Emergency showers for body and eyes with wall mounting. Emergency showers for body and eyes Combination emergency shower unit

Emergency shower units (ESUs) are responsible for human safety in production facilities. They are similar to a regular shower, but their main feature is instant action, high water supply pressure, and maximum convenience for employees. These are professional installations and are not intended for home use. They differ from ordinary shower cabins in their external structure, dimensions and price.

What is it?

Emergency shower is efficient system emergency eye and body wash, designed for large industries and chemical laboratories. On at the moment They produce emergency showers for the eyes, bodies, combined installations, frost-resistant, with additional heating, fountains. ADU is a means of collective defense that provides first aid to the victim. With its help, aggressive chemicals are quickly removed from the skin and mucous membranes, thoroughly washing them.

ADUs are made from durable materials. Most often it is galvanized steel. A standard simple emergency shower is attached to a vertical surface, such as a wall. It is equipped with a manual lever. More complex and professional installations are made in the form of booths that are protected from radiation.

Emergency shower for eyes

Specialized AUVs, depending on their purpose, help in the most difficult situations and conditions. Emergency shower for eyes - an installation that is equipped with a special manual activation pedal and mixer. After an emergency occurs, the victim must press the emergency shower pedal. To do this, you should quickly run up to the installation, bend over the ADU, open your eyelids as much as possible, supporting them with your hands, and press the start pedal.

The mixer in the device is thermostatic. He mixes hot and cold water and gives it to the shower. A comfortable temperature must be set in advance. It is not recommended to rinse your eyes with cold water!

Body treatment

In hazardous production, an emergency body shower should be within walking distance from possible location danger. Depending on how the facility's facilities are laid out, the body ADU is attached to the wall, ceiling, or floor. For a certain time, the injured person washes the skin with a large amount of water, which is supplied under special pressure. The minimum time for taking an emergency shower is fifteen to twenty minutes. For safety reasons, rinsing your eyes and face with an emergency body shower is prohibited.

Combination emergency shower installation

An emergency shower for the body and eyes is called a combination shower. It is a special device that is installed in a production room with any air temperature, since the device can be heated.

Combined HDUs are equipped with a fountain and sprayers for the eyes and body, outlets for drainage, a manual and automatic shower head, a foot panel and an activation lever, lighting, a protective frame, a shower cabin, a light and sound alarm, and a thermostatic mixer. The heated emergency combination shower is designed for regions of the Russian Federation with a cold climate. A thermostatic air heater is installed inside the shower stall. The cabin is thermally insulated, so it retains heat. The heated ADU has plastic windows, which allow you to monitor the condition of the victim (if necessary, they close). Automatic doors are triggered after entering and exiting the booth. The material of the emergency shower is galvanized steel. Other items are also available.

Where is ADU used?

Emergency showers are used in factories and laboratories where they work with chemicals, acids, alkalis, and conduct experiments. At such enterprises there is a high probability of emergency situations. They are associated with the release of hazardous substances that can harm human health.

In this case effective means emergency shower installations serve as protection. With their help, you can remove open mucous membranes from the body harmful substances. The shower acts instantly, so the likelihood of negative impact chemicals on the body. Emergency installations are also used in enterprises where there is a high probability of workers’ clothing catching fire.

Manufacturers of emergency showers

The Haws emergency shower is a modern and effective instant cleaning system designed for industrial and laboratory environments. The peculiarity of this manufacturer’s systems is that they are as convenient to use as possible. With their help, you can help a person, even if he is in a horizontal position. This is possible thanks to the included extended hose, which is used for the entire body. When you start the Haws ADU, it works automatically, and your hands remain free. Emergency eye shower models are equipped with special rubber cuffs. They protect the human visual organs from mechanical damage. The shower head is protected from dust and dirt with special disposable caps. They are removed automatically after use (when the water is turned off). The complete set of the ADU also includes stickers with symbols emergency system, which is located next to the shower.

Emergency shower Ist is Turkish equipment and systems designed for occupational safety and health in hazardous enterprises, healthcare workers, and first aid. Ist ADUs are made according to European quality standards. Emergency showers provide prevention harmful effects on exposed mucous membranes and skin, when necessary. The units are analogues of ADUs of foreign manufacturers. The peculiarity of the devices is that they are constantly connected to the water supply, and when starting, the valve opens and sprays liquid under pressure in the desired direction. Emergency shower units are protected from deformation and corrosion, so they last a long time.

Installation Requirements

Emergency showers should be installed in all potentially hazardous production facilities where there is high risk contact of human skin with caustic substances such as acid and alkali. The categories of dangerous places include:

  • Warehouses for storing chemicals.
  • Laboratories.
  • Foundries.
  • Treatment facilities.

Requirements for the installation of emergency shower cabins are written down in regulatory and technical documents that are valid in Russia. For example, they are recorded in sanitary rules « Hygienic requirements to the placement, design, construction, operation and repurposing of chemical weapons destruction facilities, and the decommissioning of chemical weapons storage facilities.” Emergency showers must be connected to the water supply and located in the most convenient place for the enterprise employee. The victim must use the ADU no later than seven seconds after the emergency occurs.

Emergency shower refers to technical means collective defense. Another name is emergency decontamination shower. Its purpose is the emergency removal (washing away) of chemically aggressive and other types of hazardous substances, microorganisms that got onto protective clothing as a result of an accident, skin, on the mucous membrane of the eyes, nasopharynx. Such souls are also installed in production premises(workshops) where clothing may catch fire.

Protective effect

Timely removal of harmful substances from the surface of clothing and open areas of the body, extinguishing tanned workwear significantly reduces injuries at work, reduces the likelihood of severe injuries and deaths. The locations where the emergency shower for decontamination is located are equipped with a clearly visible special reflective life-saving sign “Emergency shower”, made on a plastic or metal base.

Connection features, emergency shower device

Technically, an emergency shower is considered a type of pipeline fitting. It is permanently connected to the main water supply pipe and is constantly ready for use. Various modifications of emergency showers are available - wall-mounted, modular, floor-mounted, table-mounted. Such installations can be equipped with an additional fountain for washing the nose, mouth, and eyes.

Structurally, a decontamination shower can consist of one or several pipes with built-in spray nozzles. The opening of the water flow is carried out by pressing one control element, which can be, for example, in the form of a lever or a rod. Home functional feature such a shower is the creation of a powerful volumetric flushing flow of water that can quickly (less than 2 minutes) remove a hazardous substance from the entire surface or extinguish a fire.

Anti-corrosion protection

Since the emergency shower is installed in close proximity to a hazardous object, it is exposed to chemicals during operation active substances. High reliability of the decontamination shower is ensured by the use of anti-corrosion protection of the structure. In particular, critical parts can be made of stainless steel and brass. Ferrous metals necessarily have a durable protective coating, resistant to acidic and alkaline environments, salts, solvents, lubricants.

What regulatory documents stipulate the requirements for self-help devices (emergency shower and self-help sink) in industrial premises and outdoor installations, namely: - water temperature for self-help devices; - distance from the workplace with chemically hazardous substances to the self-help device; - distance between self-help devices; - time during which it is necessary to use the self-help device; - uninterrupted water supply to self-help devices (the need to install additional water tanks and pumps). References to regulatory documents are required. Thank you.


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Answer to the question:

According to the current and “Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP Hygienic requirements for the organization technological processes, production equipment and working tools, approved by the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation by decree No. dated May 26, 2003, “Hydrants and fountains with automatic switching on or shower for immediate rinsing off aggressive chemicals in case of contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, ensuring their use no later than 6-12 s after the lesion.”

Emergency showers and self-help sinks (fountains) are connected to the cold water system, which must provide a constant flow clean water. To achieve the best effect, ensure acceptable human comfort and at the same time avoid hypothermia, the temperature should be maintained between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. All employees must know the location of emergency showers, how to use them and the rules of conduct in case of emergency situations.

General requirements for emergency showers and self-help sinks

Emergency showers and self-help sinks must be located in an easily accessible location with clear access at all times.

The shower or sink is installed so close to workplace, as far as possible.

Water pressure and location between self-help devices Base

To wash off aggressive liquids with water if they come into contact with workers, an emergency shower installation with a quick water release and a pressure tank with a capacity of at least 200 liters should be provided.

The location of the emergency shower installation should be equidistant from places where aggressive liquids could accidentally enter the service personnel.

(clause 6.4 NTP-APK. System regulatory documents in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry agriculture Russian Federation. Standards for technological design of warehouses liquid products chemicalization").

Installation of emergency showers The basic rule is that emergency showers are installed as close to the workplace as possible. The shower should provide watering immediately after the accident, preferably within the first five seconds. The shower must be installed in an easily accessible place, to which there is always free access. When working in a room with one person, it is recommended to install sound or light alarm, which turns on when the shower is running. If strong acids or caustic substances are involved, act immediately! Operation The design of all emergency showers ensures maximum ease of use. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use the shower by a person lying on the floor. For such cases, a shower option with an extended hose for use on the whole body is available upon request. When switched on, the emergency shower continues to operate automatically, thus freeing your hands. In cases of eye injury, they should be kept open. In eye wash models, the shower openings are protected by rubber cuffs, which protects the victim's eyes from accidental injury. The shower head is also protected from dirt and dust protective caps, which are automatically removed when the water is turned on. Emergency showers are connected to a cold water supply system that provides a constant flow of clean water. General information and maintenance When installing emergency showers, you must follow the installation and maintenance instructions. It is recommended to check the functionality of the shower every month. All employees must know the location of emergency showers, how to use them and the rules of conduct in case of emergency situations. Basic information If burns or blisters occur due to fire or chemical exposure, or if the eyes are damaged, you should: The first seconds after the eye injury are decisive for minimal damage. Personal washing facilities may be installed in the immediate vicinity of personnel working in hazardous conditions. The main task of these devices is to provide direct flushing. Once completed, the affected person should continue rinsing for 15 minutes at an insulated or vertical eye wash. Source: A1 Personal Wash Unit, ANSI Z358.1-2004 International standardsDIN – standard (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.) Basic Requirements The body shower must provide a flow rate of 30 l/min. at a pressure of 1 bar water flow. The water dispersion measured at 150 cm above the floor or 70 cm below the shower head shall be 50% of the water dispersion within a radius of 20 cm. The shower head shall be located at a height of 220 ± 10 cm above the floor. Shower flow rate for eyes should be min. 6 l/min at outlet. Sources: DIN 12899-Teil 1&2 for laboratory use. DIN 12899-Teil 3 for industry use. ANSI - standard (American National Standard Institute) Basic Requirements Emergency showers and eye washes must be located in such a way that the user can approach the facilities within a maximum of 10 seconds and begin using them directly. Eye/face showers must supply at least 11.1 liters. water per minute continuously for at least 15 minutes. The tension lever handle must be set at a height of max. 175.3 cm above the floor. The valve must turn from the “open” position. to the “closed” position for 1 second or less and must remain in the open position without further action. The emergency body shower must be capable of delivering 75.7 liters of rinsing fluid per minute for a minimum of 15 minutes. The diameter of the water spray must be a minimum of 50.8 cm, measured at a height of 152.4 cm above the floor. The shower outlet should be located between 208.3 cm and 243.8 mm from the floor. The outlet of eye/face showers should be located between 83.8 cm and 114.3 cm from the floor. The shower must be operated at least once a week. Must be used in all types of emergency showers warm water(20-25 °C).

Wall-mounted body shower with eye shower

Body shower complete with eye shower made ofbrass for

Wall mounts withself-drying head and chemical

durable coating BROEN Polycoat. Inputhole for

water is located below orabove. Eye shower supplied

with built-in

Weight=8 kg.

Modular wall-mounted body shower with eye shower.

Modular body shower with self-draining head in

complete with eye shower for wall mounting, with chemical

durable coating BROEN Polycoat. Material - stainless steel

steel and brass. The water inlet is located

from below or from above. The eye shower comes with a built-in

FLOWFIX component (26 l/min).

Weight=11 kg.

Wall-mounted modular body shower.

Modular body shower for wall mounting, with

self-drying head and chemically resistant BROEN Polycoat

coating. Material - stainless steel and brass. Provided

into action using a lever.

Weight=4 kg.

Modular body shower wall-mounted with hidden installation.

Modular body shower for wall mounting with hidden

installation, with self-drying head and chemical resistant

BROEN Polycoat coating. Material - stainless steel and

brass coated with an alloy of chromium and nickel. Powered by

using a lever (an extended lever is provided for

people with disabilities).

Weight=2.5 kg.

Body shower with optional valve ( ball valve or ball valve with lever).

Brass body shower for wall mounting, with open pipe,

self-drying head and chemical resistant coating

BROEN Polycoat.

Weight=3 kg.