Beauty from nothing. Decorating the yard from trash

Ideas to do something inside or outside the house with my own hands V lately have changed dramatically. Creative approach and video tutorials on the Internet give home owners the opportunity to renovate or transform their modest interior into a luxurious one, even on a limited budget. We offer you several examples of affordable and low-budget options for decorating a backyard that will be the envy of all your neighbors.

Even if someone is not familiar with the principles of using solar energy, this technology makes it possible to organize environmental lighting in the exterior of your home. First you need to change all the light bulbs to those that accumulate solar energy. To protect them from moisture, you need to place them in lampshades or in a special case if you want to hang them on a tree or on the wall of the house. In case of use wooden frames, you need to make sure that they are safe to use.

Mirrors can visually enlarge a space. You can use mirrors themselves or products with reflective elements. You can, for example, install old frames with inserted mirrors instead of glass on the wall of the house; all this can create the illusion of expanded space.

All for the same purpose, expanding the space, you can place a number of objects with mirror surface different sizes or shapes.

Another simple idea. Take some ropes, knock down a base of boards and create a functional swing. The base can be made from old doors. It must be remembered that the swing must be strong and safe.

Even if you are not an avid gardener, you can install several flowerpots in your yard different sizes. In order for them to acquire the ability to glow in the dark, you need to paint them with special paint.

Hammock is good idea design of a recreation area in summer time. You can easily make it yourself using wooden pegs and base material. 4 pegs are driven into the ground. For the base of the hammock, an old blanket (or other strong material) is used, which is attached to pegs.

If there is a children's slide in the garden, then you need to ensure a safe landing when descending. To do this, you can simply create a water slide using a tarp and a water sprinkler. If there is no sprinkler, the same effect can be obtained by using running water and a hose.

You can keep long summer evenings entertained by playing fun, interactive and creative games in the yard. To do this, a tall wooden or metal pole is installed in the yard, on which fluorescent rings need to be thrown.

It's nice to walk around the yard barefoot, but you shouldn't go into the house with dirty feet. After playing or doing activities in the garden, they may not need to be washed directly in the yard. Gets confused wooden frame, covered with moisture-resistant sealant, filled with smooth stones and installed next to the front door. Now you can wash your feet and hands and at the same time have a relaxing massage.

Today landscape design cannot do without massive stones of different sizes, but they smooth surface perfect for painting it. This will provide an opportunity to decorate the garden with interesting and unusual objects, colors and shades. You can use one color or a combination of them and cute ornaments.

Many people have one or more lawn chairs in their yard that are suffering from natural phenomena or just from time to time.. They can be brought back to life, painted.

Growing colorful plants and flowers remains the most successful method of decorating your yard and garden, but it can be a labor-intensive endeavor. For planting small seeds it is worth using toilet paper.

If you had to cut down a tree, you can use the trunk to make an original decoration for the yard. For example, you can make a table or flowerpot for summer flowers, decorating it with moss.

Cement tiles on a patio often look dull and unsightly. This can be fixed using latex paint for floors. This way you can add bright colors and protect the surface of the tiles. It's better to take matte paint.

15. Light border of the yard

For light definition garden borders can be used LED garland, it is better to install automatic timer turning on such lighting. In the same way, you can highlight the border of a pond in your yard.

If you are interested in functional solutions, then it’s worth considering the idea of ​​organizing a place to cool beer right in the middle garden table. This is easy to do if it is made from a solid material such as oak. You can simply use tools to cut rectangular sections into the surface of the table and place the cooler there. Then add ice and store the beer here for the duration of the picnic.

If you want to create an active play area in your yard, then you need to start by installing a shower, using a hose attached to a tree and a ladder as a hanger for things.

No need to buy expensive and quality material to build a tent in the yard in the summer. Its function is to protect from wind and rain, but these are completely useless functions for a tent in the yard next to the house. Therefore, you can limit yourself to colored plain fabric, for example, sheets.

Using a former cabinet, you can build a mini bar with drinks and a set of glasses. It is better to install a lowering door, which is secured with two ropes. This way you can get an impromptu table.

20. Chalk board in the yard

Bird houses will look nice in the garden, especially if they are built using different materials and colors.

You need to take a clean, empty wine bottle, insert the wick as in a kerosene lamp, add kerosene and use a special fastener to install it on the fence throughout the garden. You can disguise the fastenings with flowers or moss.

Everyone has moved or changed the locks at some point, so there are definitely a few unnecessary keys around the house. With their help you can create garden bells. All the keys are painted in the desired colors, hung on strings nearby on a tree branch, and bells are made.

Everyone knows that the sound of running and gurgling water has a relaxing effect on the psyche. Such a stream can be organized in the yard using ingenuity and imagination.
And what kind of garden could there be without a relaxation area with soft sofas, armchairs and even a fireplace? It’s very simple to arrange it, you just need to follow and then an amazing corner will appear in the yard, where you won’t want to leave until winter.

Often, the composition of estate plots in the private sector includes not only facade part adjacent territory, but also a courtyard located behind the house. This area is usually called the backyard. A number of owners use this place to store various household equipment. Many creatively decorate their backyard, putting their skills, imagination and soul into this process.

Most often, the idea of ​​​​creating a cozy backyard in place of the space located behind the house comes to the owners’ heads after adding to their family. This is not surprising, because after the birth of a child, the previously familiar place may no longer be enough.

The backyard will bring aesthetic and spiritual pleasure if you approach the matter responsibly and with soul, carefully thinking through and implementing a design that is suitable for you. The territory of the estate expanded in this way can be used for different purposes. Here you can build a cozy gazebo or create a children's playground. The backyard can become a favorite place to spend quiet summer evenings with close friends or family.

It is advisable to develop the design of the backyard with an eye on the needs of the family living in the house. For a large family with many relatives, a gazebo with a spacious table is suitable.

For a young couple who loves to receive noisy companies, equipment in the backyard of the pool would be appropriate. A children's playground would also be appropriate for future additions to the family. By the way, these two options can be combined. Then children will be under the control of adults during their games and walks.

If the owner of the house is professionally engaged in creativity or creates some kind of crafts or art objects as a hobby, it will be possible to create a kind of workshop here. For an older couple, a backyard garden with beautiful flowers and green spaces is perfect.

Options for arranging a backyard

1. Convenient meeting place.

One of the most popular options for using backyard space is to create a gazebo with a grill in the center. In this case, you can gather with your family and invite your friends.

2. For book lovers.

Features of this design include low fences painted in light colors, well-groomed green bushes and stylish wooden furniture.

3. Oriental motifs.

Fans of the Moorish style will love the backyard, designed in the refined oriental traditions of the Arabian Nights.

Pretty boring to everyone paving slabs it would be appropriate to replace them with mosaics beautiful patterns. The use of original wicker furniture will add oriental flavor.

You can place many colored pillows in the gazebo and cover the floor with carpet.

Shrubs would be appropriate as a plant frame for the eastern yard.

4. For active and sports-loving people.

If you love sports, then the backyard is the ideal place to practice this enjoyable and useful pastime. It will not be very difficult to decorate the territory in the appropriate style.

For example, you can set up a pool and install a tennis table. Comfortable sun loungers will also come in handy, on which you can relax during moments of relaxation.

5. Connoisseur's Corner.

For those who appreciate rare types of flowers and other plants, the backyard area can be an excellent place for an original own garden. Here you can plant rare and exotic varieties of plants.

You can relax in the shade of foliage in a stretched hammock. It won't hurt either small table. Artificial fountains would look appropriate in such a yard, alpine coaster and even lakes with swans.

But even if your backyard area is very small, you shouldn’t neglect it and give up in advance.

All you have to do is put it out wild stone or a multi-colored crushed stone path, along which you can plant low bushes - and you will immediately see how your backyard has been transformed.

Amazing ideas on how to decorate your yard for the New Year, so much so that everyone will be jealous!

Decor of flowerpots
This unusual way to decorate the yard for the New Year will not leave anyone indifferent. All you need are old flower pots, fir branches, gilded pine cones, colorful ribbons and bright notes. This composition can be safely placed on an open balcony or used to decorate the front door of a house. Festive mood guaranteed!

Festive illumination
The illumination of trees may seem banal to you, but how much warmth and festive spirit there is in these colorful lights!

Children's sleigh
Depending on the size of the sled, they can be hung on the door, leaned against the wall, or used as a stand for other compositions. One way or another, they will fit perfectly into the overall holiday atmosphere!

Snow palaces
If you’re going to sculpt figures from the snow, do it in a big way! This is not only a wonderful pastime for the whole family, but also an incredibly beautiful New Year's yard decoration. By the way, in the evening the snow palace can be decorated with multi-colored lights. Fairy tale!

Giant Christmas decorations
Unfortunately, such original decor for the yard did not catch my eye in domestic stores. But, as it turned out, giant Christmas tree decorations are not at all difficult to make with your own hands. For the base you will need dense balls and small pebbles for weighting.
For the rest, your imagination is enough: you can decorate the balls with snowflakes, tie lush Christmas bows and scatter them around the yard. Bravo to whoever came up with it!

Ice decorations
By the way, you can afford this decoration option if the winter is generous with frost. Place leaves, rowan berries, twigs, pine cones, or whatever your heart desires in a suitable sized mold, and fill it with water. Even painted in green an ice Christmas tree or multi-colored candies will look festive and unusual.

Hanging planters
A very simple, but at the same time effective option for decorating a site for the New Year is hanging planters. You can buy them at a garden store or make them yourself, decorating them with fir branches, Christmas stars, artificial snowflakes or Christmas decorations.

Gift boxes
Original decoration the yards will become bigger gift boxes in beautiful packaging. And don't forget about the bow!

New Year's wreaths
One of the main attributes of the Christmas mood is, of course, a wreath! It seems to be the best decoration for home. Festive wreath you can decorate the front door of a house or apartment, and most importantly, you can easily make it yourself from natural materials.

Garden wheelbarrows
Even though it’s severely frosty outside, don’t rush to hide your gardening accessories far away in the basement. This magnificent New Year’s composition can be created using an old garden wheelbarrow, lavishly decorating it with fir branches, painted pine cones, New Year's toys and rowan berries. Hiding such beauty is a real crime!

Textile decorations
Old knitted mittens or warm socks with a Christmas ornament, carefully hung on trees or a fence, will help create the same Christmas mood. How cute!

Decorating the area with bows
Do you want to give your site a truly festive look? Decorate it with colorful bows and ribbons.

Crafts from branches
Don’t rush to throw away small branches after autumn pruning trees. As it turns out, even they can be used when it comes to New Year's decor yard They can be used to make Christmas wreaths; you can make all kinds of New Year's compositions and decorations from the branches. A universal natural material for creating charming things!

Compositions with skates
If you have old skates lying around in your pantry that, unfortunately, can no longer be used for their intended purpose, do not rush to get rid of them. Just look how great you can decorate your home for the New Year!

Garlands made from natural materials
Garlands of fir branches, decorated with Christmas tree decorations and scarlet ribbons, will be an excellent decoration for your garden plot. Such decoration will look wonderful on the porch, on window frames or on wooden fence. Simple and effective!

Don’t leave the process of decorating your house or garden plot until New Year’s Eve, because although this activity is pleasant, it is extremely labor-intensive. Get started today! Why? Make a plan and define the main idea. Believe me, harmonious, thoughtful holiday decor always looks much more elegant. Our editors wish you a beautiful and fun New Year!

The beauty and functionality of a private yard is one of the priorities good owner. Creating comfortable space on a designated plot of land, sometimes you have to make efforts comparable to those required to furnish a home interior. However, this process is not only within the capabilities of a professional designer.

The courtyard of this private house is intended for recreation

Let's clarify the purpose of our yard

First of all, you should think about what functions the plot of land will perform. Some owners of private houses cannot imagine their vacation without a shady garden, while others certainly require an artificial pond with decorative fish, and in winter, an ice skating rink for children. All this requires additional space, which should be immediately taken into account in the site improvement project. On the allocated territory it is necessary to correctly place structures for household needs. To make the task easier, we have compiled a list from which you can choose what is difficult to do without:

  • sauna and summer shower;
  • garage;
  • various outbuildings;
  • pool or decorative pond;
  • summer kitchen, which can be equipped with a barbecue;
  • dog house;
  • playground for children;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • garden;
  • paths and green spaces.

Having compiled your own list, it is worth expressing on paper all the ideas for landscaping the territory so that the necessary structures fit on the site - from the kitchen to the garage. This process allows you to consider the shortcomings of the scheme, as well as to understand everything by looking at the composition from above. It is important to consider how convenient it will be to move around the territory, as well as how the plot will look from different vantage points.

When planning a site, it is necessary to think through in detail all the necessary buildings and plantings

We divide the yard into sections according to function

To increase the functionality of a personal plot, it makes sense to consider dividing it into zones. This technique allows you to allocate a place for relaxation, create a children's corner, and also separate vegetable beds from the main area. To define clear boundaries, you can use several fencing options:

  1. A low picket fence is suitable for separating a sports, children's corner or relaxation area.
  2. Sometimes you need to build cozy corner, which will not be visible from the street. In this situation, trellises or modern garden trellises are suitable.
  3. The partition can be constructed conditionally - for example, using forged arches, braided with roses or other climbing plants. Such fences will serve as the basis for landscaping the area; they are easy to make with your own hands.
  4. Some types of partitions from natural material– bamboo, wicker, rattan are in perfect harmony with any structures in the yard, and also serve as a wonderful decorative element.
  5. Mats as fencing will help in creating oriental style private courtyard. In this case, it is recommended to plant plants that love the sun in flower beds.
  6. The vegetable garden can be separated using a fence made of bricks, stones, fastened cement mortar, and other available means.

The yard is divided by a trellis into a recreation area and a utility area

Paths for traffic and decoration

Paths are necessary functional element any yard. If you pay enough attention to them, they will become a real decoration of the territory. We will note several options for arranging paths:

  1. To improve the central part of the yard, it is best to build paths made of stone, paving stones or concrete tiles. To make them unusual and spectacular, the gaps between the slabs can be filled with small pebbles or glass granules. Or plant grass and other low-growing plants in these gaps. It is important that the plantings are not too demanding to maintain.
  2. The yard will be decorated with paths made from wooden saw cuts. They are fixed as close to each other as possible, and sawdust or bark is poured into the gaps between the round elements. Such paths are appropriate anywhere in the yard - they look good both in the center and between the trees.
  3. Modern landscape designers often suggest using wooden boards as the basis of the tracks. In this case, each element must be carefully adjusted to each other in order to obtain the maximum flat surface. After the construction of such paths, they need to be painted or varnished to increase their service life.
  4. The simplest paths can be built in the garden - just sprinkle them with gravel.

Easy and pleasant to move around beautiful path

Plantings and decor

Landscaping land plot- an important component of its appearance. With the help of thoughtful and well-executed flower beds, correctly selected shrubs and trees, a simple and unremarkable courtyard can easily be turned into a cozy garden.

A house surrounded by greenery

If the walls of the house have lost their original appearance, they can be hidden behind climbing plants. Do-it-yourself vertical gardening is quite simple. You should select the most unpretentious plant specimens: hops, ivy, grapes or wisteria are suitable. It is advisable to plant them under the wall that faces the sun. All you need for this is a strip of earth under the house, or long container boxes with soil.

The second option for vertical gardening is simpler. You need to start by attaching identical containers with soil to the wall or fence, in which flowers and herbs should be planted. You can use plastic bottles, milk cans and other unnecessary material.

Vertical gardening at home has its own characteristics. It is worth remembering that the walls of the house, entwined with greenery, better retain coolness, since dense foliage retains sun rays. Maybe, this method landscaping is not suitable for those whose house is located in the shady part of the yard.

The garden is made of stones

It’s not difficult to set up a rock garden on your property, and besides, such decor will cost very little. Landscape design in general and the landscaping of the site in particular will become more original if it is emphasized with a stone composition. Note that such a solution has many advantages, the main one of which is easy maintenance.

With the right approach to the issue, a rock garden will become the highlight of any private territory. For its construction you will need large boulders, which should be placed in a designated area. It is better to select stones of different colors and textures, harmoniously combining them with each other.

Stone sellers have already thought of a stone garden

Gabions will highlight the stylish design of the site

Many summer residents successfully use unexpected materials, the purpose of which may be different. Landscape design experts suggest using gabions in landscaping the site. These are metal frame meshes that are designed to create retaining walls. Such elements in the design of the site will not only give it modern look, but will also serve as a support.

Gabions can be filled with crushed stone, stone and even bottles. With their help, it’s easy to set up a place to relax with a barbecue, make a fence near a pond, or build a small table. They are used to create fences, fences for high flower beds or beds, and also as a basis for long garden shop. As you can see, with a certain level of imagination, it is not difficult to come up with your own use for such structures.

Gabions can perform a variety of functions

Expanded clay concrete for garden decoration

Perhaps after construction you still have unused blocks of expanded clay concrete. There is no need to throw them away; it is better to use them for landscaping the site. Thanks to its hollow design, this material is excellent for arranging small flower beds; it is also used for fencing beds. In addition, expanded clay concrete blocks can be used to create a barbecue, on the sides of which it is proposed to store firewood. Interesting example in the photo.

To build a barbecue, even one block may be enough, on which you can cook mini vegetable kebabs

We create comfort from unnecessary things

Those who decide to decorate a garden from scrap materials can successfully use unnecessary pieces of furniture, things, as well as any household utensils for decoration. Read also: Let's offer some simple ideas:

  1. Vertical gardening of a patio with your own hands is much easier to do on a ready-made basis. So, on a stepladder you can comfortably place boxes with flowers, and old chairs and a chest of drawers will serve as the basis for creating a flower bed.
  2. Tin kettles, galvanized buckets, watering cans can do a good job for a thrifty owner. All these waste materials that can no longer be used for their intended purpose can revive the design of the patio. You just need to pour soil into each of them and plant your favorite plants.
  3. If you paint old bike in bright yellow, white or orange, it can be hung under the roof of a barn or garage. This decor looks very unusual and stylish.
  4. You can also use wooden boxes, in which apples and potatoes are stored. It is advisable to paint the boxes, strengthen the open side parts, pour soil into them and plant bright, unpretentious plants. All this will help create special atmosphere– rustic comfort, naturalness and closeness to nature.

It’s very easy to use an old umbrella and transform it into a bright and unique flowerbed.


Any area will be decorated with a decorative mill. It seems to us that such decor for a private courtyard amazingly combines popularity and originality. Decorative mill It pleases both adults and children equally. It can be easily and simply made with your own hands from the most various materials. Just don’t overdo it with the size: too big will seem inappropriate.

A simple mill enriches the landscape

Everyone is tired of the tree trunk

It happens that there is an outdated tree in the yard. The owner’s first instinct is to turn it into firewood for barbecue so that it does not spoil the appearance of the garden. Landscape designers It is advised not to rush to get rid of this tree, but to try to create an element of garden decor from it with your own hands.

For example, if you cut down the branches and top, the tree can be used as a base for decorative house or castle. It is enough to build a roof from old boards, attach doors and windows - and the elf’s house is ready. It’s even easier to make a flower bed out of a stump, or to arrange a flower garden in a hollowed out trunk, laying it on the ground. The photo shows an interesting option for decorating a dried tree.

You can build an unusual flower bed from a stump; just hollow it out required hole, cover with soil and plant flowers

Floral monument to the car

It happens that owners keep their grandfather’s old car for decades, which has not been running for a long time. Designers suggest using its body as a decorative flower bed. Some craftsmen plant climbing plants in such a way that they completely cover the body of the car, leaving only the windows. Landscape design also offers another option for landscaping - filling the space under the hood and in the trunk with soil in which you can plant plants. The body itself should be painted with bright paint.

For such a flowerbed, the make of the car does not matter

The necessity and charm of lighting and backlighting

One of the key features beautiful yard is the presence of backlighting. Today there are many ways to illuminate an area. Lighting will help in landscaping any plot of land. It will allow you to highlight accents and enhance the perception of a particular decorative element. In addition, lighting will help you navigate a large area and spend your evenings in comfort.

Pleasant to watch, comfortable to move around with the right lighting
  1. Landscape designers recommend special attention pay attention to lighting sculptures, fountains, paths, as well as beautiful plants.
  2. Not too budget-friendly, but LED elements mounted in tiled paths look incredibly impressive. Using the illuminated dots, you can create a starry panorama right on the track. A project of such a composition can be completed without the help of a professional.
  3. Water lily lamps are designed to illuminate a pond or other artificial reservoir. They float freely, reflecting from the surface of the water, which creates the effect of double light. It turns out to be quite an elegant spectacle.
  4. Poles with lanterns are the most practical solution. With the help of vertical lighting it is easy to find the path from the gate to the house. It is also important to illuminate the porch - here you can attach a decorative lantern in a medieval style.
  5. Site lighting – necessary element celebration decorations. If you are planning a wedding or anniversary, the area around the house needs to be well lit. Not only stationary lamps, but also garlands that can be used to decorate trees, partitions, and hedges can cope with the task of creating a festive mood.

We have demonstrated affordable and popular ways to decorate a site. Our article is intended to provide inspiration to those who dream of turning their garden into a designer creation. If you are new to this business, do not restrain yourself for fear of lack of experience. Practically, any of us can bring to life the most extraordinary and daring decisions. In fact, to improve your property, it is important to have a burning desire and put in a little effort.

You can decorate your yard with your own hands using a variety of seemingly different objects, from which you can create something unusual.
So, the main thing in this matter is to understand what the purpose of decorating the yard is.

If there are children in the family, you can make a small playground and decorate it with auxiliary decorative elements, among which it will be much more fun for the baby to play.

If the yard is a place for relaxation for young people who love company, it is better to decorate it with all sorts of comfortable attributes of street furniture. But for a lover of living beauty, the best decorations will be chic flower beds, original landscape design and unusual products, say, from old tires, painted and carved in the shape of various animals, flowers and other delights of country life.

DIY yard decoration for the New Year

is especially relevant under New Year.

With the holidays approaching, many families are looking for a place to use a lot of garlands. If the garland lamps are one-color, you can wrap them around branches and tree trunks, as well as decorate bushes, fences, house doors and much more.

However, it is important to remember that you need more garlands here than you might think, even if you don’t plan to wrap the branches closely.

For those who don't know how to decorate a house with its outside, and to do this for the New Year, or just to cheer up the guests, it is recommended to stock up on balloons and... bags!

A whole package of very simple bags with handles will be useful for creating a sliced ​​ball. It will be fluffy and, most importantly, voluminous, which will dilute the strict lines of the shape of the balls.

Can be done large candles from plastic bottles, or rather from their bottoms.

You can also decorate the area for the New Year with figurines of animals, not necessarily decorated. construction paint, but also ordinary.

At the same time, you can coat the craft with colorless varnish so that it lasts a long time. - suitable option to implement the idea.

All you have to do is take a can and make a large ball, oval or square, and then cut out what you need from it. This should be done with a regular sharp knife.

It’s so easy to decorate your yard with your own snowmen, snowflakes and other crafts.

You can put a Christmas tree in the yard, which you can decorate with garlands and toys.

An interesting option would be to create. Various deer, snowmen, Santa Claus and other DIY yard decorations will be a colorful New Year's element.

Wrap the figures with garlands, they will sparkle and attract the attention of guests and passers-by.

An original idea Large gift boxes made of cardboard can be used to decorate your yard with your own hands.

Take ordinary boxes from under the equipment, cover them with white paper or gift paper, then wrap them with ribbons. You can put luminous lights inside the boxes, then your gifts will glow at night.

DIY New Year's yard decoration with candy canes

A great idea for decorating your yard is placing homemade candy canes in the snowdrifts.

Making large lollipops is very easy. For this we need:

  • semi-metallic water pipe;
  • white material;
  • two colored ribbons (red and blue).

Take the pipe and bend it into an “G” shape. We wrap it in white cloth and wrap it diagonally with red and then blue ribbon.

You can make a beautiful bow and attach it to our lollipop with tape.

How to decorate your house for the New Year with ice balls

This is a very attractive, simple and inexpensive option.

Let's take it balloons, inflate them and pour them over cold water.

If you want to make colorful ice balls for your yard with your own hands, add any coloring to the water.

Place the balls in the cold and let them freeze well. After that just burst balloons, and you will be left with a beautiful ice ball.

DIY yard decoration with fir branches for the New Year

You can decorate the yard with pine or spruce branches. This is truly a New Year's yard decoration.

Make a garland out of branches with your own hands, decorate it with toys, bows, artificial snow, bells, cards with New Year's predictions or glowing lights.

An original yard decoration for the New Year will be made from branches, pine cones and other materials.

Such wreaths can be hung under the roof of the house, on doors, fences and other buildings on the site.

DIY yard decoration with a pond and flower beds

To make a beautiful pond in your yard with your own hands, which will delight the eye for a long time, you will have to stock up on:

  • shovel;
  • large stones;
  • sealant;
  • sand;
  • material for covering the bottom of the lake - a special film that can be bought in a regular store building materials;
  • diverse flowering plants, including shrubs, roses, bunched flowers, foliage plants- the more diverse the vegetation around the lake is, the better;
  • crushed stone (if possible, colored stones);
  • shells;
  • pallets (pallets).

Making a pond in your yard with your own hands is quite simple; just dig a hole of appropriate depth in a selected location.

To make the right choice of the location of the future pond, you should not start only from where it will be located in relation to the entrance or windows. You need to choose a place where the ground is level.

It’s not hard to figure out how to decorate your yard with flowers. But they should be planted only after creating a pond.

So, pour a little sand into the dug hole, distribute it along the entire perimeter of the hole, and then lay out the film. It needs to be secured to the bottom with heavy but small stones, connected tightly, and you can even seal it with sealant, although this is not necessary.

It is important that the edges of the film protrude slightly beyond the expected height of the pond.

In the store where you will choose plants, check what soil they should grow in and whether they will survive the winter.

To make the decoration of the yard look unusual, lay out the soil that you managed to get from the pool pit in the form of a mountain embankment, where you can plant shrubs, the space around which will also be covered with crushed stone.

Crushed stone is an excellent fertilizer, so it is unlikely to contribute poor growth flowers.

And finally, pallets... We saved them to create a small bridge.

Pallets can be painted brown, or you can leave them as they are, but, in any case, you will have to disassemble them first, and then lay out the planks in the shape of a semicircular bridge.

DIY children's yard

Gorgeous, you can make them in the shape of a palm tree, snowmen and others - all this is suitable for spending time in a private yard at any time of the year, and children will have something to do here.

So, a palm tree in the yard can be made from painted tires. They themselves, as you know, are round, and the leaves of a palm tree are as they should be. Therefore, all that remains is to find a construction stapler, which will be used to make all the fastenings.

This will be followed by painting all the elements in the appropriate colors, and then installing the palm tree, for example, on a strong branch of an ordinary tree. It can also be painted to make it more realistic, but in several shades of brown.