My home library. Creative project

Home library is a storehouse of knowledge, something that is difficult for a person striving for success and self-development to do without. A home library is a personal guide in the world of incredible discoveries and unforgettable experiences, a faithful and kind friend during leisure hours.

Let them say that the age of the book is close to its end and that, as a way of transmitting thoughts, it is completely outdated and should soon disappear altogether, just as such forms of information transmission as cuneiform or knotted writing disappeared in their time. This article is for those who believe that electronic books, radio, television and the Internet will never completely replace paper books, and for those who want to create and organize their own home library, but do not know where to start.

Today, the understanding of a home library is somewhat different than 20-30 years ago. For some, these words mean an element of the interior decorating our homes. And if you type this phrase into a search engine, the answer to your query will be: “bookcases for a home library”, “furniture for a home library”, etc. That is, we are talking about making and installing furniture for your book collection. Apparently books are a secondary issue.

Personally, I have nothing against decorating my home with the works of great authors in beautiful “clothes.” Without books, shelves and cabinets look empty and useless, even if they are completely lined with all sorts of trinkets and souvenirs. But do not forget that the main purpose of the book is training, enlightenment (we have already written about the benefits of reading and how to read books correctly on the pages of our blog) and salvation from idleness. No, we will definitely tell you in this article about where and how best to place a home library, but first, let’s talk about how to form it and what books to equip it with.

Each of us has our own preferences, so when choosing books and creating your home library, you should be guided solely by your needs and interests. Some are interested in history, others in technology, some like to read books on philosophy, and others like esoteric literature or materials on self-development. It is more likely that a book related specifically to the topic of your hobbies and interests will bring pleasure when reading.

Collect the books you need for your studies and work. If you have a technical specialty, collect books on the history of electronics, mechanics, etc. Use the same principle when choosing reference books. The direction of your activity should dictate which books you need to look for.

Don't forget about classic fiction! No matter how banal it may sound, every home should have at least several masterpieces of great Russian and foreign writers. First of all, pay attention to the genres that appeal to you.

When choosing your next book, give preference to authors whose works already interest you in some way. But keep in mind that every person is subject to a creative crisis, and the next work of the author you love may not find the same response in your heart.

Look for reviews of books that interest you and that you are considering purchasing. Whether to buy a book or not, you will be told by the opinions of professional critics and ordinary readers like you. There are many sites on the Internet, and you can easily find one that you can trust.

When buying a book in a store, leaf through it, and if possible, read a little (some bookstore chains specifically place them along the shelves comfortable sofas chairs, thereby encouraging buyers to get acquainted with the book). Having briefly familiarized yourself with the work and briefly skimmed its contents, you will know for sure whether or not it is worth buying, reading and including this book in your home library.

When filling your home library, don’t forget about your children. As is known, interest in reading is formed in childhood, and the most engaging books in this activity are adventure novels, for example from such great authors as: Edgar Burroughs, Jules Verne, Veniamin Kaverin, Fenimore Cooper, Mark Twain, Daniel Defoe, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mine Reed, etc.

Practical advice on selecting books, creating and using a home library

Disposable pulp books (one-day detective stories, women's novels and other low-fiction reading) should not be included in the home library. They do not carry any minor value and are intended only to relax and pass the time.

Don't let your home library turn into decoration - into... mandatory read everything you add to it.

Your goal, to collect a high-quality home library, should not develop into the desire to make one more library Harvard University. Collect only those books that have value to you. For any person and any family, collected books should become necessary assistants in study, work and self-development, and not a collection collected for prestige.

Remember that creating a home library- This expensive occupation, which can affect the budget and take a lot of time. Buying books and planning their placement, purchasing furniture, storing and caring for literature, transportation in case of moving - all this requires finance, time and effort.

The process of finding the right book will be speeded up by classification and systematization. For convenient searching and saving time (of course this applies to home libraries, which consist of more than several shelves), you can use electronic catalogs and special computer programs, helping to correctly arrange all the books into sections. They are not difficult to navigate. For example, if when purchasing a book you are unsure whether you have it or not, enter the title in the search bar (usually these online services synced with mobile phones) and voila, your electronic file cabinet gives you all the information you need. Similarly, during a regular search for the book you need, the program will tell you where the book you need is lost in your rich home library. Of course, you can approach book sorting using traditional methods. Just keep a record and enter all your books in a special notebook, indicating the author, title and year of publication. For convenience, you should set aside a number of pages for each letter of the alphabet.

In the same notebook, mark those books that you give to read with the condition that they will be returned to you.

You can stock your home book storage not only with books, but also with magazines. In the general education department, a worthy place will be taken by collections of such periodicals as: “Science and Technology”, “Around the World”, “Behind the Wheel”, “Burda”, etc.

It would seem that finding any book today is not a problem. However, this is not always the case. Old magazines and rare books can be purchased from collectors. Therefore, it makes sense to look for like-minded book lovers and communicate on forums based on their interests. Moreover, it will give you a new interesting circle of friends.

How to sell your home library and get rid of unnecessary books

To free up free space on generously filled shelves and cabinets from books that you inherited and that you are unlikely to ever read, you should not throw them away. The Internet is full of advertisements for the purchase of home libraries, and you can always earn some money. And if the amount you can earn from selling your home library seems negligible to you, give the books to the library, friends, colleagues or neighbors. The same can be said about books that you have read thoroughly and memorized - do not throw them away. The book not only gives knowledge, but also preserves it for centuries. If it helped you, it will definitely help others.

, however, like buy a home library, you can on specialized websites, forums and social networking groups. Almost all more or less large advertising portals have a “Books and Magazines” section. It is better to submit an advertisement for sale in all of them at once, or at least in several of them. Be sure to describe the book or series being offered for sale. Indicate the number of books, genres, authors, if there are not many of them, then the name and year of publication of each copy, publisher, condition. You can add high-quality images of the book(s) to the description. So, anyone interested in buying your home library will have a complete understanding of it.

A good way for residents of large cities to sell rare and ancient publications is to give them for sale to an antique and second-hand bookstore. However, you shouldn't expect quick sales here. It happens that after a book is appraised and put on display, more than one month or even a year passes before it is sold. It’s also important not to go cheap here. In search of a fair price, experts advise visiting several second-hand bookstores and then drawing conclusions.

There are various communities like the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers and fairs, where a valuable and rare copy will definitely find its buyer.

Where to place your home library

Even if you are not a complete bibliophile, but simply love to read, you probably have collected a significant collection of works of various genres at home. And you, like no one else, should understand that books need space - a home library. If you have book bedlam at home, and you have been thinking for a long time about how to organize a home library, then we will help you with this.

It is best to organize a home library in a separate office. This is where you have the opportunity to devote several hours to self-development or important matters with the confidence that no one will disturb you. A home library in a work office is often not one, but several walls. If you install special built-in bookshelves, the height of which will reach the ceiling, then you can always place the required number of books in your home.

If at your home workplace with a rich library - this indicates that you have excellent taste and have a broad outlook.

may vary based on your preferences. This could be an ultra-modern room or an office furnished in a colonial style. Libraries with antique furniture look very elegant. Leather chairs and an oak table never go out of style.

Furniture for a home library is very important aspect in the design of an intellectual relaxation room. It would not be superfluous to place here coffee table and a sophisticated seating area for relaxing time. As already mentioned, it is better to choose large and massive cabinets for your home library. Such furniture will create a feeling of nobility in the interior.

For those who are fans of the High-Tech trend, ideal solution can become minimalistic home library interior with comfortable furniture of unusual shape and non-standard shelves. Add interior decoration The rooms will be equipped with interesting accessories.

However, it is not only in the office that one can enjoy intellectual food. A home library in the living room is a fairly common occurrence. For many, especially for those whose home is no different large area, this option could be an excellent solution.

The living room is very comfortable place to create a library. First of all, you need to select a corner where the bookshelves will be located, and also think about where you will have the opportunity to sit and enjoy reading. The “home library in the living room” project can turn into a very exciting activity, since in this room you have the opportunity to realize your imagination one hundred percent.

You can use wall-hung, built-in or any other structures, based on the size of the room, personal preferences and interior design. If your book collection includes some valuable items, install glass shelves to preserve valuable literature.

If you decide to install shelves up to the ceiling, then keep in mind that you will, without a doubt, need a ladder. It should be selected based on general style living room decoration.

Creating a Home Library requires devoting a lot of time to the issue of lighting. Choose lamps that will allow you to read books with very small print. In this case, the lighting should be located behind your shoulder so that the light does not blind you. Keep in mind that dim lighting is ideal for a library, since bright light has an adverse effect on the safety of your books. Ideal option can become floor lamps mounted on an ergonomic and convenient pantograph.

Since not everyone can boast of the spaciousness of their apartment, it is quite reasonable to create a compact library in almost any room. If you have an unused corner or an extra niche in the room, you can use them to install bookshelves. This solution is more than rational for small apartments.

If your house has a staircase, then you can create a good place to store books right under it. To do this, you just need to purchase the necessary furniture.

Rules for storing books and caring for them

If you want your home library to serve you as long as possible, and the books to remain in perfect condition, it is very important to adhere certain rules storing books and ensuring proper care for them. And competent home library storage- this is not only a guarantee of its safety, but also a guarantee of our health, since books are a real dust collector.

Shelves with doors will protect books from dust and dampness. If you have them on open shelves, wipe them more often with a damp but well-wrung-out cloth (you can moisten it with a 2-3% formaldehyde solution). Before doing this, it makes sense to use a vacuum cleaner or a broom made from feathers to collect dust. If the books are very dusty, the dust must be removed very carefully.

Ventilate the room in which your home library is located more often, and if books are stored in closed cabinets, then these too. The ideal temperature for storing your book collection is 18-20 °C with 50-60 percent humidity.

Know that books absorb tobacco smoke well, which is almost impossible to get rid of. So if you value your home library, stop smoking in the room where it is located or equip the room with a hood and ionizer.

Also, bright electric lighting and direct light have a detrimental effect on books. sunlight- the binding fades and loses elasticity, and the pages dry out and turn yellow. Therefore, they should be kept away from light. When arranging your home library, take care of special light sources: floor lamps, table lamps, sconces, etc. Don't let the sun's rays wander through your book depository. Tulle, curtains, and more better than blinds– all these window “clothes” will protect the books from fading and drying out.

Book restoration

Book restoration is not a cheap service. It’s worth paying for it if the book is old and expensive, but the rest of the damaged part of your home library can be put in order with your own hands.

If a book page is wrinkled, place it between sheets of white paper and iron it with a warm iron. The torn page can be lightly glued with thin tissue paper.

Surely, many who read this article thought that today most people prefer electronic libraries. Yes, this is true, but personally, it’s more pleasant for me to flip through snow-white pages than to click on buttons or a monitor screen every ten seconds, turning them over; it’s more pleasant to hold a real book than an electronic one (smartphone or cell phone). And I think I’m not the only one... However, “Paper Book & Electronic Book” is very interesting topic, worthy of a separate article.

If you are planning to create a home library not so much for beauty, but more for the soul, then remember that building your own library is not a cheap endeavor. But it's definitely worth it.

Of course, any person forms a home library in accordance with his own interests and passions. This will guide you when you go to the bookstore. It is worth understanding that creating a home library will not take you a day, not two, or even one month, perhaps years.

When creating a library, do not forget about the classic fiction, because it is she who will most likely set the tone of the library as a whole. Arrange the books according to topic. For example, on history on the one hand, and on the other hand, books acquired while studying at the university or in connection with the profession. Make room for classic literature. Remember, books should not be in disarray, otherwise, when there are a lot of them, you will not be able to find the one you need right away. It's good if the books stand in alphabetical order- this is good form. You can stock your home library not only with books, but also with popular science magazines, for example, “Science and Life”, etc. Periodicals must also be stored separately and in a specific order.

Currently, there are electronic catalogs that will help you organize books in your home library.

Where to place the library

It’s good if you have a separate room in your house to organize a library. Then you can always sit surrounded by books and devote time to self-development. In your office, you can set aside not one wall for books, but two or three, which will allow you to place large number literature. You will likely need to order several built-in shelving units or cabinets for your library. Shelves up to the ceiling are popular.

You can decorate your library either in an ancient style, for example, stylized in the 19th century, with an oak table and massive armchairs, or in a modern one. A piano will fit harmoniously into the library if the owners are interested in music.

If it is not possible to allocate a separate room for a library, then the living room is ideal for placing bookshelves. Determine a corner or wall in the living room that you are willing to devote to your hobby. Here you can also organize shelving and bookshelves in the style of your living room.

It is worth saying that a home library is what characterizes the owners of the house as owners of exquisite, refined taste. Your own home library will never lose its relevance.

Modern information storage systems make it possible to fit a substantial collection of books on one medium. However, a classic printed home library, the furniture for which is chosen with taste, will never cease to be in demand. Moreover, furniture manufacturers offer a lot of models to create a unique and comfortable environment.

When arranging a library in an apartment, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Bright sunlight causes covers to fade and pages to yellow. Therefore, window openings must be decorated with thick curtains, blinds or Roman blinds;
  • Definite temperature regime and good ventilation will ensure long-term preservation of books. Suitable air parameters: temperature 16-19˚ C, humidity – up to 60%. Therefore, heating radiators are covered with decorative special panels, and window frames must be without cracks to prevent drafts;
  • Two types of artificial lighting are installed. The general background will evenly illuminate the room, and local sources (rotary lamps or lamps built into the canopy of cabinets) will make it more convenient to search for books. Floor lamps, wall lamps will make reading literature comfortable and enjoyable;
  • Books are best preserved in an upright position. In an inclined position, the bindings will deform over time, and if books are placed horizontally, there will not be sufficient ventilation;
  • Particular attention is paid to the furnishing of the room. Libraries in classic style furnished wooden furniture dark natural shades. Traditional timeless set: wooden cabinets, armchairs, sofa. If the room serves as a study, then be sure to install a chair and a massive desk. Popular accessories are grandfather clocks and expensive work accessories.

Nowadays, it is rare to find separate rooms that serve exclusively as a library. The most common option is a library office.


Designers offer many design options for home libraries. Furniture is selected taking into account the style and size of the room, the number of books, and the wishes of the owners.


This cabinet furniture consists of multi-tiered shelves, which are fixed using racks or side walls. Since books weigh quite a lot, the optimal length of the cells is 55-80 cm. Otherwise, longer shelves (even strong metal ones) may bend under the weight of the publications. The height of the cells is determined by the size of the books that will be placed on the shelves. The number of tiers can be very diverse. It is better to choose the depth of the shelves with a small margin. For convenient storage For different books, shelving with a depth of 35-40 cm is quite suitable. Shelving designs can be different:

  • Open models do not have front sashes. Traditional products are assembled with back and side walls. The main advantage is the low price. You can assemble the rack yourself from different materials. Such furniture is protected from direct contact sun rays, otherwise the covers and spines of books may fade;
  • Closed doors have a special type of door. Slide panels move along the structure and cover only some part of the rack;
  • Archival shelving is convenient for long-term storage of books. As a rule, they are open and assembled from metal elements;
  • Modular racks are assembled from separate blocks or metal base structures are supplemented with special open wooden boxes. A special advantage of such furniture is that it is easy to rearrange, add individual elements or remove.

Shelving helps to perfectly organize space, is inexpensive and fits perfectly into home libraries of different styles.


This furniture is an integral and traditional element of the home library. It is recommended to place books in cabinets in one row, so the optimal shelf depth for regular books is 15-25 cm (for large publications - 30-35 cm). Bookcases are available as cabinet, built-in and modular.

  1. Case models are considered the most popular. The main advantages of furniture are mobility and wide functionality. Swing doors Can have blank or glass (tinted, transparent) canvases. Most often, bookcases are equipped with combined facades with glass inserts;
  2. A modern version of built-in models is a wardrobe. Such furniture cannot be rearranged, but this disadvantage is more than compensated by the advantages: since there are no gaps between the cabinet and the wall, less dust collects, the internal shelves are attached directly to the walls, which significantly reduces the cost of furniture;
  3. Modular products consist of individual elements and allow you to create furniture sets of various sizes and shapes. Individual storage systems can be open and are quite suitable for storing newspapers and magazines.

You can install both open and closed cabinets in the library. It is better to give preference to furniture with doors - this way books collect dust less and the furnishings have a more aesthetic appearance.

Separately, it is worth noting the form cabinets, consisting of small drawers. For an extensive library, it is imperative to create a catalog, which will make it easier to find the books you need.

Table and chair

To spend time comfortably, just a sofa or armchair may not be enough. If you plan to work in the room, then the furniture for the home library must be complemented by a table and chair:

  • A regular reading table does not have additional boxes or internal branches. To make it convenient to read a book or work with a catalog, it is enough table lamp, note paper and pen/pencil;
  • IN small rooms You can install a transforming table, which when folded will stand against the wall. And in its unfolded form, the table allows several people to sit comfortably to solve some work issues;
  • At computer desks, stands for monitors and laptops can be attached to the tabletops.

To ensure a complete working environment in library offices, chairs are needed. In order not to get tired while working, chairs with high backs and armrests. To work for computer desk It is advisable to choose models of orthopedic chairs equipped with wheels. It is advisable to select products that can be adjusted in height, seating depth and always with armrests.


In traditional libraries, chairs can be installed for comfortable reading of books. The best option– armchairs with an additional pouf/special footrest. Such furniture models will allow long time enjoy reading books. The products are chosen in medium sizes so that the reader does not feel constrained, but also feels comfortable to lean on the armrests.

The upholstery is selected taking into account the design of the room. For a library in a classic style, leather, velor, and jacquard are suitable. Products with plain upholstery made of linen and faux suede will fit perfectly into the modern style.

Manufacturing materials

Often, home library furniture emphasizes the status of the owner. And then for the furnishings of the room, products from expensive wood species are selected: oak, beech, ash. Wooden cabinets and the racks look good, representative and can for many years maintain the original appearance. Furniture for a home library, decorated in a modern or high-tech style, can be made of plastic, metal, MDF or chipboard.

To make glass doors, manufacturers use tempered glass coated with inside special film for strength. Such doors perfectly protect the contents of cabinets from dust, bright sunlight and are transparent or matte. In cabinets door leaves may have a combined façade. Bottom part the canvas is made blank, and the top is made of glass. Lower closed shelves Such cabinets can be used to store not only books.

How to place and secure correctly

To prevent the rooms from looking cluttered, it is recommended to follow the designers’ tips for arranging furniture in the library:

  • In small rooms, bookshelves are installed along one wall. Moreover, the shelves are located from floor to ceiling;
  • An excellent solution is to place bookcases or shelving around openings (doors or windows). To design the structures, reliable wooden or metal bases are used;
  • To prevent bookcases from creating a monolithic heavy look, separate sections are placed along the walls, between window openings. In this case, it is possible to conveniently organize books - you can select special cabinets for children's literature, scientific or homemade;
  • In order not to waste precious meters, bookshelves are built up to the ceiling. Without special devices It is difficult to use such a high environment. The optimal solution is a neat mobile ladder. To move it along the bookshelves, a monorail is specially secured. The ladder easily moves left and right and allows you to quickly and conveniently remove/put back books from any upper shelves;
  • If you select modular systems storing books, it will be easy to add/reduce sections. Such items are quickly rearranged.

Since structures for storing literature have impressive dimensions and considerable weight (due to the many books), special attention is paid to fixing the furniture:

  • Shelving with clear geometric lines has wall mounting, which is visually almost invisible. Or the racks on which the shelves are fixed are fixed to the flow and to the floor. Making such a fastening takes some time, but there will be an “iron” guarantee that the structure will not fall if accidentally pushed;
  • Island mounting of shelving looks impressive in large rooms, since objects can additionally perform a zoning function. In this case, it is better to make furniture “through” - the racks are assembled without back walls. The shelves are double-width, since books can be placed on them on both sides. Interesting solution– rotating racks, the shelves of which rotate around their axis. The base is fixed to the floor and ceiling.

To create an elegant home library, you will have to spend some time planning book storage systems, choosing finishes, and organizing lighting. However, reading paper books in a comfortable environment will make your leisure time enjoyable and your evening cozy.


The main function it performs home library- this is the organization of your book collection in such a way that it is easier to find the book you need, and reading becomes fun, carefree and comfortable. In this article you will find several tips on organizing your home library.

Space in the house for a home library

The ideal place for arranging a library in an apartment or house is a home office. In it you can read or do important things in a calm environment.

The second, no less attractive option is home library in the living room. This solution will be especially interesting for those who do not have a free room for a home office.

And finally, a compact version of a home library is to install it in any room. This could be in your bedroom with a reading area, bookshelf in the corner of the kitchen or a home library in the children's room. This is a very beneficial solution for small apartments or in the absence of a living room. You can also make good use of the space under the stairs by installing a built-in bookcase there.

Interior of a study-library

In your home office, the library can take up one, two or even three walls. With floor-to-ceiling built-in bookshelves, you can place required quantity books. The presence of a home library in the office speaks of the refined taste and intellectual development of its owner.

The style of interior design with a library can be very diverse, from colonial to ultra-modern. Home libraries with antique furniture look rich and elegant - a massive oak desk, leather armchairs and chairs with wooden armrests, a soft corner, leather-covered, coffee table and ceiling-high cabinets for a home library.

If you are more of a follower modern style, arrange the design of your home library in your office with the help of, comfortable sofas, in high-tech style and other stylish pieces of furniture and accessories.

Library-living room interior

The living room is one of the most suitable places for arranging a comfortable and functional library. Its main element will be bookshelves, as well as a place for reading and relaxation. When organizing a home library in the living room, you can let your imagination run wild, since this is the place in the house where all interior and design ideas can easily be realized.

Bookshelves can be built-in, wall-mounted or floor-mounted. If you have antiques or books in your collection that you simply would like to preserve, use glass or cabinets for your home library. If the shelves are ceiling height, you will definitely need. Choose it so that it matches the style of the interior and furniture of your home library.

Bookshelves can be decorated with personal items - framed photographs, souvenirs, etc. They can beautifully dilute the rows of books, and if the collection expands, you will have room for new copies.

In the living room, instead of a desk, it is better to use coffee tables, so the interior will be more harmonious and cozy. Moreover, your living room is also used as a place for meetings, receiving guests and relaxing. You can place a cozy sofa and...

And you can decorate the interior design of a living room with a library using paintings, decorative flowerpots, curtains, and other decorative items.

They will look especially beautiful tall vases and flowerpots on the floor of the living room, as well as original rugs near the sofa or fireplace.

When choosing lighting, give preference to lamps that will allow you to see even the smallest print readable text. The reading light should be positioned behind your shoulder so that the light does not shine directly into your eyes. The main lighting of a home library should not be too bright, as this will negatively affect the safety of books. An excellent lighting option for comfortable reading is floor lamps on a convenient ergonomic pantograph that can be rotated in any direction.

Children's home library

A child who loves to read certainly has a lot of books in his room, and to keep them in order, set up a children's home library for him. The interior of a children's room can be complemented with original modern bookshelves or cabinets. Even if your child isn't interested in books, having an attractive reading space in their room can make a big difference.

For children preschool age Ideally suited are shelves that provide for placing books with their covers facing them. They are equipped with a special bar that holds the book. A child can always easily find the book he needs based on the picture on the cover.

Children's bookshelves in the shape of letters of the alphabet or house shelves look original.

Interesting modular options that include bookshelves combined with a bed.

Bookshelves for children should be adapted to the child's height. For older children, you can offer hanging bookshelves above the desk or bed.

One of the options for placing bookshelves are children's ones with provided recesses for shelves, as well as built-in bookshelves in a niche or under a window sill. This convenient solution as for small space children's room, which, regardless of size, should be as functional and comfortable for the child as possible, and for a spacious children's room, allowing the use various options furnishings.

: “For me, a house without books is like without a soul. There should be at least one shelving unit in every room - otherwise the space seems cold and impersonal. A beautiful two-tier library, as in the photo, is justified under two conditions. Firstly, if you have a large living area. After all, giving up a chic two-height space for a “book depository” is a real luxury. And secondly, if all your volumes are in hard covers with beautiful spines. All major bookstores offer restoration and binding services for old books.”

Living room

Decorator Leila Ulukhanli comments: “ Low shelving, literally creeping across the floor - interesting idea to solve the problem of a low ceiling. But, for my taste, the interior turned out to be too minimalist. For greater comfort, I would replace the hard seats with deep soft chairs. I have no comments regarding the color and composition - everything was done correctly. The interior is not overloaded with details and looks very unusual!”


The author of the project, designer Lotta Alvar, comments:“If the area of ​​the apartment does not allow you to allocate a separate room for the library, any other room will do - a living room, an office, a bedroom and even a hallway. I like it when books and magazines are simply stacked - they look very natural this way. To make the cleaning process easier, I decided to slightly raise the stacks above the floor, placing them on shelves screwed to the wall just above the baseboard. It turned out something like columns at the entrance to the living room - convenient and interesting!”


The authors of the project, architects Edward Esfaw and Peter Guzi, commented:“The office of horror film director Marcus Nispel, the author of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The New Frankenstein, looks so deceptively innocuous.” Nispel cannot live a day without books: from them he draws ideas for his scripts. That's why we placed the library right next to his desk in the office. Thanks to the high ceilings, wall-to-wall shelving looks very impressive. They highlight the advantages of this space!”

Lounge area

Decorator Olga Timyanskaya comments:“Reading books and leisurely leafing through magazines, sitting comfortably on a wide sofa, is an incomparable pleasure! The interior in the photo is conducive to such a pastime. At the same time, it is very functional. The rack looks unusual, rather reminiscent of a storage system for CDs and DVDs. On the other hand, it’s even more convenient: the books lie on their sides, and you don’t have to unnaturally twist your neck to read what’s written on the spine.”


The author of the project, architect Valerie Mazerat, comments:“Reading before bed is a sacred thing. However, you can’t fit all your favorite books on your bedside table! The owner of this apartment was lucky: the bookcase is located at arm's length from the pillow. The only “but”: this option is not suitable for allergy sufferers, since any rack can be regarded not only as a storehouse of knowledge, but also as a dust collector.