Drawings of wooden stairs to the second floor. Stairs to the second floor in a country house - the best ready-made solutions for a private house (50 photos). Spiral staircases in the house

The first point that needs to be clarified is what kind of staircase do you want to install in your home? In particular, we are talking about configuration and material. Based on the configuration features, stairs are divided into:

  1. Straight marching - with a classic arrangement of steps; are as comfortable as possible for movement, but at the same time take up large area.
  2. Rotary marchers - L- or U-shaped with intermediate platforms; compact, but less convenient than straight ones.
  3. Screw - spiral structures, the steps of which are fixed around the central post; very ergonomic, so they take up smallest area of all three types of stairs, but are not suitable for transporting large objects and are not entirely convenient for elderly household members and small children.

As far as materials are concerned, living conditions stairs are mainly made of wood, reinforced concrete or metal.

The architects designed this modern house, so the entire structure has either access to or views of the patio and pool, creating a unique, inclusive design. On the first floor, large glass doors and tons of windows provide direct access to the backyard and backyard, while the second floor bedrooms provide clear views of the rooms at the back of the home.

A sliding ladder moves along the second plot to access the upper cabinet along the floor; This ladder is conveniently stored in the bathroom. To give the space an infinity-like feel, designers inserted simple light bulbs directly into the mirrored meditation cabinet for an interesting aesthetic.

When deciding on the configuration and material, focus not only on personal taste and the interior of the house, but also on your own experience construction work: if it is very small or absent as such, do not take on complex rotary structures - here you even risk your safety, because an incorrectly manufactured and installed ladder can cost you your health. So the most suitable option there will be a straight marching or spiral staircase made of wood. We will consider their assembly further.

The stunning cherry tree library boasts bookshelves from wall to wall, providing the perfect spot for a lover. A leather armchair offers a comfortable place to read, and a spiral staircase provides access to a second floor of bookshelves.

This spacious open plan kitchen features traditional white cabinetry paired with a two-tier breakfast bar and brown wicker stool. Hand laid floors walnut lead to the nearby dining room, while the other side of the kitchen provides access to a wide staircase and the second floor of the house.

How to make calculations for a straight flight of stairs

To ensure that the stairs do not resemble an unsuccessful stepladder and guarantee you comfortable movement, you need to carefully calculate the design parameters:

  1. Lifting height - measure the distance between floors, that is, from the floor of the first to the floor of the second.
  2. The tilt angle is 30-40 degrees. If the slope is made greater, the ladder will be dangerous to use.
  3. The height of the tread is not lower than 10 cm and not higher than 20 cm.
  4. The width of the tread is within 25-30 cm.
  5. Number of steps. Here you need to divide the height of the rise by the height of the tread. For example, let’s take 280 cm as the first parameter, and 15 cm as the second: 280/15=18 steps.
  6. March length. Multiply the width of the tread by the number of steps minus one. For example, let's take a width of 25 cm: 25x17 = 425 cm.
  7. Span height. It must be at least 200 cm, otherwise climbing the stairs will be inconvenient.
  8. Width – for comfortable use it should be at least 80-100 cm.

How to do calculations for a spiral staircase

Before constructing a spiral staircase system, it is necessary to determine the following parameters:

White walls are only interrupted accent wall finely striped tiles behind the fireplace of this modern living room. In one corner of the room, a dramatic spiral staircase offers fun and functional access to the second floor. On another wall, a round, colorful painting depicts an abstracted view of the city. Transitional furniture is neutral, allowing you to decorate with artwork.

From the back of this French country house every room on this side of the house has a magnificent view of the pool. Upper level rooms have their own private Juliet balcony, while the master suite has its own private second floor patio. From the ground floor, all private spaces have access to the pool, while the lower level patio provides the homeowners with the perfect place to entertain next to the pool.

Advice. The spiral staircase should not have classic rectangular steps, but wedge-shaped steps. Their width is inside must be at least 15 cm.

Using the calculated parameters, draw up a drawing diagram of the intended staircase - focusing on such a visualization of the structure with clearly marked dimensions of each element, it will be easier for you to carry out all subsequent work.

How to make calculations for a straight flight of stairs

The owner of this home wanted an elegant, functional space for her closet, so she decided to incorporate an underrated second floor patio. To make this dressing room perfect space Floor-to-ceiling built-ins have been added with illuminated drawers for easy access. The shoes get their own sliding storage so that each pair is neatly laid out and easily accessible. The chandelier in the center of the room is elegant and stylish and hangs above a jewelry tower, complete with illuminated drawers for ease of access.

How to make staircase elements

Now you can begin preparing the parts from which the staircase will be constructed.

  • Stringers are the main support of a staircase system, on which the reliability of the structure depends. To make the elements, you need to use only dry, strong wooden planks with a width of at least 5 cm.

Advice. It is easiest to cut stringers from solid wooden blanks: first, along the upper edge of the workpiece, mark the locations of the cutouts for the steps (one side should correspond to the height of the risers, and the other to the depth of the treads), and then cut out the excess fragments with a jigsaw.

The space features banquette seating so the homeowner and her friends can sunbathe and get ready at the same time, while black and white Roman shades provide stylish privacy for the space. This playhouse structure is clad inside and out with rough spruce planks that are weather resistant, making it useful for family and environment. Storage facilities offer comfortable spaces for games and games, and a chalkboard wall encourages drawing and writing.

Made from recycled milk bottles, the blue racer offers fun yet durable seating. A staircase leads to the second floor loft, where double skylights provide daylight and the ability to view the evening stars with a telescope.

  • Treads are horizontal parts of steps. They are made from thin wooden planks at least 2 cm wide.
  • Risers are the vertical parts of steps. Made from wood with a width of at least 3.5 cm.
  • Railings and balusters are made from wooden blocks of any diameter. The easiest way to give them the required shape is with a jigsaw.
  • The stand is the central element of a spiral staircase on which the steps are fixed. Suitable for her role metal pipe with a diameter of at least 5 cm and a wall thickness of at least 3-4 mm.

Advice. All wooden elements stairs must be thoroughly sanded and sanded so that no roughness or unevenness remains.

But don't think it's all just for fun - there are several secret powers here that directly affect your fortunes and rewards in the game. Your home is your own private area. Only you can throw objects, rotate objects, or move things. However, other human players can check out your home and interact with your items. Please note: if you do not visit your home for a long time, cockroaches will begin to appear. To get rid of them, simply press on them.

Cover furniture around to expose any cockroaches and stop the infestation immediately. Extension: One of the most important things about your home is the extension. To get bigger house and add more floors, pay Tom Nook. This is how much money is required for each update.

How to assemble a straight staircase

The procedure for assembling and installing the marching structure:

  • Mark the stringers. Attach the support beam to the floor surface of the first floor and install it on it bottom part stringers, fixing them with self-tapping screws. Upper part fix to the floor beam. This can be done in two ways: either simply make small cuts in the beam and insert stringers there, or install stringers on a metal support and then fix it to the ceiling anchor bolts.
  • Secure the risers: apply glue to the cutouts of the stringers, apply the risers step by step and secure them with screws.
  • Mount the treads, securing them with self-tapping screws on the stringers and risers.

You can extend your home a second time before adding a basement. Of course, you can do both. Inside your home. In the beginning, your house is so tiny that you can't do much with it. But once you expand, it's time to test your interior decorating skills.

Stairs on rails and consoles

Feng Shui Are you familiar with the ancient art of Fusui? It's all about how you arrange your furniture in your home. For optimal feng shui, place orange furniture in the north, yellow furniture in the west, red furniture in the east and green furniture in the south. Proper placement of flowers in the north, west and south gives you luck in money and items. The perfect placement of red furniture in the East gives you luck in finding the items. Well, you're trying to find orange, yellow, red and green furniture. It's not easy - and it certainly doesn't make your home any more pleasant.

  • Install balusters. To maintain the same level, first secure the lower and upper elements, stretch a rope between them and, focusing on it, install all the other balusters. Fix them with self-tapping screws with special masking plugs.
  • Install railings on top of the balusters. When fastening, screw the screws from below so that they are invisible.

When the staircase is ready, give it a final sanding and then coat it with primer, varnish or paint. Apply the selected composition in two layers to better protect the wood from insects and moisture.

Speaking of which, let us get to. This mysterious establishment appreciates your feeling interior decoration. Depending on how you choose to decorate your home, you'll receive a daily score rating in the mail that lets you know how you're doing. If you make messy and messy moves around your home with items, you'll get a bad rating with a note that your home looks more like storage than a place to live.

Other structural elements of stairs

Likewise, your sense of style is up for debate if you combine furniture with wallpaper and floor tiles, which simply do not match. If you pay your bills and expand your home, you will of course get much higher scores than if you stayed in the same tiny shack from the start of the game. By the way, if you're particularly messy, you may find new, unwanted tenants in your home: cockroaches. The only thing that helps here is to move around your furniture and find and swallow them all.

How to assemble a spiral staircase

To make a spiral staircase, you will need to put in more effort than in the case of a straight flight of stairs, but you will get a much more impressive result:

  • Mark the floor where you plan to install the stairs. In the center of the marking, install a support pipe - its lower edge can either be welded to the floor, or concreted, or secured to the surface with anchor bolts, depending on the characteristics of the subfloor in your home.
  • Using the template, cut the steps, and more specifically, the treads, that is, horizontal slats.

Independent calculation of the stairs. Video

Get the Basics: Beds, tables, chairs, dressers and closets are considered basic needs. Don't let things lie. Put things in closets, don't leave them on the floor. Rotate your furniture correctly, match carpet and wallpaper for the best effect. Second floor: take a set of furniture. show the same type of furniture as citrus wallpaper and carpet to get a high rating. Stick to one set - and remember, the more parts of the same series, the better your bonus. Don't let the cockroaches take over. If your home is not visited for a long time, cockroaches appear.

  • The larger the room you have, the more things you can fit.
  • Don't disturb your home.
  • Keeping things in the basement is not appreciated.
  • Take one of these.
The rating scale is as follows.

  • Drill holes on the narrow side of the steps for the support pipe. Start stringing the products onto the pipe according to this pattern: first, a step, then a separating cylindrical insert, then a washer. These dividers are needed to protect the wood from rapid deformation. On the wide side, the steps are fastened with brackets. The last step must be attached to the ceiling.
  • Mount the balusters and the railings on them.
  • Finally, sand the stairs and coat them with varnish, paint or primer.

As you can see, making a staircase is not so difficult if you make the calculations correctly and carry out the assembly according to the verified instructions. Carefully think through every step and follow all the recommendations outlined above - and then you will get high-quality, reliable and comfortable staircase structure which can be used for many years.

Outside your home You can't create your own garden or place furniture outside, but you can still make some changes outside your home to give it a special look. When you upgrade your home, Tom Nook will let you choose new color roofs.

Some animals will even draw on your roof without even asking. The texture will be applied in a circular fashion, so keep this in mind when you are creating your own window or stained glass pattern to place on your door. The default templates in your collection include one circular design, which should help you create good template doors. Signs: You don't have a lot of space, but you can place a sign that shows your name right in front of your house. To do this, buy a sign from Tom Nook. Each player is allowed up to eight characters.

How to make a staircase to the second floor: video

No installation stairs to the second floor in a private house construction costs are very rare, since most country cottages and dachas are built on several levels. It should be borne in mind that such a design not only performs a utilitarian function for communication between floors, but also serves as a powerful element of the interior, in some cases acting as an axis around which the space is formed.

Thyroid Bravery: Your Gyroid has four slots that you can use to store items or offer them for sale to other players. Special Signs: Catch all the fish and insects to get two special signs on the roof of your house.

Suspended ceilings are a modern ready-made version of the interior, which is characterized by aesthetics and long exploitation ceilings. Today they are a popular consumer environment. suspended ceilings- This is a beautiful view of the roof casting. Its installation requires minimal time.

But be sure, when choosing the design of the staircase and its location in the house, you should not forget about the convenience and safety of operation, since you will have to go up and down it more than once during the day.

Main types of stairs for the home: variety of shapes and designs

You need to think about what the staircase in the house will be like at the design stage or at least during the construction of the house.

Currently available materials for roof finishing large number. The use of a matte roof is applicable in all residential buildings and premises. Often used for industrial finishing of a bathroom or living room. matte ceilings. This is due to the fact that they look out of the box and are discreet at the same time. The variety of matte ceiling colors and textures opens up possibilities.

Tensile structures are a practical solution for interior finishing as they significantly reduce the cost of cosmetic or planned maintenance. Roofing road repair is in the process of choosing what was hung with the best matte or bright ceiling, there are two options to consider.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to its design features taking into account the layout of the house, functional zoning of space and, of course, in compliance with all relevant building codes.

Stairs for a home can be classified according to several criteria:

  • by type of staircase design;
  • according to the material used for their manufacture;
  • by type of construction of load-bearing elements;
  • according to the steepness of the climb and others.

Separately, we can highlight the division of stairs into open and closed: the first are distinguished by the absence of risers and are quite popular in houses, as they allow you to visually lighten the structure, while allowing passage maximum quantity Sveta.

Gypsum panels can be installed in any surface. Many villages prefer to do the gypsum ceiling installation themselves. Decorate the roof with simple materials. Just follow the instructions and select quality materials. Drywall sheets can be installed on a wooden or metal frame.

Plasterboard structures allow small masking cracks in the ceiling and hide engineering switching materials. Traditional for suspended ceiling structures is plasterboard. This limit may be hidden in the ceiling space of all communications.

Structurally, the staircase to the second floor can be:

And if the second and third are not particularly diverse, then the most convenient for use, but “gluttonous” in terms of destroying usable space in the house are flight stairs, which are distinguished by great diversity within their type and can be:

Many people are still unaware of the existence of such a scale. Used for making stairs special glass. It has high performance and is not fragile. Such designs are very attractive and durable. Railings with wrought iron elements have excellent performance and aesthetic properties that are enjoyed by all people when seen as a true work of art. Do you want guests at your home to look at their stairs?

How to correctly calculate the dimensions of the stairs and its elements?

Acrylic paints are environmentally friendly clean materials, making them ideal for painting surfaces in residential areas. Decorative roofing is possible using various materials. If you have a limited budget, it is recommended to use acrylic paint. This stuff is cheap and well understood.

  • single-march;
  • straight;
  • rotary ( with a direction rotation of 90° - quarter-turn, and by 180° - half-turn, by 360° - full-turn);
  • curved, which can be erected with or without platforms, using winder steps.

In addition to the three main types, it can also be used to move between floors. transformable staircase, which is popular for attics.

Their installation is justified if the room is different small in size or the relevance of using the attic is seasonal - in this case, such a choice is justified, since such a staircase, when assembled, takes up practically no space, and, if necessary, can be unfolded with one movement of the hand.

Marching stairs

As a rule, a do-it-yourself staircase to the second floor belongs to this type and the choice is not accidental, since its construction, despite the bulkiness of the structure, is quite simple, and in terms of convenience it has practically no competitors.

Marching stairs are divided into two types and according to the type of supporting structure:

  • on stringers;
  • on the bowstring.

The first are load-bearing structures with special protrusions for installing steps. The bowstring does not have such elements, and the steps are installed towards it with the end part. Another difference is that the staircase stringers can have from 1 to 3, depending on the design and width of the span, and there are always two strings.

But in both cases, if the stairs are installed along load-bearing wall, a combined installation method can also be used, for example, the inner edge is fixed on consoles, and the outer edge on a bowstring or stringer.

A special type is monolithic stairs, the manufacture of which requires the installation of formwork. But this option is quite expensive both financially and in terms of labor intensity, but in terms of reliability they are unrivaled.

It should also be noted that ladders on bowstrings are most often made of wood or metal, and a variety of building products can be used to make stringers, but with the condition that their load-bearing capacity will be sufficient to withstand the impressive weight of the structure.

Widespread stairs to the second floor on metal frame , sometimes even with forging elements, stringers can also be made of reinforced concrete, wood, stone, etc. For example, to ensure communication between levels in a house, you can use ready-made factory-made flights of reinforced concrete.

Despite their initially unesthetic appearance, their use decorative finishing can significantly transform them, and given their reliability and ease of use, this is a very attractive option.

But having chosen concrete stairs, it should be taken into account that their installation is carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house, and their delivery and installation will require the use of special equipment. But all other work on finishing and installing railings can be done independently.

Spiral staircases in the house

In small houses, the most popular type of stairs are screw or spiral structures, the installation of which is possible even on an area of ​​just over 1 m2. But in some cases it can have quite impressive dimensions, giving architectural style throughout the house.

Regardless of the size, structures of this type always dominate the space to one degree or another, so the interior is often formed taking this factor into account.

The main element of such stairs is the presence of a central axis - a special structure - a rack, to which the steps are attached with their inner edge, while the outer one is most often installed on bent stringers.

When choosing such a design for a house, you should take into account that it uses the principle of winder steps, in which the width of the inner and outer edges is significantly different. Therefore, the width of the stairs should not be less than 800 mm in order to ensure safe ascent or descent, and to save space, in some cases risers are abandoned or overhanging steps are installed.

But, even taking into account the spectacular appearance of such a staircase, the choice in its favor should be as reasoned as possible, since in terms of convenience they are significantly inferior to all other types.

Stairs on rails and consoles

Its a bit strange name ladders on rails received from a simple fastening element “bolt”, with the help of which the steps are fastened. The result is a structure floating in space.

Most often, such stairs are mounted along one or two adjacent walls, although this principle is often applied to screw objects. To install the second edge, a bowstring is often used, but there are ladders in which the principle is simultaneously applied cantilever mount and loaches.

Console installation principle mainly used in rooms decorated in an ultra-modern style, the characteristic features of which are laconic forms, asceticism, open space, but at the same time the most comfortable interior.

The peculiarities of such staircases should be considered the presence of only steps in them ( in rare cases, railings), which are attached with one edge to the load-bearing wall.

The common point that makes these two types of stairs similar is their absolute visual integration into space, thanks to which the space in the house can be used as efficiently as possible, including that which is located under the structure itself.

Other structural elements of stairs

Regardless of whether it is planned to install wooden stairs to the second floor or choose a structure from a different material, in order to ensure its reliability and strength, it is necessary to correctly calculate element sizes, but first you should familiarize yourself with them a little.

So, the supporting structures are already known, but besides them, any staircase is also steps, railings and balusters. Moreover, the first ones, in turn, consist of two important elements: tread and riser, which can serve as a support for the first, but is not required. Of course it's heavy stone stairs They can hardly do without it, but for “airy” glass structures it is not needed.

Railings, although not a load-bearing element, play an important role in the design, although they are not available on all stairs. They are mainly used as a support, but at the same time they have an important aesthetic purpose.

They are often made even according to individual orders, and for example, having installed forged railings for stairs, you can add a solid touch of luxury and solidity to the interior.

In this case, special attention is paid to balusters, which are vertical posts on which the railing rests. These elements are important in ensuring safety, especially if small children live in the house: the distance between them should not exceed 18-20 cm, and close attention should be paid to the quality of fastening both during installation and during operation.

DIY staircase. Video:

How to correctly calculate the dimensions of the stairs and its elements?

Before you begin calculations, you must obtain room height data in which it is planned to install the staircase, the length of the wall to which the installation will be made, or the size of the area allocated for installation if the structure is located in the center of the room.

After this, it is necessary to calculate the angle of inclination, taking into account that it should be in the range from 30 to 50°. A slope of 45° is considered optimal for residential buildings, although from the point of view of safety and convenience, the smaller the angle of inclination, the more comfortable stairs made of wood or other material are.

It is not recommended to erect a steep structure, although it can be placed most compactly: in addition to the fact that it is inconvenient and traumatic, this option can be chosen for climbing into the attic or descending into basement, in which communications are located.

The size of the tread and the height of the riser are directly related to this parameter of the staircase: the smaller the angle of inclination, the wider the tread and the lower the riser.

Most convenient steps for stairs, having a width of 220-300 mm and a height of the lower part from 150 to 200 mm.

How to count steps?

Determining the number of steps in a flight is quite easy: you need to divide the height of the room by the angle of inclination of the stairs, but the result obtained must necessarily be represented by an odd number, and in addition, you should not take more than 11 steps in one flight.

In some cases, adjustments to the height of one step are allowed ( downward), but this can only be the first in the march; this rule does not apply to others.

An important criterion for the correct staircase is its width, which would allow easy and unhindered movement along it. You should be guided by the fact that at least 1 person must pass through it freely, which means its width cannot be less than 800 mm, or better yet, 1 m.

In the event that the dimensions of the room allow the construction of large wooden or metal stairs, then their width is determined taking into account aesthetic expediency.

If you plan to purchase a finished structure, then determining its convenience is quite easy: for this you can use the following techniques:

  • add the width of the tread and the height of the riser– their sum should be within the range of 43-47 cm;
  • You can check this result with another formula: add the width of the tread to twice the height of the riser– if the result is 60-65 cm, then everything is fine.

But still, if you plan to purchase a finished structure, then it is best to make it to order, taking into account individual characteristics the house in which it will be installed.

During design, attention is required and railings for stairs, which according to standards should have a height of 90 to 120 cm. When choosing materials for stairs, it is imperative to also calculate the maximum load that the steps can withstand; as a rule, it should not be less than 300 kg.

Independent calculation of the stairs. Video:

How to make a staircase to the second floor?

If you plan to install a spiral staircase, then experts recommend purchasing a ready-made structure, the installation of which is not particularly difficult and is carried out in the shortest possible time.

The construction of a monolithic structure, under which even the auxiliary premises of the house can be located, should be carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house, and it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

The most attractive option for self-construction are wooden stairs, which hold a leading position in popularity among private developers. In order to cope with the upcoming work at a decent level and without errors, you will need to first draw up detailed project indicating the exact dimensions of each element.

The most difficult and time-consuming part in this case is the production of stringers, which requires special precision and special tools. Therefore, in some cases, they give preference to designs on a bowstring, although in terms of reliability they are somewhat inferior to the first.

It is important for the stairs to choose only high-quality and dry wood with a thickness of 50 mm - for stringers or bowstrings, and 30-35 mm for steps, although a 20 mm board is also suitable for risers.

In some cases, elements can be made to increase the width of the tread larger size– in this case they will hang over the lower step by 1-2 cm, but when processing such parts you should special attention pay attention to the corners, which must be rounded and thoroughly sanded.

Also, before assembling the stairs, it is advisable to treat all elements with antibacterial compounds and fire retardants. It is better to do the final painting in finished form, although it is also possible before installation, but in this case you should be careful not to damage the surface.

The procedure for installing a wooden staircase

1. Installed first load-bearing elements: stringers or bowstrings, which must have several points of fixation: on the floor, to the wall, floor slabs or other load-bearing structures of the house, depending on the location. To fix them, you can use reliable anchor bolts.

2. After installation, be sure to check with building level accuracy of their installation and make adjustments if necessary.

Not only ease of use, but also reliability and durability of the staircase depend on this factor.

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