Drawing of a children's bed for a house with dimensions. DIY crib: master class with drawings and photos

The house is an interesting design solution when arranging a children's room. Such a colorful and bright design can be easily and simply built with your own hands if you have a detailed plan - a diagram, consumables and tools.

Of course, such a product can also be purchased ready-made in a store. But it will be highly expensive. In this article we will take a closer look at how to make a stylish, functional and practical bed house for your child.

To the benefits self-made It is also worth mentioning the possibility of constructing a product in any proportions, using different color solutions, and suitable sizes.

You can make a bed house for a child with your own hands different designs. It can be single or design. Products for boys can be painted with blue paint and thick curtains hung on them.

And cribs for girls can be equipped with a canopy made of airy tulle, decorated with flags, ruffles or balls.

Before deciding on the type of design, you need to choose the shape of the product, its dimensions and design. For very young children, it is worth choosing low single-tier structures. If there are two children in the family, it is recommended to make a bunk bed - a house with a ladder.

Any house bed design will consist of the following elements:

  • rectangular bottom base;
  • vertical supports;
  • wall-ribs;
  • roofs.

Important: any children's furniture should be practical, durable and safe. Safety isn't just about choosing environmentally friendly and natural materials, but also in the stability of the product, the absence sharp corners, the presence of sides.

Materials for children's furniture

The choice of materials for making a house bed depends on your personal wishes, the shape and design of the product, and the features of the children's room.

You can make such furniture from:

Advice: to save on making a bed house, you should make the product in the form of a tent. The walls and roof of this design are made of a frame, and a canopy made of organza, tulle or chiffon is fixed on top.


Making a house bed for children is a responsible process. Here it’s worth thinking through everything to the smallest detail and doing good drawing future product. On this drawing you must enter number of all individual elements products, their sizes, mounting options.

Attention: the size of the frame is adjusted strictly to the dimensions of the mattress. Before starting to make a bed, it is recommended to purchase a mattress in advance.

The size of the bed will directly depend on the age of the children:

  • for preschoolers product dimensions will be: 1300 by 750 by 1400 mm;
  • for schoolchildren— 1600 by 900 by 1700 mm.


For high-quality and efficient assembly of the product, you will need to prepare materials and tools in advance. From tools The following will be useful in the workflow:

From materials you will need:

  • for vertical supports;
  • plywood;
  • slats;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper;
  • tassels;
  • paint and varnish materials;
  • stain.

How to make and assemble from timber with your own hands?

The sequence of manufacturing parts and assembling the structure is as follows:

When making and assembling a house bed recommended:

  • screw in the screws slowly and carefully to prevent cracking of the wood;
  • use a vice when drilling holes;
  • use modern drills;
  • strip lumber sandpaper.

Finishing furniture for a boy or girl

After making all the components of the house bed and assembling them, you can begin finishing. Products carefully cleaned with a grinder and mandatory treated with antiseptic compounds.

A simplified version involves opening the wood with stain and varnishing it. But since this bed is intended for small children, its design should be made bright and interesting. Decoration sleeping place depends on the overall interior of the room and the personal preferences of the children. For boys, blue, gray or blue colors are used, for girls - pink and pastel colors.

Advice: You can decorate the house bed with your own hands with garlands in the form of stars or balls, or hang a canopy.

Depending on the personal wishes and preferences of the children, the bed house can be made open or closed type. In the first version, the design will be an imitation of walls and roof.

Such products look light and do not clutter up free space.

And the second are more functional products, which have a roof, fencing, walls and even lighting. This type of crib can become not only a great place to sleep, but also a whole playground.

Use your imagination and make your kids real works of art in their room using original decoration sleeping place. You can build a bed house on your own:

  • stylized as a princess castle;
  • for exciting sea adventures;
  • in the form of a fortress for young boys.


The result can impress not only children, but also their parents:

Useful video

The entire manufacturing process can be seen in the following video:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that by making a house bed with your own hands, you guarantee your little ones a comfortable and cozy sleep in a soft and beautiful place, give them the opportunity to feel like princes and princesses and simply decorate the interior of the children's room, adding a truly fairy-tale atmosphere to it.

Sometimes it's nice to do something for your children yourself. In this case, you have the opportunity to do something non-standard, for yourself and as you like. The children are growing up and it was time to give them their own bedroom - a small room. To save space, we decided that it would be bunk bed. And then the wife began to post links to cot-houses. I want one! Their prices are quite decent. I looked, figured it out, read some of the material. And I came to the conclusion that I could make such a bed myself and much cheaper. I made a model, taking into account standard lumber from Leroy, wrote down the quantity and dimensions and went shopping. I work in a small company and we have, so to speak, small room for creativity. The boss allows you to do something for yourself there, and you can borrow some tools. That’s why I made the crib after work and on Saturdays.

Well, the work began. We mark, saw, plan.

We do in in the right place grooves.

We try it on and adjust it right away.

Marking the facade in place and subsequent cutting.

Test assembly of the entire structure.

After that, I no longer photographed the process itself. But everything was assembled, purchased separately 2 orthopedic bases. The roof and stairs are fully assembled. There is a hatch on the roof in the head area to keep it cool. Initially, there was a drawer under the crib and the blanks were sawed, but I haven’t made it yet. After which I took everything apart and painted it. I packed everything and brought it home. At home, it took 2 evenings to assemble, and this was with the help of my daughter (4 years old).
The younger one also periodically twisted something with a screwdriver, sometimes trying to break the coating.

This is what happened. Looking at the result, I would change a few things, but overall the children are happy (and this is the main thing!) and enjoy sleeping and playing there. My daughter still sometimes says thank you for the house and tries to help her little brother climb to the second floor.
What I want to say. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to want and do it. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Good luck everyone!

We are moving the children into the nursery; we first planned to buy a ready-made bed, but we couldn’t choose until we came across an online store with house beds. I was excited about this, but it was expensive to buy (from 50k), and taking into account my own nuances, I decided to do it myself. Everything was bought at Leroy, the price was about 10,000 rubles (+8,000 for the trimmer and sander). Net time days 7.

The project was drawn in visio. I did cutting and sanding in the apartment without repairs, assembled and painted at home. Acrylic paint on water, almost no smell. Assembly on confirmations, then covered with facades using furniture bolts. All holes were puttied and painted. Colored colors for multi-colored planks.
In the end, if you have the time and place, it’s not very difficult. The children are happy, they moved with pleasure:)

We begin to assemble the tool table. Tools: cross-cut saw, eccentric sander, hand router, hand saw, square, 4 small clamps, screwdriver, also known as drill.

Homemade milling table. Fraser lent it. The table is old for renovation, no problem.
In general, all the boards had a factory rounding - a chamfer. But there are no bars, I had to chamfer it this way.

Trimming thing!

The grinding turned out to be the most painful. It’s better not to start without a sander. And do not do it in a residential apartment. Fine dust everywhere.

Wallpaper, you can decorate it.

Frame assembly. Bar 50x50. For confirmations.

Facades on furniture bolts.

Painting with a velor roller white in 3 layers.

The base color is ready. Later I cut out another window by removing 4 boards.

The size of the lower bed is 90x200, another 20 cm near the wall in the form of a shelf for pillows. Thus bottom part extended by 20 cm, when you sit down you don’t hit your head. From lower base up to the top 110 cm.

The staircase was specially made from the inside so that it would not take up space in the room, which is already not enough. The size of the upper berth is 90x160. What’s new to me is that it’s extremely easy to make a children’s staircase, just a block, a feather and a round profile on PVA.

The screw caps were then puttied and painted separately, so in the end everything was fine.

Finale - the back wall is made of 12mm plywood and covered with wallpaper. Ikea shelves have been waiting in the wings for a long time. The backlight is temporary (for a long time), I will finish it. You can sit on the bed like you would on a sofa, just add more pillows.

Kids do not strive for maximum verisimilitude; for them, some visual similarity is more important in the presence of an element of a fairy tale. This is why every child dreams of having their own home - they do not perceive it as such. own room. At home, you can build a temporary house from chairs and a blanket, but it is not very plausible, and it will not last forever. Subject to availability personal plot you can build a real tree house, this will cause a storm of delight in the child, but not even every dad can do this with his own hands. But a children's bed-house is a solution that allows you to make your baby happy without extra effort.

Features and Benefits

The only thing that can be distinguished from all house-beds in common is that they all have a sleeping place, they all resemble a house - one way or another. Everything else depends solely on the specific model and the imagination of its designer.

Such furniture can be more like a bed, or more like a house. In the first case, a kind of roof imitating a gable roof is placed on an ordinary crib. In the second case, the product is a full-fledged house, which is sometimes even raised to a sufficient height to make useful use of the space underneath it. This house contains a crib. There are more complex designs, designed for two children and equipped additional accessories(like simple horizontal bars, Swedish walls, and so on).

It should be noted that a children's house bed is considered more popular among girls, since boys more often prefer a car bed.

This does not stop manufacturers - they produce models with designs for both young ladies and future men.

Types and styles

Although a bed-house seems to be an invention that does not allow design ideas to run wild, today hundreds of variations of furniture of this type have been created, each of which is significantly different from its analogues. In order to “push” parents away from an overly standard approach to the issue, it is worth studying in more detail what such beds are.

So, a house can be more of a decoration for a bed, just as a bed can only be an addition to a house. Another thing is that even the decoration of a house can look completely different: from a formal frame imitating gable roof, up to unusual looking panels that cover a bunk bed that looks like a tropical bungalow. Often large structures are made with a playhouse - it is inseparable from the bed, but also provides a purely play area inside itself. Big house for two, made in two “floors”, can also be equipped with a slide for descending from top to bottom.

You should not think that the bed is strictly inside the house, and that there is a roof on top. There are beds with a house underneath. The sleeping area is located, as it were, on top of the house, while inside it is exclusively a play space. It's like a bed in an attic. If the bed is still located below, then there is usually nothing upstairs, and climbing on the roof is strictly prohibited.

Design options

An additional advantage children's bed-houses is also the fact that their wide range makes it easy to choose something interesting design solution for any interior and any style.

The simplest option is a frame assembled from individual support beams. Some manufacturers do not even cover such a frame with a roof - it is assumed that the material for it will be fabric, which you can either purchase from the manufacturer itself or cut it yourself, at your own discretion. However, more often the roof is still made of the same material as the entire bed as a whole.

As for the walls, the variety of options is even wider. The simplest of them is fabric stretched over a frame, or no walls at all, just supports. In models for small children, walls are often not provided, since children are uncomfortable in a small confined space, but there are special railings that can be removed as the child grows older.

Good option- these are “real” walls of varying degrees of strength. Such a solution can look like anything, but more often it is still given an external resemblance to a real house, although houses can have a wide variety of designs.


When choosing a children's bed-house, even more attention should be paid to the material than when choosing an ordinary children's crib. The useful life of such furniture usually does not exceed several years, so this attitude is not caused by the desire to extend the service life of the product, but by safety requirements.

Even if we are talking about a small formal extension over an ordinary bed, there is always a risk that the baby will break the supports made of fragile material with his pampering. So the structure (even if not too heavy) will fall directly on him. If we talk about those houses that provide for the location of a bed (especially a play area) on the second level, then the requirements for the quality of materials are prohibitively high, because children will probably jump and play pranks there, and it’s also good if they are alone.

So high demands narrow the range of materials acceptable for use to virtually one - usually furniture of this type is made from solid wood. MDF is less common - this material is also acceptable, it is cheaper and almost as durable, but still the load on it should be reduced. The construction of boards has a right to exist, but it is advisable to trust them only for decoration. Finishing the topic of materials of wooden origin, it can be noted that chipboard is not suitable at all - it is toxic.

As for not wood materials, then they also did not become widespread. In terms of strength, some kind of metal would be perfect, but it is cold and there is no proper feeling of comfort. Total weight such metal structure very significant. Plastic is appropriate in some places, especially as decorative elements, but before purchasing you should definitely ask the seller to show certificates. Some inexpensive types of this material are also toxic.

Popular brands

To set a general direction, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the most popular ones on domestic market manufacturers of cabin beds, and also find out what the general tone of reviews about their products is.

IN better side the products of the famous Swedish company Ikea. Outwardly, of course, everything looks quite modest - this is exactly the case when the manufacturer did not take care of the presence of stationary walls and a roof. There is only a frame that can be covered with an awning produced by the same company.

The peculiarity of the house is the presence of two floors at once, one of which is reserved for sleeping space, and the other is intended for games. The creators deliberately did not make any hints about which floor was created for what - this point was left at the discretion of the consumer.

The company emphasizes its desire to develop and make products better every year - as an achievement, it is presented that its furniture no longer uses plastic parts. In this case, the crib is made from chipboard - even if it is of high quality, the question of whether it is worth taking remains open.

But the only Russian supplier who collected a sufficient number of reviews on the Internet received mostly criticism. Judging by the volume of comments, the choice is in favor of the brand’s products "Legend" Many did, the reason for which was the very attractive appearance of the product. At the same time, commentators themselves note that furniture made from chipboard has no place in a nursery. In addition, the visually beautiful crib is quite different unpleasant smell glue. This is unpleasant even for an adult, and even more so for a child.

How to choose?

When planning to purchase this or that model, pay attention to whether it meets the basic criteria for choosing a children's bed-house. Here are the main points to pay attention to:

  • Safety. The health of the child is above all! Always research the quality of the materials from which the product is made. We are talking about the strength of the base material, the reliability of the fasteners, and also ensuring that no part of the crib releases toxic substances.

Another important point: the house must be carefully sanded, it should not have sharp corners. If the purchase is made for absolutely small child, the crib must also be protected with railings.

  • Convenience. Absolutely everything in a house should be comfortable, starting with its size. The house should not be too cramped, otherwise bumps cannot be avoided. An optional, but important factor is the ability to invite friends to “visit”, because playing with a group is much better, and the ideal house should be able to accommodate everyone.

Certain advantages can be seen in the removable walls and ceiling - they are very convenient to remove for washing. In addition, when putting things in order inside the house, it is quite practical to remove them - this reduces the risk of injury due to active movements in a narrow space.

IN modern world original children's beds are becoming the most popular and in demand. Their selection is presented in huge quantities on the world market. Everyone will be able to find a children's bed to suit their taste and color, taking into account all the child's preferences.

How to make a house bed with your own hands

Beds can be presented in the form of cars, boats, animals, ships, planes and much more.
But what's better than a children's bed made with my own hands, into the production of which the love and affection of parents who so want to please their child is invested. Therefore, it is possible not to purchase furniture, but to make it yourself. This is especially true for a house bed. Since such furniture is not difficult to make, and this process won't take too long. If you have never made a blizzard with your own hands, you don’t have to worry that you won’t succeed. Since to make a bed-house you do not need any special skills.

Selection of materials for manufacturing

Depending on the shape of your furniture, select the appropriate material. For the frame of your bed you will need timber. The cross-section of the timber should be 5*5 centimeters. What quantity required material you will need depends on the dimensions of the future furniture.

If you want to make an inexpensive house bed, you can make the furniture in the shape of a tent. If you choose this option, then you will need to make the walls and roof in the form of a frame, for which you will need a canopy. On canopy day, any light fabric can be used.

You can make a canopy yourself to save your budget. It can also be sewn to order for you if you do not have free time to make a canopy yourself.

The walls and roofs of a bed in the form of a house are usually made of plywood or ordinary boards. From plywood you can make any part for a future bed. If you decide to make it from plywood, then experts recommend purchasing birch plywood, the thickness of which is 0.7 or 1.3 cm.

If you do not want to make parts from wood, then drywall is an excellent option. From plasterboard you can make a niche for furniture, as well as decorate in the shape of a house. To do this, you will need to cut out openings from drywall for future windows of the house, as well as an opening for the door to the house. The place to sleep is installed inside the resulting house.

Attention! The easiest way to work is with drywall, because it can be cut with ordinary stationery knife without putting in too much effort. The disadvantage of drywall is that it is difficult to seal seams and joints during finishing installation.

Required Tools

In order to make house-shaped furniture with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • square;
  • sandpaper;
  • set of self-tapping screws;
  • set of bolts;
  • panels;
  • slats;
  • special glue for wood.

How to take measurements and drawings

The manufacture of a bed-house should be approached with all responsibility. Everything needs to be carefully thought out and prepared. correct diagram and take correct measurements of future furniture.

In the drawing, in accordance with the measurements taken, it is required to correctly enter the number of parts and elements that will make up the bed-house. You also need to write down the dimensions of each part, as well as the method of fastening.

Please note that the size of the frame is similar to the size of the mattress. Therefore, before you make furniture, you must first purchase a mattress for the bed.

The size of the bed is directly related to the age of your child for whom the furniture is made. If the bed is made for a child before school age, then the dimensions of the bed-house should be 1300*750*1400 mm. For school-age children, the bed dimensions are 1600*900*1700 mm.

Important points before assembling the house bed

Before starting to assemble the bed, parents need to decide in advance whether the bed will have drawers or whether it will have drawers without them. Some parents prefer the space under the bed to be free, while others prefer to make the furniture as functional and spacious as possible. Therefore, such parents give their preference to a house bed with built-in drawers.

Before assembling furniture, you need to decide on the choice of drawers built into the future furniture. Drawers can be of two types: on wheels or on guides. It is recommended to make drawers on guides, as this is a more advantageous option, the floor will not deteriorate and the structure will be more durable. Also, you should decide how many drawers will be installed at the bottom of the house bed.

Parents should also make a choice on a specific furniture design for the child. You will first need to decide on the choice of shape for the place to sleep. If you have small child, then it is recommended to make low single-tier beds. If you have more than one child, then it is better to make two floors in houses with stairs.

Worth remembering! Such furniture should be absolutely safe for your child. In order for the crib to be more stable, it is necessary to make the sleeping place without legs so that it is on the floor. Having made this choice, you can rest assured that such furniture will withstand any weight. The advantage is that the child will not fall from a low crib.

Bed house yourself: step by step

Before you start making a bed-house, you must first make a base for future furniture.

Crib base

First you need to make a base. To do this, you need four bars, the length of which should be 1300 mm. This design will serve as a vertical support for the bed. After you have fixed and secured the block, you need to cut off a small part at the top of each block at an angle of 45 degrees. This procedure is needed for a future roof with slopes.

Before sawing a piece of beams, you need to mark the part of the cut with a pencil, using an ordinary ruler. It is necessary to cut down using hacksaws.

Roof for home

In order to make the roof of the house, you will need four bars, the length of which should be 730 mm. After the beams are secured, you need to cut a part of the beam on top of each beam at an angle of 45 degrees. Don't forget to go over the places where you cut the beams with sandpaper so that your child doesn't get hurt on them.

The support is made from scraps of beams. Everything should be attached to the roof ridge. You need to take glue and top part attach the ridge to the entire blank of future furniture.

Vertical joints and supports will need to be glued. Moreover, this procedure must be repeated several times. After all, the upper part of the house must be placed on self-tapping screws, the length of which should be 40 mm. Self-tapping screws should be screwed in at least 4 mm from the line of the two roof components.

After completing these steps, we will see the final outlines of the entire structure.

Frame attachment

In order to complete the work with the end of the house, you need to screw a block to the bottom of the structure. The length of which will be 830 mm. This beam will serve as a baluster. Which will support the entire weight of the house.

For such an unobtrusive installation, you need to drill holes in the bottom of the furniture (in the block) using 11 mm drills. Drilled hole should be in the middle on the crossbar. Remember that the hole should be through.

Then, you will need to drill a hole in the middle of the block itself using a 6 mm drill. You need to place a screw in the resulting hole, and then secure it all with a tie.

You can also use long screws instead of short ones. But it is necessary to pre-treat them with an adhesive substance.

Assembling the base of the house

In order to make the base of the house, it is necessary to use thick beams. Such bars should be identical in size to the sides of the bed. WITH inside Thin strips must be screwed to the beams using self-tapping screws.

It must be remembered that the screws must be placed at the same distance. Such plates are a support for the manufactured frame of the house, which supports the bottom of the furniture itself.

It is necessary to make templates from the bar in advance, the length of which should be 6 centimeters. Must be manufactured in wooden block several holes for self-tapping screws. The distance between each hole made must be at least 25 mm.

On the inside of the rack, mark the location for the hole in which the eccentric will be located. This hole is made with a drill, and then screws 10 cm long must be screwed into it.

Pay great attention to the joints. After all the procedures, it is necessary to pour adhesive liquid into the holes on the lower tier and tighten with bolts.

Reference! This procedure must be done with all components of the structure, and then connect all the parts into a single whole.

Securing the frame for the future crib

It is necessary to attach all components of the furniture well. To do this you will need four bars. The length of each of them should be 1660 mm.

Remember that the length of the beams is equal to the length of the sides of the bed. All components are attached using glue and screws. Strengthen the entire structure using corner fasteners.
Using a photo, you can make your own bed-house for a child.

Furniture slatted bottom

The slats need to be secured to the slats. Attach the slats to the four sides of the entire crib component. You need to screw all the parts well, so that the screws do not stick out. For the bottom of a universal mattress you will need to use 14 slats.

Such furniture made for your child on our own- it's not only good security, but also making all your dreams for your child come true.