reliability. Today, many summer residents use homemade units rather than buying expensive equipment in specialized stores.

The main advantages of this technique include the following:

  • The versatility of the tool.
  • Ease of manufacture.
  • Possibility of significant savings.
  • Reliability and durability of equipment.

Available on the Internet and thematic printed publications designs for stationary and mobile circular saws make it possible to produce equipment for processing both thin workpieces and thick lumber. You can choose the simplest options that do an excellent job of processing lining, thin slats and plywood.

Characteristics and power

The functionality of using the equipment will depend on the correct choice of parameters, including speed indicators and drive power. The power rating is affected by the maximum permissible diameter of the toothed saw. It is believed that to process lumber with a thickness of about 10 millimeters, an electric motor with a power of 1 kW will be required. Based on the thickness of the processed and sawn lumber, you should select the power of the electric motor.

Transmission from the drive in a self-made circular machine is best done using a V-belt. This allows you to ensure the necessary safety of using the equipment. V-belt drive when hit by a saw foreign objects will slip on the pulleys, which eliminates injuries and jamming of the working disk.

Making a circular saw

Before proceeding directly to production circular saw it is necessary to think over its structure and design, and ideally to select a drawing diagram according to which all work will be carried out in the future. When planning the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to remember that such a design must be stable and reliable. For industrial powerful saws, the base is made of reinforced welded metal structure. For household models can be used for bed wooden blocks with plywood or weld a base from a metal corner.

The choice of the electric motor used will depend on what kind of work and what kind of wood is planned to be processed on the machine. The drive can operate from a single-phase electrical network, or powerful industrial motors are used that operate from a three-phase electrical network.

You can make a powerful and easy-to-use circular saw from a motor from washing machine. This won't be too difficult. Such motors are compact in size, operate on a single-phase network with a voltage of 220 volts, are reliable and are capable of operating at high speeds.

One of the most important components of a power saw is the shaft on which the working saw is mounted. You can use a ready-made shaft from similar equipment or make it using a milling cutter from round timber. Grind the shaft onto lathe, checking for perfectly accurate centering. Even minimal shaft runout is not allowed, since in the future it will be impossible and unsafe to work on such an incorrectly centered circular machine. On the shaft it is necessary to perform seats under pulleys and circular saw.

The saw blade should rise above the surface of the worktop by a maximum of one third of its diameter. Otherwise, with a higher saw height, it will be difficult to process wood, and working on such a machine will simply become dangerous. If it is necessary to work with timber, the diameter saw blade will be approximately 350 millimeters. To process boards, you should choose small disks with a diameter of 250-300 millimeters. The quality of the used saw blades it is necessary to pay due attention, since in the future the mini-circular will bear a significant load, low-quality discs will quickly become dull and require replacement.

Materials and tools

Making a circular saw with your own hands is not particularly difficult. For this work you will need the following materials and tools:

In each case, the design of the circular machine will be different, so it is necessary to select certain components, which will allow us to produce functional and reliable equipment. When using lumber to make a base and desktop, the wood will need to be coated with impregnations that protect the material from rotting and moisture.

Step by step assembly

Make your own stationary circular saw maybe from a grinder and hand cutter without making any changes to the design of the working tool. The base is made of lumber, which significantly simplifies production, eliminating the need to use complex welding equipment. Step by step instructions:

This option for making a circular saw will be an excellent choice if you need a tool for cutting boards up to 3 centimeters thick. If you need to make a powerful and multifunctional device for your home, then use electric motors with a power of 5 kW or more, which allow you to process and saw boards 5-8 centimeters thick.

Making a homemade circular saw is not particularly difficult. You can use grinders or hand saws, which are mounted inside the wooden base of the machine.

Some craftsmen make more complex tools that involve the use of powerful electric motors, V-belt drives and saw blades larger diameter. If you have any difficulties, you can find thematic videos online that tell you how to make a circular saw with your own hands.


Circular-type machines belong to the class of specialized processing mechanisms, without which no well-equipped home workshop can do.

This example of woodworking equipment is especially relevant in conditions country house and dacha farming.

When assessing the possibilities of purchasing ready-made equipment, you will encounter a number of problems associated with the inconvenience of handling cheap stand-alone circular saws and the prohibitive cost of professional processing equipment.

The only correct approach to solving this problem is to make a circular saw with your own hands, using materials and equipment that are commercially available.

Pay attention! In order to save money in small-sized machine models as cutting tool Most often, a stand-alone circular saw is used, which is rigidly mounted on the bed.

By using homemade machine you will be able to saw boards, plan slabs, and also make bars of the desired section.

If desired, you can significantly expand the functionality of your product by providing it with the ability to process wood using an electric planer.

Design requirements

Before starting work, it will be necessary to prepare a small sketch, which should indicate not only the location of all structural elements future machine, but also their main dimensions. When drawing such a sketch, you should take into account that your circular saw may consist of the following functional units:

  • bed, which serves as the basis of the entire product;
  • table tops with an industrial prototype of a hand-held circular saw installed on it;
  • remote control panel for turning on and off the actuator (circular saw).

Small-sized tabletop circular saw

The specified composition of the machine is typical for small-sized products on a wooden frame. For capital equipment manufactured on the basis of metal profiles (angles), its diagram has a slightly different form. Such a product must include the following elements:

  • a base made of steel frames and brackets on which a shaft with a drive pulley is mounted in bearing pairs;
  • a table top with slots for the processing blade, installed on top of a metal frame and rigidly fixed to it;
  • a set of special drive electrical equipment located in the lower part of the frame and providing the required functionality of the device (it includes an electric motor, a starting device and a transformer-converter).

The main requirement for any type of frame is to ensure maximum reliability and stability of the structure. As options for the machine base, we will consider both frames made of metal profiles (corners) and load-bearing structures made of wood.

When familiarizing yourself with the requirements for the electrical equipment of a homemade machine, first of all, you should determine the drive power of the cutting tool (or autonomous saw), which for living conditions should not exceed 850 watts.

Stationary circular saw

In addition, before preparing a sketch of the future product, the following should be taken into account: technical specifications equipment used, such as:

  • The depth of cut, which specifies the permissible thickness of wood pieces to be processed on your machine. This figure for industrial samples of woodworking equipment ranges from 5 to 8 cm, which is quite enough for cutting standard boards and thick plywood.

Additional information: In the event that you need to process wood blanks of greater thickness, it is necessary to provide a special lifting mechanism, allowing you to change the position of the disk in height.

  • Before production capital machine with a separate drive, the operating speed of the electric motor rotor must be taken into account. The choice of this parameter is determined by the lumber processing modes with which you will most often have to deal. For simple cutting of wood pieces, this figure can be relatively low, but to obtain a perfectly even (“clean”) cut you will need more high frequency rotation.

Important! The optimal speed for homemade cutting machines is considered to be a rotation speed not exceeding 4500 rpm. At low engine speeds, the frame can be made on the basis of a reinforced wooden frame, massive enough to prevent vibrations of the mechanism.

  • When drawing up a sketch, ergonomic requirements should also be taken into account, implying ease of control of the operation of the equipment, as well as safe handling. They relate to the order of the buttons on the operating panel, restricting access to the cutting blade, as well as the electrical protection of the drive or individual elements management.

After all possible requirements for the future machine have been taken into account, you can begin to assemble it directly.

Bed based on metal profiles (corners)

It is most convenient to make the upper part of the metal frame in the form of a rectangular frame 600 by 400 mm, welded from 25 mm corners. Pipe blanks 220 mm long are welded to the four corners of this structure (recommended pipe diameter is 17-20 mm).

The bed must ensure rigidity of the machine structure

Two longitudinal angles are fixed to the frame using bolts, used to secure the shaft in the bearing race.

The distance between the angles is determined based on the length of the shaft, and the bearings used for installation are secured to them with special clamps.

In order to give it greater stability, the lower part of the frame frame is made (welded) from metal corners by 40 mm.

A closed type bearing is used to secure the working shaft.

Two jumpers made of the same material are welded across the frame, used to secure the electric motor. There is also a metal platform intended for mounting launch equipment.

Bearings are attached to the frame using special clamps

At the corners of the resulting structure, pipe blanks are welded with a length corresponding to the size of the pipes on the upper frame, but with a slightly larger diameter (23-25mm).

Closer to their edge, special clamps (wings) are made, used to clamp the lifting pipes of the upper frame, which are moved when the drive belt is tensioned.

The procedure for assembling the mechanical part of such a machine includes the following operations:

  • first, bearings No. 202 are taken and driven forcefully onto the working shaft;
  • after that, a pulley, previously turned on a lathe and having an internal groove diameter of 50 mm, is fixed on the same shaft with tension;
  • then at the end of the shaft a thread is cut for the bolt used to clamp the cutting tool (for a more reliable fixation, paronite and metal washers can be placed under the bolt);
  • upon completion of this part of the work, we proceed to installing a drive manufactured on the basis of a three-phase asynchronous motor power 1.5 kW, (1500 rpm). A pulley having inner size stream approximately 80mm;
  • at the next stage of assembling the frame, the two finished halves of the frame are connected together (in this case, pipes of a smaller diameter are inserted into larger ones);
  • At the end of the work, the belt is tensioned on the shaft, and then the structure is fixed in this position using special “wing” clamps.

Machine on a wooden frame

The simplest and affordable way making a machine bed involves using ordinary boards or thick plywood for these purposes. In this design option, the executive unit is placed directly under the table (tabletop), in which a slot of appropriate dimensions is made for the cutting blade.

The wooden frame is reliable and easy to manufacture

As an example, we will consider the option of manufacturing a frame with a height of approximately 110 - 120 cm, intended for mounting a hand-held circular saw on it. The length of a tabletop of this design can be changed within small limits at your discretion.

Pay attention! The height of the structure can be adjusted if desired, taking into account the height of the person working on the machine. And if it is necessary to process very long boards on it, the dimensions of the tabletop can be increased to the required size. In this case, you will have to worry about installing additional support legs.

The most convenient material for making countertops is multilayer plywood thickness of at least 50 mm. However, other materials can be selected for these purposes (plexiglass or fiberglass slabs, for example). As for such a common material as chipboard, its use in in this case undesirable as it does not provide sufficient surface strength.

To make a machine on a wooden base, you will need the following materials:

  • sheet metal preparation;
  • standard sheet of thick plywood;
  • a pair of beams with a cross section of 50×50 mm;
  • thick boards with a standard size of 50 x 100 mm;
  • steel corner necessary to increase the rigidity of the guides;
  • circular saw;
  • two clamps.

In addition, you will have to stock up on the following set of tools, without which assembly of the machine is simply impossible:

  • classic screwdriver and electric drill;
  • a simple wood hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • measuring instruments (square, tape measure, ruler);
  • portable milling cutter for wood processing.

If you don’t have such a milling machine, you can use the help of friends or neighbors who have a milling machine on their farm.

Additional information: Some home craftsmen prefer to make countertops from used kitchen tables. However, such a design will not be durable, since the source material was used for a long time in a damp room. That is why it would be wiser to manufacture all structural elements from new blanks, which at the same time will allow you to take into account your personal tastes and preferences.

Making a countertop

Work on the manufacture of this part of the equipment is carried out in the following sequence:
We start by marking a piece of plywood so that its edges are flush with the edges of the prepared sheet of iron. After marking, using a hacksaw or electric jigsaw, you can cut the plywood blank to the required size. If desired, you can process its edges using a cutter, although this is not at all necessary (the main requirement for this element is its reliability, not attractiveness).

Upon completion of these operations, the surface of the tabletop is carefully processed (rubbed) with medium-grain sandpaper.

Then, on its lower part, the location of the slot for the saw blade is preliminarily marked. To do this, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the sole of the circular saw prepared for installation. To make measurements easier, the blade is simply removed from the saw, after which you can easily determine the dimensions of the seat.

For ease of marking the tabletop, the saw blade is removed

Upon completion of its preparation, you should take a circular saw and try it on at the installation site. If necessary, the position of its attachment points is adjusted (at the same time, the contours of the slot for the saw blade are specified).

The finished plywood tabletop is covered with a steel sheet attached to it using self-tapping screws. You can subsequently apply special markings to the working surface, allowing you to adjust the position wood logging during its processing.

Frame assembly

Both transverse and longitudinal beams frames, used as stiffening ribs, are also mounted on the lower plane of the tabletop. A total of four such strips will be required:

Two transverse lintels that do not reach the edge of the tabletop by 7-9 cm on each side.
Two longitudinal bars, the size of which corresponds to the same condition (they should not reach the edges of the tabletop by about 7-9 cm).

Taking into account these limitations, it is necessary to mark the fixation points of the longitudinal bars and crossbars, at which the latter will be attached to the tabletop using self-tapping screws of a suitable size.

When marking points, the outermost one is selected approximately 40-50 mm from the edge of the block (in this case, the step between them should be about 23-25 ​​cm).

Before final assembly of the frame, through holes for self-tapping screws are drilled in all component parts (bars and table top). WITH front side fastening elements are installed in such a way that their caps are completely hidden in the material.

To increase the strength of the future frame base, the bars adjacent to the tabletop are pre-coated with wood glue.

After assembly, the structure is temporarily fixed using clamps, which can be removed after the glue has dried.

Attaching the support legs

The table legs are made from bars of a suitable cross-section (most often the same 50x50 mm blanks are used for these purposes). The height of the supports is selected according to specific person, i.e. individually.

This should take into account the fact that it is more convenient to work on a circular saw when the tabletop is at hip level. Before their final installation, the shape of the legs is modified so that they taper towards the supporting part (the area of ​​contact with the frame base must exceed the area of ​​support on the floor).

To increase the rigidity and stability of the structure, it can be used steel corners, which are pressed in such a way as to provide additional “strut” for the base. To secure them, special bolts with washers are used, installed with their heads facing outward.

Electrical diagram

In the capital version of the circular machine design, an autonomous drive is used, which includes an asynchronous electric motor, the windings of which are connected to the electrical network according to a triangle diagram.

Wiring diagram for an asynchronous motor of a circular machine

To control the operation and ensure automatic starting of the electric motor, the circuit provides a magnetic starter built on the basis of an electronic switch (triac) and a current transformer.

To build a machine control circuit using wooden frame(an option involving the use of a hand-held circular saw) it will be enough to duplicate the on and off buttons of the mechanism, bringing them out and securing them to one of the legs of the tabletop

You will learn more about connecting the machine's electric motor from the video.

Who is the owner personal home or a suburban resident wants a hand-held circular saw to appear in his set of power tools. It is even easier for its owners to do without the services of workshops in the process of manufacturing carpentry. But who already owns manual circular saw dreams of having a stationary circular saw on the farm, because hand tool Despite all its advantages (low cost, lightness and mobility), it has a number of disadvantages. Chief among them is the lack of a stable surface with large area, if you were busy you could cut boards of very different thicknesses, widths and lengths. Naturally, some models of hand-held circular saws are equipped with widened soles and special fasteners that allow them to be attached to workbenches or tables and turn inverted circular saws into some kind of stationary devices.

A circular saw will always be needed in personal home, with its help, wood is processed simply and quickly.

However, the small area of ​​the DP sole and the small “overhang” of the guide bar do not give home craftsmen the ability to process large workpieces.

The motor for a circular saw must be quite massive; it is harmful to make it from a drill.

In fact, from each manual blast machine a circular machine is made, which in its operational characteristics is not much inferior to a stationary machine. The most common bed for this purpose is an old one. dining table, in the cover of which holes are drilled for attaching the sole of the circular saw and a slot is made for the saw blade. The tabletop itself, a sheet of textolite or metal will serve as the working surface of a stationary installation. The main thing is that the table can withstand the load of the work being processed. wooden blanks, therefore the thickness of even the metal sole does not have to be less than 4 mm. The fasteners should not protrude above the working surface of the machine, and also for fastening manual machines It is much safer to use screws with countersunk heads for the countertop.

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Converting an Interskol hand-held circular saw into a circular table saw

The table itself can be even more multifunctional if, in addition to circular saw, attach an electric planer to it. Then, on such an improvised machine, it is possible not only to saw boards, but also to joint them, and if desired, both the DP and the plane can simply be dismantled and again converted into a successful portable tool.

Circular saw device.

The design of such a transforming machine is very ordinary. The lid is connected to one of its drawers with hinges. It rises freely, which simplifies access to the tool for maintenance or dismantling. Sockets for connecting a saw and a plane are installed on the inner surface of the underframe. Of course, the system for turning on and off power tools requires some modification, and there are no particular difficulties here, because the start buttons for the saw and plane can be fixed when it is turned on (the most common solution is to wrap the button and handle with electrical tape), and the new switches for each tool can be connected to an external surface of the table drawer. The photo shows how convenient this design is.

Circular diagram:
1 – engine; 2.4 – board.

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It is impossible to imagine real stationary circular saws without slats that control the accuracy with which the board will be cut in width. The guide (regulating, limiting) bar you will like is made of wooden beam, iron or duralumin corner. It is removable, but you will have to fasten it to the table surface with clamps each time at the required distance from the saw. Of course, construct an iron slide along which the bar will move parallel to the saw blade.

Some DP models are equipped with cut depth regulators, for home handyman adjusting the cutting depth will not be difficult, but when removing suitable value The carpenter should take into account the thickness of the sole of the homemade machine. Already today, more massive saws are equipped with mechanisms for adjusting the cutting angle of the board, and, as follows, a slightly wider slot in the working surface is also useful for the saw blade.

Hand circular saw in table

As you can see, making a circular machine yourself, and also an adjustable one, is quite simple, alas, we should not forget that it will not be dangerous during operation. The bed, even though it was converted from kitchen table or made from profile pipes and iron sheets, it must be high-strength, stable and have a smooth and even working plane. All fasteners must be tightly screwed and protected from self-unscrewing by screws and locknuts, and the electrical fittings and cables through which the equipment will be connected to the network must correspond to its power.

An excellent tool for sawing various lumber at home is a hand-held circular saw. This power tool can cut lumber of various sections at any angle. This tool perfectly cuts sheets of plywood, hardboard or chipboard.

However, the technical capabilities of such a tool can be significantly expanded, which is often necessary when performing repair work, if done stationary machine from a circular saw with your own hands.

It is not difficult to carry out such a transformation, and anyone who needs it can make a machine from a circular saw. To do this, you simply need to fix it on the prepared surface in a certain position. In the simplest version, durable construction trestles can be used as an installation site. For long-term use of a circular saw machine, it is better to make a durable, welded metal frame.

Wooden machine from a circular saw

To do this wooden base, you will need:

  • sheet of plywood 8-10 mm thick;
  • wooden blocks measuring 40x50 mm;
  • universal glue;
  • self-tapping screws and bolts with M8 nuts.

A sheet measuring approximately 100x60 cm is cut out of plywood (maybe another). Along the edges of the plywood sheet (along its perimeter), bars are attached using glue and self-tapping screws. Then with inside The tool body is attached to the sheet, and the places where it is attached to it are marked, as well as the groove for the cutting disc. After that, a groove for the passage of the disk is cut out with a jigsaw (or a router), and holes are drilled for attaching the housing. The legs are attached to the side bars using bolts. The height of the circular saw machine is selected from 80 to 90 cm. The body is attached to a previously prepared place on its inner side. The bolts for its fastening must be made flush (not protrude on the surface). The lid must be varnished or painted.

To ensure that the material is cut strictly to size, a guide block is installed parallel to the cutting disc. The block can be attached to the table surface with clamps. Wooden machine from a circular saw ready for work.

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Making a metal frame: instructions

A circular saw machine made of metal is much stiffer and stronger than wood and has a longer service life. To make such a bed, you will need the following material and tools:

  • a sheet of metal (preferably steel) measuring approximately 1000x500 mm and a thickness of 3 to 5 mm;
  • metal corner approximately 45x45 mm;
  • M8 bolts and nuts;
  • welding machine;
  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • clamps.

First of all, prepare a table for the machine from a circular saw. To do this, a metal profile is welded around the perimeter of the metal sheet. In order for it to fit tightly to the sheet, it must be pressed to the surface with clamps. Then, on the back side of the sheet, the attachment points for the housing and the groove for the saw blade are marked. Using an electric drill, holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled to mount the housing.

On the front side of the table, the holes are countersunk to install fasteners in a countersunk position.

Using a grinder and a drill, a groove for the disk is cut in the table. To cut the groove carefully, you need to drill holes with a diameter of approximately 10 mm along the edges of the intended groove and cut a groove between these holes with a grinder. The tool body is installed and secured to the prepared place.

Four pieces approximately 800 to 900 mm long are cut from the corner for the table legs. Then the legs are welded to the corners of the table. To give greater rigidity, a corner is welded between the legs at a distance of approximately 100 mm from the floor surface.

To ensure high-quality cutting of the material, it is necessary to install a guide bar parallel to the disk. It is best to make it from a corner. To do this, an even corner is cut along the length of the table, then two guides are welded to it, which should fix the movement of the bar parallel to the cutting disk. You can fasten the bar to the table with clamps or using a welded plate with bolts.

After graduation welding work Welding seams are cleaned, surfaces are degreased and covered with anti-corrosion paint. The circular saw machine is ready for use.

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Making a stationary circular

If you don’t have a circular saw, and you need a more powerful machine for the job, you can make a small stationary machine. Such a machine, manufactured at a factory, is quite expensive, but a machine made by yourself will be several times cheaper. In order to make such a unit, we need the following material and tools:

  • steel sheet with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm, approximately 1200x700 mm in size;
  • metal corner 50x50 mm;
  • asynchronous motor 220 V, 2.2 kW, 2850 rpm. (or another, at the request of the performer);
  • pulley for engine;
  • shaft with bearings and pulley;
  • V-belt;
  • saw blade:
  • M10 bolts;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • clamps.

First of all, you need to purchase a shaft with bearings and a mount for the cutting disc. You can buy it in the store building materials or order and make it in workshops (they often have finished goods and cheaper than in the store).

A frame is welded from a corner to fit the size of the prepared sheet. Then it is temporarily installed on it. After that, the installation locations of the shaft and electric motor are marked. Then two corners are welded into the frame with their flat surfaces facing up to secure the shaft and motor. The prepared frame is attached to the sheet with clamps and welded. A groove for the disk is cut into the sheet. In prepared areas, holes with a diameter of 10 mm are drilled to mount the shaft and motor. In the places where the motor is mounted, grooves are cut in the corners according to the size of the holes (for tensioning the V-belt).

Four corners are cut for the machine legs. The prepared legs are welded in the corners of the table frame. The structure is cleaned of rust, dirt and painted with metal paint. On reverse side The shaft and motor are bolted to the table, and the V-belt is installed. The belt is tensioned by moving the motor along the grooves, and then the mounting bolts are tightened tightly. The engine starting device is attached to the frame at the end. To ensure high-quality cutting A guide bar is installed parallel to the disk, which can be fastened to the table surface with clamps or bolts into pre-prepared holes. The unit is ready for use.

By making a machine from a circular saw, you can greatly facilitate the work of sawing lumber.

By building such a unit correctly with your own hands, you can save significant money.

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