How to remove smell from kitchen sink. Unpleasant odor from the kitchen sink: ways to eliminate it, possible causes of the odor


Flushing pipes with special chemicals. First, try simply cleaning the sink drain, since the smell may be caused by rotting and decomposition of waste and fat accumulated on the walls of the pipe. They can help you with this special means for cleaning sewer pipes such as “Mole”, “Odorgon”, “Brawler”, San Clean - Super Master Cleaner, Domestos, etc.

Usage household products. Use products that you are likely to find in your kitchen. Pour salt into the pipe and rinse with water after a while. Or dilute 2 tablespoons of washing soda with 1 liter of boiling water and immediately pour this bubbling mixture into the drain. You can use baking soda and vinegar - pour baking soda into the pipe, fill it with vinegar and plug the hole. After half an hour, rinse well with water. It is recommended to repeat such procedures at least once a week for prevention.

Inspection of plumbing equipment and elimination of defects. Check the integrity of sewer pipes and joints. Poorly fitted revisions of risers and damage to joints and pipes can also cause unpleasant odor.

Listen to how the water flows. If you hear strange gurgling sounds, this is a sign that the water seal is broken, that is, there is no water in the water seal, which should prevent the smell from the sewer from entering the apartment. The reason may be the formation of a vacuum in the riser or the large length and strong slopes of the connections. Another reason could be poor ventilation. sewer network or small riser diameter. In such cases, the help of plumbers is most often required.

Check the siphon or corrugated pipe, depending on what you have installed. The siphon may be initially incorrect. The most common defect is a shortened septum. Because of this, the water seal is small and constantly breaks down, that is, the water escapes. The problem can be solved by replacing the siphon.

If you simply have a corrugated pipe installed, then the problem may be that it has become bent. For the first time, until you buy new pipe, try to bring the old one into the desired position by twisting it properly and securing it with adhesive tape.

Please note

When using chemical products to clean sewer pipes, be sure to use gloves and protect your eyes. After treatment, be sure to rinse the pipe with plenty of water and ventilate the room.

Useful advice

If the siphon and pipes are in order, and the smell appears periodically, the cause may be evaporation of water in the water seal due to rapid evaporation or infrequent use of the sanitary appliance. If you often leave for a long time, fill the water seal with machine oil or other liquid that does not evaporate easily. This will help prevent the water seal from drying out and odors from entering.

The bathroom is the place in the house where the most high level humidity. This is why most families sooner or later face a problem dampness, which must be eliminated, as it creates excellent conditions for the appearance and proliferation of fungus, bacteria and other microorganisms.


Sometimes a special one helps get rid of it duct fan, which will remove excess moisture from the room. A ventilation grille should be located as far as possible so that air passes through the entire room. In addition, the doors leading to the bathroom must have special ventilation holes.

The smell from the kitchen sink gives any housewife a particularly unpleasant feeling; sometimes it’s simply not clear how to eliminate it. It looks like the dishes are being washed good remedy with an aromatic fragrance, and an additional mesh is placed on the drain hole, and the products are purchased fresh. But instead of the expected aromas of frying meat and vanilla pastries, there is a certain disgusting smell in the kitchen, the source of which is found near the sink.

It can be caused by several completely different things, and each individual case will require its own remedies. It’s even worse if the smell from the kitchen sink also extends into the bathroom. Here it is necessary to take emergency measures.

The sink has many functions, but its main purpose is to remove any dirt. A water tap is installed above it, and a drain is installed below it. The latter is connected to sewer pipes through which it pours dirty water. This is so simple that it might not even be mentioned, but if the sink is clean and no dirt is pouring back out of it, we can only assume that the problem is in sewer pipes. There may be several such problems. Most often, one malfunction leads to a second and, if there is no response, to a system failure. The most obvious ones might be:

  • contamination of the pipe surface with fats and food debris;
  • mechanical damage to the drain pipe;
  • clogged sewer pipe;
  • violation of the seal between the riser and the drain;
  • installation flaws (incorrectly selected pipe cross-sectional diameter);
  • deformation of the corrugated siphon;
  • evaporation of moisture from the valve due to non-use of washing and (or) the presence of heating pipes under the valve.

If the housewife can cope with the first reason on her own, then everything else will require professional help- for the riser, you will have to call mechanics from the housing office, restore the seal, replace the corrugated pipe with a new one, and fix installation flaws by those who made them. The kitchen sink should work smoother and better than a watch, otherwise no cooking is possible. If the smell from the bathroom sink is noted only in the bathing and washing room, then the problem should be looked for there, but if it accompanies the kitchen stench, then the problem is in the pipes with which they are connected, or not only in them.

Unprofessional diagnosis of breakdowns

The first thing to do for this is to flush the pipes. The smell may disappear for a while and then reappear. This is a sure sign that the reasons are not just dirty walls. After this, you can observe the operation of the drain system, for which you must first remove all items from the cabinet under the sink. If the water does not drain immediately, but with some delay, or stagnates in the sink, this is a sign of a blockage. It can be eliminated with a plunger while it is small, or using special products, the most professional of which can dissolve not only fat, but even human hair. Long-term stagnation in the sink, which cannot be removed by either method, requires the help of a plumber and the use of special tools.

If the water drains normally, but makes characteristic squelching sounds, this means that the riser is airy. You shouldn’t think about what this means, because a simple kitchen worker will not be able to do this, nor will she be able to replace pipes in case of cracking or depressurization. You need to call your husband, and if he cannot cope with the scope of work, then a plumber. If a flask siphon is installed in the system, then with all its undeniable advantages it must be periodically unscrewed and cleaned. Perhaps it is its clogging that is the source of unpleasant odors.

Unpleasant smell may also appear if you wash long time haven’t used it, but this disaster is the most easily removable - before leaving for some time, pour a little into the sink sunflower oil, and upon arrival begin to actively use the sink again. This will prevent the possibility of bacterial growth.

Odor removal products

A kitchen aroma usually consists of several components, in which the unpleasant odor from the drain is completely unnecessary. With the modern development of industrial chemistry and an assortment of specialized products, it is possible to remove the smell of rotting food scraps, sewage, and other miasms from the sink completely without problems. Just go to any store and look at the overflowing shelves.

Products for cleaning kitchen pipes can be found in liquid, powder, alkali or acid based. Acid ones will not work if the pipes are made of plastic, although they work much more efficiently. For plastic pipes Minute-gel or Tiret are ideal, for pipes of any type - Floop, which is increasingly popular due to its absolutely affordable price and ease of use. Using Chistin you can eliminate not only the blockage, but also several other problems, because Chistin liquid consistency is a multifunctional product. Recently, from the same manufacturer, a Chistin-clog appeared with a purely functional purpose.

Widespread, regardless of cost, is Mister Muscle, which in terms of efficiency is no different from cheaper domestically produced products, except for its versatile functionality and beauty of packaging. Don’t forget the good old Mole in all its forms: in a canister, bottle and bag, which perfectly combines everything necessary properties means for such purposes, including absolutely affordable price. To use them you don’t need any subtleties or time.

and: any product is poured into the hole in the sink, after which the time indicated on the package is waited and washed with plenty of water.

Folk or improvised methods

Any housewife will try to remove the blockage with boiling water, but it will not necessarily be successful. It is well known that you can pour soda into a pipe, pour vinegar on top of it, and then plug the hole with a stopper so that the foam from the reaction does not come out. You can pour in a soda solution and hot water. The smell will not disappear, but will noticeably weaken. Less known, but also effective, is pouring table salt or dry mustard into the kitchen drain. Mustard will not only fight off the unpleasant stench, but will also clean the pipes along the way. If you suddenly have Alka-Seltzer in the house, but there is no baking soda and vinegar, you can throw a few tablets of this product down the pipe. It also removes blockages quite effectively.

One of the folk remedies for removing blockages is the use of vinegar and soda. They perfectly kill unpleasant odors and dissolve accumulated dirt.

Do not be distrustful of folk remedies. If you add a couple of drops of oil with your favorite fragrance to the explosive mixture, a pleasant smell will spread throughout the kitchen. The only thing is that such a nuisance is the result of the action of a colony of putrefactive bacteria, and alkalis have a detrimental effect on them; it is also a kind of disinfection. You can use available means to take emergency measures, and purchase chemicals as needed. The main thing is not to forget when using industrial chemicals use protective equipment: gloves, apron, respirator or bandage.

To avoid unpleasant odors in the kitchen, you need to take preventive measures. Cleanse dirty dishes from food residues, carefully remove any waste after cleaning vegetables or fruits, wash the pipes with boiling water with the addition of disinfectant detergents about once a week. If you make it a rule to disassemble the siphon once every 1-2 months and clean it of dirt, an unpleasant odor will not appear at all. Every six months, pipes must be treated for preventive purposes using detergent or the same soda, if the means are expensive.

All the causes of an unpleasant odor in the kitchen are quite simple and relatively easy to eliminate, and if you clean it on time and regularly, taking preventive measures, then miasma will not appear at all. In cases that are difficult to resolve, you can use the help of professionals. And when there are only pleasant smells in the kitchen, working in it is a pleasure, and the cooked food will taste better.

It seems that all hygiene rules are being followed, but the sink still emits unpleasant sewage odors from time to time. And it’s not always possible to get rid of them - without knowing the cause, it’s difficult to eliminate the consequences.

Why does a foul odor occur?

Before you figure out why your sink smells like sewer, you should have an idea of ​​how the system works. All plumbing fixtures (bathtub, toilet, sink, washbasin) converge through waste pipes into one common sewer system that runs along all floors of the riser, which has an exhaust hole in its upper part.

Check and replace, if necessary, sink drain pipes

All sanitary fixtures in the area before entering the sewer pipe have a special siphon in the form of a curved elbow, the main function of which is to hold the water seal. This water “plug” in the elbow prevents odors from the pipes from entering the room.

The main reason for the stench in the kitchen is problems with the water seal:

  • The knee may not be positioned at the correct angle or height.
  • If the siphon is made of corrugation, then over time it loses its shape.
  • The device had not been cleaned for a long time, and residual grease had accumulated on the walls.
  • If the sink has not been used much, the water in the seal may evaporate.
  • Moisture also evaporates if heating pipes pass under the sink.

Another reason why an unpleasant odor may appear in the kitchen is flaws in the installation of the system. Poor sealing of pipes and incorrectly selected cross-section diameters will be the culprits in the penetration of sewer odors into the kitchen.

It is no coincidence that the common sewer drain pipe has access to the attic of the house - this is necessary for ventilation of the system and removal of cloaca aromas to the outside. Sometimes, during renovations, residents of the top floors simply remove the “extra” (in their opinion) section of the pipe, thereby blocking the exit. It is not surprising that the smells will spread throughout all the apartments of the riser.

checking pipes for tightness of connections

How to fix the problem?

When your sink smells like sewer, what to do and what not to do becomes a pressing question. But you definitely don’t need to grab an air freshener: it won’t kill the stench, and it won’t remove it. It is necessary to look for the cause and eliminate it.

To do this, an audit of the entire system is carried out to eliminate malfunctions, leaks, and depressurization. The main attention should be paid to the water seal. To do this, it is advisable not only to inspect the siphon from the outside - it should be temporarily dismantled to check for blockages.

It is better to replace the siphon made of corrugated material with a new one. Don't strive old device returning to its previous state is a temporary measure, because a deformed corrugation, even on wire hangers, will poorly retain water in the seal.

It is enough to clean siphons made of other materials (plastic, metal) from the inside if they are not damaged. When reinstalling, check the correct slope, the height of the pipe and the ratio of pipe diameters. The joints should be reliably sealed.

checking the water seal system

But you should not connect the sink directly to the sewer by removing the water seal elbow. Without a siphon, the smell will penetrate even more into the premises, becoming persistent.

If the cause of the smell is errors in the installation of the sewerage system, do not try to eliminate them yourself - entrust the work to an experienced plumber. As in the case when the neighbor above cut off part of the sewer pipe, let a specialist solve the problem.

Sink cleaning products

Sometimes, in order to find the answer to the question of how to eliminate the smell from the sewer in the kitchen, it is not necessary to immediately unscrew the siphon. First you should try chemicals to clean the drains - maybe the reason is just that the drain is clogged with greasy waste.

The following products have a good cleaning effect: “Domestos”, “Mole”, “Brawler”, “Odorgon”. Use them according to the instructions on the packaging, observing all safety measures (these chemicals are toxic). Sometimes it is enough to use a solution of bleach or bleach.

The drug is poured into the sink and after a certain time is washed off with copious amounts of water. If one time is not enough, you can repeat the procedure after a couple of days. But if this doesn’t help, then start dismantling the siphon.

cleaning the pipe without removing it with chemicals

Folk remedies

Chemicals may not always be at hand, and the stench becomes intrusive. How to get rid of sewer smell in the kitchen in this situation? Some food products may be useful as a disinfectant:

  • Table salt (preferably rock salt) is poured into the sink drain hole and the plumbing is not used for 3 hours. The pipes are then washed with plenty of water.
  • Baking soda poured into the pipe will also work. Next, add table vinegar and leave for half an hour. In this case, it is advisable to cover the drain hole with something so that foam does not come out (a derivative of the reaction of soda with vinegar).
  • You can also use dry mustard - it will both clean the sewer pipes and block the unpleasant odor.

Washing soda can also help. It is first filled with boiling water and immediately poured into the sink drain hole. But the procedure must be carried out carefully, because... the reaction will occur instantly, and the bubbling solution may harm you.

regular cleaning of pipes and checking the elbow for blockages

Preventive measures

The smell of sewage from the sink can be avoided if you follow some rules for caring for your plumbing:

  • Cleaning Procedures drain pipes, described above, should be carried out not only when a persistent smell appears from the sewer. It is necessary to clean the drain (and not just in the kitchen sink) at least once a month. And salt or soda can be used even more often - once a week. This will keep the pipes relatively clean.
  • Do not throw leftover food, tea leaves, etc. into the sink. Their small particles, having penetrated the siphon (especially if it is corrugated), clog it, preventing the water seal from functioning normally.
  • When going on vacation, take care of the condition of the water seal so that you are not surprised by a foul smell when you open the apartment door. Oil (vegetable or machine oil, it doesn’t matter) will help slow down the evaporation of water in the siphon. Pour it down the sink drain (about a shot glass) and leave in peace. When you return home after relaxing, flush the system warm water using a pre-cleanser.
  • If there is a need to replace the siphon or other sewer pipes, you should not invite a neighbor or friend who has little knowledge of plumbing work. To avoid any complaints, entrust this task to a specialist.
  • When choosing a new siphon, do not rely on the advice of inexperienced people and do not rely on the price of the product. The main argument should be quality and ease of use. If further maintenance of the siphon is expected on our own, it is better to buy the flask version (it is also called barrel-shaped). There is a special, easily removable element that allows you to clean the siphon without completely dismantling it.

If the appearance of sewage smell from the kitchen sink is not always the fault of the apartment owners, then eliminating it depends only on them. By observing basic hygiene, taking preventive measures, not relying only on your (sometimes illiterate) abilities, and not saving on money, the stench can be, if not completely avoided, then actually reduced.

Many housewives are faced with the task of getting rid of various unpleasant odors in their homes. Common everyday problem There is a bad smell from the kitchen sink, and not everyone knows how to eliminate it. Will help get rid of the stench traditional methods and proven store products.

Causes of unpleasant odor from the kitchen sink

To understand what to do if your kitchen sink smells like sewer, you need to figure out why the problem occurs. You can eliminate the smell for a long time only after getting rid of the source of the stench.

  • Often the kitchen plumbing drain has an unpleasant smell due to a broken or improperly installed siphon - a drain element located under the sink that acts as a water seal. In this case, foul-smelling gases from sewer pipes freely penetrate into the room. To prevent this, it is necessary to check the design of the siphon, eliminate possible breakdowns and replace parts that have become unusable.
  • Sometimes the cause of the smell is the drying out of the water plug, which normally should always be present in the siphon flask. It acts as a barrier to unpleasant sewer “odors”. Most often this happens when the sink is not used for a long time. In this case, you just need to fill the siphon with water, and the smell will quickly disappear.
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the kitchen sink is often associated with clogged pipes. The main sign of this is the slow drainage of water. To remove stagnant mud masses, you need to use a plunger or a special flexible cable made of twisted wire, designed for cleaning plastic pipes.
  • If there is a bad smell not from the drain, but under the sink, you need to check the pipes for leaks: cracks and other damage to the plumbing equipment lead to water leaks, causing the formation of mold and a corresponding unpleasant odor.
  • Many sinks have an additional hole on the side wall to prevent overflow. Dirt, food debris and grease often accumulate in this area, which causes unpleasant odors. To eliminate the smell, you need to pour boiling water into this hole, which will wash away the deposits from the walls.

Eliminating stench with folk remedies

At home, you can use the following folk remedies for unpleasant odor from the washbasin:

  1. Pour 100 g of baking soda into the drain hole and pour half a glass of vinegar, then plug the hole with a stopper or cloth and wait 5-10 minutes. After this, open the drain and pass through it large number water. This method of eliminating stench helps get rid of even strong bad odors and also helps remove blockages.
  2. A mixture of baking soda and table salt will help disinfect the sink and remove odors coming from it. The components must be combined in equal proportions, poured into the drain and left for 20 minutes, and then rinsed the sink with a large volume of hot water.
  3. To effectively remove sink odors, you can use citric acid. You need to take a large pack of the product, pour the substance into the drain hole and pour hot water. If the kitchen sink smells bad, instead citric acid You can also use freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  4. You can get rid of smell from the sink using dry mustard. This powder dissolves dirt well and kills bacteria. The product must be poured into the drain hole and filled with plenty of hot water.

Each of these methods will quickly and effectively clean the sink from sewer odor without harming the pipes environment.

Household chemicals to eliminate odors

When folk remedies are powerless to combat the stench emanating from kitchen plumbing, housewives are looking for a way to remove the smell from the sink in the bathroom or kitchen using professional cleaning compounds.

These products work well to remove the “fragrance” from the sink. household chemicals, like “Mole”, “Domestos”, “Tiret”, “Sanox”.

It is best to choose cleaning agents in gel form, as they are able to penetrate much deeper into pipes than powdered ones. A thick gel product is poured into the sink, dissolves dirt and is washed off with plenty of water. The exposure time for such cleaning products can vary - from a few minutes to 12 hours.

When using chemical reagents It is imperative to use rubber gloves and a respirator to protect the respiratory organs from burns.

When receiving guests, everyone strives to present their home in a positive light. An unpleasant smell in the kitchen puts apartment owners in an awkward position. As a rule, the problem arises due to a clog in the sewer pipes. As a result of this outcome, water stagnates and food waste gets stuck, which is not so easy to remove. There are several universal methods, which will help solve the problem without calling a specialist. Let's look at the steps step by step and highlight important aspects.

Cleaning pipes and siphon

The siphon is a curved pipe that is located under the sink. It serves as a kind of barrier that prevents unpleasant odors from entering the room from the sewer. There are 2 types of siphons: barrel-shaped and self-flushing. The first option consists of a removable part that can be easily unscrewed and cleaned, but it does not have to be removed. The second type of siphon is a curved pipe.

  1. First you need to check the pipes for integrity. It is not uncommon for a hose to become disconnected, a joint or a crack to form, causing a stench to escape from the riser. To properly check, inspect the connections below the siphon. If you haven't noticed any damage, but your sink still drains slowly, the problem is a clogged drain. For the most part, the problem can be fixed without the help of a plumber; even a single woman can solve the problem.
  2. The most in a simple way cleaning pipes is considered to be the use of a plunger. Pour water into the sink so that the tool niche is covered with liquid. Create a vacuum, then slowly raise and lower the handle. At the same time, you cannot tear the thicket from the bottom, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Increase the speed of the handle gradually. Periodically, you need to pass liquid into the drain to assess the rate of water loss.
  3. If you notice that using a plunger is ineffective, use store-bought products to clean the sewer openings and pipes. Such compositions dissolve food residues, greasy inclusions, hard growths, wool and hair. As a rule, the technology of use is quite transparent; it all depends on the degree of blockage and the interval during which treatment was not carried out.
  4. Read the manufacturer's instructions on the back of the bottle. Typically, pipes are cleaned as follows: the composition is poured into the drain hole, a certain interval is waited, after which the pipes are washed with water. As practice shows, thick gels are considered the most effective, rather than liquid serums or powders. In this case, carry out cleaning only in protective gloves, since most of the products are extremely toxic.
  5. In cases where the pipe blockage has formed deep from the drain hole, use a plumbing string (cable). The tool looks like a long wire twisted into a spiral (spring), to which a handle is attached for ease of use. To carry out cleaning correctly, insert the cable into the drain hole and start moving it back and forth to feel the new growths.
  6. You can determine whether there is a blockage or not by lightly pressing all the way into something soft. Try to push the dirt deeper by pressing it vigorously. In cases where such manipulation is impossible, you need to pull the lump out using back-and-forth movements. The cable will follow the bend of the pipe, so feel free to push it deeper. To increase efficiency, it is allowed to open the water.
  7. Evaluate the pipe design. If possible, try removing the siphon and rinsing it thoroughly. There are often cases when hair, a toothpick, food and other waste get stuck in the curved part, which “grows” on top of each other, thereby forming a blockage. Modern siphons are equipped with a plug; you can unscrew it and clean the cavity without disassembling the structure.
  8. Another option for cleaning pipes is to use a hose with a cone-shaped tip in combination with strong water pressure. This technology is designed for cleaning small-diameter pipes; this is exactly what is installed in the kitchen. To carry out the procedure, pass the device down the drain, pour water into the niche, and then cover the area around the hose with rags and plastic bags (you can use cling film). This move will prevent the water from flowing back. The method cannot be used after treating the sewage system with chemicals. If the blockage is severe, the water will flow out under pressure, taking the cleaning composition with it.
  9. If all of the above methods for eliminating unpleasant odors are ineffective, use the following recommendation. Open the water under low pressure, listen to the sound of drainage. If you find an incomprehensible gurgling sound, it means that the water seal that prevents the penetration of stench from the sewer is broken. The reason for this is the vacuum at the base of the riser or sharp slopes of the pipes and the length of the connections.
  10. In cases where a corrugated pipe is installed in the kitchen, a blockage may occur because it has become bent. Purchase a new device and install it in such a way that water flows freely and does not stagnate. In addition, such a move will not allow food debris to accumulate on the walls, forming a lump. Twist the corrugation as needed and secure it with electrical tape or tape.

Traditional methods of flushing pipes

  1. Baking soda. The product is able to eliminate blockages and prevent its further formation if the composition is used once every 7-10 days. Mix 100 g into a homogeneous solution. baking soda and 300 ml. warm water, wait for the granules to dissolve. Pour the resulting mixture into the sink drain and wait about 40-60 minutes. While waiting for the mixture to take effect, pour water at a temperature of 40-45 degrees into a basin or bucket, add 0.5 kg. soda After the expiration date, pour the liquid down the drain. The method is designed more for preventive purposes, but it can also cope with minor contaminants in pipes or siphons.
  2. Table vinegar. Another effective method, thanks to which the cause of the stench coming from the sink is eliminated. Pour 700-800 ml into the drain. vinegar solution (concentration 6-9%), cover the hole with a rag, bag or stopper so that the composition does not evaporate. Wait about 30-45 minutes, during which time the vinegar will eat away all deposits. At the end of the time, rinse the pipes with two buckets of warm water, if necessary, use a plunger as an addition.

An unpleasant odor occurs due to a clogged siphon or a misaligned valve. Identify the problem, then try to eliminate it yourself. Use store-bought or folk remedies, a plumbing cable, a plunger, or a hose with a cone-shaped tip. If after all the methods you have tried you are unable to get rid of the stench, call a specialist.

Video: removing odor from the kitchen sink