Rules for the design and operation of furnace equipment. Extinguishing fires in places of worship Extinguishing fires in buildings with stove heating

Despite the development of gasification, in the autumn-winter period stove heating continues to be the main source of heat for many Russian citizens. It was at this time, as statistics show, home may become a source of increased danger. And the delay in turning on central heating in apartments is a prerequisite for the use of household heating appliances almost around the clock. In this regard, when cold weather sets in, the number of fires sharply increases due to non-compliance with the rules for using stove heating systems and violation of the rules for operating electrical appliances. To ensure that the stove and electric heating devices are only a source of heat and not a cause of fire, we remind you a few simple rules:

1. You cannot leave burning stoves unattended and entrust small children with supervision of them.

2. Before you start heating season you need to check the serviceability of the stove and chimneys, repair them, seal cracks, clean soot, and also whitewash all chimneys and walls in the attics where smoke ducts pass.

3. Repair, cleaning and preventive inspection of stoves must be carried out by a qualified stove technician.

4. The chimney of the stove when passing through attic or interfloor ceilings must have a thickening brickwork(cut) 25 cm with additional insulation with asbestos or 38 cm without insulation (at the chimney of a water heating boiler 51 cm). The thickening of the brickwork should be in all cases and at the walls of the furnace, if the furnace is adjacent to (or located close to) wooden elements buildings.

5. The stove should also not be adjacent to wooden walls or partitions. An air gap (recess) is left between them to the full height.

6. Any furnace must have an independent foundation.

7. It is prohibited to use ceramic, asbestos-cement and metal pipes, as well as arrange clay-weaving and wooden chimneys. For these purposes, special refractory bricks must be used.

8. The stove must have a working door, dampers of appropriate sizes and a pre-furnace metal sheet nailed to a wooden floor, measuring 50x70 cm, without defects or burnouts.

9. B winter time to prevent a fire from overheating individual parts, it is recommended to heat the stoves 2-3 times a day, for no more than 1.5 hours.

10. Furniture, curtains and other flammable items should not be placed closer than 0.5 m from a burning stove. They can be placed side by side 4-5 hours after the end of the fire.

11. You cannot store wood chips, sawdust, or shavings under the stove; you also cannot dry firewood on the stove or hang clothes over it to dry.

12. Do not throw hot coals, slag or ash near buildings or onto dry grass. For this purpose, there must be specially designated places where everything removed from the fireboxes is filled with water.

13. It is necessary to stop heating stoves in buildings and structures at least 2 hours before the end of work. In children's institutions with day stay For children, heating the stove should be completed no later than an hour before the children arrive.

14. In the evening, heating the stove must be stopped 2 hours before bedtime.

When using stove heating, it is prohibited:

Heat stoves not intended for these types of fuel with coal, coke, or gas;

Use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and other flammable and combustible liquids;

Use firewood that exceeds the size of the stove firebox;

Use ventilation and gas ducts as chimneys;

Use ovens without fireproof cutting (derogations).

15. Do not use electrical wires and cables with damaged insulation.

16. Do not use damaged sockets.

17. Do not use electric heating devices without fireproof stands.

18. Do not use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices.

Follow fire safety requirements!

The material was prepared by the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Stavropol Territory

In houses with stove heating, it is necessary to pay attention to compliance with fire safety requirements both when installing stoves and during their operation.

Fires most often occur due to overheating of stoves, when cracks appear in the brickwork as a result of the use of flammable and flammable liquids for kindling, or burning coals falling out of the firebox or ash pit.

The reason for the appearance of cracks and overheating of the walls of chimneys may be the burning of soot accumulating in the chimneys. Building codes and regulations require that the design of any furnace must comply with fire safety requirements.

The rules for operating stoves are very simple. It should be emphasized that fires most often occur when stoves are left unattended during combustion.

In severe frosts, stoves are often heated long time, resulting in overheating of individual parts of the furnace. If these parts come into contact with the wooden structures of the building, then a fire is inevitable. Therefore, it is recommended to heat the stove two to three times a day for no more than 1.5 hours rather than once for a long time.

Do not use flammable or combustible liquids when lighting the stove. Such cases are rare, but they usually result in burns and death.

Do not store hay or other flammable materials in attics.

Do not throw away unextinguished coals and ash near buildings.

Before the start of the heating season, you need to check the serviceability of the stove and chimney, repair them, clean out soot, seal cracks with clay-sand mortar, whitewash the chimney in the attic and above the roof (this is necessary for visual inspection and detection of cracks during operation).

It is necessary to recall the categorical prohibition of leaving young children near burning stoves without adult supervision.

The firebox is made of refractory bricks.

Homeowners should clean soot buildup from indoor stove chimneys at least once every two months. Furniture and other flammable items must not be placed closer than 0.7 m from the burning stove, and no less than 1.25 m from the combustion openings.

It is the homeowner's responsibility to repair the stove, and the installation of the stove must be done by a qualified professional.

Folding the oven is a science.

For lately the scale of construction of private houses has increased, and the number of heating stoves installed in places where there are no local heating systems and gas pipelines. It’s no secret that in practice, in newly built and reconstructed residential buildings With stove heating There are many shortcomings that threaten fire.

Pipes must be vertical without ledges, made only of clay bricks with walls no less than 120 mm thick or heat-resistant concrete no less than 60 mm thick. The minimum cross-section of the chimney channel is 140x140 mm. Application asbestos cement pipes forbidden. Chimneys should be installed higher than the roof tall buildings, attached to a house with stove heating. Cutting is the thickening of the wall of a furnace or smoke channel (pipe) at the point of contact with the building structure made of flammable or low-flammable material.

The chimney provides normal draft if its height is at least 5 m, counting from the level of the grate.

Where the pipe passes through the ceilings, a fire-resistant horizontal groove is made, which is a thickening of the pipe walls. Another thickening of the pipe walls is done above the roof. This device is called an otter. The otter protects the attic from rain and snow entering through the gaps between the pipe and the roof. The gaps are covered with a collar made of sheet steel, one edge of which is tucked under the otter. The pipe ends with a head in the form of a cornice with two projections. The pipes within the attic are laid with clay mortar, and above the roof with cement or lime mortar. When determining the height of the chimney above the roof, you must be guided by the following:

a) if the chimney is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge
roofs horizontally, it is placed 0.5 m above the ridge;

b) if the pipe is within 1.5-3 m from the ridge, it is removed to
ridge level, but not lower than 0.5 m from the roof surface;

Sometimes umbrellas and metal caps are placed over the head of the chimney. But in winter, these devices create favorable conditions for condensation of water vapor and icing. It is best to cover the head with a layer cement mortar, with a slope to the outer sides.

The dimensions of furnace openings and smoke ducts, taking into account the thickness of the furnace wall, should be taken as 500 mm to wooden structures. It is forbidden to support or rigidly connect the furnace section to the building structure. Discharge of smoke into ventilation ducts is not allowed. The distance between the top of the furnace floor, made of three rows of bricks, and wooden ceiling, protected by plaster, should be at least 250 mm for stoves with intermittent firing and 700 mm for stoves long burning, and with an unprotected ceiling, respectively - 350 and 1000 mm. For kilns with an overlap of two rows of bricks, the indicated distances increase by 1.5 times. The clear distance from the outer surfaces of chimneys to rafters, sheathing and other roofing parts must be at least 130 mm.

To connect furnaces to chimneys, nozzles with a length of no more than 0.4 m are provided, subject to the following: additional conditions. Application of various horizontal chimneys(“hogs”) are prohibited.

The stove must be installed indoors in compliance with the standard deviation, that is, the distance from the outer surface of the stove or chimney to wooden wall or partitions, which depends on the design of the furnace and the protection of the walls (partitions), should be from 200 to 500 mm.

At gas heating the installation of chimneys must fully comply with the given requirements, as for conventional heating stoves.

During the cold season, many fires occur from stove heating devices.

On December 30, 2000, a residential building burned down in the city of Tynda. While extinguishing the fire, firefighters found four dead. The owner managed to escape. As follows from the conclusion, a violation of operating rules led to the fire heating stove. The building was heated by a metal stove, the pipe of which went out into the street through the window. The stove stood on the floor, without a foundation, and there was no firebox. It was impossible to avoid a fire when using such a stove. On this day, a resident of Svobodny was left without housing and property. The woman left the burning stove unattended.

March 30, 2001 resident of the village. Dmitrievka of the Svobodnensky district was lighting the stove. To make the fire flare up faster, she poured gasoline into the firebox. Couples flammable liquid flared up. The woman received burns and could not be saved.

Let's try to answer the question: why do such fires occur? There are several reasons:

  1. from the effects of flame, flue gases and sparks on combustible building structures through cracks in the masonry of stoves and chimneys;
  2. upon contact of combustible building structures with the surfaces of the furnace elements having high temperature, due to insufficient thickness of the walls of stoves or chimneys, absence or undersizing of fireproof cuts and offsets, as well as as a result of overheating of stoves;
  3. when flammable objects (furniture, linen, clothing) and materials (firewood, peat, etc.) come into contact with overheated parts of stoves;
  4. when exposed to flame through open combustion and other service openings;
  5. when coals and hot sparks fall on combustible elements of buildings and household items.

In a word, fires occur as a result of improper design and violations of fire safety rules during the operation of stoves.

  1. distance from internal surfaces stoves and chimneys washed by flue gases should be 50 cm from combustible building structures, and 38 cm from fire-protected structures; these cuttings are arranged in combustible floors, walls and partitions;
  2. when installing the stove in close proximity to the surface of combustible walls or partitions, air gaps and fire safety retreats are provided; a distance of 35 cm must be maintained from the upper plane of the stove ceiling to the combustible ceiling;
  3. for protection wooden hearth in front of the firebox there should be a metal sheet made of roofing steel measuring 70 x 50 cm;
  4. the stove and chimneys in the attic need to be whitewashed regularly lime mortar: this makes it easier to notice black cracks from smoke passing through them;
  5. You cannot dry firewood near burning stoves, store flammable liquids, or hang linen and clothes over the stoves;
  6. furniture should be placed no closer than 50 cm from the stoves;
  7. You cannot leave a heating stove without adult supervision, much less entrust its firebox to young children;
  8. to avoid overheating, you should not heat the stove for a long time (it is better to heat the stove 2-3 times a day for 1.5 hours);
  9. Under no circumstances should you use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc., as well as flammable plastic materials when lighting the stove, because this may result in flames escaping from the firebox;
  10. to prevent soot from catching fire, it is necessary to clean chimneys at least once every three months;
  11. You cannot pour burning ash near combustible buildings; you can store it only in a non-flammable, tightly closed container;
  12. It is not allowed to install temporary (homemade metal) stoves for heating residential premises, even for a short time;
  13. Persons with appropriate qualifications, confirmed by a special certificate, should be allowed to repair and lay stoves.

If you comply with the given minimum fire safety standards and rules when using the stove, you can be sure that there will be no fire in the house.

-> Sections of the site -> Stove for a bath -> Fire safety -> Fireproof stove

Precautions when operating the stove and chimney

Before you start building a house, cottage, or bathhouse, you need to decide: what kind of stove you will have, where it will be located in the room, where the chimney will pass through the ceiling.

The stove must be positioned in such a way as to maintain fire safety clearances from combustible surfaces. The location of the chimney passage is important for the location of the floor beams if they are made of wood.

The fire safety guidelines that must be followed are clearly and concisely outlined in the diagram below: « Mandatory requirements fire safety standards and regulations for installing stoves in residential buildings".

These “Mandatory Requirements...” also apply to sauna stoves.

I will provide information posted on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Fire safety measures when operating a stove or chimney

But for this you need very little - to learn a number of simple rules that will not allow you to disturb the harmony of your home, and the use of coal-wood heating would carry a heating function and serve aesthetic pleasure.

1. Before the start of the heating season, clean stoves and chimneys, repair them and whitewash them with lime or clay mortar so that you can notice the black cracks that have appeared from the smoke passing through them.

When checking chimneys, they check: the presence of draft and the absence of clogging; their density and isolation; the presence and serviceability of grooves protecting combustible structures; serviceability and correct location of the head relative to the roof, closely located trees and structures in order to make sure that the chimneys are located outside the zone of wind pressure.

The repair and laying of furnaces can only be trusted to persons and organizations that have received a special license from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out this work.

2. Stove, chimney at the junction with wooden attic or interfloor ceilings must have thickening of the brickwork - fluff. We must not forget about thickening the walls of the oven. For joining the furnace array with wooden partitions Fireproof cutting is used.

3. Any furnace must have an independent foundation and not adjoin the entire plane of one of the walls to wooden structures. It is necessary to leave an air gap between them - a retreat. On wooden floor Before the firebox, it is necessary to nail a metal (pre-furnace) sheet measuring at least 50 by 70 cm.

4. It is extremely dangerous to leave burning stoves unattended or in the care of young children.

5. Do not use flammable or flammable liquids to light stoves.

6. To prevent the stove from overheating, it is recommended to heat it two to three times a day for no more than an hour and a half.

7. Three hours before going to bed, the heating of the stove should be stopped.

8. To avoid the formation of cracks in the masonry, you need to periodically clean the chimney from soot that accumulates in it. At least once every three months, engage a chimney sweep to clean the chimneys of soot.

9. You should not dry things or wet firewood on the stove.

10. Make sure that furniture and curtains are located at least half a meter from the mass of the burning stove.

11. Under no circumstances should you light the stove with wood that does not fit into the firebox in length. The fire can spread through the logs to nearby objects, floors and walls.

12. With the coming subzero temperatures Freezing of chimneys is dangerous, which can lead to disruption of ventilation in residential premises. In winter, at least once a month it is necessary to inspect the chimney heads in order to prevent freezing and blockage of the chimneys. Owners of houses (both private and departmental, as well as municipal) are required to check their chimneys for proper draft.

Quite often on forums dedicated to the subject of bathhouses or stoves, people post photographs of already built stoves that are installed indoors with all conceivable and inconceivable violations of fire safety rules.

In order to correct these violations, you need to put in a lot of work and invest a lot of money. And the question arises: “Who stopped you from typing a phrase like “Fire safety of a stove” into a search engine and looking at the requirements.”

Therefore, in order to avoid getting into a similar situation, I advise you to thoroughly understand the requirements of fire safety standards and regulations when installing stoves before starting construction. And then demand compliance with these requirements.

Remember that all fire safety norms and rules are written in human lives and any violation of these norms will sooner or later play a fatal joke on you.

Our article today will be devoted to the topic of extinguishing fires in residential buildings. At all times, a fire in a house was a terrible and serious disaster for its residents; entire cities and villages burned out. Most people believe that there are significantly fewer fires now, but this is not true. Fires in residential buildings have long been a national problem, especially in rural areas. Every week, fires in Russia damage or destroy over 1,000 apartments. The worst thing is the death of people, especially children.

Personnel training

Firefighting is a battle, it is waged day and night, in heat and cold, in basements and at heights; to win this battle, you must have special skills. Firefighters undergo psychological training using RPE and the fire zone. When extinguishing a fire, the following factors play a role:

  • discipline,
  • composure,
  • thinking,
  • ability to calculate all variations,
  • ability to apply previously accumulated experience,
  • the ability to model a competent approach and bear responsibility for it.

Fire extinguishing begins with reconnaissance, which begins from the moment a fire is reported and continues until it is completely eliminated. Reconnaissance discovers a fire, possible ways distribution and calculation of the necessary forces and means to extinguish the fire, evacuation routes and rescue of people. When extinguishing fires in residential buildings, according to regulatory documents a GDZS unit is created from among the gas and smoke protection personnel of one guard, consisting of at least 3 people with the required minimum fire protection equipment.

Most often, the death of people occurs not due to burns from fire, but from combustion synthetic materials with which the entire apartment is furnished (for example: TV, sofa, various kinds plastic products and others), with the subsequent release of toxic combustion products. During exploration it is necessary to take measures for smoke removal. Fire department employees are equipped with special smoke exhausters and smoke removal vehicles. All these devices can operate both on smoke pumping and injection fresh air into the room. Thanks to such devices, firefighters will be able to reach the source of the fire much faster. If during extinguishing there is a threat of smoke spreading into adjacent rooms, it is necessary to install a tarpaulin jumper.

When working at heights, pay special attention to compliance with labor safety rules:

  • mandatory insurance with rescue ropes when working on the roof (opening the roof);
  • to allow the builder to enter the attic, the roof is opened at the eaves;
  • To release smoke, the roof is opened at the ridge.

When extinguishing a fire on the floor or attic of a house, sprayed and finely sprayed water, as well as fire extinguishing powders, are used. If the fire is not large, it is recommended to use it with minimal consumption, but with great efficiency, especially with the use of a foaming agent solution, or use fire extinguishers (carbon dioxide or powder), thereby reducing the flooding of apartments and causing material damage.

When a unit operates in mandatory a guard is posted at the security post, who maintains contact with the flight and controls the operating time of the gas and smoke protectors. The fire extinguishing manager is obliged to monitor the load-bearing structures of the building and promptly insert trunks into the path of fire spread.


When fighting fires, it is extremely important to have adequate training and knowledge. In fire protection garrisons, a constant search is being carried out for ways and techniques to improve fire extinguishing in high-rise buildings. Fire ladders and main fire trucks are equipped according to the schedule with all the necessary fire protection equipment for carrying out rescue operations from heights. Modern fire trucks are equipped with pumps high pressure, capable of supplying water to a height of up to 100 meters. It is practiced to use a “high-altitude fireman’s bag”, in which they put minimum required PTV (fire hoses, delays, rescue ropes and other necessary PTV based on the circumstances of the fire).

All high-rise buildings are specially registered; if a fire is reported, forces and equipment are automatically dispatched to the higher number (rank) of the fire. For each such object, a fire extinguishing card is developed, which, while still en route, helps the extinguishing manager find the right decision for conducting rescue operations and fire extinguishing. This document reflects the features of the building and evacuation routes, layout, provision of extinguishing and smoke removal means, as well as characteristics of external and internal fire water supply.

Extinguishing in residential buildings is very different from extinguishing in industrial enterprises, since the moment of communication with the population is important. It is very important to prevent panic. The task of firefighters is to ensure that people who are in danger zone believed in the salvation and help of professionals.

Fire reconnaissance

Pneumatic jump rescue device (JRD)

Conducting reconnaissance in multi-storey buildings is equivalent to quite difficult conditions, this is due to the presence of a large fire load with a large number of residential apartments, in this case, reconnaissance is carried out by a group of 4-5 gas and smoke protection workers and, depending on the complexity of the layout, reconnaissance is carried out in several directions. When carrying out work inside the building, a security post with a liaison officer is installed at the entrance; it provides control over the situation outside, records the received data and commands from the fire extinguishing manager, and monitors the time the fire control unit spends in an unsuitable for breathing environment.

Let's look at the direct actions of the RTP during reconnaissance:

  • prevent panic among people inside the building by using a voice announcement or loudspeaker;
  • it is necessary to establish contact with the administration of the facility or service organization (if it is a residential building) and find out the approximate number of people in the building;
  • determine the safest ways to evacuate people (stairwells, emergency exits, balconies, etc.);
  • determine the possibility of installing special equipment for evacuation using ladders, lifts, rescue tarpaulins and inflatables;
  • determines the possibility of introducing forces and means of extinguishing and smoke removal methods;
  • clarifies the possibility of using a stationary fire extinguishing system, if available

Fire development

In high-rise buildings, when fires occur, rapid smoke builds up on the upper floors and staircases and elevators, as well as intense spread of fire within the floor, especially with a corridor layout and across systems. engineering communications, cladding made of combustible materials and equipment in the upper floors. This is facilitated by the increased influence of wind, significant differences in air pressure inside and outside due to high altitude buildings.

After 5-6 minutes from the moment of occurrence, combustion products spread throughout the entire staircase, and smoke levels are such that they do not allow people to be without respiratory protection.

After 15-20 minutes from the start of the fire, the fire can spread up balconies, loggias, window sashes and through window and door openings into the premises of higher floors.

Upon arrival, the firefighting manager:

  • Conducts reconnaissance;
  • Makes an appeal to the residents of the house with a pre-prepared text:

Attention everyone! Attention everyone! The fire department has arrived, help is coming to you. Stay calm and calm.

Depending on the situation, as well as the availability of forces and means, the first actions should be rescuing people or extinguishing a fire, but as a rule, these actions are carried out simultaneously. If you save people internal stairs is not possible, and it is also necessary to speed up rescue operations; specialized rescue equipment, such as auto-articulated lifts or aerial ladders, comes to the rescue. Additionally, rescue ropes and other equipment may be used.

When extinguishing fires in high-rise buildings, a combined lifting method is often used. By creating a chain of assault ladders, you can practically reach any floor. This method requires special attention to comply with safety regulations! One wrong move can lead to tragic consequences. Mandatory insurance is required when climbing stairs.

All hose lines that are raised to a height on the side of the building are secured with hose delays, the same is true on the floors of buildings.

On the upper floors, activate the internal fire hydrants and move the barrels into the path of the fire and extinguish the fire. In the event of a malfunction of fire hydrants and the absence of high-pressure pumps, in buildings above the 20th floor, intermediate elastic containers with a volume of 2-3 m 3 are used; the option of using them for pumping purposes can be considered.

When evacuating people, use rescue devices, for example a rescue hose, which is often supplied together with articulated lifts, a pneumatic rescue device “Cube of Life”, individual rescue devices and others. These activities using rescue equipment must be carried out in compliance with labor protection and insurance.

Actions to eliminate a fire largely depend on the location where the fire occurred. If the fire is located on the lower floors, then rescuers can quickly dispatch fire extinguishing agents and prevent the flame from spreading. But at the same time, a significant number of people may be in danger, to save whom many fire departments and special means. If the fire occurs on the upper floors, the situation is the opposite of the previous one. The threat of fire spreading is not high, but extinguishing is complicated by the altitude, as well as the complexity of delivery necessary equipment for work

Saving people

Rescue of people in case of fire using a ladder

What is the main purpose of fire departments during a fire?

That's right salvation human lives! That is why, first of all, all efforts are rushed to save people. Let's look at the main options:

  • evacuation itself before firefighters arrive;
  • removal of people capable of movement
  • removing victims to the safest place inside or outside the building;
  • evacuation via smoke-free staircases or stationary fire escapes that are equipped in some houses;
  • rescue using firefighting equipment (hand and assault ladders, ropes, rope descent devices, pneumatic jumping rescue devices);
  • attraction of special equipment (firefighting ladders, lifts, helicopters)

For organized mass evacuation and to prevent panic, firefighters are posted along the routes to ensure the movement of people.

At large quantities apartments, as well as the presence of elevators, checking the premises, firefighters put marks on the inspected areas for more fast promotion and inspection of the fire site.

When carrying out an evacuation, fire departments jointly carry out actions to limit the spread of fire and smoke, for this purpose systems are used stationary fire extinguishing and smoke removal; in the absence of such systems, additional measures are taken and special equipment is used.


Fire extinguishing areas can be created on each side staircase, thanks to them, extinguishing and rescuing the victims occurs at the same time. When a fire occurs in buildings with a corridor layout, sections are created on several floors, on the staircase side, and one of the most experienced employees is assigned to coordinate their actions.

If the building has up to 15 floors inclusive, then water can be supplied to the trunks with one pump, with water sources located at a distance of 60-80 m from the object. If the building has 20 floors, then pumping is done from one pump to another, it is worth noting that one pump is located near the building, and the second near the water intake source.

To lift the hoses, rescue ropes 50-60 m long, brackets with blocks for attaching to window sills and other devices are used; you can also use special equipment, such as car lifts and car ladders.

When laying a hose working line in high-rise buildings, two branches are installed - one directly in front of the entrance to the building or in the vestibule, the second below the burning floor. When connecting the working line to a branch located in front of the entrance, one free fitting should be left to discharge water after the fire has been eliminated.