Metal beds. How to make a metal bed with your own hands? DIY iron bed drawings and diagrams

The article will tell you how to make a metal bed with your own hands. Iron furniture is exactly what can add luxury to the interior. Metal smooth curves will only add aesthetics to the bedroom. It's no secret that people spend about a third of their lives in a state of sleep. And if you fully rest at night, you will be able to work actively during the day. And to have a good rest, you need to sleep on a comfortable bed. IN furniture stores Quite a large assortment of this type of furniture. But it’s not always possible to choose exactly what you need. And then there is a desire to buy furniture to order or even make it yourself.

What difficulties lie in wait?

When making a metal bed with your own hands (photos of the structures are given in the article), difficulties may arise. It is worth remembering that manufacturing is a complex and time-consuming process. And not everyone is able to make high-quality and beautiful bed on one's own. You will need experience, skills in working with the tool, as well as a lot of knowledge. Don’t be lazy and consult with experienced blacksmiths and metal working specialists.

The likelihood that you will do something wrong is quite high. In addition, you will need special tools. Without welding, a grinder, or a drill, you shouldn’t even start manufacturing. Difficulties may also arise in the preparation and processing of component elements. The article provides diagrams of metal beds. Be patient and start doing all the work.

How to determine sizes

When making a metal bed with your own hands, you need to select the dimensions based on what kind of mattress you plan to install on it. The second point, which is also quite important, is the location of the bed in the room. And the third point is what size people will sleep on it.

If you are modernizing a room or apartment, then take the advice and move away from all stereotypes, choose a new, non-standard place for the bed. There are several standards by which they are manufactured modern beds. There are double, one-and-a-half and single rooms. Remember that ideally the bed should exceed the person’s height by about 30 cm. Standard length beds are 2 meters. But depending on the models, it can fluctuate in the range of 191-213 cm.

Bed width

It is worth noting that bunk bed It is made from metal with your own hands using the same technology as a single-tier one. But it is recommended to use more durable and high-quality components. As for the width of the bed, it also needs to be determined at the design stage.

Depending on what type of bed, the width will be:

  1. For single beds - 91 cm.
  2. For one and a half - 99 cm.
  3. For doubles - 137 cm.

There are models of greater width, but they will take up a lot of space in the room. Therefore, before starting work, measure the room and the space that you plan to allocate for installing the bed. It is also worth considering the place to install bedside tables and the size of the space for movement. And it is worth considering that during production custom bed the mattress will have to be made to order, and this will cost a lot of money.

Forged products

The first iron beds appeared in Egypt. They were very expensive, and only wealthy people could afford them. A metal bed has always been a sign of luxury and wealth. During the USSR, iron beds were made strictly according to one template, so they were not at all distinguished by their elegance. Today the situation has changed radically; there is a lot of metal furniture on the market, which is different and radically different.

Perhaps the most attractive are forged structures that are made from metal pipes. The base of the pipes is solid, the components have different cross-sections. This is what allows you to create a variety of subjects in the design. The weight of the bed can reach 50 kg, but rarely exceeds this mark.

There is hot and cold forging. Cold is when a special apparatus works with metal. Essentially, it's more like stamping. But hot forging is the making of bed components by a craftsman. In this case, the iron warms up to 600 degrees. Thanks to forging, it is possible to recreate objects in any style - ethno, high-tech, modern, baroque and others.

Welded beds

Such pieces of furniture are different from previous topics that the method of connecting finished elements is somewhat different. The welding method can be used to produce furniture in modern or classic style. All beds consist of a frame, backrest, frame, legs and fastening elements. The frame is the support of the entire structure, consisting of side elements and backs. The frame is the part on which the mattress is placed.

Before you make a bed with your own hands from metal, you need to pay attention to the headboard. This decorative element, which sets the tone for the entire product. By the way, when making a welded bed, you can use small ones for decoration. They are sold in specialized stores.

Start of production

First of all, you will need to familiarize yourself with what models and designs exist, evaluate your capabilities and the complexity of manufacturing. Most of the options are the simplest designs; even a beginner can implement them. If this is your first time doing this, then stop at simple options. Then make a plan that describes the sequence of actions, tools and materials used.

And most importantly, decide which one you need. Then draw a sketch of the future design and buy everything necessary materials. And be sure to measure the dimensions of the mattress you bought (or are just planning). This will help you compare the bed and mattress as you work.

What tools will you need?

In order to make a double bed from metal with your own hands, you need to have the following set of tools on hand:

  1. Angle grinder (to put it simply, a grinder).
  2. Welding (preferably inverter type).
  3. Drill and set of drills for working with metal.
  4. Square.
  5. Roulette.
  6. Square file.
  7. Metal brush.
  8. Sandpaper various types.
  9. Brushes for painting bed elements.
  10. Primer for application on metal surfaces.
  11. Paint and varnish.

If you plan to manufacture forged products, then you also need to acquire blacksmithing equipment.

Buying it just for one bed, of course, makes no sense. But if you want to continue making furniture, then buy the following tools:

  1. Snail - allows you to make patterns in the form of a spiral.
  2. A twister is a tool that allows you to twist rods along a longitudinal axis.
  3. Bend - bends metal rods at different angles.
  4. Volumetric - a tool that allows you to make volumetric figures.
  5. Flashlight - makes patterns under the same name.
  6. Wave - a set of tools for making patterns in the shape of a wave.

To make elements using hot forging, you need shperaks, a sledgehammer, a forge, a handbrake, an anvil, hammers and pliers. It is possible that some equipment will not be used - it all depends on what your end goal is.

Step-by-step manufacturing guide

The procedure for manufacturing a metal bed is a complex of works aimed at preparation, direct installation and finishing. It is recommended to start manufacturing from the backs makeshift beds made of metal. You will need to prepare profile pipes with your own hands. They need to be placed on a level place, then secured and secured by welding. Be careful to ensure that the corners are straight. Metal deforms when heated.

The next stage is the manufacture of brackets to secure the frame. In total, you need to make 4 side and 2 central ones, the slope should be exactly 5 degrees. Using fasteners you need to connect the back and frame. The distance from the floor surface is 35 cm, this is the optimal value.

Next you need to prepare the material for the frames. To do this, steel channels need to be cut into blanks, determine the size based on the calculation - add 5 cm to the length of the frame. Connect the channels using corners. To improve the quality of the joint, cut off the protruding elements on the horizontal part of the corner. All joints must be welded with a continuous seam.

Completion of production

Now you need to set the backrests strictly vertically, adjust the frames and mark the grooves on the channel from below. Make holes with a diameter of 8-9 mm and use a file to adjust them to the shape of the tenons.

At this point, the assembly of the bed base can be considered complete. Next you need to weld the grate under the mattress. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to ensure that the surface is even, so that you don’t have to roll out of bed while sleeping. As you can see, welding a metal bed with your own hands is not difficult, but you will need to tinker. All open parts are required profile pipes close with plugs or weld steel circles on them.

To add a touch of sophistication to your bed, use a grinder to cut off any protruding parts and seams. Then work with brushes and a sander. Finishing should begin only when the surface is completely prepared and degreased. First apply primer, then 2-3 layers of paint and only then the same amount of varnish.

Advantages of metal beds

Despite the complexity of the process, metal beds have a number of advantages. And here are just a few:

  • environmentally friendly products;
  • wear resistant;
  • hygienic;
  • reliable: high resistance to various mechanical damage and loads;
  • variety of style and design;
  • light weight, it is convenient when making rearrangements;
  • not subject to fire.

Metal beds attractive in appearance, fit perfectly into any interior style. If you have the skills and tools, the manufacturing process will not be difficult. This type of activity is an excellent option for developing your creative abilities.

An iron bed is an item that can add special luxury and chic to the interior. Smooth metal curves will add aesthetics to the bedroom.

An iron bed is an item that can add special luxury and chic to the interior.

A person spends a third of his life sleeping. A good night's rest is the key to activity in daytime, the quality of which can only be ensured by a comfortable bed.

Smooth metal curves will add aesthetics to the bedroom.

Furniture stores present a wide range of choices for such a necessary piece of furniture. But it is not always possible to choose exactly what you need based on all parameters. In this case the question arises self-production such an important piece of furniture.

A good night's rest is the key to daytime activity, the quality of which can only be ensured by a comfortable bed.

Making an iron bed is responsible, labor-intensive and complex process. Is it easy to make it yourself? Everyone decides for themselves based on their capabilities and skills. Some knowledge is required. Replenishment of this knowledge. Creative attitude. You need to start small - get lessons from an experienced blacksmith, or ask for help from someone knowledgeable in this matter. Because there is a high probability of doing something wrong. Trying to create it yourself is an easier option. In addition, you must have at least the simplest necessary equipment. The main difficulty lies in the preparation of components and their processing. All necessary diagrams can be taken from the Internet. The main thing is a little patience and self-confidence.

But it is not always possible to choose exactly what you need based on all parameters.


Before starting work, you need to decide on the future dimensions. To do this, you need a clear understanding of where the sleeping place will be placed and who will sleep on it. In the case of modernizing an apartment or room, you can move away from the usual stereotypes and choose a new place for it.

Making an iron bed is a responsible, labor-intensive and complex process.

There are standard types beds: single, double, one-and-a-half. It should be remembered that the place to sleep should be 30 cm longer than the height of the person who is going to sleep on it. Typically the length is 2 m, but can vary from 191 cm to 213 cm.

Some knowledge is required.

It is also worth deciding on the width. So, depending on the type, the width will have the following value:

  • single – 91 cm;
  • double – 137 cm;
  • one and a half – 99 cm.

You need to start small - get lessons from an experienced blacksmith, or ask for help from someone knowledgeable in this matter.

Larger settings are designed for two people. However, they take up quite a lot of space in the room. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to measure the space in the room allocated for the bed. And also take into account such parameters as space for a bedside table and simply a place for free movement.

The main difficulty lies in the preparation of components and their processing.

Another important factor is the choice of mattress. When performing work deviating from established standards, it should be taken into account that it will have to be made to order.

The main thing is a little patience and self-confidence.

Types of structures

Egypt can rightfully be considered the birthplace of metal beds. Only wealthy people could afford them. They were a sign of wealth and luxury. In the Soviet Union, iron beds were made according to a template and were not distinguished by their elegance. Currently, the situation has changed dramatically. Metal objects have appeared on the furniture market, differing in the way they are made. These include the following types.

  1. Forged structures - have a solid base made of metal pipes. Pipes with cross-section different diameters, which allows you to recreate a variety of scenes in the design. Weight is no more than 50 kg. There are two types of forging: cold and hot. In the first option, all manipulations with metal are performed by a special apparatus. The process is more like stamping. In the second case, the master works with his own hands. The metal heats up to +600 C. Using forging, you can recreate an object in any interior style: classical, modern, rococo, baroque, ethno, high-tech.
  2. Welded structures differ from forged ones in the way the finished parts of the future product are connected to each other by welding. Products made in this way are less original: classic or modern.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the future dimensions.

Any bed consists of a frame, frame, back, legs and fasteners. The main elements that serve as the basis of any bed are the frame and frame. The frame serves as a support. Consists of back and side panels. The frame is the part on which the mattress is located. Special attention, during manufacturing, it is worth paying attention to the headboard. It carries within itself decorative role and completely sets the tone for the entire product. Used as decoration forged elements. They can be purchased ready-made.

In the case of modernizing an apartment or room, you can move away from the usual stereotypes and choose a new place for it.

Preparation for the process

Before you start making an iron bed with your own hands, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the available models and designs. Assess the complexity of production and your capabilities. Most of the options are quite simple in their implementation and can be implemented even by a beginner.

There are standard types of beds: single, double, single.

Decide on the size and model based on your wishes.

Metal objects have appeared on the furniture market, differing in the way they are made.

To make a bed with your own hands from metal , it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory actions aimed directly at production.

  1. Draw a drawing of the product.
  2. Purchase materials.
  3. Measure the dimensions of the mattress, which is best purchased before making the bed. This will allow it to be compared with the product during production.

Forged structures - have a solid base made of metal pipes.

Tools for work

To make a welded iron bed with your own hands, you will, of course, need a welding machine. And also other tools:

  1. angle grinder (grinder);
  2. drill with set of drills for metal;
  3. roulette;
  4. square;
  5. square file;
  6. metal brush;
  7. sandpaper;
  8. paint brushes;
  9. primer for metal surfaces;
  10. paint coating.

Welded structures differ from forged ones in the way the finished parts of the future product are connected to each other by welding.

For forged product, in addition to the main list, you will need to add availability forging equipment. Depending on the type of forging, the set will be different. So, the kit for cold forging includes:

  • snail – allows you to create spiral patterns;
  • bend – designed for bending metal rods at different angles;
  • flashlight - for creating parts under the same name “flashlight”;
  • twister - twists the rods along the longitudinal axis;
  • volumetric – makes it possible to make three-dimensional patterns;
  • wave – equipment for creating wave-like patterns.

Any bed consists of a frame, frame, back, legs and fasteners.

For the hot type of forging you will need a forge, an anvil, shperaks, a handbrake, a sledgehammer, pliers, and hammers.

Not all equipment may be needed. The choice will depend on the end goal.

Step-by-step technology for creating a metal bed

Making an iron bed involves preparatory work, installation and processing of the finished product.

The process starts with the backs. For this purpose, blanks are prepared from profile pipes according to the drawing. Folds out onto flat surface, secured and fixed by welding. It is necessary to monitor the degree of angles to obtain an even structure.

At the next stage you will need to use a grinder and a channel. Brackets are made for fastening the frame - 2 central and 4 side, with a slope of 5 degrees. Fasteners connect the back to the frame with a continuous weld. Optimal distance from the floor - 0.35 m.

  1. Preparation of material for frames.

Steel channels are cut into blanks. The size is determined by the calculation: frame length plus 5-6 cm. The channels are connected by corners. For better quality of joining, protruding areas in the horizontal flange of the angle are cut off. The joints, as in the previous version, are welded with a continuous seam.

When performing work deviating from established standards, it should be taken into account that it will have to be made to order.

  1. Frame installation.

The backs are set to a strictly vertical position, the frames are adjusted and the grooves are marked on the lower channel. Holes are made with a drill no more than 9 mm in diameter. Drilled holes adjusted to the shape of the tenon using a file.

Another important factor is the choice of mattress.

Assembly of the main part is complete. The next step is to weld the grid under the mattress. It is welded onto the finished frame.

Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to measure the space in the room allocated for the bed.

To give the bed sophistication, all seams and protruding elements are cut off with a grinder, treated with a special brush and grinder to the base of the metal.

Finishing is done on a well-prepared surface: a primer is applied, then varnish and paint.

Advantages of beds made of metal

Despite the complex process, metal beds have a number of advantages. Here is a list of some of them:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • wear resistance;
  • hygiene;
  • reliability: resistance to mechanical damage and weight loads;
  • variety of design and style;
  • light weight, which is convenient when rearranging furniture;
  • not subject to fire.

Larger settings are designed for two people.

The metal bed is attractive in appearance and will fit perfectly into any interior. And if you have certain skills and a set of tools, the process will not be difficult. In addition, this type of activity is an excellent option for developing creative abilities and, as a result, obtaining an individual piece of furniture. A self-made iron bed will serve for a long time and reliably.

It is also worth deciding on the width.

VIDEO: DIY metal bed

Furniture for the bedroom can be made with my own hands from different materials, based on the requirements of the situation and the overall interior. One of these variations is considered to be an iron bed, which is not very difficult to make with your own hands. You can choose a model that suits virtually every style decision.

A metal bedroom bed will last much longer than a simple wooden bed.

This kind of system becomes a real decoration for every interior; it will not only complement the design, but will also become its main component. In order to assemble such a bed yourself, you need to make a sketch in advance indicating all the dimensions, then prepare the tools and appropriate materials. If, for example, it is possible, then it is best to carry out the work in a workshop, based on the fact that during the assembly period a grinder and a welding machine will be used.

How to find sizes?

In order to assemble a beautiful and comfortable bed, you first need to find its dimensions. In most cases, a width of at least 70 cm is sufficient for one person, but 80-100 cm is ideal for proper comfort. When choosing a model, it is provided whether a single or double system is required. To determine the length of the bed in most cases it is provided average height 170 cm, but it’s best to do 190-200 cm, although everything is personal here.

When choosing the size of your future bed, you need to consider a number of points:

Measuring and marking tools.

  1. The presence of free space in the bedroom.
  2. Mattress sizes. You can now buy mattresses different sizes, but finding ordinary ones is much easier than ordering according to individual measurements, which will cost much more. Naturally, you can make a mattress with your own hands, but if, for example, you don’t have the skills to do such work, then the best thing to do is to get acquainted in advance with what models are on the market and choose a specific size. Based on this, you can make a sketch of the bed, if necessary, changing any indicators.
  3. The system itself can be integral, but experts recommend dividing it into 2 halves, that is, assembling 2 frames. If necessary, the bed can be easily disassembled for transportation and then assembled. During the formation of the drawing, the overall dimensions are divided in half.

Preparing for work

In order to make an iron bed with your own hands, you need to make calculations in advance and purchase all the materials needed for the work. The materials you will need are steel pipes, square profiles, channels, corners.

If, for example, there is no skill in cutting metal, then it is best to use a ready-made specification, so that in the workshop or when purchasing the material, the material will already be cut into the required lengths.

IN in this case the work will be done very quickly and well, there will be no waste left. If, for example, metal is purchased by the meter, then you need to add at least 10% to the total volume for cutting.

Then you need to make a list of all the tools that will be needed for the job. An important tool will be a welding machine, which will be used to connect the objects of the system. When working with such equipment, safety rules must be followed, the work itself must be performed in a free room, and personal protective equipment must be used.


Without pipe cutter installation work an iron bed would be unrealistic.

The bed will be made with your own hands from a profile metal pipe with dimensions 20*20 mm, the bed frame will be made of steel channel 65*32 mm. For plugs and bearings you will need a metal corner 40*40 mm and 2 mm thick. In more detail, the specifics of the materials are different:

  • for a stable headboard: steel pipe 900*20*20 mm – 4 pcs.
  • for the top crossbar of the headboard: steel pipe 2000*20*20 mm – 2 pcs.
  • for the lower back cross member: steel pipe 800*20*20 mm – 2 pcs.
  • for foot-resistant backrest: steel pipe 600*20*20 mm – 4 pcs.
  • for the lower foot crossbar: steel pipe 1680*20*20 mm – 1 pc.
  • vertical leg parts: steel pipe 250*20*20 mm – 2 pcs.
  • cross pieces for backrests: steel square pipe 800*10*10 mm –- 16 pcs-
  • drawers: steel channel 2000*65*32 mm – 4 pcs.
  • main holders for the bed frame: steel channel 120*65*32 mm – 2 pcs.
  • side holders for: steel channel 120*65*32 mm – 4 pcs.
  • end items for the frame: steel corner 1000*40*40 mm – 4 pcs.
  • base for mattress frame: steel strip 2000*25*2 mm – 2 pcs.
  • mattress frame base: steel strip 1000*20*4 mm – 6 pcs.
  • bearings for racks: steel sheet with a diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of 2 mm – 10 pcs.
  • plugs for the upper transverse components: steel sheet with a thickness of 2 mm and dimensions 20*20 mm – 4 pcs.

Diagram of an iron bed.

The size of the upcoming system will be as follows: length 190-200 cm, width 80-200 cm. The height of the mattress will be 20 cm, it is better to take loose spring blocks.

If, for example, we take into account the number of materials in footage, then the general calculation is as follows:

  • steel square pipe 20*20 mm –- 12 m 50 cm-
  • steel square pipe 10*10 mm –- 14 m-
  • steel strip 20*4 mm –- 6 m-
  • steel strip 25*2 mm –- 4 m 50 cm-
  • steel corner 40*40 mm –- 4 m 50 cm-
  • steel channel 65*32 mm – 11 m.

Tools for work

In order to assemble an iron bed, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • grinder for cutting metal -
  • a welding machine, with the help of which some items of the system will be combined -
  • drill, 9 mm drill, which is designed to work on metal -
  • roulette-
  • an iron square to check the angles of the system -
  • square file (may be needed when finishing the holes for the tenons of the system fastenings) -
  • iron brush for cleaning the surface before painting -
  • sandpaper (you can purchase a specialized kit for working on metal) -
  • paint brushes-
  • specialized primer for metal surfaces -
  • paint coating of the selected type (varnish can be used as the final coating).

Bed production

Installation diagram of a metal bed frame.

After all the system items are ready, you need to make holders from channel scraps. They will be needed to secure the bed frame. The holders are welded with a single seam to the headboard along their entire length, since subsequently there will be a very large load on them. The small holders are welded first, followed by the large ones.

When work with the back is completed, you need to start producing frames, of which there will be two. Subsequently, such a bed will be much easier to disassemble for transportation than a system that has only one frame. The order of execution of work is very usual. It is necessary to align the objects prepared for the frame at right angles. You can use a specialized square for control. You will have to check the diagonals, and then weld the parts together at the connections.

More details this process will be like this:

Important types of channel.

  1. Holders are made from the channel, which should have spikes for fastening. In total you will need 2 main parts and 4 side parts. Metal is cut with a grinder. During the cutting period, you need to make sure that the 5-degree bevel for any tenon remains intact.
  2. After cutting, the holders are welded to the backs 35 cm from the floor level.
  3. For the frame you need to take a channel and a metal corner. The end parts of the frame will be made from the corners, and the drawers will be made from the channel.
  4. In the frames you need to drill specialized mutual holes into which the tenons from the brackets will be attached. When marking places, you need to accurately execute all dimensions, based on the fact that it will be difficult to redo the system. The diameter of the holes must be 9 mm; if necessary, they are adjusted to the shape of the tenon using a metal file.
  5. Iron bed further implies the installation of a specialized lattice under the mattress. To do this, steel strips (6 transverse and 2 longitudinal) are welded to the finished frame.
  6. Lastly, the footrests and plugs for the bed posts are welded.

Finished system painting

After the iron bed is assembled, you need to begin work on preparing its decoration. Decor variations large number. In most cases, metal structures are painted; the color is chosen based on the entire situation. To do this you need to do the following usual steps:

Scheme for painting metal with a brush.

  1. The metal plane is cleaned with a specialized hard brush, after which it is finished with a grinding machine. This makes it possible to remove traces of slag from the plane, making it even and smooth.
  2. For a level surface, specialized discs are used, the thickness of which is greater than that of ordinary cutting discs; they are all designed to withstand lateral loads. With the help of such discs, even the most convex welds can be easily removed.
  3. After the primary finishing is completed, you need to do a fine grinding of the metal and polish all the planes of the bed. The quality of preparation for painting depends on this.

Any color can be used for painting, but attention should be paid to the overall environment. If, for example, the interior is modern and demanding, then for the bed it is best to choose monochrome and discreet tones. If there are a huge number of dark shades in the lining, the bed is again painted with a dark paint and varnish composition.

Before painting, the metal should be coated with a layer of primer, which will ensure excellent adhesion of the paint to the surface of the system. The primer mixture is selected of this type, which is suitable for working with metal, the primer is applied with a brush. When this layer dries, you need to sand the surface and remove all the irregularities.

Scheme for painting an iron bed with a spray gun.

It is better to paint a metal bed using an airbrush, setting the diameter of the torch to the required size. In this case, painting will be completed in short terms, she will come out good quality, and paint consumption will be reduced many times. But if, for example, you don’t have an airbrush, then you can paint the system with a thin brush. The number of layers is 2-3, the thickness of each does not have to be too large. You need to select only a good quality brush, otherwise hairs will fall out of it during the work, which will greatly upset the beautiful appearance furniture. Each layer must dry, after which the next one is applied. If, for example, there is a need, then after the paint has dried, a varnish layer is applied.

When using polymer coatings To paint the bed, the order of work will be as follows:

  • coating with liquid cool zinc -
  • preparatory impregnation -
  • primer layer -
  • a layer of paint, which is a mixture of acrylic and polymer fluorine-containing rubber -
  • layer of printed inks (acrylic and polymer) -
  • final layer of acrylic polymer paint.


An iron bed with your own hands is beautiful and fashionable, but you need to have the skills to work with such material, with welding machine. The system itself is very ordinary, but nice, suitable for every bedroom style.

The key to activity and vigor during the day is a sound and comfortable sleep at night. In order for your vacation to truly be complete, you need to install a spacious and cozy bedroom.

It can be purchased ready-made in the store, and you can do it yourself from any available materials. In this article we will look at important points self-made metal bed.

Feature of metal is it:

To make a metal bed with your own hands, must be able to work with the material, know the intricacies of making furniture items, have patience and have some free time.

Metal furniture pleases users with nobility, luxury and elegance. In addition, these products differ:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • hygiene;
  • light weight;
  • fire safety.

Reference: metal beds will add special chic and luxury to the bedroom. They will fit both classic styles(Provence, country), and modern (minimalism, hi-tech).

Drawing of a double bed

It’s worth starting work by making a drawing. If you understand such subtleties, you can do individual project future bed.

Any metal bed will consist of the following elements:

  • frames;
  • foot and ;
  • legs;
  • fasteners.

Before you start making a drawing, you need to select:

  • size sleeping place . The dimensions of the bed are a purely individual choice. If you are going to make furniture for a child’s room, you should give preference to single-seat products. If you want to make a bed for a married couple, you should choose one-and-a-half or double models;
  • mattress. You can purchase it in advance ready-made and then calculate the dimensions of the sleeping place, or you can order custom production orthopedic mattress according to your personal measurements;
  • design. Furniture design is selected depending on the overall interior of the room.

Advice: if you have problems with drawing, you can download a ready-made diagram metal product on the Internet.

Iron bed designs

Also, before making a bed, you need to decide on the type of its design. These could be:

  • forged products. They are distinguished by elegance, nobility and luxury.

    Such beds are considered works of art and have artistic value (if the product is made by hot forging). Making forged furniture with your own hands is quite difficult.

    Here you need to have certain skills, tools and you need to be able to work with hot metal. It’s easier to make a forged bed using the method cold forging, when the metal does not heat up, but deforms in a cold state. Such products will not be distinguished by elegance, but will have high technical characteristics;

  • welded structures. In this case, you need to be able to work with a welding machine. Products made by welding are more suitable for modern trends, for example, modern.

Tools and materials

Before making a metal bed with your own hands, you need to evaluate your capabilities, familiarize yourself with the variety of models and types of designs. As a rule, it is quite possible to make most models on your own, even if you are new to this field.

For the workflow you need to prepare the following tools:

From materials we will need:

  • sheets of metal;
  • rods;
  • paint and varnish materials;
  • primer for metal surfaces;
  • tassels.

If you make a forged product using the cold forging method, you will need to add the following tools:

  • snail. With its help you can create spiral patterns;
  • gnutik. It is necessary for bending metal at different angles;
  • flashlight. With its help you can create products that resemble lanterns;
  • twister It is intended for twisting rods;
  • wave. With its help you can make wave-like patterns.

For self-production of a sleeping bed made of metal, it is also used wire and round rolled metal from:

  • gland;
  • brass;
  • steel;
  • galvanized metal.

How to make a frame and weld a metal bed?

So, the manufacture of a metal bed is carried out in the following sequence:

Attention: to give the product a noble appearance, seams and protruding elements must be cut off with a grinder and processed with a grinder.


To give the bed a noble appearance, finishing. An anti-corrosion coating is applied to the metal, all seams are cleaned of slag using a metal brush or grinder.

Next, the product is polished and primed. Primer treatment improves adhesion paint and varnish materials with surfaces. Next, the product is varnished or painted. The choice of paint largely depends on the overall interior.

If the room is designed in a high-tech or minimalist style, you should give preference monochrome colors. For classic motifs, dark or light shades are more suitable.


These beds turn out simply fantastic:

Useful video

The detailed manufacturing process can be seen in the following video:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that you can make a metal bed on your own if you have the necessary materials, tools and free time on hand. Approach the matter responsibly and with imagination, and you will build an exclusive bed of an interesting design.