Overpasses for car repairs. Do-it-yourself overpass: features of manufacturing different options

Most car enthusiasts prefer to repair and customize their vehicles themselves: for some it is a way to save money, and for others it is a hobby. But not all garages are equipped with an inspection hole, and climbing under the hood just like that is too inconvenient, and even dangerous.

In such situations, a flyover can help, which you can make in the garage with your own hands. Next, we will consider the types of structures and tell you how to independently build an overpass from different materials.

If there is no inspection hole, but you need to crawl under the car, an overpass in the garage becomes a necessity. A flyover is a device that allows you to lift a machine for comfortable repair work.

Dimensions of the overpass for the garage.

There are two types in total:

  1. Stationary.
    Such an overpass can usually be seen on the territory of auto repair shops. It is a large iron structure capable of lifting a car to a height of about a meter above ground level. It’s easy to replicate in the garage, the only thing is that it requires a lot of space.
  2. Mini overpass.
    This type is suitable for owners of small garages. Due to their popularity, they have many variations of the device: one-sided pyramid, rectangular trapezoid, crossover and “rocking” based on sleepers. They are quite easy to build, and additional advantage is the opportunity to choose a design that best suits your needs.

Features of garage overpasses

Homemade lifting systems for garages have gained popularity as an alternative to an inspection pit.

The design also has a number of characteristics that make working with it more comfortable:

  • good lighting of the workspace;
  • increasing the working space area;
  • you don’t have to get extra dirty in the ground and interact with raw materials;
  • the structure is not flooded by groundwater or melt water.

How to weld a garage overpass?

A garage overpass can be made from any available materials, be it brick, sleepers, wood or metal. Most lifts can be stored in garages and taken out as needed, which eliminates the need to allocate a separate space for them in the yard.

Homemade auto overpasses also have some disadvantages:

  1. You need to be careful when driving; careless movements can cause deformation of car parts.
  2. The overpass must be located on flat surface so that she does not stagger or move apart.

How to make a flyover from various materials

It was already said earlier that you can make a car lift with your own hands.

To do this, you should take into account some nuances:

  • the height of a full-size overpass is 1 meter, this is enough for comfortable repair work;
  • the height of the mini-overpass should not exceed 0.5 meters due to the operating characteristics of the structure;
  • the width of the structure depends on the dimensions of the machine itself, but when creating the structure, allowances should be made so that the machine can drive in unhindered;
  • mini-overpasses can only be used for handling passenger cars. And stationary structures are obviously designed to be more durable in order to avoid deformation and to carry out work with larger vehicles.

Most motorists preferred mini-overpasses made of wood, sleepers or metal. Learn more about each of the systems used for partial lifting vehicle.

Overpass made of railway sleepers

Drawing of the overpass.

The structure is created by folding sleepers in the shape of a slide, and the tracks for driving a car are laid across. To ensure the reliability of the structure, all its parts are fastened with staples.

But this type homemade devices there are disadvantages:

  • sleepers weigh a lot, and therefore it will not be possible to assemble and disassemble the lift yourself;
  • requires a lot of storage space;
  • necessary large number material.

But if the structure is placed on the site, it can be left right there. When stored outdoors, the sleepers are impregnated with creosote to prevent rotting and it functions properly for many years.

Wooden overpass

If there is very little space in the garage, you can make a mini-overpass that will only partially lift the car. If desired, it can be made from wood. This is also an economical type of structure for lifting a car.

Wooden overpass.

To create it you will need:

  1. The boards are 5 centimeters thick.
  2. Wooden slats with a section of 10x10 centimeters. It is worth noting that the height to which the car will rise depends on the cross section.

The assembly principle is quite simple. A beam is attached to the top of the board, which will then act as a limiter for the wheels. WITH reverse side two beams are attached: one closer to the limiter, the second to the other edge. Each part requires two pieces.

This system works as follows. A board with a limiter rests under the car wheels with its free edge. The part itself rests on the beam, which is fixed on that side. When the car starts, the wheels will shift the center of gravity and the edge with the limiter will fall onto the second beam.

Thanks to the use of bars with the same cross-section, the board will take a horizontal position. All that remains is to secure the wheels remaining on the ground with blocks so that the car does not roll off.

How to make a metal overpass

Metal garage structures are even more popular than overpasses made of wood. This is due to their versatility, because such buildings are convenient to use in garages of any size.

Overpass diagram with dimensions.

For this design you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder and circles for it
  • fittings;
  • rolled metal;
  • hardware;
  • paint for metal.

It is better to make the structure prefabricated and disassembled, this will save space in the room. The principle of making a mini-overpass from metal is simple. First you need to make four stands for the base, approximately 50 centimeters high.

For stability, the legs are welded in the form of a trapezoid - they need to be connected by beams from an equal angle corner measuring 63x5 centimeters. The access bridges are made in the form of a ladder. For this, corners measuring 40x4 centimeters and reinforcement with a diameter of 12 millimeters are used.

Bottom line

Making a garage overpass with your own hands is quite simple. Thanks to the variety of designs, you can acquire such a device within a modest budget, without losing the quality to expensive designs.

Knowing how to make an overpass from simple materials, servicing the machine while using it will greatly simplify the life of its owner. What do you like better - an inspection hole or a car overpass? Write in the comments!

If you don’t have an inspection hole for your car, you can replace it with a flyover you made yourself in the garage or at your dacha. To do this you will need a couple of sleepers and a few thick boards or some scrap metal, a welding machine and a grinder. Of course, a pit in a garage is more convenient, but for various reasons not every garage can be equipped with one. The proximity of underground communications or groundwater, and then, if you want to repair your personal car, the solution for you will be to build an overpass with your own hands.

Types of overpasses

Depending on the size, there are two types of overpasses for cars:

  1. For access to one vehicle axle.
  2. For entry of the entire car.

Mini overpass The first category is usually collapsible and requires a small amount of material to make it yourself. It is mobile, but not as convenient for do-it-yourself car repairs as a full-size one. The inconvenience of a mini overpass is that due to its small height, repairing a car with your own hands with its help is far from being possible at full height.

There are two types of devices that provide access to both the front and rear of the machine:

  • Installed on level ground. Entry to their site for repairs occurs at best at an angle of about 30° to the horizontal.
  • Located on a slope. Entry to them occurs without climbing up (horizontally).

For those who want to make a mini overpass for car repairs with their own hands, we present the simplest design, which does not require drawings to repeat.

So, to make the simplest mini overpass for a car with your own hands, you need to lay two pairs of sleepers in pairs with their side surfaces facing each other and connect the sleepers of each pair to each other using steel brackets. Turn them over with the staples facing down and cut one end of each pair at an angle of about 30° to the horizontal for ease of entry. Lay the pairs parallel to each other, in accordance with the track width of your car, with the cut ends facing the same direction. The portable mini overpass is ready. The height of such a structure is adjusted by placing scraps of boards of suitable thickness under the rectangular ends of the sleepers. To prevent the car from rolling off the overpass, make shoes from scraps of boards and place them under the wheels during repairs. In order not to fall from the structure when entering it, attach two pieces of board to the ends of the sleepers so that they stick out slightly upward.

To work under the car on such an overpass, be sure to get a piece of thick felt or at least an old cotton blanket. Don't leave your health on the concrete floor.

To those who say that the car can be raised to such a height, I will object that if you put thick blocks under it, then not every jack can lift it that much, and secondly, it’s much safer than using a jack.

Full size design

For those who do not want to endure the inconvenience of repairing their car, we suggest making a full-size version with your own hands. It will be more convenient for you to drive onto it if you build it on a slope. And it will take less boards. So it makes sense to find a place for her on the slope. Of course, it is better to make the overpass from metal: it is stronger, does not absorb oil and does not rust as quickly as wood rots. But if you have wood in stock, then the choice of material is obvious; don’t buy rental material.

Metal installation

Two can be used as supports steel pipes with a diameter of at least 150 mm. They should be buried in the ground below its freezing level, otherwise the height of the overpass with the onset of winter will increase and decrease in the spring. After installing the supports, the pits should be compacted with broken bricks, or better yet, concreted. If the depth of soil freezing in your area is small, bury the supports into the ground at least a meter. The height of the supports above the ground depends on your height, but should not be lower than 1.5 meters.

They should be installed at a distance of about 5 meters from the intended entrance to the overpass, and at a distance from each other equal to the track of your car. Place a piece of channel about 150 mm wide on top of the supports, edges down; its length should be 50 cm greater than the track width of your car. Weld the channel to the supports. After this, for lateral stability of the structure, connect the supports crosswise with two corners. Place four corners with ribs of at least 7.5 cm and a length of about 5 m in pairs parallel with the ribs facing each other, and fill the space between each pair with pieces of reinforcement 50 cm long and weld them to each, maintaining a right angle. Lay the resulting ladders so that one side of each is on the edge of the channel, and the other on the ground. Check their horizontalness using a level. And also set the width between the centers of the edges lying on the ground, which should be equal to the track of your car. Weld them to the channel, and to them stops that prevent the vehicle from falling, and congratulations, you have welded a steel overpass with your own hands.

Features of a wooden structure

  • Instead of a pipe, two pieces of timber with a cross-section of at least 15 × 15 cm are used as supports.
  • Parts of supports dug into the ground must be impregnated with creosote or at least mining for durability.
  • Each ladder should be assembled from two boards 5 cm thick, one of them 10 to 15 cm wide should be placed on its edge. Place the other one, about 40 cm wide, flat on top and nail it to the first one with nails or screw it with screws.
  • In each beam it is necessary to make one cut 5 cm wide and deep in accordance with the width of the boards placed on edge. The cuts are made in order to insert the lower boards of the ladders into them. The crossbar should be attached to the supports not from the top at the ends, but from the front, just below the ladder board coming out of the cut.
  • The supports can be made by screwing two pieces of block wood onto the supports with self-tapping screws, so that they stick out above the ladders.
  • To reduce the likelihood of wheels slipping from the edges of the ramps, it is advisable to make ribs. One option is to attach a board about 2 cm thick and 10 cm wide to the end of the top board of the ladder. It is better to fasten it with self-tapping screws with flat heads 50 mm long.
  • Below the crossbar, for lateral stability of the structure, the supports must be fastened together crosswise with two boards.

Landscaping of a personal plot can be considered complete if for “ complete set» an overpass for car repairs will be built independently. The dizzying designs of overpasses amaze with their brevity and the ability to use the simplest metal products. Do you dream of making a flyover with your own hands? What could be more exciting!

“Personal car service” services

Almost every homeowner dreams of having their own personal plot attractive, practical and functional. And if the homeowner is also a passionate car enthusiast, then it’s simply impossible to do without an overpass designed for on-site car repairs.

Even if you do not plan to service the car yourself, periodic inspection will help you identify problems in a timely manner and contact a professional workshop. Special lifts are used to access the car. inspection hole and an overpass. However, expensive special equipment and an inspection pit equipped according to all the rules are strictly the prerogative service centers, which requires significant material costs.

An overpass for a car, on the contrary, can be installed anywhere on the site, almost next to the potato beds, and mind you, with your own hands. You can make a car overpass for cars and trucks. The scope of use and application of such an overpass can be expanded and it will be possible to use the services of a “personal car service” at any time of the day or year.

Overpass structures

Structurally, the following types of overpasses are distinguished:
for partial car check-in
full-size overpass.

Naturally, depending on the size of the overpass structure and the load-bearing capacity, these types of overpasses are used for a certain weight of cars. The only condition will be to limit the size of the overpass for your existing passenger car or two.
The classic design of an overpass (practically from the words of a driving instructor) has a certain height, width and length of the working part, limited by a bevel, as well as on the sides of the walkway.

overpass designed for partial entry of cars

The overpass for partial entry of cars (portable and mini) is a lightweight portable structure consisting of separate parts that are not welded together. Portable and mini overpasses are installed without a foundation. Access to this overpass for subsequent vehicle inspection is possible with front or rear wheels.

This type of overpass for cars is easy to install and also easy to remove, allowing you to save space on the site. However, for a successful ride on the structure, the driver’s dexterity and dexterity will be required.
Main parameters of the overpass:
height – at least 1 m.
width – 2.5 m.
bevel length – 4.2 m.
Structurally, a portable or mini overpass consists of four parts.

The overpass is easily assembled and disassembled, and also transported to the required place, so for the sudden diagnosis of a capricious car, such a overpass is indispensable, especially in “ field conditions" In practice, sometimes it is necessary to make two overpasses in order to raise the front or rear of the car to the required height (clearance plus the height of the overpass).

This is what a self-made overpass looks like, used for a partial drive-in.

full-size overpass

Of course, a full-size overpass is a more convenient and reliable structure, the construction of which requires working space. But a full-size overpass will more than recoup the costs of its construction in the future.

The main parameters of a full-size overpass are similar to the parameters of portable and mini overpasses:
height – 1 m or more
width up to 2.5 m.
length of the working part – 4-6 m.
the length of the bevels on both sides is 4.2 m.
Let us make a reservation right away that the dimensions of a full-size overpass for passenger cars are not a constant value.

Therefore, a full-size overpass is made taking into account the safety margin and additional allowances, which will serve well in the future. In addition, a full-size overpass can be successfully used as an inspection overpass for a car by equipping an inspection hole.

How to make a car overpass with your own hands

Theoretically, you can make an overpass for a car from any available material. The materials used are boards, bricks and used tires. But such temporary measures can only be justified in extreme cases.

Therefore, for the main load-bearing elements and overpass tracks use rolled metal that can withstand significant daily loads. This is a metal channel, corners and a profile pipe. These types of rolled metal can withstand significant bending loads.

how to make a mini overpass

To make a mini overpass you will need the following materials:
steel corner, thickness not less than 10 mm
metal rod.
as well as electrodes for welding and a welding machine. We choose the shape of the mini overpass supports as a “trapezoid”, with the base 15-20 cm larger than the top. The entry ladder is made from steel corners, onto which pieces of rod are evenly welded on both sides.

It is preferable to choose a corrugated surface of the rod so that the car wheels do not slip when going up and down the overpass.

The load-bearing elements of the overpass on which the ladder is attached must have a width of 45-50 cm. The car is secured with special gaskets that prevent the car from unintentionally moving out. After welding, the overpass structure is painted with anti-corrosion paint.

A mini overpass for car repairs is presented in this video.

how to make a full-size overpass

Initially, a site is selected on the site where there is no swelling of the soil, groundwater and soils do not have a water-saturated layer. Prepare holes for the base of the overpass - pillars or steel pipes with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

The number of pipes for the base of a full-size overpass is calculated based on a preliminary working sketch. Pits with installed pipes are cemented. A channel is welded to the installed pipes or poles to enhance the load-bearing capacity.
It is also recommended to use rolled metal (channels, angles and profile pipe). Then the rolling plane is made: reinforcement and cut rods are welded across the load-bearing elements on both sides.

The width of the rolling plane path must be at least 0.5 m. The resulting welded structure is placed on special supports of the required height (1 meter). To make the drive-in platform and stairs, use an L 50 corner welded with reinforcement. It is preferable to protect the edges of the paths with a corner, preventing the car from slipping.

A good help in car repair for its owner will be a do-it-yourself overpass built in the garage or next to it. But such a design is bulky and takes up a lot of space, and visiting a service station for minor repairs is not always cost-effective. In the absence large areas For servicing a personal car, the car repair overpass can be made in another version.

How to make a mini-overpass with a partial collision?

The purpose of such a device is to facilitate access to the suspension and underbody of the car. In this case, only the front or rear pair of wheels is raised to a small height above the ground. During inspection and repair, stops must be placed under the other to prevent accidental rolling off an inclined surface.

The simplest option for making an overpass is ladders. To make them wood will do or metal thick enough to support the weight of the machine. You will need:

  • board at least 5 cm thick or metal corner 4x4 4-5 mm thick;
  • timber (thickness depends on the height to which it is convenient to raise the car);
  • grinder and welding machine for working with metal;
  • saw, nails for working with wood;
  • roulette.

For manufacturing you need to calculate the length of the board or metal bridge for the wheels to run over so that, in a horizontal position, this part does not damage the bottom of the car. The manufacture of wooden ladders comes down to sawing off 4 pieces of timber for the base and a board for the bridge. The width of the bridge must be sufficient for the wheels to move freely (at least 30-35 cm). Nail the pieces of timber to the boards in the position shown in the figure: in the middle of the ladder and at its edge.

When making a metal bridge, you need to cut off a corner with a length equal to effective length bridge (4 pcs.). Connect these parts in pairs with short sections of the same angle or reinforcing bar 15-17 mm in diameter. The resulting “ladders” are able to withstand the weight of a passenger car. On the lower side of the bridges, weld the base from the corner in the form of a U-shaped structure. The height of the base is selected individually. The base posts should be positioned in the same way as in wooden structure. When hitting the ladder to the first support of the base under the weight of the machine automobile overpass comes to a horizontal position, and its rear part rests on the second base post.

There is another option for a mini-overpass. These are 2 small home-made welded structures from a 4x4 corner 5 mm thick in the form of a fixed bridge with inclined entries for lifting one pair of wheels. The length, height and width of each part can be calculated individually, depending on the make of the car. During manufacturing, it is necessary to weld 4 rectangular frames from a corner, connecting them in pairs with crossbars at the bottom. Weld onto the top part pieces of rod or angle along the width of the bridge.

The inclined entrances are welded in the form of “ladders” supported by the front part of the horizontal bridge. The relatively lightweight metal structure can be stored in the garage without taking up much space. If necessary, it can be quickly installed at any suitable site for inspecting the machine.

Full collision with an overpass

This portable design means that the car will be in a horizontal position at a certain height above the ground. This provides greater comfort during preventive and repair work the owner of the car.

The distance from the surface of the site to the bottom can reach 1 m or more. As an example of how to make an overpass, you can use the drawings in Fig. 3 or develop your own. You will need:

  • steel corner 5x5 cm, thickness 10 mm;
  • reinforcing bar with a diameter of 17 mm;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine, electrodes;
  • roulette.

Cut a corner for supporting structures according to the dimensions indicated in the diagram. Cuts for outside each support should be 10 cm longer than those that will be under the bottom of the machine when the collapsible mini overpass is installed in its working position. This will provide support for the bridges and wheels of the car, preventing their possible drift to the side. 2 supports must also be equipped with transverse stops for wheels at the point farthest from the entrance to the overpass.

Weld 2 trapezoidal structures for each support: with and without the ends of the corner extending above its upper edge. Connect the trapezoids with crossbars about 60 cm long, welding them in the corners of the structures. Having collected 4 supports, make cross stops on those that will be installed at the far ends of the overpass.

The length of the bridges and entry inclined parts is determined by personal needs, depending on the size of the car. Their width should be sufficient for convenient passage of the machine on inclined and horizontal surfaces. The bridges need to be welded in the form of “ladders”, connecting the sections of the corner with crossbars of the required length from a rod.

To ensure the reliability of the prefabricated structure, it is necessary to provide holes for fastening with bolts and nuts at the intersection of the bridges with upper parts supports and at the points of attachment of inclined entrances to them. To bring the overpass to working condition It is enough to install 4 supports, lay horizontal bridges and install inclined ramps to lift the car. After completing the inspection and repair, the homemade mini-overpass can just as easily be disassembled into its component parts and can be stored without taking up much space in or near the garage.

With little skill in working with welding machine and a metal overpass can be made with your own hands in about a week. The convenient and space-saving design will last for decades. With approximately the same parameters of passenger cars different models it will come in handy when the owner himself changes the car, and for helping a friend if necessary.

The overpass is an indispensable tool for inspecting and repairing a passenger car. A small mini-structure is made at home with my own hands. It is important to observe all dimensions and focus on the dimensions of your car.

The need to install a mini-overpass. Device

A modern car is a technically complex device that requires periodic maintenance, replacement of components and consumables, minor repairs. Many inexperienced motorists prefer to carry out a routine inspection of the car exclusively at a service station and pay out of pocket even for an oil change.

More experienced drivers do most of the work themselves. To do this, a homemade overpass is often installed in the garage - a structure with which you can examine the bottom of the car.

There are two types of overpasses:

To a first approximation, the functions of the overpass are similar to the inspection pit. It provides access to the underside of the car. However, when high level Given the occurrence of groundwater at the site where the garage is being built, it is not advisable to equip an inspection hole: it will constantly be filled with water, which will require additional equipment drainage system, and on metal parts Cars will experience corrosion due to increased moisture.

A full-size overpass is monolithic design, which can be found in auto repair shops and along busy highways. Its installation requires a lot of space - the length of the product is about six meters above the ground plus the driveway. The construction of such an option in your own private garage is justified if the building is designed for two parking spaces, one of which is empty.

A mini-overpass is a small portable structure designed for partial collision with a car. It is based on two independent parts that are not connected to each other. The car drives onto the prepared platform with its rear or front wheels, rises slightly above the floor or ground and allows the car owner to carry out an initial inspection or cosmetic repairs.

The advantage of a mini-overpass is the possibility of its use in limited space. After work it can be put aside. The main disadvantages of the design are as follows:

  1. To enter the platform, pinpoint precision is required. Otherwise, the structure may overturn or the vehicle may be damaged.
  2. Structural elements are installed in places where there is no possibility that they will diverge different sides from the slightest push of the wheels.

General requirements

When manufacturing a standard overpass, a number of requirements must be met. This will help ensure comfortable and safe work with a car.

  • The height of the full-size repair structure is about a meter. This allows you to easily climb under the car and ensure sufficient inflow natural light to inspect the chassis, carry out the necessary manipulations with spare parts and tools. The height of the mini-overpass with partial access is about half a meter: it does not involve detailed disassembly of the car.
  • The width of the structure directly depends on the type and dimensions of the vehicle. You should not display the size down to the millimeter; when calculating the design, you need to make small allowances. The car must drive onto the platform without hindrance.
  • Mini-overpasses are used for inspection and repair of passenger cars. For a stationary structure, an additional margin of safety is provided. Thanks to this, the product does not deform over time. You can also roll fairly heavy vehicles onto it.

Material selection

There are many ways to make a do-it-yourself overpass or mini overpass for car repairs.

Brick construction

A brick overpass is a stationary structure that is more often used in rural areas or outside the city. Construction is carried out using the brickwork method on cement mortar. The width of the structure corresponds to the distance between the wheels of the car.

This method has a number of disadvantages:

  1. It is necessary to allocate a plot of land for development. If the overpass subsequently needs to be removed, its dismantling will require considerable effort and time.
  2. After some time, under the influence of overloads brickwork may collapse, which may require dismantling.

Overpass made of sleepers

The structure is based on several railway sleepers. The sleepers laid one on top of the other in a “slide” style form two bases. Tracks are laid across to ensure access. To prevent the sleeper trestle from moving apart during operation, it is carefully secured with brackets.

This design also has certain disadvantages.

  1. Sleepers are not so common in everyday life, and not every car owner has a few extra ones.
  2. It is impossible to install and disassemble such an installation alone. The sleepers are too heavy.
  3. Storage of railroad ties requires space.

The use of an overpass made of railway sleepers is justified in a summer cottage or garden plot, when the structure is left outdoors all year round. To protect against rotting, the product is impregnated with creosote.

Made of metal

Most often, the overpass is made of metal and wooden planks. Advantages of a metal overpass:

  1. Mobility. If desired, the structure can be made collapsible and assembled only before starting repairs. This saves space.
  2. Simplicity of design. You can assemble a metal overpass with your own hands using a minimum of tools.
  3. Durability. With proper care and timely inspection, a metal trestle can last about ten years or more.

There are also some disadvantages. The metal is initially susceptible to corrosion, so before work the material must be treated with special impregnations.

Among the main advantages of a wooden trestle are the ease of assembly and low cost of materials. It is easy to install and, if necessary, can be quickly dismantled and removed. You do not need complex specialized equipment, ordinary ones are enough carpentry tools, which are in every home. Among the disadvantages of wooden structures are low durability and poor resistance to rot and insects. These problems can be partially solved by treating with antiseptics, fire retardants and insecticides.

Tools and materials

Independent production of a wooden or metal overpass requires the availability of certain materials and tools. There is no need to purchase complex specialized equipment; it is enough to purchase household power tools, which are sold in every store.

What is needed to build a metal overpass

To make a regular metal overpass, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Rolled metal.
  2. Welding machine with a set of electrodes.
  3. Grinder equipped with several cutting wheels.
  4. Pieces of reinforcement.
  5. Fasteners: bolts, nuts.
  6. Metal paint for finishing the structure.

Materials and tools for a wooden overpass

To make the simplest portable wooden trestle you will need a minimum of materials and tools:

  1. Boards 45–50 millimeters thick. If more than thin boards, additional vertical supports are installed in the center of the overpass.
  2. Two wooden blocks.
  3. Two pieces of carriage plank.
  4. Screws (150), nails (300), screwdrivers, hammer, wood saw.

Preparing for work and drawing up a drawing

Before making the overpass, it is necessary to carry out a series of measuring work. The mini-overpass consists of two independent installations. The width of each of them corresponds to a car wheel with a small margin. The gap between installations is equal to the distance between the wheels of the car. At this stage, tools, materials and work site are prepared.

All dimensions are approximate and calculated for each car model

DIY metal structure

If a metal overpass is planned to be used in several places, or is needed only occasionally, the structure can be made in a collapsible version. This will allow you to quickly assemble it as needed within half an hour.

The assembly of a metal overpass occurs as follows:

  1. The bases of the cabinets are assembled. The blanks are cut based on the size of the car wheels. The blanks can be laid out into chipboard sheet or another flat surface and fix it at an angle of 90 degrees (you can use a regular construction angle to determine the angle). After all measurements, the workpieces are welded together.

    All parts are connected at right angles

  2. The racks are being assembled. The height is about half a meter, the angle is about 120 degrees. Fixed, scalded.

    Corners and side walls should be equal

  3. The upper supports of the pedestals are welded. To do this, the upper corners are connected to the racks, set at an angle of 90 degrees, and scalded.
  4. The finished supports are connected to the base, set at right angles and welded.

    After assembly, you can additionally weld the main components

  5. The dead end of the cabinet is welded. This is necessary to prevent the car from driving further and turning over. The part is made from a corner 63*63*5 mm.
  6. Reinforcing bars are welded to the finished cabinet. To adjust the distance between them, you can use the same corner 63*63*5 mm. The reinforcement sections are laid so that their “herringbones” intersect.

    A regular construction corner with a side of 63 millimeters is used as a template.

  7. Assembly of gangways (bridges). The blanks are cut and fixed with clamps at the corners. Reinforcement sections are welded to the corners, the distance can be determined using a template corner, the “herringbones” intersect. The corners are welded to the workpieces.

    The car will drive onto the overpass using these bridges

  8. The final stage is fitting. On level ground, both parts of the overpass are placed close to each other. The centers of the bollards are marked, the structure is adjusted to the width of the car. Holes are drilled in the ladders and cabinets, after which the elements are connected to each other using bolts. Thanks to the bolted connection, the overpass can be easily disassembled and reassembled later.

The finished structure is cleaned with a metal brush, degreased and painted.

The finished design will look something like this

Making a wooden mini-overpass

The simplest wooden overpass assembled from two pairs wooden beams with a cross section of 20–20 cm. The beams are knocked together in pairs and cut at an oblique angle. The improvised overpass is ready.

An improved wooden overpass is assembled from scraps of boards, which are assembled into a wide “pyramid shield”. On one side there is a stepped slope for cars to drive in.

Another version of a mini-overpass is assembled from four 50-mm boards, two blocks, lining and fasteners.

A similar design is used for repairing passenger cars. For heavy transport it is worth installing a stationary overpass.

Video: Assembling a metal structure

Every car owner can make a mini-overpass on his own. It is very important to check the strength of the structure before driving a car onto it and starting repair work.