A tire cesspool is a budget solution. Do-it-yourself tire drain pit: step-by-step instructions for arrangement How to make a tire pit correctly

The construction of a drain pit from tires does not require special construction skills and large financial costs: all work can be done with your own hands, without the participation of special equipment, and the main building material– old tires – get free. Although the process of constructing a pit is simple, before starting work it is important to learn about some rules that will protect you from common mistakes and help you create a durable structure.

Pros and cons of a tire drain pit

Before starting work, it is worth learning about all the advantages and disadvantages of the pit, and the nuances of its use.

The advantages include:

  1. Simplicity of construction - 2 people can complete the job in 24 hours; work without assistants will take a little longer.
  2. Cheap - you can use old tires of any size.
  3. Relative durability - a properly constructed structure will last about 10 years. Rubber can withstand prolonged contact with water and is not damaged by insects.

A tire cesspool also has disadvantages:

  1. Repair and dismantling are quite labor-intensive.
  2. The location for the pit must be carefully selected, taking into account sanitary standards.
  3. On the site there may be bad smell.
  4. Only a certain amount of water is allowed to be drained. If the permissible volume is exceeded, the liquid entering the soil will not have time to be processed, and groundwater contamination will begin.
  5. It is not advisable to drain into a pit household chemicals– it has a detrimental effect on bacteria that process sewage.

A self-made drainage pit made from tires is the optimal solution for a summer cottage where the owners visit on weekends and holidays. Arrange it in a private house for permanent residence inappropriate - too many restrictions that reduce the comfort of living.

Choosing a location for the pit

When choosing a location for a cesspool, you should take into account sanitary standards.

Photo: pit location standards

So, it should be located no closer than 5 m from residential buildings and no closer than 2 m from the fence.

When constructing a tire pit without a sealed bottom, you cannot place it closer than 30 m from the water source; if there is a sealed bottom, the distance should be at least 15 m.

If the site has a slope, you should not place the hole in a low place - during rain it will fill with water.
Water must be drained from the house to the pit through a plastic pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm. The pipe itself must be laid smoothly, without sharp transitions or bends. It is advisable to lay the pipe so that there are no trees or bushes along its route.

The pipe is located below the freezing point of the soil. If this is not possible, the pipeline is wrapped thermal insulation material, impermeable to water.

Calculation of optimal volume

The ease of use and durability of the structure depend on how accurate the calculations are.

You can calculate the required volume using the formula:

Vpits= 200*3*N,

where 200 is the number of liters consumed daily by one person; 3 – the number of days required for bacteria to process sewage; N– the number of people living in the house.

Required materials and tools

To make a hole with your own hands, you will need:

  • several car tires of the same diameter;
  • shovels and bayonet shovels;
  • plastic cover;
  • crushed stone;
  • silicone sealant or hot bitumen;
  • plastic pipes with a diameter of 100 mm;
  • tape measure, twine and pegs;
  • polymer mesh;
  • garden auger and jigsaw.

If groundwater They are located high on the site; you cannot dig a deep hole. You can achieve the required pit volume by taking large-diameter tires.

Photo: cesspool diagram

Work order

On selected taking into account sanitary standards a tire is placed in the area, then, stepping back from its edge a certain distance, markings are carried out with pegs and twine. The indentation is necessary to make it easier to place the tires in the hole.

  1. In the designated place they begin to dig using a bayonet shovel. It should be remembered that the bottom of the structure should have a slight slope.
  2. When the depth of the pit reaches the required value, the walls and bottom are leveled, and the earth is removed to the surface shovel. A drainage hole is made in the center of the bottom with a garden drill, with the help of which water will be drained through the water-resistant layers of soil.
  3. Prepare plastic pipe. Its length is determined individually and depends on the depth of the well. In this case, the pipe should protrude 1 m above the bottom of the pit. At the other end of the pipe, in a section 1 m long, holes are drilled to allow water to pass into the ground, the treated area is wrapped in a polymer mesh, and this end is inserted into the well. A polymer mesh is also fixed to the upper hole.
  4. Crushed stone is poured onto the bottom to create a layer 10 cm high.
  5. All tires with electric jigsaw cut off the inside of the rim to prevent dirty water from stagnating.
  6. The prepared tires are placed in a stack the full height of the pit. The area where the tires come into contact with each other is carefully insulated with hot bitumen or silicone sealant. It is best to pour crushed stone into the space between the outside of the tires and the walls of the pit gradually, as the tires are laid.
  7. In the tire, which will be at the level of the entrance of the drain pipe, you need to make a hole with a jigsaw. The pipe is inserted into the hole made and the entry point is carefully sealed.
  8. The top tire should protrude slightly above ground level. A plastic cover with a ventilation hole is installed on it. A pipe 60 cm high is inserted into the hole.

Photo: finished pit without a lid

Construction of a pit with overflow

A tire pit with overflow is made according to the same principle, but has several differences.

The thickness of the crushed stone layer at the bottom is increased to 30-40 cm, and a drainage well is not made. In the center of the structure, after laying the tires, they install concrete pipe with a diameter less than 2 times the diameter of the tires and a height of 15 cm below the top of the pit.

The lower end of the pipe is sealed with concrete. On the upper section I make a hole for the drain pipe and several small holes for the overflow. After summing up sewer pipe inside concrete, the entry point is sealed.

Making a pit with an overflow with your own hands is more difficult than a regular one, but it will last longer, and the quality of water purification will be higher.

Features of tire cesspools and their advantages. Selecting the location of settling tanks. Method for calculating the required volume of a structure, technology for its installation and methods of cleaning during operation.

Features of tire dumps

Due to the fact that the construction of brick and concrete settling tanks requires investment, folk craftsmen a way was invented to use old tires for this purpose.

A rubber container is not suitable for collecting sewage in large volumes, but as a cesspool for summer house will do just fine.

Digging a hole for a stack of tires is easy. They are light in weight, so installation will be easy. However, the durability of such a structure does not exceed 15 years. The reason for this is the depressurization of the structure over time. If this happens, sewage enters the ground, which is unsafe for environment. A damaged structure can be repaired, but it is easier to remove the tires, clean the hole, and then reassemble the same well.

For a rubber sump, you can use tires from any car, tractor, excavator, etc. It is worth considering the load capacity of such equipment. After all, the higher it is, the larger its wheels, and therefore the diameter of the tires. This may become important when achieving the required volume of the structure due to its width, if it is not possible to deepen the well due to the high location of groundwater.

A self-made drainage pit made from tires surpasses all stone analogues with the following characteristics:

  • Ease of installation - assembling such a structure alone can take no more than 2-3 days;
  • The ability to adjust the volume of the sump with tires of any diameter, starting from tires passenger cars and ending with tractor ramps;
  • Availability necessary materials- old tires can be obtained for free or bought inexpensively at a tire shop;
  • The tire well has a relatively long service life - up to 15 years.
Apart from complaints about insufficient tightness, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant odors in the area, such cesspools have very few disadvantages. In addition, they are easily dismantled and do not require preparatory work use of earthmoving equipment.

Choosing a location for a tire drain pit

Like any cesspool, a tire pit requires correct location on the site. For this purpose, there are norms legalized by the state, the violation of which can lead to unpleasant communication with sanitary inspection authorities or neighbors in the country.

These standards prescribe the following:

  1. The minimum distance from the cesspool to a residential building is 5 m, and to the external fence - at least 2 m.
  2. The minimum distance from the tire drainage pit to the water source is 25 m.
  3. If the volume of wastewater from residential buildings, toilets and baths is more than 1 m 3 /day, a sealed bottom should be made for the cesspool.
  4. To deliver liquid sewage from the building to the sump, metal or PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm should be used. When laying them, it is necessary to maintain a slope of at least 2% towards the drain.
  5. To prevent freezing of wastewater, the laying of the pipeline transporting it must be carried out below the depth of winter freezing of the soil. If this is not possible, the sewer pipe should be insulated with moisture-resistant material.

Attention! An ideal sewer pipe laid to the sump should not have bends or sharp turns. This may be prevented by tree roots or bushes that may be in the path of the highway. They should be avoided if possible.

Tank volume calculation

Determining the required volume of a tire cesspool is necessary for full-fledged living in the country and saving money when disposing of waste using sewer equipment.

Optimal dimensions wells can be determined using the following criteria:

  • On average, one person consumes about 200 liters of water per day for various needs. This number was obtained by statistics; in our case, it can be considered a constant value.
  • Bacteria can process organic matter naturally in three days.
  • Number of residents of the house.
If you multiply the data from the above three points, you can find out the required volume of the technical well.

Of no small importance is the structure of the soil in which it is planned to dig a hole for a tire sedimentation tank. Depending on it, the initially planned volume of the tank can be reduced. Porous soil, that is, sandy, allows this to be done by 30%, and dense soil - no more than 10%.

Typically, the depth of the sewer sump is about 3 meters. This is optimal for the operation of vacuum cleaners. Therefore, the volume of the structure mainly varies by its width, that is, the diameter of the tires. If everything is calculated correctly, drainage from such a pit will need to be pumped out once every four months.

It should be taken into account that an erroneous calculation of the volume of the waste tank can lead to unpleasant consequences. Regardless of the fact that such a container is a local sewage system, problems may arise: due to the rapid overflow of the cesspool, the need for the services of sewer trucks may arise more often than would be desirable. Moreover, they are paid. And if you neglect to clean the pit in a timely manner, the sewage from it will simply pollute the summer cottage.

Also, do not forget that the calculated volume of the tire drainage pit will determine its parameters: depth and cross-sectional dimensions. It is important to know that the level of wastewater in the tank should be located at least 1 m below the ground surface.

Preparatory work

At this stage of work, you should prepare materials, measuring and working tools, make markings, dig a hole and install it in it. drainage pipe. Now let's talk about everything in order.

For work you will need: tires of the same diameter, sewer and drainage pipes, bayonet shovels, a drill, a three-meter ladder, a rope and a bucket, a construction tape, a plumb line, twine and several pegs.

After determining the location of the hole, one tire must be placed in place and traced across the ground with the tip of a shovel. This will be the diameter of the future well. The direction of the sewer line should be marked with pegs and a cord, being careful not to point in the direction of trees or other obstacles.

After marking, you can begin to excavate the soil. It is recommended to dig a hole a little larger size than the diameter of the tire. Then it will be more convenient to work in it. Having gone deep to the planned bottom mark, you should make a round cavity for a drainage pipe in its center with a drill. The depth of the hole should end at the level of the soil aquifer, and the diameter should correspond to the size of the pipe.

It needs to be prepared before installation. To do this, determine the length of the workpiece by measuring the depth of the drilled hole. The excess must be cut off with a grinder. Then you need to measure 1 m from the end of the pipe and make several holes in this area in the wall of the product. The top of the perforation must be covered with a polymer mesh. That's it, the drainage pipe is ready.

Now it has to be inserted into the bottom hole so that its perforated meter end is free. The mesh installed on it will prevent insoluble waste from entering the drainage pipe. The upper end of the pipe should also be equipped with a mesh. After completing this procedure, the bottom of the well must be covered with a layer of crushed stone and compacted. The thickness of this layer is 200 mm.

Installation instructions for a cesspool

After the preparation described above, you can put tires in the pit, but before that, the inner rim of each of them should be cut off. Then the liquid will flow down freely and not remain inside the tires. You can use an electric jigsaw for cutting.

When laying, it is necessary to ensure that the outermost tire on top rises slightly above the ground of the site. Tires should be secured to each other using mounting clamps.

At the next stage, it is necessary to install the main pipe input from the house. Before doing this, you will need to cut a hole of the appropriate size on the side of the tire tread. After this, the end of the pipe should be pulled into it.

When this work is finished, internal joints The tire columns must be sealed with a moisture-resistant compound or hot bitumen, and the external voids between the tires must be filled with earth.

The covering of a self-made cesspool made from tires can be constructed from plastic cover suitable diameter. It is recommended to pour a clay mound on top of it. Thanks to it, precipitation will not penetrate into the sump, causing it to overflow.

It is advisable to equip the plastic cover with a ventilation pipe, which should rise at least 600 mm above the ground surface. It is necessary to prevent the accumulation of toxic gases inside the cesspool. After installing the ventilation, all work can be considered complete.

Subtleties of cleaning a tire drain pit

A drainage pit made from tires, like a concrete or brick one, needs to be cleaned periodically. This procedure can be performed in different ways. You can scoop out the sewage by hand using a bucket and rope. This method is extremely unpleasant, dangerous and time-consuming. In addition, it requires special equipment for the performer: protective clothing, a respirator, etc.

Another easier way is to use your own or rented fecal pump for mechanized pumping of wastewater from a pit. It is safer for workers, but, like the first method, it requires their presence.

The third method does not require the active participation of the site owner, but it is not free. These are the services of a sewage cleaning company. In addition to monetary costs, it will be necessary to ensure vehicle access to the cesspool, and this is not always possible.

Many people like the last cleaning option the most. The method involves using anaerobic bacteria to process wastewater. A special biological preparation is placed in a cesspool, and after some time the bacteria, “awakened” in a humid environment, begin to actively break down organic waste, turning it into useful fertilizer odorless, which can be used in the garden of the land.

How to make a cesspool from tires - watch the video:

A country cesspool is a convenient thing. And there is nothing complicated in its construction, especially when the owner suggests how to make a drainage pit from tires. Moreover, this option is considered the cheapest.

Often the construction of sewerage systems summer cottage is postponed due to the labor intensity or high cost of manufacturing a sewer. At the same time, there is excellent material, thanks to which a cesspool can be built quickly and cheaply. We are talking about used car tires. A filtration well, the walls of which will be reinforced with these products, will function as efficiently as one built from traditional building materials. You can learn about all the nuances of building a tire cesspool from this article.

Choosing a location for future construction

Car tires are an inexpensive and durable material for building cesspools

When installing a leaky cesspool on suburban area, it should be understood that structures of this type are unsafe for the environment, therefore, when choosing a construction site, you should adhere to sanitary standards and SNiP. According to them:

  • The distance to the border of your neighbors' property must be at least 1 m (along the underground part of the structure).
  • If there are springs on your or neighboring property drinking water(well or borehole), then the cesspool should be at least 30m away from them.
  • If it is necessary to build a sewerage tank next to a building, the following factors are taken into account: when the volume of the filtration well (and a cesspool made of tires is nothing more than a filtration structure) is up to 3 cubic meters, the distance to the foundation must be at least 3 m, for a tank of 5 m 3 or more - at least 5 m. In multi-story construction, mandatory reinforcement of the pit walls is required.
  • The depth of the bottom of the cesspool must be at least 1 m above the groundwater level.

When choosing a place for a cesspool, you should also take into account the slope of the area, preventing the possibility of it being flooded by flood or storm water.

When arranging a cesspool, it is important to choose the right place for future construction

If the terrain of the area allows, build a cesspool in a place located in a low place relative to the location of the well or borehole.

Volume of the structure

When calculating the size of a future structure, you should not focus on the amount of material. Waste tires are not in short supply, so it would be better to calculate how much of a cesspool will suit your family.

The calculation method is no different from the method of calculating the volume of a septic tank or filtration well. All you need is to multiply the number of people living in the dacha by 150, and country house– by 200. This is the average water consumption per person per day. Next, multiply the result by 3. This gives the volume waste water in three days (that’s how long it will take for moisture to drain into the soil). If you often have guests in your home, add another 20-25% to the desired value. For example, for a hospitable family of five people living in a summer cottage in the summer, you will need a cesspool with a volume of at least 5 × 150 × 3 + 25% = 2.8 cubic meters. Based on this value and the size of one tire, you can calculate the depth of the hole and total quantity tires

When calculating the number of tires, be sure to take into account the depth of the sewer pipeline.

Pit requirements

The foundation pit for a cesspool can be dug either manually or with the help of construction equipment. The latter, of course, will cost much more, but will significantly reduce construction time. Please note that when constructing a filtration well near the house, it is better to use a shovel - the size of the hole in this case will be more consistent with the diameter of the selected tires. In this case, it will be possible to avoid additional loosening of the soil, which over time will give rise to sediment, negatively affecting the stability of the foundation.

Pit for a cesspool

When digging a pit, be sure to pay attention to the type of soil being removed. It is good if the type of soil on your site allows you to reach draining sand or gravel layers during your work. Otherwise, you can additionally make holes that go deeper from the bottom of the pit. To speed up the work, you can use a construction drill designed for making holes for posts.

The pits should be covered with plastic fine mesh and covered with crushed stone. Note that the entire bottom of the pit is covered with a drainage layer of at least half a meter. It can be used as crushed stone, broken brick or small rubble.

Tire installation

Note that to arrange a cesspool you can use car tires any type and size. Of course, tires with a diameter of 1 m or more are best suited for the sewerage system (trucks, buses, special equipment). I would like to warn against recommendations to cut side surfaces tires In the case of constructing a filtration well next to a building, this should not be done under any circumstances, since the tire in this case loses the necessary rigidity. In this case, soil displacement is possible, especially in spring period or during rainstorms. If your building is sufficiently remote from any buildings, then it makes sense to take this advice.

Diagram of a tire cesspool

All work on arranging a cesspool can be divided into several stages:

  • Digging a hole. To do this, lay the tire on the ground and trace its contours. During the work, you will need to constantly monitor the size of the hole, periodically trying on one of the tires.
  • Drilling pits. Instead of several pits, you can install a sewer pipe at the bottom, deepened by 1-1.5 m as a drainage element.
  • Arrangement of the drainage layer.
  • Installing the first tire. Be sure to level its top. The space between the tire and the ground must be filled with drainage material.
  • If you have not trimmed the tire beads, install at least 6 bricks (preferably silicate bricks) on them, evenly distributing them around the perimeter. They will create the necessary clearance between the tires, facilitating improved absorption of moisture into the soil.
  • Install the next tire. Similar to the previous stage, eliminate the gap between it and the soil, and also install bricks as spacers.
  • Work is carried out to the level at which the end of the sewer pipe is located. To install it, a hole is cut in the tread required diameter. Make sure that the edge of the pipe is at least 25 cm from the inside (cord) of the tire.
  • Install the remaining products. The last tire must rise above the level of the site by at least 15 cm, otherwise the pit will be flooded with rain or melt water.
  • The beads of the top two tires should be cut round holes with a diameter of 50 mm, into which a ventilation pipe should be installed (you can use sewer PVC pipeØ50mm).
  • The top of the structure is covered with a metal or plastic lid.

Cutout for sewer pipe

If the cesspool is located close to the building, several upper tires can be replaced with a reinforced concrete ring. This will further strengthen the structure and will not allow the surface layer of soil to move.

The insulation of the pit will be facilitated by a layer of soil, which should be used to fill the above-ground part of the structure, leaving only the ventilation duct outside. If you use the top, fertile layer of soil for these purposes, then a lawn or flower garden arranged at the site of the treatment plant will completely hide the unsightly structure from view.

Cleaning the sewer system

During the operation of the cesspool, it is recommended to use biological products intended for septic tanks. The anaerobic bacteria contained in them process organic substances that are present in domestic wastewater, for water and solid residue. By the way, much less of the latter remains than with simple rotting, and the water successfully drains through the drainage layer. The use of biological products imposes certain restrictions on the composition of household detergents(their packaging should say “bio”). However, they make it possible to significantly delay calling a sewer truck to pump out bottom sediments, which will happen sooner or later.

If you are planning mechanized removal of sludge, then even at the stage of constructing the cesspool, you should provide access roads for the sewage disposal truck. In addition, if the depth of the hole is more than 3 m, its hoses will not be able to reach the bottom, which must also be taken into account when starting construction.

How to dig a pit is up to you. If you don't want to spend several days with a shovel, hire an excavator. The shape of the pit is also not important, the main thing is that the dimensions are respected and the walls are smooth, and the bottom, on the contrary, has a bevel relative to the horizontal. Trenches for pipes are dug taking into account the slope (2-4 cm/1 m) and subsequent thermal insulation.

After the pit is ready, you should drill a hole in the soil with a drill, passing through all the existing aquifers in the soil. We insert a pipe with drilled holes into the well (drainage pipe), leaving the end of the pipe one meter above the level of the bottom of the pit. We tighten the drainage pipe with fine mesh.

At the bottom of the pit it is necessary to pour 20 to 30 cm of coarse gravel - a drainage cushion.

Tires should be lowered into the pit one at a time, simultaneously cutting off the inner metal cord, connecting adjacent tires with bolts and gluing the joints with sealant. The last (top) tire should be approximately 30-50 cm above the soil surface. This will prevent penetration melt water into a cesspool.

To connect the pipeline to the cesspool, you need to cut a Ø100 mm hole in the wall of the tire using a jigsaw and a hacksaw, insert a pipe into it, and treat the joint with silicone sealant.

Connecting a sewer pipe to a cesspool

All that remains is to wrap outside tires with roofing felt and backfill with crushed stone and soil.

Don't forget to equip the cesspool with a ceiling with a lid and a ventilation pipe so that the unpleasant odor does not spread from your pit throughout the entire area. If the cesspool was built for the purpose of equipping only an outdoor toilet, then the need for a lid and supply pipe drain pipe disappears from the living space.

Using similar technology, construction can be carried out drainage well from tires for post-treatment and disposal of clarified water from a septic tank.

If you are planning to make a cesspool with an overflow, then using a similar technology, dig a pit for two stacks of tires, pour concrete under the first stack and lay crushed stone under the second. Connect both stacks with a pipe located in the center of the structure. Backfill and install ceiling and ventilation.

Prices for drainage pipe

drainage pipe

Maintenance of a tire cesspool

Large crushed stone silts up very slowly, so pumping out the pit will not be necessary soon. And in order to significantly delay this procedure, you can use special “chemistry” for cesspools, which can quickly dissolve wastewater and feces, turning them into water.

Video - Tire cesspool

Cleaning cesspools manually is not the most pleasant task

IN modern world We all want to bring a little urban comfort into our country life. Of course, it is no longer possible to imagine a summer cottage without sewerage. Quite simply can be builtDIY tire cesspool. The construction of such a pit is distinguished by its simplicity and does not require serious construction skills. Of course, there are some rules for its creation, which we will get acquainted with in this article.

cesspool is great solution for landscaping a summer cottage or cottage when it is not possible to install a central sewer system. Creating a simple drain pit from tires with your own hands will not require much effort from you, but the result will be quite satisfactory, and such a design will make your country life more comfortable.

Determining the location of the cesspool

As local sewerage A cesspool without a bottom can be made at a summer cottage, but you should remember a few rules:

  • You cannot use a well without a bottom if the volume of wastewater exceeds 1m3. Otherwise, the bacteria that are in the soil will not be able to provide natural cleaning of the land and waste will be able to get into groundwater, which will poison all nearby wells.
  • Under no circumstances should you dump chemical waste, as soil bacteria will not cope with it.
  • The distance to residential buildings must be at least 5 meters, to the fence - at least 2 meters.
  • The distance from a cesspool without a bottom to the nearest natural source of drinking water should be at least 30 m.

Pay attention! When creating such a cesspool, it is better to make it at a level lower than the well. This significantly reduces the risk of water contamination.

The cesspool can be connected to the sewerage system country house using a pipeline. The diameter of the pipes should be 10 centimeters. Most often, PVC pipes are used to create a pipeline. It should be noted that the area where the pipeline is laid should not be trees or other objects that could become an obstacle.

Otherwise, pipeline repair will be seriously complicated. Also, pipes should be laid at a depth of about 1.2 meters below the freezing level of the ground. Otherwise, wastewater will freeze in winter, which will disrupt the normal operation of the sewer system.

Calculation of cesspool volumes

If three people permanently live in a house, then the volume of the pit should be at least 1.5 cubic meters. That is, on average, 0.5 cubic meters are required per person. If you are at the dacha only on weekends, then it may be less in volume.

It’s just important to remember that the level of waste filling should be one meter below the soil level. Otherwise, the waste may escape beyond the pit, which will cause you many problems. One of the easiest ways to create a cesspool is to make a cesspool from tires.

Construction of a tire cesspool

  • You will need about ten tractor or car tires depending on the volume of the future cesspool. The used tires themselves are practically free material. You can go to a car repair shop and they will most likely be happy to give them to you.
  • Tire sizes can be different, from passenger cars with a diameter of R13, to truck tires, in diameter exceeding a meter. You can choose the sizes that suit you.
  • After preparing the materials, it is necessary to dig a hole of appropriate volume.

To do this you will need the following tools:

  • Bayonet and shovel shovels;
  • Roulette;
  • Pegs to indicate the size of the pit and fence during work;
  • Buckets;
  • The staircase is no less high than the depth of the pit;
  • Construction level.

Having placed the tire on the ground, we outline the dimensions, and you can start digging. Note that the bottom should have a slope towards the future hatch. The top fertile soil layer, which was obtained as a result of creating a hole, can be distributed over the site.

It will then be useful for creating beds. Also, it is necessary to leave the earth in order to fill the hole from above. All the rest of the land, if you don’t need it, is best removed from the site:

Pay attention! It is worth thinking about building a cesspool at the stage of creating the foundation of the house. You can call an excavator, which will help you with all the work, including digging a hole for wastewater. This way you can save your money and, of course, energy, since it will take an excavator no more than half an hour, and you will be digging with a shovel yourself for several days.

  • When the required depth is reached, a drainage well is drilled in the center using a garden drill, which will “pierce” the water-resistant layers and thereby speed up drainage.
  • Then we lower a drainage pipe into the well, which will rise approximately 1 meter above the bottom. This is necessary to prevent large elements from clogging the pipe. Water will enter the pipe through the side holes covered with a polypropylene mesh. The top of the pipe is also covered with a mesh.

  • A layer of coarse crushed stone 10 centimeters thick is laid at the bottom. Now you can lay down the tires. This is done as follows. Using an electric jigsaw, a portion of the inner rim is cut off on one side of the tire. This will allow the liquid not to linger, but to completely drain down.
  • For the inlet pipe, use a jigsaw to make a hole of the required diameter.
  • Tires must be laid so that the top is slightly above the soil level. The gap between the tires and the walls of the pit is filled with soil. The joints from the inside must be sealed with sealant.
  • Then the top of the pit is closed with a lid made of some non-rotting material. From the outside, the hole is filled with soil, but it is very important that ventilation is maintained, so the hatch must be clear of soil. A special ventilation pipe is also created, which should be 60 centimeters above the soil level.

The hatch is necessary in order to carry out periodic cleaning. It is best to use a hatch with two covers, one installed at the ceiling level, and the second at ground level. The bottom should be at an angle to the hatch to ensure more effective cleaning.

Pay attention! If you need a simple cesspool, groundwater should not be located too close to the surface of the earth, because in this case You cannot install a hole without a bottom. The minimum depth at which groundwater is located must be at least two meters. Also, you cannot use such a cesspool if the base is limestone or shale. However, you can use sealed storage tanks, which will allow you to create an efficient sewer system without the risk of environmental pollution.

Cleaning the cesspool

Even if the wastewater level is low, you will have to periodically clean the cesspool. You can do it yourself using a pump that will pump out sewage. Or just use a bucket and shovel. But this will raise the problem of where to dump the waste next.

The most in a simple way a sewer truck will be called. But here too there are some peculiarities. It is necessary to ensure that the vehicle can be accessed at a distance of no more than four meters, and its depth should not exceed 3 meters. Otherwise, the hose of the seinizer machine will not reach the bottom.

To reduce waste volumes, you can use special chemicals or biological products. Biological products are environmentally friendly and safe. In addition, the use of special drugs will allow you to call vacuum cleaners less often.

Pay attention! It is better to use nitrate cleaners, similar to nitrate fertilizers, to clean cesspools. Such drugs are safe and also resistant to the effects aggressive environments unlike bioactivators.

Thus, if you do not plan to live in the house permanently, and the level of wastewater is not too high, then creating a cesspool from tires will the best option. Such a design will not require large expenses, since the cost of its installation is noticeably less than the cost of brick or concrete rings, and very easy to install. However, constructing a tire cesspool also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Short service life. It will last about 10-15 years.
  • Rapid loss of seal.
  • The tire cesspool must be located at a distance of at least 30 meters from wells and wells.
  • An unpleasant odor may appear from the cesspool.
  • It is inconvenient to dismantle and repair.

A cesspool made from tires is characterized by its low cost, ease of installation and ease of use. This option is ideal for country sewerage.